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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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the next question, but the fact that it will definitely appear, because this has already happened in history more than once, maria butina, the heir tuti doll, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. beyond the dangerous line of the pit flood in orenburg, and what is the situation in orvsk, where the elements are retreating? they are pushing europe towards a nuclear disaster.
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the contribution of scientists to the development of the country, the meeting of the prime minister with the head of the russian academy of sciences, which turned 300 years old this year. preferential mortgages, fight against fraudsters and key rate, annual report to the state duma of the head of the central bank. the boy for whom the whole country was worried after the attack on crocus, eight-year-old ilya tolpykin, a young hockey player. who was hit by
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terrorist cars already at home, interview with channel one. orenburg is experiencing the peak of the flood, regional authorities announced this a few hours ago. the water level in the ural river in the area of ​​the regional center today exceeded 10 m, this is significantly higher than the critical level; in orsk, which was the first to take the blow of the disaster, the situation is gradually stabilizes, damage assessment begins. our correspondents work in both cities, svetlana reports. the situation in populated areas is changing before our eyes; we photographed the same place 24 hours apart. april 9, novokuznechny village, afternoon, you see, the water is rising, but there are still dry areas. we returned to this same place a day later, today is april 10, and you see what is happening here, waist-deep water has completely flooded the entire microdistrict, a little more and the water will enter this five-story building. in the morning there was nothing at all, but...
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she came somewhere, probably, well, after 9 o’clock, she is walking at breakneck speed, she is already entering the basement, water is pouring, there is a noise in the basement and there is water everywhere. we are located on the embankment of orenburg, in the center of the city, and here you can clearly see how the water is rising, for example, now i am walking along the roadway, just yesterday this area was dry, this children’s playground, which turned out to be completely flooded, i’m already approaching it i can’t, there ’s water there, probably up to my neck like this, i feel like the water has arrived somewhere... more than a meter. an hour later, this area and the skate park structures that were located here were demolished. by lunchtime, the water level in the ural river exceeded 10 m. this is more than the critical level. sirens and calls for evacuation are heard throughout the city. you can understand the scale in these shots from above; the only way to get to the flooded houses is to save people by boat. yesterday there were three, today there are about six people and one dog. but the dog, unfortunately, returned back. this married couple wanted to feed their scythes, but there were fences along the way.
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damaged the rubber boat and ended up in the water, vekhlo, give, vekhlo, move here, move here, emergencies ministry specialists are cruising along the flooded streets in search of those who need help, there are five wired people, three people, a man needs an ambulance there, 11a railway lines, three adults, flooded personal plots, courtyards, garages , at home, consider it september, october, only when it will be possible to start doing repairs, changing the wallpaper, until it all dries out. now people enter their houses through the windows, you see, there is more than knee-deep water here, almost waist-deep, and moving around the first floors, in general, as if you are in a sunken ship, families with children left their homes a few days ago, when it became clear that big water could not be avoided, only men remained, they keep order; pensioners who find it psychologically difficult to leave their home , i didn’t think at night , i didn’t wonder, i woke up, faster, faster, faster, faster, while i was getting ready, she
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went straight into the house, tried to go out to open the gate, but it was already deep, her boots weren’t enough anymore, she tried to persuade parents leave early. here, but they ’re not going to take their parents now either , because we finally got through to them and got through to them, the elderly are taken out by the rescuer, they are helped by volunteers, these are medical students, in their free time from lectures, they go rowing on kayaks, these small boats turned out to be just right, by the way, it is very stable, it goes in those places where large boats do not pass, here are the boats that are rubber, but these are very stable, great cross-country ability, for evacuation volunteers from the orenspas search and rescue team and fishermen joined the residents. hunters, they bring their boats, collect applications, help people leave the disaster zone, the water rose sharply overnight, and those people who expected that they would not have to evacuate are now forced to contact 112, it is not so easy to operate a boat, it is constantly are being carried away, there is so much water, the current is so strong that we cannot cope with it, for several minutes now we
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have generally been marking time and practically cannot budge, the currents dirty water can get into the water supply system, so people are warned not to drink only boiled or bottled water from the tap; mass vaccination against hepatitis a has begun in clinics in the region . hydrologists warn that the peak of the flood is still ahead, they predict an increase in the water level even more by half a meter in the next 24 hours. but vorsky, who took the first blow of the elements, the water has already begun to recede. my colleague sergei ponomarev has been monitoring the situation for several days. the peak of the flood in orsk has passed; on the second day the water gradually recedes from streets, this is most clearly visible in the central gagarin square. all this stormy flow returns back to the ural river, some were even finally able to return to their homes, see what the water had done inside, just a couple of days ago, according to the author of the video, it was waist-deep here, everything is floating, that’s all condition, all the refrigerators, here’s the furniture,
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everything is lying around, all this is just to be thrown away, in the nikel microdistrict you can still move only by boat, at the very outskirts of the water it was knee-deep, now it’s ankle-deep, neatly, now there’s water, the floors are definitely ready for replacement, the furniture is swollen, it will be necessary to pump out the water from the basement, but what to do, what to do, there’s either crying or not crying, we need to shovel, we need to dry,
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in total almost 700 houses are flooded in the city, on behalf of vladimir putin , federal minister of construction irek faizulin arrived in the orenburg region, after orenburg he...
