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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 9, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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watch the dolls of the heir tuti more often on channel one, this is about this, look, one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us. some people calling themselves the illuminati, or enlightened ones, possessors of secret knowledge of the ability to control all humanity, instead of the lord god. the illuminati originated in the 15th century, however, it is believed that having realized the danger posed by the enlightened, their community was wiped off the face of the earth so that there was no trace left, but traces exist to this day, they say among politicians, including
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there are those who not only consider themselves to have the right to control trembling creatures, but also actively do this, ruling everyone from the darkness, the dark stalls of the puppet theater, where is the truth and where is fiction, are there illuminati among us, who are they, let's look behind the veil of this secrets together, with you maria butina and the doll-heir tutti, maestro, we begin the music. this is how modern followers of the illuminati amuse themselves in a place near connecticut in a luxurious building on new york broadway, simulating childbirth in full view of the public, faces hidden by putties with horned hooves, desserts in the form of human bodies with hints of cannibalism, you won’t believe all this obscurantism with erotic dancing. children's
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artist cynthia von buhler, and behind her someone taller. there are indicators of who is in her far from children’s works. their symbolism refers to the project of the monarch secret services, the secret recruitment program of mk ultra. in addition, cynthia was a member of hillary clinton's pre-elected team. the unsinkable democrat is also considered a member of the secret order. and for some reason, right now i decided to raise doubts among the world public. tv series star queen's move anya taylor joy. they belong. is she referring to this very thing, photographs from a secret wedding in the gothic style, in the darkness in an old palace, narrowed in the shape of hearts, the actress published on social networks, the winner of the golden globe and emmy either laughs it off, or speaks quite seriously about herself as a hero novel of the same name by american writer anne rice. yes, these are anatomical hearts, i'm a vampire, listat. and here are similar shots from 1972, the hosts of the barongia ball near paris. with his wife marie hélène,
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an armored man wearing a mask in the form of an allen head with diamonds, guests in equally surreal headdresses, entertaining in revealing poses. initially, this photo chronicle, casting a shadow on a noble family, was classified, but someone still helped the photographs get onto the network. guests had to go through a kind of hellish labyrinth of black ribbons that looked like cobwebs. a man in the guise of a black cat greeted and escorted guests to a salon upholstered in mystical tapestries. to expose the illuminati for centuries, seeking to establish a new world order, american director stanley kubrick succeeded. in the film eyes wide shut, he showed the sacrificial sexual perversions with which these worshipers of lucifer, baphamet, satan of all occult ugliness reward themselves. but 2 months before the release of the film, kubrick died under mysterious circumstances, and the work was released on the screen only after more than twenty scenes went wrong. before his death, he told
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nicole kidman, who played the main character, about the threats against him; the actress was afraid for her life, publicly stated this, but the interview subsequently disappeared from all sources. kubrick studied the secret society all his life, he said that they are full of people with certain addictions, they all know each other's dark secrets, there is no way out for any of them, they will be in it until the day they die, leading a world of destruction. the birthplace of the illuminati is considered to be german bavaria. from a circle of five people, they grew to 2.0 followers and spread their influence far beyond the borders of the state. in the documents of the order , data was found indicating a connection with dynasty of the same rothschilds. according to one version, it was they who sponsored members of the society to undermine the power of the british and french empires and brought them under us control. the illuminati can be thought of as a network of intellectual elites. they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years by interfering with... development of mankind, in
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particular this is typical for the usa, a country in which the illuminati has influenced since the founding of the state. this influence is confirmed by the fact that us education and the creation of the order occurred in the same year, 1776. the illuminati allegedly provoked the separation of the american states from the british colonies and their declaration of independence. the next victim was the french monarchy. it fell due to the revolution they sparked in 1789. adherents carried out subversive work in austria, germany, poland and other european countries. it is possible that behind the assassinations of abraham lincoln and john kennedy, the death of princess diana, and the september 11 terrorist attacks. in new york and other tragedies of mankind they stand. direct evidence of them there is no involvement, since they control the press, television, hollywood, manage banks, intelligence services, and even use their own code system. but the presence of the illuminati is visible in the signs; they leave them everywhere. they also marked with symbols
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the main source of their power - the dollar. they managed to make the entire world economy dependent on the green candy wrapper. the obstacle to complete hegemony is, first of all , russia, therefore.
