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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 16, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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penetrates the blood-brain barrier, and what happens, this is the drug that we gave, it reduces the production of the hormone of joy (serototonin), then nightmares appear at night, the solution is very simple, change the drug to another one that does not penetrate this blood-brain barrier of the same the group itself, a nightmare. for this it is understandable,
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that is, to you, as a person who believes in science, a special thank you for this, i need to go back to the doctor and tell him straight out that i have nightmares, this is a sign of taking some beta blockers, such as obzedan - these are old beta blockers that have such a side effect, we know this, it happens, so it happens that you have nightmares, thank god your granddaughter doesn’t take beta blockers, sometimes they fly into the abyss... on beta blockers, of course, so in your case everything simply, change your medications, there are modern beta blockers that do not have any of these side effects, and you will sleep peacefully. well, friends, we told you everything we were going to, it’s time for us to finish, at least one day, at least one program in pajamas, we rested, and without heels, without heels, this is a separate happiness, in the end we will tell you only one thing: you and i had a good time. may you live
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healthy, hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell the program, studios ruslan nastashko, olesya loseva, well, let's start with the main news, the situation. in the flood zone continues to heat up, dangerous water level rises have already been exceeded in the tyumen region, the situation in buryat is rapidly deteriorating, but the most difficult situation is now in the kurgan region region, an urgent evacuation has been announced in the suburbs of the city of kurgan, the level in the tobol river is growing rapidly, over the past 24 hours it has increased by 111 cm and the water continues to remain, the flood is now moving towards the city itself, the water is already a few kilometers away.
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from the city limits, in total about 13,000 people were forced to leave their homes in the region. footage appeared online of how a bridge in the maloye cheusovo microdistrict in kurgan went under water in just a few hours. local residents say that yesterday morning the water as soon as she appeared on the bridge, by evening it was already completely hidden. we are in direct contact with kurgan, editor-in-chief of the city portal 45-ro alena kesel. alena, hello, how is the situation in the city, from what parts of the city is it already coming from? what are the forecasts? now behind me you see the embankment of our city of kurgan, i am now at the tobol river, and behind me now is freedom street, it’s across the river, where there are also residential buildings , there are just those snt that are already starting to flood, here, for example like this looks like a plot near one of the houses, which is from the very edge, on the very edge of the shore, and today at 10 am moscow time, our river level in tobor was 748 cm, water.
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is arriving at a slow pace, but it is arriving at the moment in the city, it is flooding areas such as poplars, they were preemptively evacuated the night before malochusovo, which you talked about, and... also smaleno, they are also being preemptively evacuated due to the fact that in including flooding the entrances to these microdistricts, and today the tyunin highway was blocked in the morning, if it was still possible in the morning if you drive a heavy-duty bus through it, now it is closed to passenger cars as well as to all types of transport, and this is the main main route from the districts to the city center, where water is now collecting in the river, and districts of the city have begun to be evacuated preventively. the same as for the districts, and about a week ago we had all types of notifications, door-to-door text messages, and people were notified by signature that they were in a possible flood zone, so they needed to leave their homes, and here too every day sirens sounded, but now they sound at night every 2 hours, and therefore
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people are aware that there is a lot of water, many have already left their homes, and after removing the most valuable things, they took out the equipment there, took it to relatives or... raised it to the second floor, but there is some of the people who are actually waiting for the very, very last moment when they can leave the house, and some stay there after drying crackers, because they are simply afraid of looters, although the police, of course, work for us, nevertheless people fear that when the streets they will be empty, and no one can control it, they are even returning today, despite the closed tyunin highway, they are returning to the house plots to see what is happening there now, nevertheless the water is rising, so now i am standing on the very edge, and behind me , if you also look, there is a dam strengthening on the embankment, and our dam is designed for 10.5 m, but nevertheless, in order to ensure that the water does not enter the city, it is being done all week by volunteers,
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students and state employees, in general all the people, the townspeople came out to strengthen them with bags of soil, they increased it over a distance of 17 km by about a meter and a half. in different areas in different ways, now still at night and during the day, and volunteers watch the rescuers so that there are no holes there, and ask residents not to dismantle the bags either, so that it is convenient for them, for example, to walk along the embankment, because that’s all done to prevent the water from coming up, in general, our dams were last reconstructed 10 years ago, now the townspeople come in the evening to see what condition it is in, rescuers come literally 5 minutes before it is turned on. now they are on duty at the tabola to watch, and the waterworks, so that water does not pass freely through it, so that garbage does not accumulate there, because it is washed away from the snt, and tree branches get in so that water passes freely, and this part is separated here these
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are the piles of garbage that the townspeople are now asking not to leave behind, and i’ll also tell you that we currently have about 400 people in temporary accommodation centers in kurgan, 377 as of this morning. 10 minutes to the center on foot i can walk this is the embankment klimova street yes it’s actually the city there is a waterworks through which water is carried through the sluices and from there begins the tyunin highway, which was closed today, that’s why it’s so quiet here now, because now
