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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 9, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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father, even now, you see, it was such an emotional job that i simply could not stand it, my father went missing, and then i found out that he died in the zeithain concentration camp in 1943. every year on may 9, the pobeda channel comes to different cities of russia to organize a holiday for veterans. this year the concert will take place in magnitogorsk at the monument to the rear front. favorite artists will sing war songs, all together. sergey klishin, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, now the program is on air, time will tell. oh good point point of entry. to the first channel, so
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to speak, with the new entente it will be the same, friends, welcome, welcome you to our stream, today we will continue to discuss, of course, the situation with one specific flood, with our most affected region now, the orenburg region, the orenburg region, well, with floods in general, because as i understand it, this problem is sweeping across the country, not only ours, which is interesting, in general, this is a real problem, this is a real emergency situation, look at the picture of how the region is now... satellite, this is very, very as if indicative, well, show us a picture, but as they say, better than a thousand words describes the general level, the level of the problem of the situation, this is how it looks, in the morning in orenburg a siren has already sounded, residents were asked to evacuate immediately, let's watch and listen, please. and reports that in
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the next 24 hours in the orenburg region , about 2.0 more residential buildings, almost 2,500 private plots may be flooded, it should be noted and this has already been said many times, let’s repeat once again that this is the most powerful flood in region in the entire history of observations, experts believe that its peak, that the worst thing in general sounds simply terrible, is this phrase, namely that its peak has not yet been passed, is expected from april 10 to april 17, that is , tomorrow. the mentioned orsk had the hardest time, according to the latest data , 2,500 people were evacuated, 700 children , including the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region today once again and reports that the minister will also visit the kurgan region, it is also under threat, as i understand it, and the tyumen region, there too there is a chance that this flood will reach these areas. you know,
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a lot of people come to the people’s front from the ehrenburg region, with different ones, some with, i don’t know, questions, some with demands, some just with some stories, here’s one of one of those who contacted the popular front sent us a video with the situation in his house, let's watch the video, and then we decided to contact him, we contacted him, and he will come to us, this is konstantin, he will contact us directly, please, hello everyone , we are cats too, we are saving computers, water has reached the house. the garage has sunk, the windows upstairs are not yet flooded, but the water is coming, this is our garage, it has sunk completely, we have another boat there, now we are trying to get it out of the children's boat, seryozha, wave your hand, everything just floated. on the first floor, it’s scary
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to look further into it, here are the refrigerators, yes, life will have something to remember, and of course i love fishing very much, but to fish from the window of the second floor from the house, but of course i didn’t dream of this, it keeps coming and coming , listen, of course it’s scary to watch.
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we know that you saved others, but please tell us, this is how it happened, this is how - it was instantaneous, i don’t know, a water hammer or quietly a centimeter at a time, i don’t know in an hour or a day, tell me how it
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happened , we arrived home from the evening at about 11 , there was already a duty officer, it was friday, well, thursday evening, thursday evening, uh-huh. we arrived, there was a car from the ministry of emergency situations, the national guard, we drove up to the guys, asked the guys what to expect, they clearly told us, tomorrow they will come to you the water will come, that is, they couldn’t say exactly the time, but they said, get ready to evacuate, we all went to bed, at 5:00 in the morning they knocked on our door, the ministry of emergency situations employees said that the water had already reached the house, we saw it, we got ready, but we naturally prepared in advance, because everything was said in advance and we left the house. and you were traveling as you are now , excuse me, by boat already, or by car, by car, that is, the water was just coming up, i understand correctly that many residents did not want to evacuate, you are now telling them are you helping, and are they afraid of morodering, is morodering even possible or is the area of ​​the national guard already detached there, so i
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was in how many areas of flooding i was in the state, there was none, well, and the residents who remained outside were in the mud in the small morodorstvo there were no flooded swings, then there is everything, thank god it turned out okay, you know, bone, it’s just katya, why she asked this question, as i understand it, because we see everything there, well, on the telegram, at least on the network, it’s directly active, as it were i just feel like this story is being actively accelerated, looting, some stories, i went there today after a long break on twitter and looked... there are just these, you know, prepared threads, which means, well, a thread is a sequence of several, and sometimes several dozen, colors, which means how things happen it means looters, looting, it’s straight, it’s straight forward, this story is moving straight forward, so we ’re asking you this question, it’s actually important, i remember, i don’t know, maybe this is incorrect, i don’t know,
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maybe there’s really something there... what happens, i i don’t know, i’m not there, that’s why we ’re asking you, but i remember the winter cherry tree, excuse me, we remembered it there, i remember that, of course, it was a terrible tragedy, but i remember how they began - that means... they’re dispersing this kind of panic -that, either there really is a panic there, everything is bad, or we have a panic here, and everything is different with you, no, absolutely right, you said that there are all sorts of people who spread all sorts of, so to speak, untrue information , that is, i
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repeat, we have the national guard in our village is on duty, the fire department is on duty, the police are on duty, the head of the district is coming, everything is in place, there is no looting. i understand, konstantin, you can ask about the tap, now everyone, yes, everyone is being sent to temporary accommodation centers, and there are also a lot of them now, yes, maybe the chicks or someone else are spreading information that everything is bad in the tap, nothing it’s not enough, it’s a terrible nightmare, have you been to the temporary detention center and how is the situation there in general? yesterday i stopped by or the day before yesterday i stopped by the tap at school number thirteen, i just gave 500 rubles to the volunteers, well in order to buy something, i have... complete and clear information, in our taps there is everything in abundance, there is enough of everything, people bring food , things, blankets, volunteers, in general there are a lot of people who help, we already have everything , but they still carry and carry and carry,
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of course, the thirty-eighth school generally told us that they don’t carry anything anymore, take it to other temporary detention centers, because ours is already full, we have everything to capacity, i understand, that’s if. first, the very first thing is to listen only to verified sources, that is, the administration,
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when people say, evacuate, better evacuate, no one will just say this, everyone sees everything, there are all the services that work, that report floods about this or that case, then you just need to listen to the administration in any region of our country, no also just that in orsk, by the way, about the fact that... there your own house was flooded, yes you are there , thank you very much, of course it’s surprising that apparently the family evacuated the child and you are transferring another 5.00 rubles as a volunteer, you are of course amazing people . thank you very much, will say what to remember, well, really, from the second floor to fish, yes, you can say,
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let’s say, uh-huh, look, the point here is not that they were transferred, they were brought there, but today we have a group of volunteers, we are now 200 we bought a loaf of bread, brought it to the village and distributed it, now the deputies from united russia, together with the head of the district , are bringing us bottled water, that is, everyone, if possible... maybe everyone is helping, no, some more, some less, all in one team , what pride, thank you very much, you were with us at direct communication from the city of orsk, but it seems to me that he answered a large number of important questions for us, please, gentlemen, yours, so to speak, we remember yesterday, i actually have the first question for you as a cacologist, when is it possible that the water will go away, people when they’ll be able to return home, well, it’s predicted that they’ll be there in about two weeks.
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even yes, it is more solid, well, yes, but then what is such a complex hydraulic structure worth that a rat can ruin? my friends, well guys, i want to upset you, come on - after all, rats can do concrete to gnaw, if you set a task, yes, she has a last name and a nom, in certain conditions, well, this is a remark, now there is a serious one, but of course for reasons, yes, the reason is, first of all, of course, a combination of certain natural factors, this is a whole complex. yes, which leads to such a really very powerful, very strong flood,
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it is impossible to draw an analogy here, you know, we have such a joke that sometimes winter comes unexpectedly, yes, snow falls, and so utility problems arise there too, leash comes unexpectedly, in fact, a flood, and so every year, though in different regions, why, because it’s just the natural conditions that are so active. there is a flood, now in one region, now in another region, but every year there is definitely a change, it is beyond the power of a person, beyond the power of the authorities,
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it is an extended process, or the weather develops in such a way that this happens, i don’t know. the charter, a clause that you are obliged to take the warnings of meteorologists seriously, according to the charter of such a clause, of course no, those who really have the desire, as i already said, to minimize losses as much as possible, they treat everything, those authorities
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treat everything, now it’s important to look, that is, this is not a question of some kind of regulation, it’s a question of relativity.
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let's now turn to the authorities, who are now reacting forcedly to what happened with the dam, we have connections with tatyana leonidovna samvinova, she is the deputy chairman of the orenburg region government for social policy, i must say that tatyana leonidovna is now with colleagues went to the island, as far as i understand, on boats in order to evacuate people who were not evacuated. tatyana leonidovna, can you hear
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us? yes, i hear you, okay, yes, please tell me where you are, how the situation is and well... tell me everything, what is the situation in general? well, i’m the regional minister of health in the city of orsk, i’ve been here for five days, and here, of course, the situation is now very difficult, but the doctors are working as a big united team, now we’re in the old city, which is cut off by water, i now i have brought 10 therapists, pediatricians, and infectious disease specialists here to see people who refuse. but of course they have health problems, some have high blood pressure, some have headaches, so we are now proactively going around all the houses and identifying sick people, our task is not to evacuate, this is not our question, our task is to provide medical care, of course, as for the overall situation in the city of orsk,
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of course, now doctors are working in extreme conditions, we have five medical organizations in... located in flood zone, but all urgent emergency assistance is being provided in full, and we are absolutely mobilized, the most important thing is that our work now is providing assistance, 24-hour assistance to people who are in temporary accommodation centers, there are now 1,500 people there, and we are in full control of the situation, we are doing everything necessary for the people, i want to say once again a huge thank you to the young orchan residents, the volunteers who help us a lot, tatyana leonidovna. tell me, here - besides, so to speak, current problems, completely understandable and natural, and huge huge ones, many are already starting to talk about problems, god forbid, of course, i hope it will work out somehow, but nevertheless, about the problems of the future, let’s say, there would be a warning, we read it out on the air yesterday, a warning, let’s say, about the dangers of drinking raw water, but there were conversations, there are conversations going on, i don’t know anymore, whether this is speculation or really
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or or a real danger that, so to speak, they may, in connection with a flood, in general with floods, what may happen -that infectious diseases, they just develop, i don’t know, they literally move at the speed of the same water, here are the prospects, so to speak, well, here are the dangers...
