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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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some kind of removable disgusting jabhata, in order to somehow survive and constant threats, all that i see now is such a horror that i experienced at one time, and it’s just uh, it’s really hard on my heart to feel all this, and the only thing is, you know that i really want to sincerely help, this is for you, because at one time i also wanted to kill myself, because you can’t take out all this pain, and i want to get you out of this story, i’m just watching how mom very loyal, yes, to all the beatings that this man inflicts on her, because she’s already so used to it, it’s all so hopeless, no one is protecting her so much that she’s already, well, well, her nose was broken, well , the neighbors ran, well, what can you do, but she really won’t do anything, so the state helps, helps you , children, children help, yes, so that there is an apartment, there is some other standard of living, so that the children can escape. into another life, and
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dad comes, who simply does not allow this to happen, and simply pulls him back to the bottom, keeps the entire huge family in horror, and even with his own as a child, this is incomprehensible to the mind, and in fact i want to take your phone number, your contact, i want to contact you, i want to really talk to you, right? provide you with some kind of psychological help, so that you at least see the light at the end of the tunnel, so that you get some kind of taste for life, so that you understand that there is another life, you can even get out of this, i have in due time it was possible to do this, it’s a difficult path, difficult, not quick, but it’s possible, a share of correspondence for the children. we'll see if there's a second one
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since i’m asking, this is the last one, no, no, well , then don’t feel sorry for him at all, since you turned to us, you are responsible for what will happen next, especially since your friends won’t have time for this in the near future, they just have she has a baby in her arms, so take the coordinates and our lawyers, yes, defenders, turning to them, they will directly tell you step by step what to do and how to do it, okay. thank you, good evening, there is a big game live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, i congratulate everyone on cosmonautics day, i think that’s it, who lived on planet earth, april 12 , 1961, remember this day well, i remember well,
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i remember well how i was little, not 5 years old, walking in the yard, my father called me shouting from the window: glory, quickly run home, we are in space flew, gagarin was already shown on tv, and a sea of ​​people was already pouring across moscow, then the center of moscow was absolutely packed, there was nowhere for an apple to fall, it was of course an amazing mood of people who...
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marina vasilevskaya was awarded the order of gagarin, so today we're all celebrating, but ours aerospace forces continued. unfortunately, we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter,
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meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals and so on, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond. boris aleksandrovich rozhin, in direct contact with us now, is our permanent military expert. boris alexandrovich, how is it? our strikes today, what news from the fronts of the special military operation, today i was surprised to read in your telegram channel that it turns out that the first french contingents have already arrived on the territory of ukraine. and good evening, yes, indeed. information is being received that a hidden transfer of members, well, members of the french foreign legion has already begun, well , in fact, they were also recorded before and suffered losses already on the territory of ukraine, it’s just that after macron’s statement, france is gradually coming into legalization mode their military presence in ukraine, that is, in addition to those already deployed
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legionnaires who are operating in ukraine, they will now gather, well, they are going to send additional forces in the second half of april, which they are now preparing at the training grounds, and well...
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regarding situation at the front, then our troops continued active operations in most directions, in the zaporozhye direction, the main efforts are now concentrated in the battles in the center of rabotin northwest of verbovoy , the enemy tried to improve their situation, counterattacked, but failed to move these our troops, the initiative here is also firmly retained by our troops, on a temporary ledge our troops were entrenched south of urozhayny, there they managed to cross a small river and, accordingly, get closer to the outskirts of the village, and there are also battles to the west.
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after the loss of heights, our pressure on the chefiars will increase exponentially. on the northern ledge, our troops continued their attacks north of vesyoly, in the verkhnekamensky area in the belogorovka area. here the enemy is gradually also is being pushed back, there is some slight movement. in the krasnolimansky direction, fighting continued
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near the outskirts of the village of terny, so far without fundamental changes, well, in the svato-kupyansky direction, the main ones would still be at krokhmalny, tabaevka, kupyansk, these are senkovka and petropavlovka. there was an attempted explosion, fortunately he survived, he is now in the hospital, uh, he
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was wounded in his leg and arm, and our superiority on the battlefield is only growing, so western sources reported that the attack on the trypillian thermal power plant was carried out by the latest missiles that are called x69, well, we’ll believe69 - and that is, and then you just have to defend this territory, they can’t
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counter anything, what in principle can be countered to these tactics if you don’t have means against air defense, if you don’t have air, you know, of course, the west, it built in ukraine back in 1922, the so-called integrated air defense system, distributed over the territory, which initially showed its effectiveness, but still their plan was... structure, architecture we recognized, began to act more effectively, applied several tactics that made it possible to open the defense system, we destroyed regeneration stations, then learned to calculate the positions of launchers and destroy them before they left their positions, this ultimately led to this result , that long-range systems in ukraine are becoming fewer and fewer, the only thing that exists where now...
