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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 12, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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why embellish it so much? and then they generally dance there, lifting their skirts to show their red trousers. it seems to me that the flauber outraged everyone because he showed this inner secret life, very clearly and very truthfully, it seems to me that every person has some kind of secret life that he does not want to show to others, a certain shadow side, everyone has it , because the. the novel is dedicated to this shadow side, the focus is on it, yes, on this shadow side of emma, ​​it outrages, but in reality it outrages, because everyone has this country, because it is very true from the point of view of life, there is simply truth in it, artistic truth, often sometimes you just don’t want to look in the mirror, what flaubert did with this novel, he put before the entire french society, catholic, puritan. he put up a big huge
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mirror and said: “it’s not bad, in my opinion, of course, it caused a storm of indignation, well, of course, this is such a difficult situation, look at everything quite directly. this podcast is a must-read, i’m aglana batnikova, we discuss madame bavari, the famous novel by gustov flabert with oksana bondarenko.
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doctor, it seems that they have servants, they even have some kind of estate that imatai is selling, and at the same time there they ride on some kind of, well, relatively speaking, minibus, yes, it goes to rouen on this carriage here, where everyone is crowded, well, this is our minibus, or there they tie up some kind of wooden shoes so that they can knock their heads together, yes, and her mother-in-law scolds her for the fact that the upholstery of the chairs costs two francs, meter 2 francs - this is very expensive, it should be a maximum of 10 sous, and the chair should only be the eldest member of the family and there are a lot of armchairs, it is too luxurious, new curtains are too luxurious in general, i mean, i want to somehow correlate this with our reality, that is, what class do they generally belong to ? according to flabert’s answer, they belong to the bourgeois class, but only in... in
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flaubert’s terminology, a direct translation of bourgeois or there , plus or minus a similar one - this is a citizen, this is a resident , citizen, that’s what they called the penultimate, or rather the last, monarch france, and that is, a king for citizens, but flaubert’s terminology of bourges, by the way, is very well described in the review, if i may say so in a literary essay about this novel by nabokov for... for flaubert, bourgeois is a tradesman, that is , he is a representative of a purely material society, a consumer society, a consumer society for which there is only one value or only significance, the significance of a coin, these are all examples from the works that you just talked about and charles’s mother here this is such pettiness. in the details
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of the same seller of cunning outfits for flaubert and the same charles, yes, that is, for flaubert, although he seems to be a doctor, for flaubert - this is just a vivid description of the purely material mishchansky society or the established context of the philistinism in which he himself lived flaubert, why did he possibly compare himself to madame bavaria herself, she dared. to do - some kind of revolution, some, some kind of action against mishchansky society, trying to break it with behavior that is completely out of context, trying to break these foundations of materialism, but it seems to me that she herself, she’s also a bourgeois, well , she’s also a bourgeois, but she tried, and why a bourgeois, because too cheap vulgar love stories are behind her adventure, the raft of her own than she surrounds herself, even completely with everyday things,
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what she wears, how she treats, what she wears, is also a separate topic, the general theme of the fabric and outfits of the novel, it’s also the same layering, you said that... there are costumes of the i have 11, 11 suits, all with corsets, yes, a lot, with corsets, i have one dress that weighs 20 kg, which is exactly the appafeo of vulgarity, to the funeral of charles’s father, she comes in the most luxurious dress in our performance, but it looks like emma, ​​it seems to me that this is quite accurate a detail found by the director, that is, emma. this is also the fruit of its own, its own context, a revolution, this is a kind of revolution, like a uranium karen, yes, it violates the etiquette of an adulterer, because she is not the first who had an affair with an officer, but she is the first who decided to legalize it,
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let’s say, and announce it out loud, go out in society with this officer was already given, who boldly tells her husband, i went to paris to meet with len, i’ll be back in 2 days, but i returned in three. we believe emmy's feelings when we read. novel, it seems to me that when we generally pick up a book, we are somehow presented with the circumstances, as they say in our theater, we are immersed in them and also become part of this story, of course, we believe, because we get used to the style narrative, to language,
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we ourselves become part of the book we read, but i thought a little differently this statement,
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a complete feeling, a full-fledged world into which you are immersed and it contains its own coordinates that you can no longer even compare there with...
