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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 13, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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for the baltic lands then, but before this struggle began, it must be said that the west, the germans actually considered the territory of estonia, the territory of latvia, livonia , strictly speaking, the spheres of influence of the russian princes, the russian princes took tribute there, maybe not regularly, but nevertheless they took less tribute, when catholic missionaries appeared there, initially this did not bring any conflict with it, it was not a challenge. russian principality, they actually asked to preach the word of god on these lands, and the russian princes who influenced these lands, which took tribute to them, they, in general, did not particularly mind. the conflict arose after the penetration became more aggressive. bishop meingard, who was appointed by the pope to the bishopric, interestingly, is an excul in russia, that is, this territory was considered as if already russia, there is ruthenium, to be precise, which... from christianity to
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livonia, he was, at first, he concluded an agreement with the livs, and, accordingly, began to build stone castles there, uh, on the territory of christianized tribes, but he was not pleased with the christian zeal of these tribes, uh, they even threatened to kill him, and his successor, bishop berthold schulte, was distinguished by even greater zeal, which ended with him being killed 2 years later, after which he became a bishop after the death of his predecessor in 1698 . which in turn led to the first crusade to the baltic lands against the pagans, of course, these are not the crusades that were against the arabs, but for the liberation of the holy sepulcher, but subsequently it must be said that riga, which the germans would rebuild in order to penetrate these territories, it was perceived as such northern jerusalem was far from the southern one, especially since the crusaders had setbacks there just at that moment, jerusalem was lost, here, accordingly, here was a new application of forces and...
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the crusades were then repeated in the baltic lands, on the initiative of the monk theodoric, an associate of these bishops, the order of the sword bearers was organized in 1202 to conquer livonia, prince vladimir polsky began to act not very successfully against the sword bearers at the beginning of the 13th century, they battles with varying success, in 1224 estonia was ceded by the knight, in addition, the danes were still advancing there from the north of estonia, who then... were very actively moving into these lands, revel itself, the future tallinn, yes, this was a danish fortress originally. in 1233, a new northern crusade was organized, it was called that way, but this campaign was unsuccessful; in 1234, near yuriev, the troops of the sword bearers were defeated and by whom? novgorod prince yaroslav vsevladovich, that is, the father of our hero alexander nevsky. and in 1237 the remains order of the swordsmen, literally remnants, there are several dozen there. all that remained, together with
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his assistants, ended up in the role of the livonian order, the livonian branch of the order of tefton, and the new order initially began to seek an alliance with the new prince alexander yaroslavovich, who would later become alexander nevsky, against a common enemy, against lithuania. the lithuanian tribes, then - this is a very serious, this is a serious alliance of tribes that competed with the russian princes, which... stood, this is an alliance of pagan tribes, resisted the movement from the west, respectively, catholicism, and an alliance against it seemed very relevant for the livonian order, but it did not work out. there is another very important point, how did the livonians and the livonian order move east? they advanced little by little, but they immediately staked out their lands, that is, they organized castles there, they subjugated the population, christianized them. and
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it was very difficult to get them out of there, after they had built zankovs and fortresses there, as the russian princes penetrated into the same territory, they were just tribute they took, well, in general, from your words it is clear that... there was such a kind of buffer zone, yes, such a neutral zone, and there were tribes that were simultaneously forced to pay tribute to the crusaders and russia, and there were even tribes that were baptized in the catholic, but they paid tribute to novgorod, yes, yes, yes, that’s what, well, i don’t know, i can’t say for sure, but i have that impression, in any case, this also comes from...
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about that the vatican at that time proclaimed some kind of crusade against russia, against russia, no, these were crusades for the baltic states, yes, yes, this is important to emphasize, because some of us imagine that alexander nevsky opposed a certain crusade, no, these are skirmishes in the chronicles, they are there... a whole a number of moments when these two forces on this neutral field, buffer zone, in the process, so to speak, of the struggle for influence on these tribes , collided and some, so to speak, battles took place, speaking about the battles of alexander
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nevsky, it must be said that at that time, lithuanian raids posed a particular danger to russia, very little is remembered about this now, in fact, lithuania, as i already said. such a rather powerful association, a powerful union of tribes, which seriously threatened the crusaders at that time, and russia, it is no coincidence that the livonian order, which had just emerged, tried to come to an agreement with alexander yaroslavovich to fight against lithuania. the russian principalities, right up to the right bank of the dnieper, were subject to constant raids from lithuania. we know more about raids from the east, there were pechenegs, polovtsians, then the horde itself, but there were raids from northwest, this is actually lithuania.
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from the 15th century, but along this river he built towns to protect novgorod from lithuania, and this was more important than the fight with the swedes, because of which it later began to be called nevsky, well, in general, many times over, for contemporaries, of course , but it was also important with the swedes, the swedes colonized the territory from the north in several waves, penetrated finland and laid claim to karelia, here alexander nevsky’s father, yaroslav sevaldovich, he adopted the method as they say. crusaders, he began to christianize karelia, send priests there, and, accordingly, troops too, as a result, karelia is still ours, yes, that is, this can be said, the merit of yaroslav, and, accordingly , many subsequent political figures, here is
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the battle of the neva, the famous 15 july 1240 was due to the fact that the swedes tried to build some kind of fortification on this place, we don’t know exactly which one, yes, which could control... the escape to the greeks, because this path had, as it were, two northern branches : one across the western dvina to the mouth there the germans put riga, that is, they had already plugged it with a cork, and through the neva with volkhov, where, accordingly, where petersburg is now, accordingly, the swedes could also take control of this very important trade route there, in fact, the ancient russian principalities united at one time in a single state, kiev-novgorod, so to speak, actually on the way to the greeks, which is also often forgotten, they could... control, the swedes could take control of this second sea route, in the person of alexander, novgorod, novgorod, but not missed it this time and stopped this opportunity, if the swedes had taken root there, then perhaps history would have gone differently, this very battle itself, it is not
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very numerous, it can even be called a skirmish, later alexander nevsky will be called nevsky only for the first time since the end of the 15th century, and it only took root under ivan, it took root under ivan, and it took root under ivan. but, if we still think a little, yes, then without paying attention to this swedish wave of colonization, we could get sweden, in fact, that’s where they come from later. peter ii will knock out. well, that’s why, you understand, when we remember the battle of the ice, we pay more attention to some details. they fell through the ice, they didn’t fall through the ice, there were knights with horns, but they were without horns. there are a lot of arguments about this . in fact, of course, these are all interesting details, you can dig into it. well, let's say, uh. it’s very similar, for example, that this story with the fact that they fell through the ice
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is such a transfer in memory, because in in the chronicles there is an episode even before alexander nevsky, when two sides fought, somewhere on the spring ice, on some river, both sides began to fall through the ice, in the end they separated, because well, the cold water cooled the warlike ardor, it was necessary. .. to warm up, change clothes, fall under the flight, you are absolutely right, it was actually during the battle of yaroslavach, and with the swordsmen, yes, yes, the fact is that if according to statistics, yes, we know from german chronicles what was involved about thirty on the hike knights, it would seem, are not many, but a knight in the middle ages is an analogue of a tank, yes, next to him there are squires, there is infantry, this infantry and local tribes who collaborated with the order, no one counted them, here are the knights... they counted and the guardians summed up the total down to the knight, and how much was lost, each knight - it was something
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like an abrams tank, well, something like that, but here is a chronicler who wrote 60 years later, that is, several generations have passed since these events , notes that 24 knights died in the battle with the russians, and this has never happened, 24 people, 24 of these same knights, who were singled out, by the way, with difficulty, because the order was waging a war in lithuania, the teftons conquered. and we continue today with our topic alexander nevsky. well, let's now talk about what
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happened in the east, because for russia, of course, it was a terrible tragedy. and this is how chroniclers, say, describe the then situation in russia. i quote the chronicle. batu, like a fierce beast, devoured entire regions, tearing at the remnants with his claws. the bravest russian princes fell in... battles, others wandered in the lands strangers, they looked for intercessors between the non-believers and did not find them, mothers cried for their children, trampled before their eyes by tatar horses, and virgins about their innocence, how many of them, wanting to save it, threw themselves on a sharp knife or into deep rivers, the living envied the peace of the dead , absolutely terrible.
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it was precisely because of this that alexander nevsky endured many hardships from the horde, he went to this horde, received a label there and fulfilled , in general, the requirements. hordes in almost every way, well, this is serious
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the problem is actually about the onslaught from the west, because many historians are discussing here believe that the onslaught of the west was much smaller, well, it really was smaller, but what can i say than the onslaught from the horde, and the horde’s oblivion should not be underestimated, because archaeologists actually know very well that a number of cities simply did not arise again after they were wiped off the face of the earth by the horde conquest. it is enough to remember that there is old ryazan, yes, there is ryazan, yes, these are two different places, there is a long distance between them, because old ryazan did not recover after the ardyn invasion, and there are no such examples. quite a lot, the real danger of implanting catholicism is a controversial question, how much it was, how much strength the knights actually had to carry it out, but the fact that this danger existed in principle, it must be recognized, this is this method of colonization, which the knights demonstrated, which the germans demonstrated, this is a gradual slow advance with
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ideological coverage, with the help of denmark and with help...
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at that time, within the framework of possible conditions so that his subjects could still survive, as for faith, he also achieved some success, of course, during the invasion itself, many monasteries were plundered, churches were destroyed, but then there was still some kind of certain
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religious tolerance, he even succeeded in 1261 in... the second, and this was the capital of the golden horde, an orthodox diocese was even established, because by that time there were already many russian prisoners there and so on, therefore it means he cared about this and he managed to come to an agreement with the arda on this matter. here , of course, there is a very debatable topic related to the behavior of alexander yaroslavovich in relation to the horde, in fact, you have already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of the academician ... “alexander nevsky, having entered into an alliance with the horde, subordinated novgorod to horde influence, he extended it to novgorod, which was never conquered, that’s what you were talking about, by the tatars, he extended tatar power to novgorod, and gouged out the eyes of novgorodians who disagreed, he has many sins of all sorts, despite the fact that he was the winner of the germans during the battle of the ice in other battles, but nevertheless novgorod
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was betrayed to the tatars by them, but at the same time novgorod was protected from the tatar devastation." let's talk about the relationship of alexander nevsky with the vatican, more than once the vatican offered alexander nevsky cooperation, so to speak , to allocate some kind of army, maybe the same crusaders in exchange for the adoption of russian catholicism. well, for example, the chronicle says that nevsky received a letter from the fourth pope, where the pontiff assured alexandra that yaroslav, his father, while in tatary with the great khan, allegedly
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gave his word to the catholic monk karpin to accept the latin faith, would have fulfilled his promise if he had not died suddenly, and that the son is obliged to follow the good example of his father if he wants spiritual salvation and worldly happiness, and so on. alexander, according to the chronicle, called upon wise people, consulted with them and wrote to the pope: we know the true teaching of the church, but yours is unacceptable and we don’t want to know, and there were several similar attempts, so, but this does not mean at all how we often imagine that alexander nevsky had hostile relations with the vatican, he was a great politician, a great diplomat, and judging by the correspondence, then such relations are absolutely correct, let me remind you, many of course do not know this, that in fact alexander nevsky saint and for
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the catholic church. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the figure of alexander nevsky. what religious situation was russia in then? many people don’t know about this either. so, in at this point the byzantine empire was fragmented after.
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his figure is depicted on the famous monument of the millennium of russia, danilo romanovich, and he was an unusually brave man, he is a hero of battle, hardening, this is when the russian polovtsians tried together to resist the golden horde, but lost, so he showed very great courage there, they respected him themselves and
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from conversations about any cooperation in this sense with the vatican, daniil galitsky , on the contrary, maneuvered, yes, he maneuvered and
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that means he... there he was seduced by the crown, they also promised an army, in the end it ended with the fact that neither he fulfilled his promise to the vatican, nor the vatican gave him an army, this was actually the most important thing that he wanted, the figure, in my opinion, is quite nice, it evokes this in me the figure of danil galtsky, she inspires respect in me, so it’s a pity that from memory this one...
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is a little less than the baht of his nashists from one point of view, but alexander’s position can also be understood, because russia then, at least the lands subject to him could not to resist the horde, that is , there was simply no strength, this was very well shown by botyev’s invasion itself, lithuania was more or less able, but it also temporarily fell under power.
