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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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the new road frame was inspected today by the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin. we are talking about a section of the route that will connect the moscow high-speed ​​diameter with the solntsevo butovo-varshavskoye highway. object readiness is 50%. after its completion, residents of several districts will feel qualitative changes. berilevo, western, southern and northern butova, chertanova. in total, this will affect almost 600. at the end of the twenty-fifth year, i’m already planning. connect with the moscow high-speed diameter with kaluzhsky, with shosse, with kievsky and minsky, thus, incorporating a whole range of highways and seriously unloading mkat and improving the transport provision of hundreds of thousands of residents of moscow and the moscow region. the capital region will be hit by the first spring thunderstorm in the next hour, not like the classic one in early may, this year due to. emergency
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warning, all services have been put on high alert, citizens are asked to be careful on the street, not to take cover under trees, and not to park cars near them. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now it’s time for the program will show. hello, the first channel is live, the program time will tell, i’m artyom sheinin, and today how, not just like never before, but like not every day, our agenda in the emotional sense too, it, let’s say, reflects our coat of arms, nationality. our eagle, which is turned
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west to east in an emotional sense, because for a long time we have been looking to the west with anxiety, sympathy, with many emotions associated with the fact that our guys are fighting there at the front, and donetsk, and other cities of donbass under fire and belgorod under shelling, today, unfortunately, the bryansk... region found itself under fire from the kiev regime, unfortunately, a woman and a child were killed, the village of limovo was shelled, shelling fell on the very center of the settlement, which indicates that once again they, unfortunately, true to themselves, they are deliberately firing at civilians in order to specifically inflict damage on people who have nothing to do with the hostilities and objects that do not even have a double relationship to them. unfortunately, which
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once again i have to say that i don’t feel any schadenfreude in relation to the problems that the residents of the russian city of kharkov are increasingly experiencing, as a result of the fact that we have very strictly strengthened the work on generation, on structures, dual-use infrastructure of kharkov and not only kharkov , this is all, unfortunately, these are the consequences of the behavior of those people who make decisions in kiev, and the talk about the sanitary zone, this is also not from a good life, but as they say, they leave no other option, in the same way strikes are made against military infrastructure of the ukroreich, the ministry of defense reports an iskander strike in the zaporozhye direction, as a result of which a blow was struck at... at
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a facility where, according to our ministry of defense, equipment for the armed forces of ukraine was assembled, it is indicative, by the way, within the framework of what am i saying, that in a message from the ministry of defense, this is such a, well, new thing, it is said that the armed forces of the russian federation are carrying out attacks with precision weapons on the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, in response to attempts by the kiev regime cause damage to oil and gas industry facilities.
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pretends to make a decision, but the population there has more and more questions for the kiev regime, and the kiev regime has less and less even the conditional legitimacy that it has. was, therefore, well , it seems to me that this is a very remarkable story, but in today’s news agenda, and that head of our eagle, which is turned to the east in an emotional sense, also looks there with great alarm, because the water is spilling very heavily in many eastern regions, well, more precisely, the middle regions of our country, and we are following this, well, much like they follow reports from... from the front, when in orsk the water receded a little, in orenburg the water rose a little and perhaps we should expect even more, but the approach of this water, when sirens are heard in orenburg, uh,
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the mayor of orenburg also speaks about this, and that this sound is not a training alarm, but that it is due to the fact that the water can rise even higher, as far as i understand, now 9 m 14 cm, at 9:30 - it could be there is already some next level of flooding, a lot of forces from different regions have been sent there, they come and help save people, uh, unfortunately, a very difficult situation , perhaps we should expect about the same consequences. drive on the roads, because it is never clear what can happen, in general, everything is complicated, as always happens in life, someone unites, buys boats,
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helps rescuers, saves people, saves animals, someone at this time looting to this... they always show people that who is a person, who is only the likeness of a person, therefore, to all people who are in the west and in the east, we wish perseverance, patience, we wish everyone who is involved in removing these consequences, good luck, after advertising we will continue to look to the west to the east again . one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people who call themselves the illuminati. they
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have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years, interfering in the course of human development. weishaut is the creator of the illuminati. denial of god, denial religion is at the forefront of everything. they consider themselves people of demonic blood, part of the rite of passage is murder, i could not even imagine then that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening would end with the rubber of children, the organizers of the points were, this icon represents the masters of the illuminati, this is a militant organization, we are talking about restoring power over the world, power is based on the refusal of the traditional understanding of the world, the world of order, the obstacle to complete hegemony is, first of all, russia from every angle. teach that the west is arming itself under the pretext of fighting an unknown russian threat. not holiday illumination. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. central 812. suspicion of
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robbery against a taxi driver with the aim of taking possession of a car. again a taxi, again approximately the same area. maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously false. trace, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, that means myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, ko cosmonautics day on the first day, on nerves all day, we worry all day long, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition,
