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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  March 7, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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ask you to compare with your mother to the end, the surprise is better, i think she’s all yours, no, well, she’s good, i liked her, and the girl is cute, good, there’s a mendelssohn boy, you see what’s in the compatibility, it seems to me, based on this surprise , of course , there is, considering that a snowfall of petals has begun in the apartment, this means that alexey has been blown away by you, alina. meet the third one, come on in, it blew the roof off, it blew it away, we all shuddered when you picked it up, not a fluff, alina, i’m sasha, a jeweler, i made you this exclusive bracelet from a simple fork, and from your life i will make... just a real jewelry masterpiece
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with my golden hands, thank you, let me put it on, damn i’m listening, very beautiful, thank you, alexander 27 years old, owner of a jewelry workshop, candidate master of sports in powerlifting, lives in tula, dreams of expanding his business, admits that he loves to be in the company of women, and is proud of the fact that he has exclusively positive reviews from his exes. alexander can’t...
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jewelry in the future, really, yes, you are the first, diamonds are girls’ best friends, for some yes, some may not, well, don’t refuse gifts, these diamonds are not needed, right now , yeah, girls need diamonds, rings, rings, a jeweler - this does not mean that he will directly give her these diamonds, yes, she will just come into the workshop and say, this is for me, this is this, come on, congratulations to us on march 8th, oh, and mom too, thank you, now we’ll see what kind of relationship they have with their mother, whether they’re also a mama’s boy or not, how good, and these two hefty boxes, and of course, since i’m from the city of tula, and we are famous for gingerbread, gingerbread cookies, of course, are a huge example for you, how cute, oh my god. my god, how
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good he is, i didn’t take the book of reviews with me to read, well, at least a couple of paragraphs like that, no, how wonderful alexander is, what a favorite he is, who reviewed these books, who left these reviews, the point is the fact that we communicate with my exes, if we suddenly meet, we have very good relations with everyone, i have never done nasty things to anyone, they never did anything in return. how much, really, such a kid has enough, well, what can i say, he can shoe a blah or something, as it was in this fairy tale, well, it’s already a decoration, she will no longer take you away from this program empty-handed, this is the girl who considered you an abuser and also went into... life, i think, yes,
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ring, well, you’re glad that she left, you know , she’s probably glad, because again, her and i didn’t have the same personalities, why, let’s be more specific, but the fact is that i’m a rather pedantic person, yeah, with with my own foundations - some kind of home ones, i was infuriated by a lot of points, all sorts of moments, and you are the most, wider, so to speak, yes, let's. number one , i didn’t like that she didn’t put the cutting board forward with the pattern, but backwards, since i constantly, well, lived my whole life, i already had a picture of the house, and she changed it, it infuriated me, but it was not the only thing she did to spite you, but after she got out of the bath, the whole bath, the whole floor was in water,
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and the grooms and i need a little time to prepare, well done, today the grooms are
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all gallant, everyone, look, so polite, courteous, very interesting, they beat for your heart, well, there's serious competition going on. listen , well, now you have to somehow participate in the competition, do something, yes, turn on your brains, something there, quickly, and maybe you’ll have to turn on the speed, here comes march 8th, nourished by all the women of planet earth , queens, from time immemorial all men mined on this day.
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strong, they survived, bravo, bravo, the suitors crushed each other, and then march 9 came, and everything returned to normal. yes, cool, cool, turn it around, bravo, bravo, it was an amazing surprise, there’s so much in it
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humor, there is so much truth in this, and alina, i think that you can choose a groom right there from the available hands, just come right up and take it! come take yours, take him by the hand and lead him forward, your king, your king, this is our couple, vladislav and alina, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa guzeeva, i wish that... a person would definitely tell you: let's get married, advice and love, happy holidays, unexpectedly, after my mother got sick, all her
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i took on the responsibilities, all that my wife did, that is, cooking, cleaning, washing, it was such a small surprise for us, now the brothers listen to you, well... yes, in principle they obey, they help me very well , it all started with this cardboard, i’m giving away food for your smile, helping for free, she rented a room for you, with her own money, yes, when i got sick, my husband left me, and how you pulled yourself out, with prayer, with the support of the children, because you are ours gold, mom, i have 10 children, five boys five girls, how much does it take for mom to clean?
