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tv   Ya lyublyu moyu stranu  1TV  March 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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i understand, i understand, come on, listen, what did i think, maybe you need an assistant , but we can handle it, but i’m good at mowing, we can handle it , we can handle it, so, drown, look, from that tree, here to the fishing line, you’ll go along that lane, i’m nearby, you’re a little further away, i ’ll go a little closer. listen, father, you go about your business, but i have a penny ’s worth of work, i understand i’m going to see my brother, he’s unlikely to be happy, my wife died, i’m definitely alone at home, that ’s why i’m going out of melancholy, maybe he’ll be happy, brother, of course, yes, these are... variations, he will be happy,
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he will be happy, drown, but you know how to mow, you you know how to do it yourself, let's go to the races , there's that fishing line, come on, take off your shirt, it's hot, you'll go, well, as you know, catch up, reconnaissance. i'll catch up now.
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i hear you sneaking after me, she hears, and a scout is better than a scythe, tired, tired. i didn’t finish the mowing, i threw it away, i threw the scythe away,
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yes, yes, i haven’t mowed it for 100 years, it hasn’t mowed it for 100 years, it got burned in the war. the little one climbed into the oven , he was curious, look, look, you see, yeah , well, no need, i want to eat, no need, really, we’ll fry it and eat it. hey, i wouldn’t
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have shot, but you wouldn’t have hit, yeah, out you see a piece of paper, dry , yeah, you see, uh-huh, it means they didn’t know where we were going, i’m like that, since i’m a signalman, that means...
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i have to keep the buzzer and keep it on, so i won’t turn on all the music, i think that’s what it does, the commander didn’t have time to arrive, then he comes in the morning and i go... and he sent it to me, he found a chicken there somewhere, bought it, and brought it, but mine, where i stayed, they had nothing, the germans took everything , they were happy, they cooked me and supported me, he was so cunning, and they said
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, you know who sent you, senior lieutenant combat, and then, when we retreated, he told me got a horse, and i knew how to ride a horse, they already taught me, and i’m eight... that’s it, i fell in love with you, if you don’t marry me, i don’t want to live, then, i say, okay, i’ll marry you i’m already married to a man who is 8 years older than me, he was the commander, the commander, that means, of the guards, sevastopol, orat, a separate
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reconnaissance artillery division, outwardly, of course, i liked him without a doubt, but i didn’t really know him as a person. of course, he looked after the whole hospital for one too, well , they persuaded him, arranged a wedding, he invited all his comrades, at home, of course , at his place, where he lived, he had a separate apartment , all his comrades came, met me, their wives, everyone looked, but they didn’t say anything, they didn’t tell him that getting married was not marries this doctor, well, so they got married, he says, i will serve faithfully, i will love you all my life until my last breath, yes, well, when i got married, i was at the church, we came to the legislative office, and there they laughed, they said, such a guy, handsome, tall, and will marry the temple, and then he
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arrives in a vilyus and opens it and says: get dressed, let's go, i tell the girls, that's it, well... i started to say goodbye, i'll be the first to be demobilized, and then i ask the adjutant , sack, where they're taking me, he says, then you'll see for yourself, well, we drove up, and he lived in the house, but we didn’t live in the house, the table was set, i said, this is what, and this is our wedding, ours went on the offensive and the first to enter our dugout was one of the senior lieutenants, who paid attention to me. started kissing my hands, suddenly said: marry me, i burst into tears, and answered yes, she began to roar even louder, at this time
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the regiment commander came into the dugout, came into the dugout , they asked what was the matter, i was crying out loud, so the senior lieutenant made me... an offer to marry him, so what well, you cry, write a report on him, and on february 5 , 1945, there was an order for the regiment to consider us husband and wife.
