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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 11, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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hello stanislav, my name is elena, we have a lot in common, perhaps we are kindred spirits, impressive, thank you, elena, 33 years old, children's speech therapist. lives in moscow, is interested in singing and traveling, is proud of the fact that he independently copes with raising two sons, looks younger than his age, admits that even on weekends he gets up at 7:00 in the morning, warns that he does not accept the division of the family budget. elena finds it difficult to name the reason for her divorce, because in 4 years of family life she has never been able to talk to her husband over souls. he hopes that stanislav is open to communication. hello, hello, and elena,
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did your husband avoid communication, or did you yourself not want to, were ashamed to start conversations and played in silence? well, in fact, we are probably both quite closed, but i am more of a sincere person, and i wanted to make contact, in some crisis situations, i wanted to talk to him, find out something, well, in person, she nice, kind of nice, very nice, at first glance, very nice, quiet, modest, how does he react? here you are say, van, i want to talk to you, what about him? and he, yes, he could simply not answer there and turn around and go, that is, for him it was normal behavior, such an ignore, and you , well, in another situation at dinner you could have told him to sing there, i don’t understand why that was you’re behaving, i want to talk to you, you ’re silent, what happened, maybe talk, well, i was somehow modestly silent too and didn’t insist on it, that is, how can you be modestly silent in a family already? my
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children, i now understand that it was a huge mistake, perhaps one of the reasons for our divorce, that is, he was silent and you were silent, but in general, why did they get married then, the question i have is, what kind of game of silence does it mean, and what kind of relationship is this, i don’t understand this at all, what kind of marriage such, the husband pays former child support, and the little ones pay a lot, but not enough, you wrote that a woman is not obliged to work so that the family does not need anything, this is an obligation. husband, and the future father should be included 90% in the upbringing process, and the wealth of men should be enough for cleaning, for a nanny, for an assistant, because you are no longer ready to wait on yourself, well, this is the ideal, yes, which i described, but of course, first of all, it is important for me that we contact and communicate with my husband, it seems to me that she is asking a lot i really agree with you, you want more children, to be honest, i wouldn’t want to, i’m ready to accept. you see, for
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stanislav he will not give up his idea of ​​giving birth to a new child in common with a new woman, well, to be honest , i wouldn’t want to give birth again, i’m ready to take children, i think she’s kind of selfish, here you go quietly, uh-huh, little mendelssohn, let’s test our bride, elena, please tell me, is a person who copies the style... in clothes called yesterday’s baiter or saver? maybe a biker, but you’re just a man of luck, it’s really so, let’s move on, well , the girl herself is no good, to be honest, that’s why i like it, i don’t know, well, again, look, such a natural russian beauty, the girl is not made up, the girl is very natural , i agree, she's just not... what kind of denji is she?
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fashionable perfume, pet or comic book hero, chainsaw man, possibly a comic book hero, again correct, yes, this is chainsaw man, last question, mango is a fruit, japanese comics or man in japanese, manga is a fruit, but through o is fruit, and... from and these are japanese comics, it counts, anyway, thank you, lenochka, are you ready to show me the surprise? yes, i’ve never done this before, but i would like to invite you to a white dance, she invited herself, our quiet mouse invited her, like, yeah, i’m telling you, tactile contact let's go, she needs to touch it, now i'll be well... to cut down the auras, they changed the melody.
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well, i don’t know that she’s so cold, but apparently she’s a little inattentive, her heart is warm, it’s nice to see when they both know how to dance, slow dance, otherwise lately we’ve been getting married completely, we have to go. to the lubat club, well, that’s it, to the disco, you steal, the youth of the year, yes, for a long time, what are you doing, nothing, let’s go, ska, let’s go, yes,
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the main thing is with kemite, one thing he doesn’t want, or in a pioneer camp, was in a pioneer camp , no, i wasn’t, no, yeah, i’ve been there all my life lived in the nursery, there... there we learned to dance, and to dance, to look after, and with flowers and without flowers, with words, thank you, thank you, lenochka, go to your room, right away, thank you, alexey, what do you say, how do you like the girl , a good girl, like everyone else, a beauty, i liked her, she’s very like that...