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good afternoon, who came up with this idea that a woman is the weaker sex, women, a woman, of course, but what about the program’s screensaver? for many years, women's has been proving the opposite, in this sense and not only in this sense, i was joking, but in fact today with real stories we will prove that a woman can be the weaker sex, but only when she has painted her nails, and in all other cases no, ok, come on, prove it to me, today in our studio the male part of the moshkovsky family a. alexandra and his sons. hello. hello. hello. who did you
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come to tell us about? we came here with a story about our nine-year-old daughter christina, who literally saved our family. well, our story actually began 10 years ago, when my wife, lyubov, was pregnant with christina. and, almost late in her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. there was a situation. critical and, accordingly, our doctors, chelyabinsk neurosurgeons, decided to operate on the wife, well, with the fetus, well with turns out to be a daughter, then we had a caesarean section , we got christina, after that the couple did radiation, a special procedure that is carried out after such an operation and we lived, well, quite happily, the next... 9 years at some certain point the disease returned again and
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a year and a half ago she had a second operation - because - the doctors needed , well, as i understand it, to remove as much as possible , and after this operation the wife became completely paralyzed on the right side and the cancer returned where again the brain again the brain, that is, this was already the second treponation and... at that moment we began to organize joint family meetings, at which we tried to distribute responsibilities, who would do what, it all worked out very poorly for us, because most likely, i suspect that we were all in some kind of depression, at that moment christina really saved us, she said, dad, you speak, you speak everything, you lead the meeting, speak emotionally, even somewhere you can screaming, that’s not how it is, he says, it’s necessary , i say, but what about... come on, he says, well, i could say, but no one will listen to me, but the boys won’t listen, i say, let me
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make sure that they listen, so we sat down, and she actually held a meeting, distributed the responsibilities among everyone, even including mine, she took over completely everything that my wife did, that is , cooking, cleaning, washing, and so on and so forth , and we gradually began to move in this direction, and what kind of story was there, what was it she almost opened her own business at this age, so... it turns out that the new year before last, she and i were preparing a festive table, the boys were cleaning there, heating the stove, and accordingly, since she was already fulfilling these duties, including baking bread, i kind of tell her, kristin, let ’s bake more loaves of bread for four or five loaves of bread, she’s like dad, why? i say: listen, new year, let's give it to those who are in the village, you think, helped us the most, provided attention, support and so on and so forth, she says, well, come on, it’s not difficult for me, we baked and... accordingly, there quickly, quickly, just before the new year, i delivered, made such gifts from christina, well, we kind of
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continue to go about our business, we don’t suspect anything, the doorbell rings, in short, the first recipient of his bread is standing with such a huge bag of gifts, he says this to christina, and it turned out like in that old soviet cartoon of ours, when you remember the hare was handing out apples, but it turned out just right here is a copy of this one stories, everyone gave it to whom, everyone returned with bags, there were such gorgeous gifts. i wanted to sell bread in order to earn money for my family,
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my mother suggested this recipe to me, this is completely ordinary village bread, there is no cinnamon, no bay leaves, just ordinary village bread, although i made a little money from this, but still at least some penny, i exchanged the first bun for cottage cheese , i already exchanged the second bun for cheese, after my mother got sick, i took on all her responsibilities... myself, we have a big family, so there is always enough to do around the house, such as vacuuming, washing dishes, washing floors, wiping. dust, make beds and put away laundry. i have a circus every day. i have two older brothers, a dad, a mom, a lot of things. most often
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, they don’t buy bread from me, but exchange it for food, for cottage cheese, for milk. they're calling me. they order, hello , on time as always, they just arrived, thank you very much , please keep me healthy, the neighbor handed me milk just from under the cow, it’s still warm, let’s go eat, i’m setting the table, thank you, the bread is awesome. christina, go to us, please, hello, kristina, you are somehow very grown up, well, everyone tells me that, but do you really feel like an adult? no, why? well, well, like a teenager, or just like a child who has figured out something?
