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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 11, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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cosmodro. and in minsk they solemnly welcomed marina vasilevskaya, the first female cosmonaut in the history of the republic. she was given a real celebration at the airport; those gathered warmly welcomed her fellow countrywoman, who became a national heroine. and thanks to such successful cooperation with russia, belarus is becoming a new space power. after landing, vasilevskaya went to the palace of independence to meet with president alexander lukashenko, where he embezzled.
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the plane was also very beautiful to watch behind our beautiful fields, behind such green, beautiful shorts and forests, in general i am very happy, i feel good, we are undergoing rehabilitation in the star city, also after today’s event we will go back to moscow and continue our rehabilitation, at the end there are urgent messages from the fsb together with our... military , an attempt to land troops on the armed forces of ukraine in the kherson region on the tenderovskaya spit was stopped. according to the department, the sabotage was planned by british intelligence services. during the clash, ukrainian fighters were destroyed. one representative of the naval center of the special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces was captured. and that's all for now. thank you for being with us, right now the program “time will tell”.
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i’m glad to welcome you, friends, here’s a question to fill in, what, what can be interesting, what can be interestingly discussed in one studio, a famous historian, and an experienced international journalist, how sergei immediately reacted, about anything, it’s true, but with a special feeling, so to speak, they will of course be, and we will talk with them, of course, about entente, the good old entente, a term that is kind of familiar to us from the time of the civil war, there is this idea: again britain and france, it should be noted that at this time, during all these new cordial alliances, there is generally an aggravation of international situation, in france they said, attention, not france said, but in france they said a little bit about the outbreak of the third world war by the european union. this is a statement by french politician florian philippot. according to him, european officials are doing everything now to drag europe in after the united states. into a global conflict, and this is evidenced by the statement after, well...
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the statement about the revival of the new entente in europe, this is all in the same place, the feeling, the feeling that they are going somewhere in general towards the end, i hope not whoever stops them will reach us, of course, let's talk about this in detail immediately after a short advertisement, ukrainian rada deputy nikolai tishchenko, armored vehicles, so that our soldiers were well protected, tishchenko agreed through irmak to sponsor them.
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the era of tishchenok dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first.
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are you from the clinic, are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of laura palmer's last days. matador tomorrow at the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, for cosmonautics day at the first, i’m on nerves all day, all day we're worried, hello everyone, by the way. 18 17 16 15 ignition, call, broadcast of the launch and
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landing of the first space film crew, on saturday on the first. premiere, i love mine country, on saturday, on the first. chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with
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children, their energy, i am charged by it, this is very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says, oh, twins, protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility and... be an example to them, our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, dear friends, thank you for coming back with us. so, this is cordial, that means, agreement, cordial union, actually the entente, in general this word, it’s from this french phrase, anton cardial, that’s what it’s called, cordial agreement, yes, how cordial it is, well listen, depends
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on tasks, so to speak, here are the participants, 120 years ago there were quite a few, well, so to speak, there were common tasks for the participants, namely 120 years ago, france and great britain celebrated a memorable date, 120 years ago they celebrated, no, they celebrated the other day, yes, yes, they celebrated the other day, 120 years ago, the union itself is 120 years old, so that means this is the birthday of the entente, so regarding the foreign ministers of their countries, david cameron and france, respectively, stéphane sejournet wrote an article in the telegram, a very interesting, as they say, programmatic article, let’s read a fragment of it, the constant desire for friendship is based on the understanding that it was ... remains the basis our security and prosperity. over the past 120 years, we have not only strengthened our friendship, we have helped make the world a better place. today , dark times have come again. russian aggression in ukraine, now in its third year, has a profound impact on european and euro-atlantic security. the history
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of friendship between our countries should make us optimistic about the future. if we do not support ukraine now, then the price will be much higher later. the world is watching us and we will appear. before the judgment of history, if we fail. solving these problems depends not only on france and great britain. it is important for all of us to put aside long-standing differences to establish the lasting friendships that we celebrate today. not only as a memory of a cordial agreement, but also as a glimpse of the future entente. wow, a glimpse. you know, from my point of view, the most important and most basic thing in all such reasoning is such a small yes, such a small confusion that pushes you aside. it is possible that in 1904 an agreement was signed between england and france. russia was not there. initially, russia, no, in the seventh year.
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we’re not talking about that, he was talking about the colonies, yeah, they divided the colonies, you know, they divided the german colonies, which had to be taken away for everything, if there was a war, negotiate among themselves, france said, yes, we ’re leaving egypt forever, it’s yours , and we take away the all-negal, he is ours, everything else, you understand, therefore - this whole trick, and this, this behind-the-scenes game, it happened even after, in my opinion, in 908 or i don’t remember there, russia joined 97. this very agreement, a third country appeared, but even during the war we had
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such a general yudenich, a man who did not suffer a single defeat, after which he would have suffered there because of the finns and, but it doesn’t matter, he did not know that france and england behind russia's back in '15 they concluded an agreement on dividing transjordan, he went there to the east, so he was the first person who was removed when the provisional government came? no, look, i understand, but this is history, yes, and yet they take it into account phrase, this image, the image of the entente of the cordial union, and uh, that means they squeezed the article into a serious, well , serious, so the british publication of the telegram is considered, after all, they, so to speak, don’t mean not a complete set of, so to speak, correct allusions to that time, no, they mean something else, something more broadly conceptual, so to speak , right, yes, you know, but... here in the collection of your aphorisms i i thought that i could say, if we analyze this article,
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a ghost is wandering across europe, the ghost of antantism, that is, delenovich himself, you understand, as eliot said, that history is not the past in the past, but the past in the present, now there is an attempt to modernize this history, so what side, that means, well , of course, it’s difficult for me to compete with a professional historian here, but i’m with my own, so to speak.
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murmonsk was captured, you know, friends, i
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also advise, since france is here, i completely unexpectedly found in the diaries, you know which one, vertinsky, which means a description the french in odessa, 1919, what kind of french were they, it was an expeditionary force, there were africans there, algerians there, he says that some blacks are walking around odessa, they don’t understand.
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and then, now, in the future, i want only one thing: to tear russia apart. the meaning of the entente, which came after the peace treaty was signed, that is , it came to germany, the treaty existed for this remaining entente, who takes what territory for themselves, by the way, say, listen, great, understandable, now they want the same thing,
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absolutely according to that agreement, wait, according to that agreement, by the way, by the way, it’s interesting, yes, what rhymes, so, in my opinion, ukraine. and there bessarabia and the crimea went to france, well, it was as if it was leaving, yes, the transcaucasia was taken over by the british, by the way, well, it’s clear there the far east was somehow shared by the japanese with the americans and so on, in this sense the patterns, but the patterns were the same , in this, well , let’s do it this way, last time they relied on the same nurtured images in our society here, you know, ala ours, in these were the armies, this time who they are going to rely on, that’s what they are going to do, that there is no one to rely on. no, well, how are they going to rely on the fighting units of the ukrainians, it’s all clear, it’s all empty, but the point is that then everything didn’t work out, because it didn’t work out with the whites, you know, in our heads, the white army - this is an army that, as it were, is again preparing the royal throne for us, the fact is that the whites who were there, they were not monarchists, they were all februaryists, yeah,
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but they, they were for russia to be united. our sacred power should be russia under this, in this form or in this form, they had differences in this at this level, and with this new one they don’t need russia, they need a set of some kind of split ones, and that’s why, that’s why i can tell you , that in the history of mankind we are confronted with this entente, which has not yet been called the entente, this is the zero world war, the so-called crimean war, who are the main instigators, two states, england and france, what is the goal,
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absolutely identical to the second entente, to tear off crimea, tear off the caucasus. create a circassian state there, tear off the western region, that is, the entire baltic region, take away finland, close all the ports, nothing has changed, you know, the world is the same, but the third, the third world, you know, because when, uh, when in the 21st century appeared, this means the second world war, what is it, this is a sledgehammer in the form of germany, which will have to do something, split russia into parts, it didn’t work out, it means we have these people who now call themselves not brothers, these crazy people on the banks of the dnieper, which they play the role of this very fist, a sledgehammer.
