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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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the main thing is that the role of the jackal is assigned to him, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the pressure of great water, tomsk and kurgan, the rapid rise of the rivers, where are they waiting for the second flood? and the vorskis are already putting things in order after the disaster.
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anatoly kvocher, a pilot for whom it seemed that nothing was impossible in the air, even if there seemed to be no way out, did not test herself. hail under cover, how to protect volley fire installations from enemy fire drones with explosives, and where are precision weapons used? in one channel, region.
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the great history of the theater, planet volchik, a museum where you can take away exhibits as a souvenir, and acting names, legendary and current. so, floods in russia, the numbers of the day: 15,800 houses, 28 thousand household plots, over 100 bridges, almost 90 sections of roads are flooded, this is today’s report from the ministry of emergency situations, where the critical water level is exceeded. in tomsk. the dangerous mark has been passed in kurgan. after 2-3 days, more water is expected in tyumen region and orenburg region, orsk, suffered the most. on the night of april 6, a dam broke there and a powerful stream flowed through private buildings, and then through a block of high-rise buildings. the head of the ministry of emergency situations immediately headed to the disaster zone, as vladimir putin instructed. today he was in orsk again. for the urals and siberia. andrey golderev's flood review of monday. bridge. just
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look, the road has been overflowed, it’s all in the smoke, i don’t remember which ones were washed away, it’s amazing, the tom river with its powerful pressure is literally washing away the embankment dam next to the road bridge, the crossing itself was not damaged, but in order to reduce the load, it was decided to dismantle the road surface; the authorities urge residents to take precautions and not approach the embankment. here's a waterfall. meanwhile, a second wave is expected in the orenburg region. flooded the regional center, the high water moved on, irina bogomolova from the village of nizhnyaya pavlovka, she still cannot return home, they were already drowned in early april, i live right behind the store, our house there is two-story, from the first to the second night came water, in a huge stream, on the second of the month we were evacuated on a tractor, so i ’ve been living with my brother on the next street since the second, everything in the house was flooded, all the equipment, all the furniture, i shot a video at 45 cm, the water came into the house, the people left in they provide their... homes with everything
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they need, tomorrow, for example, where are the pensions, there are two houses that are flooded, well, they will somehow swim it out on boats, and you will give them a day, but of course, where to go, in orenburg itself the elements have affected from above 3.00 households, now the water level is gradually decreasing, our the parapet is all downhill, that is, here we went down the slides, everything, even this is generally incomprehensible, how it all filled with water. it’s as if everyone has already sighed like this, but even when it seemed like yesterday they said it had stopped, we are not exhaling. vorske continues to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. now water is being pumped out from houses, and disinfection is being carried out on the streets. teams from all over the orenburg region are coming to help with the cleanup. road repairs will begin this week; tram tracks will begin ; schools have already opened. today, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the city again. he monitored how assistance was provided to the population. it's already underway. information,
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well, in social security, yeah, but in advance on this street, you don’t inform us that you will be, we have the street itself verbally, that’s where there is communication with the elders on the streets, the head of the district informs us in advance, also the head of the ministry of emergency situations held a meeting of the government emergency response commission talked to local residents, there were no problems with water at all, and there really weren’t any, go here and there because everything was closed. the last few days the water has been intensely present, it is clearer all this can be seen on the local embankment, now i am going down the stairs to the first line, the water level in the tobol river here is already above 6 m, the dangerous mark is considered when
