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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  March 2, 2023 9:20am-9:56am MSK

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to pass for a racist and reparations are, after all, something like a tax on racism. so against you or for you will have to pay george from the swedes. vladimir rzhevsky evgeniya stefanchuk channel one of san francisco. the crew of four, including russian cosmonaut andrey fedyaev, was scheduled to dock with the iss on friday morning on the second attempt at the international space station. the launch took place less than an hour ago in an airplane in florida on board. recall that on monday the launch of the ship was literally canceled a few minutes before the start, when everyone had already taken their places. we were later informed that a problem had been identified in the ground system, which was designed to start the launch vehicle's engines. today, congratulations are received by vyacheslav zaitsev to the legendary russian and soviet designer, who literally opened the russian module 85 to the world for most of his life maestro dedicated to his beloved work in the sixties. he showed his
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famous painted body, greeks, colored felt boots skirts from pavel posad shawls. the methodological advice of such a riot of colors is not appreciated but the whole fashionable paris was delighted in the west and the courier was instantly dubbed the red diorama later the first female cosmonaut valentina tereshkova disappeared, the announcers of the vremya program and all soviet athletes at the opening ceremony of the 80 olympics, it was zaitsev who created strict frock coats for dmitry hvorostovsky's performances and decorated them with flowers dresses. edita piekha round date vyacheslav zaitsev prepared a gift. to all his fans a new collection of the mind. this concludes our issue. further, the anti-fake program stay with us and stay up to date. we saw the video, now i ask this question with a special meaning ukraine uses chemical weapons
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facts from defense mines exclusive video, evidence from our fighters and the mystery of the wreck of the titanic and here the russian captain and british scientists answer the polish liars. firsthand only from us. this is an anti-fake program here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation in our studio today dmitry drozdenko, military experts. editor-in-chief of the internet portal arsenal of the fatherland roman romachev, head of the intelligence technology agency and alexei gladkikh journalists. thanks for coming. hello, let's talk about an important topic the other day, the former us ambassador to russia, john sullivan , made a statement allegedly that russia was intentionally using chemical weapons in the special operation zone. we can look at this statement. i think this is a realistic scenario. i wondered. were they going to use, as
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the assad regime did, chemical weapons when they captured the azov pack last year, i wouldn't be surprised if they used chemical weapons then but my prediction would be exactly like they did in syria they will try to do it in a way that blames the ukrainians and they expect it to be impossible to investigate by international organizations . the conditions of hostilities novel why this is preparation for a strategic information operation, we have seen such operations on the example of iraq on the example of syria if we remember the enemy, like colin paul datria with a test tube. how is that since there was a special production in order to convince the entire public a and members directly to bizon that it is still necessary to strike and start a military operation against iraq, yes, that is, this is a frank provocation manipulation precisely by the members of the security council, so that they all -they made the same decision, sirik had a very
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interesting story with the white helmets. yes , exclusively staged films, that is , they were shown on major television channels, they showed how children suffer, how women suffer, how civilians suffer from chemical the use of chemical weapons, especially yes , followed by a certain station after a certain pressure. but the most interesting thing happened. then when all of a sudden so unexpectedly all the organizers. all the organizers of the filming have become these white colors. to die, that is , to liquidate them under unclear circumstances, that is, no one needs witnesses. here we see a similar picture, that is, the ministry of defense literally recently announced that kiev was planning provocations, that is, a huge amount has already been imported, and chemical reagents chemical weapons. yes, that is, a whole composition is already being brought. well, actually, if we had not revealed the fact of the supply of chemical weapons to ukraine, then, most likely, this is just a strategic information operation, and it seemed to be implemented, by the way, very interesting, also a story about relatively biological weapons, if you remember in at the beginning, when we found
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the bio-laboratories, and the whole world was told about this, what happened, the americans, of course, were afraid they could not help noticing this information attack. they butcher was invented. that is, i do not rule out that this is just preparation, allegedly, yes, a chemical attack. this is an attempt to switch again including and those problems that are now popping up are problems with illegal biologists. the weapon of the bilaboratory, it becomes relevant again and again every day, because new facts are being clarified. this is also an attempt to switch the public , an attempt to switch, so to speak, the opinion of its citizens from the problems that those countries in the usa have in europe, and directly such terrible events that supposedly they are planning russia, you mentioned just the head of the khbz army, igor anatolyevich kirillov, lieutenant general and his statement. let's see, listen, in our opinion. preparations are in full swing at the beginning of 2023, the euro-atlantic
