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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:41pm MSK

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we will choose the most promising ones from the point of view of the gang, that is, those places where there is the most money, and then near each of these points, we will set up an ambush and wait, just wait, we still have no other choice, sit and wait in the hope that that one of them will puncture. the big game is on air. today we want to discuss a number of significant events that took place in washington in kiev, and of course, in the middle east, and we cannot forget about beijing, which the chancellor of the federal republic of germany is currently visiting, but we will start after all, we will start from moscow. where
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once again we must talk about what happened with the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, and let's listen to what nikolai platonovich patryshev, secretary of the security council, said about it. during the investigation , the connection between the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack and ukrainian nationalists was confirmed and procedurally established. performers. accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they were hiding, and no matter how they tried to confuse their tracks crimes will receive the deserved punishment. and the secretary of the security council spoke not only about this terrible terrorist act, but, if you want, about the growing ukrainian habit of engaging in large-scale activities. not
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only what ukraine is doing, but what conclusions should we draw from this about the policies of washington and london? and, of course, the question arises: what can and should russia do in response? let's start with you: alexander gelevich dugin, an outstanding philosopher, geopolitician, unfortunately, a man who knows this.
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that since we are in a war with the west, and this is a real war, then the price of this evidence base of ours is directly related to our victories, that is, as they say, the winners do not judge, but the vanquished , on the contrary, all these are the arguments that will be offered the defeated, for example, were treated wrongly, unfairly, carried out terrorist attacks, are not taken into account, this is, in my opinion , the fundamental problem, but we have proof. that the ukrainian government is simply
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a real group of terrorists, but the west, who support them, we cannot condemn, that is the problem, that is, we, of course, can and will defeat the nazi regime in ukraine, but with the west, when can we and how can we present claims to the west that are already reasoned, documented, and condemned this west in aiding terrorism, this is an open question for me, that is, for...
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in the sense that russia has no war with the collective west, on the contrary, diplomatic relations continue with the collective west, so what was... is possible , in the event of the great patriotic war, it is probably not fully applicable to the current situation. but i always have a question that i want to ask dmitry vitalievich trenin, a professor at the higher school of economics, and dmitry, a man who has written a lot of very interesting things on these topics, what are the real possibilities for russia in this particular difficult situation of hybrid war.
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nuclear, nuclear war will not come to pass, but the war is actually going on, it just takes slightly different forms than we are used to, looking at historical chronicles, so, but in order to strike at the west,
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again, it is not needed - in this case , a tribunal, if it is proven, if we collect it ourselves, i hope that it will be... convincing enough documents, those documents that would convince us here, at this table, we in our country were convinced that specific people in specific countries were behind these terrorist attacks, if we present these materials to the international community, then i would say the position of these wars will not stop, but the positions... .
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armament practices of those countries that they destroy government officials in other countries, i don’t think it could be israel that does this, yes, but not government officials, after all, this is a little different, for example, a commander, a commander, yes, but this is still a fighter, this is a big military commander, but this is still not ayatala, this is still not the president of iran, and here...
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in the area of ​​​​chasoy yar a group of foreign mercenaries was destroyed, recently a polish
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brigadier general died under somewhat mysterious circumstances, a general of a number of other armies, the french army, american the armies also somehow quickly, very and not entirely understandably, passed away from life, this is all there, but there is still a certain line that separates the direct participants in the war, conditionally combatants, of course for... but the ukrainian state is for us, for us , we are not in an international court, for us it should
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be a state with which we will not negotiate, since these are negotiations with those who are engaged in terrorism against our citizens, this should be the principled position of the russian federation. you are absolutely right, but here, dmitry, look, because from the leaders of terrorists, sometimes in some circumstances they are forced to negotiate, but this...
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in view of our military potentials, especially nuclear ones, this is unlikely to happen, although
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this cannot be ruled out at all, we want this to be behavior that is dangerous for us, so we must be restrained, we must, of course, act with a cool head, but not let go, andrei, yes, i continue my thought, we are in a period of prolonged rivalry, in which for the impossibility of... this direct military clash, a very large layer of interaction flows into the gray zone, hybrid operations, over the weekend we witnessed some pretty dramatic events in the middle east.
