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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 15, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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and we are on the air of the first channel, with which we sincerely congratulate everyone, hello, dear friends, well, what do we have in the center today, of course, international news, events in the middle east, the situation in the middle east, there is of course some amazing story here, we have already somehow come across this amazing story of a long, long, therefore, spectacular announcement, of whatever kind, it means, a military event, there was an announcement, remember the ukrainian counter-offensive, when they gave out interviews there, told, stood, yes, there will be at a counterattack on us, okay, well, excuse me, vlad, no more words, yes, we thought, yes, yes, well, strange people, but look what ’s happening, it means that iran has also been announcing its coming for a long time and quite spectacularly the attack, that means, against israel, he announced, announced, struck, after which, in a rare case in world history, after this mess, this little war , everyone won, iran, which means he’s happy, he struck, people are dancing in iranian squares.
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fascism appeared in italy at the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread throughout europe. fastas, as a rule, come to power through democratic means, and in the most advanced democracies, since they originate within them. and the topic would not be worth considering if fascism after its defeat in...
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premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. once a year the whole world celebrates a holiday, a day when you have to come to work in pajamas in order to take a break from the work dress code. we're having a pajama party, all about sleep and dream solving, just for you.
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it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first one. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is necessarily out of spite, she will write, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right away. she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young man, i can’t live without work, should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting with zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: “abide light, fleeting incessantly, i don’t reproach you for passing, thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart.
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matador on friday at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes, oh, i grew up on ural dumplings, and i grew up on homemade ones, hello, hello, when you swim in the pool as a team, don’t you go blind? kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on! “sergey, it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense, well, if you want, you you can go to work yourself, we are back on the air of the first channel, so let’s do it again, friends, it means that the middle east is in
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the spotlight, on the night from saturday to sunday, in general, many were very uncomfortable, but also, so to speak, our many specialists in middle easterners, there turned out to be an incredible number of them, that means they were pumping it up." i really had the feeling that here it was, the canon of the third world war, i checked the canned food in the barn, why, now i’m already embarrassed about it, but in general sound like that, and the announcement sounded quite ominously, well true, it means that overnight, saturday into sunday, reports appeared that iran launched a huge number of drones towards israel, the american company abc reported that there were about 500 drones and about 150 missiles in the attack, it sounds quite impressive, i repeat, there, if you read all sorts of channels, of course the mood was such that here he is, here he is the very point - so to speak, which once, once upon a time there were the balkans 100 years ago with pennies, yes, and now here he is the neighbor east, but somehow resolved, which means immediately after the attack, let’s give the background to these events, why all of a sudden after the attack on
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the iranian diplomatic mission there, the consulate in damascus, then general mohamed zahidi died, iran promised retaliatory strikes, here are a few there days, weeks. everyone was waiting, so tigeran gave the name to yesterday’s operation, the day before yesterday, a true promise, a true promise, the head of the iranian ministry of defense bagheri warned that he would deliver a military strike to anyone who opens their airspace or territory to israel for an attack, it also sounded quite like that, well , seriously and harshly, now as for the announcement, it seemed to us, well , it seemed to me quite strange, it’s interesting that before the attack, he announced, announced
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there is a feeling that the world was watching not for the war, but for the cinema, well, you understand what it’s all about, yes, but this movie, it was not made, so to speak, they reported all the time and never tired of reminding the world, it’s like an online documentary,
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although maybe not a documentary, i don’t know, many, many people said that the footage actually taken from completely different wars, some even from donbass, old footage taken, well, you have to understand. that this kind of event is always accompanied by hysteria, always accompanied by fakes, of course, in pursuit of hype, some channels began to take spectacular shots. from somewhere there, but just not where it should be, just like that, yes, then the unscrupulous media began to reprint this whole thing, that is, transfer it to their channels, and then we got to the point where quite authoritative media published outright fakes, but this all friends, emotions, i would like to correct my colleague, but in a number of moments, it means, firstly, there were no announcements as such, after the terrorist attack in damascus there were indeed at different levels. a statement was made by the country's leadership, as they do today, well, as
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the israelis make today, this is not an announcement, you know, it is a threat, we will respond, rest assured, this will not go unpunished, more and more these videos of the houthis, or their fan bases , let's just say, we still need to figure it out directly, this is yes or or official fans and channels we made these presentation videos, excuse me for a second, think about it for a second. like hamas, they have official resources, they have a fan base, and hezbollah and so on, it doesn’t matter, here it should be noted that we are making allowances for the mentality, there these videos are in the order of things, this is how they fight, this is how they present their hatred, his opposition to israel, the united states, this is not news, this is not the first video, it’s just all the media now.” focused on this event, the americans announced more, the hysterics were created
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more, which means our western colleagues, they they warned, they said, the iranians didn’t say anything in particular, didn’t show anything in particular, videos from october 7 have been pouring in with different content of absolutely incomprehensible content, because there’s nothing special said there, in general, well, they’re burning the flag, but here’s the training, how they’re shooting at star. david and so on, and now let’s once again put aside emotions and in fact it means that now they will say that they won, it is clear that they will say that 99% of the drones and missiles launched in their direction were shot down, that’s how it should be maybe we need an iron dome it was overheating, hypersonic missiles in turn hit, they hit somewhere, they hit some airfields, of course, of course, they hit airfields, they hit military targets. accordingly, it is not necessary to say now that these objects were not damaged in any way, according to various sources
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they were very damaged, according to some sources there were even deaths, it is clear that the israeli side, with its inherent secrecy, will deny everything, will rivet very cheap fakes, like now iranians are laughing a lot at the footage fired by the tsakhal, where the crater is from a shell that hit yakov, missiles that hit yakov, a crater somewhere in the desert and a pile nearby, that is, it was dug up. that means, friends, they don’t leave heaps of rockets, but for the future, for those who will plan fakes, please, i don’t know, maybe this heap was brought in to fill up the hole, maybe, but the fact remains a fact, they are very much mocking this now, but what actually happened, in fact, i would ask our viewers and experts, including you, to concentrate on the only thing one statement that came from tehran was the statement of the commander-in-chief. guard of the islamic revolution, who said: “we changed the equation, we will now
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respond this way to any attack by israel in our direction, that is, iran did not want to start a war and did not even pursue the goal of somehow causing serious damage and so on, i really i’m not talking about the scenario like in gas, you didn’t see any corpses, no blood, nothing like that, everything was very neat and delicate, iran pursued one single goal, to discover new option, we will now..." hit not with the help of a proxy, but directly ourselves. what they shot were not the newest drones and not the newest missiles, there is something much more serious, much more. moreover, they said, any the subsequent attack, the answer will be 10 times more powerful. that is, they have now demonstrated to the world a new option, a new method of influencing israel, when other methods have exhausted themselves, when words do not help, such limits of what is permitted will help themselves. nothing has resolved, i would like a little here too adjust, this is a big chess
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game, and iran has made a move, how many moves the two warring sides still have to make is a big question. iran has made a move, will israel and america respond? they seemed to say, there was already a verbal intervention, no, wait, no, no, then it’s interesting there, israel, pay attention to how things have changed, maybe i’m wrong, so to speak, but now my colleagues will correct me, but they noticed how has changed, she may not have changed radically, but she has changed subtly, that’s all. well, some senior comrades, and somehow everything, look, some formulas have already appeared, look, it was a failed attack, we would have struck if it had been something there, if it had somehow hurt us, well, no, it’s bullshit, but it doesn’t hurt me, the chicken is enough, well, something like that, it’s amazing that iran was allowed now, well, they didn’t even allow it, iran will now be so responsible for this, it won’t have anything here, we need to start a little differently, let’s
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actually clarify saying what was behind this whole story. who needed this war, most of all it was certainly needed by netanyahu, by him, or more precisely by his group of such absolute radicals, for whom the quick war they promised in gas turned into a sluggish, huge and hopeless bleed, who, with the help of this war, seemed to have extended his political existence, but again it all began to sag, there is huge criticism in the west, there is huge criticism in the usa, in this case... openly provoking iran to attack, netanyahu, his group understood several things: first, no ground there can be no war, because there are no land borders, secondly , militarily, of course israel cannot do anything to iran, because all the israeli missile reserves that exist, they will not, relatively speaking, even cover primary goals,
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well, just look , there is a very interesting map on the internet, maybe now you can find it, a comparison of the territory of israel and iran, that is... he consolidates the pro-israeli elites in the world, he again consolidates the jewish population around himself, and third, he will force the americans, the british, who are in the region, to fight for themselves, which we saw during this attack, that together, so to speak, shoulder to shoulder with israel , the americans were harnessed there with all their might. the americans and british scrambled more than 200 planes on the territory of jordan, as they say, they were hunting for prominent martyrs, and again, the main thing must be said, it turned out that this was, as it were, a hunt for martyrs in itself, it was such a slow, difficult-to-maneuver target, it of course successful, but not a single hypersonic ballistic missile
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the american non-israeli could not hit, this suggests that the united states, israel, and any other. israel, they need to respond to this, they need to extinguish this, everyone else is so to speak a radical to answer, because they have already come up with their own theory that for the first time in history, it means that iran struck directly at, so to speak, the territories actually under its own , iran inflicted, again, iran also had something to lose, iran understood perfectly well that its huge foreign policy successes, there was a way out of sanctions, and a very
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serious strengthening in the islamic world, removal of the conflict with the sunnis, that is, this is all up to...
