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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  July 22, 2023 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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20.6, respectively, these are kulagins and dream sounds in our program , we congratulate the winners. i want to congratulate you and me , dear viewers, with everything that in our life there is such a wonderful music that brings with it in our company. we will meet exactly in a week, we will definitely meet, because we sing in the kitchen with the whole country.
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hello, my name is elena karaulova, this is a game. who want to be a millionaire. today our special issue is dedicated to the world's first feature film shot in space. the picture inspired millions of people and showed that nothing is impossible. the main thing is to dream. today the studio of the program. who wants to become a millionaire accepts the challenge, namely the participants and guests for whom this film has become a landmark. let's get acquainted with us today playing vladimir seleznev kryakoator. anton is rezhen , cosmonaut training specialist marina zyabreva, sharpener at the plant vitaly khalevin, journalist for an online publication evgeny is such a teacher at a private school daniil shundala , a history teacher. i announce the beginning qualifying round, the one who correctly and quickly completes the task will be in
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the player's chair attention question arrange the representatives of the fauna in size, starting with the smallest. wolf giraffe mosquito nightingale the correct order should be this is exactly the mosquito nightingale, wolf, giraffe five players answered correctly, but daniel turned out to be the fastest sandala daniel invite you. good evening
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daniil, a history tutor preparing schoolchildren to pass the unified state examination, dreams of raising 100 ballers, admits that while watching the film, the challenge could not hold back the tears plans win 400.000 rub. which will spend on the creation of a board game. i met a man who also cried while watching the film challenge. to be honest, i sobbed the whole movie you had the same thing, and it was a very moving story. eh, of course, it 's difficult, how to explain it rationally, when you see the feat of people, you see a huge work. you see those who, but tried very hard to ensure that this movie really turned out to be soulful, big, so iconic. this story is not just any single person. this story. i can say whole countries of the world of mankind and
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such moments. they cannot but take for the soul. and when there are some tears or some let's say so. a different kind of emotion it seems to me, a normal natural state. i absolutely agree with you. and i have a big surprise for you and for all our viewers. you will be surprised, but today we have unusual guests in the studio, who are most directly related to the film challenge. theater and film actress, honored artist of the russian federation elena valyushkina. and the pilot cosmonaut is the hero of the russian federation peter dubrov hello we are glad to welcome you in our studio. thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit us to support our players, and i guess you probably don't have a single free minute on your schedule after the movie's release. well, i must say, indeed. this project has added some extra hmm let's say events to
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our schedule. well, fortunately, we're doing quite well. well, listen, i had a modest role in this film. i answered bright. i was in charge of the comedy side. you see because the heroes of russia and some actresses with directors inflicted this drama. and i'm at the most crucial moment. e, she added humor, which must be in any film, yes, yes, but it was very cool. we all remember your heroine, she is really very bright, we all fell in love with you. tell us peter how many days you spent in space 350 days .