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so. listen, where did you get so much courage to tell dad that you know that you don’t shout at meetings, let me show you how it should be done, and you ruined yourself, because every time we had meetings, he sometimes shouted, and it was just unpleasant in my soul, i decided to tell him what he shouldn’t do this, now the brothers listen to you, well, yes, in principle i listen to where they go, but you don’t shout if they do something wrong, no, why don’t i never shout? did you scold yourself when your bread didn’t work out at first? well, i understood what i did for the first time and, as they say, the first blink, are you all still learning? yes, yes, what classes are you all in? my sister, she is now in the third grade, my brother is in the ninth, and i am in the eleventh, this is my last year, where
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will you go, have you decided? i have somewhere to go, but i’d rather not tell anyone so that they don’t jinx it, but tell me. this was consulted, otherwise she is rummaging around in everything, and by the way, she already said that she would go to the same place as borya, yes , that is, you decided on your dreams, yes, you were supposed to fly in with the whole family yesterday, but unfortunately , it so happened that my mother was urgently hospitalized, just yesterday we had a consultation of doctors scheduled for a long time, at the consultation we learned simply incredible that the brain tumor began to grow again, and... very progressively, the manager says that an urgent operation is needed, we don’t even know anymore, we hope that maybe everything will work out, most likely, yes, kristina, mom recorded a video for you, let’s see, yes, dear kristinochka, i’m in the hospital now , far from you, but know that you,
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my beloved daughter, my support, my beloved... girl, you will succeed, i love you, we all really hope that everything will be okay with mom, i think that with so many loving people it couldn’t be any other way, kristina, are you going to start your own business? develop or not? yes, of course, i’m going there, but how, well, it’s necessary, at least good equipment so that we’re not three or four there...
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thank kristinochka, you’re a very brave girl, thank you for being a man of action, and i’m here to give you a certificate for the first piece of your production equipment, can i hug you, yeah, thank you very much, what would march 8 be without flowers, right? yes, thank you very much, thank you.
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we arrived in havana in a wild tropical downpour, so we drove together in open cars with fidel through crowds of people flooded with water. gagarin saw elephants being bathed in the lake, and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. the queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette. she explained: “i took a photo with an unearthly man. gagarin, a man who came down from heaven. the premiere is on march 9 at the first. what is it? to love
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every second. day after day. i’m not everything, i don’t want to settle like everyone else. when men leave, the woman remains to wait for men fight. a woman." "one can only hope, you are my victory, the only one, when men betray, you do not deserve larich in the active army, a woman can only forgive, when men love, a woman remains a woman, bless the woman, march 10 on the first, you have one really , be loved." in the life of our next heroine there was such a difficult period that she didn’t even
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want to live, but she was lucky enough to meet an amazing person. let’s find out this story. hello, hello, hello, studio, tell us your history, what happened there, why were you ready to give up your life? well , the situation turned out to be that there was nowhere. i found out through a friend of mine that in the village where i live, ksyusha runs a blog, and what happened to you, well, i’m ashamed to say, but at 40, 2, at 43, i went to prison, served sentence for allegedly killing my father, your father, and mine, and you killed him, no, i had a stroke, but i still served my sentence, how long? i managed to inherit the room that was left from my father, yeah, but i received a letter that i was found unworthy heir, what about the fingers?
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i froze my fingers, and they removed my phalanges, now i’m on disability, let’s go back to ksyusha , why was it recommended to turn to her, because she helps people, i didn’t believe in it, that there is such a person who helps people for free , well, then ksyusha calls me, you, irina, i say , yes, you can come here and there, i say, of course i can, she’s great, she’s at the final stop in our village every week, she brings us free lunches, a lot of people gather there, who they need it, ksyusha is generally great, in the end she provided me with housing, rented a room, which is where i live now, she paid for it with her own money, because i didn’t have any income then, that is, she rented it.
