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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 24, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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navy day in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation , the main naval parade will be held . i congratulate you on the navy day. solemn parade for the day of the navy on sunday on the first good
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evening you are watching the program time with you andrey kharev. common values ​​vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko on valaam the presidents bowed to the relics of st. sergius and herman, the founder of the monastery, the knot was cut ishmael and rennie on the danube our attacks on the terrorist infrastructure of ukraine and traces of explosives in the hold of a dry cargo ship to rostov everything is bad ukrainian counteroffensive through the eyes of reporters everything is nen. the western viewer was shown the price paid out of his pocket for supporting kiev points of attraction for resettlement of emergency housing new seaport comfort small towns from primorye mikhail mishustin began a trip to the east burnt vacation terrible fires on the greek islands resorts in turkey help our
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crew of unique aircraft to cope 200 people left and did not return. what skills are needed for the story to end safely volunteers from dozens of regions in the exercises near kazan another meter and the trouble is inadequate for the jet ski, the incident in nizhny novgorod almost crippled the participants in the sports swim, which is how it all ended. and just for you, valdis pelsh with his team is the incredible peakingarif climbing pakistan is number two in height after the forest, but much more difficult. and let's start with shots from valaam , an island on lake ladoga, where the transfiguration monastery of the savior and one of the main centers of pilgrimage in russia is located today, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko have already been to the president in the monastery 4 years ago alena germanova. talk about how it went today.
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the path to the holy place is never easy, and you can’t get from the outside world to the monastery, the water of lake ladoga, the largest in europe, is separated by 40 km from the nearest pier in karelia, and often pilgrims wait for days, when the waves of ladoga subside. and today, here, the wind and rain are falling on the mountain of plywood, which rise the heavenly domes of the main church of the monastery of the transfiguration cathedral inside believers meet vladimir putin. the president shakes hands with everyone and heads to perhaps the main shrine of the monastery. here, in the lower church of the cathedral, the relics of st. sergius herman of valaam , the founder of the monastery, who entered the karelian island as early as the eleventh century, are kept under a bushel. every pilgrim who has been at
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sea for centuries on the spot is necessarily attached to the cancer. after vladimir putin again approaches the believers? thank you, thank you, 5.000 m² of the murals of this cathedral were restored 10 years ago from photographs during the long soviet years, prayer did not sound here at all after the great patriotic war. there was a state farm, then a boarding school for the disabled only in the eighty-ninth, the monks returned to the island since then. the monastery is being revived. and the nashe brethren today has 200 people. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, as old friends, are met by hieromonk david and lead guests to the smolensk skete. it was founded back in 1917 by grand duke nikolai nikolaevich here at one time. it sounded unstoppable. psalter for those killed in the first world war. today at the church service. chased those who are in the zone
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a special military operation protects our fatherland and vladimir putin remembers dmitry not gurevich , the president’s class teacher, already taught the future head of state in leningrad from the fifth to the eighth grade. alexander nevsky together on the island of valaam
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vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko already arrived in 2019, the day before they had negotiations in st. petersburg. today is an informal meeting. away from worldly fuss, the presidents decided to spend in silence alena germanova ekaterina yakovenko ksenia uvarova channel one ostrov fourteen-year-old angelina, who was left without parents after the ukrainian attack on the bridge to crimea, was discharged from the capital children's clinic of the ministry of health, where she was reported to be in a satisfactory condition. help in the hospital. no longer needed in the night on july 17, the car in which the family from the belgorod region was going on vacation turned out to be on the bridge at the time of the strike by enemy surface ships , angelina's parents died on the spot. tonight, our army launched a new massive strike with high-precision weapons on objects behind enemy lines, where terrorist attacks against russia were being prepared among the targets, including the port infrastructure, where naval drones are assembled and stored, and for the first time an arrival in ukrainian harbors
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on the danube, we are talking about izmail and ren local authorities confirmed powerful explosions. warehouses and hangars were also destroyed there, where western weapons could accumulate, because across the danube is nato territory, footage of night strikes and news from the front in the reporting of geese. huseynova a bright flash in the morning sky with strike drones, russian troops delivered accurate strikes on the port infrastructure in the odessa region of ukraine, in particular, the river ports, izmail and reini on the danube were the targets taken by eyewitnesses. destroyed an important transport hub that the ukrainian security forces used to the transfer of weapons and explosives for subsequent use against the civilian population of our country, another proof that the kiev regime is ready to use all means to achieve its goals was the detention of a foreign dry cargo ship, in whose prison traces of explosives were found, the ship was heading to rostov-on-don and