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since the 19th century, they have constantly looked for reasons for conflicts; countries have not only been at enmity, they have tried to deny each other in everything. the most obvious reason for mutual contradictions is territorial proximity. in the 19th century, france, consisting of separate duchies , did not have strong royal power, therefore, when in 106 the norman duke william the conqueror defeated the anglo-saxons, instead of annexing the conquered territory to france, he declared himself king england. unexpected this. london was in turmoil for almost 300 years, but at the end of the 13th century , the french king philip the fair died without leaving any heirs. this gave the english kings, being the descendants of french power, a reason to officially lay claim to the entire territory of their rivals, but in france they did not agree with this and a hundred years war broke out, a victory in which paris eventually won. further divisions between
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neighbors aggravated the reformations of the 16th century. england created the anglican church, france remained catholic. rivals began to accuse each other of heresy, relations deteriorated so much that the countries began the second hundred years war, which was divided into many battles in... different parts of the world, the parties disputed faith, influence on the sea, colonial possessions, including on the spot , for decades modern america. in addition to the battles, there was also a continental blockade, which was organized by napoleon at the beginning of the 19th century. the blockade prohibited trade, postal and other relations with the british isles. war ended with bonaparte's defeat at weatherlo in 1815, after which an uneasy truce reigned between france and england. but already at the beginning. century, the truce gradually developed into an alliance, europe was seething on the eve of the first world war, germany, gaining military power, concluded
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a military-political triple alliance with austria-hungary and italy. london clearly saw its new rival in germany. and for the first time, england, living according to the principle of a policy of brilliant isolation, began to look for like-minded people. in 1904 , a franco-british heart agreement was concluded agreement in the french original by antan cardeal. having found a common language with its sworn neighbor, britain turned its gaze to the east, to another rival, russia. at that time , st. petersburg was interested in reaching an agreement with london. the just ended russo-japanese war forced russia to look for an ally capable of putting pressure on tokyo. so, after the signing of the anglo-russian treaty in 1907, the entente began to refer to the coalition of three powerful states as great britain, france and the russian empire. confrontation between triple alliance. and the entente led to the outbreak of the first world war, during which new states gradually joined the entente, thereby creating a powerful anti-german coalition. after the october
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revolution of 1917, russia left the military bloc, and the entente countries began attempting a failed intervention on the territory of soviet russia. at the end of the first world war, the strategic alliance between the leading countries of the military bloc remained in the following decades. now the representatives. great britain, france, usa, japan and italy formed the supreme council of the entente, which performed the functions of a world government. and the leaders of the bloc at the paris conference actually redrew the political map of the world, creating the preconditions for the emergence of fascism, hitler’s rise to power and taking the first steps towards world war ii. this is a contradiction within gentanta itself. isn’t france really afraid again that great britain will abandon her as soon as things come there, god forbid, to hostilities? listen, you know, it was feared, once upon a time nicholas, nicholas i was sure that
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there will never be a war against russia together with england and france, but there is a very simple law, if there is a third party, that is , a third enemy, then all this will be on him , then they will sort it out among themselves, it’s the same here, you know, today they believe that they are simply in gold, they are trump cards, because there is a common enemy. the only way to resolve
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the deepest contradictions between these countries is now this other entente, so to speak, about which two people write minister in an article in the telegraph, let's look at it, okay, so to speak, what did they manage to do during this entente ? is it possible now for something conditional? so to speak, there are conflicts there that diverged conceptually, nevertheless, yes, yes, the red army was just being formed, so
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to speak, and so to speak.
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read dennikin’s essays on the time of troubles, where he writes that understanding was only at banquets, but only at banquets, in fact they played in support, they needed royal gold, here again, the same day, and the same thing as with ukraine now you understand, yes, but ukraine doesn’t have gold, and ukraine has other gold, the white armies still had control over the treasury, right
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or not, well, that’s it with the treasury , but they and they exported this gold, god bless him, in fact, the most important thing begins there later, today we often use the expression global government, world government, but the point is that when this whole story with the entente ended , yes, after the war there was a supreme council of the entente, that’s all, which, which was considered the world government, they began to divide the countries, divide everything else with the line back and forth, and
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france is not afraid, because france is absolutely sure and knows that britain will certainly abandon it, that even once again, and that it will always be like this and every 100 years they return, but it comes from this in everyone, well, by the way, this is understandable, this is normal, of course, of course, this is generally part of, one might say, consent, which is unconditional at the moment consent , but in no way cordial, like...
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absolutely uncontrollably wild statements of mr. macron, to whom, as you know, blinken personally addressed the other day, well, it seems like he addressed space, but nevertheless his reminder that not one of the members... despite persistent questions from taxpayers, are called upon precisely to assure the respectable public and the entire baptized world that the greatness of the country...
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was simply, in general, rather vaguely outlined that if we simply say that we have three murders a day there, that is, 41 boddite attacks in hour across the country in on average, now it is becoming daily, in open broadcasts for almost
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the last two or three weeks there have been open voices of undisguised, completely seditious resolutions that the problem for france is not putin at all, and not russia, and not ukraine, and not everything that... is happening there now, and not even the middle east, but this is precisely political radical islam, which is not only crushing, but chikani shak is simply marching throughout the country, we already have murders of teenagers every day on religious grounds, that is, a few days ago before she practically died in coma, she is still in coma, they beat a young girl from a lyceum just because she wore european clothes and dyed her hair, so...
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59% of the french demand a referendum, the government does not reacts to these things, the last thing regarding mr. macron’s statements about the deployment of troops, these are the most interesting figures, which were initially indicated as 20,000
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possible infantry, yes, who could come, the figures were slightly corrected quite recently one of the most important think tanks in france, this is not 20, but 19,000, and now compare all these things, if you... remember well, i hope you remember, last year, approximately the same period before the during the summer holidays there were colossal pogroms in france, you and i met, we discussed this a lot, and the figures for the cost of these pogroms have just arrived - it is more than a billion euros, and other figures are no less interesting, this is that there were more than 50 thousand pogromists, and now imagine if 1900 armies will leave for the territory not...
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to say about the entente, lord, but tell me, but the olympics are just around the corner, and the olympics are right around the corner, what you describe, that is, well, that is, it fits very poorly with the idea of ​​the olympics games, so... i don’t really understand how this is even planned, another headache for almost all the french, everyone has a completely unambiguous attitude towards these games and the security problems associated with them, that is, almost all absolutely polls show that virtually no french citizen he doesn’t consider himself at all unproud that his country is hosting the olympic games at such a moment, that is, there are absolutely widespread numbers there that have even stopped being published. do the french consider their government capable of ensuring
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security at these games, not to mention all the other problems and not to mention the cost of these games, that is, this is another headache, but in general the best thing here is, of course, to simply remember even the same ratings, which on march 28th was published without knowing it, in general, by the new york times, trying to convince its own citizens that biden is not nearly as unpopular as the other. it’s all together, this boiling situation in
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the country, bursting at all the seams, this grandiose celebration of the union of cordial consent, as i said on air several days ago, evokes only one association for me, this crazy tea party in a hot house, exactly, absolutely, you can’t come up with better images, this paper greatness in words is increasingly at odds with the ordinary life of the french. thank you very much, elena selgiro kondratyeva was in direct contact with us, see you on the air, thank you very much, now i’ll perceive the article’s meaning and its authors differently, well, once again about cordiality, well , of course, there is no smell of cordiality here, except perhaps these are the hearts that are in they're sending it to the iphone, this is the heart of the time, yes, look, of course, this is a crazy idea, with which they are simply crazy, that's why a little more. in detail, look,
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two european countries, france and britain, they see themselves, position themselves world leaders, and if you sit next to a frenchman and a briton and ask who the leader is, the briton will say, of course, the british, the frenchman, so with a grimace, listen, why are you, you left us, they might even fight, because there really is only egocentrism here the french finds another british egocentrism. plus, there is the anglo-saxon world, which feels a sense of superiority in relation to the francophone world, there is an attempt to deceive the francophone world, which says that, well, listen, the anglo-saxons are the passing one, we francophones, they are now offering this entente, in general, at the everyday level, everyone knows who communicated, who traveled, here at the everyday level, it’s even funny to discuss this, they are talking to each other, of course, the funny thing is different, in general it’s called a military alliance nato, eh...
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hello, it's news time, we'll tell you about the most important events right now. we start with the latest reports from the fsb about sabotage in the kherson region, which was planned with the participation of great britain. russian intelligence services, together with the military, stopped the landing of a special forces group of the armed forces of ukraine on the tendra spit, as stated by the federal s...
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about half an hour's drive away there was a military base, as far as i know, it was called, we were introduced to the instructors who were assigned to us. we began to undergo special training there, at certain stages, as i understand it, we are undergoing special training in sabotage and reconnaissance activities, we underwent training, spending the night in the forest, defense, preserving the exit, well, the exit from the military, well, like an improvised base, moving towards an object that would need
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to be hit by fire, having completed training in the uk, we returned to the territory along the same route. that is, we went to training ground 142 of the rural special operations training center to undergo further more in-depth training. we underwent this training under the full supervision of special services officers in the uk, who were civilians. as we later learned in a conversation with the commanders, these are employees of the sbc, the special royal boat service. the prisoner of war also testified about how british instructors were preparing sabotage on a drilling rig in the black sea, the purpose of which was technical equipment to support the flights of russian copters, when the equipment of interest was not found, the communication station was blown up. the fsb emphasized that the testimony
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of a ukrainian prisoner, a direct participant in sabotage in the kherson region, speaks of the direct involvement of british special forces in the development of actions that are directed against. authorities were part of one of the international terrorist groups, fsb officers managed to obtain information about criminal plans in time, armed bandits were blocked in the suburbs of nalchik, how the special operation took place, ramzan kirimov will tell. fsb special forces soldiers fire at an abandoned building.
