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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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in copenhagen stock exchange, the building is 400 years old, architectural heritage, the famous spire from the intertwined tails of dragons flared up like a torch and soon collapsed onto the roadway, the flame cannot be stopped, part of the roof has already collapsed, rescuers are warned about the threat of destruction of the load-bearing structures of the walls, the city center is cordoned off, smoke from the fire can be seen even from neighboring sweden, when it all started, everything that could be saved was taken out of the burning building, valuable paintings and art objects, it was under restoration in in the room where the work was being carried out a fire broke out, the authorities planned to renovate the facades, now experts say that the historical monument is probably completely lost. well, there is a flood in dubai, after heavy downpours, cars in places are up to the windows in the water, what are there cars, planes are floating, the airfield is flooded, resulting in delays and cancellations of flights, at these minutes messages are coming from aeroflot, some flights to dubai are being postponed to another time . government institutions and many
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private companies have switched to remote work, the operation of public transport is limited, with metro trains run intermittently, some stations are buried in water, rain and thunderstorms are rare for the united arab emirates, so the road infrastructure was simply not ready for such a volume of water. authorities have introduced an orange weather alert. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, most relevant events that are happening, now there is a feeling that the middle eastern agenda, which we talked about yesterday, which we will talk about today, has also intensified, but in the european, let’s say,
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theater, and certain and interesting movements are also being observed, we will talk about them today talk, but i think what is connected with them is that such attention was attracted today by news that seems to have no formal relation to today, but this is news that is related to an event, a very important event of the eighty year ago, exactly the day d, landing. allies in normandy, the eightieth anniversary, which will be celebrated on june 6, a lot of attention was attracted by the news reported by the french channel europe 1 that russia will be present in normandy in early june if moscow accepts the invitation of the elysee palace, then they have an interesting phrase : unless there are unexpected changes to the commemoration events, only the russian delegation will be present, keeping in mind that
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president vladimir putin will not be present for obvious reasons, since today there seems to be a problem with his trips to these unfriendly people, they offered to speak in a neutral status, and they offered to speak in a neutral status, which means further it also states that the invitation will be sent to the diplomatic mission of moscow in france, well, and then, despite... the political situation , it is impossible to do without the inherent russia, because on the one hand i did not participate, on the other hand, i seemed to have done a lot, in principle, everything is very correct words, if these very correct words had not come from very deceitful mouths, then in general one could say, oh, what good fellows, they remember there, but i think that this news has attracted so much attention today precisely because it came against the backdrop of, so to speak, the ongoing conflict on the territory of the ukrainian reich, a conflict in... in which that
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same france, that same macron , has recently shown quite a lot of activity, and, to put it mildly, not the most friendly activity towards the russian federation, although russian the federation reciprocates, saying that no matter how many french soldiers you send, you’ll get as many back in coffins, it seems to me that it answers very fairly, and there is another important nuance that shows the complexity of this situation and, in my opinion, does not tie it as much... to the past as to the present, perhaps a conditional future, this highlighted paragraph, which is highlighted in red, was not initially in this message, when these messages went out that an invitation was sent, he first spoke out press secretary of our president dmitry peskov, who said that we haven’t received anything yet, we don’t know anything about it, or these are some rumors or this is a canard, but we haven’t received anything official about this, then we come back, there’s this red paragraph, they say: no, no, we asked ... the organizers, that is, the organizers
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of the d-day celebration, confirmed to us that officially, through all official channels , everything was transferred to the right place. but after that once again the russian embassy in france, the very same thing where they supposedly handed it over, she said that it’s a shame for now, well, probably in this case, not a litter, but that it’s a waste, which means they didn’t receive anything, but i think that this is not at all random like this it’s a verbal balancing act, because everyone understands perfectly well that they even emphasize this themselves as the key question, the key question is that if you call russia, then it must be the russian leader. and if you don’t call the russian leader, it means you continue to play this game of yours that you are playing with all these criminal courts and so on, then what exactly are we going to depict all together there if you continue to play this game, although there is, of course, another important circumstance that
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many people pay attention to, and i think for good reason, for example , that this event will take place just 10 days before the conference in switzerland, at which all these gentlemen... are going to discuss zelensky’s ultimatum formula, to which we have already said many times that we are not going to go, because we are not going to discuss zelensky’s ultimatum formulas, but perhaps some kind of such a kind of reason to meet, but not without formally discussing that agenda, maybe that’s why this activity arose, well, obviously not because they suddenly suddenly thought, oh, somehow we need to be pro-russian... don’t forget, well, i don’t really believe in all this, and one more thing that attracts attention to this, to this event regarding the landing in normandy, is that the previous one, well, let’s say so, multiple anniversary, well, that is, 10 seventy years
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years ago it was june 6, 2014, that is , what was happening was already happening on the territory of the former ukraine, a civil war was already going on there.