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firstly, their production only produces one or two launchers per year, that is this is a very complex technical product, and the americans have the largest number of launchers - 1,100, the japanese have 192, for example, germany has only 30, zelensky asks for 25, give me 25, i’ll kind of cover all of ukraine with it, but everyone understands that petriot proved to be an ineffective means of air defense, that is, we discovered it. we destroy with the help of hypersonic missiles, which, of course, were
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originally intended to destroy ships, but they also destroy petriots very well, so now we can say that we are starting to gain superiority in the air, therefore , along the entire line of contact we see active actions by our aviation, which are effectively using aerial bombs with a universal planning module and correction is also necessary. what is holding europe back from transferring air defense systems? are lithuania and poland considering transferring
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patriot systems at least for temporary use? thanks for the question. lithuania does not have a single patriot system. we recently agreed with the netherlands that this summer we will have one battery deployed for training. frankly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convey anything as we run out of funds. as for missile defense systems, poland does not have a missile defense system. we are just starting to install it. poland has nothing to transfer to ukraine, even if we wanted it. those batteries deployed in poland belong to the us or british armies. and let me remind you that we are ourselves.
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in the interaction center, and where to all our subscribers, all military officers of the russian spring and the spectators of the big game, who help us in gathering here for the rap, were awarded a medal for their assistance, now i’ll tell you exactly what it ’s called, for their contribution to strengthening the defense of the russian federation, this is very important,
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we congratulate you on behalf of all our tv viewers, thank you very much. a great contribution from all your tv viewers, because constant collections to help the army take place on your channel, they are really very fruitful, for which i thank you very much on behalf of all the guys from the front line, and indeed, despite the fact that we now, well, we seem to be in an advantageous position in front of the ukrainian army, and we see how we are moving forward, and the fighting spirit of our soldiers is really already the same, well, inspired by our victories, but nevertheless, the help of our people... which comes exactly through our tv viewers it is necessary and many thanks to everyone who helps us collect rap with our funds, now we are showing you just how our guys are working near avdievka, they destroyed uavs with their means, they are destroying large enemy equipment, recently under avdeevka destroyed the baba iga, this is a large agorbrom, a drone that
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can really cause damage to our equipment, because it carries a large number of mines. the guys near avdeevka have done a great job now, so i want to repeat again that we hold our collection constantly, a collection for rap, now we are also holding a medical collection to help the guys on the front line, now a huge number of first aid kits are needed, because that new soldiers are arriving, new military personnel and they also need the first medical care, we are also purchasing all this together with your help, with the popular front and with the spectators of the big game, which
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he advocated in hearings in the senate of the united states of america, and there they tried to find out from him how much more ammunition we produce than ukraine, that’s what he replied: russia is working extremely hard to rebuild its armed forces, they have achieved some success, especially in the ground forces, they have replenished tank losses, they have established their production, they are repairing tanks, they are coping with this on territory of ukraine is involved. the same number of tanks as there were at the beginning of the war, they are back to what they were before, they have some gaps created by this war, but their overall potential is still very significant, they intend to increase it. they returned information that russia has a three to one advantage over ukraine in the production of ammunition. no, they have a three to one advantage over the countries
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of the organization and the north atlantic treaty. can they do something? how do you think? well it seems to me that this answer, it says a lot, that when we are talking about three-fold superiority over countries, all nato countries, then of course we can say that we are returning to our economy, its response to everything that happens, that’s another thing one proof of how flexible it is and adapts to what is happening, how flexible the economy itself is, how flexible the management is, which quickly rebuilds industry, where... people work, create funds, where the popular front helps, then there is a whole system that works today for results, at the same time, at the same time, civil industry, civilian, so to speak, industries, they too. continues to work and grow, so this three-fold increase is only a part of the increase that the russian economy as a whole has grown during this time, how can this not seem strange to someone from
