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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 16, 2024 1:10am-2:01am MSK

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my theory, you don’t have to agree with this, i also call it intuition, on stage, when you have this piggy bank, that is, this feeds intuition, and then the courage of improvisation, and as for direct experiments, yes, well i’ve had such cases, uh, when a computer composer, a neural network, yes, that’s... we did such a premiere, well, yes, then we performed it several times in sochi at a festival in moscow, then light music, that’s generally something i’ve never talked about i didn’t hear anything about this, didn’t see anything, didn’t know anything, well, there was a premiere of this at the festival in yaroslavl works, what is it, i’m not a professional, again in this, but each color has...
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it was necessary further, it was funny, in order to perform this piece it took us half an hour before the concert so that the instruments were tuned differently usually, that is, in simple terms, they were upset, how interesting, and then it was very funny, because there are such traditions, probably in all orchestras, so you swiped there, and they suddenly... started playing something completely different, and well, yes,
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who -birthday, that is, without warnings, one of the musicians has a birthday today, and the orchestra is playing happy birthday, and i think, now i ’m worried, these are very complex things that i haven’t encountered before, in this piece, i’m worried , so i showed the beginning, they suddenly started playing happy songs, wildly out of tune, because once half an hour later...
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there was a world premiere, for me this is an experiment, and two women with one voice from the third row, we liked it, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is with them ok, and we have common evenings. i play board games when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone, our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, me the health of loved ones makes me happy, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my...
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what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we "the global majority who are part of it met in the palace of the president of syria, a man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, that is why the price is so high." the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, to everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that such everyone decides questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer, you you use social networks, this is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a state development organization.
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intelligence, then the strength of a person is in his weakness, in comparison with, if this intelligence grows to incredible heights and can do everything, then he will still lose to a person in music, if we are talking about music, i think, in chess, probably after all, intelligence wins, such and after that there is such a version that if you download all the songs.
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desire to win, although i know some - there are such examples, one conductor, when he needed money, he went to another conducting competition, it doesn’t matter whether there is first or second prize, it’s money, and he went like that 10 times, just to earn money, and
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i also know one girl, who is also participating, here she is, she’s like this, i say, why did you play, what’s next, what does this competition give you, she says: but i wanted to go to turkey for 3 weeks on vacation, the motivation is such a practical approach, of course there is , basically they prepare for competitions in order to win, of course they get very upset, when it’s not the first prize, the second, and you act as a mentor, musicians will come to you and learn from you, because everything you tell is the most valuable information, because you convey it like a master, you can even say, here i am i think that strength lies in the fact that you yourself don’t know for sure, seriously, but you think that you just haven’t prepared yet, haven’t grown up yet, but you rush all the time, that’s how i see myself,
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i can’t be there give a bad mark to some student, because i know for sure, and he it turns out he doesn’t know, but i know, but he didn’t want to do it, right? then go study, no, no, no, since i myself have doubts, then i accept doubts, but if there is mediocrity, that is, lack of relationship, it’s just the way it is, that is, a person studies formally, then i’m no longer interested, you you probably know how many music centers there are in the country, academies, there are many, there are 16, thanks to this they gather. all-russian youth orchestra, which is already more than 10 years old, well , almost 11, and this is a change of generations, we now have the smallest girl there, a gaba player, she 9 years old, at the age of 22 we need to make room for our rotation, this is not an orchestra, such
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an eternal brand, i thought that you become attached to, well, with tears, then you say goodbye to those who have been here for 22 years and... here this is what is needed, yes, it is necessary so that maybe, well, this is how it turns out, well, we are not rubber either, but what’s interesting is that we are now on tour. around the country, but not in the city, there is one of our people sitting in the orchestra, who went through the youth orchestra, at the mariinsky theater, there is a drummer there, an amazing trumpet player, in yes in moscow spevakov has a lot in the state orchestra, they are everywhere, i meet them, they are so taken apart, and this is good, but very often they return to their cities, uh-huh, where is it even better? right now there is one guy, a very good horn player, this is the most difficult
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horn instrument, he is finishing his studies in germany, he plays in our youth, i am a concert performer, that is, he always comes to our training camps and concerts, now he is finishing his studies officially loudly declared that of course he returns to russia, there are no questions here, i’m sorry, when they don't come back. and he’s just returning, his dad is in novosibirsk, he plays the clarinet in the orchestra, and there, in general, he, he, he’s russian, this one, he ’ll definitely come back, then it’s good, everything, everything is good, there’s such a stable expression, i don’t really like it, but nevertheless, the quality of human material, such an expression, well, it just means people, how their qualities change over time, after all, attitudes are different in the soviet union. there were some, then the nineties, others, now others, now we are generally experiencing a breakdown
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some ideas, in general, and how people have changed over the course of this time and what our youth of today is, who come to you, you know, i spoke a lot with our genius richtor, svyatoslav taifilovich, and i once asked him, is he changing is it his interpretation of some kind of work?