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such a format in which we will do all this, in general, in short, there is quite a lot of symbolism in this story, and it is no coincidence that this symbolism is perceived by everyone, everyone paid attention to it, since once again a certain negotiation topic has returned to the agenda, how and how we will discuss this with you immediately after the short, very interesting as always advertisement. ocean aggressive kangaroo, australian prime minister anthony alban. i address my life partner jodie hayden: thank you for coming into my life and walking this path with me. they sculpted an image for him. this is his first wife, she left right on new year’s holidays. ah ah ah! judy is a political project. we went out into the street, where
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a car was waiting for him, and then it hit me. he's going to a war zone. australia will supply some of its fighters to ukraine and is making a move towards china. who can replace china for australia because american. is already demanding to leave the chinese market, trying to sit on two chairs at the same time. america and great britain achieved the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia. australia is ready to play a role, you are the next ukraine for this, but for china, in the event of a war with china, this will be the target of chinese nuclear weapons, you really have to sit in the splits, and this is painful and inconvenient. anthony albanese, zelensky of the green continent. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. undercover taxi. premiere. look after the program time. zoya borisovna personifies the century. all her life she
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did what she loved. she creates centers of culture around herself. i'm not even talking about her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years is necessarily harmful. she has a special attitude towards talent, she sensed it right away, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work at all. a song reflecting the moment of our only 40th anniversary of zoya boguslavskaya premiered today
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on the first. flashes of light against a red face, people who blush not from shame, rosacea and other problems of your health. and most importantly, amazing modern solutions. it's great to live in the program. tomorrow on the first. today we will introduce you to a man whose work is becoming more and more interesting every day. this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. this the fleetingness that i want to capture, that circus that... i want to do it, it doesn't exist. we continue our series
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of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write. it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived - on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 and 2 minutes of jazz for me, not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, motodor on friday on the first, this is a hiding place, which means
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that if he is a traitor, i will i’ll shoot, according to the laws of war, the story continues from april 22, on the first, from the command forest, ask for everything you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya. time will tell the program, we continue to work live,
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starting the program, i said that today's news that allegedly france is considering the possibility of inviting the russian delegation in june this year to the celebrations of the eightieth anniversary of the allied exhibition in normandy, i said that there is so much attention to this news, naturally, because this is happening against the backdrop of a conflict in the territory of the former ukraine, this... comes off in a situation where the president of france is quite active in this sense in not the most friendly attitude towards us, well, naturally, because in fairness the landing was anglo-saxons, americans and british, so they will be there, and well, in general, they, who are the architects and pushers of this very conflict, are the background, plus the background, as i said again, why everyone paid so much attention to this, that this is what -this is not... a possible meeting between us and our current opponents, it fits into a certain
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negotiation-diplomatic context that is again hanging in the air, which is already being heard from many sides, and not only from the west, by the way, but from the east, so scholz was in china, met with sidin there pin, and i think he said very important things about... china encourages and supports all efforts to promote a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference recognized by russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peaceful options. why do i say that this statement by sidinping is very important, because well
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, i think no one will dispute the weight of china in international relations when china, which is one of the indisputable... leaders of the global south, and we remember that this gathering in switzerland was conceived in order to express something on behalf of the global south, which would look like some kind of solidarity position around ukraine, as if against russia, when china says that there should be a peace conference recognized by russia and ukraine, russia does not recognize switzerland, with equal participation of all parties in switzerland, no one says anything about equal participation, and most importantly , a fair discussion of all peaceful options, and there they collect...
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work to de-escalate the situation rather than add fuel to the fire. we must create conditions for peaceful negotiations and avoid further escalation of the conflict. we must minimize the negative impact of the ukrainian conflict on the global economy and not undermine the stability of global industrial supply chains. i don’t know chinese, yes, i perceive it exactly the same way, i don’t know chinese, so i don’t know if they have a difference in pronouns, like... what do we mean, who are we, that’s who we are , which all of these should, as i understand it, translated into russian, a description of each of the four points, these we, these are, strictly speaking, western countries, because they have selfish interests there, they, in the person of the british, add fuel to the fire , they, so to speak, do not create and hinder, and most
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importantly, they do not minimize, on the contrary, they destroy the economy, undermining global industrial chains.