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here he appears not quite as an accomplice of the mongols, yes, but as a compromise figure who tried to look for options that were least traumatic for russia, this is also one of the points of view, and this is a complex problem, i think that there will still be researchers of this problem, i think that the most the main thing is this: history, of course, proved that alexander nevsky was right, that’s because he he turned out to be more perspicacious, he managed to endure a lot... he forced the russian people to endure a lot, but in the end the russians managed to survive and created a great russia. this ambivalence of alexander nevsky must be kept in mind, because on the one hand, indeed, success in the fight against the levon order, success in preserving orthodoxy in russia, which, from the point of view of many historians, was the key
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to independence from ... the subsequent moscow state, with on the other hand, it is really suppression, bloody the suppression of anti-ardyn uprisings, and this is very difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became the banner of the fight against the west at moments of aggravation of relations, the nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century, but along with others, and took root just under ivan the terrible, under which, in fact, alexander nevsky was canonized in 1547, this is the beginning of his reign.
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allies of the russian empire, the attitude towards alexander nevsky is calm, in the church in his name, they do not name him in honor, but when the first world war approaches, relations with the germans is getting worse, and during the first world war again alexander nevsky, the man who fought against the germans again on the brush, and of course, actualization during the second world war, you mentioned the film at the very beginning, the brilliant film of sergei esenstein with cherkassov, respectively in the main role, which, by the way, is actually depicted as an actor on the order of alexander nevsky, we don’t know how... and completely myth from historical truth, especially taking into account the insufficient number of sources in the mass consciousness , i think it’s practically possible to separate it’s impossible, here the task of the historian is still to understand further, but in the mass consciousness alexander nevsky will remain who he is at the moment, i think that this has already taken root. today we dealt with the figure of the famous. russia
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, the west is on the swing of history, you have had novels. study history with us, you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast of russia west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, with you irina morumtsova on the calendar: april 13. a wonderful morning of a weekend, spring, saturday, and even in our warm company, creating the right mood for the whole weekend, maybe just a little in the morning. warm up, jump, and the president of the jumping fitness federation, ekaterina kaspirovich, will join us in this. good morning, jumping fitness, that’s the name of training on
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mini-trampolines. to feel confident on this simulator, you first need to properly stretch and strengthen your ankle joints. legs shoulder-width apart, lean forward slightly. we don’t slouch, our back is straight, we move our pelvis back a little, we bend one or the other leg in turn, put it on our toes, it’s as if we are walking without lifting our feet from the floor, the movements are springy, we help ourselves with our hands, as if walking, now slightly let's complicate the exercise, not just a shift. from foot to foot, and jump on the spot, with each movement we change the position of our hands, stretch them forward and lift them up, we continue, but we will
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do this on trampolines, the exercise strengthens ankle muscles and improves its mobility. day everyone, hello , it will be easier for you to walk in heels, good country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i really love our small cities, almost the entire golden ring of russia has passed and... the silver necklace of russia, i have a dream, i really want to go to a trip to baikal, i hope it will soon come true, to altai, by car across the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see,
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i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i'm from the city belaretsk, republic of bashkaratstan, sevastopol - this is the pride of russian sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love it myself. for its beauty, for the beautiful niva river, i love my country very much and am proud of it. freckles, i remember, even in childhood, people were divided into two camps, those who thought they were cute and those who tried by all means to get rid of them. now freckles are more of a problem for many women, after all, this pigmentation does not always look beautiful, manageable freckles, what kind of new fashion trend is this? let's figure it out. freckles. the word spring is not only beautiful, it is a small protector from the first bright sun, but not everyone has it. there is such a scale of skin phototypes according to fitzpatrick, the level of reaction to ultraviolet radiation. it’s just that nature has thought of everything, where there is a lot of
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sun, and therefore vitamin d, dark-skinned people live. the skin is already thick and protects against burns. and where there is little sun, there is not enough vitamin d, the skin must be thin , permeable, which means there is almost no basic protection from ultraviolet radiation, which is why freckles appear when we are exposed to radiation, the cell begins to produce more pigment so that the skin does not burn, that is, if we look at who has freckles, they are mostly on light skin, most of all in people of the first celtic type, a little less in the second - nordic, in russia this type is the most common, so we walk around with freckles, even if we protect ourselves as expected with products with spf, unfortunately or fortunately... this is a genetically determined factor, and applying spf does not prevent the appearance and proliferation of freckles on open areas of the body. of course, fortunately, the fashion for freckles has been with us for several years now, it came
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along with the fashion for everything natural, for makeup without makeup and the so-called non-standard beauty. therefore, those who do not have them began to draw; now there are a lot of life hacks on the internet. they write that using a pencil is not very good. a method that turns out unnatural, it seems to me, nothing, some draw with an eyebrow marker, others with a dry or cream sculptor diluted with water, you can spray it with a hard brush or brush, this is... a very strange method, very classic, freckles with tinting spray for regrown hair roots. plus , a supernova appeared on social networks. broccoli is like a seal, so that no broccoli is harmed; then, like any makeup brush, you can wash it. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, channel one. and now we have an artificial one on our way. bumps, the second name for speed bumps, are a necessary thing, especially in
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the area of ​​​​residential buildings and children's institutions, but some drivers strongly dislike these artificial bumps, even if you are driving calmly, on some of them says goodbye to the suspension, so together we learn how to properly overcome these obstacles with auto expert denis sharovar. hello everyone, my name is denis sharovarov, today... we will learn how to properly drive over artificial bumps, they are also speed bumps, yes, yes, there are some tricks here. so, the easiest thing is to drive over the bump at minimum speed; the sign advises 20 km/h, but ideally twice as slow. so, let's slow down, don't touch the pedals and coast to show how smoothly you can drive, i'll put the coffee on the roof, here. we pass a speed bump, we do
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it very carefully, the coffee does not spill, there is another option, more advanced: we drive over the bump as if at an angle, not perpendicular, we drive up to the speed bump and as soon as we are level with it, we turn the steering wheel and move over with one wheel first , and then the second, much softer, the wheel suspension here works in turn and this seems to compensate... the rise, the next way is to drive over the artificial unevenness with only one side, for this we press to the curb and we pass the speed bump with only one wheel on the right, it also turns out quite softly, but if you haven’t noticed the unevenness and are driving at speed, there is a way to avoid a strong impact, we’re driving 50 km/h, then there’s a speed bump, what should you do? ? about five meters away we press the brake pedal and release it right before... the policeman arrives, thereby we unload
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the front suspension, so we overcome obstacles much softer, we are more comfortable and the suspension is intact. it is better to hone this technique on a quiet, calm street where there are no cars, especially in the rear, you will need it to pass both speed bumps and potholes. 372 genera and more than 400 species, this is a huge family of cruciferous plants, with some of its representatives. and we are very familiar, although, for example, here are all kinds of cabbages, whatever we have, white cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, calarabi, broccoli, sovoskoye, well, from what is available, and not all representatives of this family are at the top of their popularity , but in vain the product is tasty, healthy, what exactly our healthy lifestyle expert, darina griboyedova, will tell you, well and we won’t be left without a delicious recipe either. good morning, how to recognize. zozhnik, in his food basket there are more vegetables than fruits,
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among vegetables the most are cruciferous, cruciferous is the best friend of all people, men and women, children of the elderly, uh, of course, because they contain a huge amount of biofluvanoids, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and who can be considered the most experienced zodnik, the one who can easily answer the question? what plants belong to the cruciferous family? let's move to a new evil level, find out what is so unique about cruciferous vegetables? firstly, all cabbage vegetables , regardless of color, contain sultrophanes and indeltricarpinol - these are powerful anti-inflammatory substances. and red cabbage, in addition to this, actually contains anthacyans, which are responsible for this. this beautiful color, look how beautiful it is,
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well, it’s amazing to love cruciferous vegetables with all my heart, like our expert lidiya ionova. the healthiest spring side dish, simpler than steamed turnips. red cabbage with green apple and onion. after shredding the cabbage, we leave it to lie for about 30 minutes, because it comes into contact with oxygen. add cabbage to the sautéed onion and simmer for about five minutes, then add the peeled onion. apple, someone might argue that it’s hot, what a delicious recipe this is, look, we’re not frying, we’re simmering, so we add a little water here, then close the lid, a little apple cider vinegar, grain mustard,
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cumin, salt, a little put out, and healthy lenten side dish of cruciferous vegetables is ready. zosh, this is delicious when it’s still spring. a bright representative of the cruciferous family, or rather, a representative, radish. it was eaten back in the 26th century bc by the builders of the egyptian pyramids, and they knew a lot about food, it was grown by astronauts on the international space station, our oksana stankevich is already preparing to plant, groom and cherish it. it’s too early to plant cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse, so that the beds don’t sit idle in vain, i suggest sowing radishes here. this culture is not afraid of frost, can withstand down to -4° and is excellent grows in early spring. first, we loosen
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the soil. radish seeds cannot be scattered over the garden bed, nothing will grow, there must be a clear distance between each seed, at least 5 cm. in order not to have to worry about marking for a long time, i will take the patches from the eggs, put them together to make the structure stronger and use them as a marker, i put it on the ground and press down, but not too much, the radish is buried only 1 cm, so it will germinate faster. two minutes and the bed is perfectly marked, you can plant the seeds, put one grain in each hole, now cover them with soil, lightly tamp and water, radishes
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love moist soil, so... you will have to water them regularly as the soil dries, and if you visit the dacha only on weekends, cover the bed with covering material, thanks to this the moisture will evaporate slowly, and the radishes will calmly wait for the next watering next weekend. if you haven’t started the summer season yet, but you also want an early harvest of radishes, sow them at home, all in the same egg trays, we do it in them. hole for draining water, fill it with earth, lay out the seeds and water it, you can grow root vegetables just like that, in a tray, for example, on a balcony, or a little later bring them to the dacha and bury them in the ground,
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the radish sprouts instantly, already on the second or third day, but how quickly the root vegetables appear depends on the variety, i take ultra-early ripening, it says so on them, radishes in 16 or 18 days, that is, approximately 2 weeks after germination we will get the first harvest, during working hours an economist, a bank employee, in his free time an artist, more precisely a designer or a military translator by training, guitarists at heart case master, heroes of our next they love their own plot too. main job and our hobby, we will be inspired to keep up here and there. perhaps the most morning item on our tables is a mug from dina potolakha from novosibirsk with soft polymer clay dolls. you can touch every fold on the skirt. dina, an economist, 14 years at the bank, took up dolls while on maternity leave. when i sculpt,
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she responds, that’s exactly the girl, well, that is, i want to sculpt a face, it somehow comes from within. queen of siberia, fashionista. in chelma, a strict doctor, a girl in the steampunk style with goggle glasses, dozens of images, here is the idea my daughter, we went to kindergarten for the first time at the end of last year, these little pencil kids who are running around, they are so kind, so open to this world, that i started creating a collection of love, here is a brother and sister who are so carefully protect and protect each other throughout life, four-year-old polina inspires and helps her mother, it will be... 15 hours, that’s about how much it takes for one figurine, i want to create a doll, such a scops owl in the topic of the program good morning, because good morning... we don't have enough for everyone, for everyone sleepy. meanwhile, in tomsk, nikolay loginov is assembling an electric guitar, a hobby, laying the panel, installing
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pickups, installing the neck. nikolai nikolaevich is a former military translator, now deputy director of a russian-german house, a lover of the beatles and rolling stones, hence his passion for guitars. i lured a polished board from my father, from a table like this, and with a hacksaw, half-dull, i drew it all on my knee, on the bedside table, myself. "let's change, i brought them something like this rocker guitar, a slingshot, i bring it,
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i say, guys, it’s built in, yes, we’re changing, so we exchanged these guitars, nikolai loginov’s guitar can be seen in the russian-german house, in the museum of the tomsk pisanitsa reserve in the kemerovo region , dmitry ushakov works in the korniplastik technique, this is a sculpture made of natural material, mostly what is caught in the rivers." i love my country, today on the first. eternal
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choice, city or village? why are you going with him, you need to wash, they won’t pamper you, they won’t take you outside, love you, and so i won’t, i won’t feed either, hedgehogs come to me, they they love sausages, i’m surprised how much hedgehogs eat, we can’t feed them, you already have me, you’re a florist, have you signed up for some courses? the eyes are so innocent, you can look into them, you can forgive everything, let's sing a song, let's sing, you've seen the video, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, the commonwealth biathlon cup is being held in murmansk, all the details, my colleague sports journalist of the first channel maria rumyantseva . the perfect end to the season in winter sports, the final of the commonwealth cup. biathlon tournament in hospitable murmansk brought together everyone the strongest russian and belarusian athletes, which means that fans will be
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intrigued in absolutely all types of the competitive program. the men's 10 km sprint race ended in a real sensation. the favorites made mistakes one after another; some did not have the strength to turn on full power and cover the distance at a pace that would allow them to fight for medals. and here is twenty-three-year-old sprinter daniil usov. managed to jump above his head in his favorite discipline, a biathlete from the perm region, who this season is still never made it into the top three, on cosmonautics day he showed truly cosmic speed, and in addition did not make a single mistake, as a result, an amazing victory - by far the best race in usov’s career. without a doubt, alexander povarnitsin can also count this start as an asset. he turned 30 on the day of the race and is a biathlete. i gave myself a wonderful gift, an excellent performance in the sprint and, as a result, a silver medal. eduard latypov again could not cope with
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his nerves and made two mistakes on the posts. however, despite this, the olympic bronze medalist did not give up until the last. in the final kilometer, eduard gave it his all, but his impressive finishing throw did not allow him to reach the leaders. as a result, latipov is third with a minimal gap from second place. russian irina kazakevich and anna sola from belarus fought for the victory, a slight advantage in speed brought success to the belarusian biathlete, kazakevich won silver in the race and won in the overall standings of the season. the exhibition project immortality opened in moscow feat for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus. from the nazi invaders, it is organized by the memorial complex brez fortress hero, together with the state museum and exhibition center
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rossez. our correspondent, alexander zheleznov, visited the exhibition. she was the first to meet the war, the brest fortress, the western stronghold of the country, this alarm clock, one of its defenders, stopped at exactly 4:00 in the morning. what the first minutes of the war were like, the authors of the exhibition tried to convey these feelings the immortality of the feat is already in moscow, in the halls of ros fine arts. the most important thing in this exhibition are artifacts, documents, human destinies.