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led her followers into the basement with drugs and swore treason to the king of pigs. the cow woman, with breast pumps attached to her, filled the bathtub with her milk. a naked dancer with large black wings was spinning in the contemplation room. you're probably thinking now, what a nightmare? me too, but this has already happened, and the organizers of the ball in 1972 with a similar theme and name.
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focused their attention precisely on this area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again and that means, myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway,
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undercover taxi, premiere, watch after program time. this little white ball at the end of the laser is a coagulated protein, so amazingly, elegantly and beautifully you can coagulate hemorrhoids, saving a person. we tell you about unique technologies for a wide variety of health problems, solving these problems, in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow, on the first day. premiere. i love. my country on saturday on the first. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. you know what kind of guy he was. elena yurievna gagarina,
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alekseevich's eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache in batforty, our nerd was creepy. touches, suddenly she bursts into all the classrooms, says, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he won’t get caught there, not by... in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of yuri alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother and threw out such hysterics, i i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, this is a tradition, it’s a must...
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there. and gradually the transfer of control over the largest states of europe, well, there are more than 16 principles laid down in the hands of the illuminati, then
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for this they gave two budgets of their state, i’m talking about the ancient jews, and the temple was built by hiram, zoch, a canaanite, who built it on a star sirius, another one is called a dog in masonic rites star, this is really a very long complicated story, they wear white gloves, because they, they say, were not involved in the murder of hiram, supposedly ancient jews, or rather representatives of the architectural workshop killed him, because well, there was some kind of thing, so to speak
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, i would say, address to a very ancient tradition, in fact, the rejection of christianity, ending with the freemasons, the letter j year, eight does not mean the christian god, this is the god of the domiurge, i would say that it is closest to the bogomils, to the cathars, that is, completely different the perception of god than that of christians, god is a craftsman, such a crooked god who created very imperfect people, the jesuits are 1535, they say the thirty-sixth, actually 1540, ignatius laiola. who served pope paul, formed, accordingly, from knights, there were seven knights, including
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gnatius alaiol, and a certain order to fight the reformation, contrary to the decision of the lyon cathedral of the 13th century that it was forbidden to form new monastic orders, nevertheless they were formed for a very long time the conclave of cardinals did not agree with their formation, in as a result, he agreed, then they became the black guard of the stavra of paegial control, that is, they reported directly to the pope. submits, already in the 20th century, which can be discussed for a long time, they came into conflict with opsdi, as a result of opsdi they won. the jesuits had their own series of struggles with the reformation, assertion. god on earth, as they defined him, that is, it is still the vatican, the catholic religious tradition of serving the catholic church. i understand correctly that most of all they differ precisely in the issue of faith in god, because if the illuminati or the enlightened, then they tried to deny the existence of god altogether, that
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there is no god, and knowledge is precisely, well, a priority everywhere, in fact. from the masons and jesuits, there is one phrase that distinguishes them all: apophios, apotheos, to become like god, that is, the essence of rituals, making money is only one: to make you become not just a person, but you become a deity, you become that who can create their own religion. and most importantly - your ideology, as soon as the word ideology appears, you will find it even in dewey, who developed the so-called idea of ​​pragmatism, he was an illuminati, because in all his works it is written: the one who is rich is worthy, the rich is the one who can lead others, and the more living and dead souls you have, the closer you are to the highest goal ,
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copophyosis. i suggest watching a short story that will tell us briefly. the history of the illuminati, where they even came from, the founding father of the illuminati, who called themselves nothing more than the enlightened ones, is considered to be the philosopher and professor at the university of ingolstatt in bavaria, adam weishaupt, with the liberal ideas that were born in europe, freedom, equality, enlightenment, he secretly lured students into his circle. the first meeting of a cell of five dates back to 1776. adam was brought up in the spirit of the jesuits, the masculine spirituality. order of the roman catholic church, but renounced christianity and believed in satan. the basis for the created movement was the principle of hierarchy. at the top of spartacus. spartacus, that’s how the entire gaupt called himself, after the name of the slave who led the uprising in the roman empire, to rebel against christianity and the monarchy and replace them with atheism and a republican system, this was his plan. to this,
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resgaubt threw an underground army of the illuminati, which had grown to 2.0 followers, united by the anti-christian. “just think, my boss is pregnant. the information that the illuminati is plotting a revolution was also encrypted, but the rumor is that a certain group is plotting.” finally reached the ruler of bavaria, karl theodor. the illuminati began to be banned in bavaria in 1784, as they were planning a revolution, wanted to penetrate the government apparatus, by installing people who will act in their interests. the movement was outlawed, members of the order were persecuted, accused of satanism, and many were executed. weishaukt himself died
