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tv   Missiya Ametist  1TV  July 18, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the second ballet will tell about the life and work of love and suffering at the thurier gabriel choreographer yuri possokhov created for zakharova this dedication to the queen of fashion is incredibly, stylish and subtle. of the pacific festival and the child prodigy of contemporary choreography, the winner of the show dance revolution on the first, eldar gainutdinov in the image of a faun in the play on violin 2.0. mironov's character was addressed more than once by hamlet , and the regular guests of the chekhov theater festival directed by peter stein and roberly saw him. pash here is now a completely new reading, in which, thanks to the synthesis of music and the word, shakespeare's tragedy will open before the viewer in its entire scale. kristina lvieva tatyana bodrova and nika vishnyakova
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channel one. on this, follow the time and stay up to date, and now on the air of channel one, the continuation of the serial film mission amethyst.
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he did not apply to the hospital. this is clear from he dropped his billing pipe competently looking for nothing. well, all the cameras went through the blind zones or hit them with their backs. or, at best, sideways. well, from the screen in the floor passage it can be seen that he was wounded, blood was found. we are looking for 12 people working according to the prints on the door handle and the plate, there was also nothing on
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the fingers. there was a thin silicone shape. shay was also cheated on by the ear, such his ear from the cafe , the fact of the matter is that it’s nothing, this is also his ear screen with a camera, the drawing is completely different , too, on the go, or what? we have a cafe. she's good. well, how to say, we are working on it technologists connected. in general, biometrics. i still have a little voice, the shape of the palm in general anatomy. but there is good news alexander ivanovich and bad. well, what kind of manners is that? say that they found the blood of the pharaoh, but it doesn’t beat on the dna base? beloved years, we are together again
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sounds romantic, but in fact, you and i just have one mission and doing ours here. i help you there. hold on we'll figure it out. it would be ideal for us if the italians themselves declassified the surface, but andryusha he already did this in the nineties, and then everything went silent, apparently, someone reminded him that he himself was also connected with the activity of the surface. forgive me for dancing, but i think better this way, to be honest. i am sure that the prosecutor of the republic, gian carlo, has enough material for them. or maybe just this iron evidence that is all matteo is missing. no , i think there is enough evidence . there is not enough evidence that could be published. and the other half of those who are in the usa in italy are full of people who are ready
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to go against the strong and in general, if you combine everything that we have in the center, the prosecutors can get a bomb that will simply be wiped off the face of the earth and smooth and clean the air of cars a little, then they listen, but i think i figured it all out, so i'm telling you. do you remember such an er, the redhead is so pretty enough, and ornella she is the wife of the assistant prosecutor of the republic, he often visits us and everyone says that they are happy nice people. maybe we are with them let's get started, but it's an idea, what about your concerns? we can. yes, they have spices there according to the layouts at the top. perhaps someone can influence someone through some public contacts? all right, i can't take it anymore. i'm telling you, if we
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're not sometimes weak, we'll just go crazy, so the american is flying in today. uh huh , and since we don't have a way to get to vila, we just follow him when we get to work. we will simply recognize him, and if there are a few obvious americans, we will recognize him. experimental weapons 20.000 euros 30.000 find out who came to rome, go out to
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the saboteurs twice as fast. although of course, 22 people. it's not 70 already. thank you, but we removed everyone who had an indirect or some other connection with the american special services , leaving only the bosses of semi-underground or openly underground fighting hands, but turn back. schlumberger robert schlumberger uh-huh fbi why do i remember very fond of working with criminals, if he here also rests on crime, he has serious connections, he also works on them. and this is carlos, i don’t remember, his grandfather’s last name is to dream of a castor, so with us he passed under the stove pan knows all the latin americans, but these are mostly students of drug trafficking uninteresting, fighting groups. they don't have it here. let's go from the fact that the pharaoh super professionals will
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work only with proven frivolous customers. whispers yes jack shepf nickname shepherd tsrushnik paratrooper behind him is afghan and this means support here are the jaheds and islamic fundamentalists alexander ivanovich i will leave to shepard especially since through afghanistan he can be connected with the smooth surface manganetti, by the way, is a former paratrooper well , if it's shepard so we're with you, everything is very serious for nothing. he is not taken, but we, too, are not planed from boards. this is who the man who just missed out on killer number one is telling me. okay let's move on. the evacuation is in 3 days and first of all i need to protect my son, my boy, my arthur was born and raised here in italy but unfortunately, soon he will have to
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find out the whole truth about me. hello what is this, who is all right? it's just for our safety, you know? already quarrel.