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well, of course, not only new ones, but also unexpected, i never dreamed of this in my life, therefore, of course, it caused a lot of difficulties , of course, not enough, neither acting education nor , of course, any talent to play well and correctly, but i set now to do the best. what i was able to imagine myself. in this situation, in which my hero got into, and imagine how i would react. well, and, accordingly, try to portray these emotions of action in some way. but how good is it turned out not to judge it is difficult to judge the audience of this film. i hope that they were satisfied, but for those who have not yet had time to watch the film the challenge, i also have a surprise for you guys, the trailer for this wonderful movie is right here right now. when you can give people who are ready to perform
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an operation in space, the entire operational team cannot be sent there. one of you will fly to the iss and the girl. are you ready to fly into space? the world's first motion picture filmed in space, the feat of a female doctor, the challenge of channel one with the support of the state corporation roscosmos, is being conducted unique promotion. go to the cinema for the film the challenge and until the eighth of august. send your ticket along with contact information to the channel one website. if you have seen the movie before and still have your ticket. you are also in business, 20 lucky people will have the opportunity to visit the cosmonaut training center in star city. and five more times they can go to baikonur to
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see with their own eyes the launch of the spaceship challenge in the cinemas of the country, but let's get back to our game. and by the way, as a leader. i want to say, that because we have a special issue today. you can use the call a friend hint and not call a friend, but ask our guests in the studio thank you very much. let me remind you that the main prize of 3 million rubles is waiting for you by the rules of the game. 15 questions separate you from it, each correct answer will bring you money. birth, you can pick it up at any time, but only before i accept your final answer you will also meet, two fireproof amounts are 5,000 and 100,000 rubles. at your disposal three tips - this is a 50x50 call to a friend and help from the audience. daniel game who wants to be a millionaire for you starts, let's go quite right. this is the phrase that should
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be here. what a pity that this is not a question, right? i agree, but now it will be question the first question and 500 rubles. what is the name of the pine forest, fluorine here without question? i think this answer and it's quite right, moving on to the second question and 1,000 rubles. as one of the icons usually present on the desktop of a computer is signed, the picture is a basket of cardboard. third question and 2.000 to whom or what does goodbye the lyrical hero of the song of the group nautilus pompilius bombino america say to london of his love? as far as i
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remember, and the nautilus pompilius group is the author and one of the creators of this butusov, first butusov , and right now i am remembering the film. uh, classic brother 2, yes, where he sings america goodbye, so america oh, where i've never been. this is correctly the fourth question and three thousand rubles, where, among other things , the action of the film challenge takes place at the salyut 7 station at the mir station on the iss one. i have a little let's say. so confusing is the wording, among other things, the action of the film takes place, among other things, because the action, among other things , took place on earth. there were a lot of locations. well, in space, if my memory serves me right, the location was the only one left
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to understand which one i want to mark on the iss let's answer then, if you want, then you can iss and that's right. the fifth question and 5,000 rubles. the first fireproof amount what letter denoted the correct answer to the first question a b c, e. for some reason i am sure that this answer? b because you have to now the first question. it was a thief, that's right. congratulations to you first non -combustible. your 5.000 rub. in the pocket. and you know, i have a mature question. here you mentioned that you want to win 400k to develop your board game. what kind of game is this. this is such a desktop for 400.000. the fact is that i am a history tutor, i teach children the history of social science and
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do everything to, let's say , historical education in our country. eh, was quite high level. and probably very rude such a loud phrase will be nevertheless. and i think this is my mission to some extent. well, yes, yes, let our cosmonauts have their own mission. here i have my mission on planet earth and, uh, i imagine that this is a series of board games, where uh are children, and students, like junior high school students, lay out pictures of famous artists, writers, historians, where their memory works. uh, here, uh, its different elements, when they remember better, when they establish causes and investigative relationships. and generally speaking. uh, it seems to me when there are just lectures material. like one story, because students are sometimes very bored. and they must be constantly somehow interested in captivating. and so, uh, no matter how loudly it was said, but actually an example. i'm trying to do something. uh, telling about the history of our country the history of the world. danil novo is great, well done, and i applause you
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, thank you for your impulses, but it seems to me that in order to create even a series of board games, in general , some improvised materials and an insatiable desire are enough. i absolutely agree and here are 400,000 for you. why, well, i want to create this as part of mass production, that is, so that it would not be such a local story for, uh, conditionally students, oh, whom i teach in siberia because i come from kemerovo a scale. yes, of course, of course, so that not only herself knows about it. well, all russia knew a cool idea. i want you to realize it. thank you and i wish you to win even more than 400.000. how will we go back, just for this the sixth question and 10,000 rubles. what was the peculiarity of the movie script instance the challenge that klimshepenko yuliya overpowered took to the iss