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more painful than when my toy was taken away when i was 2 years old, seriously, there is no size, but there is the concept of resentment or the concept of pleasure or the concept of happiness, the same love, don’t get me wrong, but i am so i understand that love, in fact as a concept, is the greatest gift that a person...
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but there is a tuscan plateau behind me, a little hazy, and these young men have very beautiful faces, if you dress them in women's dresses, these girls will be very beautiful, just don't get me wrong, yeah, i'm normal with a classical orientation, but we 're looking forward to the end, you understand, here... the viola is my instrument, this, this is cosmic love, higher than sexual
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accessories, above, it’s generally about that this is for such a divine gift, love, here is the viola, he is neither a man nor a woman, he is unisex, but i’m putting it in a primitive way, here i am working with young men with children, i just encourage them to do this, so... to yours question, a very interesting topic, human quality, yes, human quality, and well, we taught tchaikovsky romeo juliet, i... ask a question, the first rehearsal, i say, do you know who composed this whole story of rameo and juliet, who? sitting, silent, 100 people, from anador, from yaroslavl, from rostov, from everywhere, they arrived, then with in a whisper, somewhere from the second violins, the girls,
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in a whisper, says, shakespeare, here she is, either she dared, or she was the only one. i found out, i say, okay, but how old were romeo and juliet, and the proud boy there and truba, he says 21, so confidently, i say, we need to check, in my opinion, a little less, so gradually, gradually we begin to get closer, and this theme, this musical one, this is what at this moment, well, imagine, this is not necessary, you need to draw.
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there are episodes of doubt, episodes of some kind of wariness, then there are the climax is a declaration of love and so on, now they are all already adults, there, well, i told you nine, but she is the only nine-year-old, and so the main cast there is 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 , 21, 22, this is the main cast, and the smallest of them are 7-10, then you won’t be able to take them on tour. the boy is an excellent trumpet player, but he is 10 years old, he is still small, and he will need to play a responsible solo there five times with travel, but he just couldn’t stand it yet, he still has to grow up, so we also came up with such a scheme, trainees, here they are they are small, they sit at rehearsals, learn from
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older ones, well, we don’t take them on serious tours... it’s possible if it’s in moscow or st. petersburg, in general, the orchestra has already seen europe more than once, seen asia, seen it finally country, because at some point i decided, what if we travel around the country, to interesting cities, so there are transfers every day, concerts every day, buses at 9:00 in the morning, we ordered, waited for them... this not just interesting, but as the eldest mikhalkov, the eldest, once said
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to one journalist, she said, well, you children's poet, at the end of the interview, this is never...
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already in moscow or near moscow, well, most often we had it in former rest homes, well, these and there is food, there grandmothers bake wonderful pies, they have them, but they work the guys are brutal, then they have 2 hours of rest there, but what do they do, they play football, then study again, well, these training camps last 10 days, but how to organize concerts is not a problem. this is a russian concert agency that generally deals with me, and we easily organize these tours, well this is...
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they are hugging, that is, i am talking, and you are a ballet, can you imagine, juliet, a ballet about my juliet, she runs, jumps, spins, he must catch her, the partner, that is, romeo, at this moment he i forgot to take out my mobile phone, then it rang, he said, now, wait, he took the phone, yes, i can’t now, and she collapsed on the floor, they were all laughing, i said, so, well, you can’t tr, and then nothing, and...
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which the state concert either did not deal with at all, that is, they were considered formal there, but were not manager for this artist, there were different
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reasons, so when the soviet union collapsed, accordingly the state concert also, what happened, those artists who were dealt with by the state concert, they basically lost their entire career, and those who, due to the fact that they did not , nothing has changed for them, how... and so on, is it necessary to do this? there is only one inconvenient question: how much do you cost? fee question? very interesting,
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this is inconvenient for the artist himself, so what should i do then? then manager, then in the manager comes into play, and there’s something else, then without speaking, without naming any numbers, you think whether this is interesting to you or not, you just say, well, it probably won’t work out after all.