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our topic for further searches. a separate fate that has not been traced, that is, this is part of the exhibition, the work of the writer sergei smirnov, he was the first to talk about the feat of the defenders of the brest fortress. no one knew anything about this, this book in this sense played a gigantic role, and the fact that young people appeared there, pioneers, schoolchildren, who began to search for heroes. the impetus for this served as the father's work. his book, and then television programs, turned into a massive movement to search for heroes; the son of sergei sergeevich andrei smirno, this work inspired one of the most famous films about the great patriotic war. and now we need one victory, one for all we will not stand for the price, one for all we will not stand for the price, the exhibition in rosezo until june 23, the day when
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the operation to liberate belarus began, exactly. 80 years ago. alexander zheleznov, konstantin sruchkov. first channel. this is cosmos baby. a book with this title was written by the first space actress yulia peresilt. on the eve of cosmonautics day, she met with her fans, viewers and readers. let's see how it went. i have another business trip lined up here. where's my spacesuit? the main thing is to get up. i see a bunch of advertisements that they are selling it somewhere, give it back. i don’t have his spacesuit, but the space gloves are in place, a year ago the first film shot in space was released, a challenge, on the eve of cosmonautics day, yulia peresilt met with those who are also in love with space like her. how many revolutions does the iss make around the earth per day? 16, but that's the level. the book is cosmos, baby, yulia
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peresilt began writing it while still on earth, and continued on orite. she described life on the iss, how she made curls in zero gravity, how she sewed a zip-up jacket from cosmonaut oleg navitsky’s sweatshirt, and how she warmed soup in a space boot. these chunks, they hang there like that from old ones, from some old sets, they hang like that along the kitchen, and you made borsh like that and it’s like in this chunk so that it’s so crazy pens. yulia will never forget the first time she came to the cosmonaut training center. full name.
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won’t come back, remain human, be grateful, don’t feel like anyone owes you, that is, all these, i don’t know, wishes, they are still with me, of course, and i still wish this for them, turn for an autograph, it’s as infinite as the universe, to see the first movie star who has been in space, it’s like getting even closer to the stars, the stage of marchers and baluyevs, they stick out in my gloves in my gloves, really. a the spacesuit is still missing. asya ratkevich, andrey ivanov, ivan belchenko, channel one. let me remind you that on the calendar april 13, yesterday we celebrated cosmonautics day, but there can never be too much space, don’t miss this saturday ’s project tonight dedicated to yuri gagarin, documentaries, all the stars of russian space, rescue in space and a star named gagarin, well and of course, watch
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the broadcast of the launch and landing of the space film crew. challenge, let's remember everything, everything is as it was, the mood is cheerful, the plant is excellent, everything works fine, the main thing is the ascent, good from the ascent. a minute before the start, yuri gagarin sings to hide his excitement. valentin terezhkov and alexei leonov wave at the camera. yulia peresilt smiles. these shots are also history. on october 5, 2021, actress yulia peresilt and director klim shipenko went into orbit. they shot the first film in space, a challenge. today is the first one.
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12 days in a confined space, details of orbital life in the documentary "all stars of russian space." i slept with my camera, flash drives, everything equipment and so on. danger awaits astronauts from launch to descent. this rocket spire is a unique emergency escape system. for it to work, two cosmodrome employees must say the same code word. they absolutely are. in different rooms, at different cults they give out a set of this command. we will also see the documentary film rescue in space today. on april 12, 1961, 23 minutes into the flight
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, communication with the vostok-1 ship was lost. for more than half an hour the cedar has not made contact. kedar is the call sign of yuri gagarin. i can hear you very much weak, the machine works fine. in the documentary film a star called gagarin, a recently declassified letter from yuri gagarin to his wife, on the eve of the flight. i completely believe in technology, it should not fail, but if something happens, then i ask you, first of all, valyusha, not to die from grief. what was yuri gagarin like? a new episode of the program this evening is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut. his daughter elena is in the studio. march 9 is a birthday, alekseevich, we always celebrated at home, the holidays began on march 6, when our upstairs neighbor, valentina vladimirovna tereshkova, had a birthday, they first celebrated there, then on march 7th was
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my younger sister’s birthday, they celebrated it, then it was march 8th, they celebrated it, and then my dad’s birthday. asya ratkevich, ivan belchenko, channel one. floods in russia are still the focus of attention in the risk zone of 39 regions; unfortunately, there is no time to relax. therefore, please monitor emergency messages closely . right now, news broadcast on channel one. hello, there's news on air in the studio of sergei tugushev. ukrainian militants attacked the city of takmak in the zaporozhye region, killing six people, including a child. at least twenty were seriously injured. how to specify. the authorities' data is not final. debris clearing continues in the destroyed houses; there may still be people there. presumably, enemy formations fired at the city from multiple launch rocket systems. attack drones are also used. several dozen buildings
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were left without gas supply. at the same time in the city the threat of repeated shelling remains. takmag, let me remind you, it is located 20 km from the front line, that is, it is not directly the line of combat contact, but nevertheless it is takmag by the ukrainian armed forces militants. is constantly subjected to shelling, strikes, drops from drones, strikes by kamikaze drones, and often it is civilians who are targeted. let me remind you that the operator of the same fπdrone can perfectly see who he is hitting and where this drone is flying. trying to push the militants further away from peaceful settlements, our military strikes key targets of the ukrainian armed forces, so in the avdeevsky direction, the crew of s-25 attack aircraft destroyed a strong point, the flight took place as usual, after the attack, the pilots performed a deceptive maneuver, released heat traps while the enemy was busy with decoys, and returned to base. in the northern sector, our
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mortars hit camouflaged firing positions in the fire control system, and they were discovered by a drone operator. after receiving the coordinates, the crew of the 120mm mortar occupied the point in a few minutes, calculated the data for firing , and delivered an accurate strike. along with the guns the infantry group was liquidated. and the enemy, there is enough work, the enemy is sitting, we are trying to smoke out as best we can, we are helping our attack aircraft, our armored group, so that they can be as calm as possible and... easier to pass through, the oporniks occupied, moving forward as much as we can, the way we help, in the donetsk direction in the area of ​​the village of pervomaisko, artillery from the southern groups disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations, and gaubis d-20 crews began firing at the enemy. drones, such as orland 10, help track the movement of militants. in the kherson direction, such devices are on duty around the clock, with their help they identify targets and correct air and artillery strikes.
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under enemy fire, he restored the damaged communications equipment, the command began to receive timely data on the enemy’s movements, and the advancing forces of the militants were destroyed. the ukrainian security service has charged archpriest nikolai danilevich, deputy head of the department for external church relations of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church. the clergy blame the incitement religious strife and conducting information and subversive activities against the kiev regime. he, according to investigators, is a curator. in recent years, the uoc
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has been experiencing the largest wave of persecution in modern history, the activities of the church itself have been banned, property is being taken away from it, and criminal cases are being opened against the clergy every now and then. punishment is now facing a resident of odessa, whose police during a search only found old greeting cards from the soviet period, this other thing in... ukraine may be enough to receive a prison sentence under the article on the ban on communist symbols. and now video footage of the test launch of a russian intercontinental ballistic missile. it was produced from the kapustin yar test site in the astrakhan region, from a mobile soil complex. the film was presented by the ministry of defense. the launch was reportedly carried out as part of government testing of promising missile systems, as well as to confirm the stability of those in use. for missile weapons.
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the results obtained show their high reliability in ensuring the strategic security of our country, the ministry of defense concluded. the launch tasks, it was noted there, were completed in full. now about the flood situation, the spring flood is intensifying in several russian regions, and preparations are being made for the arrival of high water in kurgan. a wave is expected there in the coming days. the level of the tabola river is predicted to rise above 11 m. the regional center has already been declared under the threat of flooding. for the preventive evacuation of several microdistricts and holiday villages, the same recommendation was issued for residents of all settlements along the tabola floodplain. the situation is difficult in the tyumen region, but the most extensive areas are flooded in orenburg. there , over 13 thousand people were evacuated due to a water spill. more than 1,200 are in 43 temporary accommodation centers. one of them was visited by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the minister met with the residents of orsk and assured that people...