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look, what’s the problem, stanislav, until you get sick, uh, and stop comparing with your wife, who died, it’s hard for me to imagine you, well, connection with someone, but olya i liked this, i didn’t i’m hiding, you should already have your bearings, somehow your brain should work in such a way that you focus not on physics, but on... how you will live, and even in this situation and in this situation, stanislav, three absolute beauties came, just fantastic women, in general, by and large , i don’t want to offend anyone, but we have to persuade them to come to your family, so i
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don’t really understand you, but this probably happens, so look, you liked olga, here you go she is in this room, you will go there now, and if she comes out with you, then something will continue with you. yes, but no, well, you’ve already told everything here, so come on in, lenochka, you’re better off, no, we’re both beauties, we know that, well, if you, of course, he chooses you, you wanted to go to moscow, i invite everyone come out and support stanislav. olga, i’m saying , i liked you, i apologize, elen, i beg you, i would like to get to know you better,
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get to know you, so maybe something will work out, say yes, yes, yes. yes, yes, this also happens, we have a couple stanislav and olga, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva and i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s get married. here is the next apartment, a complete hole, right here, the administration categorically refuses to admit this, but what about admitting that our house is in disrepair, what year was the house built? 1865
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was built well for the 19th century, we don’t have any gas, i heat it with a stove, it’s dangerous to walk around the house, not only to live in... foundation, just like that, let’s find out the story of nina valentir, she lives in another house, but she’s also in trouble. good afternoon, any day now the remains of the roof may collapse on our heroes, well, what
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’s left after the fire, here’s what to do with it, we’ll figure it out today, as usual, today in our studio nadezhda presnyakova from vladimir, nadezhda vasilievna, hello, hello, tell us why you came to us, what happened, oh, i live in a dilapidated house, i’ve lived there since 1987, the house gets worse and worse every year worse, they did it, let's do this, you said that the house was in disrepair, it was officially recognized as in disrepair, recognized as in disrepair in the year nineteen, yeah, in the nineteenth year, yes, in the nineteenth year, yes, although it was there before, before there, in general, in what was going on there in the basement, it was terrible, we didn’t even go there, but when the prosecutor’s inspection came... it turned out that there, in
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general, the floor was all like this, the neighbors had other people, that’s it, no, let’s figure it out , in 1919 the house was declared unsafe, and when the prosecutor’s inspection came, it was before, we filed a lawsuit, the prosecutor ruled in our favor, the administration categorically refuses to admit it, but what to admit? that our house is in disrepair, no, wait, it’s impossible to live in it, the house has already been declared in disrepair, that’s it, that’s a fact, apparently the administration doesn’t want to resettle you, doesn’t want to, that’s another matter, let’s see first to your house, then we’ll try to figure out what the prosecutor’s office has to do with it, what court you won and what the administration should have done and isn’t doing, okay, this is our house, it’s located on kremlinskaya street, house number 7, i live in this half of the house, here on the first
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floor there are three apartments, but only one of them lives, look, that’s all, look how huge two are all around, well, of course the residents have decorated them a little so that it’s not so scary, the apartment on the second floor is my apartment, look here, there are holes all around... we are very scared to live here, because our roof is burnt out here, any moment this could all fall on me or i want this too how to live, how could it be possible to open the roof in such a state, it was necessary to at least repair the garbage aplenty. this is where my apartment is located, this is where i have convenience, here is a shower stall, but we don’t
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use it, i want to come and wash like a normal person, like all people, to at least wash myself and bathe in hot water, but i can’t do that , because we get sick so often, it’s the stove, the stove, i closed it because it’s not working, look, everything is crumbling here, you see, everything, look, the ceiling, see? want whitewash it, but i can’t do it , there’s a huge stripe that i’m good at, that these things are holding these things here, it seems to me that the ceiling would have collapsed long ago, we seem to mostly live in this room, it’s also very cold here , so we have two heaters, when it’s very cold, we turn on two, this wall just bent like this, you see, here it’s higher, here like this, like this. she’s coming from above, here’s the next apartment, it’s a complete hole,