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only special vehicles can’t get through by car, by the way, they are parked along the highway and are waiting if necessary someone needs to be evacuated, because again, all week we had buses traveling along these snt and people were being preventive... tatyana, hello, in orenburg they are expecting a second wave of, as i understand it, floods, how is the situation and what are the forecasts? hello, tatyana, the wind is very, very strong, we practically can’t hear you, if we actually find a place where it doesn’t blow so much, because you can’t be heard because of the wind, but you can hear it, a little bit better, but not at all about the second
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wave of the flood, because at the moment, at the time of the peak of the flood, after all, right now, if we speak, we haven’t heard anything, unfortunately, let’s try. tatyana gavrish, i hope she will be able to contact us again now. tatiana. yes,
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we hope to hear you now. tatyana, you are live. no, well, we have something, we have something yes, we cannot reconnect, but nevertheless, we are, of course, monitoring the situation as it develops in the orenburg region. let us remind you that a second wave of flood is expected there. now a short advert and we'll be back.
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whoever can replace china for australia, because the americans are demanding to leave the chinese market, is trying to sit on two chairs at the same time. america and great britain have achieved the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia, australia is ready to play a role, this will be the next ukraine, but for china. in the event of the outbreak of war with china, it will be the target of chinese nuclear weapons, you really have to sit in splits, and this. tutti, today is on first. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is necessarily harmful. especially her attitude towards talents, she felt them
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right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i am unemployed i can’t at all, i have to go somewhere, help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, the fleeting is incessant, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming, andrei generally had it. ..
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tandem we have such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, or maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a rack here, dad and son leave at 11 or together from the room, pop complex, even just to have some fun , very useful for the back, everything for cozy evenings, this and...
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he was a movie theater, but for me, it’s not me, it’s her, i don’t have an acting education, yarovazh became the first step in cinema, tell me, well, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without any samples, he just showed me the sanya. your emotions are needed here, that’s all, don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, it’s a tremendous pleasure and happiness to do what you madly love, what the audience loves and, probably, nothing better and this is not, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth boris grachevsky, on saturday at the first, kvn,
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major league, third game of the season, on saturday. on the first, in order to live, to enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is the person who connects hearts. that on a crane in ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, from work with pride, study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, such a wonderful we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother,
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you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live, in europe they have declared their readiness to launch a nuclear strike on iran, the middle east conflict, which escalated over the past weekend , continues to gain momentum, we remind you that on the night of saturday to sunday iran launched such so-called retaliatory strikes against israel, now... for some reason in france they said that they were ready to consider any response option , including a nuclear one. now that iran may have an atomic bomb, is it necessary to strike, that is, when all diplomatic means have been exhausted? i am convinced that if the diplomatic channel no longer works, we must integrate the idea that we can
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strike and that we can be dragged into war. now more than ever we need to think strategically.
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they will talk about this more, because why in disarmament began in the seventies, yes, because we abandoned this topic about what would happen in the event of a nuclear winter, they still consider this the most successful psychological one. operations of the soviet union, this is the topic that really forced many countries to engage in dialogue on nuclear disarmament, and maybe we really
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need to follow in this direction, remind them that a nuclear conflict is really scary , and it should not be allowed, you have an understanding of why the french, well, because that the french really believe that they have several nuclear warheads there, they are therefore unique in this regard, when they talk about the fact that... russia knows that we can launch a nuclear strike on moscow and st. petersburg, i quote verbatim , yes, this french expert who sat on television, but he would have immediately told the french audience how many nuclear warheads russia has and what will happen to france if, god forbid, it comes to such a conflict, but they see no further they go, but they are simply part of nato, they, you know, think in slightly different categories, because france and great britain together can have nuclear missiles. he says: they’ll fly to moscow and st. petersburg, we’ll no longer care about nato, in which hand is the rolling pin in his hand and where is the cap on nuclear weapons in general, initially they were such a weapon of deterrence, now it turns out to be
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a weapon of freeing hands, too, but i don’t know, so these same french people think, making such completely thoughtless statements. right now, a statement from the iranian parliament in response to the israeli strike, we ready to use weapons that have not been used before. vlad, in the background.