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printed in braille rewritten entirely by hand very thick paper page sewn by hand i remember the frame that channel one made a series of documentary documentaries. i remember where just the same klimshipenko holds this stack of sheets in his hands, and he, i just remember, is done with his hand on it. and now, as if hinting at something, as if in the very center there was such a small picture and there was such a larger one, well, such an a4 format seems to be very thick paper. me the most like the answer so far, because it is the phenomenon of weightlessness and every gram. it seems to me that it counts and, in turn, it is necessary to make sure that, uh, the documents, in principle, the files that get there, are the lightest. features in instances instance was one even the phrases of instance one but i remind you that we have 110
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super cool special guests today who probably know the answer to this question. i think that we will use it now, yes, because the options are very close. i still remember the picture, but i'm not sure, so my version prices, but i want to use the hint, we take ask peter and fly. uh-huh you will have 30 seconds to ask a question. although they certainly heard it, of course, the time has gone. tell me, please , it makes no sense to make pages from thick paper in space, since the rule is done only for abortion documentation for the exit, so that in large gloves it was possible to use paper that was completely ordinary. yes, but using paper clips in space is dangerous. they can fly away, so they were sewn together, so option page six is ​​bailed out. yes, what was the hardest part space. get used thank you very much. thank you very much. well, peter believes, of course,
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d-pages, that this is a manually accepted answer. and indeed, peter told the absolute truth of the paper clips on the iss, so the page was made by hand. thanks a lot. to the audience, that with the help of the red button on the remote control you can play together with the participants of our show and receive an invitation to this studio during the broadcast , log in by phone number and answer questions for each answer you are given 30 seconds, the most active and erudite spectators. we will invite you to our shows and you will be able to compete for the main prize, three million rubles, where you can play, you see on the running line, good luck, move on. and we have the seventh question and 15,000 rubles next in line. what vehicle got lost in
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nikolai gumilyov's poem bus taxi tram trolleybus? how are you with poetry? and specifically, with the poetry of nikolai gumilyov , literature, one of the lyubims at school was at one time creative, i was not very fond of creativity, but i can argue, and so, based on this, maybe. a more or less correct answer , nikolai gumilyov lived, as far as i remember, at the turn of the century, he participated in the first world war, too modern for that time trolleybuses. it seems to me that the bus, which was developed at that time, was not yet strong, well, the bus got lost. i don't know, maybe, you know, get lost. and now, maybe it's to beat some
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form, that there are ways, but he got lost. and why does it seem to me that there might be an option? let's try your answer. with the tram oh daniel well, that's how a tram can derail . he's walking on rails. how can he get lost? that's all i thought. but, nevertheless. nikolai gumilyov's poem is a lost tram, he got lost. danil and i have 25,000 rubles. and the eighth question.
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what adjective in the full title of russian emperors was not preceded by the word tsar? kazan siberian is obtained in the second year the title of the russian tsar of the forty-seventh year astrakhan 506 siberian eighty -first was also a russian graft. he russian doesn't fit in here. but there is nothing to add here. you're absolutely right, told the answer. d. the all-russian answer is correct. i congratulate you 25,000 on your ninth question and 50,000 rubles. which of the foreign coaches was the first to win the
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russian football championship with the club? time in kemerovo itself is a sports drive school of the olympic reserve. in general, i wanted to make a career as a football player, but when i was in the ninth grade, my mother told me the choice was either football or study. as you can see, i didn't regret it at all. well, let's discuss too, who was the first foreigner to win the russian championship with the club yes, not a cup, not some other tournament. championship well, this is very deaf, because he trained precisely in the controversial dick advocaat trained the police trained no and his mother trained spartak and here you need to remember, uh, who was before i have the feeling that somewhere the lawyer was before. i can also explain, because the lawyers coached the national team for euro 2012, it seems
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it was. yes it's wildly lawyer b, wildly 2k answer accepted. in 2007 with the club zenit how are you did you notice it right? the russian championship was won by dick advocaat the correct answer is now interrupted by advertising, after which we will definitely continue. channel one, with the support of the state corporation cosmos, is holding a unique campaign, everything. you just go to the cinema for a movie, for august 8 inclusive. send your ticket along with contact information to the website if you've
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seen the movie before and still have your ticket. you are also in business, 20 lucky people will have the opportunity to visit the cosmonaut training center for the stars of the city. the challenge in the cinemas of the country of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug angionorm helps to improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, tonsillitis, norms, keep blood vessels normal. find out your credit rating for free on the compare point website . we will help you choose a loan based on your
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so i want him forever. i think you know what happened in iraq. for us , this means that all foreign intelligence services are activated there. it's half an hour us intelligence agent in the middle east with him vkontakte hello, i won't interfere, of course, what do you think? i hope there is no service yet, i wonder what title the movie is?