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there is, to behave modestly, like some of our generals, yes, yes, i would like to add to what, yes, what i said means, this is a high-flying bird, then colleague, indeed, iran hit three targets at once, he responded, he really achieved certain military goals, and he did not start the third world war, he was in a very difficult situation, from which he came out, in my opinion, delicately, for which iran can only applaud, i agree, i’ll put in 3 kopecks there too. it seems to me that , of course, all this can be considered a chess game, and there is only one move, another move and so on, but there is a feeling that iran is leading this game, so to speak, is in control, namely that iran , yes. not israel, not the states, namely iran, here i agree, we have israel in touch, well, not all of it, we have vladislav surkov, deputy chairman of the anti-fascist movement in
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israel, and of course it’s very interesting to talk about how they see it, they saw it there and i see from israel too, this whole situation, first of all, yes, vladislav, thank you very much for being with us, hearing us, hello, yes, very good, let's first before yes, before moving on. so to speak, to discussions there on a geopolitical scale, let’s just tell you as an eyewitness, this is how it was, this is how it was saturday and the night from friday, my god, my god, from saturday to sunday, because here we had, of course, a strong feeling that it was just the third world war and we are on the threshold, as you have there it was felt, well, of course we had anxious expectations of what was happening, although our... country has been at war for six months already, and before that rocket attacks occurred periodically, of course, there was no panic, but there was anxious expectation, plus,
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of course, the fact that we were warned in advance was also reassuring, but nevertheless, the fact that there was a threat from iran was, of course, the first time and... well, everyone hoped for the best, and in principle that’s what happened. katya, i’m sorry, that is, we hoped for better, and that’s what happened, that is, in israel and you, in particular, you believe that everything that happened was, as it were, in favor of israel, that is, they fought back, thank god, well , ordinary citizens speak directly, of course, that is , they fought back, it is important to understand, we don’t want to be there, we are not going to discuss.
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what to do in the event of an attack, in principle, according to all messages, it became clear that an attack was expected by the end of saturday, well, that’s what happened, so everything was on the personal responsibility of the people, especially since we here have long been prepared for such situations, so everything went smoothly basically calm. vladislav, you tolya asked you what all the residents of israel really think: oh, cool, we won because iran hit, and we didn’t... suffer, so, to be honest, what do you think, if iran really needed hit, he would have hit, or was it really such a serious attack of his, israel, great
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fellows, fought back, or iran did not hit so seriously, but simply showed that he can do it, no, well, regarding victory, i can’t talk about to say this, because such a conflict, thank god, did not flare up. that's what the defense system there showed its power, the air defense system, this, well, yes, this is, of course, a victory, on the one hand, but absolutely no one wants, well, in my environment, let’s say, for there to be some kind of continuation, because naturally, here this is the very potential of the threat, regarding the continuation, now vladislav, it’s interesting here, two words literally.
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according to calculations, cruise missiles were launched , then hypersonic missiles were launched last, but they all approached the targets virtually simultaneously, that is, in this case, of course, the task was for everyone forces that were involved, once again you need to understand that a huge group was involved to repel this generally quite balanced strike, that is, this is also an economic blow, well, they counted, they counted, they just shot it off almost with missiles. ..
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i wanted to add according to the expert, with all due respect, the anti-fascist movement in israel is very important and necessary, thanks to them for their work, but i listened to the person and got the impression that he has absolutely no understanding of what is happening, of ours, unfortunately, there is no cause -and-effect relationship, well, we are glad that everything turned out okay, and god willing, everything will be what we needed, listen, he is not an expert, it’s no use calling him an expert, it’s just
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obvious, that. .. even better, even better, even better, more precisely even worse, that is, this means that this is the average temperature in the hospital, which means the israelis still don’t understand how it all started, why they are treated this way, why these missiles flew there and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening, namely to end the massacre in gas, to end senseless murder, they will end, everything will end, listen, one of the officials said, and macron is macron. finally they heard this question, the question is, listen, well, for what, so to speak, for what reason, it means that you are discriminating against russians at this very olympics, your future ones, let’s say there are no israelis, he says, well, listen, well that you, how can one compare, the israelis , after all, he says, are not attackers, but the defending side, how interesting it is, who decides who is the attacker, who, then, the defending side, you know, that’s why they say an idiotic question, and that’s it, it’s like the case is exhausted, the question
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is answered, just like that, it’s in general, it’s not just israel. exclusivity in the fact that everything is under control, that everything is wonderful, that this is how it should be, that it is necessary to answer, yesterday i read a wonderful article, one of the few in the israeli newspaper , idiot security guards, where they... devoted several pages to a fairly strong, very sane analysis , what can i say, we missed iran, that we didn’t do a lot so that it should have been different, but the conclusion , damn it, this is a classic israeli one, what needs to be done correctly, we need to fight, we need to respond, we need to hit, we need to hit even harder, we need to, guys, just calm down, but you understand, that this is exactly your aggressive, inadequate reaction of such a drunken beech, it reminds someone, this is exactly what led to it,
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and you didn’t try to change it a little?
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will lead to the end of israel sooner or later, well , not a fact, it will lead to the end , it’s unclear when, now he’s in the kings, well you really understand, this is about the question of a good politician and a real politician, a good politician means he can grasp the aspirations of the majority, he can engage in populism, make some popular decisions, while still doing it in his own way, that is, without associating your own good with the good of your people, with the good of those who you...
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the conflict, i think that it will continue for at least another year, not necessarily the whole war will be like an ascension, sublimation , maybe it will end a little earlier, but in general at least another year on all this the same netanyahu cabinet will play and so on, after which, of course, one way or another, this fuse will begin to end, we remember that the previous cooling-off took about years, well, 15 years, if we take it from the last conflict, because ... let me remind you that before what happened now, there was a question that the signing of peace agreements was beginning, including with the arabs, and in fact, this could lead to a completely new situation altogether, in many ways, by the way, for the palestinians tragic, it should be here
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completely admit it, because they also wanted to be quietly written off by their own, so to speak, allies, in this case the current conflict situation is beneficial to the radicals on all sides, because it allows them to continue...
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of course, again, russia is equally russia is removed, of course, in this case, such a conflict, and even its course, very well shows how different everything that is happening in ukraine is from everything that is happening there, in my opinion, of course, this
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again pushes back ukraine or is already being driven ukraine is still under the bench, because now in the coming weeks this will still be the main topic, again, no one will care about ukraine, and just finishing this topic, i must say that... of course, well, i say it again, we see such a rapid devaluation of ukraine as a resource, as a geopolitical resource from which everything started, as such... an outpost against russia, we will drive it under the bench, as a general geopolitical resource in the global sense, because it turns out that no one really needs it, in this case, of course they have the situation is becoming extremely complicated, by the way, there is something very interesting here, you all probably read the answer to our maria, i wanted to say that maria and vladimir just say hello and gratitude for this clear answer, so to speak, here are a few words just...
