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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 15, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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concept, well, as for such a european as zelensky, of course, his speeches on these topics related to the european status of ukraine, as the defender of all of europe, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, because he is a hostage of this people are millions of people living in ukraine. his phobias, his fantasies, his speeches in the end, i suspect that for him speeches are not worth much, he has a tongue without bones, but it sounds funny that ukraine will turn out to be such an arms hub for europe, which otherwise would not withstand the onslaught from its eastern neighbor, today everything is exactly the opposite, it...
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and not in speeches, at least, but for the undemanding listener in the west, who is in this case a consumer, as well as in to ukraine, zombie people themselves, this seems quite compatible, although in fact one contradicts the other, now the fuss around various kinds of negotiations, conferences, negotiations without negotiations, such as the one planned in june, is intensifying.
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this is actually a reflection of the fact that the west also faces the prospect that something needs to be done in some way, they of course want to get out of their difficulties at our expense, and on the part of a country like russia, leading these fundamental military actions, they were...
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possible mission they have about 100 days, according to one weapons expert, an inferno of stormshadow missiles, naval drones and newly arrived f-16 fighters could destroy the only one. russian way bridge to crimea. its destruction is the number one goal for the authorities ukraine. for them, this is an important step towards victory in the war, because in this way they will be able to cut off the main routes of russian military supplies. brian clark, a senior fellow at the hudson institute and director of the center for defense concepts and technology, believes that ukraine could do this if it has the necessary weapons. the most heavily defended bridge in the world could be destroyed by a multi-pronged air and sea attack , big bang style - add.
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but here’s the thing, konstantin ferovich, if even they won’t destroy the bridge, but of course, using missiles and boats, they can cause some damage, they are causing damage now, they are causing it, uh, if this happened , then of course, the correct answer is further advancement russian troops, to try to destroy the zelensky regime altogether, but this is what worries me:
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to make it clear to your partner and ally that there are things that nato does not support and cannot support. in fact , it is being discussed whether ukraine actually has any weapons that can inflict such damage to russia? russia, as we know, has weapons that can harm anyone if it comes down to it. as for the land route, well, of course, the crimean bridge is iconic, absolutely iconic.
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these attacks, because it allows, the satellite constellation allows their current capabilities to direct their drones or their missiles with a joystick at certain targets, and this certainly means that they bear direct responsibility for all the consequences that
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may actually occur, including not only in relation to ukraine, in relation to those who fight for it. it seems to me that what you just said is central.
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could clearly set out a definite plan for the destruction of part of our territory and the most remarkable engineering structure, very important for... communication between the regions of russia , there is something completely crazy in this, in the fact that this person allows himself to actually draw, so to speak, a plan in open, talk about what she must do to destroy it, so that in his understanding, in order to inflict this, open the way to defeat russia, there is something absolutely terrible in this, well, to be completely clear, irresponsible. the position of the biden administration, the official position, is
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that they do not recommend and do not directly help ukraine to launch strikes on russian territories, and how true this is is difficult to judge, it seems to me that they help when it comes to strikes on distant objects, where it would be very difficult for ukraine to reach them.
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as for this, well, it seems to me, you know, i would pay attention, after all, today it seems to me that it’s even impossible, it’s impossible to separate what’s happening in ukraine from what’s happening in the middle east, this, it’s like some kind of single thing, why can’t we separate it, well, i think that to a certain extent this is both and other things.
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iran will not make up its mind, i thought that iran will not make up its mind, you know, now there is a point of view
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in the united states, great britain, that iran has not really made up its mind, no, iran, of course, has not made up its mind, to a large extent it looks like like a symbolic blow to a large extent, but still a scale this strike seemed to show that iran is generally ready to fight, it is not afraid. he is afraid, this suggests that he has some arguments that allow him to behave this way, it seems to me that some time ago, you remember, there were murders - their nuclear ones, just in tigeran, in fact, that is , that is, as if something, whatever happened, in principle iran was silent, in fact iran was silent, well now they were not silent, the roar of the missiles was loud, as i understand it, ruslan pukhov, leading military expert.