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a must read, yaglaina batnikova, today we discussed gustov’s novel flaubert madame bavari, the famous scandalous one with oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum, a francophone, and the most beautiful actress alexandra irivenko, who played the role of madame bavaria in
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the theater, and still performs it, i perform it, i will perform it, come to the performance, that’s it you can find must-read podcast episodes on the website of the first channel 1tv. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, we're here today. with the bride yulia, elena, another elena, and our groom stanislav, stanislav 43 years old, cried out loud when, for the sake of the woman with whom he had been in love since childhood, he left his wife, but after 9 years of a happy marriage on his birthday, became both a distributor and a single father. stanislav, director of a small construction company, lives in moscow, everyone dreams of buying an apartment for his daughter, being proud of the fact that learned to braid hair, cook and run a house. admits that he doesn’t follow fashion and rarely buys new things for himself. stanislav will not
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get along with an authoritarian woman who will impose her opinion on him and will treat his daughters with disdain; he will marry a slender brunette with children, a kind heart and a careful attitude towards money. hello guys, good afternoon, this is for you, thank you very much. thank you, he came with flowers, it means he’s a real man, yes, so slender, it seems to me that they don’t just leave their wife in tears, they run away jumping to mistress, then they cry bitterly, because i understood that the child remained, the little daughter was left to grow up without a father, stanislav, and what was the need to run away straight away, they would just go to the left so that the wife would not know. i understood that here it wouldn’t work out with a family, well, i think that it’s
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fair to leave a marriage if you don’t love a person, than to just stay married and cheat, but if a person understands that he won’t be happy, then make the appearance of being happy, and the woman you went to, how she was different, what she was like, she was a completely different opposite, that is, bright, active. i had just arrived from 24 hours that day, went
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to bed, rested, they went to the store for groceries, so that there was a table there, friends would come there in the evening for a friend, and so on, and on the way back, yes, that’s the way, there is a very treacherous hill, the weather was bad, did everyone die or was it just a very... very sad story, in general it was just a tragedy, yes, on my birthday, as it were, horror, horror, well, that is, the world collapsed, the world collapsed, in one hour, in one , in an instant, how old were the girls, nastya is 2.5 and lisa is six, please accept my most sincere condolences, it’s impossible, the children will tell me too much, i’m even, well, i’m scared for the children, he’s still worried about all this
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situation, it’s very difficult for him, his eyes are just wet, your birthday no longer exists, you don’t celebrate, i don’t celebrate, well, who did the children stay with, the four of us lived, and also my mother-in-law, she helped, yes, she, yes, i took upon myself all these necessary, such and such episodes, i know that you have friends they tried to dissuade you from giving the girls to your mother-in-law, well, the point was, yes, that no matter how you, well, you’re a man, you need to arrange your personal life there, so your daughters are your personal life, that’s why i didn’t give them away in any way, not i gave up, but how have we grown up already, yes, yes. well, this is very rare when a man is left alone with children without the help of grandparents and so on,
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they didn’t drink, they didn’t sit on a glass, no, after the ninth day - the wake, we have a friend in the family, let’s say, an adult man he's already enough, he doesn't drink at all, i'm with him, i'm i say, seryoga, how about you, why , that is, are you coded or something else, he says, no, i just say, you ’ve buried so many friends for alcohol, he says, you buried so many destinies, i thought that if he can do it, then i can too, which one? well done, and i didn’t drink after that, from the tenth day i categorically, as it were, gave up alcohol, well, i probably even like that he has daughters, because i myself have two sons, and he has daughters , the girls are with you now 100%, which helps or we separated, well, i moved here to moscow, bought an apartment, and she was there in kalchugino for some summer there with her father-in-law, well
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, that is, you didn’t break off this connection and your mother-in-law is present in your life. nastya has already gone to the second grade, lisa is already in the sixth, i was in the first 4 months when we moved here to moscow, as if at all, well, i didn’t work at all, i had savings, so i saw them off, met them, so that now you you cope without help, yes, move to moscow, well, that is, the person decided to take such a step, i think that this is a strong decision. stanislav is one of the best grooms, in general larisa, i noticed that now everything is returning to normal, finally men have finally turned on their brains, that cooking, washing and cleaning is important, they do not welcome women, including young people who say, no, let’s do the cleaning there, that’s everything else, in fact,
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what is still a very good trend is that they have begun to slightly outperform all those tuned by us. just stanislav from this series, this is your attitude that your woman should understand that you need to change for the sake of your loved one to preserve the family hearth, this is the first, second is very important, that if you live well, it means you have to work a lot, but she is doing well, first of all, he has a two-room apartment, albeit with a mortgage, nothing like that, on a mortgage, but at the same time he has a house 220 km away on 10 acres in kolchugino.