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1tv cinema port presents virginia and we are familiar with you here. in general, we immediately fell in love with the factory to a large extent from the grandeur of the format and the fact that we chose the guys quite correctly.
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the roof is a little settlement in the house and there was an issue. do you have a girlfriend? and then when they tell me that i will sing with him before that? star factory 20 years later , watch after the program time we continue the game in front of me daniil shundala is next in line.
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we have the tenth question 100,000 rubles. and the second fireproof amount. what novel did victor hugo plan to name on the orders of the king les misérables ninety-third year notre dame cathedral a man who laughs on the orders of the king, well, look at the year 93 of the revolution in france and then it’s generally legendary book. it seems to me that this is the basis of french literature of world art. and les misérables well, among all the options, the most adequate 93 year 50 to 50 i will not answer, we ask the computer
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to remove two incorrect options. the outcast man who laughs the logic is not entirely clear, but nevertheless we ask the audience in our hall to pick up the remotes and help daniil vote. so, 58% of the audience in our hall believe that this is option d, the person who laughs and 42% cast their vote rejected by the order of the king. he alone is rejected, there are many of them, and the man who he laughs alone therefore. the man who laughs the protagonist, by order of the king
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whose name was jacob the second, was stripped of his title and given to merchants. and he became a man who laughs you answered correctly 100,000 rubles. your thank you thank you please. each of you has a chance to become a member of our intellectual show, if you are gambling , curious, brave and see yourself in the place of a player in our studio for a long time. we are waiting for your feedback. fill out the questionnaire on the first channel website using the link that you see on the screen we do not promise that it will be easy, but the opportunity to become a millionaire is worth it daniel you have no clues left, but
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100,000 rubles. already in your pocket. now answering the following questions. you risk nothing. but it remains only to rely on yourself, 11 questions and 200,000 rubles. what name comes from the manchu word for the rock of the black river? sakhalin kamchatka baikal yenisei that is, it is connected somehow with china - this is the northern part of china. and by the way, even now my thoughts are already born. look, i've been everywhere, i've been everywhere. i was on sakhalin, yuzhno-sakhalinsk. i was in kamchatka, petropavlovsk-kamchatsky , i was on the empty baikal beach on baikal. well, just passing by. that is, i rode the train and came to baikal, you travel so much, and
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somehow you don’t work. i travel a lot. that is, i'm here in the seventeenth year, uh, every year, i make a big route for myself and eat class in the country. i was in half of the region in russia, that is, 45 regions, and visited by car last year, traveled 9.000 km. wow , yes, 9.000 from kemerovo in central russia and returned back. let's discuss you of course, they shot me down, but they added pleasant memories. look at the rocks of the black river of the manchurian river, i don’t want to jinx it, but the answer to baikal is close to me, and now, as if it is divided into two parts, baikal is relatively close in geography. that is, if we look at the map and see where is baikal where is manchuria that is, this is plus or minus, well, in russia everything is endless, but baikal is essentially just close to the yenisei, but it is now west relative to baikal, that is, this is krasnoyarsk
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edge. i was looking for the black rivers of the yenisei, i don’t really remember that the krasnoyarsk territory was a fairly mountainous area. that is, it doesn’t seem to come to my mind now, kamchatka mountainous kamchatka is quite a mountainous area. and of course, i didn't go anywhere. didn't see anything anywhere. so globally, but there are a lot of hills, that is, hills. that 's what is connected with sakhalin when i say, sakhalin i represent chekhov well, his work is very close to me baikal because manjur. well, my arguments are that manchuria is next to mongolia. it's near china. and as if the black river flows out of baikal, as far as i remember, only one river. what do not remember sakhalin mountains and sakhalin somehow does not fit here kamchatka is hills after all the rocks here are something more massive. and besides
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, look, if this is baikal, if this is a lake, and there is a mountainous area nearby. that is, if somewhere there is a deep depression, then somewhere there must be mountains. well, that is, how would it work, probably. it's so pure thinking out loud. okay, i'm definitely not the yenisei and sakhalin black river, moreover, it’s a black river, it’s not some kind of black river baikal or kamchatka , definitely don’t carry sakhalin, we will answer in any way. here i like it. here we are yours, well, i will answer. the rocks of the black river the rocks must be many. as you say, daniel, look, we need to give one answer. i know we