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whose houses were damaged by floods, today the first decision was announced, if the housing is completely lost, they will issue a cash certificate at the rate of 68,700 rubles per square meter, rate the average cost of housing in the country, where the repair procedure means payments will take place, that means you, that is, the resident makes the decision himself, whether he will do it himself or decide to work with the municipality, that is, such appropriate guesses and... organizations by the ministry together with will be created by the municipality. whether to restore the house or not will be decided by special commissions to assess the damage. in parallel, the authorities will take care of garbage removal, road repairs, there are also clinics and schools in the water, all regions and federal center
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the situation is under daily control of the president, every day we communicate, i report the situation, he talks in great detail, asks about the situation in the city, about... problems, about tasks, so that the situation does not repeat itself, a dam will be built in the city again, but taking into account the current flood, the previous one was calculated for a water level of 5 s to m; this week the water in the ural river exceeded in the orsk region. mark 11 in the region they began to transfer the first payments to victims, the state services portal has already almost 18.00 applications for financial assistance have been received, all of them, according to the authorities, will be promptly considered. sergey podmarev, svetlana kostina, larisa nikitina, yulia khodorova, yuri shotokhin and oleg matyushin. first channel. the kurgan region also suffers from the spring flood. the water level in the tabol river is predicted to rise up to 11 m above the historical maximum. the regional center and more than 60 settlements are under threat . about 4,500
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residents have already been evacuated. difficult flood situation in tyumen region. residents of yi shim and several other cities are being prepared for evacuation. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region today to assess on the spot what measures need to be taken. data on hydrometeorological conditions require that additional attention be given to certain issues of protecting populated areas and economic facilities. we have become acquainted with the progress of preventive measures, and i propose to develop additional steps to minimize the negative consequences of the spring fall. russia will strive to relevant international organizations have finally recognized who is behind what is happening at the zaporozhye npp. this was announced in our foreign ministry.