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in exile in thuringia, but the order still lives, because the sponsors and main... interested parties remain. so, the first fact: a certain weishaut. who is this man? the creator of the illuminati, is he considered to be the one? well, in principle, if we are talking about the goals that weiskaupt proclaimed, then here the denial of god, the denial of religion is at the forefront of everything, everything else is a fluctuation. means, i'll explain why. what did it represent? the state as an institution at the end of the 18th century, it was a monarchy, well, the monarchy in almost any case was to one degree or another theological, that is, the power of the church there was unquestioning, when a person declares the abolition of religion, that is, practically an equal sign that he declares the abolition of the institution of statehood in the form in
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which it existed, first, second, the abolition of the traditional institution of the family, and what is a traditional institution? canons, that is the understanding of that time is that this is the only legal marriage that is blessed by the roman catholic church, or the church there in principle, accordingly, this institution is also dying out, then the redistribution of property that belonged to them, who are the elites? well , it’s clear that these are not rich artisans, or landowners, these are people who are related to the ruling one. the state elite, that is, to the same monarchical circles, or to the church, that is, again, to take everything from them, to divide it between those whom the troops and those whom the military will personally recruit. being at the top of this hierarchy, he considered them worthy, he had such a simple program, but there was a whole community there, because telemen are different from each other, as
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always, the devil is in the details, what are the details? the fact is that we remember the committee of 300 originates basically from the venetian republic, according to anglo-saxon historians and lyndon larouche, and the same intelligence veteran john coleman, and having gone through the dutch. already comes in the era of welherm of orange to great britain, and there in fact begins the gradual development of the world precisely through the anglo-saxon specifics through the city, which is why italy is the birthplace of secret societies, so all the ideas, well, i would say, are like jordan bruno, whom we actually know very little in russia, but he was burned for what they talk about in soviet russian schools is for something completely different, for an attempt to revive the pagan rituals of that... which was very close to the freemasons, jordan bruno fully professed this idea, just like tamaz componelo, so all these thoughts, note the names that are quoted as italian, came from italy, in fact, with
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two centers, with two nurseries, this is , accordingly, first of all venice, because the power of money, the power of trade, navigation, what the anglo-saxons later adopted, and, accordingly, secret power thanks to this information, which was collected only once, then twice, i understand correctly. it’s two steps to italy, in my opinion, they, weishaut and his theory there from 1978 , are distinguished by those very curls of satan, that is, they were interested in religious non-conjugation
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yes, that is, the germans, as always, went into systematization, no, well, this is, in fact, the first mention of the illuminati as such, it came from spain, at the very very end of the 15th century, but for us , in my opinion, this is still not the case interesting, it’s the bavarian illuminati that is interesting to us, because you know, to put it in such scientific language, the most... institutionalized history associated with the illuminati, that is , they really appeared there, they existed there for 8-9 years in the end ends of them banned, but there they gained the greatest weight, but here, of course, when we talk about their numbers, here there are really serious differences with the same masons, what is the difference between the masons and the illuminati, if we move away from ideology, well , the fact that there were a lot of masons, there were a huge number of masonic lodges, a large number of politicians, figures, especially of that era of the eighteenth. the 19th century, even the 20th century, were involved in them. the illuminati, after all, is a much narrower group of people, yes, at its peak there were 2,000 of them, when they were banned, well then, of course, it’s difficult to judge how many there were, but they
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took a different policy, yes, when they realized that in general everything was complicated with them, it was difficult to act openly, they began to act to a greater extent by such means as infiltration in order to join different masonic lodges and then somehow change them from within, so almost immediately after their ban in europe - then in north america there were such serious shocks, big changes, yes, firstly, the american revolution for independence, then the french revolution, as you know, well, then after the american revolution, it was in the united states of america that all this hysteria about the influence of the illuminati actually began, well, there were a large number of different moments, but even george washington, the first president of the united states mentioned the illuminati in his letters, i say that this may indeed be a certain threat, as we know, almost all of the founding fathers of the united states... were members of masonic lodges, yes, they most likely, at that time, they considered the illuminati as a threat to us, at some point it was even used as part of election campaigns, when thomas jefferson went to the polls at the beginning of the 19th century,
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he was accused of being a secret the illuminati, if it wins now, then in general , christianity will be completely abolished in america, a kind of atheistic state will be turned into a country, but this did not happen, but nevertheless, the first wave of such hysteria about the secret influence of the illuminati was exactly then, immediately after a short advertisement, we’ll figure out which of the american... politicians appeared next to these secret illuminati, well, i’m different, different. evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how were the relationships in the family? evgeniy steblov himself, i didn’t
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love anyone before tanya. i took her by the arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this god's providence, as the lord manages, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday. on the first, you didn't have feeling that maybe god took you son away for something, mancacher whiskey, a stellar group product, cnop gin, a stellar group product, monte chococa cognac, a stellar group product, rum, castro, a stellar group product.