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okay, let's agree in the car, set us up for a minute. uh-huh alex i'll give you 2 minutes. no, it's not safe here. i don't like it, that's why he likes it. this is not a proposal, this is a statement, what i said, it will be so and that's it.
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listen, carefully no gadgets.
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the car for the guests left the keys in the lock. a guest car
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and our star is a modest daddy's friend carlo
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marcus car but baby get ready hopefully this asshole is photogenic come on
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baby don't let us down. you need a rifle with an optic. let's drag.
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knows how to sit bastard. show students. only won't let us teach anymore. so guys.
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the alabaev sniper rifle is a large-caliber ultra-long-range sniper rifle from the alabaevo family of rifles, developed in russia in 2012. the receiver is made of aircraft-grade aluminum with a threaded insert made of high-alloy stainless steel . twilight is effective in the temperature range from -45 to plus 65 ° c, the muzzle velocity exceeds 900 m / s, and the accuracy of fire is 0.3 arc minutes per 9 mm between the centers of pripyat shots at 100 m. at the same time, it successfully penetrates armor of 10 mm. this is the longest-range rifle in the world with a maximum confirmed effective range of four km 210 m. chao
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nephew do you have a fireworks party there? okay, don't say anything. just come right now to the place where we last spoke.
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why did you decide that they constantly monitor the police drone, but the sun is not on the territory, everything is fine normally useless the word is so why did you decide that the drone policeman saw the elementary number? why don't you give them money to keep them out of your private life you have everything, italy in your pocket? or not all prosecutors are constantly changing and that's enough. your man and
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took part in their operation. we acknowledge this is our fault. today he will fly to moscow. a new person is not needed after the failure of the manganation, my man in moscow will decide everything autonomously, he knows how to do it. nothing is stamped in the creative area. therefore, those who did not understand the irony in this name are fools sweet chocolates are shown so often, and
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they are probably watching me, my friends. i wanted them to laugh a little bit at that moment. you don't see morning and night. this greatly affects the questionnaire before settling in the house. and there was a question. you have a girlfriend, she is a wonderful person, but i understood that this is some kind of something here we were at the concert of alexander marshal and then when they tell me that i will sing with him before this star factory 20 years later on saturday. i recommend pentalgin remedy for various
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types of pain pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, pentalgin will do without bolik in advance with the most children's shoes antelope sundress fudge, for 699 rubles. we have a birthday and we have prepared a surprise for you in our application , a product to choose from for just one ruble delicious 1 year together with a savings card - this is 10% cashback on products.
