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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 15, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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response to an iranian attack without thinking about the possible consequences. us president joe biden has privately expressed concern that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to drag the us even deeper into the widening conflict. the israelis don't always make the best strategic decisions, a senior biden administration official said. the new york times emphasizes that it was biden who dissuaded netanyahu from a lightning-fast response, perhaps even regarding iran’s nuclear facilities, while the same biden unblocked the sanctioned tehran assets. which, according to american republicans, makes washington's inconsistent policies dangerous. america must show unconditional support for our most important ally. the world should be assured that israel is not alone. the biden administration is undermining israel and appeasing iran, what contributed to these terrible events? it is obvious that the situation in the region depends less and less on the white house, which is now worsening in the context of the american elections, where the votes of muslim communities decide a lot not necessary at all, but from. israel is going against it
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quite consciously. domestic political scenarios suggest that even in conditions of relative calm, netanyahu will most likely lose his prime minister’s chair. there is such a category of friends who stick out all the time and drag the rest in, yes, whoever for them, as they say, is there in harness, and bears the whole burden, yes. israel is now actively pushing the americans at a time when it is extremely unprofitable for them in the election campaign, yes, in general, just...
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otherwise this is already going too far if israel will continue its operations of liquidating iranian officers, iranian leaders, then things will definitely approach a big war, it has already approached, but then a big war will simply become inevitable. so far, both countries have reported success. iran said every second missile reached its target. israel claims that 99% of drones and missiles launched by tehran were destroyed. iranian. the un spokesman announced the end of the attack unless opponents escalate further. the incident can be considered exhausted, however, if the israeli regime makes another mistake, iran's response will be much more serious. this is a conflict between iran and the criminal israeli regime. the us should stay away from this conflict. at israel's request , the un security council is meeting urgently in less than 2 hours. the jewish state accuses iran of violating international law. but,
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by the way, the islamic republic was ready to abandon a military response to israel on the condition that sofbess condemned the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. russia suggested discussing this in the security council, which in such cases usually issues a standard statement criticizing the strike on a diplomatic facility. but even a conversation on this topic in the security council was blocked by the united states and great britain. they say this could destabilize the situation in the region. it is unclear how to calm the situation now. tsakh? after all, he never refused to respond to the iranian response; according to israeli media, a decision will be made within 48 hours. georgia lisashvili, nina khureva, evgenia stefanchuk, dmitry malyshev, maria mortanova, first channel. now to the situation with floods in different regions of russia. kurgan region. the current on the tobol river has increased, the water is flowing towards the regional center, and the level continues to rise. now more than 700 houses and garden plots are flooded in the region, and evacuation is underway. the situation is still difficult.
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water in the urals near the city is slow news: for the first time since the beginning of the flood, the level is decreasing from the disaster zone, svetlana’s report , although today kostina’s encouraging messages came from there. and she went right at night, i’m there i was on duty, when i went, i went, so abruptly and up to half, well, a meter, 50 meters, probably like that, they didn’t expect it, but everyone there, everyone was flooded like that, the basement was filled. everything in about 40 minutes, that’s it, press your head against the wires, our film crew has been working in orenburg all week, entire neighborhoods were flooded literally before our eyes. april 9, novokuznechny village, afternoon, you see, the water is rising, but there are still dry areas. we returned to the same place a day later, today is 10 april, and you see what’s happening here, waist-deep water completely flooded the entire neighborhood. another 4 days passed, and this street was in the village. it’s completely unrecognizable, the depth is already about
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3 m, there is a strong current, more than 13,000 people have been evacuated from flooded houses, only a few remain, rescuers are delivering food to them, this family took measurements as long as possible. the water level on the terrace was marked at 7 cm/h, it went on, now it’s 20 per day, that is, it’s just less, every day it’s becoming more and more difficult for boats to maneuver on streets, here is a stream, here the boat is carried away, you have to level it, you can run into a fence, a sharp corner or a corner, break through the boat, look, it’s like a rapids on a mountain river, the flows are so strong that they sweep away everything in their path, even iron bends fences police officers also moved into the boat, this crew is from the criminal investigation department, the task for these days is to patrol the streets and search for looters. if you see suspicious people, or people carrying lanterns at night, or anything else suspicious, strangers, strangers to you, not from the street, from this people, call immediately
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police. the area is being sprayed with a drone with a thermal imager, several criminals have already been caught, people are leaving windows open for micro-ventilation, or something else, or gates. the urals are located 5 km from this village, but the water level rose to a historical maximum in the entire history of meteorological observations, the residents of this village tried to somehow escape, tried to build dams, we constantly hit them with a motor, but the elements turned out to be stronger. in some houses the water is up to the ceiling for those who are lucky enough to be knee-deep. here we’re about to drown a little, this is the first step, the climb to the second floor begins, that is, here it is, the transition, you see, yesterday it was completely open, that is, there wasn’t even enough distance to reach it,