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the new darling that you will meet today, well, if she has her own, and, accordingly, parents also, if you still want, why do you need it, i’m just curious, no, no, when, when in the family again the chosen one has a common child, it only strengthens, that’s all, i understand, well , i’m not ready to give birth to more children, to be honest, because i myself have two sons, they are still small, come from... remember the first bride, hello, me name is yulia, i came from the south and
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brought a piece of the warmth of the sun, i hope our communication will be just as sunny and... warm, i really want children, i hope you make the right choice, it’s very nice, yes, you look great, thank you, yulia 33 years old, director of city events, lives in the city of ipatovo, stavropol territory, is proud of her victories in beauty contests, dreams of a big house, warns that she gets very nervous when someone touches her curtains, yulia found it difficult to find the strength to return.
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stopped communicating with me, stopped walking with the child, put a password on the phone, the smell of someone else's perfume, yes, the smell of someone else's perfume, i noticed, classic, i said that you fell in love with someone else, he told me that yes, i do another woman, i packed my things and left for my parents. hair dye, it turns out, there is a super-dangerous paint examination and much more important and interesting in the program - live healthy, for! on the first chanson, this is for a reason, you need to do it, shalom, my
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friend, shalom, let it go along the roads, it was so festive and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i attached it to this, where you kissed your feet, according to his gait, he wears trousers up to the garefe, and he wears a hat on nama, he
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wears boots for repairs, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, then a month later i called him and said: do you need this divorce? he said no, it's not necessary.
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not to that extent, and after that he left , we talked, walked, he was very passionate, but to my mother, then of course i thought that something was wrong here anyway, and after 3 days he took us tickets and we flew away again home, as soon as we landed, he wrote a message that most likely nothing would work out between you and me. that is, he said that he stayed with his mistress, yes, that is, how much the woman does not love herself, yes, yes, well, she just doesn’t love herself, and she is ready to run after the man further,
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the most important thing is to have a sweetheart nearby, uh-huh, nothing else is needed, well, he married and a child was born, that’s right, yes, a child was born, then the worst thing began for me, i just know your story, uh-huh, here you are have you launched the game? his child, yes, he wanted to see the child, and you set the conditions? yes, i was very angry, i said that you would not see the child again, but after 2 years we somehow developed a relationship, and i brought the child to him, then a month later he wrote to me, everything was fine, a month later he told me wrote, that i won’t see the child again, that is... “at first you took revenge on him, you didn’t give him the child, and now he, in turn, took revenge because you didn’t give him the child at one time, yes, when i came to his parents ,
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no one opened the door for me, no one answered the phone, he worked in the police, then i called the hot line of the ministry of internal affairs, and after a while they told me that i could go write a statement, i wrote a statement against him and went back home, he i didn’t have it for six months..." he gave it to me and six months later, when he was told at work that it would be better if he returned the child, so far so good, then he called me and flew with the child to stavropol, and i took him, if i hadn’t seen my child for six months, i don’t even know what would have happened to me, it’s very difficult, now how much the child, 8 years old, sees his father, now yes, but rarely, look, stanislav has two children, two girls, you have a boy. wonderful wonderful people of the same age will go to moscow, yes, i lived in moscow, i really like moscow, it doesn’t scare me, no, absolutely not, the movement is intense.