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uh, just a simple fact to make it clear. in repelling a very compact strike, that is , about there, well, if we take today’s data from the british, who announced this, it means 180, which means there, in my opinion, they got 230 drones, 180, which means ballistic missiles of different classes there are 75 cruise missiles. israel, the americans, and, accordingly, all of nato involved almost 80%. of the total air defense available in the region is 80%. iran has used less than a fraction of 1% of what it has it, once again, 80% of everything that was there
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for protection, and at the same time every single hypersonic missile broke through, and less than 1%, which is the potential, that is , iran has tens of thousands of missiles, well, not tens, there are thousands of them, martyrs, there are about 10,000 drones as such, there are considered to be from... 5 to 8 thousand different missiles, that is , in fact, i say again, this is a huge amount of ammunition, which, in principle, in this case, if used, it will, of course, be the most terrible war, but although simply because the territory of israel is minimal, and today it is already was discussed once while i was driving here, listening, but a very simple story: if rockets come and hit israeli chemical plants, then for little israel, which you can drive across there in a few hours, it will be generally a disaster. it is technically possible to launch thousands of, for example, ballistic missiles and there are a thousand suicide bombers at once, well, it is certainly possible, because we saw, at one moment, well, at
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one moment, of course, they will not be launched all together, but for example, there two days to launch 6-7 waves there, which will number several thousand there, it is quite possible that such interesting prospects are unfolding, sergey, what do you think, where will all this lead to all the conflicts? why is france playing a role now? instigator of the conflict and openly says that they are ready to use the most complex methods of resolving military conflicts, well, you must always remember that foreign policy is always 100%, without exception, a continuation of the internal policy of the state, always why france conducts such aggressive rhetoric now, rhetoric, it so far consists only in words, but because let’s remember the last at least four presidents of france, they are all written by the french themselves, they are disposable, they... come for one term, then fall critically they are leaving the rating, that is, they are being replaced by someone, well, macron is already a multi-timer, macron, macron understands perfectly well that he has no particular prospects for re-election,
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independence. public, as regards iran specifically, i completely agree with vladislav, iran will never agree to use nuclear weapons, because, because iran claims and does not claim, but leads. consistent long-term work to strengthen its role as a key power in the middle east region, the use of such weapons against israel, which really do not like the surrounding muslim countries, and so on, it will immediately transform it into a world pariah format, sorry, but what are nuclear weapons needed for, these weapons deterrence, when israel officially says that we are going to destroy the state of iran, and iran in its
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the queue declares too. the most about israel, what else, if they move from words to action, let me explain, there are standing here, dear colleagues who have much, much deeper knowledge of the historical military, they, i think, will confirm my words that all these messes are in in the middle east, they are very reminiscent of a lion fight, very loud, a lot of fur flies, but in fact very small wounds remain after these fights, that is, this is such a very pretentious loud rhetoric with the statement that we will erase these, we will erase these, look at the statement of these tv channels... iran, some say that we shot down everything, others say we hit everything, yes, that is , accordingly, the truth is somewhere somewhere in the middle, that’s why all the statements are needed here, everything needs to be divided into, but when france inserts itself into the conversation of middle eastern comrades, which does not know how to say and not do subtly like in the east, it raises certain questions, it seems to me, and here it is worth noting that it means france is already resorting to the so
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-called, probably... blackmailing, trying somehow score points on this topic, in particular, macron is all about his rating, but the most interesting thing is that the nuclear threat is blamed on the international arena, not france or anyone else, they blame russia, listen, that means what the representative of japan, the deputy permanent representative of japan, said regarding the nuclear threat allegedly emanating from russia, we would like ... to reaffirm japan's clear position regarding the nuclear rhetoric repeatedly heard from russia, as the only country ever suffered from nuclear bombing during the war, japan will never accept the russian nuclear threat, let alone any use of nuclear weapons. well, yes , at the same time, it means that they put up with, as i understand it, the attacks of the americans, and on japan, on the japanese herosima and nagasaki, because if they had not put up with it, like this