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it is above eight, according to local residents, just yesterday there was no water here, now above the waist, the quiet ones are gradually approaching the mound towards the city; according to the governor , a colossal volume of water is flowing, according to estimates, more than a billion. cubic meters, for example, this is what the bridge to the village of utyadskoye , 40 km from the regional center, looked like 2 days ago, this is what it looks like now the water completely hid the crossing, the settlement itself was cut off from the mainland, they organized a boat crossing, there was no such flooding yet, well , it was a little less, it was less, a boat always sailed up to this pillar, the ministry of emergency situations employees continue to deliver water and food to places that are no longer accessible by car. according to the latest data , hundreds of residential buildings are flooded in the region, just yesterday we stood there, now the water has reached the street like this and continues to flow further, the authorities are calling for the need to evacuate from the zones more than 13,000 people have already been evacuated by flooding,
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bridges and roads are flooded, in the suburbs people on boats are still trying to get their valuables out, what flooded you here, what flooded you, what flooded you, there’s a house nearby... also the water went straight into the house or not, not yet, but soon, we managed to get something out, save something, but didn’t have time to do anything, now we’ll go, in the coming days, big water may come to the tyumen region, active preparations are now underway there, in the flooded regions of the country, rescuers continue to provide all the necessary assistance people and export, including including domestic animals, sometimes barely managing to rescue them from the water trap, now, now, now, now, wait, come on, come on, come on, let's go, come on, come on, come here, come on, come on, come on, oh, you're a mahar, andrey goldrev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, sergey panomariov, svetlana kostina and kirill danilov, channel one. sad news, anatoly nikolaevich kvocher, an outstanding
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test pilot who flew dozens of aircraft into the sky, many of which still form the basis of the russian military, has died aviation. people like kwatcher are said to be a pioneer, new aerobatics. the fight for the survivability of the machine, salvation at a moment when it seems that the line has already been passed. anatoly kvocher is among the first recipients of the highest award, hero of russia. tomorrow he would have turned 72 years old. cobra, bell, chakra. in one of the interviews, anatoly nikolaevich kvotcher, as if with a child’s toy in her hands, told us about aerobatics. he came up with them so many times and showed them so many times not like this, in the sky, on the real combat vehicle that i can’t remember everything about. what are you doing? well, maybe this chakra is me. chakra is an aerobatics maneuver invented by him , as well as kvochur’s bell. today it is part of the arsenal of russian military pilots in a combat situation, allowing them to deceive enemy radars and escape from fire.
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the plane quickly gains altitude, but at some point the pilot, like in a car, releases the gas, the car loses speed until it comes to a complete stop. it seems to be falling, but the pilot controls it. firstly, it means... locators are losing, this is the second practical value, an advantage compared to other aircraft in air combat, which cannot afford to stop in space, but he stopped aircraft in space, gave them exorbitant loads, set range records, in ninety-nine, for example, on su-27 he performed an ultra- long-range non-stop flight through the northern city of 15.00 km, testing both the in-flight refueling system and navigation, in general, the hero of russia anatoly... ocher belongs to 11 world records, during his life he tested 90 types and modifications of aircraft, but when asked whether it’s scary to take risks every time doing something in the sky that, in principle, no one has done before you, he just chuckled, no, no, no, first of all, here there is a very good catapult, i used it twice, a very, very good
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tool, we are saying goodbye to life, but we actually decide on this profession long before performing any manners, because the profession is a doctor. there were accidents in his life, this is in the french lebourge in 1989. the ecstatic french then filmed a story about how a coachman, realizing that one of the engines had failed and the car could fall on the audience, tried to level it to the last, first to save the plane, then to avoid dire consequences for the public, and then , in order to simply save himself, he took less than 2 seconds to save himself, ejecting from a few meters from the ground, it was not early, yes, it was extremely late, because the parachute
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did not fully open, and there are no such precedents, for a person to remain alive after this, and even continue flight test work, there are few such precedents in the world, there is a will, but even in this situation, this is a quadcopter just a few minutes after the accident with a scratched face, acted like a real test pilot, having tested in in combat conditions , a catapult seat, i am convinced that...