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mass vaccination, we give out free antiviral drugs that are against both respiratory viruses and intestinal viruses , and of course, today we are engaged in maximum preventative morbidity, i’m right, let’s record this now, that is, now there are no signs, that is, this is still a concern, and there are no signs that those diseases are about which you said already came, so to speak , they are not there, there was a local situation related to the incidence of the so-called intestinal flu, norovirus infection, it was localized, now our situation is absolutely manageable, but i am appealing once again to the residents
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of iorsk and, of course, the entire orenburg region region , we have a flood situation, not only in orenburg, not only in orsk, use only boiled water as much as possible, and today i can responsibly say that in the city of orsk there are no problems with... communications with the deputy chairman government of the orenburg region on social policy, can i ask another question, georgy tigranovich, this is really what we are discussing now, how to deal with this, what the threat may be, the water won’t
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go away quickly, then it’s still sowing, for the people, i’m right i understand, it’s not just some clean water that came, you come into the house, it ’s all dirty, it’s, well, it’s a common infection, yes, of course, the water is cloudy, the water removes the fertile layer of soil and. .. and well, in general today we can say that according to the borders that are visible from the flooding satellite, agriculture is unlikely to suffer, unlikely to suffer, unlikely to suffer, yes, because here it should be noted, we just didn’t say about it, in my opinion on channel one, but for many it was a discovery, it turns out that 40% of the acreage there is sown with our sunflowers, up to 40%, and in my opinion about 40% are durum varieties, these are actually pasta. they are made from it, this is all in the erimburg region, the region, you understand, so the danger was quite serious if the territory where - they are directly engaged in rural farm, will be flooded, then this will reduce
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the yield there by up to 30 to 40, maybe up to 50%, that is, twice, roughly speaking, well, you can say twice and - in general , it will be completely restored in 3-5 years , here is the fertile layer, it ’s completely there in 10-15. but since i repeat, the area of ​​flooding is not so large, usually in the floodplain part of the river they don’t do agriculture at all, it’s as if it’s impossible to do this, but there the floodplain part was flooded and there the first terrace, at most, i think i understand, excuse me, please, that’s how the first terrace sounded correctly, i understand there is a second third, in fact, god forbid, in a few years this second third will be flooded, it ’s possible. we need to go back again to understand this issue, we need to go back to the physics of the process, what happened, we
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had a minus at the end of march. in orenburg, and - there it was already +17 on the third day, that is , it warmed up very quickly, the snow, which fell in a record amount, there was 30% above the norm, melted quickly, the soil had not yet had time to thaw, usually the water is melted, it flows either by surface runoff into the river, or by underground runoff, that is, it infiltrates, penetrates into the water through the ground aquifer, just like here the ground was frozen, and the frozen ground is an aquifer, of course, look, that is, these are whole, well, such a coincidence of so many factors is unfortunate, and you, as an ecologist, cannot but know that this is not a coincidence, this will apparently get worse every year, so why is it already regulated, wait, you’re talking about global warming, we we that's what we call it this is more likely a global climate change, because not everywhere on the planet is getting warmer, for example, this winter there were record sub-zero temperatures in central asia and china, that is
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, yes.
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now there is a business center there, it remains there, it... of course, is an institute, but there are also various design bureaus, some kind of retail space, something else, something else, in samara they completely closed it, but this institute, which did, for example, canals, 250, we saw the hydroproject institute, but the hydroproject institute no longer deals with hydroprojects, there he is engaged, no, he is engaged, but if you compare it with the soviet one from the thirties, when
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vladimir olegovich, hello, thank you for being with us, how ready is the tyumen region for the upcoming, so to speak, flood, as i understand it, this is no longer just a fear , but practically a fact. ask! anatoly, colleagues, good afternoon, indeed, we have already introduced an emergency situation in the tyumen region, this decision was made yesterday, from 12 noon. this was done so that regional authorities, together with we and the ministry of emergency situations system could carry out in advance the necessary set of preventive measures to minimize the possible consequences of such a flood. of course, it is too early to talk about forecasts, but in the worst case scenario, of course, we assume flooding of the territory of the population and which will take place in
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several municipal areas. ekaterina, indeed, after the floods of 16-7 , which you already said, the hydraulic structures were indeed reconstructed, we are convinced, we hope that they will withstand this whole situation, but here there must be an understanding of all of us, we expected, all those who designed these dams...
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in short, directly, but you just said that there is such a scenario for the development of events, that, and i understand correctly that probably do you always start from the worst case scenario and the worst forecast, or is there some other approach? anatoly, naturally, we take the worst option, so as i said above, we assume that there will be several municipal districts in the flood zone in three rivers, this is this and this is the worst, as it were, the worst option, the worst, so to speak.
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hydraulic engineering , the most important task is to minimize the damage and consequences, this includes structures and other events, the explosion of ice jams on rivers, which is happening in our country, and a bunch, a bunch of other things, secondly, if troubles have already happened one way or another . it is very important, of course, to prevent casualties among people, among the civilian population, if they already need to be evacuated, to provide everything necessary in order to minimize there are already problems for people, this is the task of the authorities, i say again, anything can happen
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, or you can simply come to you directly with a question in the duma, or you can again revive the institutes of hydroprojects and specialist training, alexey borisovich cannot say for sure, this is a collective matter. well, a short question, just here - suppose justice prevails, so to speak, and the merchants from the temple of science are expelled from the hydraulic project, what should he do, you have 15 seconds of one formula, he should conduct an audit of all hydraulic structures, that were built there after the nineties, well, after the ninety-first year, let’s say, i understood everything, this is the answer, and just in those regions where the potential ones were done, i just thought it was a hydraulic project for you, and why a full audit of all the hydraulic engineering that heap. thank you, friends, for your attention, see you soon on air. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people who call themselves
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the illuminati. they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years, interfering in the course of human development. weishaut, creator illuminati, the denial of god, the denial of religion is at the head of everything, they consider themselves demonic people. part of the rite of passage involves killing. i couldn’t even imagine then that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening would end with children being killed. the organizers of the balls were against it. this icon represents the masters of the illuminati, which is a militant organization. we are talking about establishing power over the world. power is based on the rejection of the traditional worldview and world order. the obstacle to complete hegemony is primarily russia. and already from every iron it sounds like the west is arming itself under the pretext " for cosmonautics day on the first day, we are on
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nerves all day, we worry all day long, hello everyone, by the way. 18 17 16 15 ignition. call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew. on saturday, on the first . this year we are celebrating the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. let's go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, the eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, cosmonaut.
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i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i i wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, such hysterics, he gave out, i want to be yuri, yuri alekseevich - it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, this is a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which you drank yuri alekseevich himself is a loon, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly a spit, on saturday on the first. premiere, i love my
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country, on saturday at the first, well, i am different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, you love me, i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes.