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will give it, i will give it to him. i will give it to him. i don't remember that there were many rivers in kamchatka. of course, there are a lot of rivers and lakes in russia, that is, in russia, i remember perfectly the lesson of geography, the teacher asked us a question. how many lakes are in russia and we counted with odnoklassniki in the seventh grade and we had seven of them on our fingers, we counted. why one of them was the kemerovo red lake, but in the end we got a deuce when we learned that there are 3 million lakes of rivers in russia, we were shocked. and it’s clear that she didn’t fit the numbers in any way. and so naively, the fingers drove were sure that it would fit. baikal yes , accepted. the name of the rock of the black river originally referred to the amur river
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blagoveshchensk, but on one old map it printed, you will not believe in the wrong place. on baikal and thus the name was assigned to the island, sakhalin unfortunately, you gave the wrong answer. daniel, we were rooting for you so much. you are such a good guy. it was brilliant. another word for me to pick up here. thank you very much for an incredible game. good luck to you. thanks to the new qualifying round and here is his question. arrange the scientists in the chronological order of their birth. leo landaus darwin
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mikhail lomonosov galileo galilei correct order next mikhail lomonosov correct only one participant answered and this is vladimir seleznev vladimir oh, now the contrast will be contrasting. vladimir, the captain of the kvn team from khabarovsk, is proud of his famous
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countryman, cosmonaut pyotr dubrov, if he wins an impressive amount, he will buy a car. why and how much are you proud of peter dubrov. ah, well, in general, in the far east we have, uh, such a thing. she is especially acutely aware of is it local patriotism, and when we learned that peter is the record holder, yes, uh, among russian cosmonauts 355 days in space and that this man from khabarovsk is with us. wow. so, these are the people we have, and immediately, uh, the idea came to my mind to make a big graffiti in khabarovsk dedicated to pyotr valerievich. here we are now on one of the central ones. uh, the streets of khabarovsk are such a big voluminous graffiti. yes, yes. i am the author of the idea and generated
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the image. well, part of it is through a neural network. here she did. wow modern technology, how do you like piotr? of course i was very excited when i saw it for the first time. this thank you so much for the idea and implementation. well, really, i don’t understand why the flags on the shoulders are not my decision. by the way, this is not how the neural network generated it. this is the decision of the artist, who actually blamed someone, of course, he said a mistake, but honestly, a very, very creative decision, i must say, and the planet. he added too. it turned out great. pyotr tell me, have you been immortalized somewhere before, or is this your first portrait? no, this, of course, is the first one. exactly , and on such a scale, executed, but also in basically, like art. although of course. children sometimes drew notes at our
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meetings. uh, it happens that at the end of the meeting they bring a sketch on a regular notebook sheet with a pen. and, of course, it is very nice to see that the children are trying. here's how you can see your creativity better. put it on paper right there in a few minutes, and it’s very nice to see it there, but of such a scale, of course, the first time we saw the portrait with our own eyes, we were in khabarovsk for a long time. i have already been there once there was a portrait. i even have a photo of him in the background. that's why it was very glad to see. thanks a lot. thank you very much. if anything, i draw well, well, according to my son. at least, if anything, i can also immortalize you somewhere after the transfer, by the way, i played. well, you don’t answer, i will do it in khabarovsk, but in moscow i can only in khabarovsk, i played there. are there any free free walls. i will ask you to perpetuate me, please, well, together with
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vladimir, he has experience in organizing such people. but back to you, vladimir , where are you going by car? i have gestalt 8 years ago i passed already on the right 8 years ago i did not pass three times. i decided everything now. it is necessary, but they didn’t pass the rights. but no, i'm in the process now, i'm in the process now. yes, the instructor says i'm not bad. well, i wish you to close this gestalt. ay, i'm up to 5.000, right? of course you can't buy a car. 595 dokinu, well, maybe your fun and resourcefulness will take you somewhere far away. perhaps, well, let's see how to obey your destiny in our game. who wants to become a millionaire for you begins.