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we have excellent aircraft, we have excellent weapons, there will be victories, so honor has fallen to this great man. hero of russia, honored test pilot anatoly nikolaevich kvocher, who flew until he was 65, this is another record of his, and he lived to see his seventy-second birthday only one day. we continue the news about the progress of the special operation: a long-range strike by the russian armed forces on the ukrainian kanatovo airfield in
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the kirovograd region. probable targets are planes or helicopters that have landed there. to defeat in such cases , iskander operational-tactical complexes are used. high-precision systems are used at all facilities associated with the apu. this is a response to militants’ attempts to damage our energy supplies. regarding the advanced advance in the donetsk direction in the area chasov yar on ovdeevsky. kocherete. ukrainian losses of over 900 militants per day. our air reconnaissance did an excellent job. 15 howitzers were destroyed in different areas, most of them nato. plus, three apu electronic warfare units, two tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, including the german marter. during the day , 270 enemy drones were shot down; in the krasno-liman direction, our operators waylaid two crews in cars. fighting drones among the tasks of a rocket artillery unit has an enemy instantly reacts from the air after salvos, for example,
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rszzo grad. our correspondent alexey kruchinin saw how our soldiers defend their equipment in the kupinsky direction. here tadron is circling somewhere. even though the hail strikes far away, some tasks require the crew to work almost from the front line, where enemy drones can easily be reached by kamikaze copters with explosives attached to the hull. the firing position of the group's reactive system. the west controls the military guards, guys with small arms and, as they are called here, drone strikers, electromagnetic guns that jam enemy radio frequencies. aim, catch it and hold it until it settles. we have to use weapons almost every day. today, while waiting for a combat vehicle to arrive at the firing position, we hear machine gun fire not far away. neighbors shoot at the ukrainian armed forces drone. a few seconds later there was an explosion, which means the bird was hit and fell, the shell detonated. fell. shot down, yes, yes, that's it, let's work, the record of this calculation, one day the guys
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spread out, aimed and worked in just a minute and a half, now there are several lightning-fast movements and the sight is set, 10, fire, 10, fire, yes, high-explosive fragmentation shells are plowing up enemy trenches in the forest in the kupinsky direction, the effect of a rocket strike. always colossal, as if dozens of large-caliber guns were simultaneously firing at one point. while the guys are working, they usually don’t attack; the enemy doesn’t have time to get the car at the firing position. the greatest danger lurks. on departure, and there were also situations at night , they worked out, they began to leave, that is look for a safe place, the drones were close, that is, i decided to turn off the car, turn off the lights, leave the car, that’s it, that is, we ran away, the drones flew past, that is, and everything seemed to be fine, yeah, i, as the commander of a combat vehicle, feel responsible at my own expense, because , roughly
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speaking, the lives of my comrades depend on my decision; the commander of the combat vehicle, an experienced artilleryman, worked in the hail for 10 years even before the start. yours, the rest are volunteers. all at one time served conscripts, took the oath when the fighting began actions, did not consider it possible for themselves to stay at home. i have many friends and comrades here, i just decided to go and fulfill my duty, to defend my homeland. the driver with the call sign wheel and senior gunner mozai, fellow countrymen, both from berbejan. we met on the way to the front, but here they became inseparable. i’m generally pleased that the guys are all combative, they know what, what they need to do, especially when... the command has come, there are no eyes wide open, they carry out everything calmly, clearly, harmoniously, as expected, it’s nice that i work with guys like this having fired back and hidden in the forest, the crew immediately charges the installation, the package must always be complete, you never know what kind of combat mission will arrive, during duty the vehicle is carefully camouflaged, in clear weather the sky is flooded with enemy copters, for high-quality camouflage,
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now there are few trees around, hail shelter - this is a whole hut made of logs and mask nets. and the combat vehicle itself is still driven into the digging area, fortunately there is sand here and it’s easy to dig. in their free time from combat work, the crew takes care of military monuments in the area. there are traces of bullet fragments on the memorial to soviet soldiers at bezhrazhny. the deputy platoon commander with the call sign erokha was an artist in civilian life , and these skills come in handy here. i am very sensitive to what our grandfathers did. i myself have a great-grandfather and two grandfathers who fought. great patriotic war. both of my grandfathers were also in the artillery. and so it turns out that i followed in their footsteps and also ended up in the artillery. the russian soldier has always carefully preserved the historical heritage. by may 9, this and several other monuments in bezhrazhny will be like new. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko and ruslan mishcherikov. first channel lugansk people's republic. six servicemen of the same group of troops west received certificates for knocking out
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nato leopards in the kupinsky direction 2. 500 thousand rubles each were awarded from the ural business community at a ceremony that. that they didn’t do their work in vain, there’s one less leopard, it’s much easier on our infantry. support for our fighters and their loved ones was one of the topics that vladimir putin discussed with the governors of the astrakhan and volgograd regions. the conversation took place in video conference mode. targeted assistance to families, strict control over payments,
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treatment and rehabilitation of military personnel. we also talked about economic projects in the regions. elena pich, about everything in detail. the southern outpost of russia, a mecca for fishermen and tourists, but increasingly the astrakhan region is called the key that opens up the possibilities of the north-south transport corridor passing through 11 countries, from russia to india, through the astrakhan ports, cargo can be delivered much faster than by sea through the suede canal, and the increase in cargo turnover in this direction is strategically important for our economy, which is why vladimir putin asked the head of the astrakhan region in such detail about...