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there are no employees of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the russian national guard, as well as any casualties among the civilian population. the necessary investigative and investigative measures are continuing. on bandits who are part of the international organization. a place to hide from human eyes, perhaps that’s why it was chosen terrorists. it is still impossible to approach the house where the militants were hiding, fsb explosives experts are now working there, the situation is under control, the residents are calmly returning to their homes. ramzan kerimov, ibragim amikhanov, channel one, kabardina balkar republic. our military launched a massive attack on
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targets behind enemy lines, this is footage from the kiev region, accurate missile hits and a severe fire on the trypillian tes. it is the largest in the region. it is clear that the station is now on fire, a column of thick smoke is rising above it, it has already been officially confirmed, it was completely destroyed, powerful explosions also thundered today in the odessa, lvov, kharkov and zhitomir regions, strikes there also hit energy facilities, according to some reports, shells also landed in places where militants gathered, including mercenaries from romania were eliminated. the russian army only attacks... those associated with the armed forces of ukraine, in response to militant attempts to attack our infrastructure. more about the progress of the northern military district, personnel from the ministry of defense in the avdeevsky direction, our military destroyed a gun from an artillery battery of the armed forces of ukraine. they beat from galubits geocinth with a distance of more than 20 km,
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real-time adjustment helped to quickly accurately hit targets. in the donetsk sector , russian mortars hit a concentration of infantry, in the place where, according to intelligence data , the militants were trying to increase the group. and this is footage from the south donetsk direction in action , our aerospace forces, supersonic fighters, su-34 bombers hit an enemy stronghold with aerial bombs with a special planning and correction module. our artillerymen cover the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on kupinsky direction they knock the enemy out of the fortified areas, while remaining invisible to the militants. it also helps to have military savvy and ingenuity. each fighter has his own motivation to defend the country, but one thing is common... they dismantle the hideout of ukrainian gangs with precise shots. a drone operator detects the movement of a small enemy group on the ground. two
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militants enter a dilapidated building. within a moment, several shells fly there. fragments of a heavy 152-millimeter projectile scatter hundreds of meters, so the chances of remaining unharmed from such an arrival are small. we work every day, but the quantity varies. which scouts will find targets based on what we are working on, working on everything, both equipment, fortified areas, and manpower of the enemy forces. suppressing the forces of the ukrainian armed forces, the artillery of the western group of troops is conducting in the kupinsky direction, knocking out the enemy from the settlements of populated areas, which the militants turned into fortified areas, having fired several shells, the crew folds the howitzer. the weapon itself is basically small size, good camouflage, this wooded one. locally will make it virtually invisible to enemy drones. the entire time the howitzer is working, the sky above the positions is controlled by a fighter with an unusual anti-drone
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gun. it operates over a radius of up to 600 m. it turns out that there is a signal amplifier here, it is sent here in a direct direction to the draw itself. the gunner, call sign ten , was born in ukraine, but lived most of his life in russia. he knows what has happened here for the last 10 years. how civilians were treated like non-humans, that's why i decided that i have to go here, i love russia, i studied here, i served my military service here, i have all my friends here, so i have a reason to fight here, this fighter has his own motivation to fight here, he is from the city of shibekin , belgorod region, my son is serving in the kherson direction, my father is here, they went to the front one day when... your hometown is being demolished, people are just being demolished, people are dying and all that, it’s very motivating, they asked who was going where, i went to
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the canteen , but then according to my age i am 510 years old, they simply said that after one of the assaults they transferred me to the artillery. the d-30 howitzer is designed to fight the enemy at a distance, but now the units of the west group of forces have their own assault mine, light and portable. a driver and an auto mechanic, the latter himself was once an attack aircraft, but after being seriously wounded he was transferred, they willingly responded to the request of their former colleagues and a week later they presented the first sample, all that remains is to weld the handle, weld everything. in a circle into the pipe. the mortar has several firing positions, the range from 300 to 500 m depends on this. at the same time
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, the gun weighs like an automatic rifle, only 4 kg. rumors about the new mortar spread throughout the units. stormtroopers were pleased and are now ordering it en masse. when this weapon starts working on the front line, the authors say. the enemy burrows into the ground, so they decided to call him a mole. goose-goose. farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov, yulia khodorova and izi gurbenbergiev. channel one lugansk people's republic. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the orenburg region will check how it is fulfilling the order to eliminate the flood, provide assistance to victims in the areas where the water has left, carry out emergency restoration work, remove rubble and remove garbage. particular attention to sanitary treatment of house plots. humanitarian aid is being delivered to residents. 90 tons were delivered to the region by planes of the ministry of defense and another 35 by the port of the ministry of emergency situations. between. meanwhile, near orenburg, the level of the ural river is already approaching 11 m, the authorities are calling on the population to evacuate from the danger zone, the water
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has come close to high-rise buildings, but everyone is at home managed to defend, this was stated by the head of the ministry of construction, irek fayzulin, who is also working on site, now that in orzhsk, in other flooded settlements, there is federal support, it will be, yes, that means for the restoration of housing, for restoration. where more than a dozen settlements were sunk , evacuation continues, some villages can only be reached by boat, volunteers help rescuers,
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mass vaccination against hepatitis a is carried out in clinics, experts warn during sexual intercourse. head of the ministry of emergency situations in the region in the zone more than sixty settlements may be flooded. issues of security and the fight against terrorism were discussed today in moscow. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin met with parliamentarians from the brix countries. over the 15 years of its existence, the organization. india, china, russia. the brix countries
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are developing dynamically. this partnership is being built.
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arion block with a test payload, the launch from the vostochny cosmodrome took place an hour ago, on the third attempt, previously 2 days in a row the automation canceled the launch several minutes before the scheduled time, i note that it is the first time it is launching from the eastern hangar; before that it was tested at the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region, and this is the first launch for arion, now it will have to launch the cargo into the designated orbit. 20 seconds pressure in the combustion chambers. today is the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, the date of choice. it is no coincidence that it was on april 11 , 1945 that a prisoner uprising took place in buchenwald, one of the largest nazi death factories. commemorative events are held in different cities of russia, mourning a ceremony in st. petersburg at the memorial in the landscape park of krasnoye selo, they laid flowers at the monument, many people came, including former prisoners, they told what they had to endure. of course, this is the memory of those who are not
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at the foot. capsule with land from four concentration camps, auschwitz, buchenwald, maidanik and the children's concentration camp of konstantinov. yes, we were children, teenagers there, but we remember those who died. my mother was burned in the camp. my father survived, but i found him only 20 years later. this monument. those who cannot go for border, everything, they can bow to their dead, relatives, friends, everything, this is very important, now, i believe that this is also very important, because alas, fascism is alive. a memorable event in krasnogorsk, near moscow, at a branch of the victory museum, a meeting with those who, as children, ended up in nazi concentration camps, in addition, you can
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get acquainted with the updated exhibition dedicated to soviet prisoners of war. that's all for now, the broadcast is on channel one, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live . the fsb and the russian ministry of defense today stopped the landing of sabotage groups of special forces of the armed forces of ukraine on the tendrovskaya spit of the kherson region, planned by the special services in the uk. the senior soldier of the 73rd naval special operations forces center was captured. that night, a massive missile strike was launched on ukraine; the arrival of missiles and geraniums was recorded in the ivano-frankivsk, kharkov, khmelnytsky, zaporozhye regions, kiev and odessa regions. there is a blackout in kharkov, absent
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power supply, data that is available. now they say that the targets were tets-3, the turboatom plant, the malyshevo plant, the metro in kharkov is also not working, cellular communications are working very, very poorly. russia strikes in... revenge exclusively on the energy and military infrastructure of ukraine in response to the shelling of our civilian facilities, our energy infrastructure, let us remind you that yesterday ukrainian terrorists dropped an explosive device on a car in kursk, killing a man and two children there. well, after the night shelling in ukraine, zelensky began to go into hysterics; in his message and appeal, he demands an air defense system from western countries. each of our neighbors in europe, each of our other partners, must see how critical ukraine’s need for air defense is, right here, right now , russian missiles and suicide bombers are hitting not only
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ukraine, but the resolve of our partners. but zelensky’s hysteria also energizes his other, so to speak, colleagues; the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, dmitry kulevo, has now decided to strictly ask for western systems. quiet diplomacy. "yes, people can hate me and i can ruin relationships, we've tried everything and nothing seems to work, do you really believe that there is not a single spare patriot system in the entire us army that is not on combat duty and that can't be transferred to ukraine, i don't believe it, i feel like i'm banging my head against the wall, although i'm a diplomat, which means i have to dismantle the wall brick by brick. well , the west is in no hurry to provide an air defense system to ukraine, but they give it the full right to hit the civilian population." . civilian object in russia. the head of the alliance, jens stulterping, believes that this is ukraine’s legitimate right to self-defense. ukraine has the right to self-defense under international law, we have the right
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to help ukraine exercise its right to self-defense without making nato and its allies part of the conflict. it is also part of ukraine's right to self-defense to strike legitimate military targets outside its territory . this is military aggression. ukraine has the right to self-defense because russia is using so many different military means to attack ukraine. russia has the right declare to stoltenberg that whoever encourages and approves is a direct accomplice. the pentagon generally stated that hitting civilian targets in russia is ukraine’s sovereign right, although this raises some concerns. yesterday, at hearings in congress , such approval of kiev’s terrorist policy was expressed by the assistant secretary of defense of the united states. if you want to win the war, you can’t sit back, take blows and not deliver them, then why do n’t the ukrainians attack russia’s oil and gas infrastructure? congressman, we have
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there are concerns about striking civilian targets, again, this is a sovereign decision of ukraine, but we express these concerns. let's deal with air defense systems first. ukraine is no longer just asking for them, well, asking, brazenly demanding. what will this lead to, will it save them at all? will they be given an air defense system, they patriots ask first of all? well, yes, if i’m not mistaken, they are asking for 25, and the united states has 60 on active duty, that is, half, so that the americans give them their patriots, they will demand warehouses, and, by the way, from my question is, where are those that they already have, destroyed, destroyed, yes - look, here you have to treat this without emotion. they can be given additional air defense systems, they can, but we are all already convinced that we have learned to cope with this, that is, not a single western air defense system
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is new to us now, but they were new, that is, we knew the performance characteristics of these systems, but we do not directly interact with them, that is, our army had to meet, get acquainted, receive, by the way, as a rule, the first blow, as a rule passes, then learn to destroy them.