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the first question and 500 rubles. what any bottle has a tail, neck, hairs. answer accepted and that's right 500 rubles. your next in line is 1,000 rubles. what geometric shapes form the basis of a standard qr-code : squares, triangles, ovals, trapezoid? well, that's not a difficult question either. uh, by the way, on the graffiti here is this photo, which was used here a little later, the qr-code just appeared and it consisted of squares. the answer is a. answer are squares correct? 2.000 rub. what was measured in the soviet cartoon in parrots? brightness length volume number
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of downed pigs what rich facial expressions? here is a total lack of viewing of soviet cartoons before, but are you not shy to ask, how old are you? i'm 29. well, you should have caught, including soviet cartoons, but somehow it didn't work out for me. well, i think that there are definitely people in the hall who have seen enough uh-huh and we will ask them, come on, come on, we ask the audience in the hall to pick up the remotes and help vladimir give the correct answer, vote.
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almost the vast majority of viewers in in our hall, they believe that in parrots they measured the length of the answer. uh. bud well, of course. vladimir was 38 well, in general, one could say thank you very much to the guys. the fourth question and 3000 who gave the name to the call sign of the crews that flew into space after gagarin flowers fish birds reptiles vladimir yes, you are here, i won’t tell you an attack, right? i
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'll ask peter. yes, look. today we have an exceptional release as a presenter, i allow you to turn to peter, who is present in the studio today with elena a. he may be the right answer for you. you will have 30 seconds. vladimir time has come. name birds a 15 seconds, can you ask me something? when are you next in khabarovsk? good question, as soon as the training program allows. thanks a lot. come home more often. so, well, what will we do there
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? pyotr chaika of course, this is a variant of a bird? well, i don’t even know, apparently, i congratulate you 3.000 of yours now i’ll take the next one. fifth is next question and the first fireproof amount of 5.000 rubles. what cereal appears in the title of the novel wheat? come on 50, we ask the computer to remove two incorrect options. we have corn and
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rye. i’m really not me, you’ll say now, i’m like that, yes, for sure. well, let's try to remember. do you remember any novels that feature corn. no. but one of these options is definitely correct. let's call roman. catcher in the rye precisely probably. after watching 38 parrots, please send to study over the catcher in the rye, i propose right now to reduce the degree of tension and watch the advertisement.