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because then netanyahu could quite obviously legitimately strike back, without even listening to the americans, and then a big war would really break out, this is like the first aspect, the second, slightly less noticeable aspect - of the fact that firstly, uh, all the military specialists who are involved in missile programs all noted that iran sent its most
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primitive missiles, well, let's say, there with a non -folding wing, that is, in case of escalation, they have a more modern thing, nuclear weapons, if they are driven into a corner, and also one aspect that very few people have paid attention to is that, in fact, despite the fact that israel does not admit the presence of nuclear weapons, but we all know that it is a de facto nuclear country, quite recently a strike was carried out on the territory of pakistan with the goal of suppressing a number of groups that used the territory of pakistan to attack
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iran, pakistan is also a nuclear state, that is, iran, when it needs to... it is not afraid to go into confrontation, and it is ready to defend its interests, and this, of course, is very it is significant, because of course, he has resources, unlike there, compared to us, many times less, but even they are not afraid when it comes to some edge, but to say no, and we, of course, can relate to this this is only with respect. vitaly vatsislavich, you said on our program that iran, most likely, in my opinion, even existed. we are sure that it will strike, and you also said that iran will do this, well, let’s say, carefully without unnecessary provocations. what do you think will happen now? i think that iran will now wait, well, the ball, it passes from one side to the other,
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the question is who can take this ball now , stop it, can israel abstain? from such a desire to respond with something, albeit asymmetrically, albeit not as powerfully as mr. netanyahu is shouting about it, but in any case, there is a desire to respond there, i think that they are now sitting in their situation rooms and discussing this issue, and it seems to me that if reason prevails there even a little and if...
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it turns out that they have achieved this, we they scratch their heads and say: how come they didn’t achieve this? we have much more resources, so iran achieved it, not only is there a hidden nuclear program there, as they
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say, but it turns out that there is also success in creating new missile weapons, and the fact that... let there be only seven missiles, as they say, supposedly seven missiles hit, but they hit, it seems, it seems, i repeat, i don’t have exact information, but it seems like some two objects - they after all, destroyed, and i think that they publicly leaked information about that when they strike, and it was clear, probably, where, in order to avoid human casualties, and this was done, here is a random victim, a girl, yes, and that a bedouin too... by chance, it is unknown what she became a victim of, but they showed, firstly, they demonstrated that they do not want to kill just people in israel, they... showed that they have powerful weapons, here, that’s what i absolutely agree with you on, that they have there is something much stronger, much more powerful, they generally
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showed some kind of moral, i believe, superiority over israel, especially over the arab world, with which iran has a difficult relationship, they have shown that they are capable of making bold decisions, they are capable of taking certain risks, but... they lay the straw, they laid the good straw, and i think that against this background, we should probably expect some new successes in reconciling iran with the most significant arab states, including the gulf states, with which they have the most acute relations, and we should also, apparently, expect that what happened, it happened a gigantic incentive for...
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military air bases, one of which is called negv, the other nevasim, yeah, that is, they hit the military infrastructure, not civilian, not homes, they got where they needed to, but just in the program where we, together with karagevich and uh, mr. naumkiv , took part, i just thought and said that iran cannot but respond, including because the refusal to...
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say that the fact that these missiles were flying through this entire territory, through iraq, through syria, caused an upsurge in the feelings of all who are for this was observed by those who, let’s say, frankly, cannot love israel, those who consider israel an enemy, they all celebrated this flight, this is a very serious moral defeat for israel, the question for him is whether he will be with him cope, or he tries -
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it will happen, sooner or later it is necessary in the presence of such a confrontation of the parties, but literally at this time, well , israel most likely will not
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react to this attack from iran, because if it does it, then it will be brewed big big porridge which is not at all needed in this situation by the allies, the united states by everyone, there is another very interesting aspect that is usually not talked about, according to various expert estimates, the cost of... this strike for the iranians in monetary terms was 200-300 million dollars on a large scale, the cost of reflection is only for the israelis, judging by how they used expensive systems, and their iron dome, somewhere around one and a half billion, plus the british, jordanians, americans also actively helped, in fact, in this ball competition, but here you are several times... at some point israel may have a shortage of certain ammunition, which they have already encountered more than once, and there is another aspect if they decide to refuse help, as has already happened once ,
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when... the americans, represented by isenhower and the soviets, the russians, represented by khrushchev, cackled at the aggressors when they entered the soviet canal zone in 1956; in addition to the british and french, there were also israelis, and both with their tails between their legs others ran away, so here under certain circumstances, the americans may refuse their support, financial, military, and i will see how israel would then cope even with this, in general, quite ...
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all western forces during the war, secondly, petenhauer was a person who loved america, was proud of america, but at the same time drew the boundaries of american national interests quite narrowly; he had no desire to create a globalist globalist coalition in order to confront the soviet union, now.