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was supposed to pass through the kerch strait. july of the current year. in the turkish port of tuzla , a complete change of the ship's crew, consisting of 12 citizens of ukraine, was carried out and the name of the dry cargo ship was also changed , signs of third-party interference were also revealed. in the structural part of the dry cargo ship. these circumstances may indicate the possibility of using a foreign civilian ship to deliver explosives to the territory of ukraine. a decision was made to prohibit the passage of a vessel under the navigable arch of the transport crossing through the kerch strait with its further departure outside the border territorial sea of ​​the russian federation a. this is already a zone of a special military operation. drones lancet, 3 strike at the positions of the aircraft operator with the help of a drone. the scout was noticed in the landing by a german leopard tank in a matter of minutes. nato, the beast was destroyed. and another combat unit was completely knocked out, in the same way only
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in the kuppa direction, this time the polish self-propelled gun crab. and this video, published by the ministry of defense, after a kamikaze drone hit the tank , the ammunition of the car literally detonated tore apart. here are more shots of how, on the battlefields, nato equipment is on fire, the nationalist successfully leaves their positions and is loaded into armor, but the exact hit of a projectile fired by russian artillerymen did not have time to escape, leaving them no chance with the active actions of our combat units. including with the use of strike aircraft, infantry and armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed in the area of ​​​​several settlements of the kharkov region at once. up to 95 ukrainian servicemen were destroyed , two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks, and also a french-made caesar self-propelled artillery mount. in addition, an ammunition depot of the 103rd territorial defense brigade was destroyed in the area of
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​​\u200b\u200bthe village of starch, kharkov region of the military district. they also conduct performances. in this direction, using the most modern combat vehicle t-90m , the tankers gave a breakthrough to the firing points and supporters of the kiev armed formations. in the krasnolimansky direction, having got as close as possible to the strengthening of the enemy , the attack aircraft of the group of troops destroyed the center opornik heights with the help of a reactive infantry flamethrower bumblebee, significant successes in the russian army over the past day have been achieved in other directions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspecial military operation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of the donetsk road republic, the communication center of the 24th mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine was hit. so the stepmother of the zaporozhye region was hit by a command post in the sixty-fifth mechanized brigade of the armament of ukraine and a fuel depot for military equipment of the 33rd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine by means of
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air defense intercepted a multiple rocket launcher. fire hamas enemy losses in all sectors of the front line, dozens of pieces of equipment, including western-style losses in the living or hundreds after today's attacks on strategic targets. independent, his opinion about the allegedly ended russian missiles has changed dramatically and the commander of the air forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat, we cannot forever fight enemy missiles, which will still be produced. even if the whole world will strangle the russian economy with sanctions, they will still produce these missiles. such a statement looks like an attempt to justify itself. why did the west never see the expected effect of the failed kiev counter-offensive of the geese
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huseynov muslim natalia mashtakova igor agafonov saboteurs drown their boats, only at the beginning of july, almost 1,000 killed militants, in addition, our artillery is actively working on the enemy’s position on the opposite bank of the river, valentina solovyova saw how the enemy is being destroyed by the russian city . your windshield is pierced. from what from oskol does it happen that we leave under fireworks
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and are met thanks to the skill of the crew? deal with it quickly. it's so easy to talk about it with a smile on goals, even through me. the commander of the combat vehicle with the call sign archer,
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the crimean volunteer himself, the defense is strong, everyone performs their tasks conscientiously selfless. i think that the crimea is safe, the enemy will not pass in crimea, we already need a daughter, we will not let the enemy in, we are moving in the position of lawyers, we have to move through the forest. opa on foot air reconnaissance, sells groupings at the bottom the new coordinates of the target will be worked out on it by a different calculation, a caliber of 152 mm, fragmentation of fragments up to 200 m - this howitzer would now be in shelter at the position of our gunners of the group, the dnieper, from the first day of the svu, it has been located here and enemy shells have never hit it, only fragments of the fighters choose long-range high-explosive fragmentation shells weighing 43 kg. an arrow shot is now working on a target on
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the right bank of the dnieper, the target of this enemy artillery gun. more blows are coming. restore back with 4 hits this the crew strikes the western howitzer m-77, it was masked on the corner of the house by several such units. we are constantly working, that is , our intelligence is constantly opening up, as if conveying goals to us and inflicting defeat. now let's burn the weak supplies of the nationalists. it’s like a child always drank to us here such bandera people taught history well at school, if not us, who is here, i went so that my son would not go to war, he is 2 years 10 months old. i'm here for him too. here, too , each volunteer fighter with the call sign shumikha from donbass, as well as the gun commander from call sign brownie in civilian life. builder seasoned war since the age of 14. in one of the battles in