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publicly, the americans would have pacified them. just one more time, that’s why the japanese are turning a blind eye to all this, by the way, this statement was made recently by the un council, representatives of japan, and pay attention attention, what do they mean they remember about the attacks of kheroshima and nagasaki, as i already emphasized, but i won’t stop talking about it, that they, well, as if by themselves, you know, these ones arrived, which means the kids, fat man, fell by themselves , the americans have nothing to do with this, vladimirovich, but why is japan joining this, who? and japan generally needs, you know, well, i don’t know, to put on a mournful look when they start talking about the nuclear threat, you know, this mitsuka, it serves someone, not the external interests of japan, that is, the japanese, now we are strictly following the path of the united states of america, absolutely, in fact, the country remained as it was occupied, the american bases have not gone anywhere, moreover, the base for which america does not pay them anything,
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on the contrary, also... the japanese give them this they pay extra, so we hope that they will suddenly remember who bombed them, well , we shouldn’t hope for this for a long time, i wouldn’t be surprised, in fact, i’m not exaggerating now, i’m not joking, that soon we will hear the news that that textbooks have already been published somewhere in japan, where they will prove that this is the soviet union and stalin was overthrown, for some reason they are trying to convince many of this, you see, that’s the point, they may not be trying to do this yet. convince, but subconsciously, when you constantly hear how good america is, it has been good all your life, yes, and the soviet union is from hell and evil, but you know that an atomic bomb exploded on your territory, then well, in the end, yes , who abandoned, well, you think about it, well , probably the soviet union, who else yes, so in this sense i would not be surprised, indeed, that very many in japan do so they now believe, even without waiting for their textbooks,
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that it would be a good idea to conduct a public opinion poll. we will see a lot of interesting things, it was just carried out, but in the current, so to speak, vladivostok, possible, and aggravation, i wonder what position the united states will take, taking into account everything... in my opinion, this same study was carried out four years ago , more than 45% are sure that the blow was dealt by the soviet union, because they really don’t mention it anywhere, they have it as a taboo, indecent, stop word, you know that, and as for the story with
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use, the possible probable use of nuclear weapons, then of course the americans in this case behave much more restrained, the americans in this case very clearly understand that letting this genie out of the bottle, especially in this particular region, is generally suicide. well, suicide for biden is understandable, because any big war in the region means a complete collapse in the prices of everything related to the oil economy, and accordingly in this case, his collapse as a future candidate, who again, before this i completely failed to cope with the task at all, because let me remind you that a week before the well-known events in october in israel, none other than, in my opinion, blinken then declared to us that he brought it, or not this himself, salevan declared that he brought peace to the region, one might say. for decades, he doesn’t pay any attention to it at all, that’s how everything is there, plus, of course, the american generals, the american command understands perfectly well what really is, what the real price will be that the world will pay for, firstly, dismantling of nuclear weapons, that is, someone
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took it and used it, that is , there are no further stops at all, and most importantly, for the prospects of such a big war in which the united states could be drawn in, because it is quite obvious that as soon as the united states unseals its nuclear weapons. arsenal, then russia and china in this case will no longer stand on the sidelines either, so this is not in their worst nightmare , and of course the united states will do everything so that none of the participants in the current conflict, as if towards a nuclear one, even they the suitcase is there didn’t extend his hand to the nuclear purse, how manageable israel is, that’s another question, you know, for israel you need to understand that in general netanyahu did what he needed, by and large netanyahu now no longer needs a continuation, he now just needs somehow. withstand enormous criticism from the right, because the right demands satisfaction, as iran, for the first time in the history of israel, struck israeli territory, but for netanyahu he solved the problem, he forced all his allies to line up, forget about
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criticism, to participate in repelling the attack and, so to speak, to unite around him, he also naturally united the israeli population around himself, most of it, like any threat, that is, he has his task, you know, like in good games they now give immunity, so he... ensured the task of immunity for some time, he no longer needs a continuation, especially since he understands very well that if iran continues, then this is the ratio of 1% used, it is very good after all in their sits in their heads, there you go israel, sorry, ruslan, it means that right before the broadcast, information came that a strike on iran is inevitable, but these strikes will be limited in nature, so that this implies, well, as they say, time will tell, we’ll see, we’ll sort it out, but time will tell for sure... what role the united states has in this conflict and what american support is worth in general, the example of the conflict between iran and israel showed that the former beloved, as if correctly, is not a wife, a mistress, in general, a former beloved part america, ukraine