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and he wears his hat on his hat, and his boots on his narko. three chords, new season from april 14. on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore. they run, they shine, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming. we are young spring horses. she sent us ahead. what,
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where? then the spring series of games, on sunday at the first, today the puppet theater is a real sell-out, it seems that the puppeteer has appeared, the illuminati, myth or reality? let’s find out, it’s interesting, because how they look for the illuminati today, but they say that this is a super super secretive society, which by no means can be found, but sometimes it is possible, because they identify each other by certain symbols, the symbols are bafamet, savami nerves, yeah, the all-seeing eye, by the way, he is also periodically classified as a freemason, perhaps mistakenly, a pyramid, here are the obelisks, one of which,
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for example, is located in washington - a long , very tall stella, what does igor symbolize, these things? in fact, this symbolism, it is adjacent in different organizations, and we are talking about various masonic lodges and the illuminati, only exogetics and interpretations are done a little differently, and that is, well, for example, let’s take paphamet, yes, that is, someone talks about , that this is an ancient pagan god of fertility, and strength, power, that is, sometimes... there is a reference to ancient egyptian mythology, the mythology of sumer, someone points to the ancient, by the way, bavarian iliminates, they loved the reference to ancient and ancient roman mythology, but at the same time, if we look now at some forms, including such semi-closed ones in the united states of america, when the word or lux is used, or illumin, but regarding the fact that baphamet is lucifer, and that is, we say the illuminati
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are those. then the illuminated is sometimes translated as enlightened, but in fact these are those who were illuminated by lucifer, and baphamet is, accordingly , lucifer himself, while they interpret it differently, they don't say that this is such a devil. this is satan, this is that great angel of light who, like prometheus, gave light to people, knowledge to people. as for the all-seeing eye, on masonic graphics, often the rays come precisely from behind the pyramid, and not from the eye, but among the illuminati, they indicate that this eye is a mountain, or the all-seeing eye, or it is indicated that this is an eye architect, that now they are this eye, that is, among the masons they talk about god, that it is god who illuminates. and we are just his servants, who know better, then we are more intellectual than others, and the illuminati say that this is us now, and that is, when we talk about a certain atheism of the illuminati, this is not entirely true, but they have a lot of religious symbolism and adam weisgaopt himself, he is like a professor of theology,
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a specialist in church canon law, of course he was not an atheist, but he introduced this, and that god once created the universe, but now he has moved away and now we, this eye, now we are the people who rule the world, that is, the masons say that there is a great architect and we are his tools, and the illuminati says that everything, no, god created and he moved away, so they say that there should be atheism for people, but we know the truth, so you need to understand that the illuminati is not some kind fluffy aristocrats, intellectuals who sit in libraries, there in archives and so on, that is, they declared in advance, that is, if we are talking about the spanish, we have less information than about the bavarian illuminati, consider the fact that they ready to destroy those who go against them, that's why we say, what...
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with the illuminati, they were published by the same publishing house, but at slightly different times, please tell me how likely such theories are, in my opinion, after all, yes, the more important thing here is not whether the illuminati secretly controls the whole world , or they don’t manage, because here we can
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again guess for a very long time, but to what extent those ideas that they began to promote back in the 18th century, to what extent they currently dominate in the west, gradually this is the atheization of society , rejection of religion, rejection of god and tdp, well, you can say.