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iranian reports about two israeli bases, yes you said, air force bases, which were hit, what do you know about this, well , the israelis themselves admitted that these bases suffered partial damage, damaged equipment, warehouses, that’s basically when a non-massive strike, well, it ’s quite easy to fix the strip, the question is different, as was rightly shown, we strike only at military infrastructure and do it demonstratively. this is somewhat reminiscent of - once during the escalation between india and pakistan, in response to indian actions, and with weapons, the pakistani air force simply flew into the territory and dropped weight and size dummies, showing what we can get, but we don’t want escalation, the escalation stopped, in this sense, of course, they started on time, stopped on time, in this sense, of course, you understand that the strategic culture of a country with a five-thousand-year history and strategic
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culture. with all due respect to the ancient people of israel, the state of israel itself, of course it is not comparable, yes, that is, the iranians they think much deeper and much further, while we see how the israelis, especially the netanyahu cabinet, are just rushing about, and making some very vivid statements, which are often not supported, go to advertising, and then we’ll talk about the film , which is now actively showing in the united states. this film is called the baiting of donald trump, let's talk about it with karei georgievich, and of course with everyone else. let's go to advertising. fascism appeared in italy at the beginning of the 20th century, from where this infection spread throughout europe. fashty, how
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as a rule, they come to power democratically, and even more so than in advanced democracies, since they originate within them. and the topic would not be worth considering if fascism, after its defeat in world war ii, remained an artifact of the 20th century. but life decreed otherwise.
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on the first. ocean aggressive hinguru, prime minister of australia, anthony albanese. i turn to my life partner jodie hayden. thank you for coming into my life with... you walked this path with me, they sculpted an image for him, now he has his first wife, left right on new year's holidays, ah-ah-ah, judy is a political project, we went out into the street where a car was waiting for him, then it hit me, he was going to a war zone. australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine and is making a move towards china. whoever can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave the chinese market, is trying to sit on two chairs at the same time. america. and great britain achieved the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia, australia will be ready for this next ukraine, but for china. in the event of a war with china, the target of chinese nuclear weapons will have to
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really sit in splits, and this is painful and uncomfortable. anthony albanese, zelensky of the green continent. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. there's a big game on the air. today in new york the criminal trial of the former and possibly future president of the united states, donald trump, began. never before has a former president, never in the history of america , been tried.
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how to talk to her, so to speak, and agree, this did not mean that they admit that trump really had an affair with her, if you look at what any american corporation does, and trump was a businessman, when this kind of accusation appears at the most inopportune moment, it is normal practice, pay and come to an agreement, because it’s not your fault .
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this is also not prohibited by law, the company can spend money on what it sees fit, these are payoffs, in fact, but this can be considered payoffs, but it is not prohibited law, it was about her fulfilling her obligation not to discuss this topic anymore, the old bedouin law, you know, among the arabs, he killed someone, gave all the money, well , that’s absolutely true, but the concept is law. and so what the prosecutor who handled this case before, the federal prosecutor,
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does is look at this and come to the conclusion that there is no federal crime, and that this case should be dropped, at this time in manhattan, manhattan is an island. to the business and cultural center of new york, here and there 90% of democracy, he ran for office there. he invented a new theory that, since
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it was bad for trump to have this topic raised during the election campaign, then any payments to avoid this can be considered an element of election, election spending that must be registered and disclosed and...
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then i like him very much, he is charismatic, he has, so to speak, some kind of internal energy, charm, of course, but, but, in my opinion, in the american, i basically understand that part of the american establishment that is against it, because trump is dragging america, back to the america of the times of elvis presley and, as they say, big cars, which... which, of course , can generally have a detrimental effect on the imperial
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essence of america, in this sense i kind of can understand. this could lead to the same consequences as yeltsin’s rise to the presidency of the russian federation led to, and we know how it ended, so from this side i’m still for trump. in principle i am very happy, although i repeat that i
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think that as a result of his policy she will be completely different from what we expect, how do you like the comparison of yeltsin and trump, i can finish two more words, i would like to know, by the way, regarding your previous, our previous topic, it seems to me that netanyahu is still made a very serious mistake, that’s the feeling i had when he attacked the consulate, and i think that they are completely. feels with his skin what line needs to be followed in order to please, especially at that moment when he was the ascending yeltsen, descending down, but by the way, even when he left, he was his with the announcement of an early battle on the authority, he moved many of his opponents to pity. as for trump, there
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is only one question: everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. if these accusations do not actually block the subsequent investigation. specific question, i even think that it may very well be that trump’s arrival could have unpredictable consequences for us in terms of aggravating the situation in russian-american relations, i’ll ask a specific question, since trump is always very spoke out sharply against aid to ukraine, he
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openly, in addition, accused ukraine of interfering in the american elections against his most beloved, now as we get closer to the elections. the more he changes his position, of course, and now he’s already saying that you can help ukraine just not a direct grant, not a direct gift, but a loan, but who will believe that if ukraine receives this money, it will return it, and i can imagine , that trump believes in this is difficult, this is where art ends and soil and fate breathe, because. yes, help for some time now, ukraine has been an element of, well, a unification, a foreign policy unification of elites with all the differences in approaches, but in trump’s circle , republicans in the spirit of linz and graham, mark rubio and so on, who actually believe that this is america’s holy mission,
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to ensure that ukraine defeats russia, here is trump’s statement that he will come and solve everything instantly, imagine... provides russia with opportunities, to what extent does he threaten russia’s interests, let’s start with vaskaran georgievich. let's go to advertising. the situation with khersanes tavlice is a cynical robbery. it's just part of
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rewriting history. what is really happening to the legendary historical and cultural monument. in 2014, hersanese looked very depressing. from this place. her favorite work, she creates centers of culture around herself, i’m not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them directly instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100
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years old, she is a very young man, i can’t live without work at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting with...