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here, look, in my house there’s only one stove working, i heat one, here’s my saw electric, i had firewood, you turn it over like this, you turn it over like this, you put them down like this, with one foot like this... like this, and sawing with the other, the whole ceiling cracked, as soon as they climbed into the attic, to check something there , the roof is leaking, that's it, there are cracks. here is our bathroom, here are the cracks, what a horror, horror, and zhko came, here they are, they don’t do anything here, the roof is thin, everything is on the panel, that’s it, it’s all dripping, pouring, old, in short, wiring, we live on a barrel , just like on
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the gunpowder test, listen, what year was the house built? 1865, so he is 100, 160, 160 years old house, even, perhaps even more, well , of course, i’m very sorry, but for the 19th century it was built well, it’s worth it, they used to build it on honor, not on their word of honor, but they did it, as they say, for many years, the house has been built for 160 years, listen , no, please remember that then, a little later, we will show you a house in which they are trying to resettle the residents of... another dilapidated house, the house was built several months ago, it is no longer suitable for habitation , it is no longer suitable for habitation, but this one is all -it stood for 160 years, an amazing fact, but i i know that one of your residents went to the archive, the archive says that it was built even earlier, that is, older, but i understand correctly that the administration claims that
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the house was built in 1917, yes, but where do they get this information from? i don’t know where, i understand. centralized heating, they say, you have, yes, centralized, although we have no gas, nothing, i heat with a stove, we live in the center in the 21st century, and so that there is no gas and people heat the stoves, this is ridiculous, yes, so how many of you are left there in this house, well, here we live, there may be five of us families, but those registered there as property owners, they don’t live, by the way. owner or municipal, no, i’m municipal, yeah, well, let’s listen to the history of your house, you and your neighbors told us, according to the archival certificate, our house was already built before 1865, so i’ve been living since july 1 , 1987, the house became collapsed until 2000, the roof came off, followed by
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stove pipes, when the stove stopped working somewhere... major renovation of apartment buildings vladimir region, the chairman of the interdepartmental commission has repeatedly contacted the city prosecutor's office, the prosecutor of the vladimir region, applied everywhere, but to no avail, the administration is offering you at least something, some kind of maneuverable fund, oh, they are offering, they are offering, they came
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last year, here in my room personally, they suggested january 9th. room 503, i tell him, this one, i say this, the trolleybus depot dormitory building, no, it was once there, now there are communal apartments there, i say, excuse me, i say, i also have my own communal apartment here, i also live, well, we went there, it’s wild horror, let’s see together where they want to temporarily move you , the stench there is terrible. this is the hostel that they gave me for the maneuver fund, no store, nothing, no transport, there’s only a prison nearby, season number one, that’s the stink, that ’s the hostel, just look at the walls , the walls, everything is peeling off , peeling,
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lord, save, preserve and have mercy from such fat. look what's on the ceiling it’s done, it’s going to come at you, it’s going to blurt out, there ’s all this plaster and all sorts of paint, and they consider it the norm to move people here, god, up to the fifth floor, i won’t go any further, i don’t have any more strength. on the first day of cosmonautics day, we were on nerves all day, worried all day long. hello everyone, by the way, 18,
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17, 16, 15, ignition, camera, call, broadcast of the start and landing of the first. space film crew on saturday at the first, well, i’m different, size. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that it would be soon. the deception will be revealed and they will beat you. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview
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with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful your only one. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this god's providence, like the lord. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us ahead, what, where,
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when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, you were given an apartment on... hello, please tell us how you ended up in this house ? i
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came to the city of vladimir in 2001, as a forced migrant, with two children, so we stood in migrants are in line to receive housing, that’s all, but they didn’t offer us anything in a hostel, so we, purely by chance , found an apartment to rent in this house, well, because with two children... it’s very difficult to rent, how to pay a lot, in this house, as if the rent was small, so we lived in it since the seventh year, the stoves were working there even at that time, everything is fine, it seems like and as they say, a roof over your head, at least, here, but since we already have we stood there for 10 years, every year we went through, well, migration registration, the migration department told us that you won’t get anything anyway, people have been standing in line for 30 years and don’t get anything.