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today you can already see, it’s getting to the second floor it’s getting strong, that is, the water hasn’t stopped, it’s constantly going, going, going, going, going, but now i have to admit, it’s gotten a little slower. arrive. the water came close to multi-storey buildings. it is no longer possible to enter this housing complex by car. tenants too deep began to evacuate. there is simply no electricity, no water, basically. and heating, there’s nothing like that. in principle, there is nothing left to do there. so they evacuated. traffic in the city is blocked in several areas, the river has flooded the road, you can see how turbulent the flow is. we are moving very, very slowly, accompanied by a traffic police vehicle. these are the friends of cars. except for the means , they are not allowed here. roads turned into rivers. the embankment in the city center is visible only by the protruding lampshades. sketpark was carried away. symbol of orenburg, stella, europe-asia also began to go under water. authorities report that the city is now at its maximum flood peak, the level of the ural river has reached almost 12 m. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin,
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anatoly mineev, first canal orenburg. in orenburg, large water came from orsk, the second largest city in the region. in total from russia's floods in this. regions, the tas agency was informed by the operational services, assistance to the victims is under the control of the president. on instructions from vladimir putin , the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction flew to the disaster zone to organize work on the spot to combat with the elements, and later to restore flooded housing and other objects. the topic will be continued by valentina solovyova. attention, evacuation is in progress. get over here, get over here. don’t rush, thousands of people rescued from the roofs of houses, from canopies, porches, women, children, pensioners, each of them says, and could not imagine that the flood would be so strong, yesterday the police came to us at night, yes, i looked out the window , well, there is no water, i say, but we won’t be flooded,
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it was so dry, they came twice, knocked, but we fools didn’t go, didn’t believe it, i didn’t think about where we would go at night, i didn’t wonder, i woke up. faster, faster, faster, faster, while i was getting ready, she went straight into the house, tried to go out to open the gate, but right deep in her boots was no longer enough, the pressure was as if a waterfall, the first time we’d seen one like this, no one believed until recently, on the interactive map of roshydromet, you can see how the water level in the southern basin of the urals changed from day to day, the flow goes from south to north, the tributaries of the urals are the or, ilek, other rivers, they... began to open up from ice and give increased water consumption, inflow, at the end of march, accordingly, it all started, in fact, from the southern regions of the ural river basin, then it all moved to the main channel of the ural river. on april 5, the first protective dam on the ural-vorski river failed, the next
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day a powerful stream demolished the second, the city went under water, and then the flood crest quickly reached orenburg. the scale of the spill is clearly visible in satellite images. red marks are each flooded one. home, here is orsk, here is orenburg, before the big water and after. as soon as the scale of the potential flooding became clear, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations to devote all efforts to saving people and eliminating the consequences. in addition, personally supervise the situation on the spot and immediately prepare for high water in other regions, kurgan and tyumen regions. we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. we communicate almost every day. however, the situation is changing hourly. there is a group in the orenburg region. ministry of emergency situations from different russian regions, a team from the spas center with experience in working on major floods in
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the irkutsk, tyumen regions and yakutia. from the point of view of the forces and means that are used by the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the group is large in a certain shift, from the point of view of pushing further, continuing to move towards the settlement of ilek, we are transferring both equipment and people, everything that concerns the orenburg region, but to date. colleagues confirm that the group is sufficient. temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in the region for 15,000 people with alexander kurenkov communicates with the people in them personally. thank you, this is a special thank you, but i hope they don’t abandon us. i want to remind you that the task set by the president is federal. you are not alone, the whole country is behind you, right? and this country is now working to come help. quiet, quiet, hold on, hold on. dog, come to me, come to me, come to me, rescuers work for several days without
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sleep, sit until the last minute, don’t leave, fear for their property, but there the man sent his wife home, he stayed, they brought him, they packed everything, everything is sterile, and these people travel 100 km every day, bring food to the rescuers, some refuse to eat, as they say, they want to go straight to sleep, people don’t sleep for 2-3 days, they work, we are the ministry of emergency situations. we try to feed them, people are in trouble, people are in trouble, so we help, and you? no, i'm a physical education teacher at school. a huge number of volunteers help evacuate people, save animals, and help the ministry of emergency situations employees. the popular front, the youth wing of united russia, is delivering drinking water, medicine, clothes and humanitarian aid to the victims. medical students in kayaks examine flooded areas. ordinary people take boats and go in search,
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but the gate is already a boat, he can’t get through the boat, i don’t know how he managed to open the gate, we have big gates, they open onto the street, he’s risking himself, the boy, also the father of three children , he has three children, so he went to save neighbors, military engineers of the yasnitsky missile formation went to hard-to-reach areas, on floating conveyors they bring fuel for generators and deliver clean, dry things water, as the governor of the orenburg region told the president.