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sergey, where do you think this is? in boston, of course, it doesn’t compete with the cradle of american science, harvard, how can that be? this post is very different. in the united states of america, when you talk, you are not talking about those who live exclusively by conspiracy theories, but about those who are trying. how to improve human nature, artificial intelligence, which should replace a person, a person is weak, he cannot carry huge loads, an exoskeleton appears that allows him a lot, the concept of what a person has limited lifespan, his body, this
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is the basis of the illuminati in america. boston is a city that is not like other cities in the united states of america. and the recent scandal that happened in boston was due to the fact that a man came with a sledgehammer. began to destroy the statue of baphamet, he was eventually arrested, now, at best , he will receive a minimum sentence of 20 years, and what basis does this rightist have for encroaching on freedom of conscience and religion. because yes, he encroached on that symbol, element, which is represented by a religious organization that is officially registered and which is protected by the department of justice, that is, now satanists in the united states are among the group of registered religious organizations that have the highest level of legal protection. governor of masachus, he recognized the satanists as a religious organization, not just a religious organization, but one with good higher goals. exactly. the governor opened his mouth and said
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that baphamet and the church of satan bring good to the residents of his state, is this normal, but they justified this, the justification was very simple: stop calling satan satan, because he is the beloved son of god and his name is samael, uncle sam, remember, uncle sam, by the way, yes, you know what else is curious, because this is not the only school, well, having i mean a school in the broad sense of the word in america, harvard university. around which we see such phenomena, because all the stories related to the study, but not only the study, but also the preaching, of satanic cults, the ideas of the illuminati, are in other universities, for example, in one of them barack obama studied, this is columbia university, let's take a second to see what interesting courses they teach there now, taken directly from the university's website, so let's see, here's one of the courses, what will happen? with karma, when carbon-based people will merge with
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silicon-based entities and other advanced technologies, it sounds like nonsense, but this is a whole lecture course. okay, let's see again. queer theory: meaning making and value investment and their relationship to gender, race, sexual desire, ability, class, age, climate and environmental factors, that is, this is now an element of the curriculum. yes, to me. in 2013, i was at columbia university, i was preparing a series of reports on the financial crisis and talked there with teachers who, from a mathematical point of view, studied the consequences of this crisis, that is, for me at that time it was a kind of revelation when a professor at columbia university, sighing, says that you know , valery, i can’t, for example , now i’m a teacher freely... discuss what christianity is good, because
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i have a family and children there, it’s kind of cool, i’ll go there with the children for the weekend, this is generally not welcomed here, in our country it’s quite the opposite, if you are - preferably if you were dark-skinned, transgender and some kind of atheist, just ardent, ardent, then at the department you would be a more excellent teacher and more desirable than me, and this was a spaniard sitting so white, well, a normal mathematician, what kind of teacher, and then i talked with graduate students of the same university, they even formulated the idea that there is some kind of birth of a new christianity, or rather even anti-christianity, in this professorial, i don’t know educational, scientific environment, when the rights of any minorities, of any kind in general, there, uh, ringer, you, transgender, you , dark-skinned, it doesn’t matter, but the main thing is that you represent some kind of minority, and this is elevated to the forefront. here’s what’s about carbon, for example, these are the things they have as electives, this is the story
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that all environmentalists advocate, they say that hydrocarbons are evil, but hydrocarbons are actually the basis of life, and why, that is, they are struggling with what is the basis of life, well, in fact, this is very far from academic science and from those programs that are implemented in academic universities, it is absolutely obvious that this is a product of so -called climate lobbying. conspiracies, people who participate in this, queer conspiracies, all this post-humanist, transhumanist program, which is being implemented in many western countries today, and from this it is clear that this is the deepest crisis of traditional, christian values, again it is clear why there is an absolutely measurable, now already demand for traditional values ​​and why so many representatives of western nations turn to russia, and as a repository of these very values, as if they are actually moving for help, and so on and
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so forth, but because look, what else is interesting, well, there are people who, even being in these various communities, being soiled by all these terrible practices, inhumane and so on, at some point some of them still have an epiphany comes, says, what am i doing, some people also come to the illuminati, for example, a dutch banker, a certain bernard, even gave an interview talking about his participation. i’ll tell you right away, it didn’t end well for him, you sign a lifelong contract not with blood or anything, never disclose the name of the company. organizations or names of people, you see people as a flock of sheep, you put a couple of border dogs, collies and lead them in the right direction, they are dependent on their immediate needs, all this negative, all this is evil, these luciferians, satanists, whatever you call them, this is a whole satanic cult, divide conquer,