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first of all, this is support, this is support, these are the people who can support you at any moment, our mothers, wives, daughters, these are the most beloved, every week we go with the whole family to some restaurant, cafe and just spend time together, to be parents - it's great, it's good, in general it's very, very exciting, it's straight attraction, i wished mom that they would always win some games, mom, we love you, yes. homeland, fatherland, you are my second mother, i am dear to you, i am ready
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to give my whole life, my family, my loved ones, my friends, this is my homeland, and i want it to smile every day along with its inhabitants. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. at the beginning of the meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee, 27 major terrorist attacks have been prevented in our country since the beginning of the year. the head of the nak and fsb director alexander bortnikov. the kiev regime, according to him, seeks to attack transport facilities, energy, defense enterprises, life support systems, and is increasing efforts to do this. moreover, under the auspices of the west it attracted. for attacks on members of international terrorist
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groups. ukrainian neo-nazis, their western patrons, organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory, by members of the international terrorist underground. evidence of this are recent tragic events in krasnogorsk, with numerous civilian casualties . under the current conditions, the subject. counter-terrorism measures are being taken to strengthen the security of key facilities involved in ensuring a special military operation and supplying new russian regions. our military repelled an enemy attack off the coast of crimea. ukrainian militants fired an anti-ship missile neptune towards the peninsula, but it was detected in time by air defense systems. in addition, several enemy attempts were thwarted attack targets in the belgorod and voronezh regions. and this is footage of the special operation zone. artyomovsk direction, the crew
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of our infantry fighting vehicle destroyed the american bradley vehicle. in the kupinsky sector, the enemy is being pushed back by t-80 tanks, in the kharkov sector - helicopter pages destroyed a group of saboteurs. fortified areas of opponents of the zaporozhye region are stormed by airborne forces. the elite of our troops. it is on the shoulders of the paratroopers that the most difficult tasks fall, but nothing is impossible for them. the key to success is combat experience, coordination of actions and lightning-fast reaction. helps in combat, of course, is reliable modern technology. frontline reporting by valery kuznetsov. t-4m is the latest airborne assault vehicle; even over rough terrain, this vehicle can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h. the feodosia paratroopers show us their combat vehicle right before leaving for a mission. a variety of weapons and speed are what you need for a successful assault. zaporozhye
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direction target opornik armed forces of ukraine, near the village of verbovoye. ammunition capacity of more than 2.0 rounds of various cartridges. a hundred-millimeter cannon enters the entrance, they drive up almost close to to the enemy, a quick maneuver, a machine -gun burst, then troops land, several armored vehicles and groups of militants are destroyed, the attack is lightning fast, we don’t know how to do it any other way, the enemy is clearly taken by surprise, they are poorly fortified, because well, the support forces are being torn apart. literally from one trip, 15 ukrainian attack aircraft, including four officers, surrendered, judging by their revelation, the eighty-second separate brigade, in the past elite, can be called such now with a big stretch, just like he talked to them, he says, here i am mobilized literally 3 weeks ago as
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a private, trained for 3 weeks, sent to command a company, our guardsmen , on the contrary, have a lot of combat experience behind them, they are the main... fist, one might say, of our battalion, they constantly carry out tasks and have high awards, yes, there is order there, it turns out through one, one might say, and the order of courage, they are retreating in so, but there are no safe surprises, now we see that an engineering and sapper group is working, looking for mines, which the enemy leaves in quite a large number, a mine on the right, carefully , be careful underneath. use a knife to make sure there are no mine traps, this mine is designed to destroy enemy personnel, the american claymer mine, an analogue of our mont 50 mine, we already know how it works, the principle of operation, we mostly destroy it on the spot, sometimes they use it against those who i was installing them, there is a lot of work as always, now the assault units
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are pouring fire around the clock into the concentration of infantry and the enemy in the verbovoy area. valery kuznetsov, sergey kuznetsov, islan astarkhanov. and dmitry matyushin, channel one, zaporozhye region. new attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the militants used a drone, which hit the building where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. no one was hurt and there was no damage. over the past few days, the nuclear power plant has been subjected to a series of kamikaze drone strikes. the arrivals were recorded by magath inspectors who are on duty at the station. because of the attacks , russia called for an extraordinary session of the international agency's board of governors. in addition, moscow is waiting for a full-format report on the connection with the shelling, connection with the shelling. earlier, the head of magathe, rafael grossi , called the pas drone strikes reckless and noted that they jeopardize global nuclear security. now, regarding the situation with floods, how the consequences of the disaster are being eliminated in the orenburg region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations,
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alexander kurenkov, checked, flew over the territory, and assessed the operational situation from the air in order to determine further measures. there is a state of emergency in the region; more than 10 thousand are flooded. houses, almost 13 thousand household plots, in orsk the water is slow, but it is receding, here in orenburg the peak of the flood, experts say, is still ahead, the maximum level is expected tomorrow, suburban villages are already flooded, electricity and gas have been cut off there, rescuers are working non-stop, making earthen dumps, taking people out, evacuation has begun in kurgan region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations has already flown there from orenburg, more than 1,900 people may end up in the danger zone, the airport is under threat, attracting additional...
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the stop in the regions of russia and kazakhstan was discussed in detail by telephone by the leaders of the two countries, vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev noted the close interaction of relevant departments of services, the presidents also confirmed their intentions for further comprehensive strengthening of allied relations, and also discussed interaction within the cis and the organization of a collective security treaty. the mutually beneficial partnership between russia and china and new joint tasks are being discussed today in beijing. the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov , met with the chairman of the people's republic of china.
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for many years, you have done a lot of fruitful work to promote russian-chinese relations and bilateral cooperation. i appreciate it very much. i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you the best greetings from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. my colleague and friend and i are trying to follow your example, and indeed today we had very, very useful negotiations. and the re-election of president putin. of course, continuity in our relations is guaranteed by focusing on new development of these relations
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in all areas. we note that it is thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that russian-chinese ties demonstrate the ability to adapt to any most difficult conditions, demonstrate their stability, they are based on mutual support in those issues. as permanent members of the un security council and responsible powers, we will continue to strengthen our strategic interaction on the world stage, we will provide each other with strong support, build up our multilateral cooperation... russia also appreciates beijing’s peace initiatives in resolving the ukrainian conflict. the proximity and, in most cases, the coincidence
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of the foreign policy approaches of russia and china to solving the key problems of our time lays the foundation for strengthening strategic coordination on the world stage. interaction in international affairs allows us to more effectively solve common problems. both on the internal contour and on the external one. negotiations behind closed doors lasted more than 2 hours, the government residence in the center of the chinese capital, its name translates as a fishing terrace. it is symbolic that in beijing now the plum blossom period, and these delicate flowers against the backdrop of the state residence seem to emphasize the current blossoming of chinese relations in russia. the plan for inter-ministry of foreign affairs consultations for next year is not just a memorandum or.
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and so the russian guests were treated to champagne on the occasion, an elegant gesture emphasizing the friendly tone of the visit. and as the ministers subsequently stated at a joint briefing, in conditions when both countries are experiencing sanctions pressure from western countries, our response will be. is at an unprecedentedly high level, speaking of prospects, there are many joint projects, from sporting events like the brix games and friendship games to the launch of new
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banking mechanisms. for many years it has been said: three victims of the bridge collapse in vyazma were brought from the smolensk region to moscow, now they are in the priorov center, more than five thousand people have already been involved in eliminating the consequences of the incident, work is going on around the clock, they plan
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to completely dismantle the overpass and build a new one in its place . gas supply has been disrupted in the region, restoration can take several days, trains are delayed, they are diverted around vyazma, let me remind you that the collapse happened the night before, there were cars and a truck at the crossing at that moment, a woman died, five people were injured, a criminal case has been opened into the incident under articles of negligence . the flagship project of the healthcare system in the moscow region, a children's clinical center named after rashal will open its doors in krasnogorsk this summer. construction. he inspected the wards for placing children with their parents, the reception area, operating room, x-ray room. about 15 thousand patients will receive free medical care at the center every year. another 150 thousand children will be able to undergo examinations and consult with the best doctors. the first launch of
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the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle. as expected , the launch was stopped by the automatic system for 24 hours, this was stated by the general director of roscosmos yuri borisov, 2 minutes before the possible launch, the automatic system stopped the launch process due to a failure of the tank's overflow system, as a healer of the central unit, in this situation a drain is provided fuel, we will finally understand the reasons and the launch is tentatively scheduled for a reserve date for tomorrow. let me remind you that the launch was supposed to take place today at noon moscow time from the east massan cosmodrome. the mountain weighs almost 800 tons, it uses environmentally friendly fuel, on such rockets they plan to launch heavy spacecraft into orbit and send modules of the future russian orbital station into space. that's all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell.
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i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you best greetings to the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, and he greatly appreciated your congratulatory message following the presidential elections in march of this year. these results, of course, confirmed the broad support among citizens for the results that were achieved under the leadership
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of president putin in previous years, both from a point of view. comprehensive development of russia, strengthening its sovereignty, ensuring security, territorial integrity, so from the point of view of our foreign policy course, we note that it is thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that russian-chinese relations demonstrate the ability to adapt to any of the most difficult conditions, demonstrate their stability, and are based on... mutual support in those issues that affect the fundamental interests of our states. and in kiev, in washington , they understand well that sergei lavrov flew to china for a reason, and one of the main topics of the negotiations is ukraine. the head of our foreign ministry said that china understands the futility of any international events that not only do not take into account russia’s position, but generally ignore it. and
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china never adds fuel to the fire, it has already stated this. and in china they believe that if there is to be a conference on ukraine, it must be with the participation of both moscow and kiev. one should advocate for a new one. models of interstate relations in the spirit of dialogue, partnership and alliance, a place of confrontation, counteracts hegemony, despotism and bullying, it is important to unshakably promote the consciousness of an equal, orderly multipolar world. chinese country supports the timely convening of an international conference, which the russian-ukrainian country also approves, with equal participation of all parties and an honest discussion of all options for the peace plan. well, that's remarkable. that literally before sergei lavrov’s visit to china , united states treasury secretary janit yelin visited beijing, and this is how the chinese themselves react to her visit. great, the more sanctions
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the united states imposes, the closer cooperation between russia and china will become. let's bring the americans to their white knees. i see red carpet, and ellen won’t be jealous? well, in the coming weeks, by pure coincidence, of course, us secretary of state antony blinken is going to china, and he is also going with a belligerent attitude; on the eve of his visit to china, blinken is rumored
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to have made many harsh statements. china and hong kong have become key gateways for russia to obtain restricted technologies , including chips and integrated circuits used in weapons or needed to create them. moreover, as the interlocutors said. publications on condition of anonymity, in recent months , chinese support for russia has increased. anthony blinken this week briefed european allies on the scale and significance of chinese support and the need to do more to reduce it. blinken asked allies to raise the issue directly with china and take action against chinese businesses and companies. but china has already responded that if america begins to scare beijing with sanctions against chinese companies and banks, for...