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financial assistance, an application from citizens is applied through a single portal of public services and the mfc. work to assist citizens in obtaining financial assistance for those affected by the flood is organized in each municipality. a decision was made to assign payments to 1,403 people, and in fact , 3,245 people have already received money. in the kurgan region, in anticipation of big water, beregarki tabol began to be strengthened here in advance. military training cadets help center, stacking thousands of sandbags. presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the ural federal district vladimir yakushev arrived in kurgan. he personally inspected how the damp fortification was being carried out. the head of the ministry of emergency situations is also monitoring the situation on site.
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there is time, but we sit, we don’t sit, we don’t wait, and the task you set, to preventively minimize risks to citizens’ property, and i didn’t say it separately, i forgot. everyone, which means that for all households that are exposed to the flood zone, we are now helping citizens remove valuable property, ministry of internal affairs it helps, yes, it works, davich, you talked on the phone then, which means they, well, they were ready without it, now they are especially careful, they have strengthened the grouping along,
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above, so the safety of citizens, the safety of property that will be. in the flood zone we will provide. the natural disaster is not only in russia. in neighboring kazakhstan, there have not been such severe floods for 80 years. vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev discussed the situation in the border regions by phone during the first few days. in total , the republic had its own houses about 100,000 people were forced to leave. as for our country, in the orenburg region alone, the amount of damage could exceed 40 billion rubles. when you do everything with your own hands, and the tears flow themselves. although they say that men don’t cry, it’s very offensive, when they saw it, they cried a little, yes, there was a case when they didn’t take pictures, we built this house completely from scratch, roughly speaking, on behalf of the president, a government commission is working to eliminate the consequences floods. mikhail mishustin instructed to quickly establish energy, gas and water supply where the water begins to drain,
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in addition, the operation of transport, social facilities and business. the most important thing is our safety. there is a task before us too, and we will discuss it, this is with the meromturg and fas, which means to slow down the rise in prices, after all, a large amount of resources will be needed, this is wallpaper, cement there and so on, which means gas, electric meters, which means that this was not imitated, so we will also work on this work together with our colleagues, well, in
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principle, the report is finished, thank you, good, look, somewhere the water hasn’t arrived yet? somewhere it hasn’t gone away yet, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please prepare for this in advance, in advance, okay, anton gich, add something, we are in contact with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, money will be immediately allocated, resources. there is a fund, it’s great, well, the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is organized, in general, i hope that this is such a well-coordinated the work will continue, and we will minimize everything - both risks and consequences, please report regularly, it has already been announced that in
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the orenburg region they will begin to build a more powerful dam, as regards supporting people for completely lost housing. people will receive compensation at the rate of 68,700 rubles per square meter, such payments are also provided for those whose house has not yet been listed in the building register, and people who have apartments on credit will be helped to obtain mortgage holidays. now the main thing is to remain calm, not to lose your mind, not to panic, like many they begin to panic, but calm down, and many really do not lose heart, these shots have spread around the internet, even if they are knee-deep in water, but this is not a hindrance to the life-affirming melody. europe, which will suffer
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greatly in case of a bad outcome, does not want to admit whose drones are flying at nuclear reactors. even in magatha, although the mission of the international agency is constantly at the site and sees everything. our correspondent, evgeny lyamin , was the first journalist to visit zaas after a series of unprecedented attacks by kiev drones, here is his report. it all started on the morning of april 10, from the very morning these drones began to fly over us. well, he's buzzing. it’s just buzzing, now this sound can’t be confused with anything else, it’s just buzzing and you can see it, this is an attack by an ukrainian armed forces drone on the territory of the water intake of the heating and water pipeline in the city of energodar, fortunately no one was hurt. in principle, it was announced that there was a second wave of drones, so we were immediately warned to take shelter, this is the main living object and
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it is understandable in the event of a violation, this is a very serious factor, practically we understand that, well acts of terrorism are taking place here, there is no other way to evaluate terrorism, and nuclear terrorism at that, when the armed forces of ukraine strikes at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, has been going on for a week now, the director of the nuclear power plant says that concerns were expressed to the head of magata back in february. drone activity has been recorded for a very long time, in fact, here is mr. grosi’s last visit to the site, we provided him with information that about 120 enemy drones per week in the area of ​​​​the station’s location are recorded, just on at that moment there was no direct impact of these drones on the site itself. late last week, three people were injured when a car delivering food to a canteen was hit.