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motorcycle club, camera, ladder, challenge, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew, on saturday on the first , welcome. you can’t simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they’re lying,
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you can, the lives of your own, the premiere is on sunday on the first, we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls, lilac fog, volodya, you hooked me so much that i swam, just don’t give in to friendship. there’s something in this, maybe it’s really
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enough already, it’s all hip-hop, it’s all three chords, the new season is from april 14 on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy river, running and shining. and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, i start the program by talking about on the emotional side of the current agenda, news and international, including saying that we are now looking to the west with alarm and looking with alarm to the east, where we have flooding in many regions and, apparently, it will be quite difficult for some time situation, but so... on today's agenda there is a lot of news that allows us to look to the east, but with this, well, who with what, someone looks with undisguised delight, someone looks with cautious optimism, that's pragmatics, here too what to discuss is related to our relations with the people's republic of china, and first of all, to the fact that our minister arrived there yesterday on a visit.
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china's constructive steps to find peaceful ways to resolve the conflict, a very important story happened today, because xidin ping met with our delegation led by sergei viktorovich lavrov, i met him, i am a small expert in diplomatic and interstate etiquette. but i would venture to say that lavrova is received
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by sidinpin, and this, what would it be called, well a multi-level meeting, but nevertheless it is happening, this says a lot, i think that this should be considered in the context of the fact that no one hides that one of the topics of these negotiations is the preparation of the state visit of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, even there is. there is reason to believe that such a visit will take place in the near future, but, as they say, time will tell, but if the first state visit takes place to the people's republic of china, this is...
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here it must also be emphasized that it is already stands at the time when zelensky will lose complete legitimacy, even purely formal, he will lose it after may 21, against the backdrop, including this conference, where the russian federation officially stated that even if they invite us, we will not go, but true, in my opinion, no one invited us, these statements are very important, but here comes the question of what i said, that someone is looking in that direction with delight, someone with such a restrained, balanced , pragmatic,
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we absolutely don’t care about the global south, about switzerland, about their attempts to unite everyone based, as lavrov said, on zelensky’s empty formula, which essentially says, well, what is zelensky’s formula, it’s russia’s capitulation, yeah, that means we must move where we are, further to the west, calmly, confidently, without looking back at some conferences with switzerland, any solution to this issue without russia is impossible, yeah. everyone will gather there in switzerland, but in this case, i agree with you that it doesn’t matter in what mood they gather there, moreover, i’m inclined to think that in general in many respects
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the fact that they will gather there will have more to do not with resolving the conflict, with an attempt to support the fading legitimacy of zelensky, who by and large will be a nobody by then, but with the fact that representatives of a certain number of countries will come there, and he will be there, let’s say , that means, this bride and groom in one person, it’s as if they are positioning him somewhere, as if, well, he will be the bride and groom there if we don’t approach kiev at this moment, it’s like a big question, god forbid we already to kiev we’ve already approached kiev once, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves, oh my god, we’ll approach kiev now, we need to gnaw out hours, god willing, we’ll get it by mid-june , something like this, more or less , we’ll take it in pincers, i’m here, well, you know, i’m inclined here, you know that something to worry about over there somewhere, god forbid, but i say again, i don’t give a damn about who’s there, who’s going to be there, who’s not going to be there, but considering that we’re talking about china, which doesn’t matter anyway , over the system
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of international relations, no matter how it is now , well, not formulated by us, it doesn’t matter there, don’t give a damn, he hangs quite strongly, presses, take a harsh word, this is his position, is it the middle one, or is it still somehow, well, different? and then i don’t know which one, this is very important, i’ll give you an example, no, well, it’s against the background of the position of the west, it’s certainly different, listen, against the background of the position of the west, it’s certainly different, but you understand, against the background of the patient ward number six, banging his head against the wall, a man, for example, there, well, with some kind of spring lungs, that means, these swirls in his head, he also looks completely normal, the question is what are we comparing with, if we compare with the position of the west, then in general, any position of a person who is not completely sick in the head is already normal, but... we are interested in the details, i ’ll give you an example, let’s listen to the same minister of foreign affairs of the people’s republic of china, comrade ivan yi, who speaks out on this very topic, please,
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we should speak in favor of a new model of interstate relations in the spirit of dialogue, partnership and alliance, instead of confrontation, to counteract hegemony, despotism, bullying, it is important to unshakably promote the consciousness of an equal, orderly multipolar world, the chinese country is... they say they will go or not, but they are also in favor of convening a conference in which there will be equality, well this is, as always, for all the good against all the bad, yes, but
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we are not interested in china, but there, for example, they can, no, in this case we are interested in the interests of our country, fair enough, china is very good for us that they yes, it’s very nice that they produce these robotic vacuum cleaners, that they have an excellent economy, they have their own, you understand that we, that we are not worth it , regardless of their economy. no, wait, why, why should we consider china’s idea of ​​how the conflict in ukraine should end, that is, what about it, how would it influence our position or what? well, look, i will answer you, of course, a little roundly, but if we didn’t care about this at all, i think that sergei viktorovich lavrov would hold a joint press conference with comrade vani, there would be a separate paragraph for this, regarding these conferences, our original ones.