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it’s somehow forgotten, you noticed that the program has been going on for so long, we haven’t mentioned the name of this country yet, so there’s a real panic at the bank, yes. there is a bank panic, many media outlets and telegram channels write about this, they say that the americans actually swapped support for ukraine for support for israel, that’s what sources say. by defending israel, the free world demonstrated that this kind of unity is not only possible, but completely effective. the decisive actions of the allies prevented the success of the terror of loss infrastructure was forced. the aggressor to cool down is also possible in protecting ukraine from terror, which, like israel, is not a nato member, and this does not require the activation of article 5, only political will is enough. sergey, well, today the united states is considering
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the issue of supporting assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. they did divide it, initially they wanted it in one package, so it would be easier to vote against the backdrop of iran’s attacks on israel, they divided it. it seems to me that the outcome is a foregone conclusion after the division, but nevertheless zelensky has already openly, well, in fact, too begins to blackmail, he openly says that guys, what about us, where will all this lead, well, where? will lead, let's see, you need to understand that the americans, the american political establishment, they are children of their country, they are, first of all, businessmen, for them this is big business, and as for support, well, support for ukraine is falling, well, not quite like that, after all i don’t agree, let’s operate with facts, official data published by the united states department of the treasury, they have this data published on their website, for 2 year, the united states invested 74 billion dollars in ukraine, they invested more in themselves, they invested in themselves, but let’s say it was allocated. during
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the same time , 3.4 billion was invested in the pipe on which israel was written, that is, the assistance is incomparable, why is it incomparable, and because zelensky , again, here he is distorting, of course it is easier to protect israel, let me remind you that the length of israel’s contact line from the gaza strip 72 km, and excuse me, the line of combat contact. netanyahu is an absolute hawk in israel, americans in the person of biden, on the contrary, they
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beat him on the wrist, they do not allow him to resolve the palestinian issue, not to open, not to start an open war, because the americans need this smoldering balanced conflict, just as they need a smoldering balanced conflict in ukraine, because money is being allocated, there is, excuse the expression, a crazy cut, there is indirect pressure on europe, because the time of the war has been shifted to the european union mainly, that is, in this way... in this way the americans skimming the cream here and there and here and there, that is why no money is being allocated now, ukrainian sources themselves have been writing about this for six months now, 60 billion are not being allocated. why? because last week loy tostin, the secretary of defense, spoke in the senate, and the senator asked him a direct question: literally, ukraine can win, to which he replied, he did not answer, did not give a direct answer, he said: “well, we would like to “so that the sovereign state of ukraine retains the ability to resist russian aggression, this means they want it for a long time, you know, i’m saying.”
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well, as for the allocation of money, well , strictly speaking, mike johnson is essentially trump’s man, they met more than once at trump’s estate in maralaga, in general, well, it seems that they agreed on what it means if a package of assistance to ukraine will be discussed, but it will still be discussed today, maybe tomorrow, then in the form of only a loan. all this money will go primarily to the military-industrial corporations of america, and even there, i don’t know, they will throw some bones at ukraine, that is, in its purest form ukraine will not receive money. well, as for zelensky’s demand for western help, naturally, he reacted to the fact that the west is not ready to shoot down drones over ukraine, and zelensky was popularly explained by british foreign secretary david cameron why this would not happen. "lord cameron, we talked about
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the raf shooting down iranian drones and missiles over iraq and syria, why can't the raf also shoot down drones over ukraine? i think the complexity of what you are proposing is is that if you want to avoid escalation in terms of a wider european war, i think you should avoid direct interaction between nato troops and russian troops. this could lead to escalation. i have said both here in the uk and more importantly to all our allies around the world: do everything you can to support ukraine with money, diplomacy and, most importantly, weapons, but bringing nato forces directly into conflict with russian forces, i think that this would be a dangerous escalation. but why we can't shoot down drones, lord cameron. we are doing everything possible to help the ukrainians shoot down. drones, but we shoot them down for israel, but not for ukraine.
