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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:59pm MSK

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according to the news that i always see you accompanying president putin when you meet with him, so our ministers have reasons for talking, in addition to negotiations, the conversation continues at the protocol dinner, it takes quite a long time in total, there are always many reasons, like as a rule, we divide them, i myself participated in these meetings many times, prepared them... i sat next to the minister, as now ambassador igor vladimirovich morgulov sits on the right hand of sergei viktorovich, and i can say responsibly that everything that passes through the results of this meeting, in the bilateral documents, in the statements of both sides based on the results, it is always verified literally to the last word, so indeed you are right, there seem to be no sensations, there is nothing that would attract such, i would say, increased ... attention, but since
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every word is weighed, it is expensive, well, for example, the words of minister wang yi that china resolutely supports the stable development and revival of russia, under the leadership of president putin, you can put quotation marks, i quote his words literally, as it was said, this is what was said, as they say, in the open air, at the negotiations, probably the topics were broader, the statements were more, more detailed, but it seems to me that van expressed the main essence, and this is what i see the main result of the visit for our side, for the chinese side, strictly speaking, is the same, because from the side of sergei viktorovich, who conveyed greetings from the head of our state, to his chinese colleague, words of support were also heard. china's position,
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in this regard we are, as they say, even, i i want us to listen to one statement by mr. vana, which seemed unusual to me and very significant, let’s listen to how the minister presented this statement at a joint press conference, they were both there, sergei lavrov was there, this is minister vana. yesterday - he invented this formula: double counteraction against double containment, and more than once our leaders, president putin and chairman sijinping, emphasized the determination of russia and china to counteract attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world, slow down long ago overdue processes of democratization and justice. who are simply knocking on
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the door of the modern world order to stop, to slow down which the united states and its allies are trying to perpetuate their unjust position in the international system, we remember how our leaders formulated the tasks of standing back to back, shoulder to shoulder on the way. attempts to slow down the objective course of history, we have repeatedly, and you have repeatedly noted at this table, that russian-chinese relations are moving forward very successfully, but that they have not achieved level of the alliance, absolutely true, but while they have not yet been called an alliance, double counteraction, it seems to me that this is a step forward, no, well, of course, in chinese there is this:
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the usa and the west as a whole, double containment, that is, in the east china, russia in the west, or is it still necessary to somehow deal with them, as they say, one by one. well, now we see, literally these days, that the international situation is turning precisely in the direction of dual containment. apparently, a party of, well, let's say, straight up adventurers in washington, who believes that the west will pull dual containment outweighs. well,
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you have to respond to double containment with a double action, which is what russia and china are doing, and i would like to emphasize once again that this is not our choice, i mean this. year, clearly formulate the need, firstly, to take into account the points that china put forward in the past for the root causes of this conflict, and secondly, in efforts to resolve, to seek to eliminate these causes, primarily in
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the context of ensuring equal, indivisible security, including number in europe, but in in the world in general, in this context, my chinese colleagues and i, vany, said approximately the same thing, but as you know better than me, the chinese style of public diplomacy is quite different from the russian one, it seems to be more cautious, more, well, how to say, directed
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to not disturb international harmony too much, but in principle, what the chinese foreign minister said was no different from what the minister said...