10:24 pm
iota says you can, try the first month for only 399 rubles. decide how many gigs and unlimited applications you need. can i have an iota? a break on the side of orsk to chop, but we take meat from our farmers meat cutter, we chop it pastorally, add fragrant spices, and torment all matters of juiciness and taste. and they cut it really tasty. it is beneficial
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to improve the functioning of the naopt brain so that the head works. summer with tinkoff mobile order a tinkoff sim card and get the most effective protection against spam and tinkoff
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scammers . sneakers for children's crosby for 699 rubles. filmed after breakfast, we will continue to treat compositions in bavarian about thin. watch how we make them leaner meat, keep it with spices in smoky ovens for a special taste. and here's how i cook, boil, slice and serve with sauce. what deliciousness? these are all our compositions, as well as in delivery now in our application. love
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you petra creation. i love your strict slim look. i'm in st. petersburg friends. why such names are ceremonial? why can’t you say humanly the entrance, because the entrance is not st. petersburg, stop, what is we go along the ribs? don't rush. how many types of soot exist, two very dirty and not very much, and some one word or capacious the term they call you in the museum, my friends call me scatty, just because indifferent people cannot work here. how many smelt does petersburg eat in about a year, it eats almost everything that we catch. this is real fast food, what kind of burgers are there? it's all about nothing, spine, palace bridge attention wiring. never from this angle. i did not see how the palace bridge rises the life of its premiere on sunday. and always on one tv point ru
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what's this? take me away now. i'm addressing you. what the hell are you doing here? car fading, what do you need? get out. i ask to the city. get out of here before it gets worse what a day?
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check the villa again. check the base you are shepherded. this is an indisputable fact. and it's hardly the police. do nothing, calm down and have a quiet lunch. yes, yes, now all of italy is having lunch.
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you'll like it. the cow did. well done, well done, planted it himself, great. i like it too.
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old workhorse
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. i don't want to risk lighting up my face, but i'm wearing american tourist camouflage, good afternoon. good afternoon jack don't worry they understand that the boss has arrived in whatever camouflage you appear, everyone
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has been checked more than once, so it's worth checking again. now i feel like visiting don in real italy . these walls don't exist. is today an important day?
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carrier private military company armada
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car brand ford transit armored minivan license plate about 214mv 150 these savages will turn the world into chaos. we fight chaos. i'm ready to explain, i'm a us patriot but cowards have settled in washington. they want to be liked. everyone and everyone does not want to quarrel with anyone, and our enemies raised their heads, so yes strategy. this is how we amplify the chaos.
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we are moving on to massive actions simultaneously in different parts of the planet. i will tell you more about this. tomorrow, each of you individually , will force people from different countries to look for answers, and then they will beg washington yes no.
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if you have any questions or doubts, please state them now. we have learned to negotiate and not to fight each other. why
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can't all nations live? how are our families? yes, we are neighbors, but we live peacefully as a family of respected stefan i i believe you, if you have any disagreement, you will come for the whole world. boss, only here we are russian, the chinese do not like it. they also want to be bosses.
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gentlemen, do not disperse, drink more, talk later, i will answer your questions if someone else has them. you didn't want to meet them at all? i decided to look at the face of everyone i see here lazy. well , winged, who could know about the mongot. how many guards and soldiers do you have here and at the base there are 50 more people, 20 people, who else is in the house, friends, relatives? detailed.
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tell me about each. and if you continue to smile as if nothing happened, then with this thing you will find a traitor very quickly, he will detect any bugs.
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got to
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me urgently do not care that it is impossible. well, where is he? i knew that he wasn't here. it just can't be done with me. he said he would come here for a meeting. well, i was convinced jealous let's go. i spend these works my katarina was exactly the same. all our jack women for them the preservation of the family is more important than the preservation of their own face.
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ilya, i know your style is your department now sits and waits for the pharaoh to do it himself. he can do this in two ways, either by blowing something up, or by banging a couple of people, and so, this does not suit me, understand? i need a miracle. why are you silent like lena listen to the sea, don't make me break the comedy, you don't have access. thank you i. understood
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free here in italy i often wonder if he even remembers that i'm not just an illegal agent. his daughter. just send him a photo of your grandson. i think this should help you dear. the answer to your request is shepard your amethyst is not just
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amethyst pure gold. the main thing is that everything converges with us. we work out mercenaries and afghans, both former and current, throw the whole department at it, let's play, let's play soldiers. are you thinking i'm sending this information.
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look, there's another blow. here, get up sideways, i'll take it to you, otherwise aunt vitya is afraid, go to the car. but work all at the same time. you see, you yourself know everything. why are you asking just because i think you are.