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because they are dealing with another region, for them now the asia-pacific region is important, this conflict is being dealt with by europe , led by great britain, and it is great britain that specializes in terrorist attacks and sabotage, yeah, all these, even the latest news about that british specialists tried to land in the kherson region, in ochakov in ochakov, that is, we see that the nature of the hostilities is changing, britain. is not
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famous for victories in any battles, especially in the 21st century, but issues of sabotage operations and terrorist attacks are their strong point, so attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant have resumed; information has appeared about the use of toxic substances on the line of combat contact, and all this is being done under the guise that it is the sbu’s own, the gur’s own, and we seem to have nothing to do with it, but we will still prove it, it’s clear that... we will demand that everyone involved be extradited, and with all the ensuing consequences, but that the west will be inviolable, our president i already said it clearly about the f-16, he said, if the f-16 takes off from romania there from poland, then we will count the airfields from which they took off as our legitimate targets, that is, the west has already been seriously warned that we are already with such in their hanalia, which they raise the degree of escalation every time, we will not put up with and...
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three, yeah, 12 launchers arrived at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year, we have already reset two, we continue to reset, but what europe has and where they come from came, they came from the united states of america, germany and two launchers came from the netherlands, these are launchers that are not carried on trailers, but directly on the chassis, that is, more mobile, sick modern ones, which are part of these launchers. yes, exactly launchers, but
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this is something like this, this is a complex that allows you to perform such a task as pumping air defense, that is, you can very quickly transfer, here under liptsy, but they were the ones who transferred these launchers that fired at our l76 , but the difficulty with this installation is that the military-industrial the us complex can produce from two to four units per year, that is , there is no way to quickly replenish them, and what they are now rowing... from europe, they will most likely come from japan, but that’s when they come, of course, that we will not see in any press releases from nato countries there that these installations have already arrived, but they are coming there, we are discovering them.
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power supply, and the third was just working in purely civilian areas, that is , the industrial sector, so it was put out of action, well, good, a helping hand for zelensky holds out, whoever you think, well, of course, the great mighty lithuania. the new minister of defense of this country arrived in kiev on an official visit and promised that lithuania would produce drones for ukraine. i presented to vladimir zelensky our entire package of support, as well as the idea of ​​a drone program. we will launch our own industry. we just need
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to organize our legal framework, and we will supply the ukrainians with drones, which will then be tested on the battlefield. it turned out that american drones, which were actively... supplied to ukraine, they are not very effective, the wall street journal reports that they are buggy and expensive, and they are of little use on the battlefield. us-made drones tend to be expensive, buggy, and difficult to repair. this is spoken about not only by the ukrainian military and officials, but also by the leaders of american companies themselves. american drones are fragile and cannot overcome russian jamming and gps jamming technology, sometimes they cannot. take off, complete a mission or return home, as well as fly to declared distance or carry a significant payload. ukrainian troops burn about 10,000 drones a month, which they couldn't afford if they had to buy expensive american drones. expensive
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and glitchy is not only an american drone, but an american puppet zelensky, he suddenly decided, it turns out, that he can accept the fact that russia will take part in the discussion of peace negotiations, but through... if the next counter-offensive fails, you will not be able to return the country, when will it come time to sit down at the negotiating table with vladimir putin. we have developed a very specific ten- point plan for diplomatic negotiations, which should be based on the outcome of the peace summit. the first peace summit will be held in switzerland, but without russia, without russia, of course, because we don’t need them to block anything for us there. but how can you negotiate like that? we will prepare plans, i think some items will already be ready with actual details of what needs to be done. after that we will develop a complete plan, and some negotiators, some continental representatives, will present this plan to russian representatives. well, in general, when zelensky
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was president, he himself, therefore, forbade negotiations with russia, and now look how it turns out, he either no longer considers himself president, yes, therefore, well... he should not comply with his own decree , or is this a manifestation of such, i don’t know, amateur performance, improvisation, in general , this whole world summit in switzerland, yes, this is, in my opinion, an imitation of a stormy activities, no less, because russia initially stated that it was not going to be there, they are betting on the position of the global south, they said that there will be china, china also says, well, without russia there is no point in discussing anything at all, but nevertheless look, they are gathering there, they will discuss something, zelensky already admits, being.
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technologies with which the kiev regime hides from our attacks, they simulate defeat, that is, all these objects are covered with tires, when there is an attack, they set fire tires to show us that the object was hit, in fact, no, that ’s when the trypillian test near kiev, there is one fragment of the video, close-up, i looked directly at the frames, fire inside the buildings , you can see the fire inside the buildings, this is not an imitation , that is, this is a test, everyone has arrived, as for...
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the global south, but we, of course, are a nice south, yes, we have half the country beyond the arctic circle, but therefore it is better to call it not the western queen, the key representatives of the non-western coalition, this is basically brix plus members, have already said that everyone said that these are irrelevant negotiations, because without russia the negotiations are meaningless, they can send some advisers, deputies there to sit, watch, listen, so... they will try to inflate this again, that they we have the whole world, but this, of course, is bullshit, because
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the kiev regime itself and washington say that this will only make sense if large countries are represented there at the level of leaders, this will not happen, it’s impossible, that’s the second task - they couldn't complete it previous meetings and will not be able to now, there are no options, because everyone is a serious... participant in world processes, they are closely monitoring the dynamics here on the front line, they all, they all see everything , they understand everything perfectly, in fact, well the same china, they china is of course interested in some kind of peace, because it affects the world economy, just as it is interested in resolving the palestinian israeli conflict, so that the houthis are appeased, so yes, in principle it is interested, the question is , like yeah, because if it’s in a month, that’s one story, here, by the fall, excuse me, a completely
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different story here, because at the same time china is interested in the defeat of the west, so everyone has a reserve of time, china, india, saudi arabia , brazil has a reserve of time, they have nowhere to rush, there is no uzelensky, he himself is almost gone, by the end of may he will already be there.
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nikolaev and odessa regions, these are unacceptable conditions for the west, france says, god forbid, odessa, we will immediately go to fight there and so on, that is, the west so far it stands on the conditions that... they don’t want to lose this conflict, they want to get out of it, that we divided it up, we stopped it, we’re great, russia has wiped itself out, as they say, it’s just like it was a tyranny, it remains that way, but all these fantasies they go within their collective, among themselves, a little one who does not include us, we say, how can you negotiate without us, but on the other hand we say, there is no one to negotiate with you, all all the current politicians of western europe, in including the united states of america, they... are illegitimate to negotiate because they are participants in the conflict in one way or another, yes, the united states
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is now trying to distance itself, it always does this when the conflict does not go according to the script, so that later... to pose as some kind of peacekeepers, to say, oh bastard zelensky, he like that, yes, but he turns out to be a fascist, a corrupt official, a corrupt official, and we thought to him that he was a democrat, well, come on, that means we have him there now, we have already liquidated him there or imprisoned him or somewhere else, let’s now come to an agreement about world peace, but the us must participate in the section of this pie, that is, it is trying to play out the same story as it was during the first world war, during the second world war...
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to the world, we also showed, the whole world is behind us, that they hold conferences, well, that’s how it is , this is an imitation of vigorous activity, we are in no hurry now, why, because the whole world should be completely disappointed in this western world, and this is the main goal, that is, that we will win a special military operation, this is clear, victory will be ours, and the enemy will pay a high price for this, but negotiations are inappropriate now, we haven’t finished yet, when we finish, then we’ll talk. and where these negotiations will take place, where this will take place, we will tell you where it will be, well, in yalta, there is another front, a sports front, the olympics will soon be in paris, here is the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach, the deputy head of the european commission, margarita schinas they do not want russia to participate in any sporting competitions so much
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that they even agreed to the offer of russian pranksters in vavan and lexus to pray for... vice-chairman schinas, participation in the friendship games. these countries and these governments are taking sides in the russian-ukrainian war. and they take the side of russia and
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win friendship, they show support. shows support for russia's war in ukraine , a violation of the territorial integrity of ukraine. if you put your hand here, yeah. and you must repeat after me. very good. today is the feast of saints wawan and lexus. these are the heroes of the continent. help me make the right decision to prevent these friendship games from
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prevent these friendship games. so, the decision has been made. great, now that we have divine inspiration, nothing can go wrong. yes, you know, immediately when i saw this i remembered the catchphrase of mikhail zadorny: well, stupid, you know, you feel real, well, spanish shame, for these people, but these are properties only for a russian person, no, this is actually a tragicomedy, yes , it’s funny, but it’s sad, because it means that when they pray to the saints, these people are for...