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inside too everything is boiling, netanyahu finds himself in
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a very difficult situation, he is being pressured from the inside from the outside, he was being pressured by both the americans and the collective west, don’t look at the fact that they publicly support israel. israel is a trickster, israel is out of control, israel is morally bankrupt in all their efforts to dehomonization and demonization of russia. by their actions they put the west, first of all , in an awkward position. therefore, behind the scenes, of course, there is pressure on netanyahu, he is really forced into... they tear this baton out of his hands, inside there are also relatives of still unreleased captives, relatives, friends, hostages, and so on, and they demand what well, real action, some result, you either fight or win, you promised us, or end this senseless massacre, we are no longer victims in the whole world, we are not victims of the holocaust, but not victims of the october 7 attack, we are aggressors, we are executioners, we committed genocide, so where? in general, where is the profit, where is what we get from all this, what you get,
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it’s clear, you are in power, you make decisions, and we, ordinary people, say the israelis, i can understand them, because by their actions they, moreover, that in the moment they are poisoning the lives of the israelis, they are planting this bomb for many decades to come, because today every, i repeat this for the hundredth time, every child left without a parent, every parent who has lost a child is a hamas client. he will go exclusively to hamas, he will go obsessed with revenge, remember general lebed and his legendary phrase about a man who came home, instead of a house, the crater itself, and what will he do, he will really tear until, while he is alive and alive, i i quote, yes, general, he will live for a very long time, because he still has a lot of targets that need to be hit, so to speak, his heart beats, i wanted not to be the boss, what the abbateel said, not all saw the statement. so i directly opened her telegram channel. ambassador of israel to russia,
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simone golperin. colon. israel expects russia to condemn iran's massive missile attack on the country. answer, maria zakharova. simona, remind me when israel condemned at least one strike by the kiev regime on russian regions, do you remember? and i. but i remember regular statements in support of zelensky’s actions from the israeli official list of those very criminal, terrorist actions of the bastards at the bank, as a result of which, year after year died. the forecast for the next few days is disappointing, the critical level will be exceeded. rescuers
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are clearing debris from the riverbed to reduce pressure on the dam. in three districts , wells are being built so that water can flow into them. almost 13,000 people were evacuated in the region. temporary accommodation centers are operating. a difficult situation in tomsk. water is eroding the embankment near the bridge. some of it has already been destroyed. there is a state of emergency in several villages. three regions sent additional assistance to the orenburg region, which was heavily damaged by floods. specialists and equipment from bashkiria, tatarstan and samara. over the course of the day , the water level in the ural river decreased. well, in orsk, in those areas where the water has already receded, cleaning and disinfection are being carried out. they open today. schools, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, has again arrived in the city to monitor how the liquidation of the consequences of the flood is proceeding. massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces facilities, explosions in dnepropetrovsk. authorities confirmed that an infrastructure facility was damaged. there is an arrival at the location of french mercenaries in slavyansk. riyanovosti writes about this with a link
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to your sources. russian armed forces are hitting targets associated with the ukrainian army. this is a response to the enemy’s attempts to... our paratroopers defeated an enemy column that was carrying ammunition. near avdiivka , artillerymen hit ukrainian positions with precise attacks from hail. multiple launch rocket systems are used on all sectors of the front, including on kupinsky, they work under cover, enemy drones are in the sky, for which mlrs are a priority target, but our soldiers are always on the alert. how is the hunt for kamikaze drones going? with editorial report by alexey kruchinin. there's a todron circling somewhere. even though the hail strikes far away,
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some tasks require the crew to work almost from the front line, where enemy drones can easily be reached by kamikaze copters with drops. with gum attached to the body. the firing position of the west group's reactive system is controlled by combat guards. guys with small arms and what they call here, drone strikers, electromagnetic guns that jam enemy radio frequencies. aim, catch it and hold it until it settles. use weapons happens almost every day. today, while waiting for a combat vehicle to arrive at the firing position, we hear machine gun fire not far away. neighbors shoot at the ukrainian armed forces drone. after a few seconds there is a gap, which means a bird. was hit and fell, the shell detonated , fell, was shot down, yes, yes, that's it, let's work, gentlemen, the record of this crew, one day the guys spread out, aimed and worked in just a minute and a half, now there are several lightning-fast movements and the sight is set, 10 fire, 10 fire, yes, high explosive
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the shells explode. enemy trenches in the forest in the kupinsky direction. the effect of a rocket artillery strike is always colossal, as if dozens of large-caliber guns were simultaneously fired at one point. while the guys are working, they are usually not attacked; the enemy does not have time to get to the car at the firing position. the greatest danger lies in retreat. and there were also situations at night , we worked through them, we started to leave, that is, to look for a safe place. the drones were close, that is, i decided to turn off the car, turn off the lights, and leave the car.
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to fulfill one’s duty, to defend one’s homeland. the driver with the call sign wheel and the senior gunner mozai, fellow countrymen, both from berbejan, met on the way to the front, and here the waters became inseparable. i’m generally pleased with my team, that the guys are all combative, they know what they need to do, especially when the command came, there are no eyes wide open, everything is done calmly, clearly, harmoniously, as it should be, it’s nice that i work with such guys, having shot hiding in the forest, the calculation is immediate.
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platoon commander with call sign erokha the citizen was an artist and these skills come in handy here. i am very respectful because our grandfathers did it. i myself have a great- grandfather and two grandfathers who fought in the great patriotic war. both of my grandfathers were also in the artillery, and so it turns out that i followed in their footsteps and also ended up in the artillery. the russian soldier has always carefully preserved the historical heritage. by may 9, this and several other monuments in bezhrazhny will be like new. these are shots from prague, an endless stream of people, a similar situation in warsaw, where
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many draft dodgers settled. let me remind you that the law was last was adopted by the rada this week, now it is in zelensky’s office, awaiting signature, as soon as it comes into force, documents will be issued only with a military id. there is total control over those liable for military service, even over those who were previously considered unfit for service. by the way, many will have to re-confirm this status, and also regularly check in... with enormous experience in drinking alcoholic beverages in rural areas. with broken noses, with black, drunken faces, in short, he looks bad from the outside. at least nine iranian missiles,
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fired at israel on april 13, were able to overcome the air defense and hit two air bases, the american channel abc news reported. the aggravation of the middle east crisis was discussed at an emergency meeting of the un security council; tehran's massive attack on israel was a response to the shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus.
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reaction on world stock exchanges in new york and london. the first day of trading began with a noticeable increase in hydrocarbon prices. brand oil at its peak reached $90.5 per barrel, and wti grade crossed the mark 85.5 dollars. soon, however, prices rolled back to a level lower than the previous trading session. investors continue to monitor the developments in the situation around iran. a great loss, he died in the seventy-second year of his life. his name is inextricably linked with the history of our aviation. during his years of service, he
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spent almost 500 hours in the sky, tested su-17, mig-29, mig-31 aircraft, and set 11 world records on su-27 fighters. it was on this plane that anatoly kvocherov made a unique flight from moscow to australia. he also completed two ultra-long flights across the north pole with in-flight refueling. in the ninth , footage from the air show in lubourg became a sensation. a sudden accident during a demonstration flight caused a bird to get caught in the air intake. the plane crashes, but the pilot remains at the controls until the last moment and ejects just 2 seconds before hitting the ground. a week later he returned to flying. in 1988, anatoly quacher made a splash at the farnber air show. showing the bell aerobatics for the first time. the most difficult element. airplane vertically gains altitude and then. reduces speed almost to a complete stop, testing supersonic aircraft, anatoly kvocher continued until 65, the time was not in
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history. british media report that the kingdom is negotiating with armenia on the expulsion of illegal migrants there, in particular, the times newspaper writes about this. according to these data, the dialogue continues with representatives of several more states. london has long been looking for countries that are ready to accept illegal immigrants in their centers for... there is not enough space, the question is where will they go migrants whose asylum applications will be rejected, earlier the lower house of the british parliament adopted an agreement with rwanda, now the document is being discussed by the house of lords, the initiative has caused serious disagreements while the scheme is not working, and as the newspaper writes, now armenia is in mind, but now the negotiations are on pause. the uk government hopes talks can resume once the rwandan scheme is up and running, with the home office committed. to deport the first migrants by early june, although it has yet to find an airline or strike a deal with the raf to operate its first flights. armenia is awaiting
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the results of the rwandan bill. technical negotiations. with the armenian government began in september, but the process has stalled. and a message has just arrived from the armenian ministry of foreign affairs, officially yerevan denies the information of the times newspaper, substantive or technical negotiations, so there was no question, the foreign policy department emphasizes. navigation opened in st. petersburg today. on rivers and canals pleasure boats and trams leave. perhaps no one misses the opportunity to see the majestic embankment and mysterious alleys from the deck. tourist. at the same time , the bridge raising season opens. the most striking night spectacle in st. petersburg is one of the calling cards of the city. the neva is like a highway busy at rush hour. a fascinating picture. the season usually lasts until mid-november. and in the south of russia, thousands of tourists rush to see the don steppe. she only happens like this these days. a sea of ​​scarlet flowers, a rare type of tulip.
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simply fabulous beauty. yulia pogorelova will confirm. remember the fairy tale: the scarlet flower? who doesn't remember her? so, as a child, i was always tormented by the question, what kind of flower is this beautiful, unprecedented, and even rare, and here it is, a scarlet steppe tulip, they bloom once a year, such a don steppe can only be seen in april , among the irises and herbs there are a million scarlet tulips, not like the garden ones, more fragile, miniature, you wouldn’t trample on purpose, all this splendor, look how beautiful it is, not at all...
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the main thing is to have time for the blossoming age of the don steppe to last only two weeks. olga was brought here by her husband, they generally travel often, believing that in retirement, life is just beginning, and today i, god, thank you, sasha, another gorgeous gift of my life, how many kilometers have we traveled, how many 200, 200, 200, don’t you regret that it’s possible, i still want to breathe this air, there’s a lot of filming here, i don’t know, the phone can’t accommodate it anymore, of course animals in nature hide from so many people. employees of the rostov biosphere reserve specially for the tulip festival they opened a living corner, they will show and release the animals into the wild. this snake clearly doesn't like that kind of attention. this is a band, this is a sarmatian band, included in the red book of the rostov region. and he was the one who scared you, as i understand it. yes, yes, yes, he's scary. a very beautiful snake, spectacular. well, completely harmless to humans. by the way, it was
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the staff of this reserve who preserved tulips in the local steppes. previously, they were found in much greater numbers throughout the rostov region, and now, when almost all the lands are plowed, the schrenk tulip, that same small flower is becoming increasingly rare, and today the law prohibits picking it: a bouquet of such flowers can cost you a tidy sum, for each flower picked from 1,500 rubles, plus 4,000 for violating the ban, since this tulip is a non-weed grass, the appearance of one steppe flower wait for years, 5-7 years, until one that's all for now, we are following the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell,
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the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working in live in the studio. well, the topic of the day is a new round of escalation in the middle east; this weekend iran launched a massive attack on a military facility in israel. hundreds of drone missiles were launched, and israel's allies came to the rescue. as a result, the idf said that the vast majority of the missiles were intercepted. in iran, on the contrary, they claim that at least half were able to achieve their goal. as a result, the lebanese-israeli border practically turned into a war zone .