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what ukraine needs now is not western planes over their skies trying to shoot down drones and missiles. they desperately want, and what we must give them, is more air defense systems. they especially want patriot complexes. the uk does not have patriot systems. other european countries have them. the americans have them. this is what they want, what they need, and this is what we have to give it to them. well, that's all for now.
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the west is not decreeing kiev, they are not going to obey him, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it, and i think that no one in ukraine will believe that the huge us army does not have at least one patri battery, with the help of which billions can be saved dollars infrastructure in ukraine priceless ukrainian lives. i will repeat my question: do you believe that america cannot give one battery now, if our partners say, we will give you seven patriot batteries tomorrow. but we have a request for you, you don’t have to do this and that, then there is a subject for conversation, and if you don’t have these systems, you don’t have a care package, you’re asked not to do something, then there’s no subject, then everyone survives as best they can. vlad, how can we explain to ukraine that they are not israel, will never become israel, despite the fact that they have
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a jewish president, perhaps appointed specifically for this purpose, or does ukraine still have the opportunity to become the second israel in europe? well, there are, as it were, two points , two poles: it’s extremely difficult to explain to ukraine that they won’t give it, because i already said once that, no matter how it is, they’ll give it to the head, no, no, it’s extremely difficult to explain, because the entire current ukrainian statehood is based on the racial theory of exclusivity, in their own brains, in their own understanding, they are the best in the world, they are the most perfect, it’s like super people like... consciousness , in reality, the second pole is that ukraine was interesting to the west only in the sense that it was a crowbar with which they hoped to knock russia’s legs, but it was impossible not to give it, it was in them when it turned out that nothing worked out and that besides the fact that they raised the bear from the den, no one knows what
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to do with him, now the task is simply to maintain this ukrainian bleeding exactly as much as it will keep this bear, and at the same time everyone understands perfectly well that after besides... how - how to say, ukraine will end, in general, they will simply move away from it, like something like an eaten, eaten or torn rabbit, it’s just these two things that they are not able to combine in kulebov’s head, i think zelensky has just enough, zelensky understands perfectly well what is what, and zelensky is simply practicing this clown act of his, because he knows that he needs to leave the stage on time, everyone else will do the same, that is, until the last moment , they experience wild wild dissonance, such as, for example, i read it last night, it was just a delight to read the ukrainian comments after all the statements, and about cameron, about the statement that no one will fight for them, you know, this is the same bipolar woman when she says again: you think that you are at the top, it turned out that you are deep in the outhouse, you understand, this is where the most interesting thing comes, the question
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is, man, who will sit on this outhouse, what are you from below, while the owners are sitting there, they are sitting very tightly, okay, well, actually, yes, as for this statement. kuleba, and if you, then we, then, so, yes, openly move on to blackmail, but the one who was bought has already, that means, after the expiration date, here is zelensky, it turns out, his whole gang, they are really already expired, yes, because that there were no elections, everything, deadline the expiration date has expired, yes, it turns out that they are not buying them, they are already openly turning to blackmail, here i wonder how well the white house, yes, will be able to rein in the british and... gopnik, yes, and if i find him, yes , then, then this is simply amazing, this is kuleba’s statement in my opinion, now we need to make every effort to translate this into all the languages
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​​of all kinds of western owners, sponsors of this, this faild state, this this ukraine, yes , and distribute it there. so that they can see, yes, in fact, what provocateurs they contacted, in who they are pumping money into, i am sure that , of course, it is very easy to rein them in, in the end zelensky can fire kuleba, but this is how ukraine really works, this is how they think that things are done, foreign policy, after all, kuleba states that in general , he thinks that it is necessary to build this arrogant diplomacy, about actually making a statement.