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our guest was people's artist yuri abramovich bashnet. hello, this is the easy money podcast and i am its host, mikhail khanov. today our guest is the president of the association of russian banks , gorigin tasunyan. hello gorigin. thank you very much for agreeing to take part in the conversation. our conversation will be quite capacious and rich, first of all turn for our audience i will say what
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is. academician of the russian academy of sciences, therefore his words have special weight, first of all, since almost all of our audience, our readers and listeners, one way or another work with banks, either they have accounts or have deposits, now a burning topic is fraud is how to protect your savings not from market losses, but from losses from attacks by scammers, that’s how effectively banks are able to deal with this kind of fraud that...
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you don’t hear these words, there is a whole series of measures to combat fraud, first of all there are detailed explanations, booklets are made by banks, now one regional bank has made a request, we have created a working group, because other banks supported it, about , in order to prepare with psychologists and sociologists some... forms
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that will help clients throughout the entire interaction to explain what cannot be done, correctly, structuredly, clearly explain, this is not allowed, but if they call, they ask such questions, you don’t even need to enter into a conversation, because then from your words they can use artificial intelligence to form some fake answers of yours, and so on and so forth, so we work very closely. with financial monitoring, with the central bank, of course, i mean we are the banks and the association, that is, we identify all the standard cases, but this is somewhat after the fact, scammers are creative people, so they make the most of the new technologies that they provides a modern here it revolution, with on the other hand, they also use
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i won’t piss off now, the leakage has increased by 2.3 times, but compared supposedly with the twenty -first year, it’s almost 57 times, which makes me a little worried about the figure, because the departed personal the data already amounts to hundreds of millions, there are 170 million records, you mentioned artificial intelligence, that with its help you can make so -called deep fakes, and at a deep level. working on copies, yes voices, copies of behavioral models, something else, how to deal with this, when just recently there was case in one of the asian countries, a representative of an english, but not
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just any, but a large financial company, based on fakes, based on conversations, based on several conversations, a remote person via video link transferred about 70 million dollars in several payments, thinking about that it was his superiors who were lying.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run and sparkle, and they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when...
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now quite serious systems have appeared in leading banks that prevent the transfer of cards that have been damaged, phones that have been compromised, something else, the bank is preventive.
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adequate information about the passport, about registration and so on, some questions, then the operation from the bank is already ringing, the information will be unblocked in 5-10 minutes, that is, they say that if the operation is relevant, no in some cases yes, in others, when i say that traffic light, which is within implements regulatory policy and supervisory policy.
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many students, they are offered to open an account for a small amount, get a card and then they take this card, giving them 5 or 10 thousand rubles and then use these cards, the danger here is not only that this is a toolkit for swindlers, but this is also that in reality these guys become
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accomplices, of course, they become accomplices, so it is very important to warn you if they offer you... you signed a blank sheet, that is, by giving your bank card and account details, you in fact, you sign a blank sheet of paper where you can write whatever you want, well, this is an image and so on, then you with your signature below, and the card is yours, you opened this bank
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account, then, as they say, you will be tortured to prove that you are not you , the card is not yours, and where were you and who used it, by the way, when... you are caught doing this, that you are an accomplice, then blackmailing, then you are drawn into other financial frauds, that is, this is even before law enforcement agencies will make claims against you, having revealed your involvement in this, there is also a serious risk when you agreed for 500, gave the card, then they tell you that you know that such and such was carried out on this card, such and such money was owed.
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payment schemes from person to person , so-called p2p payments for the purchase of cryptocurrencies , carry a similar risk, that is, it is possible to include some kind of fraudulent scheme in order to also, for example, hook on blackmail, a very important factor that will warn you against many risks associated with
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these scams, when you do something, you must understand what you are doing, so if you opened...
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the phone, and then they start using it, then this risk also comes, so it must be taken into account, so you must weigh for yourself whether there is such a risk that someone can force you, accordingly, but he always there is, here you are on the street, if you, if we are talking about a pin code, when you log into the phone using a pin code, then in the end you will just get killed. it’s impossible to connect this phone, present it to someone and open the phone to enter online banking, you still have to give the pin code, you’re stubborn
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and you don’t name the pin code, and therefore you say, no, i don’t agree that identification by face is better, i don’t agree by finger, but there are other ways to, respectively, anticipate or minimize risks.
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rely on yourself, on your knowledge, experience, just stop, stop communicating, because one way or another.


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