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they won the court and ordered the administration, i saw the document, yes, to demolish this house before january 15 of this year, twenty something, but it ’s worth it, yes, of course, well, naturally, if you demolish the house, then you will be resettled out of turn, that’s right , because this house, well , for a reason, the court recognized it, which means this house could collapse at any moment, but in our conclusions, these are the second independent examination, it says: that signs need to be put up around the house, that it is dangerous to walk around the house, not only to live in this house, wait, yes, no, a second, can i, i ’ll come to my senses now, conclusion, it’s dangerous to walk around this house, walk , yes, and you live there, it is written in plain text in the conclusion, yes, we asked the prosecutor’s office to give us a short comment, surprisingly they gave us a detailed comment, because
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they themselves are shocked, well, yes. the prosecutor's office of the city of vladimir conducted an inspection of compliance with rights citizens when relocating from emergency housing, it was established that the apartment building number 7 on kremlevskaya street, vladimir, was recognized as emergency and subject to demolition in january 2019, however, the resettlement period for citizens living in this building was set by local governments until december 2025. in this regard , we carried out an inspection that showed that, according to the conclusion of a specialized organization, the apartment building is in an extremely unsatisfactory condition condition, the deterioration of the house has exceeded 70%, and its further operation poses a real threat to the life and health of the citizens living there. based on the results of the inspection, the prosecutor of the city of vladimir appealed to the oktyabrsky district court of the city of vladimir, demanding that the administration of the city of vladimir be obliged
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to resettle the said person. apartment building by the decision of the oktyabrsky district court of the city of vladimir, upheld by the appeal ruling of the vladimel regional court, the constitutional ruling of the second constitutional court, the prosecutor’s demands fully satisfied. the deadline for voluntary execution of the court decision expired in december last year. currently , the bailiff service has initiated enforcement proceedings against the administration of the city of vladimir. an enforcement fee was collected from the debtor in relation to the city administration; a protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up under article 1715 of the code of administrative offenses in the russian federation. currently, the vladimir city administration is seeking budget funds for resettlement of an apartment building. and the owner offered anonymous living quarters for moving.
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according to. vladimir, they are building a lot, they are building , well, they don’t want to, no, well, you know, that’s who the owners are, they say to move to the maneuverable fund, no, well, the owners will receive compensation, i am the owner, but they also offer me a maneuverable fund, as soon as i move, according to legislation, look, municipalities, municipalities must be given residential premises suitable for living, eight apartments, is it really impossible to find, allocate
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eight apartments, can i tell you more? of course, why should they, and before that, where were they, why, look, they look at them, well, they walk around, they moan, well, it’s always like this, yes, we recently filmed a program about rostov, that this mayor of the city did this, god forgive me, what kind of mayor he is, i don’t know what to call him, he came to people and swore at them, he called us like we were a talk show, an entire entrance collapsed there, miraculously people remained alive, but it's all a talk show, this is his behavior, this is a talk show, but... here people can complain, they have more there is nowhere to go with such mayors, it’s the same here, we’ll show you a little later our visit to the administration, where they also agreed to give us a short interview, although we invited them to take part in the program in a broader format, either to come or via communication, no, they only agreed to this kind of
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interview, to what extent she... we’ll see what’s meaningful a little later, but for now let’s call vera utkina, your neighbor, who also lives in this house, and we’ll talk to her. vera vasilyevna, hello, how old have you been in this house? you live, i’ve been living since 1993, yeah , in this, in this house, and you’re a municipality or an owner, a municipality, i know that back in 2012 you were told that you can’t live there, of course, because there’s a stove on top, when the stove collapsed right next to us, i woke up, and... we have, well, there’s a complete hole on top, it’s like that, the stove completely fell on the first floor, the stove just fell bricks on us, yes, i mean i wrote it all