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binders, which means the puppets are the one who masters the puppets, how strong they are, and why
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aren’t the united states now striving so hard to, well, i don’t know, to saturate ukraine weapons, what is stopping them, because there are workarounds, despite these aid packages that they are discussing, there are all kinds of defense funds, biden himself and loy dostin have repeatedly talked about this, well, you need to understand that military assistance to ukraine. scholz speaks about this at the moment, for example, he directly says that he says, well, not only the previous packages, you also need to understand that the european union continues to provide assistance, it has not stopped, that is, supplies of weapons, armored vehicles and everything else are within the framework says they allocate money, and he cuts money, billions of dollars from his social sector, for which he gets nuts from his own citizens, we are talking about the fact that the united states themselves do not want to allocate 60 billion, but it is clear that they are having a year now elected
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lost, most likely, the americans, as practical people, as businessmen, do not want to invest money in it in a clearly losing, losing project, that is
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, they support it in the stage so that it smolders, so that it burns, and they are forced europeans don’t want to invest, they don’t want to invest themselves, they join ours, i just wanted to add yes, that the americans are very experienced in terms of benefits, but somewhere they don’t have financial benefits, they benefit, they undoubtedly see benefits in this conflict, so there will be a continuation of it, absolutely. in the sense that the americans do not abandon them, as they abandon everyone except one of their main partners, but do they have such a chance, and it turns out that israel is more profitable for the americans than ukraine, which is fighting for western interests with us, this means that they don’t need to fight with us, in fact, ukraine will never become israel and...
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the lack of support from the united states remains a serious problem, without the help of western allies it will be catastrophically difficult for us, and only provided that the help, firstly , will come in sufficient quantities, the second thing that it will come next, i don’t really understand
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is his division of personality. on the other hand, he says that we will have time to prepare, that the offensive will take place at the end of may, at the beginning of june, on the other hand, he says that there is a catastrophic lack of help, they won’t cope without it, how to understand budanov in general and whether budanov is worth it is difficult to understand, because he said mutually exclusive things, he said that everything is bad with us, we really don’t have enough ammunition, nothing, but at with this he said that the russians are not advancing yet, that is, they will attack at the end of may, beginning of june, now that we are not advancing it turns out... he wants to say that what is happening now is not yet an offensive of our army, the task is already get it, they already it’s bad everywhere, already very bad, that is , in fact, this is just a tirade for the western man in the street in the hope that in this way it will be possible to pity or force the west to help kiev more and more intensively, all the public statements now made by the kiev authorities, they are geared towards one thing, somehow will force
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the west, the usa, europe to help more intensively, because, for example, huge shipments will begin to arrive in march. now it’s mid-april, they say that we have contracted 1000, 180,000, we will receive it there in about a few months, and we are still working on contract three thousand, that is , this is the bubble that was inflated, the ukrainian media lived on this hope for several months, well, gradually this bubble is deflating, deflating, and i think it will end
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with some kind of zilch, yes, they will deliver something, but these will not be the volumes that are required at all. to kiev, after all, budanov, he says that we are not advancing yet, and you agree with this, that what is happening now, including in the direction of chasov yar, about which, of course, everyone is also interested to know what is there what’s happening is other populated areas where we have advanced over the past 24 hours, this is not yet a large-scale offensive, or is it still it, this is an offensive, but we are preparing a more serious offensive, so, let’s say, we want to know the details, but we won’t run away.
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to the south we approached the canal, that is, seversky donetsk, the canal, donbass, so we approached it in this section to the south, that is , we are going very well everywhere, krasnohorivka also has very significant successes, we occupied the southern part of the city and advanced to the eastern part of the city, the enemy can’t counterattack anything yet to knock us out, as it was before, that is, everything is bad for them everywhere, if we don’t attack, well, that means i don’t
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understand something, thank you. after all, the topic worries them very much, there is already talk that russia is allegedly behind the attack on iran, and that supposedly we russians have some kind of secret plan for iran, that’s what the german publication bilt writes about this. it is possible that the kremlin is interested in keeping the conflict in the middle east unpredictable. this links the american forces, american money, which in turn is not enough for the defense of ukraine. russia was certainly informed of iran's intentions. moscow could have influenced iran if this action was contrary to russian interests; russia did not do this. vlad, well , there is logic in this, this conflict is beneficial for us, but while the americans have once again retreated to the middle east, how can we take advantage of the situation at the front in
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ukraine? and we can, of course i am surprised by such articles, the impression is that you know, this somewhere around ninety-five, ninety- six, when we, so to speak, unconditionally danced in the tail of the free world, such an option would have been special, but after the munich one.
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of course, the less they talk about ukraine, the more they talk about israel, taiwan, whoever, to us, of course, it seems to me, in the west, which means that in america they not only divided the aid packages, but they actually divided ukraine . a short ad and we'll be back. zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she she was doing what she loved, she creates centers of culture around herself, i’m not even talking about her literary works, which are before...