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saint luke of crimea, he is earthly, real, a man, a father of four children, a husband, a doctor, at the same time i look at the icon and understand that he is a saint, he saved thousands of people from suffering, red army soldiers. and he himself went through all the torments of hell in the exile camps, when he lost
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consciousness, they poured cold water on him, and dragged through another interrogation. he gave up his career, fame and money. he himself accepted during the years of the most persecution of the church. that is, it was almost equivalent to suicide. he was a priest and at the same time received the stalin prize of the first degree. there was no highest award in the soviet union. saint luke of crimea. he does not belong to some distant era, he is a saint of our time. he was our contemporary, he was my contemporaries. this an amazing miracle, the lord gives us the image of a holy man who gave all of himself to people. his life is filled with actions that are completely incomprehensible to modern man. valentin feliksovich
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voiny yesenecki, as the healer was called in the world, did everything wrong from the point of view of the common man in the street, ruined the career of a doctor, ruined relations with the authorities, refused high positions, did not take money from patients, helped everyone who needed his help. in those days, being ordained did not mean any pleasure at all.
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two men beat zhenya late in the evening, beat her to the core, with bats on the head. the very first blow was very serious, and it destroyed part of the skull, so i fell and was unconscious for some time, about here, i even think that maybe by this tree, i clearly remember that - when i i regained consciousness, i tried to stand up and lean on this small stick that was sticking out from the ground, after such injuries a person, even if he survives, will most likely remain disabled forever. getting back to normal may help just a miracle, i prayed to st.
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luke, so i told him that it’s ok, just be there yourself and lead the doctors with your hands, because without you no one will do anything there, it was just such a cry from the soul, because i didn’t i knew that this is how else to pray, two operations, cranial treponation , a titanium plate covering the entire back of the head, the doctors were assembling the young man’s head piece by piece into a letter: about st. luke, before the misfortune, zhenya didn’t really know anything, only later, when he had already
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left hospitals, they told him who all this was for loved ones prayed for a while. warrior isinecki was born on may 9, 1877.
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documents, suddenly a heavy thought came over him, whether he had chosen the right path in life, and he sends a telegram to his mother, i sent my mother, i ask you to bless me for the transition to the medical faculty, because i believe that you should not live for yourself, but you should live for those who suffer of people. in his autobiography , the surgeon saint admitted that he was deeply impressed by the words from the bible: the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. at that moment... his heart trembled, and he took it as call of god. i don’t have the right to do what i like, but i have to do what is useful for people. this formula became his internal creed for the rest of his life. valentin graduated from the faculty of medicine and received a diploma with honors. everyone expected him
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to stay at the department and do science, but he went into the wilderness. this meant that he was not preparing himself to be a metropolitan surgeon who would earn money from clients, but he was preparing himself for the hard, exhausting work of an assembly line, practically, of a zemstvo doctor, where there was no division between surgeons and surgeons. neither obstetricians, nor oncologists, nor gynecologists, but there was one doctor who treated absolutely all diseases, he became a priest in those days. when priests were shot and imprisoned so often that the count of victims continues to this day. from that moment until the end of his life, warrior sinetsky will combine church activities with medical ones. this is not saint luke, this is father vyacheslav, a priest
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of one of the sevastopol churches. surprisingly, he looks like st. luke like two peas in a pod. he... when he was in the background, father, father vyacheslav, the monks, when he saw, they were just in a hurry, because they thought that the witness luke, yes, was embodied in him, this has always confused me and confuses me now, but i have an answer that really pours from the heart, i am only similar in appearance, unfortunately, this my answer, in fact, the similarity is not only in appearance, father...