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okay, it's still in moscow. my personal enemy. be careful remember everything what i taught you, but so far bastards.
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i came back to tell you i'm sorry. i listened. you thought about me, i look at your eyes, you are already mirrors and angels will fly over your home grigory leps gathers friends.
10:49 pm
burgers are so tasty and the right sauce is important here. ketchup recommend a person with prolonged anxiety often hears advice, calm down. or , for example, do not be nervous. thanks for the advice. need to sleep it's easy to say, but in fact anxiety can be treated afobazole by the end of the first week helps to cope with anxiety restlessness and associated sleeplessness. afobazole anxiety can and should be treated. find out everything about anxiety on the all-russian portal of the territory of the pussy and dot rf. it's time. prolong osago millions of motorists do it by comparison and receive gifts. buy osago or other insurance on sravni and win a car. if insurance then compare on the site and in the application.
10:50 pm
ai filmed break good love? chop according to stary gorsk, but i haven’t tried the meat-cutting serverat from our farmers , we take meat, we chop it in the old way add fragrant spices and simmer in the oven for an owl of juiciness and taste. and they chopped it deliciously, it’s really tasty with tinkoff pay, you can pay online with any phone with a sticker or by attaching the phone to the tinkoff pay terminal , issue any tinkoff card and choose your
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payment method online with a tinkoff phone sticker, he’s the only one. how to apply to different educational institutions across the country. take advantage of government services. here you can easily create a package of documents, select five universities of interest and send documents to several specialties than public services seem. he is in full contact with uh sobolev and signs all the papers, but does not take money only with gifts. but it's still the smallest smaller. yes mom. what happened, and what did she accept , there is a suspicion that it was a fake? well,
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you can't do anything like that and all of them made for the whole factory are fakes. it was i who signed the documents on the purchase of my mother's medicines. there is my signature official. look, all the series on the movie one tv is the most increasing and the risks are growing. so what we want now. so to tell you , my partner kravtsov
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, a new series is being handed over by lotus to a client with a load of opium and is heading to vladivostok full back
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well, ilya respect you? the hours have not passed, and the duty officers in the country have already dragged everything to you. how many corpses are there? as a result, four were shot point-blank? that is, we will not even argue for the sake of appearances, we will simply say that we will not do this. well, you better come on, come on, think out loud. find a weapon with a certain performance characteristics in this case, this is the maximum effective range and armor-piercing. i didn't try it myself i didn't try alexander
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ivanovich and who lives? a target with such performance characteristics. why are you silent? what should i say? the first person our foreigners are visiting. well, that's another matter, but you stand silent. you call. he has no more ammo. where such confidence? maybe they violated the instructions and transported the rifle along with the ammunition. great time the camera is everywhere and the snail is so slobbery.
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the center has approved two objects for contact. this is the assistant prosecutor of feora and the military prosecutor dumark. i just made it find out where the fior live. mm, i knew it, i would have to bow to him with a raspberry tortini cake, love. she took raspberry tortillas every time. you can announce some kind of promotion. yes, there will be more work, it's okay, you'll be patient. well, in any case, contact the military prosecutor. we must at the last moment for him, we are three spies, so we are the center of sight. i know here, there's a cooking club nearby. uh-huh. well, there are some gossips. you can find out about everything within a radius of 100 km. okay i think to find a language with them at all uh-huh well, yes, you can use gossip about me, for example, for an entrance fee. you know i'm telling you what's going on in our house like this. we have houses. come on.
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yes, i quarreled with my husband terribly, we couldn’t quarrel. hmm, we have some kind of guards at home, or kick me, pretty, well , more or less, so i think this is enough to start right now. slowly and find out everything you can about shepard as quickly as possible, i've already ordered. why are you silent, you still need to put it on the table of the director abrahams. i understand you, he sucks our blood for going behind
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his back. this is sorry. because


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