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urban development, what are those bags near the administration building? well, these are the simplest measures that can at least somehow eliminate the danger of exposure after attacks on the administration. the number of these blows delivered almost every day has increased significantly. the city receives notification of an air hazard; 5,000
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people work at the station, most of the residents of energodar, all they, like their families, understand the level of risk from ukrainian attacks. on the other hand, they cannot stop working. the nuclear power plant must be constantly maintained. the most difficult thing was to explain to the so-called allies of the current kiev regime that all of eastern europe is on the verge of mortal risk due to drone attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. rosatam experts. explained almost daily. in addition to well -protected power units, the industrial site of the nuclear power plant also houses storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel, mobile diesel generators, a large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems, the defeat of any of these objects can provoke a nuclear accident. the state corporation rosatom calls on the authorities of european countries and magate to influence the leadership of ukraine in order to stop direct aggression against the larger ones. nuclear power plants in europe. the only opportunity to stop balancing on razor blades, to name
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the culprit of the one who is attacking the station, to do this, however, is not allowed by the curator of the kiev regime, the united states. it's good here too it’s noticeable how exactly this happens, how an anti-russian campaign is organized in spite of the facts. the westerners have taken the path of silence; they are literally blocking the appearance of news on this matter in their own mainstream propaganda media. moreover, it’s here. then there we even hear direct approval of the criminal actions of the kiev regime, including those committed in relation to nuclear facilities, they say the kiev regime is generally allowed everything, there can be no exceptions here, as they think in the west, to hit westerners have their own media in their hands, here is the new york post headline: ukraine blew up a drone on the dome of a reactor in occupied russia, a nuclear power plant. it’s interesting how the tone of the headlines changes, recognizing the fact of the attack from ukraine. to neutrally streamlined formulations. ukraine has struck a nuclear power plant again,
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russia says. kyiv denies the attacks. zaporozhye nuclear power plant reported an attack by a ukrainian drone on a training center. russia and ukraine are exchanging blame for the drone strike on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia and ukraine once again accuses each other of the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. well, the american website abc news clarifies, with reference to magathe inspectors working at the station, who exactly is fighting off the drones. on monday, moscow said ukraine was behind drone attacks on the site a day earlier, while kiev accused russia of disinformation. magath inspectors confirmed the physical impact of the drone's detonation. ukraine, tortures himself that he does not want to get involved in a politicized discussion, it’s clear why, this is done for him by the press secretary of the us state department, matthew miller, who, precisely in the logic of those who launch drones while engaging in nuclear terrorism,
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generalizes for them. russia must withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the nuclear power plant, then everything will stop. this is a classic game of duet with terrorists, some commit a crime, and others try to convince them to accept their terms. russophobe in the post of eu foreign affairs chief jze barel follows the state department, demanding the same from russia, but immediately receives a well-deserved slap in the face from russia's permanent representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. reckless drone attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant must stop. great, what's next? russia must leave the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this sounds like encouragement. ukrainian attacks, indeed, the foreign policy of the eu is in a very bad state, such a foreign policy of the european union poses a huge threat to the european union itself. and this is beneficial, first of all, to the sponsors of kiev, who, again, like kiev, consider the zaporozhye nuclear power plant as leverage pressure on russia. can kiev act alone without the protection
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of the west, carrying out attacks on the covenant? this is not like someone coming to the station with a pistol and shooting at the concrete shell. this uses the full power of modern army weapons that are available to ukraine, and these weapons cannot be called ukrainian. most of the weapons that ukraine now uses are western weapons. the majority of western media, which willingly reprint almost any lie about russia from ukrainian political strategists, prefer to hush up the risks associated with attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporozhye npp. meanwhile, right now it would be worth explaining the obvious to the residents of eastern european countries every day. this is only in bandera hot. the delirium of the rozavetrov will carry radiation only to russia and belarus. in fact, radiation contamination will affect an area with a radius of more than 500 km. all regions of ukraine, the western dnieper, as well as romania, moldova, and bulgaria will be under attack. radionuclides will cover hungary, poland, slovakia, germany, countries scandinavia and the baltics.
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it is impossible to look for the remnants of common sense in those who are now making decisions in kiev. it is the prospect of the complete defeat of the armed forces of ukraine that forces them to decide on nuclear blackmail and nuclear terrorism, and the saboteurs sent to russia to blow up power lines of nuclear power plants and shell the zaporozhye nuclear power plant are all a link in one chain. he also finds fanatics who are ready to destroy everything around them, such as this ukrainian armed forces serviceman. even before the start of the svo, he proposed the following. we have all possibility of nuclear mining. that is, when there are 100 tons of nuclear waste and 20 tons of tratil, then this is the equivalent of chernobyl. it destroys. russia and ukraine, but this, this is the concept of mutually assured destruction. it cannot be ruled out that it is this neo-nazi, who previously participated in punitive operations against russian-speaking residents of donbass, or others like him
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, who are organizing attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the threat of the death of hundreds of thousands or millions of people did not and does not frighten them.