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and dry cargo ships 2.0108 are the type that can work in the caspian sea, since the caspian sea is quite shallow, so they can transport both liquid and bulk cargo, oil cargo, it is very important that the program for modernization of ships is continued; work is currently underway to equip a container terminal in the port of alya as part of the work and activities special economic port zone. another part of a large-scale project. construction and repair of roads and numerous bridges in order to increase their capacity; work is currently underway on the eastern bypass of astrakhan and construction of the northern bypass is planned, with special attention to the quality of the road... surface. one of the most painful problems of the regional center - resettlement from dilapidated housing - is being solved step by step. but the construction of new apartment buildings is hampered by the deterioration of utility networks.
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they are being repaired, but they can’t get here without federal help. make do. i urge you, vladimir vladimirovich, to instruct the government of the russian federation to work on the issue of creating a special targeted investment program with the allocation of funds from the federal budget, which will be used to modernize the main ones. funds of the housing and communal services complex of the region. the depreciation of networks is 92%, of course, this is very high, it can be a limiting factor. in any case, your letter, here it is in front of me, i have read it, familiarized myself with it and have already issued an order to the government, more precisely, even deputy prime minister khusnuli, maratuchnovic, who is leading this topic. the support of agricultural producers takes production to a new level; in the new complex for cows, fans and soft beds are blown on a special carousel by a robot to relax after lunch.
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the birth rate has decreased more than in the country, but still it has halved, which is a bit too much. volgograd is such a good place, we are working, according to bocharov, to correct the situation with the birth rate; additional support measures are now being developed for future parents. another topic of conversation with president, assistance to svo participants and members of their families, including with employment. attention, how to hold machine guns correctly, why? how does the equipment at the base differ from what you should have in battle? the senior instructor of the flight sports club, young yastreb, with the call sign aquarius, does not teach according to textbooks and instructions; he came here to work
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after being wounded, returning from the northern military district zone. the most important thing is to make sure that you are interested, so that there is understanding, so that there is a desire to learn something further. next to the club where aquarius now works, in soon, as they promise, the construction of a rehabilitation and restoration building will begin. our task is truly large-scale, ambitious, there is very difficult, intense work ahead, naturally, it is necessary
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to mobilize forces and means to accomplish the tasks facing us, i ask you to support my decision, nomination as governor of the volgorod region in 2024. yes, andrei ivanovich, the work is really big, a lot has been done, but everything is on track for you, what? well, everything probably never works out, but the main problems are solved and are being solved completely satisfactory, i wish you success, but of course you need to reach out to people and...