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, photographed it all, of course everything we made, uh , we municipalities gave us the whole stove, that is, the ceiling they did the flooring and i called the experts and they filmed it all. they said, it’s impossible to live in such accommodation, because there are only cracks, in such conditions, yes, of course, of course, they didn’t even go to the basement, look, about the basement, we’ll talk now, the song collapsed on you, this can be considered a gift, free bricks, do whatever you want with them, then after that your toilet in the basement collapsed, your own, before my eyes it happened to me from the second floor in general, from the second floor to the basement the toilet fell through yes... it falls, the first floor also flies into the basement, then the toilet flies after it into the basement, everything is the same, there’s one apartment there, they didn’t live there, there was a wall right there, her whole room was outside , we had mosquitoes, woodlice, how
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many there were, rats climbed into us, what happened at that time, listen to this, but god is probably protecting you somehow, how do you survive like this, i can’t even think about it fell? is suitable for living and meets all standards, you will simply be forcibly evicted in court,
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well, well, that’s it, the second point, if you don’t sign any documents, accordingly you must be officially notified of what was offered to you, i will moreover say that all the documents will be provided to the administration, that... you were offered several things once, and you refused, listen, they provided them with a maneuverable fund, and we live in a rule of law state, and there was a court decision to move people into apartments that are safe for living, and you are now a maneuverable fund, which is indicated, by the way, in resolution, i studied it, made a legal assessment of all these documents, for that matter, if everything in the house is falling apart like this, you have everything recorded, rent an apartment.
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yeah, and not just now financial so that you can rent an apartment, i believe that it’s not exactly a luxury apartment, but such an adequate, safe apartment, then our expert will make sure that the administration pays through the court or voluntarily you compensation, because if you cannot live there and rent an apartment, then they owe for this pay for the apartment yourself, you know, yeah, this is the option that’s been offered to you... for now , we’ll see, i think, well, because in a second, no matter how many programs we shoot, in a second, in a minute, in a week, in two, for three, it is impossible to resettle you, you understand this, yes, that’s why this is such a temporary, but very safe solution,
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undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. hair dye, it turns out, is a super-dangerous dye examination and much more important and interesting in the live program. great, tomorrow is the first one. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald, it is a beautiful stone in itself, yes, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for us men. just to chop, this is not the time to chop, evgeniy. the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me
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how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time. they're lying, is it possible? the life of our own. premiere in resurrection on the first. chanson. this is not just for you, you have to do it.
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three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. we have another resident of this house in our studio, nikita volodin. nikita, hello, you are the owner, yes, yes, i am the owner, well , that is, as if according to the same conditions, that is, here i live, i have one heater, here, and you also had a toilet on the first floor, here i am together. that’s the most important thing, you know what i want
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to say, according to the court’s decision, we don’t have such a thing that we have to go to the maneuver fund, we have i am the owner, that is, according to the thirty- second article of the housing code, we, as owners, receive monetary compensation. yes, it’s supposed to, that’s all, in our country the court’s decision has already entered into legal force, for 6 months, that’s what the administration had to implement, so they’re just like a gesture of goodwill, like, well, maybe go to the maneuver fund, that’s it so, we don’t say that we have to go to the maneuver fund, we don’t say this at all, the bailiffs now too, well, that is, we
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pay taxes, as it were, but they have one answer too, these are bailiffs, they have a case pending, well, for execution, the prosecutor’s office now, they now have a deadline for execution by the prosecutor’s office, there is a deadline, yes, they really overstayed it, they had 6 months from the date of entry into force, this is from june. accordingly, they had to resettle, now the prosecutor’s office is not saying, but they have every right, at the request of the prosecutor, to initiate a criminal case, in my opinion, under article 315 for failure to comply with a court decision, here we still need political will, if they take it, they will start bring a criminal charge against the administration, then apartments will quickly appear and you will be quickly relocated, let's listen, i'm just really interested in what he told us?