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50 m, received bruises from the garden, he was taken out first with the help of climbing equipment, and after the second he had to go down even lower; he managed to fly 120 m pascal. in heavy the victim was hoisted up and both were taken to the hospital. the famous italian fashion designer roberto koval has passed away. he was 83 years old. it is reported that he had been ill for a long time. in the fashion world, he became famous for his non-trivial, bright style. his models. in
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the nineties, which saw the peak of creativity, there were cindy crawford, sharon stone and naomi campbell. under his own brand, he produced clothing and accessories, bags, glasses, watches and perfumes. like many italian fashion houses, covali also passed into the hands of foreign capital, 4 years ago the company purchased by a billionaire from dubai. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. the flood in russia continues. this. the strongest in the last 100 years in orski, the water is receding, people are starting to return to their homes, but in general in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the situation remains difficult. in total , there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, so there’s no time for relaxation, alas. big water is no joke; those who had to leave their homes are now very help and support are important. this help comes because we have many kind, caring people. orenburg region,
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evacuation continues, thousands of people are in temporary accommodation centers. like one big happy family. we live here, very hospitable people here help us. the streltsy family has a special day, lyosha’s son is seven, and it seems no one expected this. a real holiday with life-size puppets, balloons, cake and a live monkey. all this was arranged by novotroid volunteers at the temporary accommodation center in orsk. 200 live here people and 30 of them are children. now this was at least a little reason. a kind of ray of joy for everyone who is here, a sea line of cars of those who responded to help, they organized a street canteen, dumplings, soups are prepared in local cafes and restaurants. we are now working seven days a week, trying to provide not only the affected
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residents, but also employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the police, with hot meals. this tent is located right on the shore. you just dock like that, exhausted, and the guys are always happy to see you. karen to help joined from the first days, he has a family cafe, delivers food to everyone non-stop. a minute we are at a traffic light. he doesn’t forget about coffee for the police officers; everyone needs support and help now. dmurtiy's company collects truckloads of water for free. ainur just returned from a flight to the orenburg region. of course, i expected to see a different picture, that it would not be so flooded there. i was met by emergency personnel and escorted. warehouse where water was transported. water is really a priority now, everyone needs it everywhere, drinking from the tap is dangerous. all over the country they are working hard aid collection points. volunteers from the nizhny novgorod region have prepared lists of what may be needed. we, of course, brought first of all according to the list, but there were also things that
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people brought in addition to the list that they considered necessary: ​​cookies, sweets, diapers. volunteers who rescue animals also need help. five or six flights to flooded areas every day, the kitten was pulled out of the water, this dog was taken off the roof, they are already in novotroitsk for foster care, it’s very difficult to feed so many animals, so i bought food, again, what what we need now is food for animals, carrying collars with leashes, for people, in addition to water, clothing, shoes, wades and flashlights, personal hygiene products. elizaveta nikishova, olga sazonova, elena savina. and they sit quietly and keep quiet, which means the cold will return. the bird's homan confirms to us that spring will not shift into reverse gear;
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we'll find out from our astrologers what the stars think about this weekend. both of these days are great, guys, warm-hearted, friendly, sensitive, both know how to be friends, if anything happens they will always come to the rescue. it’s true that neshney is a bit of a pathetic person, he would like to do everything quickly and quickly, his mood often changes, and he doesn’t really hide his feelings, they say about people like that, it’s all written on your face, but his head works great, he’s practical, economical, copes well with all the little things in life, and if you are planning shopping - this is for him, tomorrow is worse at counting money, besides, he is trusting and does not like to bargain, so on an excursion, to a museum or to an exhibition, feel free to take him with you. here's another thing, days like this are easily incredible all sorts of rumors and gossip are breeding. one of the aries will have to separate the grains of truth from the husks of lies. here the luminaries rely on your common sense. on the good side, perhaps a pleasant meeting with the past, say, someone you haven’t seen for a long time will make itself known, or you will find
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something that was considered lost forever. some household chores may fall on taurus. the stars advise you to get things done today. tomorrow. the day is clearly going to invite you somewhere, if you feel like you’re a little stuck, call for help one of the twins, these days everything is going like clockwork, and if something needs to be adjusted or repaired, they are not in competition at all, just be careful with electricity, okay, and tomorrow expect guests, crayfish are calm and a little lazy weekend, one nuance: there may be situations where the mind says one thing, but the feeling says another, so, if it comes to the day... listen to the mind and take care of your stomach. leo this century can invite him to some interesting event, but as luck would have it, they have a lot of things to do, and the house requires the owner’s attention, and relatives in some way. loading, but let's hope you have time and be careful with fire. a very good weekend for the girls, when
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everything somehow works out by itself. don’t get angry over trifles, be lenient with the mistakes and whims of others, everything will be fine. yes, drive more carefully, especially when overtaking. libra will have the opportunity to see that the old friend is better than the new two. and these days are also very good for moving and repairing. only if you carry or move something heavy, take care of your back. and for money. keep an eye on it. scorpio, this is for you too relevant. you should generally save a little now. a little audit of family finances wouldn't hurt either. however, buying something useful for the home is not forbidden. if you are faced with any difficult task, turn to sagittarius. these days, they think sharply and quickly, know how to find optimal solutions, the shortest path to the goal, and do excellent math. and someone else might fall in love with them. capricorns, someone may surprise you. puzzling, it is unlikely to upset you, rather it will give food for thought, that’s what dear
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capricorns can let you down, so rely mainly on yourself, try not to take too long. the aquarius star is reminiscent of the old proverb: without knowing the ford, rush into the water, consider this your motto, do not make hasty decisions, do not promise what you are not sure of and do not judge people by their first impression, do not get carried away with alcohol. pisces is the name of the game these days. that high water is a great danger, i think everyone understands, there is no need to relax, there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, what else can i say, just good luck to you! that, please pay close attention to emergency messages, do not ignore them, take them seriously, if you hear about evacuation, evacuate. immediately, it is vital. right now, let’s listen to what
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osman dilibash, senior rescuer osvot of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, has to say, and don’t let her advice be useful to you. during a flood, the water can rise quickly, sometimes in such cases you have to swim, but in cold water you cannot survive for long without a rescue device. how to do it quickly? an old jacket is suitable as a base, windbreaker or whatever you have on hand. we tie the throat and sleeves together with a rope, we put plastic bottles from below, like this, bottom first, we do it as tightly as possible, we tie the sleeves, we need the bottles to hold tightly in the case, it’s ready, just in case i’ll make another flotation device, here instead of a jacket there will be a bag for garbage, we fill it too. plastic bottles to the eyeballs, tie them with ropes, go to
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test, such a lifebuoy is able to keep an adult afloat , we check the device from the jacket, uh, it's okay, i'm floating, now let's see if the garbage bag design works? yes, it is good, it will help to hold out on the water. the trained creative eye of our designer olga nikishicheva sees great potential and new opportunities behind old unnecessary things. the talent of giving things a second life today touches a children's sweatshirt. dear friends, today we will sew an original pillowcase for a small pillow from an old one. sweatshirts, the child has grown up a long time ago, we also need a scrap of wool and
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bright braid. cutting out the base on the top is very simple: taking into account the size of the pillow, draw a square with sides of 40 cm. first, from checkered fabric, cut out a square, taking into account an allowance of 1.5 cm. cut out the second part of the base of the pillowcase from the back of the sweatshirt, apply and cut out appliqués we also cut it out from the shelf and it will be very positive. we apply the appliques to our
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blanks, chop and sew the appliques on the machine along the counter. around the applique we lay out chrome and braid with pom-poms. the pillowcase can be assembled by folding both we chop off the parts with the front side inward. and sew along the contour, leaving 15 cm unsewn, so that later you can place it inside the pillow, turn it inside out,
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place the pillow inside and sew up the unsewn part of the handle with hidden stitches. so that it’s completely unnoticeable, that’s all the work, such a bright pillow will decorate any room, create a good mood, and let there always be a smile in your home, good luck! good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, irina morumtseva is with you, on the calendar is saturday, april 13, at 5 minutes. mid spring, cities are sprucing themselves up, putting themselves in order, after a long winter they are preparing for summer, waking up and preparing for the new season and city fountains in various cities of our country, i invite you to see with your own eyes what a fascinating process this is, more than 600 fountains and this is only in the capital,
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every wash and adjustment after the winter season, as soon as we remove the snow, it immediately begins. the cart season has already opened the other day, magnificently with songs and dances, for them the fountains are the breath of the city. we are located in the foothills of the caucasus, that’s why real mountain water flows in our fountains. they don’t recommend drinking, but you can wash your face clean and cool, that’s why fountains were invented, like large air humidifiers, and it’s also a mood booster.
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look for yourself at this fountain square in the center of krasnodar. beauty! there are so many! in epiphany park! the mode turns on at 7:00 pm and until 11 o’clock, this is a favorite spot for residents and guests of the city, there is always a crowd of people here, in evpatoria on the renovated embankment, now also... its own dancing fountain, more than 500 jets wriggle to the music, shimmering with colors. all modern fountains are controlled remotely by computer. shows, scenes, musical compositions are pre-registered and selected here in the program, from where it can be controlled manually, also in automatic mode. everything is movable and this
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attracts people to climb in, twist it, during the season , every week in the cities one fountain breaks down, you have to turn off all this beauty. repair, clean from coins that clog drains, so before the start of the season the caretakers beg, a huge request to the residents of the city, a huge request to visitors to take care of the equipment of the fountain, this is a very complex, very complex fountain, a lot of electronics, a lot of moving parts, because the fountain is the mood of the city, you shouldn’t spoil it. anastasia zavidova, sergey abramov, sotnik, channel one. the warmer it is outside, the longer the days, the closer to summer, the wider the assortment, the more active the sale of all kinds of street food. walk through the spring city, work up an appetite , eat a donut or sausage in dough right there in the fresh air or classic cheburek. each region has its own culinary specialties, let’s take a walk and take a closer look. every second person is ready to eat
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fast food, how to refuse the same cheburek, it has been popular since the times of the ussr, they say the best chebureks are on the southern coast of crimea. all that remains is to prepare the potion. at the moment i have cilantro and basil in stock. now we will crumble it, that is, we can start frying the cheburek. book. 50% of greeks live, janis and the greek himself considers gyros very healthy, meat, vegetables, fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and the main feature is
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this is a sauce, a sauce that is prepared from matsona, it’s all in flatbreads, it’s convenient to hold, even on the go, i’ve actually tried a lot of different fast foods, but gyros is distinguished by its originality, it’s very tasty, very filling, but what about fried dumplings? on the street, whether in winter or summer, nizhny novgorod residents love this. fried dumplings in a glass, these are dumplings and chebureki, very quickly, you can literally eat in 5 minutes, be full, pork, veal, chicken, cheese, choose any filling, portioned, 13 stirs, fry for 5 minutes deep fry and you're done. on the streets of izhevsk they walk around with sperepech, a traditional dish for udmurtia, it became skewed because such a basket is convenient to take with you, they quickly ran into our pavilion, grabbed sperepech, and went for a walk. with children, and young people take it, adults. in tatarstan they also like to snack on baked goods, their traditional hchpachmak. it differs from russian pies in the filling. the filling,
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of course, consists of beef, onions and a lot of butter. sold everywhere, eaten by everyone, quickly, satisfyingly delicious. and as if completely others have a snack in the far east, some exotic pians, also apparently buns. this is traditional korean cuisine, healthy fast food. because there the dough is not fried, it is steamed, the filling itself is made from available ingredients - minced meat, cabbage, they are sold in stalls like this everywhere, and to be honest, they cook it at home extremely rarely, why, if you can buy it on the street, choose a more romantic type there are no problems with this in vladivostok, and it’s a beautiful, well , satisfying snack, of course, victoria dinova, elena zykova, nazir nagumanov, jan machilsky, marina sidorova, anna gazhala, channel one, one more. sign of spring, cleanup days. these days they are starting all over the country, it’s wonderful, in moscow, for example, a subbotnik will be held on april 13 and next saturday 20,
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our yards should greet the summer clean, cozy, in greenery and flowers, and not cigarette butts and withered grass. this means we take rakes, brushes, bags in our hands and go into the yard for a spring cleanup, preferably with the whole family, as our father of many children, alexey ivanov, does. you know the joke, everyone loves saturday until it turns into saturday. my name is aleksey ivanov, i am a father of many children, and today i will prove to you that, in fact, subbotnik is a very useful and necessary thing, which is very cool to introduce children to. guys, put on gloves and take bags. andrey, we came to the park closest to our house, we really like to walk here. now that the snow has melted, we’ll put things in order, we have trash bags with us, gloves so as not to get our hands dirty, this is the thing, it’s very convenient for picking something up
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from the ground, we’re ready, yes, go ahead, good girl, let’s go collect some more to make it more fun for children, you can come up with a game, for example, a competition to see who will collect the most garbage, guys, let's speed it up, why are we doing this, this is a great opportunity to show children that they need to take care of nature, your child after such cleaning will never throw a candy wrapper or something past the trash can something else. this is also a reason to talk to children about the environment. you can find a sign on the internet. how long does it take for plastic bottles, bags, cardboard packaging to decompose, a plastic cap, for example, takes as long as 600 years to decompose, wow, that’s why it’s impossible
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throw garbage past the trash can, clearly, yes, yes, anya is declared the winner in collecting garbage, wow, we did a great job, i propose to arrange a light... a small picnic in the air, keep it up, fedor, bon appetit, thank you. and, of course, we will take all the garbage with us after the picnic. look what a productive morning we had, we collected several bags of trash, also went for a walk, had a picnic and had a great time. in general, our cleanup was a success. okay, next one. our good
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cheerful morning continues, where would we be without the traditional competition in which my colleague allata takes on poorly known people, this time her challenge was accepted by a participant in the cook on wheels program, leonid kanabritsky, look, cutting even cubes is a cool skill, but try to get into the donut hole. this shouldn't be a problem either, if you're real.
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torzhok is also in the city, they prepared a real pozharsky cutlet according to an old recipe. well , tell me honestly, in the regions the products are still better than in the capital, for example, but in different ways, and the vegetables in the regions are always gorgeous, especially from local grandmothers, because that they grow them themselves, you come to the market, choose, buy and cook, an airbaseball awaits us, how messed up your relationship is, and this is the first time i’ll hold it in my hands, i’ve never held it before, so let’s try. air flow is maintained. each player has five attempts to score more points. leonid, well, i’m also trying to do this for the first time, in fact, they don’t know how to fight the battle correctly, we are sure that in this new sport we are now setting trends, let’s start, attention, milk, as they say, let's go now, wow, six,
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leonid earns six points from the first blow. i’m starting to get nervous, what’s wrong, it’s zero again, so you hear, leonid, the stands are chanting, an excellent shot and leonid has zero points, so this is my third attempt, accuracy is not my strong point, again for my own, super , the fourth attempt, i really hope, so, what is leonid almost a c, the last attempt that can decide the outcome of the match, damn, it was almost a c, almost a c, in in principle, everything is already clear, but stroke your pride, leonid, i thank you for the game, it was cool, but it seemed at first glance that it would be easy, it didn’t turn out very well, in fact it was not so easy, but it was
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unforgettable. good morning and from me i give you a chocolate medal, which confirms that you are not weak, i congratulate you on your partial victory, i always wish to my viewers that you also start an energetic morning, it will be tasty, sweet and interesting, thank you very much, good luck good morning, leonid, i figured out a way to cheat, you know, but it’s not fair, just like that. our time can easily be called the period of online shopping without leaving home; today you can buy anything from a chocolate bar to an apartment, you can also buy medicines, although everything is not so simple with them, and this is probably correct. maxim petrenko plunged headlong into the topic of online medicine sales and is ready to share his conclusions. let's try to purchase medicine with delivery, not the most famous online pharmacy, attracts a wide
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assortment. add to order. several items, including antibiotics and those drugs that are stored only in the refrigerator. we arrange it. are such purchases safe? first , we study the site, license, details, conditions for remote sales, there is nothing, and the site is unfamiliar, we close it. we can buy a drug for a lot of money, but get a waste at best, or we can get a drug that will harm a person. here is my advice, of course, to still use those internet platforms that... in law you cannot buy psychotropic and narcotic medications with delivery, nor prescription ones, but here is a nuance: there are three regions, including moscow, where electronic ones are accepted as part of the experiment. prescriptions, the list of such pharmacy chains is limited, they are all on the website of roszdravnadzor, the pharmacy where we placed the order is not on this list, and they give out the antibiotic without any questions, i don’t have a prescription there, so why do you have everything here without a prescription, eye
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drops that require storage in the refrigerator, also just in a bag, and what’s not in a thermal bag, well, a bag, here’s the car, believe it or not, everyone will decide for themselves, we check what was delivered, the conditions of transportation, the second thing we monitor? many medicines are thermolabile and when the temperature changes either down to minus, or the temperature is too high, then in this case the medicine decomposes, your right to ask the courier to show the cooler bag, then pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and contents, it should not be wrinkled, brokenness, there should be no drips that indicate that the wrong medicine was stored somewhere during wet among, the wrong dosage, expired or...