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the training center was attacked earlier this week. the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located here. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was visited by the first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko. the management of the nuclear power plant stated that a direct threat to safety had been created. one of the drones hit between the fourth and fifth power units, attacked. and the sixth, two drones flew towards the sixth power unit, one hit directly into the dome, another was suppressed by the rep system, fell nearby just a few meters, here is the crater, it detonated, these are the parts that remained from it, and the fragments can be seen scattering , for example, i pierced a metal sheet, the protection of the sixth power unit withstood it, we inspected it, fortunately there was no damage there.
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attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant marked a serious escalation of threats to nuclear security in ukraine, significantly increasing the risk of a nuclear accident. no one can gain any military or political advantage by attacking nuclear facilities. i understand that magathe has certain concerns. ukraine is like a sacred cow for the west, such an atmosphere has been created.
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i fully support the work of magathe director general rafael grossi, russia must withdraw from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. it's the same thing overseas. we believe that russia is playing a very dangerous game by seizing by military means the largest ukrainian nuclear power plant. and we continue to call on russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from zas. return full control over the station to the competent ukrainian authorities. russian ambassador to the usa. antonov immediately responded to this statement. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against the russian federation. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking
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on the edge of a knife. irresponsible kiev attacks threaten a radiation disaster. such actions undermine global safety. it is extremely important to prevent zelensky from allowing a radiation disaster to occur in his onslaught. i don’t think that in reality kiev is alone without the support of coordination with the west. would dare to take such strategically important actions as an attack on a nuclear power plant. i am firmly aimed at escalating the situation and am confident that there were preliminary agreements. my worst guess, and this is not just my opinion, a western country has made a decision to escalate. and here the reaction of the western media is indicative, at first they directly said that ukraine hit the dome of a reactor at a nuclear power plant occupied by russia with a drone. this is, for example, a new york post headline. but then the authorities apparently explained that no, kiev cannot be blamed. here's how the wording changed. ukraine has struck a nuclear power plant again, russia says. kiev denies the attack. zaporozhye nuclear power plant reported
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an attack by a ukrainian drone on... a training center, russia and ukraine are exchanging blame for the drone strike on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia and ukraine once again accuse each other of attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the british bbc went even further, they talk about the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the context of russian attacks on the ukrainian energy sector, and the ukrainian representative comments. attacks on nuclear facilities are of great concern. how big is the risk that this will actually lead to serious consequences? well, it is extremely risky, but the risk did not arise yesterday with drone attacks. it has been around for over two years. serious entry into storage or the reactor building can lead to pollution of the dnieper river, and therefore the black and even the mediterranean seas. radiation has no boundaries, so of course we would like to avoid this. radiation has no boundaries, and those who attack a nuclear power plant, of course,
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sounds like nuclear blackmail. at the same time, the kiev authorities are convincing some european politicians that it’s okay, well, i saw their calculations, basically ukrainian, i won’t go into detail about where things go, well, yes, you’re right, they convince the europeans that it’s up to you if it doesn’t reach, eastern europe, let’s say, will suffer, that is, inferior europeans, let’s just say, you’re really right in germany, they are convinced that it won’t reach germany, kiev claims that a certain wind rose from... will send radiation strictly south , in fact, radiation contamination will affect an area of ​​more than 5,000 km, all regions of ukraine, west of the dnieper, as well as romania, moldova, bulgaria, hungary, poland, slovakia, germany, the scandinavian and baltic countries will be affected. our western colleagues are so accustomed to automatic turning a blind eye to any crimes , the ugly antics of the kiev regime, that they manage not to notice even the direct shelling and
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attacks they resumed a few days ago. platforms, as soon as they announce that the threat has been lifted, then they go out into the street and continue their business. for a year and a half, as they say, ukraine held out and struck at the nuclear power plant. in the fall of '22 , dangerous artillery attacks were practiced, and now attacks with fpv drones have been massive. the vast majority are shot down by air defense systems. soviet-built power units were designed with a safety margin, for example, in case of a plane crash, but were not designed for constant bombing.