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that the chinese side and i discussed all possible ways to achieve an end to the escalation of the armed conflict, achieving peace process, and this is actually, mr. sidzenpin, because he had the right to say this, he actually said this, he voiced what they discussed with sergei lavrov , meetings with vladimir putin, this position is called a consolidated position, olaf
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scholz came with his cards at this meeting, he actually laid them out, that is. in fact, this is not a game, these were not negotiations, olaf scholz came as an envoy, a messenger, from the collective west to china, and he simply read out from a piece of paper what the collective west wants from china, for which china replied that, sorry, we have already formed a position, and this position is as follows, in fact, olaf scholz came, left, or rather with nothing, because there were no...
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forgive me, lord, i said it out loud, but from formulas of war, but refuse so that ukraine still uses not only military methods, but also diplomatic ones, not in the kuleba style, but normal diplomatic ones, so let’s just when you just mentioned zelensky, here’s the question of those coming, so to speak, or rather, these vectors that are so far multidirectional, which are all theoretically are in some kind of movement , the question is only to each other or to each other. friend, let's listen to what zelensky says about this, as a matter of fact , whom someone seems to need to persuade for something, please, we have proposed a formula
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for peace, at present there are already concrete first steps, in mid-june a peace summit will take place in switzerland, at which we will prepare and develop a plan to end the war, this summit will take place without russia so that it does not block this plan. russia doesn't want any negotiations, so initiative. must come from ukraine, a country that wants to end this war with a just peace. if you don't start negotiations now, won't conditions get worse? i am ready to negotiate with you or with people who really want peace, do you understand? not with russia. yes, because putin doesn't really want negotiations. we understand that he is not ready for any negotiations. he does not want. he's not interested. this is not a victory for him. his victory is to destroy ukraine. now the question arises: you say scholz came to sidinpinu, as a certain messenger of the west. in this
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case, zelensky, who is bringing this blizzard, self-contradictions. she asks him: are you ready for negotiations? am i ready with you, with people like you, with putin? but putin himself doesn’t want it, so they didn’t ask you whether putin wants it or not, they asked you, this is his position, this is his...
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opened in 1944, i apologize, by that time everything was already clear about the war, so what should we do there, i don’t know, the victorious people, what should we do there, just witness what the anglo-saxons finally deigned, so to speak, to take part in this war, which they asked this question 10 years ago, we understood what we should do there, it was a polite attitude towards the anglo-saxons, because then we perceived them as western, our western partners, now they are not our partners, so why go there. i started with this, that the invitation there now, in the current context, is a rather strange story, which most likely is not about the day, but about certain, well, roughly speaking, circumstances,
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which i will say even more, i i’m sure that they will invite zelensky there again, let me remind you that zelensky, zelensky will not be legitimate then and our participation there will formally legitimize him, why is this even necessary, and this is another point on which everyone has paid so much attention today .. . to this kind of invitation emik, you know, he says a lot of things, but this story, it’s clearly not about celebrating the day with all these lying people there, here we are 27 million, which means we value the dead soviet people there, if they appreciated it, they wouldn’t give it to the poles to begin with, demolish monuments to these soldiers, and not only to them, by the way, as i understand it, in many countries already, in my opinion, in the netherlands they want to plow up our cemetery, in the czech republic they want to, so this is all kind of false, which means this for something. we move on, in fact, further , discussing, here again this certain, certain , not even just some kind of background, i don’t even know what to call it,
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we discussed this many times, that our movement is such that... this negotiation agenda, as it were, with all the discrepancies in positions , grows, grows, grows, then bang, some kind of black swan, again it was postponed, but it comes back all the time, moreover, it comes back every time, well, with some new interesting manifestations, one of the interesting manifestations now, in my opinion, is a large article in the publication foreign affairs , very large, very detailed, under a very telling name, negotiations that could...
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that it is impossible to snatch any one meaningful piece from there, you need to read the whole thing, as they say, but its general meaning, in my opinion, its main interest is that in fact they they are throwing into the history of that istanbul two years ago a very interesting, rather contradictory thing that the ukrainians did not consult with the americans, the americans were registered in the version that showed...
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is now coming out of this not yet mutual, but again, some kind of movement around the negotiation track ? i can’t shake the feeling that the parties, the real actors, in this case, let’s take europe, but it is less independent, the united states, great britain separately, and we don’t take ukraine and zelensky now, so these actors are trying, as he absolutely rightly noted. colleague - to align your ideas, yes, about how to enter into the negotiation process, but what is important here is that one way or another everyone wants to enter into this negotiation process in the end, everyone understands that ukraine, well, if it doesn’t end today, it will end that's it, and the sooner these tracks are agreed upon, the better for everyone, the only thing is that the more she is still alive, the more is possible. her name
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is something natural, the only party that does not want these negotiations is me i suspect great britain, which is dripping on zelensky’s brains, and it seems to me that when boris johnson disrupted the negotiations, you know, how he articulated it, well, i’m just trying to imagine it, that’s what, what could he say, how could he put pressure , through what to enter kiev in order to disrupt all this, when it was already over...