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making these very depressing statements, this is exactly what i want to understand, that china, he doesn’t actually say, but he means the following, guys, you’re kind of moving west, well, you’re moving, as you move towards west and your control of the territory.
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the so-called peace conference in switzerland, but they are present at such events as observers, because at some point i remember that they came, but then they very quickly said: no, guys , the representative is at the level of security advisers, we will not discuss zelensky’s formula, firstly, we have our own, and secondly, in fact, it wasn’t them who said it, this was the general position , this is not a formula for peace, this is a formula for war, yeah. therefore, we will also take into account the interests of russia, in fact, what mr. wang yi, comrade wang yi, actually voiced and articulated once again, china is taking a pause in this case, yeah, whether it will take part or not, i think that most likely representatives there will be, but as observers, not as participants, non-participation, this is what china essentially articulated, and now the meaning of this swiss conference, it is quite simple, in fact, you probably noticed that ukraine is in a hurry to create
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how. .. the usa asked, they couldn’t refuse them, yeah, they understand little about this ukrainian conflict, they don’t participate in it, and don’t decide anything, they are for the extras, what is this extras for if you gather those who decide, you know, enough americans with...
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if you are right, either it’s not there anymore, or it would already be, that is, at this conference , the most important thing will actually happen on the sidelines, they will explain to ukraine on their fingers that there is no further need, what will happen next will not only be worse, it will continue very bad, and it seems to me, it seems to me that it is precisely this - precisely this - so to speak, main line that they want to obscure, because they are too diligent in all this happening there from the 80s to the countries of e. zelensky’s peace formulas and so on, there’s too much fuss around this sofa, on the sofa it’s very simple things are happening now and switzerland has taken on the mission, sorry, to either persuade or convince the ukrainian leadership that it’s enough to stop being, well, how can i say, stubborn animals, you think so, yes, i think that’s exactly how it’s happening, here, but russia, why they don’t want russia there, it’s possible to see it, and russia itself doesn’t want
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it there. well, i, i think, i think that our officials in the world understand that we are a little out of place there, why? because if we appeared there, ukraine would say, no, no, no, no, under no circumstances, but you know, uh, when they arrange a dark one, yes, they turn off the lights, and usually the person or people who are having a dark one, they are not told, it will happen that you will now have a dark one, this is always an unexpected and pleasant, perhaps not a surprise, that’s what will happen in switzerland in my opinion. you look at it so positively, that’s why china doesn’t want to participate in this, but pay attention to the protocol of sergei viktorovich lavrov’s visit, and the same thing happens when, for example, anthony blinken comes, it won’t be a night to be remembered, in in principle, china now, which, by the way, has now sharply gathered itself, makes it very clear that russia and the united states for china are equal partners in the sense that this is a troika, this is very important, this is exactly what china is. puts
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significantly reduces the efforts of the same janit yelin, yes, who went, persuaded china to join the sanctions and so on, most likely not, i will explain why, china has already realized that... sanctions do not work in the form in which the west is making efforts, but he understands that if he agrees to these sanctions, they will work, so china is now very clearly places all the chips on the table and says: guys, now we will play and we will play on several boards at once, and we will not play some western game or even a russian game, we will play a game that either assumes a truly multipolar world, or we, china, will play our game, and we will take...