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let's look at what your, and not only yours, savior is doing today. we have cabbage soup with sauerkraut, so rich, right with chicken, buckwheat with cutlets, meat every time, and the first, second, always with meat, but for today this is generally not enough, i cook at least 40 liters each, there are probably 100 servings each, my husband takes every tuesday off, and to help me , we don’t have volunteers, but my family, my volunteers, we can get 30 servings today, i know, because the frost is more than 30 degrees, that’s a lot people won’t come, in addition to hot lunches
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, i also give out raw food, today we have pasta, cereal, bread, the car is old, i drive it for a day , for a week, it’s on me, swallow, save it, oh, it’s started. it all started with this cardboard, i give away food for your smile, every tuesday i’m coming here to distribute food, people are already waiting for me here, let’s go, come here, there won’t be a game, there won’t be, yes , i broke my leg now, i broke my leg, she’s wonderful, she’s a wonderful person, she’s helping out,
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she’s helping out, thank her very much. yes, for the fact that she is here, at least that, even, that’s what it gives , how much a little, yes, very, very, thank you, the help doesn’t end there, now we’ll go to a disabled guy, a bedridden guy, and we’ll take him diapers . hello, seryozha, how are you, how is your health, what’s normal, normal that’s it, i recently brought it here in a stroller so that they could at least roll me out on the street , i’m finally home, i’m tired, but there ’s no getting around it, this is my meaning in life, which i can’t refuse, it’s my choice, helping people . let's
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invite ksenia poznyakova to our studio, i really want to meet her. ksenia, hello , hello, well, you have such a difficult path, tell me, but i became very seriously ill, my weight was off the charts at 220 kg, i started having problems with my liver, and... at a wonderful moment i started, well started all organs were failing, i fell ill, so-called, i had, well, imperfect summer children, four children in my arms, you have four children, yes, four boys, and when i got sick, my husband left me, and lying there, i prayed to god that if i get up so that god gives me a chance to get up, and after that i start helping people, the children are great, they supported me. well
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, it was difficult for us, very difficult, in the end we managed to cope with the weight, yes, yes, our health began to return, yes, thank god, your prayers were heard, prayers were heard, and how as soon as we got back on our feet, we went to help people , i immediately got out of my first salary, yes, from my first salary, yes, well, my personal life also got better, i saw a guy there in the story who is sitting behind the wheel, yes, yes, who is this? not only to get up on your own, not only to get you up, but also to help everyone around you, be proud of your mother, but it was scary when mom was lying down, and how old were you then,
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i guess? nine, now 16, which of you is the oldest, who am you, how old are you, i’m 21, well , it turns out that the whole family was with you, well, brothers they also helped, that is, you all went to work very early, yes, but what did you do, how did you work, well, romped around the gardens, collected iron there, handed it over, took out the garbage to someone there, well, that is, they always brought home a pretty penny, yes, yes, this is my pride, yeah, well, somehow... it turned out that i don’t have volunteers, yes, but my family, i believe that they are volunteers, they also help with everything, the younger children in cooking, so you don’t believe me, they are 16 years old, they know how to make dough, they know how to cook dumplings, they know how to cook borscht, absolutely everything, i know that you are for your mother we have prepared a surprise, a small gift , there is such a thing, on honor on the eighth of march we decided to give you a gift
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, i understand that you are now not only helping people with hot lunches, your system has expanded, that’s right, i also go to for bedridden patients, and with medicines, i help, with diapers, and with things , well, they rented an apartment with their own money, well, yes , a woman called me, she said, here is a woman spending the night in the entrance, she says, after a stroke, she has nowhere to go, she told her story. i decided that i needed to help the person, they rented her room, yes, but what is all this for, you , well, it’s not my husband who works there, my sons help, i run a small farm, i sell testicles, thank
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god, now people have slowly begun to unite with me, to join in helping people, i am very grateful to them, if it weren’t for them, i most likely wouldn’t have been able to cope, because there are more and more people. they began to contact me, and then i realized that i was alone and couldn’t cope, and began to unite people. and where do you live? in the gardens? is it far from chelyabinsk? this is a soviet region, this is chelyabinsk. this is chelyabinsk. i'm saying this now for everyone audience, not only in chelyabinsk, but throughout the country, so that if they have such a desire to help, they turn to you. listen, we have another person in the studio who is very grateful to you, larisa babkina, let’s listen to her. and one day i turned to senya 3 years ago, i gave birth to my fifth child, i ran out of funds, well, that is, i was re-registering children’s benefits, and you know, we get children’s benefits there
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in two months, while all this re-registration is going on, i i was left without money , i literally had no formula, well, i know that we have fedor, fedor - this is from our village, this is from novotroitsk, as if i knew him , i look at him there... ksenia pochakha has pages, she helps people there, she wrote to ksyusha, ksyusha, please help me with mixtures, you can baby things , overalls, something like that, that same evening her husband fyodor arrived, ksenia was sitting in the car, fyodor came in, without further ado he put down these bags, put out formula, supplies, overalls, socks, diapers, that was all, i am very grateful to ksenia, this is straight from my mother, right from capital letter, i'll tell you.
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i will reign or perish. the foreigner, who did not have legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years old. more soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine the second. premiere, tomorrow
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on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. sevastopolskaya appeared before the eyes of those present. you don’t need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert of the berezka ensemble. the audience keeps saying: well, this is how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery, and this is your secret, and this secret is not revealed, the dance is... in which we teach, they don’t teach anywhere in the world, just like that , sometimes you have to work , these are dances for the audience, these are smiles, oh, field, field, nadezhdino
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finds out that the ring romance, prima birch and moiseevsky’s solis, and naturally, this is a scandal, this is a nightmare, these are screams, you will be my wife, right now i’m getting goosebumps. and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, the premiere of the documentary film is on march 10. on the first one, they broke into a bank, three of them in masks, started beating and shooting, it was very scary, they robbed in donetsk privotbank, they cleaned out your cells, victor fedor, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major leagues, lieutenant colonel igor belnik, now he is engaged in donetsk.