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this is their truth, you also deal with governments, multinational corporations, you have to deal with the intelligence agency. and what they now call terrorist organizations, you think they are there to protect the people, the country and so on, but they actually turn out to be criminal organizations, i was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad, that was the turning point, i then and he couldn’t imagine that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening would end in a massacre of children, well, let’s be skeptics, maybe he went crazy and at some point decided to have some revelations that were just fantasy. appeared in his head, but now an ex-fbi agent makes a similar statement: i have been a law enforcement officer for 28 years, people began to come to me from all over the country and tell essentially the same story about the satanic movement in the country associated with the illuminati, and my the first major
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investigation was into the jeffrey case macdonald, he was convicted of murdering his wife and two children, and i received a signed confession from helena stockley. but elena soklia admitted to me that dr. macdonald did not kill his wife and two children. this was the work of the satanic group that she belonged to and helena told me how she was initiated into the cult of satan that night. part of the rite of passage involves murder, in this example the murder of a woman and two children. former fbi agent ted gunderson accidentally poisoned himself with arsenic. well, as you know, it happens. a very sad fate awaited another woman, a senator of the united states of america, who said the following, verbatim. today i am talking about those children who were deliberately removed from their families for financial gain. funding is available when a child is placed in foster
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care or a mental health facility, where treatment is typically prescribed without parental consent. keeping children with you for a long time is an organ. i don’t believe the dutch banker speaking, because apparently this man he fantasizes, his gestures, his manipulations and the rotation of his eyes, facial expressions indicate that he is probably fantasizing, and on most issues, that’s what concerns the american, namely the american fbi employee, he is telling the pure, absolute truth, he
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really had something to do with these documents , he saw them, he saw these people, he thinks about it, remembers, he won’t come up with anything at all, in principle, too... i can say the same thing about a woman, even though she reads it from a page, that is, it’s a kind of blank, but this preparation doesn’t bother her, she has no emotions, which usually happens when lying, especially since she discusses things that are hard to believe, so we believe the lady and gentleman from the fbi, interestingly, by the way, bernard is still alive, these are the two people whose words we believe, they, unfortunately they died a violent death, i didn’t know about this coincidence, and there were several more. we will look at interesting facts that confirm the existence of the illuminati today immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. central 812. suspicion of robbery against a taxi driver
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for the purpose of taking possession of a car. again a taxi, again approximately the same area. maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is for... a taxi under the guise of the prime minister, watch the time after the program. oldbar cognac is a product of steller group, borbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group, gin sheaf, a product of the stellar
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group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury, they sat at this table perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is pasadeno, we don’t have restaurants, how did you feel in the film? matador on friday at first, tell me you
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like my hat, you don't have a hat? i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. for cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication, it was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. 400 seconds the flight is normal, people have been falling there for a long time, there he is in a cheerful voice he conveys that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first spacewalk, first feature film, filmed in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all here, gathered today, on saturday, on
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the first, hello, country, welcomes you, but voronezh, i really love our little ones. yes , almost the entire gold ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed, i have dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the country, and to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd is the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, republic of bashkyrtastan, sevastopol - this is pride. russian sailors. i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk. i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i
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love my country very much and am proud of it. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of tootie’s heir, and more than an interesting and even mysterious topic. by the way, an important fact, hillary clinton. which she ranks among the community of all these strange groups, appeared in such an interesting foundation: in 2006 she was the director of the new world foundation, this foundation belongs, in fact, again to the illuminati, well , if so, it turned out, well, really, of course, there is such a new world foundation , not the only foundation in which hillary clinton works, she was in charge of activities there in the late eighties, so it is considered one of these very, very leftists in... america, that is, it is not just a charitable organization, it is another such structure through which large sums of money pass to finance