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un or some other organization? well, i will believe in such possibilities when i see them, but of course i would like that it was exactly like this, at least in theory, we must make this possible through our work, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works that have been translated into many languages, 100 years old, this will definitely be written out of harm, especially.
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day by day it is becoming more and more interesting, this circus and theater director, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clone, our series of half-hour portrait programs and we would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself, i knew. that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia who lived on bad blame on the good ones, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running , shining, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are in there’s a big game on the air, andrey, so i’m looking at the meeting between sizempini and scholz, i have two thoughts in my head that slightly contradict each other: first, they are each other’s largest partners, the largest for germany, china, trading partner number two, for china , germany, partner number england, and then came russia, so in itself a high level trade does not guarantee peace, so i look as if sizempin and scholz, but they speak
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several different languages, sizempin speaks about common interests, and... about peace, about taking into account the interests of all the leaders, whoever it was, predicted, and now they assume that chinese economic growth this year will be more than 5%, this is how china reacts, but this, i don’t know how to say, a slightly paternalistic approach on the part of germany and the collective west as a whole, this is a rather mysterious line of the west and the united states states and germany. its approach to china is the same as the approach to a medium-sized or small country and this raises significant questions a... germany, china, the usa and china are still united by
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large trade turnover, participation in each other’s debt, a large volume of mutual investments, and are strengthening. there is information about the creation of new production facilities in china with the participation of western investments. the germans came, at least on a pressure mission, this is also a mysterious argument about what you are producing. too much, but at the same time we brought you new money in order to in order to produce even more on your territory, and it is noteworthy that, nevertheless , the german delegation did not include the minister of foreign affairs of this country, which is noted most sharply by the meeting at the plane’s ramp, well, in general, by a person of a disparate level at the level of the chancellor and a number of individual prepared questions during the press conference. were also this kind of dig at the german chancellor, all this together, as well as the fact that, let’s say, immediately after the end of the visit of
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the american minister of finance and china's strategic priorities and how it sees its place in the 20th century. against the backdrop of the rhetoric that is now heard from washington and berlin, chinese political thought, the proposal that comes from beijing a... are distinguished by rationality, strategic thinking, they are similar to such fundamental blocks on which stability, security, common understanding of the international order, the new year in general, contains the basis of the concepts that we use today as basic ones, only in the last few years in the western the press and analysts began to carefully study the russian understanding, the russian, chinese understanding of multipolarity, while our analysts, diplomats...
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when we do not depend on anyone and china follows precisely this logic and benefits from it. according to the doctrine, there is such a chinese idea - overall under heaven, everything under
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the sky, the heavenly, which we translate. and this is a big idea. in the center is china, this is the middle empire, jungoo, everything else is around it and this does not mean that they offend someone, they want to subjugate someone, they want to humiliate, no, they are moving. starting from the center, when russia is also moving, which is another civilizational state, which represents an independent pole, is beginning to be involved in the construction of a multipolar world more and more actively, words to fashion, to the prime minister are especially important, there will soon be very important elections that decolonization of the indian mind is necessary, this is simply a state of civilization, multipolarity, here we have the opportunity not just, by the way, as with...
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passengers at the mitrouniversitet station point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. brilliant georgy, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived two lives, and it all went to lyuba sokolova, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, always is slanderous, for example, she said.
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between russia and china, they talk about russia as about an enemy who, who is still needed, is very short, we sometimes get the impression under the influence of our own rhetoric, but it is not only rhetoric, but there is a lot of rhetoric here, that a multipolar world is coming, it will replace american unipolarity, that in general history is moving in this direction, we are in the trend and so on, we...