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the victim of cluster munitions that washington put kiev under sail and the ria novosti military commander rostislav zhuravlev died , three more journalists were wounded in different areas and new retaliation strikes on the fuel storage and the base of foreign regions by special-purpose drones from the school of operators of the republic. dangerous twins of edible mushrooms. secrets consciousness on world brain day, we figure out how our intelligence is fundamentally superior to artificial intelligence. the fight may be different no
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a millionaire and in front of me vladimir seleznev , we move on to the sixth question and 10,000 rubles. what sports equipment did you bring with you? iss directed by klim shipenko? soccer ball so challenge i watched, by the way cool work. well, let's try to still connect the logic, we didn't succeed at all, i don't lose hope. do not know how you i do not lose you are an optimist lost. so
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the director klinshipenko took sports equipment with him to the iss with a rugby helmet. as if there is logic in it, because the aisles are narrow, so that if anything, your head won't hit anything there. i'm uh right between a rugby helmet and a pool cue. vladimir look, in any
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case 5.000 rub. your yes, yes, zero clues. yes, hope not for romance, well, there are no hints of romance. all options, so you don't lose anything globally, globally. i won't lose anything. whatever answer you give now. well, except perhaps respect there and all that. helmet vladimir is your answer to the director, of course, he had to fly a lot during the filming. including the back is light enough not
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bulky. and as you correctly noted, it allows you to protect your head from blows, this is the correct answer. vladimir by the way, today we have as a participant there is anton regin anton good evening. hello, anton is preparing the cosmonauts for the flight, including preparing yulia overpower and shipenko's terminal. yes, well, tell us, in fact, the training of cosmonauts is a rather extensive process, so we can say that the entire center followed or directly participated in the training of this crew. i took part in the space flight myself, i was in the mission control center in touch with the crew. time will go. and who gave advice to take a helmet with you for aha i think
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one of the western astronauts station is enough, despite the fact that it is large internal volumes are quite cramped, so an inexperienced person is inexperienced. well , let's say an astronaut, they have already become an astronaut when moving around the station, having the risk of hitting structural elements, put the vetch on a blow, so the helmet protects the most valuable head, and it came in handy. thank you very much. we wish you great luck. thank you vladimir, we will return to you. the seventh question and 15,000 rubles. which country owns part coast of the strait of magellan, usa if i'm not mistaken. this is the very south of south america
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, respectively, this is argentina , the strait of magellan separates from south america, which belongs to its turn argentinean and chile the correct answer. well, you see, well, you can, dear viewers, to fill out the questionnaire for a participant in the tv game, who wants to become a millionaire, just point the camera of your mobile device at the qr-code that you see right now on your screens. follow the link, fill out the form and meeting at vladimir's studio the eighth question and
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25,000 rubles. which scientist during the experiments constantly considered himself the pulse of galileo galilei charles darwin dmitry mendeleev ivan pavlov to be honest, for some reason i am uh for some reason 92% sure that this is galileo galilei what interesting statistics do you have 92% uh-huh where did you get the figure from? i have no idea, but why is it so beautiful, yes, for some reason i think it's galileo galilei you flashed. let's answer galileo and
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galileo, this scientist needed to time the experiment. that's why he counted the pulse. and studied swing of the pendulum and the speed of the fall of the body. this is galileo i just watched, i watched a video about it 25.000 rubles. your only six questions separate you from the coveted 3 million. and this, by the way. wow , i didn’t say what amount, i don’t need 3 million. and yes, i need 600 that amount, we don’t have such an option. there are 800, or 200 somewhere i
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take it. let's return to the game the ninth question and 50,000 rubles. what is the film director jean-luc gadard wearing in 1968 in cannes in protest on the curtain on the palm at the gate on the mast? well logically things it must be a palm tree. what is this logic? such things of some kind, well, this is a film director. yes, very logical. of course, i always did that when i made movies, directors hang from palm trees. e
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palme d'or i'm the only one who doesn't remember if this is an award, the main thing in the cannes film festival or not? it’s just that if in kansk i pushed away from here, then he, uh, in protest, hung on the palm, well, as if everything had grown together. or maybe, i don’t know, just uh, what happened there and uh, that this man took it off and maybe. well, although curtain, too. i'm rooting for you. yes
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, honestly, you understand, the fact is that i do not expel you. uh-huh. and in case of a wrong answer. you will lose 20.000. yes, it's unpleasant. and let me take 25.000. you give up so easily. you are the captain above. that is why his supporters on palma tried to disrupt the cannes film festival. and to the curtain. the film festival did not open, godard hung on it. unfortunately you gave the wrong answer. vladimir thank you
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for playing. i wish you to close all gestalts pass on the rights to buy a car look 38 parrots and reread the catcher in the rye. thank you very much. space edition of the program who wants to be a millionaire has come to an end many thanks to our guests and participants for the excitement and excellent knowledge. yulianna karaulova was with you before the meeting . attention speaks and shows, st. petersburg. every year on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates the day
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of the navy, in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation , the main naval parade will be held. congratulations. happy navy day solemn parade for the day of the navy on sunday, july 30 on the first


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