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the brownie she received a cheekbone wound from hospitalization, she refused to be a little lame so far. well, the main thing, - he says - is next to the calculation. at that moment, i just had the whole calculation plus. well. i'll somehow be it they will run here further, damn it, let's go back. oh, the men were shocked. i 'll annoy you here valentina solovyova pavel volkonsky dmitry matyushin channel one kherson direction more examples of courage and bravery junior sergeant sergey ershov grenade launcher assault ershov's group with accurate shots knocked the enemy out of position, and he himself, having received a shell shock, also bandaged and evacuated the wounded lieutenant. kurban umarov , in command of motorized rifle companies, repelled four waves of the enemy's offensive, destroying equipment and personnel. our troops
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advanced forward. major dmitry baryshnikov communications promptly repaired the damaged equipment under fire and the broken wires of the military control were restored, the attack was repelled. our heroes are holding back the counteroffensive, which the west has powerfully invested in political and return finance. the american tv channel spoke unpleasantly a little later about what its reporters saw in the ukrainian positions. in the meantime, other topics. the development of russian african relations is devoted to an article by vladimir putin published on the kremlin website on the eve of the russia -africa summit. it is just this week in st. petersburg that special attention is paid to the supply of food and fertilizers. our country will continue to help the continent, despite the fact that it suspended participation in the grain deal that western countries used
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for almost a year, ukraine exported a total of 32.8 million tons of goods exclusively for its enrichment, as part of the deal, of which more than 70% of the goods came from high- and upper-middle-income countries, including the european union, while countries such as ethiopia, sudan and somalia, as well as yemen’s afghanistan, accounted for less than three percent of the total volume of less than 1 million. at the same time, none of the terms of the transaction. concerning the withdrawal from sanctions of russian exports, grain and fertilizers to world markets, completed moreover, there were still a few obstacles even to the donation of mineral fertilizers by us. of the 262,000 tons blocked in european ports, the lurking poorest countries managed to ship only two batches of 20,000 tons in molavia and 34,000 tons in venice. the rest remains in the unscrupulous hands of the europeans. and this, despite the fact that we are talking about a purely humanitarian action, to which no sanctions should apply, in principle, taking into account all these factors, the continuation of the grain that did not justify its humanitarian purpose
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the transaction lost its meaning, we objected to the further extension of the transaction from july 18, and the implementation was completed, i want to assure that our country is able to replace ukrainian grain, both on a commercial and gratuitous basis, especially since we again expect a record harvest this year. the leaders of the two countries discussed the strengthening of strategic partnership and allied relations between russia and uzbekistan today by telephone. vladimir putin warmly congratulated shavkats on his birthday, and in a telegram noted his high authority in full, confirmed by the presidential elections 2 weeks ago mirziyoyev. he won them with 87% of the votes. today, mikhail mishustin began a working trip to the regions of the far east and siberia, the first point of the capital of the primorsky territory, then there will be ulan-ude gorno-altaisk and norilsk in vladivostok, a big conversation about the development of small towns and historical settlements at the opening of the forum the prime minister said that already this year in half of the russian regions the resettlement of housing,
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recognized as emergency before 2017, will end. well, it is planned to completely close this issue in the next 2 years to improve housing conditions are actively used programs preferential mortgages in the far east for example, the rate is reduced to 2% from vladivostok report by gennady kart. mikhail our ustin in the status of prime minister for the first time in primorsky krai, he immediately went to the far eastern federal university at the beginning of the meeting with students. they showed their developments. among them is a digital sonar modem. it can give a signal in the deep sea, without wires. it can be used to solve the transfer information management commands and navigational tasks. you can use to replace imported analogies. sample due to the fact that it passed all the necessary tests. it is ready for mass production, young professionals also showed the prime minister. projects from the human gait data collection system, which will help people to undergo rehabilitation faster, and artificial intelligence unmanned boat mentioned. and what are you going with the help
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of the main task is the recognition of objects, because the sea is quite large movement activity. but what's your name? aleksey lyosh look, there are a lot of guys in our universities creating what you understand next to them, and by the way, this has always been the case. i'm just now, when the cameras won't be a few words, what the fuck? so i just know what exactly the same tasks are called. they can be, uh, applicable, so to speak, absolutely absolutely and for marine bestologists for others, yes, after meeting with students, mikhail mishustin, as promised , spoke, you are this chp with a young developer. what exactly is left secret. there far eastern federal university. this is a world-class campus, where more than twenty-six thousand students and staff soon study and live. it will expand to build new ones. educational buildings and hostels were allocated for 14 billion rubles. and judging by the interest of applicants for the current admissions campaign, all this will be in demand this year. we have already