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there are plans to open new joint ventures, primarily in high-tech areas. anna kurbatova for more details. good afternoon friends. the second meeting of the heads of government of russia and belarus in a year. the last time mikhail mishustin and roman golovchenko met at the end of january in
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st. petersburg at a meeting of the highest. council of the union state, well, now moscow. on the agenda are trade and economic cooperation and the implementation of the largest projects in a variety of fields. well, this meeting took place almost immediately after the meeting of the presidents of the two countries. lukashenko held detailed negotiations in moscow, important agreements were reached on the further development of russian-belarusian cooperation. deepening integration in the union state, we have been given instructions appropriate to solve them already at the government level, the agenda of our cooperation is as rich and multifaceted as ever, the scale of joint initiatives can be judged at least by the impressive the thickness of the folders on the negotiating table of both the prime ministers themselves and members of the delegation, here is just one of the projects - russia and belarus will build a new twin-engine light multi-purpose aircraft asvey, which will be able to carry up to 19 passengers and operate
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flights. for transportation of both passengers and cargo, which is why we are embarking on such deep cooperation in the aircraft industry. russia and belarus are actually investing in this project on a parity basis and, accordingly , will also be joint owners that product which.
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well, and also about high technology. at the end of last year, the second unit of the belarusian nuclear power plant, which was built by russian specialists, was put into operation. the largest energy project of the union state. the safest most high-tech nuclear power plant in europe. and here’s what else is in the near future: this is about a dozen new areas in the industry of belarus , we are introducing our digital products, additive technologies, composite rulers, this is the creation of joint ventures and production of such as enterprises for localizing energy storage devices in belarus and much, much more. belarus, which does not have its own access to the sea, has repeatedly stated its desire to use the opportunities from the northern sea route, here is one of the solutions. preparations have begun for the implementation of a project for the construction of a multimodal port in the murmansk region. russia remains the largest investor in the belarusian economy; mutual trade turnover last year hit a record level. this is 4.200 billion
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russian rubles. or almost 150 billion belarusian rubles. we are increasing exports belarusian goods to foreign markets using russian transport infrastructure, but last year, in particular, transit traffic more than doubled, compared to the twenty- second year to 20 million tons. well, today a decision was made, which had been going on for almost 6 years, an agreement was signed on the recognition of an electronic digital signature in order to earn full access to the state... cup of belarus and russia, another step in the framework of the construction of a union state, which in this the year is already 25 years old. anna kurbatova, sergey mukhin, ekaterina koryaka, ekaterina yarovenko, dmitry litvinenko, channel one. the anatoly lysenko prize was presented in moscow today for the first time. it was established 2 years ago by the fund of the same name to support cultural and educational projects. the award recognizes cultural figures, artists and media for their contribution to
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the development of future generations, and its name is: enlightener, creator, creator. dmitry kochitkov will confirm. a figurine. became the sculptor georgy frangulyan called the dinosaur of television, this is a symbol conveying the image of the television legend, anatoly lysenko, the prize is designed to reward outstanding figures in culture, art and the media industry. the main thing that we considered important for ourselves was the ability of people, despite the fact that they are truly true creators, they are absolute talents, they are leaders, they are... inimitable, but they are ready to share themselves, they are ready to invest in the future, this is very it’s hard, it’s hard work to invest in the future. among the first laureates are the president of the institute of cinema and television valentin lazutkin and the artistic director of the russian
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academic youth theater alexey borodin. anatoly grigorievich was not only a book fan, he also loved the theater. therefore, since i am sure he is watching us, he would share this choice. because alexey vladimirovich is not just an outstanding director, there are few outstanding directors, but they exist, he is a man who created his own theater. nominally, on the square where the big one is located, there is immediately a theater that pretended to be a small one, and there was a theater created by natalya sats, which was called the central children's theater, since 1992 it has been called ramt. this is a large theater, created by alexey vladimorovich borodin. i am happy, it is an incredible honor to receive the award, this is , of course, the personification in general, a true
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professional of an amazing personality who has always shaped us, who always remains. the creator of the legendary look, the author of more than 50 documentaries and the first general director of vgtrk. lysenko discovered many tv stars and trained a galaxy of outstanding journalists. anatoly grigorievich has not been with us for 3 years. you know, everyone on television is either
