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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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in the orenburg region, the disaster has broken record levels, and water is approaching high-rise buildings. in response to the offer to surrender, they opened fire. in the suburbs of nalchik, law enforcement officers blocked the terrorists, and a cto regime was introduced in the area. quickly and accurately, the howitzer crews of the geocenter destroyed the enemy artillery in the avdeevsky direction. successfully. our sud-34 bombers completed combat missions. a scandalous self-exposure session, the confession of the head of the international olympic committee and european bureaucrats from brussels. why are they afraid friendship games in russia and how they are trying to put pressure on countries that want to participate. a new level of prank from vavan and lexus with prayer. saints of lexus, help me make the right decision. to
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prevent these games of friendship, the symbols of the city and the long-awaited spring came to nevelsk , tourists from all over the country come to admire the huge sea lions. and at the beginning of the flood in orenburg, the water came close to high-rise buildings, but all the houses were saved . the head of the ministry of construction, irek fayzulin, stated this during a working trip to the region. the level of the ural river is already above the critical level; overnight it rose by another 30 cm. the authorities are calling on the population to evacuate the danger zone; in total, over 12,000 residential buildings remain flooded in the region. the peak of the flood is expected in the kurgan region. some villages can only be reached by boat; volunteers help rescuers and strengthen dams. mass vaccination against hepatitis a is underway in clinics. experts warn that during the flood period you can only drink boiled or bottled water. for the situation in regions is monitored by andrey golderev. look, there is our church. everything is there, the sea.
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there was a strong flood, according to the village residents , there hasn’t been a breakthrough for a long time, the water surrounds the village on almost all sides, tatyana evseeva is waiting for her husband, he went to check if the water had entered the house, it’s like on the volga, well, i mean, i tried here it’s impossible to pay from this side against the current, that is, you row the boat in place, it was all streets, it was all a village, now it’s all water, now , according to local residents, it’s flooded about more than half the village. in 10 houses, a lot of water went right inside, now i’m walking along the street not far from the center of the village, here you can still walk like this in boots, but a little further only by boat or special transport. in total, in the kurgan region, there are now 12 settlements and more than 180 residential buildings in the flood zone. this is how you can now get to the village of ust-uyskaya, the road here was flooded, the settlement was cut off from the land, that’s actually it. we
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are swimming into it now, we have organized a boat service on the spot crossing, there are several flights there and back a day, they bring people if necessary, alexander krasyuk, for example, was able to take his son away for a planned operation, well, the boat runs about five or six times a day, we have time, they deliver fresh food almost every day bread, all the necessary food supplies were made in advance, well, for two, three months, but that’s definitely enough, local residents say that this is not the first time the road has been flooded, and this is what they ’ve been to. ready, but so much water came that it reached residential buildings, valentina vorobyova shows her plot, we lifted the potatoes into the attic, and the equipment, a heater, a water heater, they lifted everything into the attic, the farm of cows, pigs, kurmas, they took everything out, it’s all a shame, all this has been acquired over the years, but after all, this is not the peak of the flood yet, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations in the region have already evacuated over 400 people, if everything goes... in the worst-
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case scenario, then about 280 thousand local residents could end up in the flood zone. in kurgan they continue to prepare for the arrival of big water, they are strengthening dams, everything is coming to the rescue more volunteers. everyone who can comes here and helps. due to the fact that flood waters can enter the water supply system , vaccination against hepatitis a has begun in hospitals . local authorities once again remind that during the flood period , only boiled or buti water can be used. people continue to stock up. the day before, 35 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the orenburg region. more than 12 thousand residential buildings were flooded in the region. in the regional capital, the water has already reached over 10 m, which has become a record in the entire history of observations, the level may still increase in order to contain the disaster in orenburg, on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, they brought 3 km of prefabricated water dumps, with the help of which they plan to protect. quarters.
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let us recall that in orsk, where the local dam was designed for 5.5 m, one rose to 11, houses were flooded almost entirely. here is my. house with a red roof, district state, we raised the tvs on the cabinet, on the shafanera, it seems to me that they were flooded, but the tvs, that’s all for sure, refrigerators, okay, that’s it, we bought meat, we just went, now there’s water in the city is gradually decreasing, they are beginning to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, they are trying to help people with everything they need, clothing, food, medicine, school staff, all of this is great, the administration, the director are all right.
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fsb officers blocked the militants within the borders of the gardening partnership; when they asked them to surrender, they opened fire; footage distributed by the national anti-terrorism committee shows that the area was cordoned off and special forces were working. now about the ho in the avdeevsky direction, our military destroyed the guns of the artillery battery in ssu, fired from geocent s howitzers, at a distance of more than 20 km, quickly and accurately hit targets, real -time adjustment helped, to donetsk. section, russian mortars hit a concentration of infantry in the place where, according to intelligence data, the militants were trying to increase the grouping, this is footage from the southern donetsk direction, in the case our aerospace forces, supersonic fighters, su-34 bombers hit an enemy stronghold with aerial bombs with a special module
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planning and correction. in ukraine in the verkhovna rada today, as expected, there will be vote on the sensational mobilization bill. the second reading is final, this is how many deputies there are. the day before , only a few dozen people participated in the discussion of the amendments, despite the fact that there are 450 of them in the ukrainian parliament, the rest are apparently satisfied with everything, which cannot be said about ordinary ukrainians. let me remind you that the document envisages serious measures against draft dodgers, including large fines and deprivation of driver’s licenses; control over all persons liable for military service from 18 to 60 years of age will be further strengthened, in particular they should will always carry military registration documents with them, and abroad without them it will be impossible to use consular services. meanwhile, the supreme court of ukraine approved the decision to confiscate two more churches from the canonical uoc. we are talking about st. michael's church, it is located in pereyaslov, kiev region, as well as the cathedral in kamenets-podilsky, this is khmelnitsky region. the building was ordered to be vacated and transferred for
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use to local reserves; the final decision is not subject to appeal; this is just one case in a series of persecutions against canonical ukrainian orthodox church. seizure of temples, attack by priest.