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to face suffering, i’m talking about the saint, i don’t think that the saint would have been some kind of radiologist or skin doctor, no, he was, he went to surgery. luke of crimea for father vyacheslav, a special saint for him prays, asks for help, and never ceases to admire his exploits. i had already worked here for a long time, i was not a church member, i heard, i heard that i worked somewhere in simferopol. a surgeon-priest, even like this, not a bishop, a priest, but he worked and worked, when the lord gave a lot of knowledge, including, including one of the knowledge of the illuminator in his hand, for me it was, of course, a discovery, it’s just amazing, why i sat down, just where i was standing, and wow, literally 80 km, and
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its power, and the place where it... simferopol. almost everyone in the city knows where the saint’s temple is located. church of luke. this is what pilgrims call the cathedral of the holy trinity, in which it rests. “we are grateful to god that at any moment we can fall to his honest relics
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, prayerfully ask for help, the saint will not leave anyone in need. here he served and received the sick in the last years of his life, perhaps these are just coincidences, but the return of crimea to russia took place on the day of the celebration of the discovery of the relics of st. luke." march 18th, so this is a special day for crimeans. in simferopol luka arrived in 1946, by order of patriarch alexei i. at that time it was a city heavily damaged by the war. he made a depressing impression on the saint. churches are destroyed, people are in poverty, there are not enough priests. residents rarely go to church; they have forgotten what a wedding or baptism is.
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they told me: sorry, she is the daughter of the people, we are not the daughter of the enemy of the people, we cannot accept her. yes, then, when i was already in school, at the institute, i was a relative of my father, and they also pulled, pulled, did not accept me into the institute, well, well, now thank you, lord, i am already a relative of the saint, she was next to him for the last 15 years of his life, it was an amazing time, she had never seen from anyone else so much warmth of care as from...
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he looked very handsome, personable, you just couldn’t take your eyes off him, he looked great until his old age. maya dmitrievna is already over 80, from the height of her age she can appreciate what his lifestyle cost the saint. his working day began at 8:00 am, every day, any time, in any weather, at any time of the year, he went to the cathedral, then returned home, a modest breakfast after church, then... decided on all sorts of church matters, from four to five, seeing patients, while he was still seeing, he worked a lot on the third edition of his book, the outlines of the main surgery, after the reception
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of the clergy, despite the fact that he was in the church in the morning, he stood again for an hour aloe , he stood, prayed, and so almost until his death, this was his working day, despite the workload in the diocese, luke continues study. attention to some kind of universal fatigue in his whole body, in his whole expression, and
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you know, it was amazing that there was such an impression, as if there was light around his figure, around his head, light, the weather somehow became gloomy, this light, i only then thought, here, probably, halos are painted around the heads of saints, because they emit some kind of special light. anatoly babanin, former rector of simferopol medical university, and today he regrets only one thing, that he never introduced a new tradition, an oath, into the compulsory program warrior yesenetsky. there is the hippocratic oath, and there is the oath of the warrior yasenetsky. students, graduates, sixth-year students, when they receive their diploma, when they receive their diploma, they take the hippocratic oath, but the hippocratic oath is a little outdated. here is the modern oath of warrior senetsky, which is amazing, very smart, very humane, and most importantly, ideal for educating
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medical students. the essence of this oath is to treat human life as a divine gift, never stop fighting for it and love your patient as a loved one. it only seems that while occupying a high post, the archbishop lived in prosperity and comfort. the high salary for those times (10,000 rubles) per month was only enough for food. after all, 18-20 people usually sat at the dinner table. church ministers, numerous relatives, guests, i never ordered any food, absolutely nothing, what was served for tomorrow was served, what was served for lunch was served, i absolutely didn’t notice, i absolutely didn’t notice, i have a photo under the canopy, he sits and a plate, obviously there is buckwheat porridge in this plate, and next to it is a piece bread, his apartment, if i can say that it was an apartment, the first big one...
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sometimes he comes here, from belarus, i really liked one woman, she doesn’t need anything, she came, she comes in constantly crying, my dear , how i love you, how, you’re my saint, here ’s just a man walking around crying and rejoicing that he’s next to these things, the saint’s personal chair is hidden in a glass display case, away from the hands of his admirers, because everyone tried to pinch off a piece of it,
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conducts daily reception and in capital letters, free, free. sick and suffering people continued to come to him, and although by the end of his life the vladyka was completely blind, god helped him see with his inner vision. he led the prayer service from memory and moved around the cathedral without outside help. he could no longer operate, but his gift of healing only increased. he healed people with the cross and prayer.