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disaster response coordination center planned to supply ukraine with a large batch of these protective equipment. as a justification, a quote is given russian troops have already used ammunition with a phosphorus composition and can use poisonous substances. during the predicted aggravation of the situation, the list of supplied property includes more than 55,000 sets of national protection equipment on february 10, 2023, a train arrived in kramatorsk in ukraine in one of the wagons that were loaded with chemicals accompanied by a group of foreign citizens on february 19 , 11 wagons with cargo were unloaded in kramatorsk shrapnel ammunition with special markings was unloaded at night on a platform in the suburbs. wherein the wagons were marked with inscriptions building materials and cement, the facts of the simultaneous supply of toxic chemicals and, following the protection from them, evidence of an attempt to conduct
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large-scale provocations using the combat, psychotropic herbal substance bezed. during the conflict, let me remind you that in accordance with the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, the substance meringue is a controlled chemical included in the second list, its use is prohibited by article one, czh. this chemical causes acute psychosis disorientation hallucination memory loss is a serious thing. and dmitry why kramatorsk was chosen as a point of unloading, but perhaps this is due to the fact that kramatorsk has already been the victim of a provocation, e from the outside. uh, also the armed forces of ukraine, when a rocket hit a point at the station, the devil is always here, one moment is hidden in the details, that when we were investigating this one, and the precedent on the map showed the direction of the rocket flight, that is, it doesn’t matter. whose question? where, like the question. e here, that is, if we look at the whole a chain starting here in syria because, well, among my acquaintances. yes, it was too. that's
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how this track from there poisons its people of children. i say, well, guys, the gas with which, as they say, they poisoned these children, you don’t pay attention to the fact that all these rescuers are running around in slippers pouring water. so what? i say, you look at the dosage. they should all be writhing and dying now. they should be wearing protective suits. look at the actions and then the people of this op. and that something is really wrong and again this narrative is like in a series they used surgery, but no one used it except themselves, so a provocation is being prepared and the only way to stop it. it's really public to announce it, we are accused of preparing to use chemical weapons. what in 2017 we completely voluntarily got rid of chemical weapons, and that's it. it happened under control. he os-ho is documented. we are just colleagues, they said, they remembered the story. spawn remembered the history of syria and i must say that all these fakes about the use of chemical weapons. they didn't stand in place. they are constantly evolving. that is,
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if at first conditional chemical weapons weapons of mass destruction were used as a pretext for the invasion. enemy and colin paul just used a test tube. many are still convinced that he said that the anthrax spore was actually a fake for this was a props. he said that there e is just a dummy, but it was precisely this fear that he gave rise to in people. here is this confidence that there really was a siberian respected person. big cheating is naturally caused by emotion. people immediately speak. yes, of course, we must quickly get rid of cancer, because it is, but when it comes, finally the voice of reason comes up with a question. and where is the evidence, some kind of intelligence data from a supply agreement, and some kind of transportation logistics. here are those hazardous materials. nothing was presented. that is why he then did not give any us resolution on the invasion of iraq. and even the us allies in the form of france germany opposed the invasion, not only russia and china but. then when in the end the usa
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invaded iraq on 17 the us initiated an audit. it seems to me that the senators themselves do not suspect that pandora's box wings because they thought that this chemical weapon could now spill around the world, but in the end it turned out, and thanks to this commission, that there was no chemical weapon at all and now after that, a when the story began in syria when the war in syria began, naturally, america could not use the same native, and therefore a fake with chemical weapons was already developing, a telling example was the poisoning in khan sheikhun. and then just here are the white helmets, they ran in slippers, they demonstrated dead birds, what is most interesting there they demonstrated white doves, because they are bred for various events and sold, you will not catch the number of such dead birds. uh, no damage to show them off, so they just buy white doves to show. after that, various ngos are activated -