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a variety of liberal, left-liberal projects there, yes, be it some kind of pro-abortion company, in general , in principle, anything, that is, everything that the democrats are doing, i admit that, in principle , there is still quite a lot of money going there, for example through blm and various other organizations, but the point is that how this would be one of the huge branches of the most different. you know, it is very important to study exactly the family of hillary clinton, which comes from her father, many deny history, not paying attention to
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who they really are, we open any. whatever, we read, kyu rotham, an entrepreneur, a businessman who has been involved in the fabric trade all his life, and no one is surprised by one simple thing, that a person who develops his business from scratch becomes a supplier of fabric to all hotels in america, exclusively, well, just think about it , what volume is this, besides this, he sells everything, all the fabrics, everything the bed linen, all the curtains, all the draperies, all the walls of every hotel are covered with the draperies produced by hillary clinton's father. then he begins to finance the university of chicago, and the university of chicago creates a certain chicago school, which accepts a huge number of refugees from the third reich, where people who were raised by the nazis, who were raised by the national socialists, come, they begin to bring them back, and at this moment a new doctrine appears , which talks about the concept of chosenness, when there will be a wedding, hillary and ebila, no one will be surprised how many
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famous and noble people come. there, what kind of houses are opened for them, imagine, what kind of doors are opened for them, what kind of doors, here is an ordinary entrepreneur who can calmly take a call to the president of the united states of america, but then many note one simple thing, and it’s a friend who writes about this, already bill clinton's close friend, strobe telbut, he said that clinton, when he first met his relative, he did not understand who he was talking to, this person was so domineering and monstrously able... to prioritize, that he suddenly felt frost on his skin, and he realized that his father-in-law was not just a businessman. later he will write: this man in the thirty-third degree, this is the man who determines the fate of not only one fund, he communicates with the births, he is friends with the rockefellers and at the same time he is a staunch republican, but at the same time to his relative bill clinton, he will say: i am playing out the republican agenda,
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and you are playing out the democratic one. and yes, i'm in the same box, eh you will be in another, remember when wikileaks published materials, well, email correspondence of hillary clinton, and there was correspondence from a certain padesta, it was their head of the election campaign, he appeared in very interesting conversations with a certain marina abramovich, which means this woman is an artist from serbia, it’s so interesting here, you start checking her biography, you keep in your head that same score of 1972...
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sub to the republicans, but i was struck by their approach, how they instructed me, moreover , these instructions were the same, that with on the republican side and on the democratic side. in these lists by polling station , each voter was identified either by the letter d - democrat, or by the letter r - republican, and there were two more categories: i, the one who was undecided, and bi, the one who is either for the democrats or for republicans are voting, my goal was to go... precisely to those apartments and houses where these two categories, who have not decided, and who vote here and there, and the main task was not even to persuade them for someone, and persuade them to come to elections, that a lot depends on their vote, i thought for a long time, yes, why exactly this, well, what’s the point, not to convince them to vote for someone, ask them, well, just come to the polling station, and local
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american political strategists with whom i talked , who worked for a long time in hillary's headquarters and worked for bernie sanders in the primaries, they told me that this was a real case, primaries, when bernie sanders beat hillary clinton, and he should have been the candidate in theory from the democratic party, what was the task to get people to come to polling station, they voted, but these machines, which were well programmed, through which they read your ballot with a coefficient, if you voted for burne sanders, the coefficient was 0.8. and if you voted for hillary clinton, the coefficient is 1.2, so it doesn’t matter who you vote for in this case, the main thing is you come, and then from there, we don’t know whether the illuminati exists or not, there are facts like one way or the other, but what do we know for certain, we know how the bohemian grove is an existing organization, a committee of 300, an existing organization, and
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absolutely many of them are even public. coincide, or completely, that is , it turns out that the illuminati’s cause is not only alive, but is being quite successfully implemented, in addition to everything, there is a complete secret, and no one has ever found out about it. and you understand what these people believe in, the basis of their faith is not just in being chosen, in a literal, well , how can i put it, genetic association with satan. this is completely different. well, firstly, all this was described more than 2.0 years ago, more precisely 1,500 years ago, this is ponerion. so-called ponarion epiphanius. epiphanius 5th century, early father of the church, naturally christian, who described a very well-known heresy, simoniatism, they are called differently, simonites, simonians, but the point is that simon bulkh in the era