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a creator or a presenter, but this was human creator. he created and raised all these guys, he did a lot for television. to receive the statue in person, it is planned that the enlightener, creator-creator prize will be awarded annually, for talents of innovation, loyalty to the profession, determination, all these qualities were possessed by anatoly lysenko himself, dmitry kochatkov, boris leonov,
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alexander isaev, sergey kamensky and natalya moshtakova, channel one, now advertising what will happen next, australia with a priest’s knife in a temple, georgia, riots near parliament after fights inside, trump. and incriminating evidence, for the first time , a former president of america in the criminal court, there will be a lot more, don’t switch, move away, don’t interfere, she’s alive, how are you and her, seriously, i want someone prettier, i don’t want to meet olya about this directly, because she will think that i want to quarrel with her, zhenya, alexey, first of all, thank you for coming to me with this information, and not... i’m chasing the suspects, they turned onto kolomenskaya, i need help, everyone around ,
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how did you know that the raid would be on the bank, in a thorough investigation will be carried out regarding the turbine, if you find anything related to the turbine, i think this is a negotiation, you think he is a rat, there are police, i am aware, taxi undercover . premiere. watch the time after the program. monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, oldbarr cognac, a product of the stellar group, borbon steirsman, a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is
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a product of the stellar group. fascism appeared in italy at the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread throughout europe. the fascists, as a rule, come to power through democratic means, and in the most advanced ones, because they are inside them. and the topic would not be worth considering if fascism, after its defeat in the second world war, would have remained an artifact of the 20th century, but life decreed otherwise. in the 21st century, the word fascism has regained its power. fascism opened up such vast expanses of inhuman pragmatism to the world that it did so forever.
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hum a song by nikita mikhalkov's hero from film "i'm walking around moscow" i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i’ve fallen in love, lyuba cried, i think, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives and... lyuba sokolova got everything, what
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gundareva played, we get the prize, i i’m happy that he’s watching, but he’s watching very much, he always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i understood, that i have to save him, our exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere... on saturday on the first. this is the program time and we continue. for the second high-profile crime in 3 days in sydney, australia, an assyrian bishop was attacked with a knife. church directly in the temple during the service. bishop
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maria emmanuel, a well-known conservative preacher in the country, who in the covid era has earned fame as an ardent anti-vaxxer , was taken to the hospital in serious condition. three more people were wounded, the criminal was detained, he had to be fought off from the parishioners in order to avoid lynching. after this, emotions spilled out onto the street, riots broke out, and residents demanded retribution. the situation in sydney is tense, with a knife-wielding gunman killing six people following an attack on a local shopping center on saturday. hour ago, the israeli general staff announced that they were searching for a response to the iranian strike, during which on sunday night at least nine ballistic missiles overcame israeli air defense and reached their target. we could be talking, for example, about a cyber attack or shelling of a certain facility in tehran, the washington post reported this evening. from the main cities of israel to the iranian ones, just over a thousand km. temporarily. the iranians have it, just as
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the israelis had it. the consequences were discussed by the un security council, where the crisis was turned in a way favorable to the west. georgiy alisashvili will confirm. israel's starting line before the start of the emergency security council meeting included a call for immediate new sanctions against tehran for attacks on the jewish state. at the same time , israeli politicians launched their own attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. as if iran, out of the blue, suddenly attacked israel, despite the fact that tehran, after the attack on its consulate, stated that it was ready to refuse a military response if the council of ministers condemned the aggression of the jewish state.
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russia proposed a standard one in such cases draft statement criticizing the attack on the diplomatic mission. the consolidated position of the council obviously stopped. and what else needs to be weighed, will such a signal from the council help stabilize the situation in the region? the united states of great britain and france then essentially refused to confirm that the basic principles of international law on the inviolability of diplomatic and consular facilities. enshrined in the relevant vienna conventions apply equally and equally to all states, the result, as they say, on the face. not a single western delegation began to develop this topic; the representative of britain spoke from general humanistic positions.