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the proceeds were 16,024, but they refused to sign, the immediate resettlement of these citizens was ordered there, so we are now engaged in the procedure for their resettlement, just to protect the residents, we are offering them premises for the maneuver fund, but then they will live for 10-15 years in this premises maneuverable fund, naturally, they
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will not believe that in a year nadezhda there will be new housing and according to the time when - the residents are provided with apartments yes... that's what you said, there was no such thing that i did not sign, i signed the document, but i signed that i would provide something suitable for living, wait, now he admitted to crime, because he is the owner, he told us about it, mikhail olegovich, povarov, yes, he offered you the owner and you, yes, non-compensation, which is due to you by law, yes, and the maneuver fund, yes, yes, here i am ... now if the prosecutor’s office still waits with the criminal case, i will be very surprised, but he is not ashamed at all, if this house, or rather, in 1919, was declared unsafe , included in the program of 27, that’s one thing, and the money was allocated, but here is a court decision, that is, they are obliged to fulfill it, that’s where you get it these you
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think that they are obliged, and the administration mikhail olegovich does not owe anything to anyone, well, yes, but not... the fact is that , of course, in vladimir this is not the only emergency building, there are enough of them there, in my opinion, they have been counted for there are already more than 50 houses in the resettlement program, already up to seventeen years old, which are recognized, but let's find out the story of nina valentir, she lives in another house, but also in a problematic one. nina, come to us. hello, what is your story, hello, well, we also live in a dilapidated house, the house is also according to documents built in 1917, well, of course, according to the archives it is also much older, that is, well, there are mentions of this house already in 1880, let's
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look at your house, then we’ll talk, this is our house, in appearance it’s not that bad, but inside... and the house, accordingly, is emergency, wooden floors that have already rotted, that is, this is an invisible part of it, now we are in the kitchen, there is a crack, it comes from the ceiling, and accordingly it goes to the floor, and the house is in emergency, it is generally dangerous to use gas here, respectively, the stoves , well, we don’t use it now, at the moment we live in the city center and they provide us with housing. in a remote microdistrict, i have children who study here, respectively, our mother is with us, she is disabled, of the third group, she already has familiar doctors who serve they, who have known her all her life, because she has been living here for 40 years, waited and waited, that here, the devil is in the middle of nowhere,
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you can say, what outrages me is that it outrages me, they didn’t even ask if you wanted to go there whether you want to go or not, i’m afraid they won’t take me. type of labor here to the hospital, i still want to live, hold on, walk, quietly, now we will pass, yeah, hold on, tightly, firmly, keep walking, they want to move us to the village of orktrud, that is, this is the microdistrict orktrud, the former village of orktrud in the vladimir region , since our family lives disabled of the first group, not mobile, capable and it is impossible for him to live in this village, here we live in the city center, good transport accessibility to medical institutions, as for organizational labor, in order to get to the psychoneurological dispensary, we
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will have to travel 20 km by bus, buses, such trips are contraindicated for my sister, and she... is not able to do it , of course, that is, i understand correctly that your problem is different, that is, your house was recognized as unsafe until the seventeenth year, and until the seventeenth of 2014 the house was recognized as being given to you now you got into the program, they prepared you, they gave you new housing in the middle of nowhere, but i understand that location is not the most important thing, although it’s actually two villages away, so you understand from vladimir, what’s the most important thing? well, the most important thing is the low-quality construction of this house, the house was commissioned not so long ago, the house was commissioned for less than a year, but now it is bursting at the seams, but this is not even the most. the scary thing is that there is always water in the basement, in our supposed apartment, which the administration gives us, there is already
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mold on the floor, walls, humidity in apartments on the first floors, and 80%, that is , this is a new house, this is a new house, this is some kind of nightmare, yes, it’s showing now, this is mold fungus, mold fungus, in the house a year, no year, no, as soon as it was handed over, there are already a lot of complaints to the prosecutor’s office, to the administration of this building, so that they don’t complain, just in batches, people there are just going crazy, you and i went together to this famous, now organized labor, let's look a little, by evening we reached the ortrud microdistrict, here is our beautiful house, but it was only beautiful in appearance when we left. from vladimir we drove through two districts of the region, komeshkovsky and suzdovsky, that is , the distance from the city limits of vladimir