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that’s what he said: “it’s impossible, by the way, now with nuclear weapons it is absolutely possible, total war is what the first world war was like, the second world war, now this concept needs to be rethought. strike a counter blow, or we dodge this blow and do something of our own, now, thank god, by the way, in order not to waste energy, we
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decided to just do our own, friendship games, much more promising brix games, uh- huh, instead of that to waste energy and nerves and then disgrace yourself at the olympics, because mind you, last time it wasn’t like that athletes, officials, coaches reach such a high level. we don’t have to fight for them, waste energy on it, we left the european union, thank god, sport is a sport, eurovision, thank god that
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they don’t show it here, they stopped showing it, but i crossed myself because of this, this devilry, this is it no, we don’t need to impose ourselves on the western world, why, we will build another, much more beautiful, decent, comfortable, clearly, because the orientation towards the west, which lasted there for several hundred years, we believed that the west is the carrier something advanced, it has now been completely reset, in fact, we did not reset it.
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hello, our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, a mighty river, the yenisei, which is great for fishing, very beautiful in winter, especially when ...
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taxi under cover. premiere. watch the time after the program. well, i'm different, different. evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. you me do you love? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i was doing there. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her by the arm and
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she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, the only one ours, monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why couldn’t he be avoided? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first, you didn’t have the feeling that maybe... welcome to the city where even the stones under your feet can turn out to be precious. hello, ekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, it’s not time to be shy, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy, dumpling is small universe, u... below me, how many
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meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time, they are lying, is it possible? their lives. premiere on sunday on the first. the best. new season. on sunday on the first. chanson. this is not just for you.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and shouting, they shout to all ends, spring.
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spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, sunday on the first. our colleague yulia baranovskaya, as part of her project people of donbass, has prepared a whole series of films about teachers, here are the heroes of today's yule story, a history teacher from donetsk, valery dorofeev.
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the people of donbass project presents a cycle. films about teachers, amid shelling and destruction, they remained a torch of hope, they not only taught, they inspired and brought peace to children so that they remember that knowledge is our main weapon, they are the fearless teachers of donbass, from valery viktorovich. a very interesting path to the profession, to his favorite job, from a car mechanic to a history teacher, but nevertheless, when in 2022 he was told that he needed to go to the front, he got up and went. now the most important thing is to quickly recover from a serious injury and return to your children in order to teach history. well, how can you
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take it, forget it, cross it out? there was no patriotic war, as they say, otherwise you would not have a fatherland. on february 23, 2022 , you came to the military commissar, then where were you sent? well, first we... we entered the battles and until may 20 we were in mariupol, waiting for freedom.
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from there he ended up in marinenka, in marinka during the assault. a mine landed, so i was with my partner, two weeks before the assault, we became friends there , got to know each other, it turns out they were able to get me out, my partner was gone, when i woke up in the hospital, recovered from anesthesia, when they said: this will all take a long time, it’s all in pieces in such a state, it was a little bit like this, on the one hand, is it really alive, on the other hand, i think about how long it will take for this to grow together, not to grow together, it will work out, not it will turn out that suddenly i will remain disabled there,
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these were my thoughts, now i’m watching little by little, i can see an improvement, my mood is also getting better, i’ve been on one for literally a week already... i’ve been walking with sticks, and i also walked on crutches, so there is progress, the children are waiting, yes, the children are waiting, when i came here, well, i came there from all the classes, they run out, hug each other, when you return, your first class, remember, the first lesson, you were confused, you were doing an internship, as it was, i was probably a day after three until september 1 such jitters began, as i was this first the day also seemed to be in a half-fog, about a month later. i was just given a class guide, this is my first graduation, i’m also a little worried, i already remember you for
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the rest of my life, i hope you won’t forget your teachers either, you’ll come to visit us and share your successes. i studied there until 1919, received a bachelor’s degree, and then studied in absentia for a master’s degree. in 2022, on the fifteenth of february, i defended my master’s thesis, but they didn’t have time to hand it over to me, it turns out that we went to the front, and already in
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i was in the hospital when i was in traumatology last fall, the dean came to me, solemnly handed it to me, right in the hospital, yes, right in the hospital, you know, at some point... those events that take place from the fourteenth year until the moment of complete the final victory, which we all believe in and which we have no doubt about, it will simply turn into a historical fact that will be included in the textbook, on exams, on tests, and most likely the questions will sound like this: the causes of the conflict, and how it ended, that’s would you like formulated the cause of the conflict that occurred in 2014. there was interference in the internal affairs of the country from the outside, but it’s not according to their scenario that we are doing a coup. and to the question why the people of donbass did not agree with all this, how would you answer? well, donbass is such a,
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you know, we have an original region with its own, probably, opinion, and i really don’t like it when people are dictated something, from somewhere, how to live correctly, and then, probably, their upbringing is ours.
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these people of ours, it really deserves admiration that despite everything circumstances, people continue to study, as in your case, and work, because you studied and worked, at the moment when the hanging comes, you took up arms and went to defend your land, that’s how you were brought up, i really want to help you with something, only tell me what, you know, maybe some technical means, there’s a laptop. let's say a projector, in principle, it would be useful to have a projector in the classroom, to make it more convenient for children to tell the material, naturally, this requires a laptop, and i am absolutely sure that with we can handle this. friends, if you have the opportunity and desire to help the heroes of the project , the people of donbass are on your screen, because the needs of an ordinary man, and a teacher,
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which is generally strange when a teacher is recovering from injury, why is it strange, well, because teachers should teach, not to get injured, not to be under fire, so come on, he’s not asking for himself, in general, the people of donbass don’t ask for anything for themselves, they’re asking for children, they ’re asking for old people, in this particular in this case, these are children, schoolchildren, a qr code on your screen, a project by yulia baranovskaya, people of donbass , be sure to participate. translate as much as you can, together we will help the children first of all. more news. hello, there is news on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. the sabotage of the armed forces of ukraine, which was prepared by the british intelligence services, was prevented by our military together with the fsb.
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we returned to the territory of ukraine, we
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went to training ground 142 of the rural special operations training center to undergo further more in-depth training. we they underwent this training under the full supervision of british special services officers who were civilians, as we later learned in a conversation with the commanders, these were employees of the sbc, the special boat service. stormy in the black sea. london was interested in the technical equipment installed to accompany the flights of russian drones. a historic launch took place at the vostochny cosmodrome on the eve of cosmonautics day. a heavy-class launch vehicle was sent into orbit. mountain, there is a launch vehicle engine startup,
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the engines came out, the launch took place on the third attempt, the flight was postponed several times, a few minutes before the start the automatic system was activated, followed by the cancel command. angara went into space from vostochny for the first time. previously, rockets of this family were launched only from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. today's event marked the beginning. flight design tests of the amur space complex, which includes both the launch vehicle itself and the infrastructure of the cosmodrome. the whole country may have been waiting for this, but unfortunately, it’s not tv show is stressful work. we have only just started the flight testing phase. and all these cancellations are normal events that accompany when...
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a modern launch vehicle is launched into life, in 10 years - this is the fourth launch, the necessary statistics have not yet been collected, as you can see, this is a new spaceport. this is a new start, this is new automation, so today’s success, which was actually made by your own hands, is a huge event. on other topics: vladimir putin will hold a video conference today meeting on flood mitigation. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this less than an hour ago. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in orenburg today again and checked the progress of work on additional strengthening of the dam near the ural river. in the areas where. he is also located in the region, he said that all apartment buildings in orenburg that were threatened by flooding are currently protected. as for the kurgan region, more than 600
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people were evacuated, 11 settlements were flooded. report by andrey golderev. according to old-timers, they don’t remember the breakthrough village of such a strong flood, the water surrounds the village on almost all sides, tatyana evseeva is waiting for her husband, he swam off to check if the water had entered the house, like on the volga, well, i mean, i tried, here the payments are with on this side, it’s unrealistic against the current, that is, you row the boat in place, it was all streets, it was all a village, now it’s all water, according to local residents , about half of the village of 10 houses was flooded, a lot of water went right inside, here i am now walking along the street near the center settlement, here you can still walk like this in boots, but a little further only by boat or special transport. in total, in the kurgan region, according to the latest data, there are 11 settlements, more than 170 residential buildings in the flood zone, and somewhere
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large water literally surrounded an entire village. this is how you can get to the village now. the uyskaya highway here was flooded , the settlement was cut off from the land, so, in fact, we are now swimming into it. a boat crossing was organized on site, with several boats per day going there and back. alexander krasyuk, for example, was able to take his son away for a planned operation. well, the boat runs about five or six times a day, we have time. fresh bread is delivered almost every day; many have made all the necessary food supplies in advance. well, two, three months, that’s definitely enough. locals say that this is not the first time the road has been flooded; they were prepared for this, but so much water came that it reached residential buildings, valentina vorobyova shows her plot, this is our yard, yes, we also lifted potatoes into the attic they lifted equipment into the attic, here is a heater, a water heater, we
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lifted all this into the attic, farms of cows, pigs, kurma, everything was taken out, it’s all a shame, all this has been pressed for years, but... and this, according to experts, is still not the peak of the flood in the region , rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations have already evacuated over 4.00 people, every eighth remained in temporary accommodation centers, all conditions for life were created in them, there are a lot of elderly people in the centers, so a doctor comes to the village of kostygin-loknim every day to carry out an examination generally calm people down. here's the excitement probably my blood pressure has risen, well , it’s like this all the time for me, like the news will say everything, i’m starting to have no home left to live in. because i was afraid of diabetes mellitus, my blood pressure is 200-240 rising from fear, who will help me there, they met us here, thank you sincerely, if everything goes according to the worst scenario, then about 280 thousand people could end up in the flood zone, in the mound continue to prepare for the arrival of big water, strengthen the dams, more and
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more volunteers come to help, everyone who can yes, it helps, due to the fact that flood waters can get into the water supply system... vaccination against hepatitis a has begun. local authorities once again remind that during the flood period, you can only use boiled or bottled water, people continue to stock up on water. the day before, 35 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the orenburg region. over 12 thousand residential buildings were flooded here. in the regional capital, the water has already crossed a critical level; the level may still increase in order to contain the disaster. they brought to orenburg on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations prefabricated. water-filling dams, with the help of which they plan to protect residential areas. in orsk, where the local dam was designed for 5.5 m, the water had already risen to 11, almost completely flooding houses. here is my house with a red roof, state district. we raised the tvs onto the cabinet, onto the cabinet, well,
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it seems to me that they were flooded, but tvs are definitely everything, refrigerators, okay, that’s all, meat. we bought it, we just left, now the water in the city is gradually decreasing, they are starting to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, they are helping people with everything, they distribute clothes, food, deliver medicine, school staff, all these are great guys. russian forces launched a massive strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, as well as drones, against the facilities
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of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine. this is a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage facilities in the oil and gas industry and energy sector in russia. the objectives of the strike have been achieved. all objects are hit. powerful explosions were reported in the kiev region. trypilska tes is burning there. the largest energy generating company enterprise in the region. the station was almost completely destroyed. critical objects were also damaged. infrastructure in the odessa and kharkov regions, in the lviv region, in the city of stryi, missiles again hit the gas distribution infrastructure, as well as electrical substations. now is the time when we need to act, so say the volunteers who come to sign the contract. for many, the turning point was the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus, after which there was a flurry of people willing to serve. people of various civil professions, of different ages, but everyone admits, now after all. yes, their homeland needs them, and they will do everything in their power to protect it. pov spoke with our defenders. this is pain, tears, there, this
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boiling over here. you said tears. well, what do you think, men don’t cry, or what? they're crying. vladimir today signs his second contract, having worked out the first, he was not going to return to the front line just like that right away. i wanted to somehow, well, improve my family life there. and then, well, and then tera. in crocus, terrorists shoot people, trying to hide, running towards ukraine. vladimir, watching this, understands that for him the only opportunity to get even is in the northern military district zone, to purely take revenge for these dead children, adults, women, for me this is simply a matter of honor and place. our military man can’t wrap his head around how anyone can shoot at civilians. alexey served three contracts, commanded a reconnaissance company, then an assault company, he and his guys even on time.