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that this drug is genuine, additional tests of the tablet for the heart, using a reagent we will find out if it is a pacifier, the paint has turned purple, this indicates that the active substance is in this tablet present, just a few rules, ordering with delivery is not only convenient, but also safe, in our experiment with an unknown pharmacy without counterfeit goods, but is it worth the risk, maxim petrenko, dmitry parfyunov, sergey myakin, yulia bykova, channel one. healthy dream. this is not only about sleeping 8 hours a day on a comfortable mattress with dark curtains, it also turns out to be about what we eat, and eating habits affect not only the quality of sleep, but health in general. irina matheranskaya will continue the topic.
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there is no time for breakfast, at lunch we quickly grabbed something, we ate ourselves at night, hence we have no strength, no mood, no sleep. i really want to adjust my diet so that it’s tasty and healthy, fun and not spent at the stove all day. it's finally saturday, which means i'll have a minute for myself. today with my friend oksana, a somnologist, psychotherapist, we will talk about how food is connected to our emotions, mood, and you will be surprised by your sleep. and this is due to our hormones. we know that the hormone melatonin is responsible for sleep, serotonin, dopamine are responsible for mood, and norepinephrine is responsible for activity. that is, in order to sleep well, we need. eat well all day, well, in the sense of correctly, the main thing is not to perceive this as a diet or restriction, just reconsider your plate a little from the point of view proteins, fats, carbohydrates. here in the first place we have proteins, in the second place are fats, in the third
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place are carbohydrates, now, especially young people, they eat completely the opposite, in the first place are carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are fast, in the second place with us, well, thank god, if there are there are proteins, and a very small amount. these are fats, although fats are a very important component for membranes, for sex hormones, yes, why are we so tired, it turns out that in order for you to move mountains, you need butter in your diet there was oil, and vegetable oil, and fatty types of fish, and meat, lard, including lard , they didn’t cut the lard with you, but i always have a piece in the refrigerator, great, no, can you imagine, we ate everything, however, we eat very often lard, a little at a time, but often, plus slow carbohydrates - this is everything that is colored, lentils, buckwheat, peas, nud, they are slowly unpacked and provide energy gradually throughout the day, if, say, the child is getting ready, he will have physical education, a lesson physical education, then of course you can
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feed him fast carbohydrates, but if, for example, if a child is studying mathematics or literature, where he needs to be more thoughtful and diligent, then you need to feed him slow carbohydrates, then the child will not have such an increase in energy. and he will be more attentive, there will also be proteins on the plate, both dairy and animals. oksana will eat cottage cheese and, of course, eggs, in any form, even fried, even soft-boiled. in general, i understand that an egg is an amazing product, yes, it contains fats and animal proteins, and i also slowly take a slow carbohydrate, that is, a piece of rye bread, and spread it on it butter, here with a condition, eighty-two percent butter, no less for... they must also be fed, and we feed it with fiber, in simple words, so that the intestines
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work well, beets, greens and tadam, turnips, everything that is fibrous, very love our beneficial microbacteria, by feeding them we will receive melatonin, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, we will have a good sleep, and the brighter the plate, the tastier it is and the mood will improve when we sleep. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and
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they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in to the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the camp for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why couldn’t he be avoided? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? cognac monte shococa, product stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellor group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group.
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old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. lean over. it didn’t help, we’ll save it. come on, this is how kids learn to do the heimlich maneuver. this is first aid for those who are choking. you see. i don’t want to tell olya about this directly, because she will think that i want
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to quarrel with her, zhenya. alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lovilas you ended up with us. i see that a girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help from everyone nearby. how did you know that the bank would be raided? regarding the turbine. a thorough investigation will be carried out, if you find something related to the turbine, consider it a death sentence, you think he’s a rat, there are police, i’m aware, i didn’t find out, undercover taxi, premiere from monday on the first. on the calendar, saturday, april 13, is almost mid-spring, more likely we wake up, do not pass by this wonderful time of year, recharge ourselves with a great mood and drive away the spring blues. if suddenly she overcomes, walk, walk and walk again, in
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the middle of spring, this is what you want most of all, a dozen specialists will say how useful it is to be in the april sun, but there are no less useful and important things, for example, spring cleaning, for evgenia, it starts with the windows and always with changing the curtains, winter ones for washing, spring ones for the cornice, this spring, of course, the mood is cloudy, light, fresh. it was such a long, difficult winter that i wanted such a delicate veil, they noticed that cleanliness improves your mood, so if you are a car owner, urgently go to the car wash, otherwise you know how it happens, we accumulate dirt all winter, and then we are surprised that the body is rotting. we had such a case , a man arrived directly after washing, we found very large, so to speak, holes in him that had already begun to decompose the body, it’s all from reagents, they eat into the paintwork, they can’t be washed off with rain, spray... the body is being cleaned with a special
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mitten and clay, just water, this composition will not be removed, after which we preserve, so to speak, the body, a certain composition is called a quartz coating. what else needs to be protected? that's right, eyes from the sun. we put on last year's glasses, but they are too big, no reason to throw them away. firstly, you should check the screws, if you need to tighten them with a small screwdriver, if the glasses continue to fall off your nose, then the plastic is deformed. the frames changed shape if the glasses were stored in a warm place, for example, next to a radiator, but everything is fixable. in salons the plastic optics will be heated with a hairdryer and adjusted to your size. and one more thing is a must. check the lenses, even microscratches allow ultraviolet light to pass through, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the lens, it is scratched, there may be a small chip, then it’s nothing complicated, the lens can be replaced, you can make a lens with a gradient, you can replace it with some other color, spring is the time for experiments with color, the soul asks for that green coat and pink jacket to
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boot, but what a blow to the wallet, we take out scarves from the mezzanines, or we buy if you want something new, you know that we now have... 143 ways to tie scarves, the first method, this is how my mother wore it, like katerina tikhomirova from mosca doesn’t believe in slimes, we have become lighter, not more forced, we just hid the scarf a little bit of a collar, a little bit of it spread over the shoulder like this, a little bit of this sailor look we got, even better, when we release it with a triangle forward, we get a little bit of a scarf effect, warm and functional, alyonushka, we call this image. dubrovskaya recommends catching up on spring walk through all the beauty that is in your wardrobe and start making a list of new looks and things to do for the summer. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gardienko, mikhail karasev, vladimir repin and alexey nikozakov, channel one. finally,
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warm spring has arrived, some have seedlings, some go for walks, and some st. petersburg residents are now going into the forest to help. crossing the road by water, and it’s not as easy as it seems, now you’ll see for yourself who, why and why: raincoats, buckets, and you can go to the forest, pick mushrooms, pick toads, it started in the leningrad region migration of these amphibians, and it turns out they need our help. the main problem is crossing the road, because people walk here, cars and bicycles travel here. and unfortunately, not all people, let’s say, are very kind to animals. so the volunteers take to the road. come here, my dear, don't be afraid. alice is also shocked, this is the first time she’s helped in this way, although she’s already transferred about a hundred amphibians in the morning. i learned a lot about them. i learned that toads do not jump, but walk, you
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can now see how she walks on me, and frogs, for example, they are here too, but they are very alive and... they are difficult to catch, unlike toads. you can only handle toads with gloves, they are a very delicate creature, if you touch them without gloves, you can cause them heatstroke, because they are cold-blooded, and the body temperature there is 36°, well, of course, the toad will feel it. and it also turns out that if you see a pair of toads, you cannot separate them, so you carry them together to the shore. here, near the sesterets flood, the toads are a meeting place, extremely romantic. the breeding season of toads... takes about a month, well, it depends on weather conditions, from about mid-april to mid-may, the whole month the toads walk towards the shore, volunteers and assistants pick them up and carry them, here in the resort area there is one of the largest populations of toads. elena savina, natalya kravchenko, natalya michurina, channel one.
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this is cosmos baby. the book with this title was written by the first space actress. on the eve of cosmonautics day, she met with her fans, viewers and readers, let's see how it was, i have it here another business trip loomed, where is my spacesuit, the main thing is getting up, i see a bunch of advertisements that it is being sold somewhere, give it to me, there is no spacesuit, but the space gloves are in place, a year ago the first film shot in space was released, challenge on the eve of the day. cosmonautics yulia peresilt met with those who are as in love with space as she is. how many revolutions does the iss make around the earth per day? but this is the level. the child yulia peresilt began writing the book this is space on earth, and continued in orbit. she described life in detail
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on the iss, how she made curls in zero gravity, how she sewed a sweatshirt with a zipper from cosmonaut oleg navitsky’s sweatshirt, how she heated soup in a space boot. these little chunks, they hang there like that from old ones, from some old sets, they hang like that along the kitchen, and you made borscht like that and sort of put it in this little chunk so that it’s like this, such a circle of crazy hands. will never forget the first time she came to the cosmonaut training center, last name, first name, patronymic, wow, overpowered yulia sergeevna, year of birth, 05:09, bad habits, i think well, now, now i’ll arrange a provocation, now we’ll knock down this read, i say, i drink, i smoke, she does, she understood, of course, that i’m joking, the quantity, i say, is moderate, she says, then write me a chapter that makes my heart skip a beat , a letter to my daughters anya and masha, in case it doesn’t come back, remain human, be
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grateful, don’t feel like someone owes you, that is, all these, i don’t know, wishes, they are still with me, of course, and i still wish this for them. the line for an autograph is as endless as the universe, to see the first movie star to visit space, as if to become even closer to the stars. ivan belchenko channel one. the commonwealth biathlon cup is taking place in murmansk. my colleague, sports journalist of channel one, maria rumyantseva, has all the details. the perfect end to a winter sports season. commonwealth biathlon cup. the tournament in hospitable murmansk brought together all the strongest russian and belarusian athletes, which means that fans will be
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intrigued in absolutely all types of the competitive program. the men's 10 km sprint race has ended a real sensation. the favorites made mistakes one after another; some did not have the strength to turn on full power and cover the distance at a pace that would allow them to fight for medals. and here is a twenty-three-year-old sprinter. usov managed to jump above his head in his favorite discipline. the biathlete from the perm region, who has never been in the top three this season, showed truly cosmic speed on cosmonautics day and, in addition, did not make a single mistake. in the end, a stunning victory , by far the best race of usov’s career. outside without any doubt, alexander povarnitsin can also count this start as an asset. on the day of the race he turned 30 years old. and the biathlete himself gave himself a wonderful gift, an excellent performance in the sprint and, as a result, a silver medal. eduard latypov again could not cope with
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his nerves and made two mistakes on the posts. however, despite this, the olympic bronze medalist did not give up until the last. in the final kilometer, eduard gave it his all, but his impressive finishing throw did not allow him to reach the leaders. in as a result, latipov is third with a minimal gap from second. however, at the end of the entire season, he retained first place in the sprint standings of the commonwealth cup. in the women's 7.5 km sprint , russian irina kazakevich and anna sola from belarus fought for victory. a slight advantage in speed brought success to the belarusian biathlete. kazakevich won silver in the race and won in the overall standings of the season. let me remind you that on the calendar on april 13, yesterday we celebrated cosmonautics day, but in space. there can never be too much, don't miss it today saturday project tonight, dedicated to yuri gagarin, documentaries, all
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the stars of russian space, salvation in space and a star named gagarin, and of course, watch the broadcast of the launch and landing of the space film crew of the film challenge, let's remember everything, everything is as it was, the mood is cheerful, excellent, everything works fine, the main thing is the rise, the rise gap.