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the united kingdom unequivocally condemns iran's reckless attack on israel, which threatened the lives of thousands of civilians. threatened, but there were no casualties, despite the fact that, according to international humanitarian organizations working in the gaza strip, about 14 thousand children alone died from strikes by the israeli army in the palestinian enclave, apparently, their fate, diplomats and her majesty doesn’t care, not to mention the fact that an attack on the consulate from the point of view of international law is an act of war, today in the ssc there is such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards, which is somehow even inconvenient to watch, if... the attack was the western ones representation, you would not hesitate to attack with retaliatory measures and prove in this room that you are right, because for you everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens is sacred and must be protected, when it comes
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to other states, their rights, including the right to self-defense of their citizens is different, as you like to say, the british foreign secretary immediately confirmed, what about iran's indignation over the fact that their part of the sovereign territory was razed to the ground. well, here i would argue and say that this is completely different when compared to what israel did in damascus. iran launched 300 weapons at israel for the first time, 101 ballistic missiles, 36 cruise missiles and 185 drones, this is completely different. what would great britain do if someone equalized land one of our embassies? we would respond very harshly. the us permanent representative tried to fit the complex puzzle of middle eastern conflicts into a primitive plot about the confrontation between a good guy and a bad guy, simplifying everything to the extreme. the security council must urgently and unequivocally condemn iran's aggressive actions. the united states also supports israel's inherent right to
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self-defense in the face of this attack. the israeli permanent representative demanded recognition of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, a military-political support. iranian authorities terrorist organization, iran itself compared to what israel has recently compared all its enemies to. the islamic regime of iran today is no different from the third reich, ayatallah minii is no different from adolf hitler. the israeli call for new sanctions against iran is being actively discussed in the european union. the problem here is that, firstly, tehran has been living under hundreds of restrictive measures for a long time, and secondly, the united states has been moving in the opposite direction for the past year, weakening it. sanctions noose. the biden administration is extending a partial sanctions relief that will allow the iranian regime to instantly withdraw $10 billion from its frozen accounts in iraq. the american press wrote that at the same time, iran received the go-ahead to supply an unlimited amount of oil to china. it is clear that it was not out of good fortune that the white
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house resorted to the help of strategic opponents in order to maintain prices for black gold during the election year. that's probably why it 's washington now. so diligently displays a rare love of peace. we don't want anymore large-scale war, we do not want further escalation. and we definitely don’t want a conflict with iran. but us ally israel has already called tehran’s attack a de facto declaration of war. walster journal writes that the jewish state will not cope without western help, so washington can simply be presented with a fait accompli. iran has begun a new stage, it has stopped hiding behind regional allies and is now attacking itself. will no longer be able to just sit quietly and intercept everything, said nadav polok, a former israeli analyst government. anti-aircraft and patriotic systems, which are used against ballistic missiles, are too expensive, and there are too many of them. very limited. the question is precisely the quantity. not a single air defense system can stop a swarm of thousands of drone missiles, and tehran
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used less than 1% of its military potential in the recent attack. it is possible, by the way, that the real purpose of the attack on the jewish state was not to cause damage, but to investigate the principles of israeli air defense. moreover, according to cnn, a week before the attack, iran warned turkey about it. what does this look like for you? iran has contacted turkey about the options it is considering. it is known that turkey is our ally. the turks could pick up the phone and call washington. this was done on purpose. i think yes. the iranians sent a clear signal to america through turkey. signals from tehran continue to arrive. our advice to all israel's allies. assess the proportionality of iran's responsible actions, warn israel of what its further malicious actions will mean to it.
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trump, he is accused of falsifying documents in an attempt to hide incriminating evidence, we are talking about the affairs of the year before last election campaign. according to investigators, in 1916, trump’s lawyer allegedly paid $130 to a porn actress to keep her silent about her affair with the future head of state, and trump, again, allegedly returned the money to the lawyer using fake papers, registering the payment as legal costs. this is only one of the charges, there are 34 in total, carrying a maximum sentence of 136 years. trump himself claims to be the victim of a witch hunt, political opponents are trying to prevent him from becoming president for a second time. they did not stand behind the price , creating a serious precedent. this is the first time in the history of the states that...