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if you are going to, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere, from march 11 on the first. there is information that they want to liquidate you. if you see a happy woman, look for a reliable man nearby. and we found him, what to look for him, this is your husband,
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who came to our studio, fedor, let's go out, hello, congratulations to you, anyone, thank you, you are a volunteer, so have a part-time husband, when? dim sufyanov, a businessman, came
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to us just for you, when they told me a story about you, it resonated with me so much, but we are fellow countrymen, fellow countrymen, i will say so, i am from the same region, now i live in ufa, when i was told that there is a certain ksenia who helps people, i thought i would come first, some probably successful, rich entrepreneur who helps people, you are so happy, so sincere, such mercy, a person full of mercy and... i think you are always you will - in nothing need, because people like you , who are in a culture of giving, will always have loved ones nearby and the boys will be healthy, thank you for being there, thank you for helping, and i have prepared for you, well i don’t know what to call it , i probably don’t know a food basket, maybe someone can name a year’s supply of food, i want it to be for good, i want you to always be healthy and so that everyone
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who surrounds you, these clear eyes, kind eyes always brought joy to those around you, thank you very much, thank you very much, god bless you, your family, god bless you, the most important thing, as my senior friend says, come to the studio, thank you very much! together with his sons nikolai, ivan and sergei, hello, alexander, hello, very nice. family, well , for now, this is a small part, yes, but how many
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children are there in total? 10, five boys, five girls, it even turned out equally, they didn’t think of it, but it worked out, and they thought of such a big family , no, they didn’t think of it either, the children family, as i understand it, is obtained as a product, and not as a goal, if there is a wife and husband, it turns out children, well, something like that. you realized that you want to be a priest at the age of 33 , at the age of christ, i was ordained to the priesthood, and before that i was a civil engineer by profession and a purely secular person and... on my way i met a person, namely a priest, who explained to me in ordinary human language, why a person should live, the purpose of human life, in general, why is all this needed, and how much do you have at that moment already had children? one, one, one, well, it so happened that my wife’s unsuccessful tooth treatment resulted in a process, blood poisoning,
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she was first paralyzed, then she went blind, did the tooth get treated like that? well... here i am left with a small child, i have a child in my arms , and i don’t know how to live further, and my wife is paralyzed in the hospital, then a miracle happened, she showed up in the same room with the abbess of the monastery, who was just being treated there, and gumenya told her about god, and my wife began to recover, i don’t know how, with prayers, tell me in general, but... your decision to become - a priest on her own, but how did the wife react to the fact that she automatically became a mother, no, but she came to god earlier, she came to god after an illness, and then, later, i thought about what happened to my wife, that she has changed , well, she has become a different person, at this moment of my search i
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met a priest who simply explained to me that this is necessary, i will tell you for sure that there is a god who simply takes, helps, well... sends those people , which you need at this moment, that’s how i ended up in moscow, i didn’t think of moving to moscow, voronezh is a pretty good parish, where everyone has known me for more than 20 years, but since my family was divided, all the older children, these are the first four, decided to pursue their careers and studies in moscow and moved to moscow, but i still want to help them, and where are the older girls, where do they study, well, one girl studies, i have a former third-grade medical school, now... this is a state medical university, and she’s finishing her fourth year, another daughter , second year, baumanki, sala, decided to build rockets, wow, here , well, boy, here is ivan,
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entered, first year of financial university in moscow, please tell us about how your life is organized, after all, there are 10 children, oh well, the older girls are not with you now, maybe, but that’s how many responsibilities fall on the mother , whether you help her or not, well, mom probably bears the brunt of all the work, we always try to find time for each other, to help somewhere, but we are like that, you know, we mostly decide simple things with each other, that’s all the main thing is mom, it seems to me that this studio is missing your beautiful sisters. let's call them. beautiful girls. happy holiday to you. sit here. what kind of
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children are you and your mother, father? just amazing. i am older than you, and i was born in a large family, so in my time , you know, it was not at all prestigious, now i myself am a mother of many children, and i feel how the attitude has changed, so tell me, how do you feel? in this big large family, is it an honor for you, proud or not, well , of course you are proud when you meet someone, when everyone finds out that you are from a large family families, everyone is like, what? there are 10 children there and so, well, there are five boys, five girls, and you feel proud that you are growing up in such a family and you already have this realization, it’s just trembling, honestly, how old are you now, 21, 21, yes , ready for 10, ready
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for four, ready for four, i hope i ’m not the same mother as my mother, i just bow before. what is your mother like? mom she is very strong, but at the same time she is a mother, how old are you? i'm 20. 2 years apart, 22, i 'll be in april, yeah, my sister is four, plan, eh you? well, my plan is for three, i don’t want many children, after all, i would like a large family.