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why are you nervous when your curtains touch? i don’t know, it’s probably hereditary for me, i don’t like it when people touch them or walk near them, i start to get nervous, look, there are two girls there, children, you won’t punish them if they hurt you, no, of course, i love children very much , so i will take it calmly, but just take them all off, here you are, little girl, you say that you love children very much, mendeleson and i have... such a test for you, the test lies in knowing the terminology modern girls. julia, question number one: what does the word flex mean? play board games, brag and show off , or be offended by your best friend? well, i think it’s showing off, showing off, yes, they distinguish between low flex and high flex, it’s
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showing off, right. oh, nightmare! what is winx? window cleaner, hairpin or witch school? school of witches? school of sorceresses, of course, bravo! listen, i’m into these slangs, i don’t understand anything about them at all, lol, trash, i know, i’m a walking trash, bravo, i think you’re still watching too! i love all the dolls i bought winx, i had one, i forgot her name, in a black car, they couldn’t find her anywhere, when i saw her at the airport, i was late for my flight, i bought her, i still needed a passport, i didn’t have time for a ticket , and i just held this doll close to my chest, that you and the girls have so many different things, i love dolls too, you want another child together, yes, i’m ready for children, i love children very much, of course,
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it turns out, on this note, tifu-tifu, so as not to jinx it, let's see the surprise. it's not grief. there's fun in my eyes, i i’m celebrating a housewarming party on the seven winds and the lights are burning in the fog, flying away, the gypsies are singing with me, naina is singing all night, the guitar is toiling, and i’m paired with naina, my soul is sad. and i’m driving
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horses, fate, my zealous one, is too much for you, but i live a beautiful life, the way i want, the song is very suitable, it’s for her, i liked the way she sings, and he looked with interest, i think it’s for him i also like how complex the songs he chooses, what a great guy, well done, just smart, yulechka, come with your little sister into... the room, you’re great, just the perfect bride, no i was confused, didn’t mix anything up, sang well, has different titles , beauty pageants, yulechka, how are you, how was i so worried, you know, not bad, he’s kind of good, so soft, did you like it,
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yulia, well.. . a pretty woman like he looked at you with interest, yes, i was watching him, it seems to me that his eyes were shining, well, i would like his appearance to be brighter, and stanislav would like his appearance to be brighter than yulia’s, well , yes, maybe he just didn’t look at me enough, it’s quite possible there’s a photo deceased wife, let's see what ? that is, you are looking for a woman who is as similar as possible to her, no, i would not say that she is as similar as possible, all people are different, but by the way, it is very similar, well, only if you lose a little weight, the build, it seems to me, is similar to a drank, but a clone, if he wants to add something else to you, yeah, then it’s in his hands, if he wants, everything will definitely work out,
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come on in, meet the second bride. hello, my name is elena, i built an entire country village, and now i am looking for a man who will find the key to my heart, and the main will find the key to this gorgeous panther, oh, impressive. elena, 43 years old, an analyst at a feed production company, lives in nizhny novgorod, is interested in modeling and dancing, is proud that she is building a second house, dreams of becoming a mother, admits that after her first abortion she never managed to get pregnant, warns that it is important for her
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that her lover praises her thoroughly, even if the dish was not a success. elena tried to save all her lovers from the vices of addiction, but she always lost in this battle. she hopes that stanislav will save her. from loneliness. for cosmonautics day on the first. kagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. 400 seconds, the flight is normal, people have been falling there for a long time, they say in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal. silence and darkness. and what will happen in the next second? you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first spacewalk,
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first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all here got together today. on saturday at the first, there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they are running, waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what? where, when the spring series of games is on sunday on the first,
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hello, hello, here in nizhny novgorod, there are beautiful girls, nothing can be done, you are all like a carbon copy, blue-eyed, blonde, tall, slender, with pumped up lips...
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very nice guy, quite handsome outwardly, but she ruined some of these - illegal drugs, you had company, you were having fun and walking, how did you notice him, there was a lot there, but you said, everyone go home, and this boy will remain, you are my previous friend, and well, that is, you are like one of these same ones, i chose the man myself, that is , my friends came, i think it was a holiday, we gathered.
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i didn’t know, they hid everything from me, i only found out later, well, young people are all fools, that’s all, yes, of course, i would have forbidden her, well of course, if you know, it’s called, tell me, and if it doesn’t work out, and i’m already standing and in all the guardianships of our nizhny novgorod, nizhny novgorod region, even others in another city, that is, i’ve been doing the adoption process for like 2 years now and they give it to single people really?
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he will say no, but we already have two girls, in principle, let’s try and let’s try ours and so on, yes, of course, he thinks about his child as another one, especially since it doesn’t work out for her, so that means there is a problem, no not very much his version to mine look, it’s good that you work remotely, which means you can easily move in with stanislav, right, or you want, that is, you’ll leave your house, this big beautiful one. how many square meters are there? oh, 150, 150, and we have a two-room apartment,
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but the room is with the girls, one room will be yours, that is, you are ready for less, if we have a future together, yes , naturally, well, it’s like a house, an apartment for me, then yes, all this can be combined and improve the overall area, well done, your reasoning is correct, alyonochka, i really appreciate you i like you, you are smart, you are sincere, you are nice, you are beautiful. he began to smile with her, i think that he considers her bright, he began to smile, elena, attention, a question about knowledge of the terminology of modern girls, who is a crush, is it a friend, an offender or an object of love, an object of love, well, you are also my crush, this is the correct answer, what is it? thread: a group of friends, a dog breed, or
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a discussion of something on the internet. third option: discussion on the internet, really, you passed my test, show me a surprise, don’t waste time. okay, yes, i think i like it.