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how we started to leave in the evacuation vehicle in bukhanka, and we know it flew into the pidron with precision, and it seems that it even managed to hit our loaf, that there was a hole in the loaf that was not there when we arrived at the location, and another confirmation of the terrorist essence of the zelensky regime, ukrainian militants attacked the kurdish village of apanasovka with a drone, as the governor of the kursk region roman starovoet reported in his telegram channel and dropped an explosive from a drone. device on a civilian vehicle, everyone in the car died, a man and two children. now about walking the nwo, in response to attempts to attack ours. the russian army continues to strike critical infrastructure in the rear of ukrainian formations; several explosions have been reported in odessa, where a railway bridge containing a power facility of the german
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irist air defense complex was hit. it was loud in the nikolaev region, local sources talk about large-scale power outages, in this footage the defeat of 32 d-20 howitzers at once at a base in the city of okhtyrka, sumy region. iskander hit the target. destruction two workshops assembly of drones and a place for preparing unmanned boats. further about his work of russian artillerymen in the artyomovsk direction: the key to success is sniper shooting accuracy, including at moving targets, and skillful camouflage. from an editorial report by alexey ivanov. we arrive at the advanced artillery positions near artyomovsk, as the soldiers say in the dark. even in our car the headlights are off, we are driving thanks to the moonlight. all because of remaining unnoticed as long as possible until... for the enemy to freely drive into positions during the day are impossible, the commander of an artillery battery with the call sign uraz is taking us to the soldiers, as they say, he goes around
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all his crews every night, so even in the dark he can navigate well, constantly listens to the sound outside the window, the enemy does not sleep, also at night, scouts fly in the sky, the same babayaga, that is, all this can be seen for many kilometers, even in the evening at dusk... twilight travel is dangerous, but sometimes it’s necessary. in one area there are several guns of different calibers, 122 and slightly more powerful 152 mm, for example, the trouble-free tsd-20 howbi, proven over the years , can even fire high-precision guided projectiles from krasnopol, but this time the crew is loading a standard high-explosive fragmentation projectile. shot! only a few seconds between shots, shot! well , now the d-20 howitzer has worked, the flash can be seen
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several kilometers away, 10, 15 kilometers away, nevertheless, our soldiers prefer to work at night, because it is possible to destroy a fat, so-called target, a tank, or an armored vehicle. new target indications come at night even more often than during the day. the enemy is in this spends time rotating personnel. in such cases, two. the landing is simply irreplaceable, it effectively works against manpower, against armored vehicles, if we are talking about the d-20, can we even call it such a sniper rifle? yes, yes, it is possible, 100% possible, because we always hit targets accurately, even without sighting, well, you can say that, yes, it happened that they even hit an atv on the move, it happened, three opponents were riding on an atv, they were hit, second battle, one of... the gun is aimed and loaded, this is the neighboring crew of the d-30 howitzer, waiting confirmation of the target coordinates from our
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reconnaissance officers, they work right on the line of contact, observe all the movements of the enemy using night vision cameras on drones, while there are minute lulls we inspect the weapon, which is difficult to detect even during the day, let alone at night, the soldiers of this artillery crew fundamentally refused from a camouflage network, because the networks even... camouflage them very clearly visible from above by copters, they cover the guns with branches, slate, wood, tires, even so that from above it all just looks like bushes or trees, tell me how long it takes approximately to camouflage after a blow, up to a minute, up to a minute, if the whole crew takes up to a minute, and then very quickly, efficiently, and to unmask, even less, break, do not build. as they say , confirmation has been received, an accurate strike, the strike range is approximately 10 km, now after the shot, we all go to cover together with the crew, the enemy often opens
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contour-battery fire, cluster shells usually arrive, or a large drone appears in the air, baba ega begins drop mines, as soon as the command comes in the sky is clear, the soldiers return to the gun, the crew is always in full combat readiness, how is the situation there? the stop is normal, the darkness is calm for now. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, dmitry matyushin, donbass channel one. everything for the front, volunteer sisters katya and valya kornienko, through their bloc, are raising funds to purchase everything necessary for our defenders in the northern military district zone. now, thanks to the efforts of the kornienko sisters, more than 200 copters will be delivered to the front line, and thermal imagers, walkie-talkies, sights. katya and vale themselves are getting ready to travel again with money, here for 6 million. the day after tomorrow we are delivering it all throughout the territory, we ourselves are leaving, as we call it, on a tour of the territories, because they are waiting for us everywhere, we have a day