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scenario, both defensive and offensive, we are supported by a simple principle: whoever harms us, we will punish in return, we will protect ourselves from any threat, we will do this with calmness and determination. at the same time, on another continent , us president joe biden interrupted his vacation and held meetings with the heads of the pentagon, state department and cia, in the white house situation room, after which biden telephoned netanyahu, and as the american media reported, the us president tried to dissuade israel from retaliating blow. according to reports, several members the israeli military cabinet supported the idea of ​​a retaliatory attack, but the lack of a serious one. as well as netanyahu’s conversation with biden, led to its cancellation. the biden administration advises israel not to fire back at iran; israel has already proven its ability to defend itself. american officials
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worry that israel might do something quickly in response to an iranian attack without thinking about the possible consequences. israelis don't always make the best strategic decisions, senior official says biden administration. biden, in a conversation with netanyahu, tried to portray israel's successful interception of iran. however, israeli journalists report that the americans sent an aircraft carrier to the us mas dwight and isenhaur to the north through the red sea , in addition to additional forces.
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the uss esenhower heads north across the red sea towards israel. it is able to intercept drone missiles launched by iran. at the same time , the united states continues to transfer additional forces to the middle east. this is demonstration of attempts to contain.
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operation to strike iran, i remind you that israel has always said, even prime minister areli sharon, that at any moment iran can strike us with nuclear weapons, it will be a nuclear holocaust, and we will not allow iran to create nuclear weapons, that is we will attack first, they boldly talk about it, now, according to their information, iran is closer to creating nuclear warheads, and formally they really needed a reason to now... carry out a major operation, and also ideally create a coalition of countries that will support israel in this attack. israel is not stupid, that is, now this is not a point at all, it’s not like one blow, it’s just, well, of course not, please
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note, from a military point of view, the destruction of military generals, the generals in charge of the alkuts special forces, is not from a military point of view has no preference, the next day they replaced it with other officers, everything worked when it was destroyed. nuclear, that is, scientists who deal with nuclear safety, it’s clear that you are rolling back the iranian program by 5, by 10 years, something else, not here, these are provocative actions, and iran in some part was drawn into this part, what israel is doing now, it is gathering a coalition of countries that will allow it to deliver this blow. last year, in january, they were already practicing the scenario of an air offensive operation against iran, the largest air military exercise was called juniper oak 23, where... american b-52 strategic bombers, a huge aviation unit of f-35, f-15 aircraft, f16, including from american aircraft carriers, and you just said this,
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the aircraft carrier azenhaur goes there, and this is not only an aircraft carrier, it is an aircraft carrier strike group, in which a huge number of submarine escort ships with a large number of 154 tomogaf missiles on one submarine, therefore, gain air supremacy of iran by destroying. the americans and the israelis are really capable of producing air defense missiles and launchers; then the operation will begin as in the gas sector, when they will freely bomb everything that is on the surface, a nuclear reactor.
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chat this was expected, especially since on for many days there was information from iran that a response would arrive, and there would be a response, it turns out that this response was expected, yes, now this is either an increase in rates, or this is already a planned game, or maybe this is indicative of some kind of warning action on the part of iran, in your opinion, how will events develop further? who is the main customer of this game? we actually predicted that iran would respond, and several scenarios were considered, including one that happened. the mentioned american john bolton is, of course, another character, i once talked to him, well, a half-crazy guy, however, he is an ardent supporter of regime change in iraq, which has already happened, he is seeking the same in iran, but i have to agree with andrey frantsevich, what is this point of view? the american establishment and
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the same point of view is shared by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he dreams and sees, in order to provoke changes in iran itself, he dreams of striking nuclear facilities in iran, but he understands perfectly well that without the rear in the form of american support, it is very, very difficult to do this at the moment, but... he decided to take this step, understanding perfectly well that some kind of reaction would come from washington, or they coordinated jointly, yes, this attack on the iranian embassy in damascus, it’s interesting, right now, yes, against the backdrop of a statement from the white house that they are not interested in escalating the conflict, that they allegedly want to rein it in, and biden has been saying for a long time oh, this benjamin, it means he’s getting out there just under pressure, that’s all, now we need to drive him back into the cage, that’s the question. yes,
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how controllable is netanyahu, or are they still acting together? he is not completely controllable, if he gives the impression of controllability, it only means that at this stage it is beneficial for him, as soon as it ceases to be profitable for him, he can get out of the control of the united states more than once, you correctly noted in the united states of america, he took great risks; no one had a complete guarantee that iran would respond in this way. neither who the israeli intelligence services also did not have such a guarantee as the american ones, we were on the verge of very dangerous events, now the question is, will something happen within 48 hours, most likely the americans will still force netanyahu to hold back his plans, in it’s unlikely that anything will happen in the near future, but why do i... agree with
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the difficult scenarios for the future, because there are very irreconcilable positions between the current israeli leadership, on the one hand, and iran, on the other, and the biden administration, it is no longer strong enough to keep everyone away from such scenarios even if desired, so israel's response may be delayed, it may be indirect, on what may the delayed response depend? after all, they too will now, as i understand it, bargain, yes, that we will postpone, for example, the response to iran, yes, because that’s what they want in the white house, but, this is what may follow this but, this but may follow any accidents, for example, one of the iranian proxies, they sometimes act independently, will strike some kind of blow or will capture another merchant ship or something else like that, in the red sea, maybe even... from iran in the strait of armus,
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maybe in the south of lebanon or in syria, any event of this kind could again provoke a new round of tension, moreover, knowing the position of the israeli leadership, roughly understanding it, one can assume that even if israel does not respond directly now, it will continue to respond indirectly, in fact, as some american ones are already recommending to it... he says in a cunning way, for example, swipe a cover operation, what does this mean, this means possible liquidations, this means a continuation of the operation in the gas sector, all this can again become a trigger, a reason for aggravating the situation, but israel here can show an example of disobedience, a
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clear example of disobedience, because the united states is facing elections , and biden is not the most ardent supporter of israel compared to others. candidate donald trump, here's what he wrote about iran's strikes on israel. israel is under attack, this should never have been allowed and would never have happened, if i were the president of the usa. it is clear that this is an example of escalation that forces use to their advantage; biden’s ratings, which are already not very high, may fall even further in the new york times question, only 25% of americans are confident that the presidency. has become a good time for the united states, with 42% positive about the trump era. biden's rating in the context of the situation in the middle east does not exceed that same 25%. or will there be a case of further escalation closer to the elections, this will simply
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put an end to biden’s presidency, and so on you yourself understand who benefits from this. well , we’ll find out from a journalist about how this middle eastern conflict will affect america itself and assistance to ukraine. and political scientist with us in touch with the united states john varoli, john, hello, hello, how much do you think the united states benefits from this middle east conflict now? well, in general, we have been waging a war against iran, well, for almost 45 years, in the minds of our elite, as they view the situation, they are waging a world war against your country, against iran, against china, they really think that... the third world war has already begun, but in their world, as they look at the situation, and it’s very interesting that the aid package, military aid, which is now being discussed, is again, this is help to someone , ukraine, israel and taiwan, but this confirms what i say, that once again our elite, they see how they are waging
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a world war against their enemies, well, the three most important enemies, one of them is iran, but the situation is very complicated , because iran. this is not yemen, we can safely bomb yemen without the consequences are special, but bombing, say, delivering strategic strikes on iran’s infrastructure will be much more difficult, because, as you know, our ships are near iran, and if iran responds by sinking one or more of our ships, this will already be a very big problem for white house, so what is this, well, this means many, many hundreds of american sailors will die, yeah.
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3 years, well, a shameful flight from afghanistan, less, well, a little less than 3 years ago, defeat by half the battle in donbass, when your the armed forces have already taken a victory against, well, nato, the american one, but who is at the head of nato, america, it is clear that this is our
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shameful defeat again, and we the white house cannot allow a third shameful defeat, so once again they will be very careful, people are already looking at... somehow i don’t know, i don’t really want to, excuse me john, you’re an american, yes, but there are, like, good americans, and there are those who, therefore, rule everything in the whole world, like them i think the last question is short. how will all this affect military assistance to ukraine, after all, congress should finally
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decide something, and there is such a multi-billion dollar aid package? i think that in the end, our help to ukraine will pass, unfortunately, it will pass, because once again, the main task of the white house, well, in general, our elite, not only the white house, our elite, the main task is to deliver your country on your knees and then deal with iran, and then china to third place.