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a police cordon outside the parliament building, they held a rally there, demanding the withdrawal of the document as pro-russian. our law on agents has been in force for 12 years, for example, in 86 states, and what is more significant, the georgian initiative was copied precisely from american norms. the authors themselves pointed this out a year ago, when the first attempt at discussion in parliament resulted in riots, and the united states and the european union criticized georgia's understandable and common-sense desire to bring order to foreign influence in politics. the most modern history, contemporary theater within the framework of the planet volchik project.
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on his birthday, he opened his own museum in moscow, photographs, posters, minutes of artistic councils and discussions of performances, filming of rehearsals and premieres. everything that makes the famous stage live, from its creation in 1956 to the present day. you can take some exhibits with you as a souvenir. alexander lyakin visited there. excellent the quote i pulled out is directly about our theater: let’s make some noise so that we are not forgotten, it’s not often that you see a museum where you can not only touch the exhibits, but take it with you, along with a copy of the old poster, take away a piece of the history of the great theater that has never been he held on to the old, this was the case under efremov and volchik. here you go, the phrase her theater is endowed with two pronounced functions: to create and destroy, and to create is new, progressive, why...
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perception without a guide, happiness is that the history of the theater, which is stored in it archive, and now will be available not only
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to theater workers.
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excitement, their excitement before going on stage, because it would seem, after all, there is already such an advance of trust among the audience that they go out on stage and the audience is already starting to applaud, but how nervous these artists were before going out, how they were getting ready, how they always had a zone of silence when you understood that you didn’t need to approach them now. this is probably the only example when three main directors emerged from the walls of one theater, oleg efremov, oleg tobakov
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and of course, galina volchik, who led the theater through difficult years, remaining and... now st. petersburg - the start of navigation along rivers and canals , the first pleasure boats and trams came out from the palace embankment today; those who wanted to admire the northern capital from the water were not scared off by anyone cold, no rain, no leaden clouds that the scandinavian cyclone brought, this night, and bridges will begin to be raised again, a bright show beloved by tourists until about november. and our viewers can
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enjoy the views of st. petersburg without leaving at home right now. the undercover taxi was filmed right there, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. obanik is no longer available. in, inna, also a colonel, she’s alive, yes,
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go away, inna, go away, don’t disturb. she’s alive, alive, alive, until, already, trash, you still won’t die, yes, it just happened to you that there was no home when your sobs ended, i ’ll get you anyway, i’ll cut you, what did he say, lesh, what he said, lying down, what he said, what he said, i'm going to die.
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vyacheslav mikhailovich, you have good fingers, hit the base, i urgently need them there are results. now we know for sure that one of the gang members lives here, but we don’t know where exactly, this is what we need to find out, you have photographs, go around the houses, interview the residents, well, just stand there, come on, you’re with us,
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comrade lieutenant colonel , on me... the whole village, and locals, renters and migrant workers of all sorts, there are a lot of them, i’m alone, can you remember them all, that you won’t recognize anyone at all, to be honest, no, you know that you go to our local store, contact zinke, she definitely knows everyone, you’re a pensioner, a migrant worker or some kind of bandit in general, everyone wants to reap, that’s right, i know this one, he often comes by, where he lives, you know, but no, where from? although, you know, you should ask grandfather vitya, i heard him say to this guy several times, hello neighbor, maybe they really are neighbors, but where does this grandfather live, yes, he said hello, of course, but that i
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can’t say hello to my neighbor, but show me where this neighbor of yours lives, he’s my neighbor, he lives in this house, well, it’s empty. what was to be expected, call the criminologists, but what else can you tell about your neighbor? and what tell me about him? a bandit, he is a bandit, why did you decide that he is a bandit? who else ? his friends constantly came to him, parties, drinking, vodka flowing, he bought the most expensive vodka in the store, he disdained the cheap one, and they also brought girls here all the time, what girls? what kind of prostitutes, of course, like these, red-haired, blonde, dark-haired, one was generally strange, her hands were all covered in tattoos, like those of thieves, honestly.


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