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if not war, but something else, a truce, say, a year ago, but nevertheless, and he is in demand, although much less than peace, negotiations, it doesn’t matter, here is the question about zelensky’s positions, and in general about his health, about whether he will be not just in politics, but in general in this wide world, is a big question, that is, in other words, when we discuss these multidirectional tracks,
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that he seems to be perceived by everyone as one of the actors in this process , but he is already acting actively, rather on behalf of himself and his own group of people, whom, by the way, i pay attention to, i read ukrainian ones, and he is already starting to remove many of his people from their posts and they are starting to leave the country, yes, i think he is being too independent, you see, this is the difference between zelensky and the same thing, benjamin netanyahu.
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regarding the meeting between sizempine and scholz, i also watched carefully, it seems to me that this is a very significant meeting, because on the one hand there was the president of the country until recently, and even now, probably, this status will disappear soon, but those who were considered so as it were...
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an economic base that india doesn’t have even today, i don’t know, soon the united states of america will have one, not from all sides of the conflict. they are moving forward, you know, the political ambitions are appropriate, that is, in contrast to india, for example, which in the economic sense, yes, but politically is still not so ambitious, or at least not as openly articulating it as... well, then most likely after all, somewhere very far above them, but such a semi-colonial past looms far behind them, so i understand that from this british umbrella they are, yes, they seem to be no longer there, but still
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somehow they still look back , and china no longer looks back, china no longer looks back, this is precisely where, by the way, it seems to me that he is just right for the role of a messenger, because he really is a messenger, behind whom there are no longer battalions. uh, and there never was, not the economy that existed just recently, that is, he did not come as an equal, so it’s not scary to offend him, it seems to me, sidinpin, that’s why he’s such a convenient messenger, sidinpin reprimands him, sidinpin, i i think that it was to him that sidinpin could tell everything to the degree of harshness that he could not say to those whom he at least more or less perceives as equals, therefore it seems to me that the fact that this is a messenger is precisely why he is german, and your perception, attitude towards this...
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to say nothing, maybe not a political, but an economic industrial giant, will turn into a country that, well, has not died yet, but in general has already on the way there, and if we remember the colonial past, then in fact for china 100 years, starting from
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1860, there 1665 is called the century of humiliation in their official historiography, because then it was not just european countries that defeated china, and cruelly, cynically arrogant , but not enough then we got it. to china, and i swear by relatively recent
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history, so to speak, a century, and there is also the seigur autonomous region, and there, too, everything is extremely interesting with muslims, because right on the borders of this region there is a certain contingent of isis, an organization in russia, is being formed in afghanistan even the female part of this very igil of women, in this regard, it is natural that all this is being done within the framework of a friendly war, which, in the best traditions of the sunza art of war, are preparing against china, china sees that... it is said with i think that russia is now a kind of outpost of our common eurasian civilization, a big point, so to speak, from a global position as far as the exhibition is concerned, i not only agree with alexey alekseevich, this is a celebration, honestly an exhibition , provided that before that by the way, there was operation torch, the landing of the allies in africa, where they fought quite ingloriously all the way to the sands of birhakim in north africa against the army of the romel group, such a tank army. so this very exhibition is another
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a poisoned gift, but i would look at this matter from a slightly different perspective, because, well, firstly, in addition to the fact that they will invite there, perhaps not only, i don’t even know what to call him, not only zelensky, let’s call him simpler, but also, they want to invite someone who will not be vladimir vladimirovich, that is, they show by this that they can talk with some alleged dissidence that we have in the country, which opposes our supreme one.