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during a call on sunday between joe biden and congressional leaders, there was consensus that congress it is necessary to act quickly to send aid to both israel and ukraine. i hope something can be done in the coming week to help both countries. and here it is worth noting that this whole situation, which is... in the east, is not playing into kiev’s hands, but ukraine itself and its allies
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are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the white house’s strategy towards kiev, and this is what the publication wrote about it. supporters of president joe biden and former us officials are disappointed with the white house's strategy towards ukraine. they see growing disagreements within the administration over long-term support for kiev. the situation is desperate for ukraine. some american officials were clearly. supporters of ukraine are alienating the united states from the position of other allies. they say that such comments are even more andrei frantich, how much will the emphasis of the united states now shift? they have already shifted, zelensky and his team are already worried. well, by the way, here you gave an example about the fact that the americans are against bombing oil infrastructure, because it changes the balance of power in the world. on gasoline prices in america, and this is a very important pre-election factor, to which kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine said: “how
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can the americans tell us anything at all, they don’t give us anything, we do what we want, that is they increase the level of impudence, but in reality the conflict, of course, already, i mean in the middle east, has informationally drawn the space there completely, and if it continues, and there is a high probability, then the countries of the world will look there, because it will draw in this entire region, americans are very important now so that..." their military bases are not hit, the second story is the air defense systems of the missiles themselves, what is so necessary for ukraine now, this is exactly what they are asking for, the americans will be forced to defend themselves, israel and so on, even if they do not participate in the offensive operation against iran, they will definitely defend, and there will be a huge expenditure of those means of repelling attacks, and the most important thing, of course, is money, we talked about this today, i want to draw attention to the structure, 61 billion, which were promised to ukraine .of them really on only 13 billion were supposed to leave ukraine. everything else was supposed to remain in the united states to
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replenish the reserves that biden had previously ordered from warehouses. and now i have a question, how will it be on credit? that is, they will send 60 billion to ukraine and put it in their warehouse, but they will actually send 10 billion, this is also such a design. i understand that zelensky now agrees to anything, even if it is a 60 billion debt, but you will give me, relatively speaking, 10, such, you know, a microcredit organization. ukraine needs to reach parities with the west, and even if 10 billion they will receive, and i am sure that they will send some amounts anyway; this will not greatly change the configuration of forces on the battlefield. look at how much debt zelensky is driving the future generation into, well, apparently he has simply given up on the future. elena vladimirovna, huh? how will they divide the aid packages between ukraine and israel, will they vote in one package or will they still divide it?
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it hasn't been decided yet, but most likely. they will vote on it as a single package, although there may be a new delay here, but this help, it still doesn’t mean much, because i’m now in i often see american political analysts, especially in recent days , parallels between american policy in eastern europe and american policy in the middle east, and what do the americans themselves note? political scientists, they note that the americans today cannot be completely relied upon, they still play their own game, even if somewhere they clearly decided for themselves that they will not deviate from the partnership, they can easily sacrifice individual figures, so financial assistance can run its course, that's what the americans want
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provoke early parliamentary elections in israel and replace netanyahu.
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will happen when she realizes she can't win. why would people want to fight and die to defend something that cannot be defended. russia enjoys a fivefold advantage in artillery, ammunition and personnel, which is enhanced by the use of the most modern weapons. already this summer, its troops could launch a major offensive. if this happens, there is a risk that troops will enter an area of ​​ukraine where the ukrainian armed forces will not be able to stop them. it seems quite obvious that as soon as they start in ukraine.
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they will allow the bridge to be attacked from a sufficient distance to avoid russian air defense, as soon as the upper structures of the bridge are fired upon by missiles, it is necessary to attack its foundations, for this unmanned surface drones with explosives can be used. andrey frantsivich, well, it’s just like that.
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everything has been written out, how can we excuse ourselves later? but no way, they have already overcome this complex, probably fear or something else, let me remind you that mi-6 officially posts clear information on its pages, on social networks instructions that we need more terrorist attacks in russia, we need to destroy more leaders of public opinion and heads of districts that control russian territories, they say this directly, it is british white explosives. beautiful, so-called plastic explosive 8, was used in those icons that were now imported into russia, in all the drones that buy chinese spare parts, but they put additional explosives in them, these are all british, and moreover, i will say that the british intelligence networks are working in russia, including in the interests of providing for ukrainian saboteurs, but what is connected with the kerch bridge, to
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some extent, for them now it is a matter of image, so try to inflict it. can you imagine how many for whom, for the ukrainians or for the british more, for the british, for the americans, for the ukrainians, to strike the crimean bridge - this is a kind of symbol for them, but in fact 100 missiles that they ... want to spend in order to to penetrate our air defense system, can you imagine how many warehouse headquarters these missiles will not hit if they are all sent to the bridge and get lost there, in fact, this is such a beneficial element for us to attract attention, like such a honey trap, they will send planes there, most of which will not reach, let me remind you, snake island, it was there that the british were planning a large offensive operation with helicopters, with the sea infantry, which was all destroyed in the air, how many special operations forces? got lost along with the boats, didn’t make it to the crimea, these were british operations, that’s why they’re apparently thinking about how to take revenge, they’re just so obsessed
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the frostbitten ones are so reckless that of course this causes anxiety, still fears, but as they say, forewarned is forearmed. a short advert and we'll be back. i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, great.
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dozens of people, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, but let’s get used to living separately, we will part anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something,
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so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, i want to live together in the next world with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving her. in the end , she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i soaked him with mine hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, len, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? for all. life after life. premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. kvn. major league. third game of the season. on saturday,
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on the first. i'll get the document. military prosecutor's office, colonel shilov. this is captain ilagina. these were not germans. not the germans, who? forest brothers, lithuanian partisans. commander, otherwise i’ll be thrown out of the forest command, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya, according to the laws
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of war, new syria is coming soon, on the first, now the question is, where is the real map, if it is in the hands of the germans hits, they will know the direction of the main attack, that’s all, don’t even think about it... lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in...
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strikes on donbass and belgorod are ours such universal pain, and of course, the residents of belgorod, when ukrainian terrorists began to fly in, for some time they could even feel that they were abandoned, but this is not at all the case.
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you and i are collecting humanitarian aid for the civilian population of the belgorod region, we will show you what they collect, what kits, what difficulties they face, the whole country is providing assistance, and here in belgorod, in the belgorod region, people appreciate it, here are food packages that volunteers packaged, assembled, weight per set about 14 kg, well, 12-14, in general
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for a family. it’s enough for about a week and a half, but accordingly we go and further add, help, it’s distributed free of charge, and now there are more people in the region or in belgorod, it’s in the kharkov region that we help, distribute and go there, right there, and to the liberated territory, and we are now helping the residents of graivron, today we are just loading, as you can see, we will deliver 1500 sets today, on average we currently have about 40 volunteers involved of the people's front, the rescue corps of the youth of the people's front, when the conveyor was installed, we installed it on monday, the package is placed at the very end, as they approach here the guys are placed, everyone is responsible for their own food basket, well, for example, a volunteer is responsible for condensed milk, and for
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stew. it puts only these positions and at the end we have a fully formed package; if we previously collected 600-700 sets per day, then this conveyor can increase it up to 3-400. this is a unique development of the popular front, because they in 2022, they are actively engaged in humanitarian work, when before they were collected on tables , all this took a lot of time and a lot of effort, now with the help of a conveyor belt, simple technology works much faster.
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which part and this is approximately near kupinsk there are children, there are also children there, we ask according to needs, because insulin is needed, diapers are needed, that is , we find out each village point by point so that the next address, we always do it specifically, here in as part of the belgorod collection , you and i collected 100 generators, purchased film, this is a special film, it is made for windows, and this is when glass. knocks it out, knocks it out, puts a film on it so that it can be delivered quickly, and we also have gas cylinders, the guys are now loading them with plates for gas cylinders, we also bought additional power banks.
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all over belgorod, literally at every stop there are these mobile shelters that protect from shrapnel, they were installed very quickly, it seems like a simple design, but it really saves lives, that is, in case of any strike, in case of any missile attack. threat. people can come here very quickly, i will say again, in fact, at every stop, you can show that the stop is nearby, here it is,
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now it’s like the situation, now it’s normal, stable, everything, everything is under control, what people need most , people to make it faster? here is the palace of sports culture in grayvoran, here is the central square in the city, here are the shops, rows and the flight was right into this
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store, it arrived like a blast wave, you see, it knocked out here, well, it hit all the fragments here. we arrived in the border village of gaivoronsky district, here to the state border of russia, ukraine is literally one and a half kilometers, do you hear, yes, even here mortars are working,
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you can hear booms, booms, here are arrivals, these are rszzo, there are nests of storks, there are a lot of them here, such an eerie picture, like blooming tulips, and nearby... the building is a destroyed house, in this house, which was completely burned down, there were no people living in it, at the time of the impact, no, they left, we evacuated all the people, there was practically no evacuation here - this is when they say that it is necessary to evacuate, not empty words, if people lived here, then unfortunately there would be a lot of dead, most of them made it in time, hello, there are no words. no, not many families live here, literally 10-12 families, here the belgorod
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region, the people's front, brings humanitarian aid, food, medicine and generators. let's take an objective look, maybe something is needed now. hello, oh, where are we from so much? let's go
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have a look, we'll help, so this is it, yes, yes, there is a lot of air in the system, there is gas, that is, everything that needed to be done, what wait until the air comes out, yes, until the air comes out, that's it, there is gas, everything is there, use it, yes, that's it. all the best, so the products, what is there, everything, so everything is there, look, there is bread, bread, there is bread, bring it, yes, okay, i understand everything, everything is there, yes, in the evening i will bring the bread, okay, let’s say , where, in the yard, my brother in kharkov is calling up, he says, now it’s hard, hard in kharkov, but they are relying on russia, and the fact that now in kharkov there is no electricity is also not, well, i give it to them there, they have them them understanding what?