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the way he acted, after all, they expected some kind of reaction, maybe, but not like that, because in general, this massive strike, yes, which is symbolic, everything is clear, but on the other hand, it demonstrated that , firstly, iran is not afraid israel, by the way, in my opinion, there has never been such an attack in history that such an attack was launched at all at least once upon israel, the united states is not afraid, it is capable of, well, still breaking through this.
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situation, when in fact we are talking about the possibility of such a full-scale war, the second point, this situation, after this strike, means that the possibility of supplying weapons to ukraine becomes much less, in principle, here we need to accumulate weapons for someone else, you know, when the second the front, it stretches the forces, so in this sense, as you know, i am not a supporter of war, i am generally a supporter for the war to stop and for people.
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well, i think, by the way, he would support israel much more strongly than biden, it seems to me that it’s your turn, well - first of all, i want to say
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that they think it’s catchy in the fall, and netanyahu missed,
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about free trade with iran, which benefits iran, which brings benefits to russia, saving huge amounts on duties. 380 million dollars is our annual gain if this agreement is implemented. we are now involved in the final stage of agreeing on
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a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with iran.
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cooperation with iran to a higher level of china, this is very significant for raising the level, especially if everything works out as planned, but nevertheless questions remain, there are questions of the participation of iranian
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society regarding... regarding the prospects for this cooperation, there are different people in the iranian diasporas abroad, which must also be taken into account, but it is quite obvious that we still face a choice, a serious choice, to what extent we are ready to support iran, in that beginning confrontation, which is happening one way or another, and it is happening, it and... and what is written in the washington post article, i think, also suggests that the americans, despite our talk that the americans are everything is not necessary and not profitable, they do not want to get involved, but one way or another they express doubt that the americans need to act more actively against iran, it is quite obvious that a significant part of american public opinion would like
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this, because iran is being considered. still the majority in the united states apparently the population there is, in general , the main opponent, the enemy, this partly motivates those who want the united states to be bigger. supported israel, and netanyahu knows this very well, and such a threat of escalation exists, and apparently will still exist without taking any measures, here russia’s position will be very important, very important, that’s how ready we will now be to take iran’s side in everything that he will do, and he is, of course, taking quite, in my opinion, reasonable steps, he shows restraint, he doesn’t want... to take some exceptionally tough measures against the strong collective west and especially the united states of america, but what will happen next on this here on on
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on the track of american-iranian rivalry, not not iran, israel, specifically iranian-american, and it seems to me that we have missed one point here, this is a point related to what is completely obvious... i know this, simply because i hear from american experts and read what they write, absolutely clearly is being viewed the desire today to continue the line of confrontation between iran and leading arab states, so i wanted to ask you about this, how russia should deal with this dilemma, if you support iran, this may be at the expense of relations with arab countries, which are also very important in the first place . turn saudi arabia, the state and the emirates, how can we find the right balance here? well, you are asking the right question, the answer to which people making decisions should probably know, should give, but making decisions
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in this situation is not easy, that we have our own national interests, which we are primarily guided by, and here too - cooperation with iran is very important, this is a very powerful imperative, very important. and it, of course, will strengthen our role in relations not only with iran, but with those states in the region that consider it necessary to take tough measures against israel, to contain israel, but to what extent will we be ready to take these positions, or will we work with everyone , what we have done so far with those states that you, which were mentioned in your last statement, for me this question remains unresolved.
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remember where the national interests are, i agree, in general , by foreign minister taleran, that politics is not a sentimental matter and it is necessary, you need to have the right to emotions, but you also need to , with everything that was said at this table, i will add only one thought: russia now has growing relations with iran are not only military, not only trade, but symbolic. and


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