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years, maybe 10-15 years, or even more, in the usa, as it happens in cowboy films or in various types of police officers plays, there are good guys and bad guys, good and bad, guys in relation to china, and so,
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as a rule, the heads of the state department, the heads of the defense department made such rather harsh statements addressed to china to one degree or another, like the minister of finance .. i won’t name it, but she is right in the middle between trump and biden, she has been working in these bodies for a long time, has been to china several times, communicated with chinese representatives, and uh, remember, she was even sometimes scolded for being there somehow, a few, well i would say
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behaved so courteously towards the chinese masters, and this happened, so these are the words that were spoken, they are, of course , unacceptable, they are unacceptable for china, china has spoken about this more than once. that, firstly, it’s none of your business, well, i call a spade a spade, with whom should we communicate and how to build relationships with our partners, especially the pressure on us in this regard is unacceptable, both,
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and i remember the behavior this lady at an event with the participation of the russian ambassador,
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who was then yuli vorontsov, who was, well, i don’t know how to say, among other things, a gentleman with excellent manners, and he was very cool, and he also represented that period of soviet history when the ussr was a superpower and was used to being treated a certain way. telegram, in my opinion, she did not fully understand the irony, did not fully understand the irony in his
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words, but nevertheless, of course, lavrova’s negotiations in beijing, they reflect certain realities of american behavior and today, in general, awareness i don’t know how it is in beijing, but the realization in moscow is that the united states, at least on... ukraine, well, it’s impossible to come to an agreement. let's listen to what the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov said about this. our president has repeatedly spoken about our readiness to resolve problems through negotiations, and this is the preferred way, but unfortunately, repeated statements by other parties, including ours, have recently been met with absolutely harsh denial by the kiev regime. they do not allow any negotiations, drawing support for themselves. if so possible to say, in the assurances of many european countries, to continue to do everything in order to
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doom russia to an inevitable, as they believe, strategic defeat, this is the deepest delusion, the deepest mistake, and the course of events, first of all, on the battlefield, is most clearly about this is evidenced by, well, sergei lavrov recently said that, in general, diplomacy is very important, one cannot do without it, but at least at this stage the main issues...
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leaders of different levels, but high ones, indicate that that they don't know what to do further, and you are absolutely right, if earlier they... made tough decisions, either launched strikes, or sent aircraft carrier groups, making it clear to their, in general, well, let's say, negotiating partners, what would follow next, then today they either they call names, or threaten with something, it’s unclear what, but things don’t go further, this is my first impression, second impression, you know,
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here’s a visit... a steam cat that goes, goes, goes, crushes everything in its path, and so this is a double reaction, she also ends up is the prototype of this legal roller coaster, with which this collective attempt will do nothing with its statements, stupid and ill-considered, this is the last
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time of the meeting. we were received by the chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress of china , i got the clear impression that the chinese comrades with whom we communicated, they share our approaches, our understanding of what is happening today in modern world politics, but again,
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here we have all this delivered together with comrades from china on a regular basis and we... there is progress forward, that is, practically along the entire line of combat contact, we are moving and moving forward with the same steadfastness of a steam roller, even though this advance may be a few hundred meters, about a kilometer, but it is there, and
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there’s no escape from this, it’s from this very advancement that hysteria begins among... our western former partners, who have nothing to present and nothing to say, who rush from one extreme to another, but there’s no point in arguing, you know, like an asphalt paver , it's useless if if he rolls, so it is here, or do you remember what we told you back in the twenty -first year in december,
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it’s really good, because these are realist politicians who think about their own people, about their countries, about their states, and defend them...
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yes, he thinks what to do next, but as for this ukrainian leadership, everything is clear here, these are international terrorists, who were imprisoned, given power over the state, the unfortunate state, and who, except this one terrorism they don’t know how and can’t do anything, look, today no, general, here i can’t agree with you, no, they also know how to store money, so they are first-class beggars.