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the outside? yes, at the same time, this is a real economy, in contrast to the economy of soap bubbles, which are not capable of producing as many weapons as our country alone produces, so, gdp and other indicators turn out to be not the best indicators in determining our combat effectiveness. in the west they are inventing more and more new initiatives that could limit our capabilities, including peaceful initiatives, what they get out of this and what will be our response after the advertisement, space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova, here was just a red box, red, in this device they were supposed to fly around the earth, korolev said and... yes, and i want to say thank you, that only in russian cabins there is a porthole, in the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space, how
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to organize space so that it is beautiful, comfortable, and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america they signed that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an opportunity. the lab podcast is on first today. premiere. i love my country. tomorrow on the first. well, i'm different. different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia. his made famous by the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed
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and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women of the country, and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk of the solovenisky monastery, what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life, why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is god’s providence, as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarin, alekseevich’s eldest daughter, new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we
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saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard there is one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he won’t get caught there, no matter what. there was no horn from the cosmogrom, in my life, as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of aleksevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother and threw out such hysterics, i want to be yura. yuri alekseevich - it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, this is a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which you drank. yuri alekseevich gagarin himself, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to koska. tomorrow, after the program time. for cosmonautics day on
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the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. 400 seconds, normal flight. people have been falling there for a long time, he conveys in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal. silence and darkness. and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, i feel great, the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great that we are all here. today we gathered, tomorrow is the first one.
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"i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple bastard all his life." the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga are as beautiful as our sunny mountain. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel , develop ourselves, on any highway, in any village, we are all one, big family.
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the big game is live, even in the west they can clearly see that ukraine is facing defeat, and russia is facing victory. naturally, there is a very great desire to snatch this victory from our hands at any cost, including by coming up with various kinds of peace-loving initiatives, well, in particular, there is a proposal to hold some kind of peace conference in switzerland, where as many as 100 have already been invited
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. according to some nopticum, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but, but, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for, but not in the format of imposing on us any kind of schemes that have nothing to do with reality, well and what such negotiations could be about, i said yesterday, in my opinion, enough... clearly, our representative in the united nations, vasily nebenzya. ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company, fighting for the west and with western weapons to the last ukrainian. all that remains for the kyiv regime in these circumstances, it is to act in impotent malice in the worst terrorist traditions. purposefully shelling peaceful areas of russian cities and committing real terrorist attacks. this is how he will enter from.
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connection, this impotent anger shows that it would be very good to hold a similar conference in switzerland without the participation of russia and belarus in order to once again prove to the west that all these attempts to show that there is still something left in the hands of the west, the keys to this situation, in fact, it's all fake, because what's happening it’s very strong at the front now. influences the entire balance of power, including the situation in ukraine, the situation in europe, the united states of america in the middle east, so in this sense, we must look carefully and cold-bloodedly at what is happening now in the west, because we will soon see what vasiliyzi said at the end, we will
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prepare for that, or rather. the situation in the states is that it is very difficult to actually allocate large funds to ukraine, and without this, no one sees any special prospects for ukraine, and many western politicians simply because of this, they are sounding the alarm, so boris johnson is traveling in canada and then made another statement addressed to his american colleagues. america is now investing five or even less to support ukraine.