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partially repeats the same thing, because he can’t think, he works like a machine,
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they work like a machine, so they took the territory, they can’t hold it, physically, there’s no way, that’s just about these same mechanistic devils, another event that is somehow connected with this potential negotiation agenda, which largely depends on how still alive or not very alive the current... that means, ukraine, which has already ceased to be an independent country in the political, military, industrial, whatever sense, and entirely depends on these drips in the form of infusions, which is why the topic of a very protracted vote in the united states regarding these aid packages is arousing such interest, both there, and of course here, because anyway this patient, the longer it takes to die, the more, well , as they say, there will be problems with him, but there are still problems, and here is an interesting development of this
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story: johnson, the same mike johnson, announced that they will now split this very notorious aid package into four packages, please , we have developed a plan to how to finally resolve the situation regarding the supply of aid to the united states of america, and we know that the whole world is watching us, waiting for our reaction, terrorists, tyrants, terrible leaders like putin, xi, the iranians, are looking to see if america is ready? support our allies and advocate for our interests around the world, and we will do that, we will vote on each aid package separately, dividing the bill into four different parts: aid to israel: aid to ukraine, aid to the indo-pacific region, and then passing additional measures for our national security. i expect the vote to take place this week. and they say this vote will take place on friday. on his social network, johnson just wrote about these four packages. well, probably with some, i think
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that this is largely connected with what happened in the middle east, which we will talk about in the second part of the program. well, but it’s interesting that... johnson said this, but the biden administration, which all the time called for a quick adoption of this aid package and pressed: accept it, accept it, now it turns out that no, i don’t like it in this version, let’s listen to kirby. we have two good friends, israel and ukraine, who are fighting for their sovereignty and security, but they are fighting in different ways, time is not on either side in either case. therefore, they need to act quickly and it is necessary that assistance be provided to the idf ukrainian soldiers. the bipartisan bill that passed the senate needs to be passed. but the white house opposes a separate bill. do we oppose a separate bill on israel? yes, we are against it. well, in fact, he, as
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always, is a former admiral lukavet, they are not against a separate bill on israel, they are against a separate bill on ukraine.
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a blow to israel, now we need when the whole world is talking about how iran could strike , support only israel, forget what is happening in ukraine. this is pure politics. nobody cares how many people die in ukraine every day. they only care about their ratings, they forget that they are dead people don't care about ratings. if ukraine falls, a war will begin with other nato countries.
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it’s like he has this type of otkhodnik and that’s why he ’s pushing himself or is this a logical conclusion in your opinion? the image of a deceived high school student is very beneficial in his position, because you can always say that it wasn’t free, but that’s all, in fact, in fact, he - to be honest
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, i had a strange suspicion that this was really just his first time i realized that this is what's really going on because... the fact is that this situation is really similar to both a fairy tale about a white bull and about money in the nightstand, that’s because we have already considered this four-phase option, well, as we considered, as analysts, we considered the four-phase option of accepting this very help, then yes, in fact, this is about a white bull, yes, that is, in fact, johnson did not say anything new, okay, now you will consider it.
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they disappeared on the horizon because they have a different goal, now israel, oh, here in at this point we will now burst into advertising, because we all understand that the division into four packages is a consequence of the events that occurred in the middle east over the weekend, and as many believe, these events have not ended, they are one way or another begin, well, what begins, if it begins, and in general, what was it, who was playing what, will continue to play, in the middle east, now immediately... after a short advertisement, and i am walking, walking around moscow, there are still
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passengers at the mitrouniversitet station point to that the very escalator, someone even starts humming the song by nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said to sokolova, lyuba... i'm leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it's like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and this lyuba sokolova got everything, the fact that gundareva played, we get the prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family? clinical death weighed 42 kg and i realized that i had to save him. our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive
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with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the president of syria, a man who... challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now
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supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are the people who say everything yes. right, left, up, down, everything, answering yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children don't study politics. one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. use social networks, it is interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinions of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, possibly a fabricated company. new project of channel one, global majority, bashar assad. on sunday on the first, this is a hiding place.
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and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him. according to the laws of war. a story to be continued. from april 22, on the first. from the forest of command, ask for whatever you want. you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya.