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it was possible to show it, including to their european patrons, that they are preparing, they are doing, but this will lead to nothing, and their essence, i repeat once again, is a simple threat to the whole world , a threat to their own population, well, look , today they took and shelled klimovsk, this is an urban-type village in the guryan region, there have never been military personnel there objects of soviet times, the airfield, which... was there from the chernigov flight school, uh, back in the nineties , the airfield slabs, the covering were removed from it, why would you hit it with multiple
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launch rocket systems in order to kill a twelve-year-old boy, in this the whole essence of the kiev regime, they can’t do anything on the battlefield, they just kill civilians, and all this is patronized by the west. thank you, thank you not for the west’s patronage, but thank you for telling us what direction it’s heading. military political dynamics, and this is of course encouraging. and now, so that we can be even more reassured on the first channel, we are going to advertising. and we’ll be back in just a few minutes, talking on skype with nels wong, a leading chinese expert on international relations. let's go to advertising. the maltese roberto mizolla, president of the european parliament, a lot, it
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must carry this nonsense, a factory of populism in the worst sense of the word, in order to cover up those very dark things that are happening under this noise, mrs. mitsula are generally the funeral martyr of european industry and european prosperity, the eurozone is in recession, popular discontent is growing because real incomes have fallen to the level of the twelfth or thirteenth year.
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china and russia as the two largest countries in the world and as good neighbors, it is very important that our
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leaders. did not happen, here is one thing that, it seems to me, did not take place, at least i did not notice it, this is the recognition of some contradictions, the recognition of some difference in positions, an admission that the negotiations were, let’s say, not easy, but you know all the formulas that are used in such cases, if you simply observed what
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was said in the joint press.
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what does this mean? this suggests that our countries are exchanging opinions, ideas, exchanging visions on how to confront this situation, the problems that both our countries face today, because. china, of course, constantly faces attempts by the united states to curb our growth with various sanctions, and the same thing is happening today with russia, each country is resisting these attempts and defending its interests. so i think that the time has come for our countries to unite and exchange ideas on this matter. and we agreed. as you know,
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the us treasury secretary not only gave, so to speak, valuable guidance to the chinese leadership on what not to do in cooperation with russia, but she also gave her recommendations to china on what china should not do in its own development. let's let's listen to what janet ellen said. at the moment, china's industrial capacity is too much for the rest of the world to handle. actions taken by china today could affect price dynamics around the world. the world market is flooded with artificially cheaper chinese products, which calls into question the viability of american and other foreign companies. i firmly believe that eliminating the imbalance will not only benefit
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the united states and the world. this will benefit china's long-term productivity and growth. well, these are, i don’t know how to say it, wishes, instructions on how china should develop, and this is no longer in just one area, but, well, if you like, it concerns the foundations of china’s economic progress. what do you think is the reaction of the chinese leadership to this?
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this is ms. yelin's second visit to china in the past few months. what does this mean? does this indicate who is in dire straits? china? or is it the usa? yes, of course, there are many issues that americans want to discuss with china, but you you know, i personally think about this speech by ellen, her attempts to criticize china, it seems to me that american politicians should look at their own politicians, i think this is explained by internal politics.
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it is completely understandable to notice china’s position regarding the conflict in ukraine; china supports the russian economy, there are economic ties, so statements
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by american politicians will not affect this in any way. thank you very much, as always we are very happy to talk with you, we hope to see you again on our broadcast soon. thank you.
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this is the absolute truth, we clearly see how russia is trying to veiledly promote anti-ukrainian and pro-russian views, we even hear something in the house of representatives, some congressmen mistakenly claim that the conflict between russia and ukraine is connected with nato. naturally, this is not so. vladimir putin made it very clear not only to russians, but to the entire world that behind the conflict there are much broader claims to eastern europe, all ukrainian territories should go to russia, and the more rooted this view becomes, the more sweeter.