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danger awaits the astronauts from launch to descent, this spire on the rocket is a unique emergency rescue system; for it to work, two employees of the cosmodrome must say the same code word. they are in completely different rooms, at different cults, issuing a set of this team. we will also
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see a documentary film about rescue in space today. but if something happens, then i ask you, first of all, valyusha, not to die from grief. what was yuri gagarin like? a new episode of the program this evening is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut. his daughter elena is in the studio. but march 9th is my birthday. we always celebrated at home. the holidays began on march 6, when our upstairs neighbor, valentina
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it was vladimirovna tereshkova’s birthday. first they celebrated there. then on march 7th was my younger sister’s birthday, they celebrated it, then there was march 8th, they celebrated it, and then my dad’s birthday. asya ratkevich, ivan belchenko, channel one. on the calendar on april 13, in the old days it was believed that if the birds arriving from the south were in no hurry to chirp, sat quietly and kept quiet, it meant that the cold would return. the bird's homan confirms to us that spring will not shift into reverse gear. what do the stars think about this weekend? let's find out from our astrologers. both of these days are great, the guys are warm-hearted, friendly and sensitive, both know how to be friends, if anything happens, they will always come to the rescue. today, however, is a bit of a slog, he would like to get everything done quickly and quickly, his mood often changes, and he doesn’t really hide his feelings, they say about people like that, it’s all written all over your face, but his head works great, he’s practical , economical, copes well with all
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the little things in life, and if you are planning... shopping - this is for him, tomorrow is worse he counts money, besides, he is trusting and does not like to bargain, so on an excursion, to a museum or to an exhibition, feel free to take him with you, here’s another thing, on days like these , all sorts of rumors and gossip easily multiply: to separate the grains of truth from nonsense one of the aries will have to lie, here the luminary is relying on your common sense, about the good, perhaps a pleasant meeting with the past, say, someone you haven’t seen for a long time will make itself known or you will find something that was considered forever lost . some household chores may fall on taurus. stars they advise you to get everything done today. tomorrow is clearly going to invite you somewhere. if you feel like you’re getting a little stitched up, call one of the twins for help. these days everything goes like clockwork for them, and if something needs to be adjusted or fixed, they are generally not in competition. just be careful with electricity. okay,
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expect guests tomorrow. in crayfish. calm and a little lazy weekend, one caveat: situations are possible when the mind says one thing and the feeling says another, so if it comes to money, listen to reason, take care of your stomach. this weekend may call the lions to some interesting event, but as luck would have it, they have a lot of things to do, and the house requires the owner’s attention, and the relatives are burdening them with something, but let’s hope you will have time for everything and be careful with fire. a very good weekend for girls, when everything somehow works out on its own, don’t get angry over trifles, be lenient with other people’s mistakes and whims, everything will be fine, and be more careful while driving, especially when overtaking. libra will have the opportunity to make sure that an old friend is better than two new ones, and these days are also very good for moving and repairing, only if you carry or move something heavy, watch your back and watch your money. scorpios, this
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is true for you too. now you should generally save a little, even a little bit won’t hurt. they know how to find optimal solutions , they consider the shortest path to the goal excellent, and someone else they think sharply and quickly these days may fall in love with them. capricorns may be surprised or puzzled by someone, this is unlikely to upset you, but will rather give you food for thought, this is what dear capricorns can let you down. harsh decisions, don’t promise what you’re not sure of and don’t judge people based on their first impression, don’t get carried away with alcohol. pisces these days are self-absorbed, people are drawn to them, they are invited somewhere, their opinions
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are listened to, they easily establish the necessary connections, and pisces ladies are simply irresistible, what else can i say, just good luck to you. floods in russia are still in the spotlight, with a total of 39 regions in the risk zone, so unfortunately there is no need to relax. therefore, pay close attention to emergency messages services, right now the news is on channel one, and we will come back to you. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. six people were killed as a result of an attack on the ssu in the city of takmak in zaporozhye. among the victims , at least 20 residents were seriously injured. how to specify. the authorities’ data is not final: the demolition of the rubble continues in the destroyed houses, there may still be people there. presumably, enemy formations fired at the city from multiple launch rocket systems. several dozen buildings were left without gas supply. wherein
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the threat of repeated shelling remains. it is possible that drones could be used for the attack, as has happened before. takmag, let me remind you, is located 20 km from the front line, that is, it is not directly the line of combat contact, but nevertheless a takmak. militants of the armed forces of ukraine are constantly subjected to shelling, strikes, drops from drones, strikes by kamikaze drones, and often it is civilians who are targeted. let me remind you that the operator of the same fpv drone can perfectly see who he is hitting and where this drone is flying. militants shell peaceful settlements, yielding on the battlefield. thus, in the donetsk direction of a special operation in the area of ​​the village of pervomaiskoe, the artillery of the southern group disrupted the ukrainian rotation. work on the front line is ongoing. we destroy
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equipment, infantry, also the base and drones, well, mainly from the first, well, from the second there, if we let you down, we work a lot, targets regularly, because a liar does not sleep, now it’s more convenient, now the greenery has gone, it’s more convenient for camouflage. and in the navdeevsky direction, the crew of su-25 attack aircraft destroyed a ukrainian stronghold. the flight went as usual. after the attack, the pilots performed a feint maneuver, released heat traps while the enemy was busy with decoys, and returned to base. drones, such as the orland 10, help track militants. in the kherson direction, such devices are on duty around the clock. with their help, targets are identified and air and artillery strikes are corrected. video recording of the lesion is also performed. enemy objects. the security service of ukraine brought charges against archpriest nikolai danilevich, deputy head of the department for external church relations of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church.
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the clergy are accused of inciting religious hatred and conducting information and subversive activities against the kiev regime. he, according to investigators, oversaw an extensive network of diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church abroad, which, confident in the sbu , undercover disseminate russian narratives. in recent years, the uoc has been experiencing the largest wave of persecution in modern history, the activities of the church itself have been banned, property against the clergy is being taken away from it, and criminal cases are being opened every now and then. punishment now faces a resident of odessa, whose police during a search only found old greeting cards from the soviet period; this, however , in ukraine may be enough to receive a prison sentence under the article banning communist symbols. not as a gift, on credit. the us republican party is considering further funding of ukraine only on such conditions, as stated by its representative, former president of the country donald trump, who is going to run for the post of head of state again. this was said in florida, following
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a meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives of the american congress, also a republican , mike johnson. he is precisely one of those who are actively resisting the approval of new funds for the kiev regime on the terms of the white house. as trump added, not the us, but the eu. should give money to ukraine, since this whole situation affects europe much more than america. in addition, ex-president washington added, he had already donated billions of dollars to kiev and now it’s time for brussels to equalize these volumes. a now video footage of the test launch of a russian intercontinental ballistic missile. it was produced from the kapustin yar test site in the astrakhan region, from a mobile soil complex. the film was presented by the ministry. defense launch was reportedly carried out as part of government testing of promising missile systems, as well as to confirm the stability of missiles in service. the results obtained show their high reliability in
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ensuring the strategic security of our country, the ministry of defense concluded. launch tasks, noted there, completed in full. now about the flood situation, the spring flood is intensifying in several russian regions, and preparations are being made for the arrival of high water in kurgan. a wave is expected there in the coming days. the level of the tobol river is predicted to rise above 11 m. the regional center, under the threat of flooding, has already announced a preventive evacuation of several neighborhoods and dachas. settlements, the same recommendation was issued for residents of all settlements along the tabola floodplain. the situation in the tyumen region is difficult, but the largest areas are flooded in orenburg. according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river has stabilized; over 13,000 people have been evacuated there due to spills. more than 1,200 are in 43 temporary accommodation centers. one of them was visited by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the minister met with residents of orsk and assured that people would not be left alone.
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booths with people, as a result, she had a hole in the floor. according to other information, the cabin collapsed, one person was killed, at least seven were injured, including children. there was movement stopped, more than 180 people hovered at a great height above the rocks, helicopters were brought in to evacuate them, fire trucks were in the operation. hundreds
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of rescuers were involved, the turkish ministry of defense sent a transport plane to help, as stated at the russian consulate general in antalya, there was no information about russians among the victims. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. the flood in russia continues. this is the strongest in the last 100 years in orsk, the water is falling, people. start return to their homes, but in general in the orenburg region, as well as in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the situation remains difficult, in total there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, so, alas, there is no time for relaxation. big water is no joke; for those who had to leave their homes, help and support are now very important. this help comes because we have many kind, caring people. orenburg region, evacuation.
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a real holiday with life-size puppets, balloons, cake and a live monkey lenya. all this was arranged by novotroid volunteers in temporary accommodation center in orsk. 200 people live here and 30 of them are children, now the occasion was at least a little bright, some kind of ray of joy for everyone who is here, in the very sea line of cars of those who responded to help, they organized a street canteen, dumplings, soups are being prepared in local cafes and restaurants, we are now working seven days a week, trying to provide not only the affected residents, but employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the police, with hot food. this tent stands
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right on the shore, you just dock here so exhausted and the guys are always happy to see you. karen got involved in helping from the very first days; he has a family cafe and delivers food to everyone non-stop. a minute we are at a traffic light. he doesn’t forget about coffee for police officers. everyone needs support now. udmurtia enterprise collects trucks with water, free of charge. ainur just returned from a flight to the orenburg region.
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there is a great danger, i think everyone understands, there is no need to relax, there are 39 regions in the flood risk zone, please carefully follow the messages of emergency services, do not ignore them, take them seriously if if you hear about evacuation, evacuate immediately, this is vitally important, right
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now let’s listen to what the senior rescuer of the osvot ministry of emergency situations of russia, osman dilibash, will show everyone, and don’t let her advice be useful to you, during a flood the water can... rise quickly, sometimes in such cases you have to swim, but in cold water you can’t hold out for long without a life-saving device, how can you do it quickly? an old jacket, a windbreaker or whatever is at hand is suitable as a base; we tie the throat and sleeves with a rope from below we put plastic bottles in, bottom first, like this, make it as tight as possible, sleeves. we need the bottles to stay firmly in the case. ready! just in case, i'll make another floating device. here, instead of a jacket, there will be a garbage bag; we also fill it to capacity with plastic bottles. we tie it with ropes and go to carry out
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tests. such a lifebuoy is able to keep an adult afloat . we check the device. from the jacket, uh, it's okay, i'm swimming, now let's see if the garbage bag design works, yes, it’s good, it will help you survive on the water, freckles, i remember, even in childhood, people were divided into two camps, those who thought they were cute and those who thought they were cute. who tried in every way to get rid of them, now freckles are more of a problem for many women, after all, this pigmentation, it doesn’t always look beautiful, manageable freckles, what kind of new fashion trend is this? let's figure it out. freckles from the word spring are not only beautiful, they are little
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protectors from the first bright sun, but not everyone appears. there is such a scale of skin phototypes according to fitsatric, the level of reaction to ultraviolet. it’s just that nature has thought of everything, where there is a lot of sun, and therefore vitamin d, dark-skinned people live, the skin is already thick, protects from burns, and where there is little sun, there is not enough vitamin d, the skin must be thin permeable, which means there is almost no basic protection from ultraviolet radiation, so freckles come out when we are exposed to radiation, the cell begins to produce more pigment so that the skin does not burn, that is, if we look at who has freckles, they are mostly on light skin skin. most of all in people of the first celtic type, slightly less in the second - nordic type. in russia, this type is the most common. so we walk around with freckles, even if, as expected, we protect ourselves with spf. unfortunately, or fortunately, freckles are a genetically determined
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factor, and applying spf does not prevent the appearance and proliferation of freckles on open areas of the body. of course, fortunately, the freckle fashion is already with us. several years, it came along with the fashion for everything natural, makeup without makeup, and so on so-called non-standard beauty, so those who don’t have them began to draw, now there are a lot of life hacks on the internet, they write that using a pencil is not a very good way, that it turns out unnatural, but it seems to me that it’s okay, someone draws with a marker for eyebrows, someone with a dry or cream sculptor diluted with water can be sprayed with a hard brush or brush, this is a very strange method, very classic, freckles with a tinting spray for tangled hair roots, plus a supernova of broccoli has appeared on social networks as a seal, so that no broccoli is harmed, you can
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wash it afterwards, like any makeup brush. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, channel one. 372 genera and more than 400 species. what a huge family. centaulores, we are very familiar with some of its representatives, although, for example, there are all kinds of cabbage, which we have, white cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, calarabi, broccoli, owl. well, from what is available, and not all representatives of this family are at the top of popularity, but in vain the product is delicious, useful, what exactly our healthy lifestyle expert darina griboedova will tell you, and we won’t be left without a delicious recipe either. good morning, how to recognize a zodiac? in his food basket there are more vegetables than fruits, with the most cruciferous vegetables. tomatoes are the best friend of all people, men and women and children of the elderly, of course,
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because they contain a huge amount of biofluvanoids, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. and who can be considered the most experienced zodnik, the one who can easily answer the question: which plants belong to the cruciferous family. let's move to a new evil level, find out what it is. cruciferous vegetables contain unique things, firstly, all cabbages contain, regardless of color, sultrophanes and indeltricarpinol - these are powerful anti-inflammatory substances, red cabbage, plus it actually contains anthacyans, which are responsible for this beautiful color. look how beautiful it is, well, it’s aerobatics, she loves cruciferous vegetables with all her heart. like our expert lidiya ionova, the healthiest spring side dish is simpler than steamed
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turnips, red cabbage with green apple and onion. after shredding the cabbage, we leave it to lie for about 30 minutes, because it is when it comes into contact with oxygen in the cabbage that the amount of sulforophane will increase and it will be even more useful. add cabbage and mina to the sauteed onion. simmer again, then add the peeled apple, someone might argue that it’s hot, what a golden recipe this is, look, we don’t fry, we simmer, so we add it here then cover with a little water, a little apple cider vinegar, grain mustard, cumin, salt, simmer a little and a healthy lenten side dish. cruciferous vegetables are ready, zosh, this is when it’s still delicious in spring, this
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year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world’s first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. let's go, do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarina, alekseevich's eldest daughter. new year, the astronauts were musketeers, it was our first time. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all classes, like gagarin into space flew away, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he will not get caught there, i never dream of the fate of the cosmodrome, in my life , as in all soviet houses, there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny. “i wanted to be yura so much, i came to my mother, such hysterics, said: “i want to be yura.” yuri alekseevich,
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it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried all over relatives, there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly into a spit, watch the time after the program. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. montechoca cognac. product of steller group. rom castro. product of steller group. combat tests are taking place in the special military operation zone. new version of missiles.