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the grand opening of the cinema took place today. i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything in one pile, but let’s get used to it, live separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the non-chaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare, i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, i want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, but right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving, in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello
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len, a frivolous conversation, are they themselves sure that... around the vote on divided aid packages, zelensky is very worried that now the ukrainian package will separately from the israeli one, and he understands perfectly well that now the israeli one has become much more important due to the events that have happened, so now we will try to figure out not even what it was, but what it can now happen next, these events, what they may have
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consequences, and the consequences depend on which parties set themselves the tasks. and what tasks they are setting for themselves now, in this sense it is very significant that iran, emphatically, for many days already, and practically still, in my opinion, the missiles have not reached, iran has already said that this is a limited action, that this is a retaliatory action, a forced step, and in general, that iran doesn’t really want to continue all this, here’s today’s news that at the initiative of the iranian side, a telephone conversation took place between vladimir putin. with the president of the islamic republic of iran ibrahim reisi on the initiative of the iranian side, in it, of course, well, it emphasizes the most important point that the west is trying to hide all the time, but that this was precisely a retaliatory strike, and not a blow against israel from iran, and it is emphasized that this iran's actions were limited, and raisini emphasized
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tehran's interest in further escalation. tensions, this is a very important statement, and this is a statement that iran emphasizes on various levels, so the iranian ambassador to turkey stated that iran does not seeks to escalate the conflict in the region, therefore, after the operation, iran said that this issue was closed for it, but if israel takes countermeasures, its reaction will be quick and comprehensive, that is, in my opinion, what iran is doing, iran says, we were forced to respond. we answered, we answered as we saw fit, we didn’t want war, and now if israel wants escalation, then okay, but it will be the escalation that israel wanted, what does israel want in this situation, well, here’s the washington post, let me emphasize, this is the washington post, writing about that nedanyago instructed the army to propose targets in iran in order to send some kind of signal, that is,
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israel continues to, well, let's say, whip up. some foam, then the question arises: are they whipping up a verbal foam and will they have enough verbal foam to solve netanyahu’s internal political problems, or may they have some, so to speak? attempts to develop a purely practical escalation somewhere further, please, well, let's start with the fact that israel differs from iran in that israel, unlike an islamic republic, does not independent state. for israel to make a decision, similar to what iran made relatively recently, it requires the green light of the united nations, exactly like that, exactly like that, unlike israel, iran.
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iran used minimal forces, there were up to 200 drones and missiles, it has thousands, thousands of them, and it could send them there in waves for days without a break, that is, theoretically, well, they have the capabilities that israel doesn't even realize it. while israel to reflect this minimum for iran, for scale of the islamic state of attack, used the maximum of his capabilities, this is the logic, and not only his own, this is the logic
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of why, because if so to speak, it was not the maximum, yes, well then it would be possible somehow, but here is the maximum of possibilities and that’s all they helped and still broke through and still the hypersound hit where it was directed. then of course we know, well, as they say, from words, because there is objective confirmation, i’m talking about this, yes, various sources talk about this, including in the united states america, in general, this information came from the west, and no one seems to have refuted it yet, well, there is actually a video recording hastily put together by the tsakhal, where the hole was dug , which means it’s a pile of sand nearby, yes, the iranians have already mocked it.
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within the framework of a large chess game, here, but at the same time an option is open, and a new method of influencing israel is open, when all other methods have exhausted themselves, when
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the state does not understand the words of even its patron, a new option is opened, opened by iran, the largest regional state, meaning the usa, the usa, of course, means the largest regional state, with a claim to be a world actor with a claim to... a nuclear power, already a space power, iran opens up the option of influencing the aggressor, using force, you know, if you don’t understand the words , then give strength, now a masterful pass has been handed over to israel, now israel faces the same tasks that iran faced after april 1, when the attack was carried out on the iranian consulate in damascus, but the only question is whether israel will cope just as well with how did you cope with these tasks? iran, will they be able to answer, and answer in such a way as not to disgrace themselves, yeah, and achieve some political military goals and not start a third world war, especially considering that in
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this case they will still not answer, they really want present this as an answer, but they will not answer, they will, for all objective people, they will start a new video, of course, in which they, having started this round, let them call it the answer a thousand times, and... they will understand , what the next military-technical answer may be different, that a precedent has been created and that, so to speak, it is not clear how this will end next, that is, this phrase about what iran has transferred.
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i see one wise decision, if of course they agree to this, is to separate the state of israel, the israeli people, the interests of this people from this rabid far-right nazi elite, sacrifice mr. netanyahu, his cabinet - this ultra-right, blame them for everyone, i assure you, and the israelis are the first to they will hang him, because they are all very tired of him, by the way, i address you to yesterday’s statement by yairopid, this is the head of the opposition, right? former prime minister, he also said, netanyahu is an existential threat to israel, not iran, not hamas, he called netanyahu an existential threat to israel, putting him on a par with hamas, you know, and that says a lot, so leaving this situation, i see the following: netanyahu will really be separated by these guys from israel, netanyahu will be sacrificed, well, then the negotiation process and really some kind of compromise, because without this it will be resolved...
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but it seems to me that she makes it clear, again to the question of the next round, that she does not want to play these games further, through the mouth of the deputy prime minister of foreign affairs she declares that jordan will not allow its territory to become the arena of any regional conflict, and they say that they will oppose both, well , that is, in my opinion, they are technically jumping off, but they have already shown themselves, we have already understood everything , everyone saw everything, conclusions were drawn, so that they can now do this in the back. usa, here's
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american nbc, here's what americans expect. let's listen. us officials expect israel's possible response to be against iranian military forces outside the country. because the iranian attack did not cause any loss of life or widespread destruction. israel can respond with one of its mena ...