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begun to beat last year's record, 66 from 2,000 applications from 14,000 students. that is , the eastern federal university is really such a center in the far east where guys from all over the country are drawn. and, of course, the countries are connected regions. we have a lot of guys, a modern campus, like many other facilities, appeared in vladivostok. that father of 2012 in primorye is now deployed a large construction site, many investment projects in the field of shipbuilding and logistics mikhail mishustin was told about the construction of the seaport of sukhodol with its advent, exports will expand. it's strange for the asia-pacific region, but you need a workforce that you can still use the digital platform to attract people. where advertise? oddly enough, this works very hard in the port. sukhodol offered the following conditions. all who are outside. uh, lives outside primorsky krai. so we pay for 3 years of accommodation, we provide them with delivery by buses, plus food. we
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will definitely look after we do this and this information will be on the government website. how many guys will come to you, the head of government got acquainted and showed them with projects for improving the urban environment. at the forum exhibition the development of small of cities and historical settlements, here the settlements present a new image of their public spaces, and out of 500 applications received this year, 195 of the best were selected. how you can make life in small towns more comfortable this exhibition presents concrete solutions. in general, those that have long been implementing in megacities these projects for landscaping , lighting, streets for separate waste collection , simulators, outdoors, playgrounds, special attention to modern technologies. there are smart stops with telecommunications equipment or a system for suppressing traffic and construction noise, even such an unmanned electric robot janitor is presented . forum participants are residents of small towns and historical settlements. which spaces to improve they could choose themselves by casting their votes on online platforms 14 million people
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voted this year. this is feedback about it. the president speaks. well, it seems to me that this is very important and, uh, that the decision was made with the support of the president. phone now it's 20 billion rub. in the year of the brand, vzyanovich. you, i know , were very actively involved in the process of voting and feedback from people was honest young guys architects who present their projects. it's just our gold. here they come up with. uh, some elements. well, always the most expensive ones. uh, it means better here is an example lighthouse in magadan yes, and around it is a whole, but it's great, 11 winners of the competition among the far eastern cities. magadan landscaping of the mayak park , a single walking route was created there along waterfront recreation area has become a point of attraction, the head of government visited this place, i see the legal part. yes, there were a lot of old abandoned objects. it is not clear
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that the old fuel oil boiler house was demolished, which the ecology clearly improved. it is so beautiful there that, in principle, there is nothing special. no matter how, hmm, it was not necessary to do something from the point of view of putting the territory in order. special attention at the exhibition to the stands of new russian regions in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson region, the prime minister was presented with a plan for the restoration of amenities, which makes me very happy. i just know, but i can't tell you completely, that a very large number of projects in new regions have won our competition, which is absolutely honest, taking into account the opinion of people that people are voting back. well, of course, that's how it should work. i want, and wish good luck success, that there be a peaceful sky, and that all projects that are planned be implemented on time comfortably or for people the main topic of the forum small cities are the backbone of a large country during the plenary session. mikhail mishustin noted today it is necessary to develop infrastructure in settlements so that
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school polyclinics and kindergartens are within walking distance. the prime minister also announced the elimination of emergency housing in the country in the next 2 years. i am an extension to the middle, 202. 4 program of preferential and family mortgages for each e-mortgage programs, you can now apply for a loan for their purchase or construction due to 6 months of this year , such loans have already been issued for almost 120,000 450 billion rubles i am building up new square meters, of course, it is important to actively reduce them throughout the country. for those that have become uninhabitable, the goal is that over the next two years there will be no more housing in the country, which was considered emergency before january 1, 2017. 40 russian subjects will complete this stage of the program already this year, but 14 more have achieved this result
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ahead of schedule. well, now they are solving the issue with houses that were declared unsuitable after january 1, 2000 already in 2017, necessary continue to do everything to ensure that life in small towns and settlements corresponds to the modern level at the end of the working day in vladivostok, mikhail shustin held a bilateral meeting with the head of primorye, oleg kozhemyaka. why is it important that it is comprehensive, so developed and attract investors must be used to the maximum. tools that if the state is handing over the president their whole set of infrastructure budget loans and loans, which ones do you use and most importantly for the video we would like to thank the government of the russian federation is the ministry of construction for e, the development tools that give us the opportunity in housing development - this is the main e. uh, locomotive is not only saving, but also attracting people. uh bring to the utility engineering infrastructure. uh, to resolve issues related to, uh, social sphere.