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well, the government too, made me very seriously jealous, because we would have such problems, that’s actually the agenda for april 15, the law of hands off household appliances, the law on laundry freedom, the law on the reliability of clothes dryers, the law on freedom
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refrigerators, the affordable air conditioning act, the hard to repeal act implementable standards for dishwashing machines, that is, the legislative agenda is very serious, well, in ukraine. they considered this simply a mockery, but nevertheless, the mood in the house of representatives was very, very critical regarding assistance to ukraine, so byron johnson, one of the congressmen, expressed his opinion. as for money for ukraine, there is a fundamental problem for the speaker to put this issue to a vote. majority of republicans in the house of representatives is greater do not want to support funding for ukraine. until our border is secure and no one in the white house or senate has even moved yet. secondly, if we are talking about collateral assets for ukraine, this is one thing, but you cannot lend to a country that essentially has no economy at all today. this won't work in
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the long run. how will they pay then? and it seems to me that this is not an idea with which senators would go to, say, donald trump, but there are also senators who are promoting this idea because they want to give even more money to ukraine. the us needs to get access to mineral deposits so we can recoup the money we spent on ukraine, but in any case , house republicans won't give ukraine another dime until our border is closed. well, the position is quite clear, yes, definitely, but i also liked this regulation, right? ukraine said that our defense industry makes weapons by picking out microcircuits from all these refrigerators
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cars, well, this agenda is, as it were , a hint that guys, we know, we will protect these cars so that the russians cannot make their own high-precision weapons. but seriously, it’s clear that the americans have written off ukraine already in strategic terms, the only thing that is being finalized in ukraine now are some programs for the us department of defense, which they are testing real equipment there, real strategies that will be needed in the future for more powerful military bloc, which they are now being cobbled together in the asia-pacific region, i mean acoustic. one such typical example is the use of the starling group, within which, within the body of which there is a pentagon project called starshield, back in the twenty-second year an agreement was signed with spacex,
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a contract for 1 billion, 800 million dollars, yes, in which, that means , elon musk was supposed to provide these small satellites, which were supposed to serve as reconnaissance. instructions for relaying combat control support of selected objects for the customer, well, the customer understands the pentagon, since the twenty-third year he began to launch them, so what we see from the flights of aircraft-type drones over long distances may well be with the participation of this new system being tested , that is, the united states is not abandoning ukraine now precisely because something can be worked out there, great britain is also not lagging behind, it is going to urgently transfer to ukraine an experimental laser installation, which will only be adopted in the twenty-seventh year into the arsenal of great britain, which, as they say, should. the british will effectively fight the drone, well, they will probably try
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to shoot down our geraniums, that is, ukraine is already interested in purely working out for some programs, how long it will last there, as they say, time will tell, yes - the americans have recorded a profit, they have a portfolio of orders filled, they presented europe with the fact that the rearmament of europe and the nato bloc in general will cost 10 trillion dollars over 10 years, that is, the numbers have been named, ukraine has its own europe played a role. will purchase american-style weapons, bury all its defense capacities, they are only allowed to build some factories, well, scholz opened a plant for the production of shells, laid the stone, and macron began to build a plant for the production of gunpowder, but as they say, there are pitfalls here too, like we know that china has reduced the supply of gunpowder to european countries in the united states of america, because gunpowder is precisely... the basis of most explosives
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. we get our nitrocellulose for flax, so we have everything in order with this, this nitrocellulose, which our bomb shells explode very effectively, is being used, but ukraine will play its role, no one will talk about it and so on, so until the last ukrainian it will be valid until until, probably, the ukrainians run out, or we quickly liberate this territory from this pmc called ukraine, well, actually...
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confidence in western financial markets has already been shaken enough due to the twenty percent devaluation of the dollar for the last few years, but now the european commission wants to hand over $300 billion seized from russia to ukraine, this will most likely be the death knell for the dollar and ultimately the euro. treasury secretary janit helen, who has literally worked for decades to undermine the dollar's strength, recently made the call. leaders to take this catastrophic step of outright theft. this is an existential threat for countries that own a significant share of international financial assets. constant risk of theft packaged in the form of financial sanctions, means that countries effectively lose their autonomy, and are forced to submit to the whims of american and european bureaucrats. well, this formulation of the question is generally quite clear: dedolarization as a consequence of an attack on our gold and foreign exchange reserves, but it’s interesting - an opinion, i, to be honest,
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paid attention to the situation from this side for the first time, james ricars, there is an american famous investor , macroeconomics expert, best selling author, death of money, gold reserve, currency wars, author columns in the new york times, well, in general, such a well-known figure in the world of finance, here's what he wrote in his tweet, let's read: the white house is considering the possibility of confiscating russian assets worth $300 billion invested in american securities while they are floating around there with this idea, gold has already risen in price by $500 per ounce, and russia's gold reserves are approximately 3.0 metric tons, that is, russia has already earned $50 billion from the fear of confiscation of its assets, what idiots they're idiots sitting in washington, well, the number is almost correct. if you count from at least twenty -two years, then you’ve already earned 60 billion, so,
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but they don’t count well, well, not bad, because the price changes, the price grows, every day it’s actually approaching 3,400, today it’s already exceeded 2,400 troy ounces, here’s an interesting explanation of everything that is happening, of course one of the factors is the truly indomitable desire to divide russian assets, to get their hands on them.