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what to expect from this and what not to expect? you know that any logic is interesting until the moment when it collides with facts, there are a lot of interesting facts: firstly, you never wondered how iran aims its missiles, what it uses to aim them, do you know how many satellites iran has in space, three syns one, nur-1 and nur-2, how it sets targets, provided that saddam hussein, i’ll just remind you during desert storms, in fact, terminated his powers by... they simply turned off his gps, because in fact the entire iraqi system, well, like the artillery systems, all the others, of course, they worked on the american gps, we turned it off, that's what they have it just turned out to be a pile of scrap metal, like the second fact is very interesting, and why did the iranian leader call vladimir vladimirovich, let's put these two facts together, and now let's think about the following topics, here i can answer you, well, at least because - everything else is silence, well, i think, what do you know i don’t live like that. and harry potter, as
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they say, very strict logic as a rule of leadership, i know how, i know how to add twice. so, the following logic, look, it’s also very interesting, as far as iran and its capabilities are concerned, i can give a figure for how much specifically, drones were used for military analysts, this is no secret, 1%, one, 1%, one, from the 99% that remained at the bases, and now let's think about it, we all really like to talk about elbit systems, there is such a company in israel, about... ai, which, when i worked in aviation , was called ia for inflated prices, israel or aeronautic industries, that's a serious company , a manufacturer of drones, starting from the garpy era. and just think, when iran began to develop its drones, oh, how surprised you are, it turns out at the same time in fact, with israel, they started at the same time, which explains the entire line of shahids from 132 to 136 cars and up to the shahid, which
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, by the way, bears the name of gas, in honor of the gas sector, and it has it on a suspension just like that it was clear, 13 bombs and another 500 kg... brevo, a radio electronic equipment, a super-heavy hunter-class drone, which now we only have a prototype, but they have been flying in service for a long time in our russia, so this is not less serious from the point of view of unmanned warfare power than israel, only everyone knows about israel about iran, there is also a military trick in this, they are great, few people, and israel is also afraid of this, israel is also a fighter, did you not notice that there is little israeli aviation presence, which in fact not a single missile is ballistic.
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positively 2500, iran expects 200, but let’s say iiss, international institute of strategic studies, iiss suggests that the range may be higher than 2500, iran is already reaching the territory of hungary and the czech republic, the fields of europe are covered with their ballistic missiles, by the way, from an inertial guidance system in addition to the satellite one, so this is a very serious weapon with a warhead of one whole 8 tons, so that it is clear and, if possible, to carry nuclear weapons, let me remind you, or as pabas says, netanya stated back in may 2023 that iran has produced enough enriched uranium for six atomic bombs, six. you may or may not believe netanyahu, you may not believe shmon matai, if you know, this is 8200 in hebrew translation, the strongest service for radio interception, decryption
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and electronic espionage in all of western world. the americans put it on the same rank as the national security agency, the national security agency, and few people know about it either, so it’s all based on that. what i said, it seems like i avoided general words, by the way, i will say that iran has six types of attack drones from the lightest to the heaviest, absolutely comparable to the israeli line, i understand, that is, i think that everything you are talking about is excellent they know in israel and i think that with this enumeration you answered my question that most likely all this talk about what we are going to strike there, we will answer or so on from israel, they will now think even more than they thought before, which does not mean that...
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to prevent further escalation of the situation in the middle east. on monday, wani and iranian foreign minister hassein abdalahian held telephone talks at the latter's request. the iranian minister briefed wang yiyi on iran's position regarding the attack on the iranian embassy in syria, saying that the un security council did not respond properly and iran has the right to defend its sovereignty. abdalahian noted that the situation in the region is very sensitive, and iran intends to maintain restraint and... wants to further escalate the situation, i would like to draw your attention to the same thing, the same emphasis on what maintains restraint and so on, well, here we are from china they started, they ended with china, as far as you think, we say all the time, the americans are this, the americans are not that, the british are this, the british are not that, but in general, china is actively entering this region,
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i think that its influence on israel less so far, but i think that’s all there too he turns his head, but i think about shiran, i’m afraid we won’t finish with china, sorry. so a premonition, and what are you, you figuratively expressed yourself regarding the fact that the ball is now on the israeli side of the field, moreover, this ball is rolling into the goal, if you do nothing, it will roll there, so israel now really has them - there’s a lot of time little, yes, yes, yes, and the situation is even worse in the united states, which is trying to abstract itself from this situation, making statements, playing with words there, trying to cross a snake with a hedgehog, that is, to make some, well, that’s why, by the way, the consultations are taking so long, yes.