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here, that is, we have, uh, seventy uh, three projects for the integrated uh, development of the ee territory in september. e, on the instructions of the president, respectively, you are going to the next term of the electoral governor, but i want to say, that you are a professional headed by serious regions. and of course. uh, do everything to make the sea more beautiful, absolutely sure that people in this sense, uh, will support your endeavors, and i want too. i wish you good luck, success in your team . the head of government also met with the acting governor of the omsk region vitaly khatsenko, which is a development priority today. well, how are things? in general, the state of affairs with the socio-economic development of the amur region, thank god , the defense of the industrial complex is rushing in our country. we three times increased revenue at enterprises wages for 2 years. we had 35,000 people, there were 20 now 35 in another 2 years by 15,000. average salaries came to 80-90.000
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rubles. this has never happened in the omsk region and defense the industrial complex of the population supports our three pillars, industry, the police economy. today, even the logistics transvestite is loaded with a car loaded by the president, you have been appointed, as i said, acting. in general , the region that you know well, but er, and before that they showed themselves perfectly in donetsk people's republic worked and selfless courageously and efficiently. i would like to wish you with all my heart good luck in the elections effective governance of the regions is one of the real factors in improving the lives of people. and these are the strategic priorities that prime minister yan savitsky emphasized more than once at the forum today . they, together with ours, conducted exercises with artillery firing and the use of aviation maneuvers
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the day before ended in the sea of ​​japan, having completed all the assigned tasks of the crew for some time to rest. after that , they will continue joint patrolling. this is part of the russian-chinese efforts to maintain stability and peace in the asia-pacific region. the situation in it became the topic of the meeting thousands of kilometers away the south african republic , secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev, held talks with the baths and who will fall into the bureau of the communist party of china responsible for foreign affairs of south africa in a month will be held the brix summit is an association in which, along with the host of russia, the prc participates in brazil and india, and nikolay patrushev’s statement is required to end the american monopoly on internet control one of its manifestations of a computer attack on russia that the states organize with the participation of ukrainian hackers from the nato center are
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working we will return to the relations of the west with the kiev regime in the second part of the program . greece turkey swim. in nizhny novgorod, which almost became fatal, and only we have the details of a daring expedition to the second mountain peak in the world. do not switch after a couple of minutes. mission amethyst , see after the program time one of my friends, well, very popular in russia run i, as always, came to the rescue, sit here for a long time. yes, infinitely. here's
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you watch the program time and we continue. spain today sent ukraine a new batch of military aid, including four leopard tanks in addition to the six that were loaded earlier and whose fate is unknown as part of the total loss of western equipment. during the so-called circuit offensive announced by the kiev regime in america, his pictures from the spot appeared unsightly, at least on cnn
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air georgiy lesashvili watched the cnn report from the front line painted in gloomy colors at the command post of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade of the apu, even during an organized prestur they do not hide the despondency very much. there are many russians. yes yes. here, in general, they have more weapons, shells and people. it was the heavily liberal american media that announced the ukrainian counter-offensive long before it began with slander and completely different expectations. so, in the words of the reporter, there is even a reproach and the soldiers and the generals all here admit that in more than a month since the ukrainian counter-offensive progress is much less than they would like, they object that the russians had months to gain a foothold in the position, but ukraine was also preparing soldiers like, for example, this group was trained in the west for several weeks and received western weapons, however , little is said in the plot about the effectiveness of the weapons received, but to understand the situation it is quite enough due to failures. at the beginning
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ukrainians changed tactics after newly delivered new equipment was damaged or destroyed, they have to move more on foot. and you won’t get that far, minefields, russian artillery, and drones hold back the onslaught. vsu, the british guardian points out mistakes in the training of the ukrainian military in the west , western armies have an iron rule - train as if you are fighting the ukrainian military clearly. they made it clear that they could not do this at the western training grounds, they could not control their drones and for bureaucratic restrictions, and also could not use their own software for firing, since it is not certified by nato , despite this, the allies hurried the ukrainians as best they could. the walt journal insists that the west knew they were ready for large-scale attacks, but it seems that they hoped that everything would work out somehow when ukraine launched a large-scale counteroffensive in the spring. western military officials knew that the apu did not have enough
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training and weapons from shells to exterminate. well, there was hope that the courage and resourcefulness of the ukrainians would prevail; this did not happen instead of resourcefulness, low motivation against the backdrop of military failures, as the new york times writes, there were problems with recruits during the months of hostilities. they led to the depletion of the ranks, in some formations there were problems with replenishing their ranks with fighters capable of conducting successful trench attacks. is it possible to expect that a forty-year-old man will be a good infantryman or machine gunner asks ukrainian commander. a year later, he lost dozens of fighters. youth is not only physical strength, young soldiers are less likely to challenge the order of the few who want to go on fire through minefields, despite the new arms deliveries announced last week to the washington war party demand to increase spending on ukraine, we have already spent 40 billion dollars to support ukraine in this war. this is how much we spent during the 3 months of the war in iraq and afghanistan 15 years ago, we