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yes, in this sense, of course, it is very important to understand what allows china to support this stability, this, of course, relations with russia, and here the visit of our minister to
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beijing, you know, it seems that our contacts are at the highest level, they seem similar to each other, in fact there are always some nuances, always there are some new points that i would like to draw attention to, so briefly, the first, of course, is that this is a... this year is the first contact of such a high level after the presidential elections in russia, this is a very important point, secondly, the chairman is indeed one of... but it’s very tough there it is said that we are ready to cooperate with russia, strengthen our all-season partnership, we hope that russia will continue, so to speak, to demonstrate stability, so to speak, to ensure the security, well-being of its citizens, such an interesting message, and one more point, of course, why this is the game in...
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china is the story with ukraine, how the ukrainian crisis will be resolved, and we know that attempts are now being made to create a so -called peace summit according to the so-called zelensky peace formula, switzerland is there succeeds in all this, well, succeeds in quotes, literally on the eve of his trip to beijing, sergei lavrov met, it was also an interesting meeting with diplomats from the countries. global south, there were more than 70 ambassadors, here he was in great detail, the meeting lasted more than two hours, he explained in great detail why we consider the idea of ​​this summit in switzerland to be stillborn, toxic and counterproductive for the settlement, here a lot will depend on china, because they are trying to drag china into this very thing, despite the fact that china has already stated that it will not participate, yes, that china stated that it will not participate, however, i
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was surprised after the chinese special envoy traveled to europe in mid-march, he was in kiev, he was here in moscow, after this, the head of president zelensky’s office, andriy ermak, receiving jake sullivan in kiev, said that, and you know, we have not yet lost hope that china will still join at the last moment, why am i saying this, i say:
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no , they won’t do it, they are trying to do it, well, they will try to do it 100%. they even go to china they fly in, here is elin with arrogant statements, with threats on the territory of china, they came home to china, the chinese are threatened there too, they are blackmailed there, what else are the americans ready to do, they are really ready to close their markets to chinese companies, well, at some level, yes, you need to remember that in the beginning it all didn’t start with... trump, it all started with
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obama, you can even say earlier, somewhere in 2006 such disappointment already began with china, because they invested a lot, china somehow did not become an american vassal, on the contrary strived for independence, so this game will become fiercer, now trump will probably come, so it will be even worse, the difference is that biden does not have his team. speaking ability in general, most people there, like blinkin, they are ideologists, they come and push through their topic, they are used to this with europeans, because europeans, well, half of the europeans are their mentors, so the cudgel and balls are cudgels and balls and now he is the most the best holo, the first one still doesn’t try to sit there somehow and rock the boat on two chairs, but they still shy away, now the problem is with china too, the american goal is still on china, it doesn’t matter. what is the approach to
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russia, but there are two approaches to russia, there is the approach of the democrats, who are now effectively trying to destroy russia and walk over russian corpses to reach china from the other side of china, and there are republicans who look, let’s tear russia away from china, make russia teran against china, well, what ukraine did against russia, they have a slightly different approach, but the goal is still the same, china must either be defeated or put in its place because hegomony cannot exist globally. and china, for its part, played its own game in the middle of russia and america, well, there was such a triangle of three super powers, they played from one side to the other, the problem is that america is trying. will now destroy russia, and china is not going to stand alone against the americans, this is stupidity, because of course china is only getting even closer to russia, because otherwise, well, what will happen, otherwise at the beginning of the encirclement of china from all sides, there is no deep body for china, there is no resource body either, and it will be one on one with the americans, their vassals,
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the americans are turning around now, they are creating nato, the pacific oceans are nato, the canadians are already getting ready for this, but it’s not just the military, they are now collecting. that means there are debates, they swear, they quarrel, they argue, they immediately go on vacation, and so once again they have returned from vacation and now, that means, everyone hopes that as a result this bill on allocating aid to ukraine will somehow be considered, the speaker of the house is making big bets
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representatives of mike johnson and say that he will still have to make a decision this time, the hill building said that this will generally be the moment of truth. johnson had been pushing back the deadline for considering aid to ukraine for months, but last weekend the speaker narrowed the scope, announcing that the house would debate funding for kiev immediately after the two-week easter recess. now all eyes are on the speaker, because in the united states , ukraine has long been sounding the alarm that ukrainians are running out of resources resistance to russia. the main threat to johnson is pressure from the influential congresswoman margerite. which has tightened its rhetoric against the speaker and is now threatening to remove him, she made it clear that providing assistance to the ukrainians would be dangerous for him. before the republicans go on vacation to the united states again, british foreign secretary david cameron is in a hurry, he is going
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to persuade the republicans to vote for the allocation of billions to ukraine. without this help, ukraine will be very very tight and congressmen most likely.
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the allocated money is gone, an audit committee has been formed in ukraine. well, while the united states is waiting, european politicians are taking the initiative into their own hands, they have no choice, the other day the head of the british foreign ministry and the head of the french ministry of foreign affairs, david cameron and stéphane sajournet , wrote an article in the zatelegraph publication on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the anglo-french agreement, which is known as intentionals, a cordial agreement stated. the creation of a renewed entente without russia. ukraine must win this war. if ukraine loses, we all lose. the cost of failing to support ukraine now will be much higher than the cost of fighting back against putin. the uk and france are proud of the support
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we have given ukraine, from unprecedented sanctions to the coordinated delivery of the first scalp and stormshadow long-range missile systems. we must do even more to win. russia, the world is watching us and it will judge us if we fail. well, ukrainian allies are striving to become officially accomplices. well, we remind our viewers that the entente is a military-political bloc that included russia, france and great britain, and it was created as a counterweight to germany and its allies on the eve of the first world war. in general, the current union of paris and london raises many questions, as you remember, not so long ago emmanuel macron. openly offered to send his troops to ukraine to help them fight us, however, he never received support from pomnato’s allies, but apparently his message was heard precisely in foggy albion. by the way. speaking, the french guards for the first time in history took part in changing of the guard at buckingham palace in
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london and a similar ceremony with the participation of british guards took place at the elysee palace in paris, watched by macron. well, now elena kondratyeva salguero, editor-in-chief of the almonach word meanings, is in direct contact with us from paris. elena, hello, hello, but i don’t know, of course, you know that. i smile, because well, i personally understand the absurdity of this whole idea of ​​​​creating the entente, because the entente was an alliance of russia, britain and france at the beginning of the 20th century, but france, apparently phantom pains, because it was as part of the entente that france considers itself the winner of the first world war, largely thanks to the merits of the russian empire, which we know for what reasons was forced to withdraw from the first world war, but nevertheless...
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everything is falling apart at the seams , then it becomes quite obvious that in the absence of facts they operate with symbols, these constant, colossal, grandiose events that mr. macron regularly sprinkles on the agenda, they are designed precisely to assure the public of the greatness of the country, that the greatness of the country and the support without reservation of the support of its allies are unshakable and unshakable, in general this is very little and... does not work well, because, as i already said, the situation is internal, the internal agenda
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is really bursting at all the seams, almost every day they are now igniting the so -called difficult suburbs, statistics record - an average of three murders per day and 41 gangster attacks per hour in the country, 800 billion public debt, the olympic games, which hang like a sword of domocles not only over taxpayers... payers and in general, so say, townspeople and even people in remote parts of the french capital, but also many problems associated with this, first of all with security, not to mention everything else, these colossal funds that are being poured in everywhere, it is not clear what they will end up being used for , questions are also arising about this more and more often, and most importantly, mr. macron, who... by the way, the day after tomorrow on thursday all the most prominent representatives of the french arms industry are gathering in the city of bezgerak to
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to officially lay the first stone of a new gunpowder factory and discuss with them the so -called transition of the economy to a war footing, while all analysts , politicians and observers understand that an increase in the military budget is not expected, that is, this whole absurdity makes the whole current situation mr. . macron, frankly speaking, is similar to one famous literary character from the elf and petrov in the golden calf, who had, you know, remember, such was the boss of hercules, he had two, he had several such official stamps, universal, mr. macron has two such universal stamps, all his policies, all his innovations, all his proposals come down to two points, this is, first of all, not to let russia win if we are... so to speak, united and invincible, these round dances that they lead, either with the british part, so to speak
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, of the alliance, or with whomever he grabs in the hope of holding on, keeping his reputation afloat, the second is those who are not with us, those against us, those for putin, those about russia, as you know, not only the olympic games are coming, but also elections to the european parliament, where all the sovereignist parties will clearly undergo big changes in one powerful wave... see you, but nevertheless, macron’s two tasks at the moment are demonize to completely convince everyone around that the main, in general, danger to france comes only from russia, while he is already being asked a question on open air, and are you sure that this is really so, and that this is not internal islamization everything that is now happening in the country with literally all cardinal points, that is, the situation is very precarious, very...