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like, well, no matter what, we are cooperating and so on and so forth, but here there is very much this formulation that china persistently maintains equidistance, because that
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this conversation is very important for me, why? because many people in our country still tend to think that china is something like that, well , something that is closer to us, further from the americans, it’s not that... so he said that it will be bad for you, and you didn’t go anywhere, didn’t change your position, and it turns out that they can’t do anything, that’s why i think the point of the conference in switzerland is about this, these countries will gather there, they won’t
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persuade ukraine, because you before this they made a remark to me, there is no need to persuade her, we need to call zelensky to, that means biden needs his company to set tasks for him, that’s all, and then 100 countries are trying to persuade some drug clown. this is too bold, as i understand it, the task there is that from 80 to 100 countries create a certain background so that you can say, look, here we are, here i agree with you in the first part, because from may 21, drug trafficking should, in theory, return to work as a clown, instead of him there should be a sack man named stefanchuk, whose powers will also end in the fall , or prime minister ermak, since they the prime minister also has powers. there are complex combinations, and therefore, first of all, it is there to show the ukrainian audience to the world audience that no, after all, this is a legitimate dictator, you see 100 countries, even there, so to speak, some people came from the islands , they came in bandages and everyone is sitting there that means
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they say, no, you are an officially recognized democratic dictator, so this goal was given a plus sign, second, well, in fact , europe doesn’t know the european union what to do next, that is, they threatened us there 180,000 times there with... in an amicable way they will discuss with each other who to put on temporary duty, so they
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what to do next, that is, russia is not bending, as if where we will go next, comrades europeans want to ask each other, yeah, so i think that this is the main task, because zelensky will then be called to some separate office, perhaps even there... the worse the situation on the battlefield, the worse with
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legitimacy, the worse even with the internal situation, considering that well, the way they are conducting mobilization, well, i’m already far from thinking that everyone there is harsh, so to speak, they will somehow love the russian world, but the fact that they already hate the people who are burying them, and they constantly blame it on our propaganda, but we simply would not be able to film in such numbers - these rollers and... let's say, a capricious child who
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understands that the toy he wants may not be bought for him when he begs for it, some bitter boys can throw themselves into a fit of epilepsy and start foaming, so to speak, in this sense, which began to happen again after quite a long time break around the zaporozhye station, this is such an alarming factor, as well as... and quite an alarming factor that magate once again, through the mouth of grossi, well, it’s like something there, 10 minutes after they left, here , let's listen, let's listen to them, the report of the explosion corresponds to the observations of the mgt group, this time there is no direct threat to nuclear safety, but the latest incident again emphasizes the extremely serious situation, that is, you see, they are, so to speak, what are they snot alive on the frying pan. yes, they are chewing snot like a frying pan snake, this is magathe
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once again, but the most important thing is that i understand why they chew snot, because now i ’ll let you listen to matthew miller and that’s why magathe chews these snot, because they they understand that if they say anything more definite, tomorrow it will turn out that this grossi, i don’t know there, yes, remember how there was this, what’s his name, stros or whatever he is called, stroska, who started something wrong go...
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russia stands on the zaporozhye unified energy system, this is very it’s scary, this is a threat to world security, all the problems are with zaes, so they are to blame for them, that’s why he came, it means there’s a drone, shelling, rockets, anything from ukraine, he says, we said it, this is a threat to the world, everything, and these, that means, are sitting, poorly educated, so to speak, emigrants, who are now being processed in batches for them not...