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victim, now iran has every opportunity , including becoming a victim, precisely using this incident with the consular department, this is the first, second, israel, as some are already openly saying. russia, china, iran, this triangle, it is increasingly manifested in everyone.
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is dealing with this situation in general, because we have a resource north, and russia and china are that very resource north, china is a northern country, it is by no means a southern country, and iran, which is located in this triangle, they now interact directly with the global south, which is now very skeptical of the collective west, because before, goods and brands traveled from east to west, and brands, that ’s all, then with covid, and then with the sanctions regime... everything stopped and a new flow began from north to south, yeah, from
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south to north, quite likely later in the future, because the global south is a huge market, untapped, including resources, that is, the resource north with the global resource south they begin, as they say, converge at the point brix, brix plus, and where here in this, and where here in this scheme for the collective west, it simply does not exist, which is why israel is possibly behaving, which is why netanyahu now needs the united states in its position. the prime minister, because he is not going to end the conflict, he has it for himself, he did not sign the decree, but he made a fundamental decision for himself that the conflict, like zelensky, yes, will continue, and he has no way out, is this really - the identity of the situation is not striking, it is striking why this is all happening, they want to destroy this collaboration between north and south, which arose instead of east-west collaboration, and now the west is simply not needed, it is slowly, it is slowly becoming isolated. “well, if you want to live in the garden of eden, live, call it the garden of eden, whatever
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you want to call yourself, but now north-south is how the world lives, these are geopolitical games, and the west is, well, a sandbox, it turns out to be a sandbox, well, i i looked ahead a little, okay, well, it seems to me that sometimes you need to look ahead, because the past can, the future can come faster than we sometimes think, in a world where everything is "
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zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing
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what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated on...
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portrait programs and we would like to introduce you to dmitry sovietsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to see my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was not there, and that i needed to start from scratch. myself. i knew that my homeland was my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on
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good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz for me. not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, we have such a tandem small but strong family, we will formulate with you for... we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea to do it here shelving, dad and son leave the room separately or together, complex, even just hanging, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, and we
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got to our home, about comfort , premiere. on saturday on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. the snow is still white in the fields. and the waters are already noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy shore. they run, shine and shout. they shout all over the place. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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well, since we started, as they say, with macron, our talkative one, let’s finish with him too, you just said that this is an olympic concept, he has already been generally captured with dirty hands, lying mouths, by the way, macron, well, no less than others made his contribution to this, for example, he spoke here the other day about the need for an olympic truce, please. this is why, from a diplomatic point of view, the olympic games bring a lot of benefits. we're going to do everything possible to achieve the olympic truce. we, of course, are all thinking about israel and gaza, but we are also thinking about ukraine. the president
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of china is coming to paris in a few weeks, and i asked him to help me. in 2022 , he did the same job during the winter olympics. in fact, when i read this, well, i wanted to say something, write something. just now i was preparing for the broadcast and saw nikolai valuev, our wonderful boxer, who held his master class today at the russia exhibition, he told me it seems that he spoke very well about these very ideas of macron, well, i want to share with you, it seems to me that this is a very clear wording in the mouth, by the way, the athlete, please, his state. is involved in the conflict in ukraine, in theory he should shut up, because he doesn’t even hide the fact that he wants to send his soldiers to the conflict zone. moreover, they are there.
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recently they brought caesar, and as a result , their own mercenaries arrived. they regularly receive coffins. what is macron talking about? his state is directly involved in hostilities, and he talks about some kind of truce. in fact, this formulation of nikolai valuev, that in theory macron should shut up, it seems to me that it should have such a broad interpretation, yes, it should be applied to a lot of things in relation to everything that almost macron says , everything that this collective macron says, that this is an amazing combination of a constant desire to look better than they are, and at the same time, against this background of hypocritical actions, which in no way correspond to what is being said. because this same macron, he explains there why , you know, israeli athletes cannot be suspended, but russians can, and so on and so forth, well, what can you say about them, about
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these macrons, well, dolls, natural dolls, on our channel they are being studied in a special laboratory called heir tutti dolls, please. the ocean is an aggressive kangaroo, the prime minister of australia anthony albanese with enviable regularity tries to jump on russia, and he does not live in peace, on on the other side of the world, we are up to our necks with our problems, it would be better if we solved them, but we still don’t give us peace, why suddenly, but there are reasons, how they were motivated and with what... compromising material the albaneses, the anglo-saxon puppeteers, curbed them. so we 'll figure it out in ours.


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