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suddenly one of one of the representatives of, in general, was buried in the pantheon of completely french resistance groups, everyone is still asking themselves questions, what was it , in general, why and why right now, and the same thing with this event with the guardsmen, which cost incredible expenses, since there were previous ones, as you can easily guess, rehearsals and all the questions of taxpayers, but how much? funds were spent on this colossal simply zilch shine remain unanswered, while in general everyone already clearly understands everything about this, they openly say that all these mantras, in general, are intended for each other, to convince each other, let's join hands friends, we are united, we invincible, in general,
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a rather pitiful picture, i would say. worthwhile, just recently gave the most comprehensive of all answers, as i have said many times, that this is practically impossible, so he, firstly, corrected the exact figure, not 20 thousand possible land forces, so to speak, comrades who can march there, and 19, then he said, quite impartially, just live , that among that galaxy of french,
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really serious military leaders who would resign so as not to give... orders, those whoever gives it will answer for a very long time to future generations, a very recent statement by blinkin, if you remember, who said that none of the members of the alliance can, at their own will and at the behest of anyone, make such promises as where, when, why to introduce troops, as absolutely everyone understands, were addressed personally to emmanuel macron, but the situation is catastrophic. thank you very much, elena kondratyeva salgiro, editor-in-chief of the words and meanings, well, we already understood, we came to this, elena described everything to us in detail, it’s clear that macron needs the laurels of a winner, yes the laurels of a winner, but will macron pull it off by betting on the british, because we
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don’t see either america or germany nearby, well, i think macron is playing some games here. also go to berlin with force, but it will be they don’t have the strength to go to moscow, but it will happen, so now, if the war somehow holds out in ukraine, a race will begin on both sides to see who will attack whom faster, but they don’t intend to, this is another crusade against russia , sergei vladinovich, your forecast regarding the new entente, this absurd france and britain, is a completely
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stillborn project for the simple reason that it will be a swan, a crayfish and a pike, and here everyone is.
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one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people, calling themselves the illuminati.
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in order to take possession of a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, this means myakisheva, myakisheva , where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, look, it’s time after the program, this little white ball at the end of the laser
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is a coagulated protein, this is how stunningly elegantly beautiful you can coagulate hemorrhoids, saving a person, about unique technologies for a wide variety of health problems, solving these problems we tell you in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch. please, it's just pasadena. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi goldbert a cop? how does he perceive our paintings? local audience? give some other twist to russian cinema, you are from the clinic, you criticize the american dream, no, i'm trying to tell the story of
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drissa banks, the last seven days of laura palmer, you are laura palmer, matodor on friday on the first, tell me what you i like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like it in the future. to say that i did everything i could in my life, the challenge, the broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, on saturday at the first, well, i am different, different, evgeniy steblov, one of the most unusual artists russia, he was made famous by a video where he looked confused. and unfortunate, light, you love me, i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, and for a very long time i did not understand what i
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had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception will be revealed, they will beat you, but how did the relationship develop in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock, our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country. and wherein remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in stania for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of a slovenian monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this god's providence, as the lord manages, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running
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, shining, and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games. on sunday on the first. donetsk utility workers are having a real holiday, they have a brand new loaf of bread, the fact is that they were forced to very often travel to sites with heavy equipment on foot, this is how the life of donetsk utility workers has changed, maryana naumova found out.
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station, meeting place, pavel has already arrived with his team, where are they, oh, hello, finally, god, i'm so glad, i so glad that you are here, in my beloved donetsk, yes, i don’t know, for me donetsk is just like a second home, and i just wanted to bring you here, you probably passed through the center, but it’s so peaceful and quiet there , calm, people are walking, cafes are open, here the oktyabrsky village is already beginning, well, just after the train, and there everything is already, as if life is slowly slowing down, there are fewer and fewer people, arrivals, copter.
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well, i hope that the weather today we somehow conjured so that there would be fog, yes, and that today the guys at the front would have a day off, we allowed us to move in calmly and not be afraid for this loaf that we were dragging from moscow. yes, let's tell a story about bukhanka, we filmed a story in the village of oktyabrsky about the local zhek, yeah. they had a huge problem with transport, well, more precisely , it simply doesn’t exist, and this is your transport, and this is our transport, yes, we run on it, all on our own hump, on a bicycle, on the handles forward, i walked everywhere, asked, everywhere , i say, give me a loaf, well, give me some kind of pie, well, well, these are such small cars, no need for a new one, no new one it’s necessary, let her be old, as long as she pedals here in the village,
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i’m very glad that you responded, they brought her, i’ll tell you right away, it was a difficult case, our guys rustled through almost all the cities and we weigh both kirov and samara, and saratov, who haven’t applied anywhere, we looked at eight or ten loaves for us, everything is very old, and the price tags are very high, 800-900 for a completely old one, for a second-hand one, yes, and how much does it take to get rid of it, another 1,200, probably, i don’t know, to roll it to moscow, and we... and we had time in time, and the trunk seemed to they made it specially for it, welded it on.
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oh, now i recognize you, hello, thank you very much, you know, this is our first time in donetsk, this gift came to you, you know how it is from the moscow salon, it’s fresh, fresh, take care, i hope it will serve us very well , and accordingly, what we bought there is now, thank you for getting together, because everything there is very heavy , 150, 120 kg each, let’s go help, yes, this is actually the first time in my life to receive such a gift, it’s completely unthinkable, thank you great to everyone that pavel is here did you bring it? pavel brought us a compressor, this, this is very necessary, we need to wash the houses,
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pressurize the houses, and the generators, i see, the lights have been cut off again, right? yes, we have a constant interruption, because the lines come up, they fail, in principle, the generator is a... a very necessary thing for us so that the work does not stop, so that we can constantly be at work, but you have unpacking here today it will be global, so you are talking about some kind of gift, my partner flew in from irkutsk yesterday, my dear friend, sasha, thank you, sashka, hello, i brought it. i got fish from baikal, it was in the workshop on sunday, being smoked, so now i want to give the guys a surprise, so guys, let’s go while the hostess doesn’t see, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, look, this is fish from
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baikal, this is omul, whitefish, link, if you like it, then order it. bags, let them protect you , i make them myself, thank you very much, here's to the lord, mother of god, so that everything is fine with you, so that you can help live, work, make us happy, i will definitely hang it in my office, as if they will because analogue there will be no analogue in one in one copy, what’s what. here, so bless you, you have done such a huge thing for us that i can’t, i’m very worried, of course, because you know, when you work just like that, well , well, on the hump, and there, suddenly like this this, this, i don’t know, don’t worry,
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please, don’t worry, don’t worry, please, grandma, hello, what are you watching, watching, what... they go, well, usually until three to 4 o’clock the workers are here, just sit there it’s very difficult in the apartment, now the weather is good, i came out in the sun, you guys are already working here, zhekovites, they didn’t have transport, imagine, they are on foot with these cylinders, here our friend, pavel, brought this car, and so they will have a car now, can you imagine, it’s very... good , very good, i just heard on tv that railway traffic from donetsk is already beginning to be restored, hospitals are being built, kindergartens and schools are being rebuilt, well
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, yes, we have experienced a lot here in 10 years, many have left, but we are here all the time, you have no light, nothing, he takes out the garbage, garbage no... guys, let's now load up with cylinders and go to the address, yes, yes,
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we were a little delayed, but we came to work, so wait for water, and how did you get there before with these cylinders, you waited a very long time for transport, well, with us ... one emergency light works for six trains, now i’ll fly to work in the morning, know that i can do everything, don’t wait for this emergency light, but come and be at the address within 8 hours. how are you doing here? oh, how are we doing? they’re shooting, well, at least it’s better anyway, even though there are fewer arrivals, why don’t you have water, yes, i broke through this one, well, now there are constant problems, either water or heating, there are always some problems here. they drop drones, drones, so we go to the market,
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they drop drones, then we run away, fly, run away, and we live like this for 10 years, my grandmother suffered two strokes because of this, so here all these poor grannies are all barely alive, and this your children, yes, this is a granddaughter, yes, a son, a son, a son and a daughter-in-law, a grandson, well, already big, but he was born here during the war, my son is in mariupol, yes. the wounded man was left with shrapnel, he was kamis, everyone had someone serving, someone died, someone was wounded, well, we still hope that everything will be fine, we don’t lose hope.