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of christ, and stated the following: believe in me, anything will be revealed to you, you can afford anything, ritual cannibalism, and any practices, because you are different from the people around you, and not just on the principle of faith, forgive me. from this the titans were born, the generation is very skilled in war, which means that they go back to physiological selectivity, as i understand it, they consider themselves people of demonic blood, this is very important, these are the ones who have been heretical for centuries, i would like to add one very important question, what is the creta ? these people, if we return specifically to the society of the illuminati, weishaubt himself at one time came up with three so -called initiation stages, well, they were divided into smaller stages, so the first stage was called the nursery, this is the
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the very level at which the future composition was formed, and i’m not even afraid to say, the future backbone of this organization, and the foundations of this nursery, these are the newcomers, novices, well, in addition to their unquestioning submission to the order, and to its head personally... of course, total spying on them, forming a worldview that is absolutely categorical, absolutely subordinate, ready for any adventure. the next level is a menial, or a dedicated menial, this is a person who, in addition to his own subordination, also understands, realizes that he does. well, further, the third highest level is a sacrament, this is when, probably, there is already a certain elite layer of this society, where a person. claims to have some leading administrative functions and can somehow distribute the actions of the entire order, well , given the fact that at the peak of its power the purity of the order was no more than 2.0 people, it was probably not so difficult,
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in fact, a union of masons, illuminati, moreover, this was reliably known historically when the battle of bath was fought in 1782 the convention took place, that is, when adam weisgalt, together with one of the bavarian barons , advertised his teaching so much that representatives of some masonic lies joined, that is, at this convention they united the teaching, because there really is a slight difference, but nevertheless we already see , that in the 18th century secret societies held united meetings, exchanged, that is, some masons joined the illuminati, then when they were persecuted, the illuminati entered some masonic lodges, so we really say that now there is such a community. consisting of different organizations, the symbols are similar, we see that there are some common events, this is the symbolism that
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politicians have, who, for example, well , the same hillary clinton, yes, yes, it shows that she is from the faculty of law at yale university, she has exactly this symbol of the master of the illuminati, as in our mythology, and the firebird, yes, the phoenix bird, yes, we also take it... from ancient greek, ancient roman mythology, and this icon means just masters of the illuminati, what is firebird, well, here’s the phoenix bird, firstly, it’s fire, it’s the main symbol of the illuminati in general, and there’s this torch, by the way, the french freemasons just gave this statue of freedom, yes, which holds a torch, so you get this phoenix symbol, which was noticed just by hillary clinton at such a big event
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, a different organization, they also participated in the union of brest, yes, that is, when they recruited our orthodox clergy, well, in the territory, now we are talking, western ukraine, they took part in that this happened. centuries, then alexander i expelled the same jesuits, because they participated in conspiracies, they were also associated with secret societies, and that is , this is a kind of fire, plus this phoenix is ​​always a revival, that is, the illuminati professes the following, that how no matter how much they try to destroy us, we will always be reborn, light also means in this bird that just as the sun enlightens the whole earth, so does the illuminati. penetrate
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anywhere, that is, like the rays of the sun, except moreover, the phoenix bird is always a militant bird, so again we say that these are not good intellectuals, there are aristocrats, but these are people who are ready to destroy, liquidate, let’s say, this is a militant organization, yes, that’s what there is a lot of blood and satanist elements, but the fact that now the satanists have officially opened abortion clinics in america, and there, when an abortion is performed, and this is dedicated to satan, that is, it is officially registered, now... the network of clinics will be revealed, this is what they have used on various parties, indeed, there are women with aborted children standing here, then there is a demonstration of transgenderism, because the satanists just prohibit traditional families and, on the contrary, sadomy, well , the sin of sodom and gomorrah, this is a trend, so we see that when these events are held , that the masons, that the illuminati, well, conditionally, because they say, we are not the illuminati, yes, we see the same characteristic signs, the same symbolism.
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namely satanism, hedonism, satanism, but such a hatred of man ideology. here, as an epilogue, i would like to recall a quote from william shakespeare, believe it or not. a rose smells like a rose, whether you call it a rose or not. the same story is probably with the illuminati, freemasons, jesuits and other groups. but the fact remains that those goals.
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enlightened means telling the world about their existence, because this is what they fear most. actually, now we have done it. maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. the level is rising rapidly, large waters have reached orenburg and the scale of disasters in the kurgan region, impressive footage.


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