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no, this is absolutely natural, they are still flattering themselves with the hope that we will leave somewhere, whatever -we’ll leave this and so on, and the ukrainians are throwing their drones across our territory, across the territory of new regions, precisely also wanting to show us their fighting spirit, what this means for us, for us it means a very simple thing, that we must go
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further, further and further, until there is an opportunity to launch drones, when there is no opportunity finish shooting. solutions, there are no solutions with these people, there will be no solutions with these people, it was rightly said about the european leaders, they have gone so far in their rhetoric, it is impossible for them to go back, so until we change situation on the ground, it’s pointless to analyze everything they say, it’s... a shaking of the air, yeah, that is, i understand you correctly that the periodically heard conversations from our side about the istanbul peace initiatives, that’s all, that all the necessary shock of air, but in a practical sense you think that it is not necessary and impossible to consider this now,
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i would be glad to consider something, with whom, that is, with whom we should negotiate, no one has such an idea, well ok, so we can negotiate with china. we don't have them problems, but how will we negotiate on ukraine, with whom, with zelensky, or something, or with macron or biden, with whom? look, when right now you tell me this right here, we have to go, i immediately understood better how all these french journalists feel, whom you take turns there, it means shkkerish, i admire it every time, just respect , the boys just send it to me and say: well, what kind of fat one does yours burn? you recently showed off another one here on the embankment with a view of the cream i nothing like that at all, a peaceful position, a peaceful position, but they really come later with slightly different ideas, and most importantly , they always choose people who are about the same height as me, they still walk like that next to you, you told them from above there, i say, we’ll kill you all , it’s just a friendly position there’s no need
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to meddle here, we’ll kill everyone, in this sense, this is what i wanted to ask you in connection with this: how do you talk to a frenchman and how do you clearly explain to them? you know that i haven’t had any questions about the french for a long time it was long before the svo, long before everything. i have a question for you, now i was born, listening to you, there are the chinese, the world situation, ta-ta, you often, due to the necessity of your work, go to those same countries of the global south, that’s how you do to the french you explain everything, i ’m completely for it, i admire it, i look here and there , tell me, and here you are... with countries, with representatives of these countries of the global south, so we go to africa often, and so on, you tell them, here you are to them just as figuratively you outline the situation, you can reproduce it now, you tell them, it means guys, listen here, there madame monsieur, there actually, how do you imagine how it all works now, here you see,
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artyom, it’s important to understand one simple thing, when they talk about neocolonialism, that’s what neocolonialism is, it’s never. a white gentleman in a pith helmet comes to you and takes away natural resources, although this is also part of it, this is when gentlemen in suits and ties force you, your children, grandchildren to believe in their values, the rule of law, the inviolability of private property, freedom of speech, and so on and so forth, russia also went through this period over the past 25 years, thank god it is over for us. ended precisely thanks to the president’s decision to launch a special military operation, well, maybe earlier about the reunification of crimea, but the essence is very simple, the fact is that they are trying to subjugate the countries of the global south, it is out of fear of violating global concepts that they are investing
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in the education of the elite these countries, they they invest in their content, so that they present at conferences with reports written as carbon copies by americans, well... we have many amateurs who sit listening to this for hours, but in general, of course, this is all bullshit , this is neocolonialism, when a country doesn’t have its own sovereignty, no, and you tell them, guys, we started our own svo, you don’t need you to breathe out a little too, and they understand this perfectly well, yes, alexey alekseevich, i would like to balance this absolutely good thing a little, a firm, understandable position, in fact, because that... they perceive it as weakness, no, well , we should have different positions, we have quite a lot of liberals who are still coddling with the west and they
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are absolutely right, that’s why it seems to me that it makes sense to talk here, of course not about minsk 3, because we have a bad aftertaste after that, and istanbul-2 is so-so, istanbul-2 is also so-so, because some boris johnson will come again and again say, okay, fight and ukraine will be there again there is no point in fighting, lvov is alone, that’s why. well that's a good idea, let's do it let's take it, put it somewhere, let it brew, yes, we'll sleep with it, maybe, maybe, why not, porcoop, as your favorite french say, we'll reach the line along the dnieper, why, it's going to happen next, well, let's seriously now, why aren’t you helsinki 2, because, i’ll explain why, why i’m leaving, because helsinki is already in nato, no, because i’m leaving from actually where they’re trying to put us, they ’re trying to put us at the same negotiating table with
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ukraine, which is completely pointless, because that a they have denied themselves this pleasure, b - they are simply insane in this sense, and this is indeed the case, many western politicians admit this, but we have an agreement, we will have to anyway, we have a common future, but this common future, attention, why helsinki 2, because this should be a common future.
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we give them the name after the capture of kiev, we ’ll talk to them, throw a bone, but after kiev surrenders after the blockade, we
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definitely talk to them about their position, but it’s too early for a peace process to arise so you see, we have 10 years old, the body has been growing for 10 years, we don’t have any years old , unfortunately, judging by the trends that are happening in the world economy, we haven’t had any since 10 years, sorry, there are no other countries that. are watching the unfolding of this conflict, including germany, the same france, believe me, france is not only macron, i can’t help but ask at this moment, due to what trends in the global economy we have not had 10 years, this is a sanctions regime that simply destroys it, this is a violation of logistics, this a violation of logistics, because after what the houthis are doing it is impossible to say, so i just wanted to remember about the logic of the houthis, we’ll talk about the logic of the houthis a little later.