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by fighting very hard for our own, we allowed russia and china to become closer together than was actually beneficial for them. this whole story with ukraine and nato expansion and the assertion that the principle must be strictly observed that nato is supposedly open to all european states, meaning ukraine, despite russia's objections, progress in this
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direction. for russia is considered as part of the axis of evil, as a state that absolutely, so to speak, should not exist, should not be considered any kind of legitimate participant in, in essence, international relations, an aggressor state and so on, there is a lot of things here, all these parallels with hitler and one of... the same enemy, not a rival, precisely the enemy that the united the united states is now preparing to confront china, just as the americans are doing in europe, relying on their alliances, east asia in the western pacific, the americans are creating a whole series of alliances, this includes the trilateral group and the united states.
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they are now trying to somewhat shift their efforts to the asian front, forcing the europeans to hold the front here in relation to russia, and this is, in general, a rather serious maneuver with resources that the united states, so to speak, intended to carry out, much to the regret of the severance of relations with russia suffered colossal damage, the same thing.
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political persecution of donald trump in the united states, let us first listen to what he thinks, persecution of opponents and this has never happened before, i repeat, this is an attack on america, so i am very proud to be here, this is an attack on our country, country is collapsing, it is controlled by an incompetent person who is very much involved in this matter, this is an attack on a political opponent, nothing more, this is what...
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the united states of american political systems. on a scale both through europe and through their allies in the elites of other world powers, they carry out their ideology without considering the national interests of any of these countries, in europe this is obvious, in others outside the west it is obvious, but with none of the countries, including the united states of america , that's the thing, america has split into two, there are two americas, one america classically.
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this concerns our interests indirectly, yet i would not like the subject of our discussions and special hopes to be associated with a new figure in the white house, among the united states the states, as the participants in the discussion noted today, have their own strategic interests, they will adhere to them, our country
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has its own strategic interests, we will adhere to them, perhaps we are in a situation of structural confrontation, regardless of who leads our countries, we will be on different courses, especially if the enemy is...
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this is a rare representative of a legendary person of our country, that is, a legendary woman. you can have yours, oh, super, how beautiful you are today, i would like to comb my hair, zoya borisovna, she personifies the age
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of how you can preserve dignity, beauty, i talked to her on the phone not long ago, her voice has a wonderful timbre, and... generally preserve the person within you, this is an example for all of us, look, i ... i want to say that she is an amazing woman, she is an amazing girl, in her, at 100 years old, it’s phenomenal, just 100 years old for a person, she’s a very young person, she’s a girl, she loves beautiful dresses, she loves when people are beautifully dressed , she must wear red lipstick or scarlet lipstick. borisovna, if she sees that
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a person has talent, she collects it, concentrates it, inspires him, let everything be the way you want it now, here’s zoya borisovna, i sincerely wish you with all my heart, that’s all as you want you want, and do whatever you want, but i came, yes, yes, you are great, come on, whatever you say, 100 years, this is a must. they will write out of harm. zoya borisovna, boguslavskaya is the absolute history of the entire century. not even centuries, but it turns out that it affected two centuries. and she is an eyewitness to all historical processes. she was, is an eyewitness to meetings with outstanding people who shaped the history of the century in general. imagine, she was born in 24,
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vladimirovich lenin died in 24, this year giacoma puchina, the great composer, died, stanislavsky was 61 years old, pasternak 30, and andrei andreevich voznesensky had not yet been born at all, this is an incredible story.
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and the time that he was there, he was with his family, that is, with my mother and me, but since it was from one year to 5 years, then naturally, well, the child learns the language from me. was when i said, in german, surname and
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family are the same word, so when i said that the cat loves her surname, there was a rumble in the class, and i meant that she loves her family, zoya, you can joke with her, this is a very worthy quality, not everyone has it, even those people who joke themselves, because in relation to themselves... zoya borisovna is the most active person today, today she flies on an airplane, today she
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does different evenings, she is active life, and i think that the secret of this remedy of macropolus is precisely in activity and in its modernity, in the fact that it controls the modern situation of the world today, i am at the head of the fund, i cannot live without work at all, i even... where - to travel, to help someone, to be preoccupied with something, well, i had such energy by nature. i was a fine crawl swimmer in my teens, in moscow, i was in...


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