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since the fourteenth year, residents of donbass have been living under shelling, but still do not lose hope, because, because they exist, because there are things much more important, so we started the story with information about bukhanka, which was passed on to the communal workers, but they said where our auto industry? when difficult times come , all this tinsel fades into the background, reliability comes first, so loaves are now relevant, our people will not be defeated, victory will follow us, further news, hello, the news is on air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. u... ukrainian militants again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
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the drone hit the roof of the building, where there is a unique center in which the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. this time there were no casualties, but just 2 days ago three employees of the nuclear power plant were injured. the ukrainian armed forces fired a whole series of kamikaze drones at it. one of them hit the dome of the sixth power unit. russia called for convening extraordinary session of the magathe governing council. it can happen. already on thursday. moscow is waiting for a full report, comprehensive and truthful information from the agency. today the nuclear power plant was visited by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko. the meeting discussed ensuring nuclear safety. meanwhile, our troops continue to strike exclusively at military targets of the ukrainian armed forces. it is reported that a train containing reinforcements for ukrainian units in the konstantinov area was destroyed. v the carriages contained enemy reserves,
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which were supposed to be in a squadron in the dpr, but in addition, the ministry of defense said that this morning russian air defense systems destroyed an anti-ship missile neptune over the black sea and four drones over the belgorod and voronezh regions. the skies above the border areas are scanned day and night by crews of torus anti-aircraft missile systems, they also shoot down reconnaissance drones that ukrainian militants use for... the key to success in the northeast military district zone is comprehensive work a wide variety of equipment, the orlan 30 unmanned and aerial vehicle identifies an enemy target, and strikes with high-precision projectiles. moreover, this ammunition was modernized, the time it was ready to
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fire was reduced by 10 times, with an advanced report by evgeny lyamin. we're ready, we 're ready. the orland 30 unmanned aerial vehicle is installed on the launch pad. next, the soldiers of the troop center group begin to check all systems. in general, everything is the same as before the flight of a regular plane. checking the target equipment, attention suspension. checking the board completely, that is, all systems, like floperons, that is, these. the flaps work, how the camera works, at the moment it is spinning, just checking, that is, approaching, moving away, the laser itself is also checked, the laser for aiming high-precision ammunition takes several minutes to check the drone, then unscrew, take off, gain altitude, that's it there is a set, an eagle soars into the sky, there is a multi-hour flight ahead at an altitude of several thousand meters, it...
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here is its warhead, this is the accelerating engine when fired, it fires through a few seconds, small wings open, constantly taxis, here small wings also open and taxi already when approaching the target, you can see how krasnopol, for example, during the liberation of the tonenkoye village in the avdeevsky direction , it was destroyed. the center is destroyed by an ukrainian armed forces tank. our artillery crews are on duty, waiting for the target coordinates and ready to go to the firing position at any second. thanks to the new high-precision ammunition krasnopol m2, everything
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is much faster. the difference between the second krasnopol and the first is that the time it is ready for the shot was reduced by 10 times, even more than 10. the scouts locate the target, then the artillery connects a special remote control to the ammunition and enters the settings, this is exactly what should not be shown, the preparation takes less than a minute, then loading the ammunition into the self-propelled artillery installation of msta and exit to anger. the eagle highlights this detected target. the first shot destroys a camouflaged american m109 self-propelled artillery mount. the paladin triggers the ammunition, the ammunition is detonated, the second underground command post, cao palodin, first. norway put it on ukraine, then britain, italy, then the usa, from which the enemy can fire, including nato high-precision excalibur shells, because self-propelled guns are one of the priority targets, our krasnopol destroys equipment with the first shot. there was a case, we also went out, there were three targets, literally within an hour, there were three targets, three
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shells, everything was destroyed 100%. there was a tank, a self-propelled gun and a towed gun. krasnopol hits at exactly the same time he knocks down. of no use to the enemy during his counter-battery work, due to the fact that its ballistic properties differ from an ordinary projectile, due to its propulsion engine, the enemy does not detect his position from where we are firing. therefore, for example, during a counter-battery fight, the enemy makes hundreds of meters of mistakes, but of course, this is not a reason to hesitate; after completing the combat mission, destroying the target, msta quickly leaves the firing position. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kashchur, nikita sebastyanov, dmitry matyushin, channel one. and the footage we received from the kremlin shortly before our graduation. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the head of bashkortostan, raday khabirov. he reported to the president about how the region is supporting fighters and participants in the special operation. i would like to report on
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support for a special military operation; this is the main key task for us now. we don’t have, this is, first of all, the support of our soldiers, who we have in bashkartstan, a large number of guys are fighting our guys, but i wanted to say, i also once reported to you that since the moment we had a special military operation, there were a lot of initiatives to create volunteer detachments, we now have a very strong, i would say , volunteer battalions of sheimuratov named after dostavalo, last year , as part of our joint work with... defense , we were allowed to create a volunteer registered unit, this is a regiment bashkartstan, they first withstood the blow in the direction, then took part in breaking through the enemy’s defenses, therefore, very combative by your decree, unfortunately, we posthumously awarded the title of hero of russia, lieutenant colonel migunov, battalion tank commander. we
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have mobilized a large number of those who are contracted for defense and volunteers, so we have a large number of families in our opinion. we have established this work with the proper experience, so that every family is still under our attention, in 2 years we have sent more than 7 billion rubles for support, that is, these are all specific things, well, sometimes we even meet with the guys, whatever we would like, they say, we would like for example, we have a lot in the sanatorium, so we send them to the family, if he himself cannot, also us and parents and so on, that’s why we continue to work, we will always analyze what else, what needs there are, this is the most key task.
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the entire area will be floating, electricity and gas have already been cut off in flooded villages, high-capacity trucks are cruising through the villages and taking out everyone who wants them, police are also being brought in, they will patrol the streets to prevent looting, several people remain in their houses, they are closely monitoring the level water, just yesterday there was water stopped, it was on a scale of 30, and we don’t even see 30 yet, but it has already sank, now from 6:00 in the morning until now... the water has already risen by 15 centimeters, no, not 15, by 10 cm. you can appreciate the scale of the flooding in the very center of orenburg, this embankment, you see,
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is completely in the water, this is a children's playground, there is a swing here, the water is almost waist-deep, in fact, it continues to exist. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to orenburg, flew over the territory, and assessed the operational situation from the air in order to determine how it works. together with the governor of the orenburg region, he visited one of the temporary accommodation centers. the ural river has overflowed for a kilometer in some places and is already approaching high-rise buildings. at night , earth dumps were quickly made here. this is what the orenburg region looks like in photographs from space. changes in the flood situation are monitored from satellites. this is the only way to understand the scale of the disaster. currently , 6,500 people have been evacuated in the region. the damage is already being assessed. in tens of billions of rubles, in orsk, where the situation remained critical for the last few days, the water finally began to recede, in 2 hours the level in the ural river
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dropped by 9 cm, but continues to remain dangerous, a total of 2,500 residents have already been evacuated from the flooding zone, all of them hastily left their homes, the water was rising right before our eyes, people are placed in local schools, they try to do everything possible for them, the water was rising quickly, yes, it didn’t just stay quickly, it was just rising before our eyes, it was rising right before our eyes yesterday... the water supply had completely gone, wonderful accepted, we didn’t even expect in principle, because we came, well, of course we were in shock, but here we were immediately, that is, they placed us with a psychologist, a doctor right away, well, that is, there are no words at all, very grateful, difficult the situation remains in the kurgan region, 120 rescuers from ivanovo have already flown there and joined. to specialists from the ministry of emergency situations of the izverlovsk region and other regions of the urals. unfortunately, the flood forecast has become even
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more negative. according to roshydromet, as well as the republic of kazakhstan, water is expected level of 11 m and above, which is much higher than the actual flood event of 1994. there is no need to sit and wait until it starts to flood. everything will happen quickly. leave your home, move to relatives in high places, go to temporary accommodation centers. in the village of zverina golovskoe, the water level rose by almost a meter in just 2 hours, the roads were flooded, and two microdistricts and the airport are under threat of flooding in kurgan itself. valuables have already begun to be removed from museums. svetlana kostina, sergey ponomarev, oleg matyushin, svetlana vedyashkina, sergey nashchekina, anatoly mineev. first channel. the difficult flood situation in the border regions of russia and kazakhstan has become one of those. which were discussed by the leaders of the two countries. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the head of the republic, kasym zhamart takayev. moscow and astana jointly
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monitor and forecast the situation, develop and implement response measures. relations between russia and china are being discussed today in beijing. the head arrived there on a visit our foreign minister sergei lavrov, he held negotiations with the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpin. the meeting took place in the house of people's assembly. i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you the best greetings of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, my colleague and friend and i are trying
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to demonstrate our resilience, based on any of the most difficult conditions, there is mutual support in those issues that affect the fundamental interests of our states. convey your sincere greetings to the president of the russian federation to vladimir putin: you are an experienced diplomat and a friend of the chinese people, you have done a lot of fruitful work to promote chinese-russian relations along the path of peaceful coexistence between the two powers. and this, in turn, played a constructive role in establishing international justice. we will continue to develop the entire range of relationships, as we agreed with vladimir putin. earlier, sergei lavrov met with his chinese counterpart wang yi . according to the ministers, relations between the two countries have reached an unprecedented high level. the parties agreed to begin a dialogue on eurasian security with the involvement of like-minded states to jointly
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counteract western attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world. sergei lavrov's trip to china became an important stage in preparation for the state visit of vladimir putin to the prc. it will take place this year, our media reported. and that's all for now. thank you for being with us, right now the big game program. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today is the anniversary of an important and heroic event in history. our country. april 9 , 1945 troops took könecksberg, present-day kaliningrad, which had previously been turned by the nazis into a seemingly impregnable city, a fortress, or festung, as they declared. well, in the end, this fortress fell in 3 days. today is the main day of sergei lavrov’s visit to beijing, where he held talks with his chinese counterpart wang yi in the morning, and then was received by chairman xidinping himself. and during this meeting with sidzenpin, sergei lavrov
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emphasized the importance of diplomacy between the leaders of the two countries well, in general, the importance of sergei lavrov’s current visit is difficult to overestimate. china is our main economic, foreign policy and military-political partner. this year , a state visit to beijing by vladimir putin is planned; it will most likely take place in may and will be the first foreign visit of the russian president after his re-election. and it must be said that it has already become a good tradition of russian-chinese relations that the leaders
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of the two countries, their first foreign... china and russia regard each other as priority partner in the spirit of eternal good neighborliness and friendship, comprehensive strategic partnership: the countries have raised bilateral ties to the highest level of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction into a new one.