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you have to be strong, they fear the strong and never touch them, we have created a direction, which ensures that... by the day of the air defense forces, tomorrow on the first. we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls. volodya, you hooked me so much that i swam. that that task,
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you know, the gears don’t always match, you were still a boss, there is no hearing, no intelligence, everything goes in circles, everything is so organic, the feeling that everything will end well someday, and this is so great, this is so fresh, guys, and leg, leg, love, i kiss you on the little cheeks. there's something there maybe really, enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, a new season, tomorrow after the evening news, a bright representative of the cruciferous family, or rather a representative, radish, it was eaten back in the 26th century bc by the builders of the egyptian
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pyramids , and they knew a lot about food, they were grown by astronauts on the international space station, our oksana stankevich is already preparing to plant, groom or water it. it’s too early to plant cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse, so that the beds don’t sit idle in vain, i suggest sowing radishes here. this culture is not afraid frosts, withstands down to -4° and grows well in early spring. first, we loosen the soil. you can’t just take radish seeds and scatter them around the garden bed; nothing will grow; there must be a clear distance between each seed, at least 5 cm. in order not to have to worry about marking for a long time, i’ll take egg patches, put them together to make the structure stronger and use them as
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i put a marker on the ground and press down, but not too much, i bury the radishes. just 1 cm, so it will germinate faster, 2 minutes and the bed is perfectly marked, you can plant the seeds, put them in each hole takes one grain, now we fill them with soil, lightly compact them and water them. radishes love moist soil, so you will have to water them regularly as the soil dries out. and if you visit your dacha only on weekends, cover the garden bed with covering material. thanks to this, the moisture will evaporate slowly and ridis will calmly wait for the next
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watering next weekend. if you have not yet opened the summer season, but the early harvest of radishes is also... if you want, sow it at home, all in the same egg trays, make a hole in them for drain the water, cover with soil, lay out the seeds and water. you can grow root vegetables directly, in a tray, for example, on a balcony, or a little later you can bring them to the dacha and bury them in the ground. radishes germinate instantly, already on the second or third day, and how quickly the root crops appear depends on the variety. i take ultra-early ripening ones, as they say, radishes in 16 or 18 days, that is , approximately 2 weeks after germination we will get the first harvest. this
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charming au pair lives in a vietnamese family, the name is monkey kutis, while the housewife is working, she takes on all the responsibilities around the house, walks the goat, feeds him fresh grass, sings with milk from a bottle, keeps order, needless to say, the housewife is not overjoyed with her assistant? and now we have artificial bumps on the way, the second name for speed bumps, a necessary thing, especially in the area of ​​​​residential buildings and child care institutions, but some drivers strongly dislike these artificial bumps, even if they are driving. calmly on some of them it throws up so much that goodbye suspension, so together we learn how to correctly overcome these obstacles with auto expert denis sharovar. hello everyone, my name is denis sharovar, today we will learn how to properly drive over artificial bumps, they are also
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speed bumps, yes, yes, there are some tricks here. so, the easiest thing is to drive over the bump at minimum speed. the sign advises 20 km/h, but ideally twice as slow. so, we slowed down, don’t touch the pedals and coast along. here's to show how smoothly you can drive, i'll put coffee on the roof, here we are passing, a speeding policeman, let's do it very carefully, the coffee does not spill, there is another more advanced option, we drive over the unevenness as if at an angle, not perpendicular, we drive up to the speed bump and as soon as we are level with it, we turn the steering wheel, move first with one wheel, and then with the second, much softer, the wheel suspension here works in turn and thus seems to compensate for the rise. the next way is to drive over the artificial bump with only one side. to do this, we press against
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the curb and pass a speeding policeman with only one wheel on the right, too it turns out quite soft. well, if you haven’t noticed the bump and are driving at speed, there is a way to avoid a strong impact. we are driving 50 km/h, here he is, a lying policeman, what... should we do about five meters away, press the brake pedal and release it right before the policeman passes, thereby we unload the front suspension, this way we overcome obstacles much softer, we are more comfortable and the suspension is intact , it is better to hone this technique on a quiet, calm street, where there are no cars, especially from behind, you will need it to pass both speeding policemen and i, in working hours economist, ba employee... free-lance artist, more precisely a designer or a military translator by training, a guitar master at heart, the heroes of our next story love both their main job and their
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hobby, we will be inspired to keep up here and there. perhaps the most morning item on our tables is a mug made by dina potolakha from novosibirsk with polymer clay dolls, soft, you can touch every fold on the skirt. dina economist, 14 years in the bank. i started working on dolls while on maternity leave, when i was sculpting, responds, this is exactly the girl, well, that is , i want to sculpt a face, it somehow comes from within, the queen of siberia, a fashionista in a shawl, a strict doctor, a girl in the steampan style with goggle glasses, dozens of images, here is my daughter’s idea, we went to at the end of last year for the first time in the garden, these little pencil kids who are running around, they are so kind and open to this world that i started creating a collection of love. here is a brother and sister, who so carefully protect and protect each other throughout life. four-year-old polina inspires and helps her mother. it will be
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fairy. 15 hours, that’s about how much it takes for one figurine. i want to create a doll, a scops owl. the theme of the program is good morning, because we all don’t have enough good mornings, everyone wants to sleep. meanwhile, in tomsk, nikolai loginov is collecting an electric guitar, a hobby. the panel is laid, we install the pickups, we install the neck, nikolai nikolaevich is a former military translator, now the deputy director of a russian-german house, a lover of beatles and rolling stones, hence the passion for guitars, he lured a polished board from his father from a table from this, and with a half-dull hacksaw, all this on my knee, on the bedside table, i drew the outline myself, i cut it out, over the course of my life i collected about 40 guitars, look, oak, veneer, oak, red veneer, birch, veneer, veneer, veneer, and restored about 30 of them this one, i played it in my youth in a local club, 41 years later i found it there, i see the boys
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are playing guitars, and my old lady is standing alone on the side, and they all have modern guitars, i say, boys, this is my youth, my guitar , let's change, i brought them something like this roque guitar, a slingshot, when... i say: guys, we’re building it in, yes, we’re exchanging, so we exchanged these guitars like that, chpok, nikolai loginoy’s guitar can be seen in the russian-german house, in the tomsk pisanitsa reserve museum in the kemerovo region, dmitry ushakova works in the technique of root plastics . this is a sculpture made from natural material, mainly what is caught in our siberian rivers, they are used for rituals to scare away evil spirits, niklivamba and kalatun babai, these are the most evil. perfume for fishermen, and siberians love to joke about how to brew tea with local herbs while we we were preparing this story, dina from novosibirsk completed the doll with a bun. it seems that we are all
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a little like this in the morning. yulia molstvova, denis panmarev, anton remenonyi and dmitry gordienko - channel one. on cosmonautics day , a grandiose event took place: the world's first unique stratospheric jump was made to the northern field from a height of more than 10 km. compatriots, cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, instructor pilot alexander lynnik and founder of the aerospace laboratory denis efremov jumped from the plane and stayed in free fall for about 2 minutes, only after that the parachute opened. at an altitude of about a kilometer. all the details of this incredible jump right now. the altitude is more than 10,000 m. the temperature outside is -50°. and here it is, the first ever jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. pilot-cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, he spent 516 days in space. instructor pilot alexander lynnik and engineer denis efremov must land on a drifting ice floe. for the sake of this jump, a month.
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training in a pressure chamber to get used to lack of oxygen and rarefied atmosphere, jumping in the ivanovo and murmansk regions, in order to take into account all the climate features, the mask will need to be slightly reconfigured, because some things, when you practice them on the ground, feel completely different, jumping from the stratosphere does not a rarity, elvira fomicheva, world record holder, the longest jump among women, also from the stratosphere from a height of more than 15 thousand m, knows what it is, there is oxygen there, it comes under pressure.
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partial pressure of oxygen, speaking about the fall itself from such a height, then, as a rule, a high speed of fall is simply achieved as a result of this, large shock overloads when the parachute opens already at the landing stage. when alexander lynnik’s wife found out the details, you understand, six months ago, when i realized that everything would happen, of course, there was some shock. if. elena also knew what kind of wind there was up there and that it was constantly blowing in different directions, and they needed to manage to get onto a drifting ice floe, maybe she wouldn’t have let her husband go, but no, the jump was made, not by chance on the day astronautics. the first part of the mission is completed, the second is still ahead, then the equipment was landed, from which the engineer must assemble a server room, test the resistance of the equipment to arctic temperatures, evaluate the influence of the northern lights on the signal, and if everything works, the polar explorers
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will have a full-fledged... an exhibition project has opened in moscow immortality of the feat for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. it is organized by the memorial complex brezskaya fortress hero, together with state museum and exhibition center roses. our correspondent alexander zheleznov visited the exhibition. she was the first to face the war. the brez fortress is the western stronghold of the country. this alarm clock, one of his defenders, stopped at exactly 4:00 in the morning. what the first minutes of the war were like, the author of the exhibition immortality of feat tried to convey these feelings, already in moscow, in the halls of ros-izo. the most important thing at this exhibition is artifacts, documents, human destinies. here, it seems to me, the dramaturgy
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of this exhibition is important. it seems to me that we have managed to convey the story. a melted piece of glass and brick, a shot through spoon, the voices of the fortress defenders, one of them ivan dolotov, this and his memories helped to find out the fates of many surviving participants in the defense. we have personal files for more than 1,200 people known today, plus there is a file cabinet containing names whose fate has not been traced, that is, this is our topic for further work. searches. a separate part of the exhibition is the work of the writer sergei smirnov. he was the first to talk about the feat of the defenders of brest fortresses nick didn't know anything about it either. this book played a gigantic role in this sense. and the fact that young people appeared there, pioneers, schoolchildren who began to search for heroes, the impetus for this was the work of my father. his book, and then
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his tv shows, became popular. movement to search for heroes, and the son of sergei sergeevich andrei smirny, this work inspired one of the most famous films about the great patriotic war. and now we need one victory. one for all, we don’t stand behind the price, one for all, we don’t stand for the price wait, the exhibition in rosyz until june 23, the day when the operation to liberate belarus began, exactly 80 years ago. alexander zheleznov, konstantin sruchkov, channel one. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities, a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the ini river
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turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is the horizon, this interesting, these are new emotions. they come from all regions of russia. people come to us in adegea to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia, good morning to everyone who celebrates this day with the first channel, with you irina murumtseva on the calendar saturday, april 13, 5 minutes to the middle of spring, cities are sprucing themselves up, getting themselves in order, after a long winter preparing for summer, waking up and preparing for the new season and city fountains in various cities of our country. i suggest you see with your own eyes what a fascinating process this is. there are more than 600 fountains,
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and this is only in the capital, each one needs to be washed and adjusted. after the winter season, as soon as we remove the snow, preparations for the launch of the fountain immediately begin. fountain rotunda. natalya and alexander pushkin are almost washed up. over the winter , how much dirt has settled. there is also a general cleaning at vdnkh. bringing back the shine to the country's most recognizable fountain is no easy task. there are several hundred parts in the stone flower. each one needs to be washed with one hose. not enough. the fountain itself will be washed by hand. now they will wash the bowl, then they will rub it with detergent and rinse with water only then. the season has already opened in kislovodsk the other day. lush with songs. and dancing for them the fountains are the breath of the city. we are located in the foothills of the caucasus, so real mountain water flows in our fountains. they don’t recommend drinking, but you can wash your face, it’s clean, cool, that’s why fountains were invented,
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like large air humidifiers, and it’s also a mood booster. look at this fountain square in the center of krasnodar for yourself, it’s beautiful! which just no! in epiphany park there is a dry fountain, meaning without a pool, you can walk among it. which they dance to the music, there is also a fountain of the hearts of lovers, a lively photo zone, but the most interesting thing still begins in the evening, the color and music mode turns on at 7:00 pm and until 11 o’clock, this is the favorite point of residents and guests of the city, there is always a crowd of people here and on the updated the embankment now also has its own dancing fountain, more than 500 jets from...