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people. were healed, even the most hopeless ones with a brain tumor or gangrene. victor shivaev - surgeon, head of the department of bone and purulent infections. during my life i have knitted such things that it seems that nothing will surprise him. a real miracle happened to him. it was, here they are, even spots, something. here you can already see the spots here, all this came out here and this was all this, you can see that this was current weeping eczema such that it did not allow one to live in peace, everything is now all gone, he tried to treat this eczema many times , but ointments and pills helped only for a while, then in a week viktor shuvaev was completely healed from the disease that had tormented him for 18 years, he just had to take a vengeance the relics of st. luke, and he didn’t even ask:
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but medicine and faith do not exclude, but complement each other. the saint spoke about this all his life. he believed that a doctor without faith could not cure either the body or the soul. today there is a community of orthodox doctors in several cities of russia, and there are chapels named after st. luke at hospitals. could he have imagined that this would be possible? it was his dream to build a temple at the medical university.
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never visited, it turns out that the greeks learned about him thanks to metropolitan nektarios, andonopolosu. he was so impressed by the life of the warrior yasenetsky that he decided to devote his life to stories about the exploits of vladyka luke. our
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saints have no nationality, they are beyond borders, they help us unite so that we can feel each other as brothers. saint luke, like other saints, belongs to all people. vladyka nektarios, the only researcher in the world who managed to visit almost all the places where saint luke lived, worked or served exile, that is , he, as they say, studied with his own feet the whole geography of the life of the holy surgeon. nektarios is even called the secretary of the diocese of st. luke. no, i didn’t know, what can i say, this is a very respectful title for... me, i’m very glad. and today, thanks to the activities of nektarios, there are more than thirty churches in greece in honor of st. luke. there is nothing else like it in the world. here they jokingly say: “we took away a russian saint.” for the greeks, saint
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luke, who went through exile in a camp for his faith, is an example of perseverance and devotion to god. in greece , even the icons of luke are special. he is pictured here with surgical instruments. and the society of surgeons of greece bears the name of st. luke. many greek doctors became christians thanks to miraculous healings that happened right before their eyes. i want to say how much we loved your saint. 2 years ago, greek surgery began to honor st. luke of crimea as its patron. 12 years ago, lefteris was hospitalized. osteochondrosis of the left hip.
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on march 31, 1814, the liberation campaign abroad of the russian army ended and it entered paris in a victorious march. alexander ii was i am deeply convinced that if we want to conclude peace, a strong peace, then we must conclude it in paris. now, 210 years later, the french have nothing again. we don't care about macron himself, what he says, or his restrictions. since history, as you...
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see, repeats itself as a farce, i think the outcome can be predicted. premiere, big story, ours in paris, 1814, tomorrow on the first. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. pereslavl zalesky city hospital, st. luke once worked here, the operating room was a few steps away from us to the left, it turns out, where we now have other premises, we are proud, of course, that such a famous person, the peak, one might say, of his...
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forms, is a very toxic substance, which in case of an overdose was fatal. warrior yasenecki began to develop a method of local anesthesia. firstly, it is easier to tolerate than general anesthesia, and secondly, there are no such severe side effects. in 1915 , the first major scientific monograph of the warrior insenetsky was published. regional anesthesia. he developed each one specifically. areas where can be blocked, and thanks to this he was able
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to perform serious and even abdominal operations, and his results were amazing. wherever valentin feliksovich came, his colleagues immediately asked for the book, but he only had one copy left; due to the very small circulation, there was not enough of the required number of books even to transfer to the university of warsaw in order to receive the prize awarded to the warrior yasenetsky for this work. 900 rub. gold. the book was read one by one. it was written so simply that even a schoolchild could understand it. most i was impressed by the drawings, accurate and understandable. valentin feliksovich completed them himself. so he was able to realize his dreams of fine art in anatomy and surgery. in his, as they would say today, busy schedule, he found time for one portrait. they say he was. the woman depicted in the picture is especially dear - the wife of the warrior
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yasenetsky, perhaps this is her last portrait; valentin feliksovich painted it shortly before moving to tashkent. tashkent is the city where a turning point occurred in the soul of the saint, then still a young doctor. here he is became a priest, from here he was... for the first time taken into exile, here he lost his beloved woman, the woman he loved more than life itself. 1917, a young doctor, anna vasilievna was melting before our eyes, only god knows how much pain this woman, who suffered from a fatal disease at that time, experienced. in recent
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days, she could not approach the children, for fear of infecting them, only at night, covering herself with a handkerchief, she walked around with a candle.