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the opinion developed in a given situation is hostile, therefore any attempt to convey to the american viewer, to the american audience, an opinion that does not coincide with the opinion of the us leadership, it is initially hostile, and in fact, what we clearly see here is absolutely it’s clear, absolutely clear, this is not the first and not the second case, and there will be more and more such cases, so i would agree with mr. general here, i would say that this all happens from despair, from the fact that it doesn’t work in a different way, look, just recently, just yesterday we had a shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, well, everything is clear, who fired, it’s clear, there is evidence, there are
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injured people at the station, there are, there were representatives of magate, well, there are no questions, what we see in the western press in general, well in particular in the usa, russians, why did you fire at a nuclear power plant? it is precisely this urge, it is precisely this signal that is the main thing, now look, we really understand that zelensky’s clique could not make the decision to fire. object independently, accordingly, we clearly understand who gave this order, who is the curator, and if god forbid, god forbid, just imagine, the shelling would have reached its goal and radiation contamination would have spread to the territory of both western ukraine and eastern european countries , what would have happened, it would have been exactly the same narrative that i just talked about, the russians, you fired at your own nuclear plant in order to infect us with radiation, that is , this is exactly how it works. it's primitive, it's stupid, it's aimed at uneducated people
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population, but unfortunately, this is exactly how it works, that’s all we can resist it, how we can resist it is, firstly, clearly through different channels through which it is only possible to convey our situation, convey our opinion, this is the first thing, the second is to try to push the line of combat contact further and further.
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so that they go further, let's see how mr. kasparov speaks frankly about his preferences in ukraine. let's listen. victory for ukraine, freedom in russia in that order, exactly. therefore, if we want to change something, we must help ukraine win. everything that helps ukraine win today is good. even burning oil depots, oil fields, enterprises in russia, and even those shares that i. i recently
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watched on one of the emigrant channels a speech by an elderly lady, who , by the way, is the granddaughter of the former people's commissar for foreign affairs of russia, now lives in england, although in general she was active until recently, relatively recently a lot of time in moscow, she admitted, she was most uncomfortable for this, as she said, but she admitted that she rejoices when she hits russian cities,
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you quoted this on the program, i also learned this from emigrant channels, that he did all this to the public doesn’t see point blank that he is saying that these people are absolutely useless, that they are not the opposition at all, that they have no influence in their own country, so i want to ask your opinion whether there is something behind this radical public that left something in russia? "we make noise, we make noise, and as the general said, and as the senator said, that this is being done out of desperation, and we can just laugh about it, you know, when i listened to you, i was waiting, whether you called them
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the opposition or not, fortunately you didn’t call them, this is not opposition, this cannot be opposition." these are enemies, i say quite clearly, consciously, these are enemies who, like those people who left after the eighteenth year, work for the propaganda of our opponents, in one case it was gibbelsian propaganda, in this case, this is american propaganda, talking about that they represent some kind of force is not necessary, to say that they somehow influence the situation in the country, no, of course, but... all they can do is manipulate, throw in fakes, try to somehow - in this way, well, strictly speaking, what we saw is trying to somehow denigrate the situation in our country, all their attempts will be absolutely meaningless, all their attempts will lead to nothing, and we can quite clearly say that these are people who do not influence
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the situation in the country, cannot influence and will never will not affect, these are just fragments, these are just enemies that are used.
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federal penitentiary service, which has a wonderful motto, whoever is not with us is with us, that’s where they will all end up, i didn’t know him, on this interesting thought we go to advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games, which... we are holding in russia by participating in the friendship games, countries take sides in the russian-ukrainian war, they stand on side of russia, and we spoke on behalf of a certain african politician, whom he wanted to win over to his side, if we can give the big bear something, a small
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piece of meat, we can calm him down for a while, and here bang shows that he has there is a clear political directive, he works it out when... there is a big game on air, we talked about very important negotiations in china.
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special military operation, so you and i started talking about how we are advancing in twenty directions, this is
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from our point of view, but let’s look at the same situation, sectoral, this means that in 25 directions, they lost people, lost positions, retreated and are retreating, and from this they are already not very ... high political moral state is falling further and further down, and we certainly must take this factor into account, and the main thing here is for us, for everyone who is far from the front line, to do everything so that our guys who are there with weapons in their hands clearly know that their the whole country supports them, the whole people support them, and we are not just standing
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in the far rear, we are in their second echelon. thank you, alexander vyacheslavovich, ah, what to do, the first, most important thing is not to stop, not to stop, because there is a lot of work ahead, there are many territories ahead where people live...