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since 2020, china has been buying up to 160 thousand ounces of gold almost every month. into their reserves, this is approximately 360-370 million dollars daily, they have already, so to speak , actually grown over the year, china’s gold reserves have grown by about 3%, which in general is quite a lot considering the 2,300 tons that they have, but.. what americans buy from china every month in a store like kostka, which announced the sale of a one-ounce gold bar, so to speak
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, to anyone who comes there to shop, and this is explained by the fact that the americans, expecting general instability in the world, so to speak, they... simply, so say, they really begin to accumulate gold, the demand for it is also growing, precisely under the fear of inflation and so on, that is, all this together, all this policy, as we see, it only leads to the opposite effect, which hits the us economy, it is hitting the global financial system, where there is a very rapid restructuring of flows, by and large, as you rightly said, a stable base is being created for further development.
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they are waiting for iran to strike israel in response to the destruction of the iranian consulate in damascus. will there be a war? after advertising. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. please, it's just pasadena. we don't have restaurants.
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matador today at the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, for cosmonautics day at the first, i’m on nerves all day, all day we're worried, hello everyone, by the way.
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call, broadcast of start and landing the first space film crew, tomorrow on the first one. we are in a country where there are a lot of castles, nature reserves, the roads here are incredibly clean and luxurious, we are in belarus, astara, yes, i have one big request, you don’t have to tell anyone that i assembled this particular tractor, 1902, 1899, they are before the revolution there were still, precisely thanks to. i immediately impress a person with talent 1 2 3 1 2 3 understand correctly, in the 21st century we dance a little differently let's go
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premiere tomorrow at the first one this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the first in the world cosmonaut yuri gagarin let's go do you know what kind of guy he was? new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, for the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat, susami in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he will not get caught on anything there, we are not dreaming of fate from the cosmodrome of my life. like in all soviet houses there was a portrait of yari alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny. i so wanted to be yura,
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i came to my mother, she was so hysterical, she said, i want to be yura. yuri alekseevich was like a relative for our family. when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, as they cried with all my relatives. there is such a tradition that you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich gagarin himself drank. it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to kos. tomorrow after the program time. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. unfortunately for us men. just chop. this is not the time to chop, evgeniy. the snow makes the filling unsurpassably juicy. dumpling is a small universe. how many meters below me, are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time.
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they're lying! can! the life of our own! premiere! on sunday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore. they run and shine. and they say they they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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big game live. over the past 24 hours, the foreign ministries of all leading countries, including the russian federation, the united states, great britain, france, and india, have warned their citizens against traveling to the middle east. to israel, lebanon, iran and so on, the holiday of eid al-adha ends today, and many expect that tomorrow iran may begin retaliatory actions against israel. the wall street journal writes that it has information that an iranian attack on israel is expected in the next 2 days. and cbs is an american company today.