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in tashkent, valentin heads the city hospital, the building where he once worked saint, exists today, is still here. considered almost a non-koran of surgical science. we are proud that we are students of valentin felix warrior senetsky. and we will continue his work as students. in tashkent, voina yasenecki is collecting material for
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his medical bestseller of essays on purulent surgery. more than 80 years have passed since its first publication, but essays are still being submitted today. and the surgeons unanimously admit that they have never seen a better book. i have never seen anything written better than this book. in such a language that you read and as if you were going on an excursion. purulent infections in those distant years were fatal in most cases. there were no antibiotics in the arsenal of doctors yet. voinitsky challenged this terrible disease. valentin feliksovich studied german, french and english in order to read. advanced european literature, he sat in the library for days, studied corpses, and kept diaries of his illness. he worked on this book during wars, epidemics and even in exile. in 1934 the book was published. he, like all the greats, he it’s just that he was ahead of his time by 50, even 80
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years. and now, here is the era of that creative connection. modern achievements of antibacterial therapy and the brilliant discoveries and foresights of the great warrior. thousands of people owe their lives to him, but he was never able to save the only woman he loved. at the end of october 1919 , a modest grave appeared at the city cemetery with the inscription anna vasilievna warrior yasenetskaya. him to rethink life. finding himself alone with four children in a revolutionary bacchanal, he searches for his path and finds it in religion. in 1921, at the height of the repressions against church ministers, the military man makes
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a decision that is strange to those around him, and the only one permissible for himself. he becomes a priest. then putting on the cassock was like signing a death sentence for yourself. san accepted. during the years of the most persecution of the church , that is, it was almost equivalent to suicide, he has an apartment , he has a good salary, he has a good place to work, he has honor, respect, accepting all this, taking this step, following this way, then he will of course lose all this. since then he never betrays either the scalpel or the cross, and goes with them through his entire hard life, healing soul and body. father valentin began to come to the hospital at the university ... he returned many times, but after
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being ordained he was kicked out of the apartment that he was entitled to as the head physician, and until the end of his days, the saint wandered around modest corners of the barracks. according to my mother’s words , there was a table in the room, in the corner of the trestle bed on which the warrior was resting, and... my mother set it for him, there was nothing else except a huge number of books of icons. half measures and compromises are not his cup of tea. he devoted himself completely to everything he did. the brilliant doctor becomes an exemplary priest who never deviated from his faith. he openly declared: riasa can only be removed from me with the skin on. in 1923. the famous surgeon took secret monastic vows and was elevated to the rank of bishop, and 10 days later he was arrested. he endured such tortures that
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not everyone could endure. you forced him to spend 24 hours in a wooden box, where he could only stand, he couldn’t turn around to sit there it was impossible when he lost consciousness in this box, they poured cold water on him and dragged him for another interrogation. this was the beginning of 11 years in prison. from exile and separation from his children, he left them in the care of nurse sofia beletskaya. on the day of resto, the saint said goodbye to the children and boarded the train, but it did not move for about 20 minutes. people gathered, sat down on the rails and did not allow themselves to eat, which he had to leave from tashket. therefore, people's love, people's love. until the end of his life he was under close attention from the authorities. state security,
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six criminal cases were opened against him, he survived the russian-japanese, world war i, revolution, civil and great patriotic wars, persecution of the church, exile camps. the longest exile was to the krasnoyarsk territory, it is here that a special train runs today, bearing the name of st. luke. mobile consultative and diagnostic center, doctor voynitsky, st. luke, popularly called simply, the health train, who they wanted to pass now, i now need to see a shark specialist, he goes to the most remote villages and villages of the krasnoyarsk territory and... it’s very good that i came, because here we have a very long way to go to the nearest hospital, and that is, we live in that