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spent 300 million a day on these warriors, but now we have a much more important war. this is the most important geopolitical event in our lives. what is the sacred importance of ukraine for the american taxpayer, general anderson did not explain, yes, and then dollars can be printed at the click of a button, but with weapons it will not work, for example , 2,100 jewel anti-tank missile systems are produced per year. despite the fact that during the period of the most intense battles , up to 500 of them per day were spent by the largest american military corporations, raid and locket martin announced their readiness. double the production of complexes, but not earlier than 2025, and in the states and in europe the arsenals are rapidly emptying, so some countries began to support ukraine what is called the residual principle, belgium luxembourg and the netherlands agreed to supply ukraine with m113 armored personnel carriers from their defense reserves in the near future ukraine will receive a number of armored personnel carriers
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equipped with caliber machine guns. 62 mm or 12.7 mm m113 - this is a powerful armored personnel carrier that is used for the transport of soldiers in combat conditions, in an official statement, they decided not to specify that the production of the m113 armored personnel carrier began 63 years ago, and these peers of the caribbean crisis underwent the last deep modernization in the late eighties and obviously. you don’t need to be a military expert to predict the fate of these vehicles on the fields of the ukrainian counteroffensive georgiy sashvili pavel nesterov commented on the ukrainian attack during which the military commander rostislav zhuravlev was killed and three journalists were injured this evening, the office of the un secretary general is organizing against any attacks on the press, including this case, they said that in the saturday apartment in the zaporozhye region , according to our ministry of defense, cluster munitions were inflicted, which
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the americans conveyed to kiev concern in connection with the use of these weapons. he spoke separately. russia takes a much tougher position , the guilty should be held accountable for the entire measure, which will be shared and suppliers of cluster munitions, our foreign ministry in russia said earlier a unified register of minors who suffered from the actions of the ukrainian authorities, new facts of the crime of the kiev regime , were announced today at a meeting of the parliamentary commission, starting from 2014, only in the dpr, 228 children died, almost 800 were injured, many of them will save the deaths of our military and volunteers, risking their lives, bringing them out. from under the shelling, all the collected data will be transferred to international organizations. of course, new facts emerge at each meeting of the commission, and in this regard we are interested collect complete, objective, truthful, honest information, bring it to the attention of international
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organizations and unconditionally give it. uh, the international legal assessment of each fact needs to establish the status of these children in order to be able to increase the measure of support, but the first thing to be done was noted today. it is all colleagues who need to build a systematic rehabilitation program . these children need special attention. today we organized the removal of children for help and treatment by specialists in russia , hundreds of children have already received this assistance, but so far it works in manual mode. biden's son docked business partners with his father at least ten times. information came from a committee of the us congress . according to some reports, it was about a telephone conversation between joe biden, then vice president, and hunter biden's partners in the ukrainian energy company burisma. talk about corruption in the first us family gets stronger the closer the presidential election. they are already following the fall on one facet of the issue drew
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attention. our foreign intelligence service due to the fact that the united states has imposed sanctions against head of the serbian intelligence service alexandra how does he find bribes and cocaine in washington and someone in belgrade falls under the prohibition of restrictions this attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent country, which obviously refuses to follow the general western course, was noted in the russian foreign intelligence service terrible footage comes today from the greek islands after rhodes, corfu and eub were blazing. there are now thousands of tourists and firefighters cannot quickly evacuate them until they can cope with the fire, and it destroys everything in its path and the fox and the hotel on the street record-breaking heat and hot wind dispersing the flames, the same weather is now and in neighboring turkey, forests also speak there. but the situation is under control largely thanks to the russian rescuers, at the request of ankara , our unique 2,200 aircraft and our unique pilots came to the rescue more than once, having proven
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their professionalism more than once. grigory yemelyanov will confirm today's footage with him. night footage clearly conveys the scale of the natural disaster, the cause of the fires was abnormal heat, greece reset its temperature record of 46.5 °. and here is the result this is how the island of corfu looks like from the mainland , a tourist paradise in flames and smoke in corfu , 2,500 people had to be evacuated. they were placed wherever possible in the passenger terminal of the port in the building of the city hall in the theater , they threw the cry to the local residents. who can provide blood foreign tourists are flocking to the airport of rhodes island like a step closer to safety. it ’s just that when i stay here, people suddenly realize that they won’t be able to return home as soon as possible. and at least the semblance of comfort one can only dream. we've been here on the floor at the airport for 2 day. there are no blankets, no milk for little children. nothing we get no information about everything must be taken care of. we ourselves fly home on the relay. and i had to organize it myself. nobody
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does it. i do not understand anything. the news is reporting special flights arriving here. this is complete nonsense there are no special flights. we contacted the embassy. we were told that there would be no special flights. in rhodes itself, fires rage for almost a week without control, spreading from the central part. about 20,000 people have already evacuated the islands to the coast. in total , according to the calculations of the authorities, about 30,000 will have to be withdrawn. in the government. they say it was the largest evacuation in the history of the country and the country seemed to be not ready for it. we arrived at the hotel, on saturday at 1:00 am we received an sms warning about the evacuation. but , when we turned to the hotel staff , we were told not to worry that they would take us out if the situation became serious, we went to bed, and in the morning everyone suddenly kicked out of the hotel. the evacuation was complete chaos, the greeks in cash cars taking us to the collection points said that the buses could not run because of the fires. people on the beach began to panic and push for seats in
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the boats, and british tourists complain. london , he even had to send. the people had their own rapid deployment team to assist in the evacuation it was really bad at the airport it was just a massacre we were placed in the evacuation center of the people and we had no idea what was going on just the massacre was terrible at that, if we admit specifically our situation, it was not yet the worst thing for russian tourists. good luck getting warm. now , in general, it is far away, not a mass direction, for obvious reasons , there are few of our compatriots in the country. and those who have a rest in hotels not affected by the disaster, according to tour operators. everything is regular, bad for many local residents. if anything, and there is nowhere to run from the islands, we are forbidden to return to the village. there has been no water or electricity for 3 days now. how is it possible to have fire everywhere, no water to extinguish, no connection to