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besides. in addition to power units, the station has a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel, mobile diesel generators and much more, which ensures operational safety; the defeat of any of these facilities can trigger a nuclear accident. tomorrow the un security council is to discuss the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachurin, nikita sebastyanov, irina bliznyuk, sergey chevallo, channel one, zaporozhye region. the number of deaths in takmak , zaporozhye region, has increased to... this was announced by the head of the region, evgeniy baletsky. four more bodies were pulled out from under the rubble, including a child who was already the fourth on the general list of victims. one seriously wounded person died in hospital. kiev militants struck residential buildings with rocket artillery on friday evening. the search operation continues for the second day. and today the tas agency, citing its sources, clarified: “for the first time, the armed forces used nato small-diameter, ground-based bombs. the ammunition is highly accurate; when approaching a target
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, the direction is corrected. the west is diligently covering up for the kiev wards, the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus is underway, but in washington the perpetrators were appointed even before it began. the truth in this matter will be established beyond any doubt, the customers and sponsors will be named. as for other terrorist attacks, this week the russian investigative committee opened a case on the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states of america and others nato countries. established by one of the sponsors of subversive activities in the territory. russia, not only was the ukrainian oil and gas company burisma, closely associated with the biden clan, acting. the topic will be continued by dmitry kulko. with air raid signals in our border area this week , civilian lives were cut short again; five people, three children, were killed at the hands of ukrainian militants. in the village of klimovo in the bryansk region, a twelve-year-old boy was riding a bicycle when a shell arrived. ukrainians attacked the okuzhskoe village of apanasovka
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drone, dropped ammunition on a car in. well-known tactics of terrorists, footage from choosing a target to kill as many as possible, new year's eve in belgorod, a woman covers the kids with herself and rushes away with them, will never be forgotten. over the past two years , more than 200 attempted terrorist attacks have been recorded in russia, which were developed on the territory of ukraine and carried out by agents but abandoned.
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sbc, royal navy special boat service. he is the only survivor of the group, which the british set the task of landing on the tendra spit to capture. everything has been established, the identities of the curators, the place of training, we landed somewhere near the city of saltburid, about half an hour away from it there was a military base, as far as i know, it was called five rifles, this is just an episode in
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a series of crimes, behind which loom western intelligence agencies, similar confessions, press leaks and open statements by foreign officials, indicating the direct participation of foreigners in organizing terrorist attacks against russia, were collected by deputies. the state duma and social activists sent the document to the investigative committee of the prosecutor general's office. it, among others, takes into account the new york times article about the special unit 2245 created by the cia in ukraine, which was intended to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of our country. in the same formation, the americans raised the current head of the guru of ukraine, kiril budanov. thus, the statement describes facts and events confirming the existence of an organized criminal terrorist group within. which consists of the highest us officials, leaders of the military-political bloc of nato and individual countries that are part of it. biden’s ukrainian business partners, the political leadership of ukraine, employees of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense
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of ukraine and the sbu. after the deputies’ appeal , the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and other nato countries. and this is the scheme we managed to uncover. determined that. funds received through commercial organizations, in in particular, the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating on the territory of ukraine, has been used in recent years to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. the investigation checks the sources of income and further movement of funds. in the amount of several million us dollars, the involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and
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foreign curators, organizers and sponsors are being worked out. the ukrainian company burisma is closely associated with the name of the son of us president hunter biden. he joined its board of directors in 2014. biden sr. got into scandals, burisma itself was surrounded by criminal cases of corruption, but joe biden did everything to stop the investigations; later he openly said that he insisted on the dismissal of the prosecutor general of ukraine, threatening termination of financial assistance to kyiv. i said, i'm leaving in 6 hours, if the prosecutor is not fired, you won't get any money, and that son of a bitch was fired. in the twentieth year, the director of legal affairs of burisma, andrei kicha, was caught red-handed while handing over a bribe to the director.