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scheduled every day two or three at a time... the verkhovna rada returned to considering the scandalous bill on mobilization. the document began to be discussed in the second reading. in the first, it was approved more than two months ago. since then, the text has been finalized by the relevant committee. more than 4,000 amendments were received. how ukrainian media write that the draft law contains many provisions that actually introduce total control over all those liable for military service, from 18 to 60 years of age. in particular, all men will be required, regardless of suitability for service and deferment rights , to carry a military identification card. his absence
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can become a reason. for detention, in addition, if the law is adopted, within 60 days, all persons liable for military service who have not yet submitted current information about themselves to the tck territorial recruitment center, an analogue of the military registration and enlistment office, will have to do so. otherwise, large fines of up to 22 thousand hryvnia are more than 50,000 rubles. or loss of driver's license. against this background, the adviser on gender issues to the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, oksana grigorieva, in an interview with the british newspaper times, said that ukraine needs to abandon the old-fashioned approach under. attitude towards women and conscript them into the army as in israel, but in kiev they immediately rushed to clarify that there are no plans to mobilize women. russians should receive all required social payments to the maximum extent possible. convenient and simple. this was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the minister of labor and social protection anton kotyakov. it took place in the kremlin. our correspondent, pavel cholkin, knows the details. the main topic of the meeting was measures of social support for citizens.
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let's begin. our meeting with the events that you and the ministry are conducting to achieve the goals of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. the ministry of labor and social protection, according to anton katyakov, has set a goal to make it as easy as possible for citizens to receive support measures. at the federal level , a social treasury initiative has been launched for this purpose. an example of how this works is receiving benefits for children under 17 years of age and pregnant women.
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exax within 7 days the maternity certificate for maternity capital will be sent to your personal account on the unified portal of public services, which citizens will be able to use. the range of uses of maternity capital is expanding, it can already be spent on a down payment for obtaining a mortgage, there are plans to allow the default use of this money for educational purposes services. in the future, without the participation of the citizen , social services will provide all available support measures, as is now happening with electronic sick leave, payments to veterans, and disabled people; there is less bureaucracy in the process of obtaining disability; while in a health care institution, the citizen determines whether he will be personally present at meeting of the commission, or the commission will be held in absentia, but he will retain the right to appeal the decision if he does not agree with it. there are strict deadlines medical and social examination, 10 working days for ordinary disabled people and 3 days for svo participants. the department maintains strict control over compliance with deadlines, and the citizen can see
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the progress.
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pensions, social support measures, since the beginning of the twenty-third year, we have already assigned a russian pension to 1,400 of our citizens. according to the minister, from january 1, 2023 , the russian minimum wage has been established in zaporozhye, lugansk, donetsk republics and the kherson region. from january 1 , 2024 it amounted to 19,242 rubles. since last year all support measures that are due to russian citizens began to be introduced there. chelkin, amer iyusupov, ekaterina koryaka, svetlana barkova and sergey valetov, channel one. russian scientists as guarantors of the country's technological and economic sovereignty. this topic became one of the main ones at the meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of the russian academy of sciences gennady
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krasnikov. the prime minister congratulated the leaders and the entire team on the three hundredth anniversary of the wounds and emphasized: all fundamental research and development must correspond to the spirit of the times and be related to the national interests of the country. details in the report by anna kurbatova. the second planet from the sun is venus. in the soviet union, it was studied so intensively that in scientific circles they even began to call it the russian planet. today it attracts the attention of scientists from all over the world. substances that may be of biological origin were discovered there. this means that it is possible that there is life on venus. and in the next six years, our country is planning a most complex mission, the only one where both orbital and atmospheric and landing vehicles. the latter will spend on the surface of one of the hottest celestial bodies. average temperature.