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i feel out of place. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch, please, just this pasadeno. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi goldbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other turn of russian cinema.
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i love my country premieres on saturday first, well, i’m different, different and... steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i did there. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her hand and mine like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with an artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful
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to his only one, we lived for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk of the solovetsky monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, everything this is god’s providence, as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn't you have the feeling that? maybe god took your son away for something? welcome to the city where even the stones under your feet may turn out to be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for us men, it’s just not the time to chop, evgeniy. the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot simultaneously experience
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a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can! your own life! premieres on sunday on the first. we're together again those who love good music with all their hearts. lilac fog, volodya, are you hooked? that i swam, sing piggy in russian, this is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match, boss, there is no hearing, no intelligence, everything goes in circles, everything is so organic, the feeling that everything will end someday anyway okay, and it's so great, it's so fresh. guys, the leg, there is something in this,
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maybe, really, that’s enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first. this is news on the first, and we continue: in the bryansk and smolensk regions, members of a criminal group involved in organizing illegal migration were detained, as reported by the investigative committee, the criminals, for money, helped men from tajikistan and uzbekistan to effectively establish paternity of russian children, so that in the future illegal immigrants would it’s easier to get our citizenship. among the participants of the organized crime group is the head of the district department zaks. eight people have now been detained, two more including the organizers of the search, and criminal charges have been initiated. case, the issue of arrest is being resolved. the head of gagauzia was greeted with flowers and applause at the chisinau airport upon his return from russia.
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supporters of evgeniy gutsol, despite the danger, were able to enter the waiting room and give her a truly warm welcome. she herself did not rule out that upon arrival she would be immediately detained. against the backdrop of the rapprochement of autonomy with our country in moldova, she was charged with allegedly illegally financing an election campaign. apparently there were not enough grounds for detention, but some difficulties still arose. and demonstratively subjected to additional checks. the result of the trip, however, is that pensioners from the state sector of gagauzia will be able to use russian world bank cards and receive the promised regional allowances on them. this will allow us to overcome the economic blockade from chisinau. what lengths are the international olympic committee and the european commission willing to go to in order to prevent the world friendship games from being held in russia? new details of the revelation from pranksters vavan and lexus. mock head thomas bach and an official from brussels were confident the connections a high-ranking african politician, he
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managed to convince him to oppose moscow, even prayers were used. ivan blagoy will tell you more. the purpose of this meeting, as we agreed, is a statement on my part about the so-called friendship games. we are talking about the world friendship games, which are to be held this fall in moscow and yekaterinburg. the president of the international olympic committee is in touch.
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pressure is being put on countries that still decide to send athletes to russia. bah shinas think they have found a like-minded person in the african union, which unites 55 countries of the continent. the interlocutor in grima is cautious: it’s better not to release a statement in a row, otherwise in moscow they might guess everything. if we do this at this moment, we show that we are cooperating, they will prove that this was a political decision. there must be some kind of distance between us. that's why i 'm asking. russia will say it could, is trying to politicize the decision, this is not a politically innocent move, that's why i asked, so thanks for that clarification, i think we we agree and understand each other perfectly, judging by these words, the european official understands perfectly well how dirty the game is, this is the moment of truth for ukraine and russia, so whoever responds to the invitation from
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moscow, these countries and these governments take sides. uses this situation to show himself as such an anti-russian hawk, to silence all those in the west who consider him a softie, but in the finale of the prank this theory is smashed to smithereens, the head of the ioc, deputy fondelien, unquestioningly follows the instructions, put your hand on your heart, they put it. saints
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vavan. they actually repeated it. help me make the right decision to prevent these friendship games to prevent these friendship games. so, the decision has been made. great, now that we have divine inspiration, nothing can go wrong. at the end of the conversation, alexey stelerov went out of his way to make the interlocutors finally realize that everything had gone wrong for them. my friend, his name is yorick, let him inspire you. communication with the international olympic committee was interrupted during the demonstration cheburashka, who, as it turned out, was in the frame the whole time. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, evgenia stefanchuk, denis larin, channel one. so, a new portion of exposure from vavan and lexus on the first, watch in the antifake program immediately after
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our release. and finally, there are shots of sakhalin, thousands of sea lions sailed there, which... residents also call them symbols of spring. in the video from the copter, you can clearly see how the elkfoots are sunbathing in nevelsk. this is one of three places on the planet where sea lions can be found. they also enter petropavlovs-kamchatsky american seattle. they come to sakalin when the migration of their beloved saury and other fish begins. maritime navigation will open very soon, then sevuche will be able to be examined even closer. this concludes our episode, the broadcast will continue with the program. and fake, stay with us and stay updated. secret meeting of the president of the international olympic committee thomas bach. what is the west planning against russia and what has our country prepared in
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response? and will there really be an international scandal? the collapse of president mok's career. revealing interview. from pranksters vavan and lexus on the program today, this is an anti-fake program, and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, vavan and lexus are our guests today, svetlana, thank you very much for coming to us today, we will talk about sports , tell us with whom you spoke again, and most importantly on behalf of whom, you had a conversation between three people this time, yes, we will summarize a... our conversations regarding the olympics, we will talk with the president of the international olympic committee thomas bach and just his partner in... the representative of the european union with margaritis schinas, this time we organized a joint conference, where these two people were, our african politician, and why is
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this conference interesting?


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