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he is in shock, i think he is not happy about this surprise.
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oh, i can’t, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, we are original to you, i think that she, like elena, should sit in your place and have men fight for her, super, absolutely gorgeous, of course, if you still- i would still be in a swimsuit, as all this should have been, and not in a dress, it would be better, it’s not my type, than height, appearance,
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well, honestly, and you ’ve been looking at yourself in the mirror for a long time, a man shouldn’t be handsome if he will be with you... botox injection, listen, i imagine it, well, in principle, i’m not particularly keen on this process, there still has to be some kind of correspondence, whether a person is being edited or not, because the first one was a real beauty, elena, just a beauty, you can’t take your eyes off it, maybe do you have some kind of standard, some kind of example, with whom you compare, then tell me, who would you like to have brunettes, black hair, and it seems to me that he will remain,
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pathetically, than elena, do you have a husband? no, you are in a relationship, everyone go to the room, we are talking about you we understand everything, our groom really liked you, well, i came here, after all, choose a groom for your friend, listen, i’m not obliged to anyone yet, go, go to the room, we mean you, and you go in and meet the third bride, with the fourth, i would say.
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trinity will strike. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tania for 38 years; our son is our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is in god's providence. how the lord will manage this. and there will be an exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiering on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, yekaterinburg,
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emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for us men, just chop it. this is not the time to slave, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, how many meters are there under me, are you talking down? 193, they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, breshot, you can, the life of your own, premiere on sunday, on the first. hello stanislav, my name is elena, we have a lot in common, perhaps we are kindred spirits, impressive, thank you, elena, 33 years old, child
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speech therapist, lives in moscow, enjoys singing and traveling, proud of being independent. in some crisis situations, i wanted to talk to him, find out something, well , she’s pretty on the face, kind of pretty, but very pleasant, at first glance, very pleasant,
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quiet, modest, how he reacted, so you say , van, i want to talk to you, what about him? yes, he could simply not answer there and turn around and go, that is, for him it was normal behavior, such an ignore, and you , well, somehow in a different situation at lunch could say sing there, i don’t understand why you’re behaving this way, i want to talk to you, you ’re silent, what happened, maybe we can talk? well, somehow i was also modestly silent and did not insist on it, that is, how can you modestly remain silent in a family with already two children? i now understand that it was a huge mistake, perhaps the only reason for our discord, he was silent and you were silent, but why did they get married? what kind of marriage is this? exes pay child support? and small ones pay very little. you wrote that a woman is not
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obliged to work so that the family does not need anything, this is the responsibility of the husband, and the future father should be involved in 90% of the upbringing process, and the wealth of men should be enough for cleaning, for a nanny, for an assistant, because that you are no longer ready to wait on yourself, well, this is the ideal, yes, which i described, but of course, first of all... it is important for me that we contact and communicate with my husband, it seems to me that she is asking a lot i really agree with you you want more children, to be honest, i wouldn’t want to, i’m ready to accept, you see, for stanislav he won’t give up his idea of ​​having a new child in common with a new woman, well, i wouldn’t want to, to be honest , i’m still giving birth, i’m ready to take children, i think she’s selfish. elena, please tell me,
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a person who copies the style of clothing is called yesterday’s baiter or saver, perhaps a bider, but you are just a man of luck, this is really so, let’s move on, well, the girl herself is no good. to be honest, that's why i like it, i don't know well, again, look, such a natural russian beauty, the girl is not made up, the girl is very natural, i agree, she’s just nothing, denji is a fashionable perfume, a pet or a comic book hero, a chainsaw man, perhaps a comic book hero, that’s right again, yes, this man bebila, i don’t know a single last question. to us, manga is a fruit, japanese comics or a person in japanese, manga is a fruit, but through o
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it is fruit, and through a it is japanese comics, it counts, anyway, thank you, lenochka, are you ready to show a surprise? yes, i've never done it before i haven’t done this, but i would like to invite you to a white dance. she invited herself, our quiet mouse, she invited, like, yeah, i’m telling you, tactile contact has started, she needs to touch it, now i’ll be there, well, so that the auras intertwine, yes, change the fines, well, it’s like cold. but apparently he’s a little nervous, his heart is warm.


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