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they will try, they will try a second, third, twenty-third time, well, of course, we must restore the territorial integrity of three of our four new subjects, the kharkov region is absolutely russian land, people are waiting there, but here i asked this question to myself and alexey alekseevich in the footsteps of perekovaya, demilized, you understand what the thing is that barelius, ursul, sunokov of all other history are there, they are stored in these incubators for many years to come.
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on china, and a lot will depend on what kind of organizations they will be with its dominant participation, in general there is something to talk about, looking to the east, but you see, we are to the east, to the west, because our eagle, it also combines in itself and east west, so this part of the program has been combined, but this is not finished yet, now it’s just advertising, and then we’ll go ahead and turn our heads, don’t switch, central 812, suspicion
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for robbery. an attack on a taxi driver in order to take possession of a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again and this means myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway, a taxi under the guise of the prime minister. watch the time after the program. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. votka. veta.
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product of stellar group. cognac oldback. product lar group bourbon steersman product stellar group, this little white ball at the end of the laser is a coagulated protein, this is how stunningly elegantly beautiful you can coagulate hemorrhoids, saving a person, we tell you about unique technologies for a wide variety of health problems, solving these problems we tell you in program to live with... tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i would like to have lunch, please, just this planted. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role?
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is whoopi goldbert a cop? how are our paintings perceived?
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and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me like... dmitry borisov premiered on saturday at the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of
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the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time. hat, with a butfort mustache, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught there, in my life, like in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i wanted to be so bad... yura, i came to my mother, such hysterics, i gave out, i want to be yura. yuri alekseevich, it was like a relative for our family; when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, as they cried with all my relatives.
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there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gogarin himself drank; it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to the koska. on saturday, on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we discuss events live, a lot, well, since the world is so interconnected, global, everything intersects, in one place, how it resonates, in another place it responds, and of course, for the past six months there has been a very strong response in many places, here a conversation about the houthis has already begun, that is, i seem to be breaking my fast. ..
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i remind everyone that, in fact, the houthis are doing this for a reason, but they are saying that, well, in general, for some reason i believe them, that this is connected with the israeli operation against the palestinians in the gaza strip after october 7, which went beyond all the limits of the possible... use of military force against peaceful population, it doesn’t look like this conflict will end, who benefits from it, who doesn’t , who is trying to make it end, who doesn’t really want it to end, by the way, we started with china, this is a very interesting position of the permanent the representative of the people's republic of china to the united nations regarding the very resolution that, back on march 25, demanded a ceasefire in the middle east. and probably demanded it from israel in the first place, and from which the united states abstained, this is china's position on on this occasion, we listen: incredibly, but
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as soon as resolution 27-28 was adopted, the representative of the united states stated that it was not binding, the actions of the us word were incompatible with its status as a permanent member of the security council, they were blasphemy towards. to his responsibilities as a member of the security council and seriously undermine his authority and credibility. this is about the question of our conversations, what position does china take, here they are quite harshly confrontational with the united states on in this regard, one cannot but agree with the chinese comrades, because of course, well, yes, she is indeed the us representative to the un, and thomas greenfield, she is exactly that. she said, that is, they abstained, well, because there is a lot of pressure in other countries, then she immediately said, why can you, in fact, not do anything, she listens perfectly well to hear them in israel, not only on this
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matter, but in general on many other reasons, although i don’t know to what extent netanyahu is now already doing what was agreed upon or at least somehow it can be accepted by the biden administration, because here is his extreme statement, in which he is addressed to cairo, where it is believed that...
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the chief of staff of this brigade has gathered, as i understand it, the dismissal of the commander of this brigade , but in general everything was limited, as far as i am concerned, this story is completely incomprehensible, they are trying to restrain them and cannot, or no one is trying to restrain them, and this is what is happening there, yes, this is a fairy tale about a white bull, because in fact the united states does not want israel to stop this , what are they doing. yeah, because israel, apparently, has a lot under its tail and cannot stop, so the usa takes an intermediate position, it is very reasonable, but it is absolutely inhumane, because before the elections, the usa does not want to quarrel with anyone, it ignores one main the thing is that freezing the conflict will not solve the problem, the problem will be solved by the creation of a palestinian state, which is what everyone is insisting on , all reasonable states are already... they say: uh,
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only the creation of a political body of a palestinian state will allow us to avoid terrorism on the territory of israel by hamas, other strange groups there, and so on, but you understand, alexey alekseevich, that for today’s israeli authorities, even raising the question of creating a viable palestinian state, after the operation that began six months ago with the words “we let's crush hamas."