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to find out what is happening we live in a nightmare, the best sun, breaking through the smoke, illuminates the apocalyptic picture of the forests, scorched to the state of the desert, dead animals, damaged houses in the smoke-filled sky, you can barely see the twin-engine plane taking in water, setting as low as possible, barely, without catching, the tops of the trees, dropping a little, literally a drop in the sea. there is so little fire that the former minister of defense of greece is urging russians to bow to russia without taking it, nothing happens. let's let's face it and ask for help right now, they will give it to us about our famous be-200 design bureau, take its aircraft capable of collecting and dropping up to 12 tons of water on the fire in one pass. it is, of course, good that the greeks remembered with a vengeance that they could call for help from russia . but the commandant, who sold the minister of defense from many in the west, they never become the former, common sense turns on. and what about the current let's say we even forgot how the greek government last year cheerfully reported the transfer to ukraine of an incredible quantities are their own words of armament to fight with us. and what about
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the eu sanctions for which greece consistently votes package after package. do i need to remind you what happened because of these sanctions with russian property abroad, and our 200 yes really show themselves perfectly. literally right now , the country is also needed to put out fires in turkey, but without all this in the form of a dozen packages of sanctions and frozen assets. and if so, why would n’t grigory emelyanov help in difficult times alexey simonov christina not again channel one ended with a triumph for russian high school students in the international chemistry olympiad in switzerland none of the four participants of our team was left without an award on their account three golds and one silver in total in a scientific competition that took place in zurich and was attended by more than 300 schoolchildren from 89 countries, i will add 2 weeks ago. our schoolchildren showed the same excellent result at the olympiad in biology of the united arab emirates and later took five gold medals at a similar tournament in physics in japan
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the unique oncology center based on the loginov capital clinic will receive the first patients in august. today, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, leaders of parliamentary factions and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin visited the new complex with all types of medical care and the most modern equipment that allows you to cope with the tumor as quickly as possible, moreover, as assistants to doctors. now artificial intelligence about the new possibilities of medicine yulia onishchenko we know exactly the spread of the tumor, we know where it starts, where ends with surgeons operating in 3d glasses with the effect of the full presence of the picture on the screen. they see the same clear and voluminous, as in life you can look even into the most remote corner of the body. these are the so-called smart operating rooms here that save patients even with aggressive and advanced forms of cancer, the operating room is fully equipped with the ability to control all the functions that
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an anesthesiologist surgeon needs from various areas with the ability, which is very important, to have such a quick short connection to the internet and with the possibility of communication during the operation, both by obtaining a consultation, for example, and by holding master classes , the new eight-story building of the loginov center was built from scratch. in 2.5 years , diagnostics, medical examination, therapy and rehabilitation. now it's all in one place about effective care standards. and sergey sobyanin spoke about oncological diseases in moscow today as a deputy, we completely changed the routing, created five centers that deal with oncological diseases from diagnosis, ah, chemotherapy surgery and follow- up, that is, a person getting here in the zone of influence. this oncology center has been constantly in this system for life, today 90% of oncological
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diseases are already being treated with modern ones, and 100% with drugs. we have upgraded the oncological infrastructure. repair construction reconstruction equipping with new equipment special attention to clinical examination early detection of cancer in the capital reached 65%, and this is the highest rate in the country in a systematic approach, which is now selected, it implies accompanying the patient throughout. in time , the diagnosis of uh is sewn in, including uh, attraction and uh, making a diagnosis. therefore , these approaches, they uh, have shown their effectiveness. e along with the fact that conditions are being created for doctors and e opportunities for work, the standard that moscow has taken for itself, as part of providing care to cancer patients e, is much more efficient and well distributed
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to other regions in the new building , the morphological laboratory is already working, the largest in europe, by the way, success in the treatment of cancer in many ways depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis at the cellular level. now , artificial intelligence helps to quickly recognize the disease on how these studies are carried out, how on emery targeted immune therapy, how accurately the survival rate depends in the hands of specialists , not a single tool is a set of chemotherapy drugs. you are using proton technology radiation therapy, which will now be carried out in the center of loginovo, the equipment allows you to destroy the tumor as accurately as possible without damaging healthy tissues. yulia onishchenko anastasia sweetheart sergey nashchekin. first channel. the rowing season has begun in russia, a long-awaited time for lovers of quiet hunting and tense for searchers only in the moscow region over the past week rescuers knocked out of the forest, 73 lost mushroom pickers, but it happens that even a specialist cannot do
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without the help of volunteers a. for those for whom searching for people in trouble is not a profession , a vocation over the next couple of months. this is already the twentieth or twenty-fifth search, who found painting in the regional offices of their national center in the country, while 46 accepts all appeals looking for both adults and children annually in russia about 180,000 people are lost. teenagers run away, elderly people can't find their way home. and, of course, mushroom pickers can even get lost. familiar forest next to the native village. they arrived in a large company. there were five or six people who went out and saw the car from time to time also a fungus. led her for the fungus in the forest and here in vast territories, when the help of a large number of people is needed , volunteers are needed. we work around the clock.