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hundreds. andrei is unlikely to surprise any of the military registration and enlistment office workers like him, large families all over the country, at selection points . here one young man came, in total there are 12 people in the family, children, 12 children, yes, and nothing, i’m generally in a great mood, i’m sick of the whole military registration and enlistment office, they seem to first why do we need three children. i really want to, it seems impossible to draw up a portrait of a typical volunteer today, it’s scary, what should i do,
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i’m already 56 years old, i’ll go anyway, how old are you, 19, mom, knows, not yet, our age limit for men is 65 years old, sometimes even elders turn, but to unfortunately, given my age, we are unable to call upon them due to the current legislation, and those living are very, very upset. they say why all the young people are fighting, and i say, i have to sit at home, look at this, and many have no combat experience or training, people of civilian professions, i am a furniture maker, a welder, i worked as a driver on a forklift, taxis there, we are loaders on fields, loaded onions, trucks, some didn’t even do military service, they didn’t take me for being underweight, i’ve gained weight since then, why, well, they didn’t take me for being overweight, so yes, i've lost weight now. well, yes, he threw off a little, they were all determined to leave their civilian life, to start a new one, hitherto unfamiliar to them in
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the northern military district zone, it was march 22 that became the turning point. the head of the stavropol selection point had a phone number that did not stop ringing after the crokuse terrorist attacks. 2-3 days passed , calls began to be heard, people were already explaining that this was what motivated them, and strangers approached on the street, i went outside the territory of the commissariat, to the nearest military registration and enlistment office, you can also apply for a contract at a mobile selection point, these cars constantly they travel to different cities, anyone can join the ranks of the russian armed forces, it will take about 15 minutes, the only thing is that the next day you will need to pass a medical examination, there is also this propaganda machine, there are speakers and a stage, even concerts are held, but hardly now campaigning is required, the queues at the military registration and enlistment offices are not getting smaller, mobile points are helping to relieve them, the process of admission to service
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is being simplified, people are rushing to the front, they do not dare to detain them. i think the country rests on those who are here now in this room, for a volunteer, amir yasupov, elena pich, oleg statun, yulia pogorelova, sergei chapotaryov, nina khoreva, channel one. and in conclusion, personnel from balkaria, employees of the federal security service, as well as the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard, carried out a counter-terrorist operation in the suburbs of nalchik. the cto regime was announced early this morning.
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rises in orenburg, kurgan, tyumen, well, all services are working, volunteers are also becoming more and more active, and of course, the whole country stands in solidarity with those who suffered from this terrible natural disaster, so far, but i would really like not to jinx it, it is done without human
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losses, this is really very important. well , today, well, essentially the second day of astronautics, the main one for tomorrow, and today we have the launch of the angara rocket, a5, this is a really big day for our astronautics, i honestly congratulate all of us, because this is the next step in the development of our space program, this is essentially the first heavy post-soviet space rocket that is capable of solving any tasks. it was launched from, again, from the new vostochny cosmodrome, which has already become such a proven testing ground for launching our space objects, a new upper stage, a new block for launching space objects into orbit, and of course this is the prospect, this is the prospect of our new iss,
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this perspective of the lunar station. which we have already agreed on with the people's republic of china, that is, it is indeed a very big, important day for our cosmonautics, congratulations to everyone, and cosmonautics day is still because the aerospace forces carried out a very powerful blow on ukrainian objects, primarily energy objects, they were delivered to kiev, kharkov, stry, in the lviv region, zaporozhye region, odessa, nikolaev. rivne, cherkasy, khmelnytsky, dnepropetrovsk, chernovid. a lot of hits. let's listen to what the ministry of defense said on this matter. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to oil and gas industry and energy facilities in russia, tonight, by the armed forces of the russian federation a massive strike was carried out by high-precision long-range weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against
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the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine. i will achieve the target of the strike. all facilities were hit, as a result, the work of ukrainian enterprises in the chemical industry was disrupted, the transfer of reserves to the combat area was disrupted, and the supply of fuel to units and military units of the armed forces of ukraine was hampered. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us now, yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the scale of the strike is truly impressive and the results too. yes, you know, i once again draw your attention to the fact that the enemy’s air defense is getting weaker and weaker, because, for example, when there was... according to the trypillian tes, which really seemed to be out of action before the end of the war, that’s for sure, but locals say that the enemy’s air defense systems did not work, indeed, it seems that they are running out of ammunition and... systems, because again, every day they post our vks - successful defeats of air defense systems, today two more s300s went offline, yesterday there iris near odessa went offline, and so essentially every day at least one installation
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goes offline somewhere, and now the enemy has a very big problem, because we showed in kharkov how we can turn off the power system of a single energy hub of a large cities, again today, including a blow to the kharkov tets. little one, in my opinion, they are trying to finish her off, she was half knocked out there, and now, as i understand it, they are trying to finish her off so that she too would not be there, and accordingly , today in kiev, in the kiev energy hub the first serious blow was dealt, and to the very heart, the most important test, which generates more than half of the energy generated by the kiev energy hub, was cut off in one moment, literally three missiles hit at once, the fourth, according to local data, has yet to arrive, she added. during combat operations, it is unrealistic to restore it, in this way about 60% of kiev’s energy is knocked out,
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well, it is clear that you can transfer srovenskaeska and khimeniyskaya ips, but again this is work on substations, we went through the same technical two, three, or four in kharkov such impact and the kiev energy center can be brought into a state like in kharkov, the population does not work anything serious. it receives electricity hourly, the metro does not work, industry does not work, that is, i don’t want to jinx it, but let’s hope that this is only the beginning of the shutdown of the kiev energy hub , following the example of kharkov, what news from the fronts of a special military operation? good news, you know, yesterday our troops in the karlovka direction gradually left karlovka, drove the enemy beyond the highway, well, it’s correct to say the highway, umsk is not taylovo, the enemy is almost completely. i left for her, went to umanskoye, there is also good news, i don’t want to be angry, for now i will hope that by the evening they will be confirmed in berdychi and semyonovka, if everything works out well for us, then by the evening there may be good news from here, and also our troops
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are working very well along krasnogorovka, a little to the south, here ours are entrenched in the south-eastern outskirts, firmly relying on these fortified positions, they are attacking deep into the city, there is information that they have already advanced almost to the refractory plant, from the south-eastern part of it, too, but... bogdanovka they took a significant part of the golubovsky gully under their control, although they had not yet reached the canal, nevertheless they pulled up the left flank, before that they pulled up the right flank, taking completely and part of the hill between bogdanovka and grigorovka, i also really hope that in the next day or two after regrouping, clarifying the target, and aviation and artillery are constantly working on them, we will begin... the next phase of the assault, very good work, so systematic, inspires optimism, yes, well and there is good news from the ugledar direction, our troops came back to the settlement of
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urozhainoe, abandoned during the counterattack, and got hooked on its edge, that is , this is the news. thank you very much, ivanovich podalyaka for, as always, an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the northern military district. well, indeed, the absence or lack of operation of air defense systems has already become. for ukraine, after today’s night attack, zelensky literally cried out in his telegram channel, let’s listen, each of our neighbors in europe and each of the other partners must to see how critical ukraine's need for air defense is right here now. russian missiles and suicide bombers are hitting not only ukraine, but the determination of our partners. we need air defense and other defense support, not turning a blind eye and long discussions. yes, well, ukraine is changing its diplomatic policy. kuleba said that now they will show the west what tough ukrainian diplomacy is. let's listen.