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hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. we start with the footage that came shortly before our release. talked with the governor of the astrakhan region
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igor babushkin, discussed issues of the social sphere and economic development of the region, including the caspian cluster of special economic zones. how are you? vladimirovich, we are working, fulfilling a worthwhile task, thanks to your decision to restore the capacity of the shipbuilding industry, taken in 209, it again plays a significant role in the economy of the region and to this day. the astrakhan region is a leader in the production capabilities of creating complex facilities and technical means for working in offshore oil fields. dear vladimir vladimirovich, 5 years ago you instructed me to lead the ostrakhan region. residents voted for me in the elections. during this time, we have done serious work, assessed problems and risks, and formed development plans. we managed to resolve some of the issues.
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and indeed the indicators are generally satisfactory in agriculture as well growth, industrial production is also growing, you mentioned two free economic zones. and lotus port alya, here again, if possible, let’s return to the port alya, because there it is becoming more and more important for us, how do you assess the situation there, now it is very important to increase cargo flow, this is the creation of a modern fleet, our the port capacity today is 16 million, which means there is a certain reserve, and construction work is currently underway.
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situation, this is footage from tomsk, there
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the road under the bridge is washed out, the dam is partially destroyed, the crossing itself was not damaged, but in order to reduce the water pressure, it was decided to dismantle the road surface. in the kurgan region. an urgent evacuation has been announced in two villages. the water level in the tabol river is rising. near kurgan, it has already come very close to the 7 m mark. flooding in five municipal districts means hundreds of plots and residential buildings. rescuers are providing assistance to the population. preventive measures against hepatitis a have been taken. a six-month supply of medicines has been created in infectious diseases departments, taking people out of the danger zone in the tyumen region. according to experts, the situation will become more complicated in the coming days. the ice on the ishim river is being undermined and the dams are being strengthened. to protect houses and roads from high water. in the orenburg region, where the situation has already returned to normal, cleaning and disinfection are underway. sanitation on the streets of orsk, work on land plots will begin as soon as the water recedes. today, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the city. he checked how the liquidation of the consequences of the flood was going
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and providing assistance to the victims. payments amounted to more than 300 million rubles. already received almost 17,000 human. this is definitely necessary. the hero of russia, test pilot, anatoly kvocher, passed away, he was 71 years old, a real legend in the history of domestic aviation, he mastered dozens of types and modifications of the aircraft, including fighters, mig-31 interceptors, conventional and carrier-based versions of the mig-29. by the way, with this machine in the eighty-second year, kvochver reached the maximum strength of a fighter with an overload of 9g. he also tested new generation rockets and completed many.
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the plane gains altitude, speed gradually extinguishes, the medicine removes the thrust, after that it seems to have one path to the ground, it slides with its tail forward, and you need to make sure that it capsizes correctly, that is, lowers its nose at a certain stage, this was the main problem, here’s how to do it we control the movement of this one so that it doesn’t tip over here and go into a tailspin, so that it doesn’t somehow tip over and go into a tailspin. for this purpose , a certain technique was developed, which helped us complete the bell. now news from the special operation zone, our the army launched a massive attack on dnepropetrovsk, several powerful explosions occurred in the city at once, local media write about this, keeping silent about where exactly
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the hits were, although eyewitnesses say that after the arrivals a second detonation was heard, which may indicate the destruction of ammunition depots. in addition, in dnepropetrovka. there are many industrial enterprises that are used in the interests of the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that our army is carrying out precision strikes on targets associated with the ukrainian military industry, in response to attempts kyiv to attack russian energy. this video is from the ministry of defense, the crews of sud-34 fighter bombers destroyed the enemy command post and manpower in the southern donetsk direction. the strike was carried out by air bombs with a universal planning and correction module. after completing the assigned task, the planes returned. to the airfield and more footage of a powerful arrival at enemy positions, this is the kharkov region, the settlement of liptsy, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian militants and foreigners was discovered there, a strike our operational-tactical aviation struck, the target was destroyed, and as the agency reports, citing its sources, in slavyansk the russian army hit
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the location of french mercenaries, there is information that these are artillerymen sent to the ukrainian armed forces along with nato caesar self-propelled guns. the west's response to iran's retaliatory strike on israel is nothing less than a parade of hypocrisy and double standards. this is what our permanent representative prion vasily nebenzya called the attempt by tel aviv’s allies to shift responsibility for the escalation to tehran. at what everyone knows is that the strike was a response to the recent attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. however, at a meeting of the security council convened at israel's request, they preferred to keep silent about this, as if the situation could worsen. escape from new york, reporting by giorgi alesashvili. israel's starting position before the start of the emergency security council meeting included a call for immediate new sanctions against tehran for attacks on the jewish state, while also attacking the iranian consulate in damascus, israeli politicians and diplomats did not
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mention. strangely , the un secretary general who spoke at the meeting did not say anything about this. un charter. prohibits the use against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state, force or other means contrary to the principles of the un. it turned out as if iran was out of the blue. russia proposed a draft statement, standard in such cases , criticizing the attack on diplomatic missions, the consolidated position of the council would obviously stop further escalation, but what we then heard from western delegations that not everything is so obvious to them and that... we still need to weigh whether such a signal from the council will help stabilize the situation in the region?
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the united states of great britain and france then essentially refused to confirm that the basic principles of international law on the inviolability of diplomatic and consular objects, enshrined in the relevant vienna conventions, apply equally and equally to all states. the result, as they say, is obvious. no westerners can develop this topic the delegation did not, the representative of britain spoke from general humanistic positions. the united kingdom unequivocally condemns iran's reckless attack on israel, which threatened the lives of thousands of civilians. she threatened, but there were no casualties, despite the fact that, according to international humanitarian organizations working in the gaza strip, only israeli army strikes in the palestinian enclave.
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israel's birthright to self-defense in the face of this attack. the israeli permanent representative demanded that the guard corps be recognized as islamic revolution, the military-political support of the iranian
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authorities by a terrorist organization. and iran itself compared it to what israel has recently compared all its enemies to. the islamic regime of iran today is no different from the third reich. ayatallahami is no different from adolf hitler. hitler's third reich was to become a thousand-year empire without borders. also with the ayatol regime, they are trying to impose it not only within their borders, but throughout the world, that’s why iran needs ballistic missiles. the israeli president called the attack on his country a de facto declaration of war, while the iranian representative speaking at the meeting said that the islamic republic does not seek further escalation. we have already demonstrated our commitment to peace by remaining calm when the us military began intercepting iranian drones and missiles.
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olaf scholz arrived for trade connections. and here are the first minutes on chinese soil. a german kazer comes from an airplane in the city of chongqing. of those who came to meet him, the most senior in rank is only the deputy of the local mayor, with him there are also officials of lower rank. the visit of the head of the german government has official status. everyone knows that in china they are very sensitive to the details of the protocol, and there are no trifles in the way the meeting with guests is arranged. finland has extended the closure of the border with russia, now indefinitely, the decision came into force today, all land checkpoints, as stated,
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will not open until further notice, as of today helsinki has introduced new bans already regarding water borders, the closure of three sea checkpoints has been announced, the movement of pleasure boats along the saimaa canal, which connects our countries, has also been suspended. let me remind you that the finnish authorities began limiting border crossings back in november, the official version: an influx of illegal migrants who allegedly enter through our country to europe. moscow has repeatedly emphasized that far-fetched accusations are unacceptable, and helsinki’s openly russophobic position is regrettable. by the way. for residents of the european part of russia, weather forecasters the next few days promise showers, in some places wet snow and even frosts, strong winds, and also magnetic storms boric saw, as sharp daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure are called, so weather-dependent people should be on alert; according to preliminary forecasts, moscow will be hit with as much precipitation as
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usual for month, today it is cloudy and windy in the capital. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live and i'm vyacheslav nikonov. today is a professional holiday for those who are engaged in a very important matter, radio...