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she formulated it well: guys, you are not fulfilling your obligations, how can you sit here in the un security council and not fulfill your obligations, this is impossible, you take either a black or a white ball make up your mind, you can’t let everything else be cowardly, well, i’ll play devil’s advocate a little here, well, the americans, in general , can answer china on many issues, well , then you take either a black or a white ball, so you and russia are about .
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important, yeah, and it’s important to understand this very clearly, just as they don’t really care about the conflict in ukraine, but they don’t care at all, how many palestinians are killed, it doesn’t matter to them, that’s why netanyahu says that they will go to rafah, about the fact that they will destroy, look, here’s what i think, what he was killed, the bank goes and throws visas at them , or hundreds of thousands of people are killed, children, women, a bombed hospital, that’s all, that means when five people are killed there. volunteers from the company food without borders, everyone is terribly worried because they have relatives and in general food without borders is an important organization, all these people, who were simply reduced to dust with tens of thousands of concrete, they represent nothing to them, then , that they are undressed there, mocked, shot in public, which means that temples are desecrated, bombed orthodox church and so on, no one cares about it, white people don’t care about it and...
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it’s very simple, the fact is that israel is going down a road from which there is no return, that is, they will now destroy the palestinians in order to the next 50 years will receive palestinian resistance inside israel, if they refuse to build the creation of a palestinian independent state, they will provide themselves with a reserve for this intifada for a generation ahead, because the children of those who today stand at hospitals bombed in gas, they will... except understandable political self-preservation, well , self-preservation of horror, we’ll bring such horror that they just think that they will win with this horror, you can’t win with horror, you can’t win with horror, well, in fact, yes, a terrible bloody dead end, because netanyahu already set
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a record for the time he spent in chair of the prime minister, so for him this is an opportunity, as long as this war is going on, so to speak, he says: i can’t go anywhere, i won’t abandon the country, so i will continue to kill. second, this is absolutely correct, pyotr olegovich says, obvious thing, that is, they have produced such a number of suicide bombers that now they themselves do not know what to do, because israel believes that if they stop, then many people there are no longer afraid of them, no one will be afraid of them, no one will respect them, collaborate from the face of the earth, really in a good way, we need to give us advice, of course, netanyahu, taking into account the fact that he is already many years old, he has set his own records for finding power, but he would repeat the path of rabin. well, let him create a normal palestinian state, will receive the nobel peace prize, and perhaps a fanatic will shoot him later, just like ravina, but at least he will go down in history in the finale with a plus sign, and not with his own corruption stories, but he does not have the courage and determination for this, we
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can only additionally once again record that all our favorite foreign agents in quotation marks sit, so to speak, and demand that israel continue to be wiped off the face of the earth. these people you are talking about now, god be their judge, i deleted them from my list long ago, after all that what they said about our northern military district, about donetsk, donbass and many of ours, and after what they then began to do about this, they ceased to exist for the second time for me, but i don’t care about them even more, it’s just for us it is important for history to record, you say correctly, the russian people are nothing to them, and the arabs are nothing to them, this is fair.
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the hegemon has washed his hands of the hegemon, no one can influence the situation in any way, we can say, they are white people there, they don’t care about the hegemon, it’s not the same, so no, really the hegemon is not the same, because the hegemon is not the same, but there are no others who can somehow, that’s when you mentioned isaac rabin, because isaac rabin was forced to do this, because we stood behind the palestinians, the americans stood behind israel, they rubbed each other , in general, in many ways, we too, now we are no longer with the americans, the chinese either can’t...
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in their hands, so to speak, they made it so that she has autonomy, now for the second time now in moscow bashkan, gogauzia, in your opinion, these are all some for now, well, let’s put it this way, the movement of pieces on the board, or something is going towards something serious, well, they certainly consider moldova as another springboard for the fight against russia, so to speak, ukraine exists, but something is not very good there, now we will do .
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now we don’t have the technical capabilities to help in any way there, well, you and i don’t know that, it’s more knowledgeable people who know how to help, it’s not our competence, it seems to me, which means that i wrote correctly today that the main thing is, that those people who accept it means eugene is the highest level that, firstly, they kind of know, and most importantly, that she is ready to go to the end, and that she accepted.