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there are no hospitals nearby, if you get sick, then you have to die, in 8 years through the center more than 100,000 patients have passed, hello, hello, what complaints, the circle that the train makes... one trip takes six months, all this time the medical team lives and works right on the train, they don’t remember here that less than sixty came to them in a day sick, they are here accepted by surgeons, therapists, oncologists, gynecologists and dentists, working on the train for doctors is a kind of way of life. now go to the ninth car, uh-huh, take a photo. the train has a temple car where doctors and patients are. prays for healing in st. luke, is baptized, the creation of this train
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was proposed by the hero of the soviet union, doctor-cosmonaut, oleg otkov. i decided for myself that we would definitely have to make a train, and which i would like to name after her. 30 years ago, oleg. i didn’t know about any holy surgeon, and i wasn’t particularly interested in religion i was interested, but everything changed after the flight into space, i had to take off my space suit and gloves and put special pockets in it, so when i opened the pocket, i found that there was a piece of paper folded there, i opened it, and there was a prayer written by hand, well then, because our work at the station was quite long, 8 months after all. well, somewhere, probably already in the middle of the flight, i somehow got a feeling, rather a feeling, that we were not alone.
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and... a contemporary, this is an amazing miracle that i believe that we and the 20th century can be proud, and russians can be proud, because such a person is a person who left a mark not only in medicine, but in
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the church in the souls of people, that he was and that he remains. in krasnoyarsk, the region and luka were exiled twice, here he spent about 7 years. krasnoyarsk secondary school number 10 has a rich history. once upon a time, iwaka hospital no. 1515 operated in its building, the chief surgeon of which was
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, just think about it, he is ready to help people, and then return to exile. the answer came immediately, the priest-surgeon was appointed head of all the hospitals in the krasnoyarsk territory, when he was even the head of the krasnoyarsk hospital, he lived under the stairs, because he was strong, he lived under the stairs, he fed on the leftovers from the hospital bastalai, that was. most doctors simply did not know how to work with gunshot wounds. luka conducted master classes for them right during the operation. colleagues looked at him as if
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he were a god. saint luke, this is lyudmila lesnykh, a nurse who worked with onions, he came up to me, shook my hand, kissed me, crossed me, wished me all the best, so that i always be the way i am now, the way he sees and knows me, always be like that. “don’t shy away from goodness and never do harm to anyone, that’s all, i remember this very well, the statistics of the return to duty of the wounded is amazing, the mortality rate of patients has decreased eight times, thanks to his operations, thousands of soldiers and officers have returned to duty, and a whole person era, it’s not for nothing
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that they say, it’s not people who pass away, but worlds, so a whole one has gone, a whole world has gone with him, so much did he contain himself, and as he told, how in krasnoyarsk, where he was in charge of these hospitals, how the patients there loved him, when he entered the ward, these red army soldiers sang to him with their raised legs, which he saved from amputation, he just smiled, this was his highest joy, making life easier for people, helping those in need, isn’t that what he strived for? ? life, after the war , the archbishop-surgeon was awarded a medal for valiant work in the great patriotic war and the stalin prize of the first degree in medicine in 2000 rubles. he immediately donated 130 thousand to war orphans. he has the soul of a very rich man, and he has this
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he understood this wealth of his that he must... will definitely share. the last years of my life were full of hard work. despite his blindness, he leads church services, tutors students, and still counsels.
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when in march 1996 his remains, recognized by the church as holy relics, were transferred from the city cemetery to the holy trinity cathedral. well, my first thought was that there was no peace for this during life, there is no peace after death. she's right, st. luke's most important job is already has begun. thousands of people turn to him in prayer and ask for help. many corners of the world, because it is so needed today.
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memorial day is on the first from all over the country. the pain that resonates in the heart of each of us is the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. today is 9 days since this tragedy occurred: terrorist attack, point-blank shooting, fire, 144
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dead, hundreds injured.


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