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a public organization, and he simply says, we are very much concerned, we are investigating the osco, it is sent to syria further , it cannot get in or it is not allowed, at all. uh, it takes several years to the place of this chemotactic, everyone forgets about it. e years, five years later narrowly issues a report that we could not find out anything. all the clues have been destroyed many years have passed. it's not clear who was to blame for this bylahim, it was never known and that's it. interesting. what are we being prepared for? that is, it is here again that some facts are thrown into the field of view of the public so that it does not react later, what are they preparing for? well, they are preparing to smear us again once again. eh, also according to the principle in a series or something else, one horse is superimposed on another and such a beautiful house of lies is built from their point of view. and, by the way, this kind is already used by our troops. uh, an annoying weapon is dropped from the drone of the ukrainians; moreover, they even filmed a video about it, just
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the ministry of defense conducted this investigation, you can see it, and they brought the tests. the contents of the fact that the ukrainian military, the fulfillment of the united states of america of its obligations by the kazakhs, were thrown out by drones, have a clearly pronounced selective nature, any restrictions under this treaty that infringe on american interests are ignored, with the direct connivance of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. so in violation of article one of the convention and the geneva protocol of 1925, the us department of defense or colonized the use of a number of chemicals. as a means of warfare, it is widely known that information is presented on the slide about the use of improvised ammunition against russian troops with the help of uavs. studies have shown that these are thermal ammunition actions that contained fuel , oxidizers and additives, a part that was produced in the czech republic, such an investigation. yes, ukrainians a couple of months ago. uh, ukrainian fighters. yes. uh, they flaunted the fact
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that they have unmanned aerial vehicles that are capable of transporting. e. substances will have to answer. it's all going to fly on your heads get ready and you'll love it. and it is worthy to be shown here, firstly, not only let's say, so the process of making drones is shown here, in fact, the process of making this very chemical e substance that was dumped into our trenches is a highly irritating substance. eh,
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an action that introduces e dysfunction into a person's orientation, among other things. that is, he does not understand where he is, what is happening to him, probably, a military expert is now in touch, a member of the commission, he is on chemical and biological weapons from the ninety-eighth to 2003. uh, igor nikulin are happy to welcome you, what could be in the refrigerator? here is for our viewers, if possible, more detailed information. will have quite widely chemical industry, so it's quite possible that this substance was meant, it really is better to store it in the refrigerator, because, well, it's still, uh, the liquid is quite aggressive. it corrodes all these ammunition, so i think that this is most likely this is it after the use of such substances. what happens to a person. how dangerous is that. in principle , with a large dose, a person can die, that is, it was used in the first world war. along with the background, a lethal
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weapon is enough. now these substances are used in industry in ukraine, including the kharkiv region there. that is, i think that they use what they have on hand such an opinion that it could be hydrocyanic acid. this is what is possible. whether it is applied as khirurzhe? hydrocyanic acid is used and is still used in the united states for execution. that is, they still have a gas chamber there. that is, how the germans used it in concentration camps during world war ii. well, americans sometimes still use it , after all, if a person ends up in a gas the camera can't go anywhere. that is, it is still for this, that is, when dumping from drones, how dangerously strong acid is, of course it is dangerous, well, after all, it doesn’t stay on the surface for so long, and therefore, well, what are the lads he is in this sense, it is more dangerous than even such blue acid, because
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it creeps in the first place. that is, it is heavier than air. he fills the trenches, damn it, even that is, you can’t hide from him. that's the problem. let's go back to the original fake. where is the fact that salivan declares that russia allegedly going to use chemical weapons. what scenario should we expect now? well, most likely, there can be two scenarios here, either this use against these our assault columns, or blow up somewhere in your residential area and accuse the russian military of a war crime and this will untie your hands, for what, to do what after that, if i make such a provocation check? there are indeed chemical weapons that are in the united states of america thank you very much and all the best. uh, me again i note that in addition to the supply of chemical weapons, which the united states is now carrying out to the territory of ukraine, we have already seen, yes, that protection kits. they supply too for this time.
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they are talking about it, so they are already preparing. and so you ask, you ask, what are they preparing for, in fact, they already directly said they are preparing. for this syrian scenario , there was a video with these cylinders that the drones are preparing, i would pay attention to the markings. on them, uh, there were 666,688 there on one cylinder. i saw 1.041. that is, it is the numbers are actually one, that is, there are already more than a thousand of some cylinders of some kind of substance ready for use. well , here it is, here it is a chemical weapon, it is already there in the armed forces of ukraine, which in fact should not be, it already is. and even one of the drones was intercepted by our guys, so now we can watch an exclusive video about it. 20207 and it's all pulling, but again , here are techo controllers. what is it all these frames? here it is, damn it, it's all for sale.