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ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleiba wants to receive additional unused patriot batteries from the west. and he will no longer ask politely. quiet diplomacy did not work, kuleba said. he hopes a new style of diplomacy involving tougher negotiating methods will pave the way. way, yes, people may hate me and i may ruin relationships, but we have tried everything and nothing helps. his team found more than 100 available patrios. some neighboring countries have more than one battery guarding a port or airfield. ukraine needs 26 to create a full air shield over ukraine, but kuleba will focus on getting a family. “i feel like i’m banging my head against the wall,” says kuleba. i just don't understand why this isn't happening. the hard style is that... or the ambassador
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can have a tough conversation with the government, with the ministry and department, he just needs to knock more seriously on the wall in his office, well, in general, of course, yes, but in reality that’s all begins to resemble some kind of circus or whispering, this howling in front of the west is a certain blackmail from the point of view of their authority, what if you don’t tell us now help, the whole world will look at you, consider you weak, that your determination is lost, so maybe... it is the west that is now showing determination to abandon this conflict, and to put zelensky’s terrorist regime alone with its problems, this is precisely a manifestation of the courage of the west, what is happening now, but in fact, in global terms , one of the most liquid goods, of course, until the last moment, these were 155 mm artillery shells, almost on the exchange a commodity, it became all the armies of the world began to accumulate their warehouses, and of course air defense systems, realizing that terrorism... that
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the development of quite large conflicts in various regions could occur, we see that now the middle east is, as they say, in a state of flaring up or an explosion, that is, the detonator has already been brought, it is there that the american military bases really need patriot complexes, which the americans, according to their agreements, will take from those countries that took them, but in no case will they send them to ukraine, and not sends to ukraine, this means that our videoconferencing can actually work. more freely against ukrainian military targets, this allows us to move forward, including in the ovdeevsky direction, where vladimir razin, a war correspondent for the popular front, is now working. vladimir andreevich, good afternoon, what news do you have? good afternoon, yes, indeed the odeya direction remains one of the hottest and most active on our part, we are constantly moving there, we came close to netailovo after the complete liberation of the stripping operation may day as well as a wide front along
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the line - pervomaiskaya, water, thin, we approached yasnobrodovka and umansky, and our assault operations there continued, the next strong point, a strong point quite large here, is the enemy's karlovka, netailovo itself - was used in principle as such the access point to pervomaisky, that is , today it is impossible to say strongly enough that it... is fortified and will hold out for a long time, after all, the main point of defense here will be this karlovka, where the enemy and quite a lot of reserves and continues to transfer and quite seriously strengthened it, because there was a time when it was there on the third line of defense, but now it can already be said the second line , our aerospace forces are working great on it and the artillery is working, further north in the area of ​​semyonovka and berdachi, our assault operations also continue. quite actively successfully,
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even further north in the novokalinov area there is information that we have gained a foothold in the industrial zone of this settlement, which is also the enemy had quite seriously fortified very large reserves there, the enemy transferred them there, and now there is also a fairly large number of opponents there, here are some of the counterattacks that took place from his side, they took place in a fairly large numerical advantage in relation to our guys who were entrenched there, but. .. none of the attacks were successful for the enemy, here in this direction the next settlement and a fairly large logistics hub is cheretina, a stronghold quite large, like the settlement itself point - in this direction, that is, here we are pressing from the side of berdychi, from the side of novokalinov directly from ocheretin, which is still the height in this direction, but again aviation, artillery are already calmly reaching out, calmly working out, that is, ska'.
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but more about this after the commercial, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time. cognac monte shococa, a product of the stetellar group, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal, so they did this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich says where is he, give him here, the story that was later told. i'm walking around moscow began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that. there were some kind of internal artistic intonations, they were in the air. and then another actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna chyurikova. bass and bulls are in great demand, all episodic roles, everyone
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was offered to them. usually everyone tells danel’s version that shpalikov had to hand over the text, but disappeared. he said that he was in all his films. i’d like to take it off one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. podcast lab, today on the first. hair dye. it turns out there is a super dangerous one. paint examination and many other important and interesting things in the program - live healthy. tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. at this table. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is pasadeno, we don’t have restaurants, how did you feel in the film, where all the actors played yourself and only you had a role? isn’t there a policeman in upi, and how
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do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other turn of russian cinema, are you from the clinic, are you criticizing the american one? country on saturday on the first, well, i’m different, different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia; he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around
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moscow for family reasons. in these films he awakened to the truth of his characters national sympathy. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that... the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end? life, why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is god's providence, as... the lord rules, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? the best. new season. on sunday on the first. chanson. this
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is not just for you. they need to do it. taechka, your voice knows no bounds at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre. this is a very folk song, it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new interpretation, and i love
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i find out about his gait, he wears trousers, and he wears a hat and boots. he carries three chords for repairs, the new season, on sunday on the first. the big game is live. not so long ago there were times when we considered it our simply duty to follow the recommendations of leading western politicians. moreover, western politicians considered it their duty to simply dictate to us what we should do; many of our governing bodies simply followed. these recommendations, now we understand what, in fact, was hidden behind all this
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something completely insane, the level of intellectual development, the level of understanding of problems, the level of general orientation in the world space of these people, it is amazing, yes, yesterday we showed you the american congress of women who proved that the moon consists of gases, and that it is... ... there is such a deputy chairman of the european commission, a european commissioner for the protection of the european way of life, youth, educational culture, and also the president of the international olympic committee, who does not let us in to the olympics, thomas bach, the lexus prankster decided to talk to them, disguised as the leader of an african state, placing behind him... a cheburashka, well, a bottle of vodka, well, everything is as it should be, so let's
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listen to their conversation. today is a holiday in my country, we have something of a tradition, let me ask you to repeat my words after me, today is the holiday of the saints wawan and lexus, these are the heroes of the continent. i turn to you, god. i turn to you, god, to help. to help you, to help you, to help me make the right decision, make the right decisions. help me make the right decision to prevent these friendship games to prevent these friendship games.
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in the united states we may be separated by distance, but generation after generation we have fought together for common hopes and common values, we
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have fought for the same commitment to democracy, freedom and dignity for all, that is, pearl harbor is a fight for common values, but on the other hand it good revelation from biden, because really... japan had a nazi regime much more brutal than in germany, they only in china put approximately...
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all the knowledge and strategic, strategic abilities of the elite, on the other hand, there are probably some layers, there are still probably who were not subject to the processes that began in the sixties in europe, who are still capable of making some strategic decisions one way or another, but gradually the bureaucracy and european bureaucracy, the nato bureaucracy, dominates one way or another. this natural level, and this on the one hand, this is of course good, the fact that the enemy is significantly weaker, on the other hand he is unpredictable, we don’t know what he will do in the context of his hysterical policy, japan is a rather important aspect, i guess well, now we are already seeing questions around australia regarding alcus, with canada regarding alcus, everyone is one way or another reoriented towards this direction, and japan last year actively began to support nato’s prospects,
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she actively entered into the rhetoric, quite at the level of doctrinal documents, and declared that she was ready to work together.
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more than the russian federation, so japan , like the entire west, is simply going downhill now, and the united states, with all biden’s talk that everything is fine, is also leading the parade of states in which not everything is in order order of the economy, in any case, donald trump is now reminding americans that during the time that biden is in office. in power, gasoline prices have risen by 48%, housing rent has risen by 21%, the cost of airfare by 33%, and prices for food products increased by 21%, well , it would seem that this leaves no chance for biden, but in america there is a pattern:
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if inflation is high, the president is not re-elected, but recently. .. the democrats have even stopped discussing an alternative to biden, as i understand it, because they are sure that trump will not make it to the elections, probably, although he has such hopes, but the trump camp itself is becoming more and more anti-ukrainian, so steve banon made a very harsh statement , let's listen, we should immediately begin a criminal investigation against this scumbag for stealing american money, any conservative...
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the price is still rising quite a lot, but in general the prices of cocoa, coffee, rice, wheat are not americans who have a presentiment that something bad is coming, because that the dollar is collapsing towards gold, the price is towards gold, capital is moving into cryptocurrencies, into bitcoin, in this situation there is only one decision left, which the leaders in
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the white house and the us federal reserve do not want to make, this is again and quite significant raise the key rate of the us federal reserve. now it is 5.5%, well , raise it there to 6% in order to show the whole world that the dollar can be more expensive, but in this case problems will begin for ordinary americans, on the other hand, because a more expensive loan will be stronger put pressure on american companies, on american households, they need to pay mortgages, they need to cover car loans, they have credit card loans, there are debts and defaults have been increasing over the last year and a half. years and what should the americans do then, that is, they will be even angrier before the elections, it turns out, that is , you do not raise the rate, you get increased inflation and, well, a drop in the prestige of the united states, because... russia sells its oil much more expensive than america would like we should be allowed to sell it not at 60, but at 75 dollars per barrel. on the other hand,
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you can see that the dollar is falling towards, towards gold, if you raise the rate, other problems begin, everything becomes even more expensive in the united states, well, i mean more expensive credit and the americans are dissatisfied again, that is , the democrats will lose the chance to win the elections, the last chance if. just not voting by mail, they still have an ace up their sleeve. well, i think that in addition to this, there are also trump cards in the form of judicial bodies of hired killers, who also influenced the outcome of elections in america in another direction, i think in the same way, in fact, but the united states is really now demonstrating reluctance and inability to supply ukraine there neither a missile defense system, nor even shells, but there was a big...