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our russian people do not yet have such opportunities, well, it is absolutely clear that
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no sausage with warehouses will go to ukraine, if it counts on it, nato will not get it either, it will be a big hole, if you understand what i mean, a big hole, but you you see, taking into account the fact that i understand everything, i think that those who now control these warehouses, they have the appropriate instructions, regarding gagayuzia they are very interesting, because this is a territory of influence not only of russia, it is a territory of influence of turkey. that’s it, again, the romanian prime minister is already saying that
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only romanians live in this territory, let’s take it, it doesn’t remind me of anything, like, yes, somehow the presidential elections were still in moldova, yes, but this is generally interesting, so , but it seems to me, i suspect that at the moment moldova is more like an element of intimidation for russia, i will explain why, it intimidates us, yes, i think that this is a kind of intimidation, because that - therefore, we are being offered an exchange, as if out of the blue: you take these territories, and we take moldova to the european union, and there is also armenia, perhaps, and so on, let’s think about it, as the westerners seem to tell us. who makes the decision, and we respond to them, we are taking away bulgaria and romania, and you think about where you are? 2 years, considering,
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you say 2 years, or rather so, even you say that you, so to speak, are moving very much in time to get there, you yourself are assertive, that’s 2 years, that’s the question, when will they are creating problems in moldova now, whether they give these 2 years or not, no, well, they don’t give anything, we ourselves... there’s not even anything to add, except god forbid, and advertising on the first channel. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people who call themselves the illuminati. they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years, interfering in the course of human development. weishaut, creator, porthole. denial of god, denial of religion is at the head of everything, they consider themselves people of demonic blood. part
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the rite of passage consists of murder. i could not even imagine then that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening... would end in the rubber of children, the organizers of the ball, this icon represents the masters of the illuminati, this is a militant organization, we are talking about establishing power over the world, power is based on the refusal of the traditional worldview, the world order, the obstacle to complete hegemony is, first of all , russia, from every sound it sounds that the west is arming itself under the pretext of fighting an unknown russian threat, not festive illumination, challenge, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew on saturday on the first, welcome to the city where
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even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, not the time to be timid, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy, the dumpling is a small universe , how many meters are below me, you say down, 193, they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time, breshot, you can live. theirs. premiere on sunday on the first. we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls. purple haze. volodya, you hooked me so much that i swam. just don't fall for friendship. singing swing in russian
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is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match. already - this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, a new season from april 14, on the first one, there is still snow in the fields, and the waters are already in the spring they make noise, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they sparkle
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and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what is where, when is the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda paronishka, and from there greetings to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter, many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbreads, gold embroidery, gorodets painting , hello to the republic
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of udmurtia and hello, kostroma region, i'm glad it's sown. the fields are being cleared, they are glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet, only russia can be better than russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia, we love you, here you go completion of that.
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it is very important indeed yes for the thirtieth time to remind ourselves it is very important who we are dealing with we had a period in de we forgot as if we had convinced ourselves that we were dealing with'. his name is loy tostin, secretary of defense of the united states of america, which means firstly, he made a statement regarding ukrainian uav strikes on our refineries, i don’t know, i’ll hear with sound, well, yes, without sound,
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here are the strikes of the armed forces, leading to a domino effect in the global situation, well, that is, he’s so concerned , while they write on cnn that they are coordinating these strikes, they are directing these strikes, it is clear that without them no strikes would be possible, well, to the topic that we... discussed something, this is even more revealing, i don’t even know what to call it, he said that the united states does not have evidence that israel is committing genocide during the fighting in the gaza strip, that is, you see, they have evidence that it was not ukraine an hour after the crocus, they had evidence about the white helmets, they have evidence they were about creaking, they weren’t about everything, here for six months they are simply being compared to dust, yeah. it’s clear, but it hasn’t been proven about the northern flows either, and they can’t find anything about the northern flows either, there seems to be no evidence here, well, there’s no need to talk about it forget, and in order not to forget, you need
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to watch the dolls of tuti’s heir more often on channel one, this is about this, watch. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people who call themselves the illuminati, or enlightened ones, possessors of secret knowledge of the ability to control all of humanity, instead of the lord god. the illuminati originated in the 15th century, although it is believed that having realized the danger posed... their community was wiped off the face of the earth so that there was no trace left, but traces.


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