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development in almost all sectors that cannot be solved without the participation of our scientists, we launched large such programs, they are called large scientific projects, from 24 to 26, 100 million for each work per year, this is very important, because they are forming new... such chains from universities, scientific research works, institutes and high-tech companies one of these projects is currently being worked on at the engelhard institute of molecular biology, researching alzheimer's disease. here we have found out what can
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stop the development of the disease and are ready to act. specific monocol antibodies will be developed, which, according to our forecasts, can be used to treat this neuropathology. at the same institute they created a drug for the treatment of brain cancer; they will soon begin to use it in clinical trials; in a sense, it’s like a magic bullet. you now you see the ampoule, this is our polyvalent drug, at this moment i can say that the drug has indeed demonstrated phenomenal effectiveness, moreover, it turned out that the developed drug helps not only in the treatment of glioblastoma, but also for many other solid tumors, in this sense it truly breakthrough immunotherapy, breakthrough scientific solutions.
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sovereignty for many years to come. and at kurchatovsky they are developing a fundamentally new computer, neuromorphic, which can imitate the functioning of the human brain. in the future, it should surpass artificial intelligence, which seems to have already burst into all spheres of life. well, here’s another emphasis in ran’s work today. if something is being developed, it must be needed. the times when the measure of research was the number of scientific publications, krasnikov said, are in the past. if previously there was a kpi - this is publication activity, now we have introduced it in demand.
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help for flood victims in the orenburg region was discussed today in the state duma, where she delivered an annual report head of the central bank elvira nabiulina. she said that people are already receiving credit holidays under a simplified scheme. they also talked about reducing inflation, mortgages and the fight against scammers who take advantage of people’s financial illiteracy; the amounts with which criminals, so to speak, cheat gullible citizens amount to billions. dmitry kochitkov knows what they propose to do in this area. the central bank promptly responded to the flood in the orenburg
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region. victims will be able to apply for credit holidays so as not to temporarily pay off debts to banks. to date , banks have managed to issue more than 200 credit holidays; we recommended that banks consider the application in a simplified manner, understanding that people are now unable to obtain various certificates. we will closely monitor and control this. we prepared very seriously, we held meetings with factions and relevant committees, but the deputies still had questions. using preferential mortgages, some citizens bought from six to 40 apartments, including luxury ones. what measures can the central bank propose? preferential mortgage, a person must use it once to purchase one apartment. this was the position of the central bank. eat. over the 4 years of such a massive preferential mortgage, the average prices of apartments have approximately doubled
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. mortgage lending is such a mechanism, but the opposite happened here, they began to build more housing, this is very good, but it has increased in price, so our task today to do this together with the central bank, the ministry of finance, and the government. to ensure that housing is affordable for citizens. another problem that concerns deputies is telephone fraud. according to the central bank , last year citizens lost more than 15.5 billion rubles. elvira nabiulina admitted that it is not yet possible to defeat the scammers; as she put it, we are hitting their tails. we propose to increase the responsibility of banks and introduce administrative liability for banks that do not pay enough attention to security requirements.
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and the actions of the central bank, but there is also a complaint about the work of the central bank: the ruble exchange rate does not suit us, we are not satisfied that due to the high key rate our economy is developing properly, we are categorically opposed to microfinance organizations, based on the results of the report, the duma adopted a resolution among the recommendations of deputies
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to the bank of russia to maintain price stability, continue work to protect citizens from fraudsters and build a system of international payments with friendly countries. dmitry kochetkov, nikolay sesoev, sergey zolotavin and olga gerosemenko, channel one. muslims celebrate one of the main holidays of islam, eid al-fitr. in mosques solemn services and festive prayers were held throughout the country. eid al-fitr symbolizes spiritual and moral renewal, mercy, kindness and mutual assistance. muslims in russia carefully preserve the historical, cultural, and religious traditions of their ancestors, vladimir putin noted in his congratulatory telegram. muslim organizations creatively participate in the life of the country, in the implementation of popular patriotic, educational, and charitable initiatives, fruitfully interact with government and public structures, and devote priority attention to the education of the younger generation, support participants and veterans of a special military operation, their families, make a great
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contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people, preserving interethnic harmony. traditionally, the holiday is celebrated for 3 days. in some regions they are officially declared holidays. after the prayer, everyone gathers in the family circle at the festive abundant table. eid al-fitr is a kind of spring of the soul for muslims. it is customary to entertain guests without forgetting about business for those in need. mercy. you look at the time, it's commercial now. right after. why doesn’t the pentagon point blank see genocide in the gas sector? what is the reason for biden’s change in position towards israel? and our interview with eight-year-old ilya tolpykin, a young hockey player who... the car of the terrorists attacking crocus was crashed; he had already left the hospital. stay with us on channel one. we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia. participation in games friendship. countries take sides in the russian-ukrainian war, they take
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the side of russia. and we spoke on behalf of a certain african politician whom he wanted to win over to his side.