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during the season, every week in the cities one fountain breaks down, you have to turn off all this beauty, repair, clean from coins that clog drains. so before the season starts , the rangers make a plea. a huge request to the residents of the city, a huge request to visitors, to take care of the fountain equipment. it's a very complex, very complex fountain, a lot of electronics, a lot of moving parts. because a fountain is the mood of the city, you shouldn’t spoil it. anastasia zavidova, sergey abramov sotnik, channel one. the warmer it is outside, the longer the days, the closer to summer. the wider the range and the more active the sales all kinds of street food, walk around the spring city, work up an appetite right there in the fresh air, eat a donut, sausage in dough or a classic cheburek. each region
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has its own culinary specialties, let’s take a walk and take a closer look. every second person is ready to eat fast food, how to refuse the same cheburek, it has been popular since the times of the ussr. they say the best chebureks are on the southern coast of crimea. left. prepare the greens, at the moment i have cilantro and basil, now we will chop it up, that is, we can start frying the cheburek, no frozen preparations, how much dough was kneaded the day before, so much chebura. considers gyros very healthy, meat, vegetables,
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fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and the main feature is the sauce, the sauce that is made from matsona, all this in a flatbread, convenient to hold, if possible, even on the go, in fact, i have tried a lot of different fast foods , but gyros is distinguished by its originality, it is very tasty, very filling, but what about fried dumplings on the street, whether in winter or summer, nizhny novgorod residents love this? fried dumplings in a glass, these are dumplings and pasties, very quickly, you can literally eat in 5 minutes, fill up, pork, veal, chicken, cheese, choosing any filling, portion for 13 films, deep-fry for 5 minutes and you're done. on the streets of izhevsk they walk around with perepeche, a traditional dish for udmurtia, it has become a snack because such a basket is convenient to take with you, they quickly ran into our pavilion, grabbed the perepeche and went for a walk, with children, and young people take it, adults. in tatarstan they also like to snack on baked goods, their traditional
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echvachmaks. difference from russian pies - filling, the filling, of course, consists of beef, onions and a lot of butter. sold everywhere, eaten by everyone, quickly, satisfyingly delicious. and it’s as if they snack on something completely different in the far east, some exotic pians, also apparently buns. this is traditional korean cuisine, healthy fast food, because the dough is not fried, it is... steamed, the filling itself is made from available ingredients - minced meat, cabbage, they are sold in stalls like this everywhere, and to be honest, they are cooked at home extremely rarely, why , if you can buy it on the street, choose the type more romantic, there are no problems with this in vladivostok and the snack is beautiful, but also convenient, of course, victoria dinova, elena zykova, nazir nagumanov, jan machilsky, marina sidorova, anna gazhala, channel one. good morning, jumping fitness, this is the name of training on
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mini-trampolines. to feel confident on this simulator, you first need to properly stretch and strengthen your ankle joints. with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly lean forward, do not slouch, your back is straight. we move the pelvis back a little, bending one or the other in turn. we put our foot on the toe, as if we were walking without lifting it off. feet off the floor, springy movements, we help ourselves with our hands, as when walking, now let’s slightly complicate the exercise, we don’t just shift from foot to foot, but jump in place, with each movement we change the position of our hands, stretch them forward and lift them up. we continue, but we will
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do it on trampolines. exercise strengthens the muscles of the ankle and improves its mobility. an added bonus for girls, you'll find it easier to walk in heels. have a nice day everyone. the trained creative vision of our designer olga nikishicheva. they see great potential and new opportunities behind old unnecessary things. the talent of giving things a second life today touches a children's sweatshirt. dear friends, today we will sew an original pillowcase for a small pillow from an old children's sweatshirt. the child has long grown up. we will also need a scrap of wool and a bright braid. it is very simple to cut out the base on the top: taking into account the size of the pillow, draw a square. with sides 40 cm, first made of fabric
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in a checkered pattern, cut out a square taking into account an allowance of 1.5 cm, cut out the second part of the base of the pillowcase from the back of the sweatshirt, apply it and cut it out: we also cut out the appliqués from the shelf, the pillowcase will be very good. we apply the appliques to our blanks, chop and sew the appliques on a machine along the contour.
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we lay out chrome around the applique. and the braid with pom-poms, the pillowcase can be assembled, fold both parts right side inward, chop and stitch along the contour, leave 15 cm unsewn, so that later you can it was placed inside in a pillow. turn it inside out, place the pillow inside and sew up the unsewn part with hidden stitches by hand so that it is completely invisible, that’s all
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the work, such a bright pillow will decorate any room, create... a good mood and let there always be a smile in your home. good luck! another sure sign of spring: subbotniks. these days they are starting all over the country, this is wonderful, in moscow, for example, the cleanup will be held on april 13, next saturday, the twentieth. to welcome summer, our yards should be clean, cozy, green and flowers, not cigarette butts and dead grass. this means we take rakes, brushes, bags and into the yard for a spring cleanup, preferably with the whole family, as our father of many children , alexey ivanov, does. you know the joke, everyone loves saturday until it turns into saturday. my name is alexey ivanov, i am a father of many children, and today i will prove to you that, in fact
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, subbotnik is a very useful and necessary activity, which is very cool to involve children in. guys, put on gloves, take bags, andrey, we came to the park closest to the house, we we really love to walk here, now that the snow has melted, we’ll clean up the mess, we have trash bags and gloves with us so as not to get our hands dirty, this is the thing, it’s very convenient for her to pick up something from the ground, ready, yes, let’s go! smart girl, let's go collect some more to make it more fun for the children, you can come up with a game, for example, a competition to see who can collect the most garbage, guys, let's speed it up, why are we
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doing this, this is a great opportunity to show children that they need to take care of nature, your child after such cleaning , never... past the trash can, a candy wrapper or something also, and this is also a reason to talk with children about the environment. on the internet you can find signs stating how long it takes for plastic bottles, bags, cardboard packaging to decompose, a plastic lid, for example, takes as long as 600 years to decompose, wow, that’s why you can’t throw garbage past the trash can, clearly, yes, yes, win... we did a great job , i propose to arrange a small picnic in the fresh air, keep it up, fedor, bon appetit, thank you, and of
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course, we will take all the garbage with us after the picnic. look what a productive morning we've had, we've collected several bags of trash, and we also took a walk, had a picnic and had a great time, in general, our cleanup was a success, so the next one, our good, cheerful morning continues, and where would we be without... cutting even cubes is a cool skill, but you try to get into the donut hole . this shouldn’t be a problem either, if
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you are a real chef, a participant in the chef on wheels program leonid kanabritsky. fry until golden brown, place on a plate. we have pozharskaya cutlet with kari sauce. here we have our russian milk, our russian tomatoes and in general it’s excellent dish. good morning, good morning, listen, now you are also a cook on wheels, tell us where you were, what surprised you, what you discovered for yourself, we went to our ancient russian cities, we visited the city of uglich in the city of per, visited the city also torzhok, we prepared a real pozharsky cutlet according to an old recipe, well, tell me honestly, in the regions the products are still better than, for example, in the capital, but in different ways, and the vegetables in the regions are always gorgeous, especially from local grandmothers, because they they grow them themselves, you come to the market, choose, buy and cook, airbaseball awaits us. how's your relationship going? i’ll be holding it in my hands for the first time, i’ve never held it before, so let’s try it. the air flow supports
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the ball, each player has five attempts in order to score more points. leonid, well, i’m trying to do this for the first time too, in fact, i don’t know how to fight the battle correctly, i’m sure that in this new sport we are now setting trends, to the start, attention, memory, ah! almost like milk, as they say, come on, now, wow, six, leonid earns six points from the first blow, i’m starting to get nervous, but what is it, zeros again, so, you hear it, the stands are chanting, great shot and zero points for leonid, so this is already my third attempt, accuracy is not my strong point, again for my own, super, fourth attempt, i really hope, so, pow, yes,
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what is it, leonid, almost a c, the last attempt that can decide the outcome of the match, damn it, it was almost a c, almost a c, in in principle, everything is already clear, but stroke your pride. leonid, i thank you for the game, it was cool, but at first glance it seemed that it would be easy, it didn’t turn out very well, in fact it’s not that easy, but it was unforgettable, interesting, the first time, i think we need more just try it, you see, newcomers are lucky in the theater program good morning, and from me you have a chocolate medal, which confirms that you are not weak, i congratulate you on your partial victory, as always i wish my viewers that you also have an energetic morning, tasty, sweet and interesting, thank you very much, good luck. good morning, woo-hoo, leonid, i came up with a way to beat you, you know, but it’s not fair, just like that, our time
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can easily be called the period of online shopping without leaving home, today you can buy anything you want , from a chocolate bar to an apartment, you can also buy medicines, although with them everything is not so simple, and this is probably right, maxim petrenko plunged headlong into the topic of online medicine sales and is ready to share: it’s a waste at best, but we can get a drug that will harm a person, that’s my advice, of course, to still use those internet platforms that are approved by
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the ministry of health. according to the law, you cannot buy psychotropic and narcotic medications with delivery, nor prescription ones, but here is a nuance: there are three regions, including moscow, where electronic prescriptions are accepted as part of the experiment. the list of such pharmacy chains is limited, they are all on the website of roszdravnadzor, the pharmacy where we made the order.
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broken, there should be no drips that indicate that it was stored somewhere the wrong medicine in a humid environment, the wrong dosage, an expired medicine or an unusual color of the medicine, reasons to refuse the product, let’s say you had a white pill, suddenly for some reason you were given a yellow pill, this should alert you. finally, to help the state drug labeling system, we scan the qr codes on the drugs brought to us through the honest sign application. i can take a look. compare the batch number with the batch number of the medicine itself, and here i see that the series coincide, this once again convinces me that this drug is genuine, additional tests of the heart tablet using a reagent, we will find out if it is a pacifier, the color has become purple, this indicates that the active substance is present in this tablet, just a few rules
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ordering with delivery is not only convenient, but also safe, in our experiment with an unknown pharmacy without counterfeit goods, but is it worth the risk? maxim petrenko, dmitry parfyunov, sergey myakin, yulia bykova, channel one. let me remind you that on the calendar april 13, yesterday we celebrated cosmonautics day, but there can never be too much space, don’t miss the project tonight on saturday, dedicated to yuri gagarin, documentaries, all the stars of russian space, rescue in space and a star named gagarin, and of course watch the broadcast of the launch and landing of the space . the film crew of the film is calling, let's remember everything, everything is as it was, the buildings are congratulated, the gold is excellent, everything is working fine, the main thing is the rise, it's been a while since the rise, a minute before the start, yuri gagarin sings to hide his excitement, i can't, they're waving camera valentina tereshkova and alexey leonov,
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yulia peresilt smiles, these shots are also history. on october 5, 2021, actress yulia peresilt and director klim shepenka went into orbit, shot the first film in space, challenge, today on channel 1 the launch and landing of the space film crew is broadcast, let’s remember how it was, you see through the window, you already see the station itself , when you fly up to it, you see these huge solar panels, you see the edge. how were those 12 days in a confined space? details orbital life in the documentary "all the stars of russian space". i slept hugging the camera, flash drives, all
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the equipment, and so on. danger awaits the astronauts from launch to... admission. this rocket spire is a unique emergency escape system. for it to work, two cosmodrome employees must say the same code word. they issue this command in completely different rooms, at different cults. we will also see the documentary film rescue in space today. april 12, 1961 at twenty-third minute of flight. the connection with the vostok-1 ship is cut off, kedr has not been in contact for more than half an hour, kedr is the call sign of yuri gagarin. i hear you very faintly, the car is working fine, reception. in the documentary, a star named gagarin, a recently declassified letter from yuri gagarin to his wife, on the eve of the flight. i completely believe in technology. she's a let down.


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