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we don't have days off even now we have an application train. i mean, i had to accept it. for several years, alexandru participated in the search for dozens of people, and today, at large-scale exercises in kazan, she , along with other volunteers, is performing a test task in the forest, looking for a lost woman and two men for a jacket, about 160 cm. the second deception is a green windbreaker. dark pants. the boys are lining up in a line and comb the forest centimeter by centimeter. sometimes you have to find fault with the most, but in general, they go under any conditions. the main thing is to find a person. endurance is needed first of all, because it is very difficult to walk through the forest, not only over long distances. sometimes it is volunteers who are forced to carry people out of the taiga on their hands , for example, this mushroom picker was dragged on a stretcher for 12 km along streams and an impenetrable forest, a man
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was so exhausted that he could no longer walk. and this woman spent three days in the forest in waiting for help. at the end of june, under the amur, volunteers rescuers' relatives searched for putin's roofing felt for more than a day the boy was lost in the taiga, he was noticed from a helicopter to the place they got on heavy equipment the child said that he had spent the night in the rain, hiding in deadwood, where a dog miraculously found a bear den not far from the volunteer, but the animals, apparently, felt the dog did not begin to approach. well done. you are a big hero. and who found you? uncle seryoga uncle serezha and rescuers volunteers say that the roofing felt was saved by a red jacket, a bright spot was noticed from helicopter experts do not get tired of repeating camouflage clothing, not for the forest a person becomes invisible and it is much more difficult to find him when going into the forest. it is necessary to remember elementary rules to neglect, which are mortally dangerous. the worst thing that can happen is hypothermia, respectively, warm clothes , a raincoat, a and a means for ignition. fire clothes should be bright. uh, a supply of food, a supply
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of drink, sometimes missing persons reports come directly to the national center, but even in such cases, volunteers are required transmit data to the ministry of emergency situations and the police then act together. they must be trained in the medical field to look to provide first aid. this is mountain training. this is preparation for survival. this training is locally oriented. stageography. this is all you need to know more than two thousand volunteers in the national center. the teams have already been trained and continue to study their training tasks and perform the main thing within an hour. you have found now we will help you, everything will be fine. and where? injured something with the leg and the important mission of the search squad is to provide first aid in time and also transport a person to the place neatly , krasivnikova continues to oversee a real search operation. in their native perm territory , two grandmothers disappeared in the forest. and finally, the good news. everything, grandmothers were found. we always have this joy, and moreover, such
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joy that we almost jump, almost cry ourselves, especially when children have these emotions, nothing can replace them. and for the sake of this they are ready to work for days in order to once again hear on the walkie-talkie svetlana was found alive kostina oleg matyushina natalya sidorova anatolyevich channel one. in nizhny novgorod , the most massive russian sports swim in open water along the volga almost ended in disaster, a man, along with a passenger passenger, swept on a jet ski close to swimmers. at the distance, he did not react to attempts to stop him, if only by a happy accident. there were no victims of serious consequences and the quality disappeared, but there is information that he was nevertheless detained at his place of residence in neighboring dzerzhinsk important news today
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they come from the slopes of chongari or k2 as the second highest mountain peak of the planet is also called, only everest is higher, but chingari, it’s much steeper to climb it, far from everyone can do it, and this is what the film crew, led by valdis pelsh , is now preparing to do . s and unpredictable weather to storm this peak was considered suicide for a long time. even now, when hundreds of climbers climb mount everest on k2 every year, only dozens of only the best of the best and now the challenge has been accepted by the russian expedition, which just joined the team of valdis pelsh, and with it you, the viewers of channel one right now, a unique opportunity to see how this dangerous adventure begins valdis pelsh himself will tell us everything excellent. news all members of the expedition successfully passed acclimatization and tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow according to the weather, and very, very much depends on it here. to assault.
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the most difficult mountain on our planet, by the way, will go with them, our mascot, the flag of the first channel, which has already visited the four poles of the earth and the top of everest. we really believe in our guys and hope that all of them in full force will climb and safely descend completely k2 and become the heroes of the new documentary film, the first to be seen by the audience of the first channel. you will go between the rocks, as if you are not again in the evening you will go, the team has already divided into three groups, which will soon begin to move to the top at short intervals. this is due to two reasons. the first movement speed. everyone is different. secondly, there is not enough space in the upper camps for everyone. the weather changes, the weather is different, but i must say that even the ideal weather on k2 has its drawbacks in the sun, the stones are melted out of the ice and fly down the slope, representing a danger
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. but we ask the guys not to hurry, because the descent is no less dangerous event. it is very important for us that everyone returns alive and healthy, we are constantly in touch. we have enough radios. we know all the news, all the nuances about our high-altitude operators will accompany climbers throughout the route. so nothing escapes our cameras. baldis, base camp k2 pakistan first channel. and that's all. we are following the development of events, well, right now on the air of the first mission amethyst is a spy multi-move. continuation


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