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this territory was covered by a state border protection group, that is, this is a completely formed army group that can solve a wide variety of tasks, both protecting the territory of the russian federation and liberating the territory , the adjacent territories of present-day ukraine, yes, that is, for the enemy this is a very serious threat, and i think that the enemy also appreciates him as
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he deserves, and the fact that the guys work well, talks about our reports. ministry of defense, in fact, they are not particularly fundamentally different from what we see in ovdeevsky, well, in avdeevsky, chasnoyarsky, perhaps yes, there in the ugledarsky sector, there are also daily battles, seriously causing damage to the enemy, i really hope that soon we will talk, including about the combat work on the offensive of this group of troops, i’m really looking forward to new messages, in the main directions you identified them correctly, the queue hour is the sovedar direction yesterday, and the enemy also noted this, they have big problems, in first of all in cheritinsko. where they are trying very hard to hold this line of defense, this is berdychi, this is semyonovka, novokalinova, every day we go forward there, yesterday a very serious wedge was driven into their defense, about almost half the territory of the distance that separated us was outlined, our guys were one they passed with a throw, and also began to reach the rear of the enemy’s berdichov group, accordingly, the defense here is beginning to crack, i hope for good news from this
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sector, at the same time the authorities in the yarsk direction... also assess the situation as extremely difficult, and yesterday our troops, our guys offered the enemy to surrender, because they say that in the near future we will begin an assault on the city and after that it will be very difficult to surrender, they offered conditions for surrender for small units, and naturally this is not offered to the entire garrison, because the nazis will not allow this to be done, but small units that will hold this or that strong point, and there are not so many options, because otherwise our aviation will simply roll up our artillery and move it to...
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we are moving forward, although, of course, the enemy is even more powerful. let’s not indulge in sarcastic sentiments here, but the scandals in the ukrainian armed forces continue to grow, the last one, well, of course, will cover up
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this scandal, it turned out that private zelensky, the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, not only did not serve in the army, he is also a malicious draft dodger, he was called up for service in the ukrainian armed forces four times in... in 2014 and did not show up four times, he is the number one draft dodger, now his fight against draft dodgers takes on such an interesting dimension, well, the ordinary commander-in-chief himself makes very alarming statements stating that the situation for the ukrainian armed forces is getting worse, let's listen, unfortunately, assistance to ukraine is still limited while russia still has access is critical... a component necessary for the production of drones and missiles. every missile that hits ukraine contains dozens of electronic components and chips that are supplied by foreign companies and imported to russia through neighboring countries. and the fact that
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anti-russian sanctions are still being circumvented, and that we in ukraine are waiting months for a congressional vote on a vital support package, shows how russia's self-confidence is growing; there is no more time to waste. the situation at the front during such a hot war is always difficult. but these days, especially in the donetsk direction, it is becoming even harder. well , in order to get the long-awaited patriots, the ukrainian command and diplomacy are ready for all. kuleba said so directly, they are ready for, well, literally anything. let's listen to him. is there a possibility that the patriot system that the poles have could cover our common border, or is this unrealistic? why is everything real now and a variety of solutions are being considered, the story is about installing patriot batteries to cover the common border or places from the infrastructure of ukraine in the area of ​​the common border, frankly, this would protect nato countries from the arrival of russian missiles or
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drones on their territory. can we talk with them on this topic? yes, we have already spoken, when we sit with them behind closed doors, i literally say to all my partners: my dears, whatever, you want to rent, let’s rent, if you want these batteries to cover your border, let’s have them... completely illiterate in the tactical plan of these systems, this manifested itself not so long ago, a month and a half ago, when three systems were covered by our fire and they were on the march, that such a thing should not be done at all, but they
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nevertheless did it, and this. was in the area to the nearest rear, in fact it was, after that the americans and europeans said, what are you doing, how can this not be done at all, we won’t give you anything, everything will be enough, so it’s unlikely that they will be put at, let’s say, complete... disposal , on the other hand, to cover the border, whoever attacks polish territory or the polish ukrainian border, no one touches it, it is generally as it was in an untouched state, but simply placing it means evidence of some kind of solidarity, well, the poles, in general, can do this , but move so that it will install these systems on ukrainian territory, this certainly should not be expected. you just know, i have the feeling that kuleba, and he’s been reading this mantra for about a month, he took petriot as a basis, in every speech, you know, how it was there, and nevertheless i think , that carthage should be... they will destroy him,
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no matter what, the end is all the time give a patriot, give a patriot and give a patriot, well, apparently, he thinks that these are prodigies, of course, this is no prodigy, and especially so expensive , what - cover this gap after the losses that we inflicted on the ukrainian air defense system in general, and to which the strongest systems were the patriots, now this is impossible, but the germans, you see, they have an even better system, they don’t want to give it, eh. .. one of the systems was already destroyed just over the weekend, well, the germans promised to give one patriot in return, well, the rich have their own whims, a billion dollars down the drain, because we can also destroy it without any problems kukushkin, a war correspondent, is now working just for donetsk, that is, the obdeevsky direction, about which yuansh said that it was the most intense, well , i must say,
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it was divided on ocheretinskaya in the direction of karlovka, which means that the settlement of karlovka is located at a short distance and there is a system of reservoirs led by the karlovsky reservoir, now there are battles on the approach to this settlement after the liberation may day, our fighters are now moving further - they have already come close to the settlements of umanskoye and yanitailovo, there are now battles there even after the liberation of umanskoye and netailovo. we are already
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entering the line of defense of the ukronazis, which moves from karlovka through novosyolka first and just to ocheretin, there they are right now, i mean the ukronazis, of course preparing defensive fortifications, since the terrain allows this to be done, firstly - directly and these are reservoirs, plus there are settlements at commanding heights, in general there... this is the next frontier that our fighters have to overcome, since now there are movements, well, movements are observed, now , naturally, an operation is being planned leaving the next frontier for the gronazis. yes, thank you very much, this is pavel kukushkin, a military correspondent for the savdeevsky direction, where indeed our people are now actively moving towards the west, and it does not seem that ukraine has any countermeasures.
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the middle east, where iran nevertheless struck israel, and probably the most serious one in the entire history of israel, will this lead to a big war, after advertising, move away, don’t interfere, she’s alive, you have no way, seriously, i want someone something more beautiful. "i don't want to meet
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this olya directly, because she will think that i want to quarrel with her, zhenya. alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information and not to olga. olya, i, i love you. lovilas, you ended up staying with us, i see that the girl from work is staying with you for the night, and olechka is stopping by for the night. i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help from everyone nearby. how did you know that the bank would be raided? regarding the turbine." a thorough investigation will be carried out, if you find something related to the turbine, consider it a death sentence, you do you think he’s a rat, i’m from the police, i know, i didn’t recognize him, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, bourbon stirsman, product of stellor group, zoya borisovna. personifies the century, all her
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life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years old, this will definitely be written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i am without i can’t work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , dedicated a poem to her, remain bright, the fleeting is unstoppable, i don’t reproach that it has passed. thank you for coming. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother. andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. to the centenary
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of zoya boguslavskaya. premiere, tomorrow on the first. voice. live on friday on the first, with fabulous ease, a provincial resort has become the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i'm an avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head
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to toe. thank you for being here here. motador on friday, on the first. this. the festival where there are films for everyone is cannes. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. oh, i grew up eating ural dumplings. and i'm at home. hello. hello. and you, when you swim in the pool, you don’t go blind. kvn. major league, new season. on saturday on the first. sergey, it will be uncomfortable for me to live at your expense. well, if you want, you can go to work yourself. lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, from which
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it consists of countries, and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war. president, i headed the state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, perhaps from a fabricated company, a new project of the first
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channel, the global majority of basharr al-assad in sunday on the first. big game live. so, iran has given an answer to the question, how will it respond to israel for destroying the consulate in damascus? the answer was, in my opinion, quite impressive, much more impressive than anyone expected. in any case, this is the most serious one.
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alyaksa, in fact alyaksa is a little further, this is exactly the dome of the rock, where the tablets given to moses were kept. the strike was massive, let's see how many missiles were fired in total, 185 drones were fired, 36 cruise missiles and 110 ballistic missiles that flew towards israel for 5 hours from iran and syria and iraq and lebanon and from yemen. here is the statement of the chief of the general staff.
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in damascus, both of these targets suffered significant damage, neither the iron dome nor the zionist regime's poro could cope with our attacks, the goals of our operation were achieved, but if the zionist regime carries out another operation against iran, be it our territory or our facilities in syria, our response will be more extensive, our armed forces are at full readiness and we hope that this operation will be a harbinger of victory for the oppressed palestinian nation. ivan alekseevich, were you the last one in iran in tigeran? last summer, yes, but i must say that really, well, few people expected such
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a powerful response, this is the logic of the iranian side, that is, a powerful blow, at the same time , a 72-hour warning to all regional players, well, naturally, the information also reached to washington, to israel, and again a pause, from my point of view. demonstrates absolutely not only adequate, but very responsible behavior, because iran’s task is not to ignite a big war in the region, but iran’s task is to develop, maybe not even develop, but to expand a deterrence mechanism, a toolkit for deterring israel, because in principle israel is accustomed to what it can do in this region whatever you want, where you...