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a bomb weighs a 3d printer, how are they made for such a 3d fucking, what is it not? some kind of rubber band. here it is ready, it’s just that the design is all done on the knee and , roughly speaking, it’s very dangerous to say a little about another. here the americans are building up this narrative. that is, we warned, it happened. and if something goes wrong, they say it's the country that will pay the price. why don't we now say that if chemical weapons are used , ukraine and the united states will pay a heavy price. that's what a high price it doesn't matter, but then something will pay and specifically the personalization of guilt, that is, they say, this is bad russia
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let's say bad america is bad. the shroud is bad, damn it, bad. well, okay, that is , specifically, look at these americans, if something is to blame for america, the first, second, third, fourth and your deep state. here's anthony blinky to us we just remembered. i would like to see one of his statements. we need to make sure that we use taxpayers' money wisely in ukraine there are two things. i think that intuitively , most americans don't like it when a big country bullies another and they just feel it's wrong. and i want to do something about it. there americans feel a big country can't attack a small one most americans don't like some big country attacking a small arrow . uh, the point is that we will now say that how did america attack iraq, then everything, the fifth tenth is not, that it is not attacked, she carried democracy there. that's
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because there were evil dictators who killed their own people and, uh, things like that. that is, yes, they are really masters of this manipulation and giving money just not being manipulated here, the most important thing is that we already know those who watch our program understand that there is evidence that the west is preparing this chemical provocation in ukraine therefore, we will follow developments here until the point let's move on. here. e, polish journalist, british scientist and russian trace how it's all connected. you won't believe the secret wreck of the titanic about it right after the commercials. the voice of spring in the updated composition tomorrow on the first kagocel from the first day of admission begins to reduce the severity of the symptom of influenza and sars, regardless of the type of virus, therefore
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this is an anti-fake program, we continue fakes of historical proportions. now let's discuss researchers in britain found a russian trace in the wreck of the titanic, it turns out that captain edward smith was actually of russian origin , his grandfather and his family fled from st. and here is the video distributed polish site, let's see. yes, uh, the titanic was sunk by a russian captain, captain edward smith's father was actually russian. and we
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need to rewatch the captain's video. john smith and in the sunken titanic is noted just by a british explorer. samuel writes about this polish site saw, heard, what do you know dmitry as the first time today such studies dicaprio should generally file a lawsuit. on to this matter. this is already some kind of meta-irony in 2016, trump won the election. well, it doesn't matter what year, of course trump's opponents began to say that it was russian hackers who rigged, corrected the vote and actually elected the american president. and then in the background. from this discussion, a meme was launched in the usa that the russians made this russian dirit and gave it a frame, that's it, someone broke something there. the russians did it. and now, at the same time, even the meme was with the titanic, which shows the sinking titanic and the signature the russiancedes. now we
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are actually witches and the carnation of this meme that the russians really did it, did anyone at all come across this article alexey you seen or not? i looked at it for the first time, but there’s nothing, by the way, i can explain why you didn’t come across it, perhaps because this article appeared. uh, in the polish edition on february 26, and the twenty-eighth of february happened. surprisingly, she disappeared when you click on the link. instead of this article, an old article dated september 6, 2022 appeared, where there is nothing about the russian captain at all. and here it is the same article, which you can now follow the link to a new recording of the famous ship in the highest quality to date. this is what the titanic looks like after 110 years. how are you? you see no russian trace, there is none here. and please pay attention to the date september 6, 2022. in general, this article has been returned to its place. yes,
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they changed it for just a few days. but nevertheless, this substitution became an occasion to launch just such an information bomb, and now we can discuss the mystery of the wreck of the titanic with you in our connection . 7th to 11th years hero of the russian federation hello evgeny just worked with james cameron, yes, for the filming of the titanic, right? hello. yes? naturally, since i worked, not only with jason cameroon, but before that we also shot in imax with stephen low and historians also worked with us. and well, in general, people who know everything thoroughly, i will be the first to ask about the russians, because the russians sank the titanic, and since they sank it, they can take pictures. i'm wondering how you got into this whole story. only only at russia had an opportunity for us. well, such a deep dive and filming i was present when