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relations between two great powers, he wanted relations with the united states to become such a standard, and back china, when he spoke about the standard , now wang yi says that russia and china are the real standard of relations between two great powers, and we are fighting together with the american hegemonism, come on let's listen to what sergei lavrov said in response. bilateral relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level and continue to develop dynamically. in a very difficult situation in the world, the issues that we are solving in the field of economics, trade, investment, and the introduction of new technologies are directly related to them. you are for the establishment of a fair multipolar world order, where there is no place for dictatorship, where there is no place for hegemony, where there is no place for neocolonial and colonial practices, which are now being used with all
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their might by the united states and everyone else, so the so-called collective west, which submitted unquestioningly to the will of washington. minister wang yi, yesterday invented this formula. from finland to turkey, where fighting is already underway in the ukrainian sector, and the eastern front, which is being built from japan to australia, and literally
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the day after tomorrow a new structure will emerge, american-japanese-philippine, and there, according to the ukrainian scenario, taiwan could become the site of a clash or the philippines, in fact... to build a just world order, it has been going on for several years now. within the framework of the formula of a comprehensive strategic partnership, but with the beginning of a special military
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operation, and it reached a new level, let’s remember what sidinpin said last march, saying goodbye to president putin on the steps of the large kremlin palace. we are creating changes that have not happened, now the world is experiencing grandiose changes that have not happened for 100 years, and you and i are doing this, we are moving these changes, this is verbatim, and putin, after a pause, said, i agree with you, this, this presidential level, which will be discussed during the next meeting, of course, extremely important in may, now, in fact, why is the ordinary minister of foreign affairs coming, the whole complex of our problems, our achievements and problems,
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since there are also problems in bilateral relations, and we have outlined ways to solve these problems, which will, in fact , be decided, but the main thing, i think, is still this global interaction, this year the president... they will meet not only in may, but also in june on the highway, in october they will meet at brix, and that’s all , all this time, these will be opportunities to clarify the position, in order to outline some new steps, since the situation is indeed extremely difficult, on the western front, on the eastern front, yes, i completely agree, the united states has unleashed a global cold war against russia and china.
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with the participation of the united states, great britain, australia, japan and the philippines, they also do this. well, in essence , an eastern nato, yes, a pacific nato, is being created. as for the western front, this front is hot, it is no longer cold war, but a hybrid war, but a hybrid war, which, i must say, is not very successfully being waged by the proxy of the united states in the person of the kiev regime, and let’s just ask our traditional military observer yuri ivanovich palyaka what is happening now on the fronts of the special operation. indeed, a very important event is happening today. our troops deliver two powerful blows. the first is northwestern avdeevki, where successful attacks have already been going on in the direction of the populated area for several days. ocheretina,
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moreover, today there is good news from semyonovka berdych, there is progress here, more than half of semyonovka from our army has already been occupied, and also novokalinova, a fairly good breakthrough continues today, successful offensive actions continue, which indicates that we have seriously prepared here, but the enemy is obviously not there are enough reserves to stop all problems, also not yet confirmed by the ministry of defense of the russian federation, however, information has passed through our internal channels that may day the settlement here... has been completely liberated, cleared, i hope that the ministry of defense will definitely note this in its briefing either today or tomorrow. well, the second most important direction is chas avyar. here this morning there are very powerful attacking actions, the day before we completely occupied bogdanovka, we even occupied the southwestern outskirts this morning, today there are offensive actions in neighboring kalinovka, kalinovka and grigoryevka, well, in the very hour ravine, and also to the south hours of yar along our beams.
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russian ammunition, so that in search of, you know what, unexploded ones , they would drag these unexploded russian ammunition, which means they would use them in strikes against us, but the commander of the ground forces in the ssu, pavlyuk, in quotes, reassured the ukrainians, who are now actively trying to evade a total violent mobilization, in the following words... reassured, no one will be able to secede, join the armed forces of ukraine, that is, truly total mobilization, it seems to me, this is nazi germany, the beginning of the forty-fifth year, but i must say, the worse the situation for them at the front, the more they, unfortunately, resort to terrorist activities, for 3 days in a row, 3 days in a row, the armed forces of ukraine have been striking at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, hitting with drones, creating.
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our rosatom and what i saw there at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, i talked with yuri alekseevich, the director of the station, valery vasilyovich, this is the head of the training center where engineering and technical personnel are trained in order to safely to operate a nuclear power plant, which today this training center was hit by an fpv drone, and when i gave, well, they gave me a tour of... the plant they showed where there were explosions, where they tried to break through the roof with fpv drones, and this causes very serious concern, why? because i already called on these days, one of the fpvidrons, these last 3 days that you were talking about, literally ended up in one place 20 minutes later, when the magat commission was held there, because every day they have their own route, and can you imagine on that they might run into trouble. today, work is underway
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to create new security contours, because they know the weak points of the station and can hit it with eurons in the most critical infrastructure, the chief engineer of the station, the management of the engineering staff is doing everything to stop all this, they have created additional more circuits, especially this is related to electrical safety, why because the reactors are mainly in cold shutdown and... naturally fed from external sources of electricity and this today, the work that is being carried out at the station is very important, but if this continues, if this continues, they understand that they will not be able to hit the reactor itself, because it can withstand a direct hit from an airplane, yes, they will hit it
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this critical infrastructure in order to create criticality in the reactor itself, this is very important for everyone to understand today, including us...
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first of all in the donbass, well, they want to at least create conditions for freezing the situation, yes, because if it does a threat to the security of the western union, naturally, the whole world will shout about, let’s fence off the conflict, it’s pure blackmail, yes, well , we won’t let go, in fact, we won’t in any way absolve ourselves of responsibility and we won’t stop or suspend our offensive operations. concerns the kokhovsky reservoir, the air defense system, especially against serious missiles, which from the point of view of military safety, everything that can fly in, everything is fine there, i just talked with the military, who are located outside the station, but who are doing everything in order to ensure her safety, thank you, now we will check for a small
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advertisement, then we will continue, one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people calling themselves... we are talking about establishing power over the world, power is based on refusal traditional worldview, a world order with an obstacle to complete hegemony is, first of all , russia, from every iron it sounds that the west is arming itself under the pretext of fighting an unknown russian threat, not festive
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illumination, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. this little white ball at the end of the laser is a coagulated protein. this is how amazingly elegantly and beautifully you can coagulate hemorrhoids, saving a person. we tell you about unique technologies for a wide variety of health problems, solving these problems, in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first day, well, i’m different, different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia; he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i'm walking in moscow, due to family circumstances, in
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these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i did there. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did it turn out? relations in the family of evgeniy steblov himself. before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time saved. we lived in stania for 38 years, we have a son, the only one ours, a monk of the solovyat monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is god’s providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we are celebrating.
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new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were more there are old women in our yard and one another. will come back, where will it go, and it won’t get caught on anything? in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i wanted to be yura so much, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich was like for a relative of our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time. how they cried with all their relatives, there is such a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons,
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it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to koska, on saturday on the first, hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very... beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, powerful the yenisei river, which is wonderful to fish in, is very beautiful in winter, especially when it turns into an incredible fairy tale, to date we have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country, this is a horizon, this is interesting, these are new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to we need people to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many... russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel,
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get to know our world, our russia, a big game is on the air, of course, one of the important topics at today's negotiations with sergei lavrov and ivan i. was ukraine, the prospect of resolving the ukrainian crisis and china’s approach to this issue. let me remind you that just recently, china’s special representative for security issues in eurasia, lihui, made another large-scale tour of european countries, came to moscow, kiev, and the west is currently trying to urgently prepare a large conference in switzerland dedicated to the so-called zelensky peace formula; it really wants china to come to this conference. and since chinese participation will legitimize the corresponding conference in the eyes
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of third world countries, well, it will ensure the participation of many more countries of the world majority in this conference, while they do not want to invite russia there, and according to the west, first it is necessary to hold a large conference in switzerland and where to invite approximately 100 countries, or even more, and then, when the appearance of world support for this notorious form has been created.
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and thus are completely divorced from any realities. yuri vladimirovich, well, western pressure will continue on china, these are the next few days olaf.