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became a period of collapse of a huge number of myths, myths about invincibility and, in fact , such an engineering genius of western weapons, all heavy equipment turned out to be unsuitable for high -intensity combat operations, heavy, unprotected, the americans said: okay, our equipment is old, but our electronics are advanced in the world, here are the drones that we have always made, we made them earlier than the russians, it turned out that large drones cannot be used on the battlefield, i mean the reconnaissance drones of such a strategic... they could do this without fly freely over afghanistan, over other regions and bomb weddings, but here it doesn’t work and such complexes as
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byraktar were destroyed in the first month of hostilities, everything compact turned out to be ineffective, the switchblades that the americans installed, i saw them in my hands, you can see how they were made, these are all weapons of the past period, these are weapons that were supposed to resist rebels, a war with a high-tech enemy, complexes for overcoming reb... prepared systems, the americans are only now launching this project, for a reason, a huge number of specialists, under other names , are on the battlefield, they are now investing a lot of money, including the so-called maturation of artificial intelligence, which will control the combat vehicles of the future, but the future is now being formed on the battlefield by our engineers and partly ukrainian , but as we see now from their attacks on the energy sector , they will no longer have a chance to develop powerful industrial production. united states of america, well, it’s actually more complicated with weapons, and there are distractions, first of all, of course, the conflict in the middle east, where now american weapons are going
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much more, in a wider flood, than to ukraine, and there the situation is sharply escalating, today everyone is actually discussing two questions: will there be a war? between iran and israel, will this war be nuclear? we'll discuss this after the commercial. hello, country, new voronezh greets you, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal. i hope it will soon be realized in altai by car across the whole country to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to
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see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol - this the pride of russian sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg itself for its beauty, for the beautiful neva river, i really love my country and...
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for cosmonautics day on the first. kagarin is flash, smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. 400 seconds, the flight is normal, people have been falling there for a long time, he conveys in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal. silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, first person. the first woman in
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space, great, the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space, moms, how great it is that we are all here today, on saturday at the first one.
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the whole family didn’t cry, that’s the tradition: be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gagarin himself drank, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly into space, on saturday on the first, chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it, shalom, my friend, shalom , let him go along different roads, it was so festive.
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you can sing in any genre, this is a very folk song, it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new interpretation, and i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears trousers, and he wears a hat, he wears boots, three chords, new season, sunday on...
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the big game in the middle east is escalating. the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation has issued a warning to russian citizens not to visit israel, palestine, lebanon and jordan. but i must say that it is rarely ours. the ministry makes such recommendations. it is clear that the situation has escalated to the limit. relations between israel and iran have reached a critical point: iran cannot help but respond to israel’s actions, especially since israel continues to escalate the situation. yesterday - were three sons of ismail haniyeh were killed, this is the head of the political wing of hamas, and all his grandchildren.
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hamas will respond; condolences to hamas are now coming from all islamic countries, including turkey. as for iran, well, according to american intelligence, which is very informed, as a rule, in these issues that bloomberg cites, iran will definitely hit israel, let's listen. the united states and its allies are confident that serious attacks on israeli military and government targets are inevitable. potential attack possible using precision missiles, could happen in the coming days. according to one of the interlocutors, based on the assessments of american and israeli intelligence, this is
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more a matter of time than probability. us officials are helping israel with planning and sharing intelligence assessments. israel has told allies that the attack will likely happen before a ground offensive against hamas in rafah, although it is unclear how soon. this operation can begin, the question is whether israel has allies at this moment too, but in fact, what can expect in the near future, there will definitely be some kind of blow, the simple problem is that israel, israel had two bad moves that they could make: abandon everything that is happening, reduce the intensity of the escalation, suffer some shame, and accordingly, perhaps incite a surrounding country unfriendly to israel to some kind of offensive, or attack and provoke everyone even more, but at the same time suffer. reputational losses and make sure that israel, as the once strongest pr power in the world, starts everything gradually refuse, well, we, as you rightly said, they are following the path of complete escalation, which will inevitably drag the region into a prolonged conflict, and israel
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is currently surrounded, that is, the problem is that further escalation will turn away relatively friendly or neutral arab countries even further, first of all, the biggest problem is saudi arabia, on the one hand iran, hezbollah, syria. the houthis, everyone, everyone is against it, so on the one hand, from a rational point of view, this is some kind of the frantic escalation on the part of israel looks strange, on the other hand, apparently, they simply have no choice and they decided to go to war to the end, and iran will naturally respond, and will respond, as it usually does, most likely symmetrically, and i assume, effectively, well, the question is, naturally, what will happen with nuclear weapons, there are nuclear facilities on the territory of and... and iran, on the other hand, israel has nuclear weapons, iran, but in any case, iran has always been a former power, then there are those capable of creating nuclear weapons, here is the washington post writes that iran has almost created nuclear
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weapons. let's listen. iranian officials have begun talking openly about achieving deterrence, implying that tehran now has what it needs to build a bomb, although iran says it has no plans to build nuclear weapons, it has a stockpile. highly enriched uranium that can be converted into weapons-grade fuel for at least three bombs in a matter of days to weeks. lately, iran has been trying to dilute some of its highly enriched uranium, signaling that seeks to avoid conflict through self-restraint, but the trend is obvious: iran is slowly but surely moving forward, accumulating resources for future weapons. vai frantsivich, what is the likelihood, in your opinion, that the nuclear factor will be involved, one way or another? you know, very high. because the tension between the countries has reached some kind of climax, i will remind you that back in the twenty-second year, when israel , together with the americans , carried out operation juniper oak in january of the twenty-third year, simulating a massive air raid in
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including the strategic b-52 against all infrastructure and nuclear facilities of iran and they said that we would launch a preemptive strike when we see that iran is ready to produce nuclear weapons, we will not wait for them to do it and be the first... iran to take some action in order to strike at them, but iran is in no hurry, iran has very powerful technological capabilities to actually bring down israel’s air defense systems, i remind you that lebanon, which means hezbollah stated that they have order 100 thousand, well, the numbers could of course be less, various missiles, and high-precision ones, of various types, in the majority. which are iranian, which can, with a massive launch, overload israel’s air defense systems, and this is indeed a very high probability. iran has a large number of ballistic missiles, which at an altitude of more than 100 km will simply fly over the territories of saudi
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arabia, jordan, and fall on israel from above, and it has proven the viability of its systems, these are foteh-110 missiles, when in the twentieth year as part of operation martyr. soleimani, the iranians hit an american military base in iraq, which were covered by petriot complexes; they were able to overcome them. therefore, the parties, of course, have the possibility of mutual application. strikes, the question of nuclear weapons, let me remind you that the israelis said that we officially do not have them, but if necessary, we can use them, and we are now seeing a large number, but again this cannot be hidden, these are people on the roads, israel transports what - installations with medium-range missiles in the direction of the red sea, for distribution, we we understand that the parties are actually preparing to fight with each other, yesterday - well, at the same time at the solemn prayer of ayatallahi.
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affairs of saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, qatar and iraq and asked them to convey a message to iran calling on them to reduce tensions with israel, the source said. well, the question is actually clear to the united states, yes, that is, they must protect israel at any cost. on the other hand, there are a lot of americans who would like a war with iran, and this is a dilemma, in fact, for the american leadership, they fit in.
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although this looks very, very controversial, yes , this thesis, because more likely there may be exactly the opposite reaction, a very strong reverse reaction, but we have already seen many political, major political mistakes that were made in the white house, so to make another mistake, they will they will not be surprised by this, according to this logic, they are really capable of striking iran, but if they themselves intervene in the united states, yes, then in that case they will try to act. against iran from the air, from the sea, then they will suffer
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losses, they are not ready for losses, they have another front, a front against us on the territory of the former soviet ukraine, so for the united states the situation looks rather, well, a reason for hesitation, apparently , that they are hesitating, and blinken is hesitating, because israel, well, israel won’t last long, its economy is collapsing before our eyes, and then the united states, well, they can of course intervene in this. conflict, but from where, from where will they intervene, through iraq, through turkey, of course, through turkey, through armenia, it is clear that they cannot, this is absolutely not an option for them, that is, even iraq will not give them the opportunity to operate through its territory, saudi arabia certainly will not, that is, in fact, for the americans the situation is a dead end , because they really, if they want to get involved in this conflict. then, firstly, they are very vulnerable, because there are a lot of american bases in
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this region, and iran will no longer be shy about these bases, including if they have nuclear weapons, they can use nuclear weapons, if it comes to that, so the situation there is extremely explosive, especially for israel, by the way , for the american forces in this region, which are now simply becoming a target, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ... we pass the word news and see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, it’s time for news first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now at the beginning, the latest data from the fsb about the sabotage that took place in the kherson region.


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