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product of stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group. сnop gin is a product of steller group. montechoca cognac. product of stellar group. rom castro. product of steller group. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unfortunate, light, you love me, i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, and for a very
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long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception will be revealed and they will beat you, but how did it work out?
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cried with all our relatives, this is a tradition, it is necessary to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gagarin himself drank, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely
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fly to the kosk, on saturday, on the first, this is program time, and we continue, very the situation in the gaza strip is difficult; more palestinian children have already been killed than in all other conflicts combined during the last one. years in the arab world they are talking more and more loudly about real genocide. there are cases when the israeli army shoots completely unarmed people who do not respond to fire; the deaths number in the hundreds. pentagon chief austin gives evasive answers to direct questions, but president biden has changed his rhetoric and is no longer so ardent in his support of israeli allies and is proposing a ceasefire. and in all of them our correspondent, giorgi alisashvili, examines these contradictions. kan yunis is a ghost town, most of the buildings are destroyed to the ground, returning to the ashes, residents pull out the charred remains
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of relatives from under the ruins. i don’t know what to do, i have nothing left, children, family, house, none of this anymore. the intensity of gas attacks has decreased, but attacks continue at the mork hospital in deirelbalahi - this is the center of the sector; after the night bombing , 11 bodies were brought. in the nearby nusirat refugee camp, he was also bombed, kutru na... we beg the whole world to take pity on us, we love life, like all people, we want peace and call for peace. in total, over 33 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war, most of them women and children, according to arab sources, un security council experts confirm. in this conflict, 14 thousand children have already died, thousands are missing, probably buried under the rubble. more children died in this conflict.
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the israel defense forces were responsible for the safe delivery of food, but as we have established, it was they opened fire on unarmed, starving palestinians. as a result, 112 were killed, there was no return fire, the victims did not resist. an israeli army spokesman said the tanks only fired warning shots to drive people away from the food trucks. in the arab world, this incident is called an act of genocide against the palestinians. what does the pentagon think? we have no evidence of genocide being committed. that is, israel is not committing genocide in gaza, we have no evidence on this matter, so why is there no evidence or biden's genocidal middle east policy
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has led the states to an apparent dead end. on the one hand, if your key ally commits genocide, this is a colossal blow to your image as a defender of freedom and democracy. on the other hand, support for israel, the more and more, turns american muslims against biden, which could turn into a disaster in the elections. i believe that what prime minister netanyahu is doing is a mistake, i do not share his methods, i urge the israelis to simply cease fire for the next one and a half to two months and open corridors for the supply of food and medicine, people are deprived of food and medicine, there is no excuse for this, but these calls.