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if the un security council condemned the condemnable aggressive-axionist regime against our diplomatic facilities in damascus, then brought it to justice. iranian leadership, persian thinking in general, especially in relations with israel,
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which they do not recognize as a state, an illegitimate state. have now the situation has developed that iran has every right to strike back accordingly, without being condemned by the world community for this response, but the iranians are very skillful in negotiations, in politics, and they will serve them for a month, so to speak, after all... using this such statements that baffle the united states of america, and arm, so to speak, iran, somewhere there is a feeling that it is showing its good will even
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when it was dealt a powerful blow, that is , they... showed that we can strike but what they say in the media of the united states of america, for a day or two, on friday, it says completely that they do not understand the situation, they do not understand muslims at all, much less understand the shiites, they do not understand iran, so iran is using it for his own purposes, and if he strikes, then he will strike at a moment when, in general, the israelis are not ready for him, but i still think ... that for now iran will delay this pause a little in order to play on nerve, on the nerve of the israelis, the population of israel, because i remember that when i came to israel for the first time to serve in the embassy, ​​the day before iran launched several strikes on the center of tel aviv, and this is the fear among the israelis, not only those who lived in this city, but in
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all cities, it was preserved for more than one year, we were given gas masks. every year they changed, checked, that is, they took this very seriously, so the persians will, the iranians will try to tighten this position a little, so that the israelis will be even worse than it really is, but the answer i think the iranians will be the same as we are not, especially in the west, and especially the israelis, we do not expect them to be, these are wise, i repeat again, diplomats. politicians, but very good wars, so we have to wait a little and see - well, i must say that the iranians scared not only israel, but also the united states of america. in any case , the latest american statements are made in such a spirit that, in my opinion, there is fear in them, they also don’t know what to do in this situation, biden is at a dead end because he cannot support israel, because
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most democrats are categorically against this, he cannot help but support it. israel, because the jewish lobby is on its side, this is a completely hopeless situation for the united states, they are now starting to make a statement, well, in this way, i would say , that, firstly, we have nothing to do with it, and secondly, we for peace. here, let's listen to what the washington post writes. senior pentagon officials were disappointed that israel did not notify the united states before launching a strike on an iranian site it raised in syria. risks for american forces in the middle east, secretary of defense lloyd austin complained directly to his israeli counterpart, secretary of defense yom gallant, during a telephone call on april 3. three u.s. officials said austin and other senior defense officials believe israel should have told them about the attack in advance. the information obtained would allow the pentagon to strengthen the protection of american personnel and place
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assets, including warships, with missile defense systems on board. like this thus protecting israel by american troops. and state department press secretary matthew milera says that blinken is simply not sleeping right now and is fighting for peace in the middle east. let's listen. we remain concerned about the risk of escalation in the middle east , in particular the threats made in recent days by iran against the state of israel and the israeli people. president biden has made clear that we strongly support israel's defense against these threats. secretary of state blinken during. i've been studying for the last 24 hours diplomacy, he made a series of calls to his foreign counterparts, including turkish foreign minister hakan fedan, chinese foreign minister wang yi, and saudi arabian foreign minister faisal ben farhan, to make it clear that the escalation of the conflict was not anyone's responsibility. or interests, and that countries should urge iran not to escalate the situation in the last few days, we have also collaborated with european allies and
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partners and urged them to also send iranchet. i emphasize the situation, at least it has many options, so to speak, many development scenarios, but at least two are visible, so to speak, for the biden administration, i think, quite clearly, they must understand this, any escalation now in the middle east, especially with the involvement of iran as, so to speak, a participant in real military operations, it actually crosses out, well , biden’s already small chances, yes, of being elected, re-elected, they completely overshadow them, because and i...
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the united states can really do something help israel? an interesting message came that, in fact, the main french frigate alsace, which was in the red sea to help restore order there, had already sailed back to france because it had destroyed its set of air defense equipment while fleeing from the houthis. that’s how much american and other nato forces really can do there now, and it’s the same thing. it was made by that carrier strike group that we saw, which tried with the help of missiles, with the help of air strikes somehow
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the hussites came to their senses, while the hussites responded by carefully continuing to sink the ships that were going there towards israel. it is clear that the kusites have not yet used the very hypersonic weapons that were discovered in their possession, but if we are talking about military potential, iran has it. which was wittily called in one article to boil an israeli frog over low heat. israel is really now weakening economically and militarily, this
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can be seen with the naked eye, on the other hand they have a fairly wide range of military answers that will be very difficult for israel to answer without, of course, using nuclear weapons. but israel now really does not have a single ally in the world who is ready to defend israel to the end. even the united states of america, therefore israel is in a difficult situation, our cause is certainly just, the marriage will be broken, victory will be ours. we pass the word to the news, all the best, until next week. hello, the evening news is live. in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. the day the space age began. 63 years ago, our yuri gagarin said the famous “let’s go” and high rewards for those
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who continue with dignity.


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