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with political scientists with the generals of the chinese media, since it was a world conference on democracy, and we discussed, naturally, the ukrainian problem, and my interlocutors said that among the chinese elites, including policy-makers, there are different points of view on the ukrainian problem, how there are different points of view in general on china’s relationship with the west. yeah, but they are dominated by patriotic anti-western forces who understand that if, if, ukraine achieves success or at least some kind of diplomatic victory, it will be a very bad example for taiwan. they believe,
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my interlocutors all believe, that this should not be allowed under any circumstances. the success of these hybrid wars, because the scenarios for the americans are actually the same, they tell me that sidin pin still has the last word, he is very tough a policy, a very clear one, in the conditions of china, as in the conditions of russia, this tradition, one might say, unity of command, autocracy, whatever. you name it, it is very powerful, as the first person says, it will be so, and i believe that this agreement that was announced now at the negotiations is the opinion of sidinpin, which on the eve of the meeting with putin confirms that china remains our reliable strategic partner, ally ,
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whatever, this is beijing’s position, and ukraine for the chinese is so... very, i would said, an annoying partner, but a partner, but an annoying one, well, indeed, you are completely, absolutely right, china, our strategic partner, and china will not reduce, but most likely will increase political-diplomatic and not only political-diplomatic support for russia, and this causes very great anger on the part of the united states, in anticipation of, even during sergei lavrov’s visit to beijing, the united states put very great pressure on... china, firstly, on the issue of its cooperation with russia. more on at the nato ministerial meeting, which took place in brussels last week, as the financial times writes, united states secretary of state tony blinken told his european colleagues that beijing was allegedly providing assistance to the russian military-industrial complex on an alarming scale, and was providing, again, quote blinkin, tools,
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materials and technical expertise. today this topic was, naturally, in context. what a bad china began to buy from russia what european countries stopped buying due to the fact that they imposed sanctions against russia. well, yesterday the visit to beijing of united states treasury secretary janet helen ended.
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by the way, he and lavrov were in beijing on the same day. elen, so to speak, was leaving, lavrov was coming. and janet helen has already directly begun to threaten china with american sanctions for china’s cooperation with russia. let's listen to the us treasury secretary. i emphasize that companies, including those in the prc, should not provide material support to russia's war and that they will face significant consequences if they do so, any banks that contribute large transactions that ensure the purchase of goods. this is the complete absence of any positive agenda for the united states regarding china, that is, they only make threats. janet
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helen came to beijing to, on the one hand , threaten china with sanctions for collaborating with russia. on the other hand, the most important part of the agenda of the same janet helen’s visit is to solve the problem with the so-called excess capacity that china allegedly has. what is it about? should, in the opinion of the united states, reduce cooperation with russia, but the united states, instead in order to somehow encourage china, they put pressure on china on a whole range of issues. in 1896, there was
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such a small state, the philippines, the then president of the united states of america, he reasoned precisely that it was necessary to save the philippines, save the philippines at any cost from the spaniards. the only way to save the philippines is to capture them and introduce direct rule of the united states of america there, then they will live. not under colonial yoke, well, in general, this is what happened, from 1899 to 1901, the americans landed, killed a bunch of civilians and brought peace , in quotes, to the philippines. fast forward to today, janet yelin arrives, opens her mouth and says this: how would you feel about cutting off your right hand? we just think that in a fight now, when we enter the ring, you are somehow not competitive, you want to fight with both hands, and we want to stand with two gloves, and you...
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yo, and you come up with whatever you come up with, you can introduce in 2 years, this is illegal, how is it illegal for anyone, sanctions against what, against science, against the fact that someone has the best technology, the united states of america has played to the point that they have ceased to understand that there is a world, a real world, and there is an imaginary world, this hegemon who believes that he can bet on anyone knees, sometimes you have to go to the mirror to look at yourself carefully, there aren’t that many teeth there, it’s no coincidence that today in beijing. just sergey lavrov, ivan i said that american economic pressure on china is the so-called derisking policy, then there is when, for reasons of national security, well, it’s like the united states
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is clamping down on certain areas of cooperation with china and china’s development in the field of technology , the sanctions policy of the united states towards china is essentially one us sanctions policy towards russia - this is essentially one and same policy. very short. here. look, the list of claims that elin made is actually a direct polemic with sidinpin, who said that china will develop in the near future due to new production forces, namely electric cars, batteries, artificial intelligence, and china has no other way, that is, elen says to sizenping, don’t develop, don’t develop, and this is a direct violation.
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american realist scientists like harvard professor stephen walt, they don’t have diplomacy, because diplomacy is the search for a compromise through negotiations, the united states has dictatorship and blackmail, yes, but it doesn’t work anymore, the world has changed, now there’s a little advertising, then we’ll continue, alone one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people calling themselves the illuminati,
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the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, this means, myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury , at this table.
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on friday on the first, tell me you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, challenge, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, on saturday on first. in order to live,
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you need to enjoy life. do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts? i work on a crane in the iron and steel industry. i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice some grandfather with such a wonderful voice. i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator. sea ​​captain, at the end of the tenth grade he decided to become a doctor, like his mother. you can move towards your goal with small steps, nothing is impossible. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. unfortunately for us men. just chop. this is not
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the time to slave, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, how many meters are there under me, are you talking down? 193, they say that you can’t simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they’re lying, you can, the lives of your own, the premiere, sunday on the first, still in... the snow is whitening in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they’re running, waking up the sleepy shore, they’re running and shining and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday, after the first.
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the big game is on the air, today the house of representatives of the united states congress resumes its work after a two-week holiday and naturally the main issue on the agenda is assistance to ukraine. speaker michael johnson himself has repeatedly said that as soon as congress returns, he will introduce a new aid bill to ukraine, in conjunction with the reversal of biden's decision to impose.
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us support and courageous ukrainian resistance can still lead vladimir putin to victory. the united states will look like a worthless ally, and europe will reach its highest level of instability since
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stalin's campaign in eastern europe. america's friends and enemies in asia and the middle east will re-evaluate their strategic risks and opportunities. well, here, besides the hand-wringing, so to speak, i would draw attention to the fact that... all these 2 weeks i supposedly worked closely with johnson to help him, so to speak, introduce a bill, in fact they did nothing, in no way they didn’t help him; on the contrary, the biden administration is not making any concessions to the republicans on the issue of assistance
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to ukraine, so let’s also listen to what the wall street journal writes. biden refused from its commitment to ensuring bipartisan support for american aid to ukraine. no support for republicans who voted for aid to ukraine. biden and his campaign advisers may seem to think that republicans will have to pay a greater political price for blocking the funding. this is a bad bet. voters hold presidents accountable for problems that arise during their tenure. and they know that mr. biden called the war in ukraine a turning point in history the struggle between freedom and autocracy. to this day, the white house says it will not sell. liquefied natural gas, but is the president’s election giveaway to the climate lobby worth dealing a historic blow to the authority of the united states if ukraine goes over to putin. sergei sergeevich, it seems to me that everything indicates that it is worth it, yes, and that the political
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considerations of the biden administration within are much more important than the fate of the kiev regime and its leader. the concept of good president, bad parliament no longer works in america. any voter when watching his. easy statement from a credit card, he says: biden is to blame, when now oil is breaking all records in prices, the united states of america has stopped buying oil to fill its reserves, and this will lead to the fact that literally in 2-3 months, when there will be a peak in the operation of air conditioners in america, then everyone will see how much fuel will cost, and biden understands perfectly well that this particular is very important for america, and johnson, johnson treats johnson exclusively as a traitor, well, his fellow party members treat him they believe that if he now starts trading with the white house, then this... means that he is not a full-fledged holder of his word, he said that there will be no progress in concessions to the white house, now, on the contrary, johnson is behaving differently . another expert community says that the united states of america decided to play a certain game, relatively speaking, they
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froze 300 billion russian money, they can only allocate 300 billion money to help ukraine, based on all the money that was seized, this is like some kind of exchange or game, as many experts from prominent publications say, they believe that the united states still has a certain reserve, but in order to take out this reserve, you have to risk your political career, today, if biden wants to give 50-60 or 100 billion, he must understand, him. doesn’t shine in place of the president, he must clearly justify that i am exchanging myself for ukraine, he will do so, well, it seems to me that biden’s intransigence towards the republicans is bad news for the ukrainians, because there is a deadlock over the new budget will most likely continue in the coming weeks and republicans and democrats are unlikely to agree with each other right this or next week, positions still differ significantly, and even bad news for ukraine is the minister of foreign affairs... germany, it turns out, has
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the united states and europe have, according to her, run out of patriot missiles that they could transfer to ukraine, so they will now look for these missiles for patriot air defense systems around the world, just as they are now looking for artillery 155 caliber shells. meanwhile, the ukrainian armed forces are building defensive fortifications along the entire front line, the length of these defensive fortifications is 2,000 km, especially. circle of kharkov, the bilt publications write that they are terribly afraid of ours, for some reason they are talking about a summer offensive on kharkov and are building as many as two lines of defensive fortifications around it. igor vladimirovich, what is your assessment? well, if they showed me a map, it would be more meaningful, well, firstly, they are from the kharkov region, they actually attacked greater russia, as we say in the donbass, yes, thus provoking us.
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it’s already creaking and we see it today along the front line in the same area of ​​​​chasovyar, in
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general, all over the fervor, ukraine is burning in the literal sense of the word, along the entire front line we can attack not only in kharkov, we can advance from kharkov almost along the entire front line , where we deem it necessary, because the border with ukraine is more than 200, and these are precisely the kilometers of actual combat zones, but what they are building.
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hello, news time is on first, oh we will tell you the most important events right now. and at the beginning of the meeting in the kremlin, vladimir putin received the head of bashkiria, radiy khabirov, discussed the state of affairs in the republic, and separately focused on major projects in the petrochemical industry. khabirov. noted that investors are now actively coming to the region.


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