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parents, not parents , of course, not all of them need to dress like that, you didn’t say that, somehow my little sister started smiling, in my opinion, she didn’t, we could joke like that between each other, but like no one said that to our parents, no, well we just found out about seryozha’s last child when my mother was fifth pregnant. she was afraid, so when we saw the prenatal vitamins there, we were like, mom, like this, we talked so much about your mother, that i really want to invite her to the studio, but we filmed a short story about how her day goes, let’s see, then we’ll invite her. i am a mother of many children, i have 10 children, five boys, five girls , some live with us, some have already left, but the rest
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will all arrive soon, because we decided to get together, we brought them from our house, where we lived before, such a beautiful table, and 12 people can fit here, just 10 children and two adults, this is my boys’ room, this is their reward, they are studying. professionally sports, this is our kingdom of girls, they also have a lot of achievements, awards, and this is ours and my husband’s, so to speak, achievement, government awards for raising children, the order of parental glory, we are very happy for our children, for the fact that they grow, because they develop, there is opera only under the camera, yes. yes, i can eat whatever i want, as long as my children feel good,
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gustav hebel, khan, yesterday you decided my fate, and now i am yours, and they inflicted 14 wounds, lieutenant colonel goebbel 14. with every minute we we multiply our guilt and the guilt of the soldiers, i was on my way to you, but you are not here, well, what are you doing, let’s take it, brother, but you are afraid to tell the soldiers the truth, because you know that they will not follow you, what about our dream, union salvation, the final episode , look after the program for the time, we had with us, the timing of his monologues became aphorisms,
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never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and the loyalty of friends, well said , it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he is smart, brilliant, everything is very commented, spent a day, came out educated, you can kiss, no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clark, i know, i was confused. this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky. i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, and recorded zhvanetsky. but at 11 years old i couldn’t understand what this man was saying, people in the hall were happy, in my home they were happy. this is not prose, this is poetry. zhvanetsky's dictionary is the dictionary of the country. our exclusive today is the satirist’s wife, son and friends. about his work in my last conversation with him. the main advice my dad gave me was that he told me his name. do what you want with conscience. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. march 10, on
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the first. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, who described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in china. sophistication, well, almost everything countries. after the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of ping's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute of study. bukharin, so the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. premiere of civilization, film
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seven. china, on wednesday on the first. irina was awarded the honorary title of mother heroine, let's call her here and congratulate her, fantastic, just, the mother of ten children came in, fantastic, march.
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very good for your health, and it was like that, yes, it was a test, but people began to appear in my life, and gumenya, as the priest said, and many other interesting people who showed me the further path on which i am now i’ve been walking for a while, i just got a desire to live, that’s when the trials, sometimes they’re either the beginning, the beginning, or the beginning of the end, it all depends on you and me. and if this hadn’t happened to you then, i think this shop wouldn’t exist out of ten children, yes, yes, they probably need a push, i’m a strict mother, but they ’ll stir up something, for god’s sake, for any kick, and why were they afraid to tell the children that i was pregnant with the tenth, no, i wasn’t afraid, well, they told me straight out, i was just afraid, no, i wasn’t
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afraid, i didn’t want to. zara, it’s your turn to go on stage, you also came, only knowing this story, and on purpose, i came on purpose because of you, you are such a beautiful woman, but you still have beauty inside, and this is double, just such a drive your family, i'm very glad that i i can make you some kind of mini one.
5:00 pm
it’s not just that mother irina , father alexander appeared here, it’s just complete admiration, and at the same time you’re so stylish, it’s just like from the cover of a beauty magazine, it’s just applause, i’d like to give you aa for our domestic russian cosmetics in honor march 8, in honor of helping you... maintain your beauty, but not only for the beautiful female half, but also for men, just to take care of yourself, thank you, thank you very much for coming to visit us, thank you very much for your story, for the wonderful example.


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