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complete defeat of hamas. this victory requires an invasion of the raffs and the destruction of the terrorist battalions located there. this will happen. we already have a date. there are several contradictions in this statement. israel, through egyptian intermediaries, is conducting a dialogue with hamas, but at the same time promises to destroy this movement, which is hardly beneficial for diplomacy. by the way, it was in the rafahs that the israeli army squeezed out civilians residents of the northern and central parts of the sector. almost one and a half million of them have accumulated in this city near the sinai desert. israel is buying 40,000 tents to prepare for the evacuation of palestinians from rafah before launching an offensive on the southernmost city in the strip. obviously, there are not enough tents for everyone, but where should the refugees be resettled? the egyptians of jordan refused to accept them, and khanyunis, who is offered by the israeli military, is already experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe. the head of american diplomacy, just in case, gave understand that the united states has nothing to do with it. we have no
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information about the date of any operation in rafah, at least the israelis do not tell us anything. having withdrawn ground troops to the border of the sector, israel attacked the positions of the syrian army in the south of the arab republic from the air. presumably, the targets were militants of the pro-iranian hezbollah, but without this, iran promised to respond to the idf’s bombing of its consulate in damascus. judging by the leaks, israel is ready to strike tehran's nuclear facilities in response. georgy eltsashvili, pavel nesterov, dmitry malyshev, ruslan bashko, channel one. mass protests in the capital. for rapprochement with russia, chisinau is officially pursuing exactly the opposite pro-western course, which
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causes obvious displeasure among the residents of gogouzia. power once again. demonstrated her attitude towards eduusa, the visiting security forces use brute physical force against peaceful people who simply want to ask questions to the authorities of the republic of moldova. we love this country, but the government treats us like an occupier. famous pranksters vavan and lexus are bringing to pure water of thomas bach and his political clients. a new portion of revelation from the head.
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help me make the right decision to prevent these friendship games to
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prevent these friendship games. so. decision is made. great. now that we have divine inspiration, nothing can go wrong. so, the scandalous self-exposure session of bach and the company is on the first, watch today after midnight in the lexus bathroom show tomorrow at 9:20 am in the antifake program. the whole country followed his fate without exaggeration, as if it were his fortune. other wounded victims of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. and everyone had the same desire: survive, find strength in yourself, and ilya, who was hit by terrorists on the road while fleeing the crime scene, found these strengths in himself, he is a real athlete, in the hospital, having learned about his hobbies for hockey, the boy was supported world-famous sports stars, some came in person, others sent greetings via video link and wishes for a speedy recovery, now ilya is already home, discharged from the hospital under
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the supervision of doctors, relatives and the head physician apartment, a small cherry dog, she... knows how to heal wounds, and heal the soul, and give joy. about the new happiness in the tolpykin family in the report by olga paupova. it seems so simple. a park next to the house, candles on the cake, only the four of them, but this is the happiest birthday for olga, bite, bite again, oh, well done, and the best gift for mom is that the children are close again, the other day ilya and ira were discharged from the hospital, this snow-white beauty cherry really missed his little owners, she treated his leg, and found all the sores, licked everything for him like a doctor home, ilyusha still has marks from bruises on his face, so far he can only move in a wheelchair, the boy has undergone two operations, everything is fine, i can stand on one leg. the older sister ira had
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only bruises on her body, but psychologically the first few days after the terrorist attack were very difficult for her. the first night - i felt very bad, i couldn’t eat anything, i only drank, i had a very hard time sleeping, i had some kind of anxiety, but now... everything was gone for me, they managed to take this photo in some minutes before the start of the concert, the family decided to go to the group picnic at the last moment, this decision at the last moment to go partly saved us, because we bought tickets for the balcony, there were no others left, this is one of those factors that contributed to the fact that we still, they managed to get out of the crocus. everything happened when it seemed that the worst was over. the family had already run out of the building, the crocus were trying to catch their breath, but at that moment from the place... the terrorists are escaping from the massacre on purpose, this can be seen from footage from surveillance cameras, they hit ilya, the guy flew several meters away, i remember how we ran out, i remember how i ran her, and then everything was dark,
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i don’t hear anything, i don’t see anything, to see when your child is lying unconscious, not moving and without reacting to our screams, i can’t think of anything worse. ilya is immediately taken away by an ambulance, then intensive care, a serious condition and no forecasts from the doctors, but the guy’s body.
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ok, we are very worried about you, you know that real men play hockey, and you are a real man, everything will pass, and we hope for a quick recovery and that you will quickly get on the ice and join our hockey family. ilya’s home team also tried to cheer him up. his friends came to one of the matches with stickers on their helmets: ilya, we are with you, and you are with us. doctors hope that his leg will recover soon, there will be no complications, and in a couple of months he will be able to return to the ice. i want to become professional. some of them most of all, my guys turned out to be real heroes, ilyusha showed truly masculine endurance, not give me a sec.


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