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cash cache, in agreement with representatives of burisma, at the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine.
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he avoided talking about the barbaric murders of dugina and tatarsky or the unprecedented
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terrorist attack on the energy infrastructure, explosion of northern streams, which has officially remained without authorship for a year and a half. denmark , following sweden, unexpectedly stopped the investigation, reporting only in the abstract that it was sabotage: despite all the obviousness, it seems they are simply afraid to name the culprit. in russia, where the trial is ongoing, american tucker carlson asked vladimir putin a direct question during an interview.
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who can, who is interested in selling their expensive gas to europe instead of cheap russian gas, it is quite clear who can and how, a year ago, the famous investigative journalist seymour hersh told in detail that, according to his sources, explosive devices under the highways at the bottom of the baltic sea were planted by american military divers with the help of norwegian specialists. radoslaw sekorski, now the head of the polish foreign ministry, was apparently so overwhelmed by euphoria after the terrorist attack that he wrote on the social network “thank you to the usa.” the message was erased, but journalists recently reminded about it.
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who blew up the nord stream pipes in september 2022, you then thanked americans on social networks, you still suspect them, if you believe the press, this was done by someone who was interested in this, and the american side knew about it in advance and did not interfere, which means there was something to be grateful for, it did not interfere, but maybe the american side helped, the militants who blew up the crimean bridge in the fall of twenty -two, then killed four people. the difference from terrorist attacks, in which the organizers send jihadists with suicide vests to kill, is only that the driver of the car filled with explosives was used blindly. in any case, there is only one punishment for the sponsors of such attacks. and is spelled out in numerous international documents. they are cited by state duma deputies in their statement about the financing of terrorist attacks by western countries. collection of indemnity in favor of the injured parties, arrest of temporary freezing of accounts of both legal entities and individuals, and states of organizers of acts of international terrorism, as well as
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confiscation of property belonging to them or under their control. the prosecutor general's office sent a request to competent us authorities. france, germany and cyprus, calling on their colleagues to facilitate the proceedings and thereby fulfill their obligations under international conventions. dmitry kulkoy, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. why washington supports terrorism, why overseas curators forgive everything to the kiev regime. author's commentary by political scientist, host of the big game program on channel one, dmitry seims. that ukraine regularly uses. terrorism as not only a weapon in war, but also a tool in political struggle, this is not not the slightest doubt, because this is not only established by a lot of evidence, this is not only the opinion of the russian special services,
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the heads of the ukrainian special services regularly talk about this with pride, why ukraine is doing this, well, the usual explanations that the ukrainian leaders themselves give, “a military operation on ukraine has been going for many months now, the situation is very unfavorable for kiev, and they have nothing to show to their own public opinion, and of course, to their western curators, to whom they must regularly demonstrate their effectiveness on the battlefield, in order to receive more and more aid packages, but i actually think it's worse because..." the explanation i gave, it suggests that ukraine is sort of acting out of a sense of necessity that they have no other way out, it seems to me that it’s more like a scorpion that stings, because it’s in its nature, this, if you like, is how they
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see themselves, they brag about it, they boast about it, they they savor it, this is typical. of course, ukrainians start many operations themselves, but in general, they do. the behavior of terrorists, and you need to understand here that they can do very little without the help of their american curators, at least without the knowledge of their american curators, and there was a large recent article by the new york times, where, based on conversations with american officials...
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the relevant committees in congress, they know enough to understand that they would immediately detect an american and english trail, this is not a double standard.
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then it is believed that you can do absolutely anything, and this is of course, very very alarming, and by the way, this is very bad for america itself, many years ago i spoke with the former director of the cia, richard helms, who before he became director, headed the secret operation of the cia in the sixties, and i asked him: why until now, even in the american intelligence services there was a version.


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