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so that later you can compare us with israel, that we are demolishing residential neighborhoods with these large-caliber aerial bombs with gliding - with controlled planning and correction modules, then continue to talk about our barbarity there about everything else, you don’t need to do this, you need to build - our actions in such a way that these cities are located and continue to move along... available directions, which lead by the shortest route to the boundaries that are planned, but i am absolutely
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convinced that our military command in the zone of a special military operation already knows this very well , and kharkov, and odessa and nikolaev, and zaporozhye and kherson, these are priority goals. thank you, i don’t think it could be said more clearly, please . i would still return to china, being under the impression that it is apparently already ending the completed visit of the russian foreign minister to china. following the visit , it was said that there will be several contacts between our first leaders of china and russia in june in bishkek at the shanghai cooperation organization summit in kazan in the fall.
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therefore, for now this is a preliminary conversation, however, this also should not be ruled out, when everything is ready, the dates will be prepared, so we must continue to move confidently in this direction, if you will allow just two more words, look from the field of the chinese language, the name of the chinese minister foreign affairs and name and is translated as firm, persistent, decisive, the name of the premier... of the state council of china, who negotiated with yellen, litian (chan) is translated as strong and powerful. by the way, the name of the new minister of defense, admiral tundun, is dun. dune is an army, it is the armed forces. and here is the one above them, si day pin, his name, day pin, is translated as bringing peace closer. here you can
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bring the world closer, relying on those i’m talking about. said, and i am sure that the same principles can be applied to our leaders, the president, and those on whom he relies epithets, therefore, the interaction of our leaders is that same double pull, which to a certain extent helps to at least somehow keep the world from falling into the abyss, and such a danger, unfortunately, exists, so we need to further develop bilateral relations, i always... believed that it is very important to understand what the enemy is thinking and what he is going to do, especially when we are dealing with a smart and well -informed enemy, such a person in the west of england for many years has been edward lucas, who is now a senior adviser to the center
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european politics, but for many years. was a leading author and editor of the economist magazine, let's listen to how he sees the military balance between russia and nato. it will be difficult for nato to defend itself against russian aggression, which it will most likely show in the baltic countries in 3 years, and maybe earlier, they clearly see the threat there, at a time when every bit of equipment and money should be sent to ukraine, nato is conducting its largest a cold war-era exercise called stadfast defender 2002. it's a let's pretend approach based based on the outdated and arrogant assumption that any war will not last long, just one or two weeks, because the technological superiority of the west will allow it to inflict crushing blows on russia, and the fear of american nuclear weapons will prevent russian retaliation, the plans of the alliance are largely, consider completely, depend on american assistance in the event of a conflict, but the united states is already transferring high-tech
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and heavy weapons to the indo-pacific region.
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significant advantage, russia also has one advantage is that in russia a significant part of the russian people, if necessary, although they do not want war, they are ready to fight, they already understand that the country is in a war, although fortunately so far it is a hybrid war, in most western countries
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the population has been accustomed to the idea that they are beating russia in ukraine, russia will not dare to respond on nato territory, and that therefore these countries are safe, even such great states as latvia, estonia, lithuania. it seems to them that they are protected by an impenetrable brush nato membership. it seems to me that this is all a dangerous illusion for them. and therefore, from my point of view, of course, russia does not need to become arrogant. of course, russia has many other priorities besides war. and of course, again, the general knows this better than me. war is a matter that can be planned, but can never be fully predicted. for all these reasons. i am sure that russia has no aggressive intentions, but i believe that russia has the right to a real understanding of its strength, its capabilities, legitimate pride,
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that these opportunities were created, and pride, not only that these opportunities were created, but that the russian people finally have complete determination, if necessary, to do so. what is required to defend oneself, the honor and dignity of russia and, of course, russian national interests, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. i’m proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, it is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace
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of lenin, koramzin and gonchirov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, blue.


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