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at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all, i have to travel somewhere, to help someone, andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna , wrote a poem: remain bright, the fleeting is incessant. i reproach you for passing, thank you for coming. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, something happened, we and andryushka lived very friendly, it was his song that reflected the moment of our only quarrel. to the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya. premiere, today on the first. flash. light against a red face, people who blush not from shame, rosacea and other problems of your health, and most importantly - amazing modern solutions, it
11:52 am
’s healthy to live in the program, tomorrow is the first one, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear , you rented a hotel room, yes for... here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, me dozens of people have seen, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well , understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her. in after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i'll soak it. him
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with his hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lean, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, for everything, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon at the first one, the premiere,
11:54 am
my time on social networks, i don’t forget about real contacts with people. online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority. this only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of the first channel. global majority. bashar assad. on sunday on the first. three chords. new season. on sunday. on the first.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy breg. they run, they shine, and they shout. they shout all over the place. spring is coming, spring is coming. we are messengers of young spring. she sent us ahead. what do you mean where? when the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, the battle for hours continues, this is now one of the hottest sectors of the front, and the militants ukrainians are resisting with all their might, but
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the bsu general staff understands that the surrender of the city is just around the corner, that’s what ukrainian telegram channels write. on the sidelines there were rumors that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was preparing to surrender the yar watch, the losses were too heavy and the soldiers refused to fight to the death, the morale of the garrison was low. at headquarters, zelensky demanded that the military hold the settlement until the end of april, so as not to informationally worsen ukraine’s position at the time of the decision on a loan from the united states for kiev. a source in the presidential office said that zelensky set the task for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, to keep the watch by any means, so as not to spoil the preparations for the conference in switzerland. the banker understands that the loss of any positions at the front will doom the conference to failure, as was the case with the munich conference, when we lost avdievka and the negotiations turned into a discussion of possible compromises. we’ll find out what’s happening right now according to yar’s watches from war correspondent artie vladislav andres. vladislav, hello, over to you. yes,
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hello, hello, the active pressure of our troops continues on, that is, in the central, in the central part of the outskirts of the clock, to the west, right in the center, respectively, the 90th airborne division, our 200th guards brigade, is operating there, and accordingly, the enemy, of course, is holding out , holds on with its teeth, mercilessly, in relation to the enemy, our aviation operates clearly, precisely, directly into the city limits in houses, where observation posts, so to speak, were equipped a long time ago, and there they are already dug in in basements, and it must be said that counterattacks from the ukrainian armed forces into the populated area where they had such powerful strong support units were equipped, this is in the southern part of ivanovskaya, it is already red, and accordingly on bogdanovka quite regularly and fighting there is now going on, we just talked with
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the battalion commander, we were 2 km from krasnoye, 2 km from the line of combat contact, well, just as he said, an attack is happening there now . so you know, a huge number of birds, our birds now at the very hour began to work for the water barrier, for the canal, for seversky donets, there is the seversky donets donetsk canal, it’s called, to be correct, and from there to there, more precisely, their fortifications will retreat after they lose the eastern part of the city, but it must be said that they, of course, cling with their teeth, teeth, because a huge amount of supply passes through the watch. passed, at least, and as you correctly ruslan said, hours for them is simply a reputational story now, so they won’t let her go, they will put so many people there, as much as is needed, strictly speaking, by people who, from a political point of view
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, consider this important, without taking into account, accordingly, the loss of personnel, and there, as we know, both azov and the terrestrial defense forces, newly arrived mobilized ones, who, well.. frankly speaking, they are not eager to be on this section of the front for the reason that they know and see how many, how many losses, the main battles, of course, will take place after we have already occupied the eastern part of the city and there will be a water battle. barrier for which now our aviation is already working, and the artillery is already reaching its limits, thereby worsening the supply, so the very, very intense battles now are important from the point of view of reputation, politically ...
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so that the number of birds will quickly disappear on their part, on our part, constant control i haven’t been, taking into account the fact that the forest plantation is now on the way to the city, so of course we need to work it out and sit, thank you very much, military correspondent vladislav andritsa was in direct contact with us, further news on first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and let's start with the footage that we received from the fsb. a ukrainian agent was detained in moscow, who, on instructions from the kiev regime , organized an attempt on the life of a former sbu officer, vasily.


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