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is quite decent, as you can see, the conditions around are not conducive to the normal life of a disabled person in this place, we don’t want to live here, we went into the entrance, and accordingly here you can already clearly see it even at the entrance. a crack, that is, you can even put it in there, i don’t know, well, it’s a deep crack, well, of course, here ’s a door like this, it’s just not a door, it’s, well, it’s cardboard, pay attention to ceiling, the house is only a few months old, but the first cracks have already appeared on the house, the house was built in a swamp, but nothing was built there for several years, local residents know this very well, and accordingly they say that even well... as the administration tells us , people also live in venice, they need to initiate a criminal case, they need to check on what basis the house was built, why there
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are underwater, but such things go on, why water flows, listen, what are you like, they want you from the historical center of vladimir v venice should be resettled, but you refuse, what are the ishts? i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland, and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharova, this is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple calico man all his life. white
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nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, blue lakes of karelia, green sea of ​​taiga, as beautiful as our sunny komyk. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family. space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova. there was just a box, red, in this device they were supposed to fly around the earth. korolev said: “nonsense.” and i want to thank you that only russian cabins have a porthole. at the architectural institute they teach person, organization of space. how to organize space so that it is beautiful. convenient and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america they signed that this is a completely different artist, and
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you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an occasion, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, look, the administration and i also talked about your house on gagarin 17, let’s listen to what these honest eyes will tell us now. gagarina 17 building, we are recognized as having an emergency 2014 year. in this house, 11 residential units were resettled and were to be resettled. premises, of which five are municipal, six are private, for private residential premises, and we paid 100%
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to the residents, the confiscated... cost, we have three municipal residential premises left, they need to be relocated. according to these municipal residential premises, we purchased residential premises, they are located in a microdistrict of the city of vladimir, but the residents, living in this house, in the center of the city of vladimir, they refuse to go to this microdistrict, and citing what they need provide living quarters in the city center. and here we are moving the residents to a new house, which was built taking into account the accessibility requirements for the disabled, including with an electric lift, there are bus connections, all the infrastructure is there, there are shops in this microdistrict, there are schools, kindergartens, how will a disabled person feel ? , i don’t know, but it will probably be
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better than living in an old house, why is there mold in the new house? periodically visited this address, that is, there is a management organization on this building that manages the responsibility of the management organization is to ensure safe living for residents if ground inlets form in the basement, and that is, the management organization is obliged to carry out work and measures to pump out this groundwater, if they really built in a swamp, as you say, that is, it’s not like a swamp , there they could get to the underground river.
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yes, we are aware of the matter, unfortunately, as if the residents turned to us late, yes, quite recently we picked up all this, but today we already have a certain information and we know in which direction we should move and how to help them, but what information will you share with us? information about what we assume, for example, about the last house according to the orctrud, yes, personally, i initially have questions for the developers, but there is such
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a thing as before you build something, you need to make a project. before the project, you need to do geology, and i think that when they did the geology, it was clearly visible that there was groundwater, there was a lot of earth in the orctrud, why was there a need to build a house on groundwater, so for me personally, this is incomprehensible, here we see in the video, and the collapsed blind area, cracked walls, and everything else. sasha, look at the bailiffs here, right here on the face, yes, the bailiffs, they are inactive, you know, they actually have them at all. leverage on the administration, they could also open a criminal case for inaction , failure to comply with the court decision, naturally, the popular front will work, i have no doubt about it, i have no doubt about it, colleague, i have a big request to you when the decision is implemented court, i ask you, please, regarding the execution of the court decision in favor of the owners, that is, everything
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is clear to the municipalities, they must carry out the apartments in favor of the owners.


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