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and then there may be some kind of discussion, say, whether iran conveyed this thesis convincingly enough, but almost everyone in the region, as well as china, russia, many other countries believe that it is quite convincing, so western side and from the outside.
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if you think that this action here is a political action using military means, it is not convincing enough to move to a relationship of strategic deterrence, then perhaps the transition to strategic deterrence will occur at another level of military escalation, but judging by the reaction, not so these political figures, and according to the reaction of public opinion, journalists take... at this level the thesis clearly sounds that everything is clear, strategic
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deterrence, there are red lines, we can go further not to experiment and not go to a big war, but it is still very important for israel and the united states to try to leave this clue, they say, we are still trying to maintain freedom of hands, but i think that iran again says quite clearly: more freedom of hands there won’t be, there will be strategic deterrence, well, there was an official statement that iran’s strategic patience has ended, but the situation is really interesting, but now how will it all... develop, yes, iran said that we will strike more we will not respond, israel, of course, immediately stated as soon as these strikes began that seven of us hold me, now we will respond, but 2 days have already passed and there is no israeli response, and there is a lot of discussion about what it was, yes, that is , the wall street journal, for example, published an article that in fact iran
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simply probed israel’s defenses by launching something. not the most modern missiles, that in fact, without the help of allies, israel would not have repelled this attack, indeed the americans, the british, the french for some reason jordan, explain why they actively helped, they actively helped shoot down these missiles, israel, but again this is a statement from the iranian side, they couldn’t stop any of the hypersonic missiles that iran also tested against... against israel, and the israeli foreign ministry, well made a statement that iran is a threat to the world, to the region, and the united nations has already called the ksir and iran terrorist organizations, but then suddenly a message appeared, so i can quote it about axios, that biden called and said no,
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don't interfere, let's listen, president biden told prime minister netanyahu during the call. there is talk that the us will not support any israeli counterattack against iran, a senior white house official said. you won, be content with that,” biden said. he also noted that the united states will not participate in any offensive operations against iran and will not support such operations. netanyahu replied that he understood everything. well, israeli air defense systems also gained experience, another experience in using their air defense systems in combat conditions.
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the dome of the rock and the alyaksa mosque in jerusalem, the fact is that these two shrines are very close, a five-minute walk, and sometimes they simply call everything the alyaksa mosque, the main thing here is symbolism, as if the iranian hand reached the shrines, but not a single hair did not fall, not a single pebble was harmed, this is the conclusion of this precision...
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and iran has been following this phrase for the last few years, months, there is no need to rush, we need to endure, but the strategy of patience has ended, for the first time in history iran directly, not through his proxies struck the jewish state of israel, this happened for the first time in history, and here we must wait for the development of events with bated breath, even if now tel arif. does not respond, then sooner or later there will be a new escalation again, it is almost inevitable, even if not now, not within 48 hours, but it is inevitable, but the fact that iran warned many in the region, but what is especially interesting is that they warned jordan, jordanian king abdullah, because jordan concluded one of the first, immediately after shortly
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after egypt in the nineties of the xx century peaceful. iran can back up its strike, so you can show a video with modern iranian missiles, which, apparently, not all of them have been tested, this is sajil.
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1950 km, pavé 1650 km, phottah 1400 km, heibarhika.
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i see from the comments that they realized that if the blow is stronger, where will they get the ammunition? this means the americans must decide, and for israel this is a huge problem. well, these
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are actually questions for ukraine too, but it is clear that in israel they were afraid, as they were afraid in many western capitals, but the positions of the world players in connection with this conflict after advertising. i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word. very, very much, i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all
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citizens of our dear homeland, unity, a peaceful sky of unity, minister of defense poland, kasinya kamyshk calls on poles to seriously prepare for war
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if fascism, after its defeat in world war ii, remained an artifact of the 20th century. but life decreed otherwise. in the 21st century, the word
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fascism has regained its power. fascism opened up such vastness of inhuman pragmatism to the world that it forever made it a grave insult. therefore, you can only fight fascism. premiere, ordinary fascism. two: today on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’ll see the light. come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio. dozens of people saw me. are you lying? why are you lumping everything together, huh? we will get used to it, live separately, but we will still separate. well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but there. think of something. so,
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gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to join my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, life after life the premiere of the multi-part film is soon on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first.
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stays overnight, and olechka comes to spend the night, chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, they need help, everyone who is nearby, how did you know that the raid would be on bank, a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding the turbine, if you find something related to the turbine, consider it a death sentence, you think he’s a rat, i’m from the police, i’m aware, i didn’t find out, undercover taxi, premiere,
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watch after the program, the big game live, of course, all the global players, participants in the big game, had their own position on the israeli crisis, the west was one-sided and completely unanimous in favor of israel, condemning -
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unanimously from russia, even the israeli ambassador in moscow demanded that we express protest against iranian policy, to which maria zakharova rightly noted that she does not remember a single case when israel condemned even one bombing of russian peaceful cities and villages, when dozens of people were killed, there really was no such case, but consideration.
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and would prove in this hall that you are right, because for you everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens is sacred and must be protected.
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united states military assistance to ukraine. and there are two aspects here. on the one hand and the united states will naturally now seek to help israel, which will divert attention from ukraine and will send a certain number of patriots to israel rather than to zelensky, but on the other hand,
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now a lot of information has already appeared that the issue of military assistance will be considered this week , and this means that the package will be unfrozen; the package contained military aid to israel, taiwan and ukraine. american hegemony is emerging, and accordingly, it is very important for the administration to show that they remain as they are they say, a leader or a hegemon, they remain , as it were, the master of the situation, they set the game, in
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this regard, they must intensify the issue of assistance to the kiev regime, this is such a political aspect, but on the other hand, it is still a question of assistance. to the kiev regime, he was deeply immersed in the american internal political struggle. and in this sense , the crisis in the middle east does not change anything. no, it’s not in vain that the senate, speaker johnson met with presidential candidate trump, with the ex-president, they were apparently discussing what to do, including with with this aid package, again, in the context of the american grandson.
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to argue about it, but they won’t accept it straight away, so the question, from my point of view, will be raised, but not resolved, well, in fact, this blow has unfrozen iran. package in which ukraine is also located, so there are different options here, well, we talked and you or called, possible accidents in the middle east, but in addition to chance there is also such a factor as hawks on all sides, including in israel and in the united states of america, one of them is john bolton, who, in general, this agenda american neocons voiced, let's listen. it is now almost
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certain that none of the missiles iran fired contained a nuclear warhead, but it is impossible to predict when the next attack will be, the next ballistic missile strike with nuclear warheads, so i believe that among the many targets israel needs to consider the possibility of destroying iran's nuclear weapons program, and hopefully president biden is not trying to dissuade prime minister netanyahu from doing so, but if he succeeds in doing so, in some future, ayatala will unleash the fact that... iran, without the help of the united states, this is impossible, strike aircraft to do this, and does not , in fact, have long-range weapons, israel does not have that many missile weapons, because it. .. and irikhon, they have a missile that hits
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1,500 km, firstly, it doesn’t even reach tehran, well, that’s the second question, in fact, israel cannot do this alone, the usa has already said, we we are not participating in this, at least we heard biden’s words, so bolton can, of course, in general, say whatever you want, since he is a well-known hawk, he of course rocks the boat, but for israel, i agree with ivan alekseevich that the moment has just arrived, the understanding that the red line still exists, the red line, beyond this the line is better. don’t interfere, therefore, no matter how much these hawks wave the israeli flag or the american flag there, it is unlikely that they will still decide to do this, everyone understands perfectly well that iran as a target of attack is a very very difficult target, these are mountains, these are hidden, by the way, these objects are mostly nuclear, but they are hidden underground, hidden in the mountains, try to get them, attack them, yes, the loss is huge, then look at the answer: this is what happened, it seems simple... games, really so, by the way, in
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this speech by bolton, i noticed that bolton does not even question whether iran has nuclear weapons, this is really surprising, because officially iran does not have nuclear weapons, and no one has ever confirmed its existence, i ayran denied that he had it, but apparently, in america many are convinced that it exists, and this is a completely different balance of power and a completely different situation. well, indeed, the status quo, if it existed in the middle east, has now been sharply violated, iran has declared that it is no longer ready to tolerate any antics of israel, and israel, in my opinion, for the first time realized how vulnerable it is, because that yes, most of the missiles were shot down, but iran did not set out to cause any serious damage to israel and peaceful to the population of israel. his goal was to demonstrate his intentions, test
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the capabilities of his forces, and not the most advanced ones, and check israel’s air defense systems, it seemed very, very strong, primarily thanks to the allies of the united states, but the next strike will naturally be more massive and may not withstand it , well , our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated and victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, see you again in... this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio. the development of medicine, including including the opening of a new rehabilitation center, one of the topics of the conversation between vladimir putin and the governor of the astrakhan region, igor babushkin.


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