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foreign journalists asked james cameroon. jonah ah, unequivocally answered everyone that he was looking for the best technique for him. uh, the best equipment from the best specialists. and he said it's all here. well, history. it is quite clear here that a director was appointed to the titanic, oh, which well, in the white starline system, this is the director of the manager, he was appointed, on the titanic and he was on the titanic on this cruise, and the captain was old and the fact that they took him, well, they hired you know, a responsible flight. he was very grateful, and the direct person in charge was the manager of the joshuas,
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plus, ismail, he could behave. well, after e do everything as it should be. yes, there was a message. eh, that such an environment of the site is ice-cold, that we need to get rid of it. well, he would not, as it were, influence, that is. they did it right. eh? well, when there were vobla first not to come, but this uh director. he wanted to show that, uh, he went and the titanic the first one will come. although the titanic was actually no different, and it did not answer in terms of power. uh, because we did the analysis and the metal showed that it wasn't. more precisely, as they said, that he advertises four times, including different ones. more precisely , he was the same as on other ships, who is to blame for the crash. is there a titanic or is there a russian? a trace of some kind of russian light, uh, i
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actually didn’t say, because it would have been clarified long ago. well, you understand that what the director who was on this ship said, uh, put pressure on the captain, what to save move, then the captain is still to blame. responsible for security. and by the way, this director, he escaped by dressing in women's clothes, and he went in lightly, and he escaped in all of himself, just like he didn't give a damn about people, but in fact, uh, his fault is even more, because it's understandable that if he had not been on board, the captain would certainly have delivered. there you go, thank you so much. it was very nice to meet you today. all the best to you, very pleasant.
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that's really what our people helped to carry out such large projects, and how many huge projects they themselves have carried out, an amazing story, in general, a human amazing ship in itself. that's when they show the shipyard where they built an amazing film, because when you look here, especially like underwater shooting, but i remember, that's the first time i watched there was to imagine. this story is in depth, an amazing person, an amazing team that they were able to dive into. that's all to do, everything here is with a plus plus plus sign. unfortunately researcher with a minus sign, and everything else is about the researcher. let's go back to him and get back to the character that appears in the fakes, yes. in the polish fake it is indicated that it was the british researcher samuel harper who allegedly found a russian trace in the wreck of the titanic, we can now discuss these issues. e, yevgeny nesmenov, writer researcher of marine disasters. we are glad to welcome you good afternoon halpern. e who
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is this person? well, this is the american explorer of the titanic one of the recognized major authorities. in this domain. can to say, the world value is such a top template, so the reference to it in this material is not accidental; it is done specifically in order to give a certain weight. we even saw a fragment of a video in which some kind of gentleman is gray-haired, but this is not a halper. this is another person who, apparently, is trying to impersonate him, but the hulk. in fact, his videos look a little different. all available are on the internet. anyone who is interested can look here and make sure that this polish material is a figurehead, that is, in polish material, he is first, a british building an american as well. secondly, uh is not even the character mentioned there. please tell me, when you talked with the halper, what was the reaction ? we have just a fragment of your correspondence, correctly, we can look at it and discuss it.
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well, look, he answered me briefly. he wrote more extensively, of course, there on his facebook. but in the sense, it is clear. in principle, he didn’t even say anything close to that. in general, this is, in principle, not his research profiles, because each should have its own specialization. rather narrow and halker nonsense biographies of passengers or crew members. well, it has nothing to do with this topic, it's just not his profile, so the name was taken. apparently just from the ceiling. well, as some kind of authority for cover. i'll just read out a snippet of the answer. hello eugene no need to apologize for the actions of others. i don't know anything about the origin of the captain. smith and never commented on this topic. i wish you all the best. sam it's great that the person, of course, answered you personally. yes, put everything here points of hope, in principle, this topic could be closed on this, but there are two points
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that surprised me personally hmm in this whole story. this is the first moment. this is that the fake is quite rude, and the second point is , of course, the coverage of information in russia. well, for yesterday, the day before yesterday, who just didn’t post this news, that is, it acquired such a viral character, the largest russian media pushed it, thereby, of course, i am expanding it further. maybe this was the reason that hmm polish the publication was deleted, because no matter how it played its role, the stuffing was done, the information went to untwist in russia, so, apparently, that was the goal. it seems to me that the main goal here, of course, was to discredit the russian media, to show here the next step of the concept and it is obvious - this is a simple enough scheme, logical, but if you look


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