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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 17, 2024 3:25am-4:11am MSK

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come on, come on, help, let's revive the mouse, live, it will help, look at it, what a massage in the heart, just shake it with living water, help, first, tear out the hair from the groom's chest, he'll go like that, leave it, you talk a lot, groom, go up to the bride, “take off her shoe, wait, just gently, otherwise it won’t turn out well, throw it away, well, now he needs moths, here too, come on, sit down, or something.” neck, but pick the moths, don’t pick the moths, from the front like this, wait, into the cauldron.”
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these are great guys, well now there are 5 liters of living water drag it, the process has begun, now your passports, how interesting, they show a rose here and there, absolutely. the feeling that there is a rose in a wig, it happens, the roses are ready, it seems to me that she already wanted to run for them, have you seen him, she thinks, lord, when this is over, let's water the mouse, let 's take this, water, water, water, and oh, come to life, catch, catch, mouse, run, yes, what is it, oh, what an old fool,
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i mixed everything up, i put in the wrong ingredients, i think i bewitched you , or not, i'll check now, oh, it's hot, oh, it's burning hot. transfer to the card could have been a cool number to make, it seems so magical to me, well , something something like that, well, not about the skit , you have some impressions, but i don’t know about the bride.
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did you like it, do you see it in yours, in your home? no, i think that my surprise was perfect, i bewitched him, yes, what a guy, look, what roses, everything is just the way i like it, 100%, look how prepared he came, what do you think, the love spell will work, everything works anyway, where is he going? it’s okay, the portion has already been removed, they made the device, in any case it will be mine, no, i don’t see it, it’s not that i’m scared that she ’s casting a spell, he makes so many demands on men, well, more specifically, that he’s scared? no, the fact that the sorcerer definitely didn’t scare me, well, just completely - i don’t know, a person has other life positions, requirements, yes, that’s enough, thank you, i didn’t like anything from the word at all, that’s right at all, everyone has their own taste and color, i didn’t like it, i didn’t like it, well, you’ll think that i should be upset, and somehow your daughter became sad, you liked it, no, you didn’t, tatyana, well, it seems to me that she has too many demands that she cannot answer. the same, that is, as if
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she can’t give back, i doubt it, introduce me to the second bride, come on in, a wonderful mess is being filmed, i hope it will be funny, boris yurvich had some kind of such a streak, he could choose a lot from the crowd now famous people. thank you, he was like a real kinop, he was, but for me, it’s not me, it’s she herself, i don’t have an acting education, virolash became the first step into the cinema, tell me, well, who i am, i passed it, by the way, without testing, he just showed me, sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite, not to eat small children, tremendous pleasure and happiness to do what you absolutely love, what the audience loves, from the birthday of boris
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grachevsky on saturday at the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games. on the first one,
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hello, my name is karina, i usually take 2 hours to get ready to go somewhere, but i’m here for you... karina is 40 years old, owner of a beauty salon, lives in moscow, proud of the fact that she looks 10 years younger, dreams of buying a bigger one apartment in the capital and transfer the children, admits that it can take 2 hours to get ready for a meeting, warns that he will not tolerate criticism of himself. karina endured her partner’s drinking habits for 15 years and gave birth to two children from him. she left her children without having time to become his legal wife, hopes that with mikhail... she will finally find a real family. hello girls, nice to see you. hello, it’s really 40, it’s so normal, it’s cute. this is how you go on a date. you, like mikhail, probably blossomed after the divorce, because you don’t
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look at all like a woman, a sufferer, a beaten, exhausted wife of an alcoholic, not at all. yes, indeed, that's exactly it. so pretty, what a pretty girl, bright, yes, yes, bright, very, you were legit wife or weren’t married, no, they just lived together, 15 years, yes, they gave birth to two children, yes, they gave birth, i thought that the situation would change, but unfortunately, it didn’t change, so we lived for many years, but as many as 15 years we thought that it would change, yes, well, we first lived for 7 years, that is, even before children, then the first child was born, i realized that the situation did not change, on the contrary, it became even worse. but he understood that i would soon leave, and one can say that this was done on his part, even somehow on purpose, listen, well , why really complicate it, well, okay, the main thing is that they love each other, and
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why not, well, there are children, and maybe that means she wasn’t sure about him, didn’t want to, maybe spoil her passport with unnecessary stamps, but what the hell is this, a work book, how did he treat the children ? a good father, not an alcoholic, no, he drank, he’s just not a person who drinks every day, that is, he drank a lot on weekends, he brought in good money, he earned money, he provided only for himself, that is, i had no opportunity not to work, that is, i always worked even on maternity leave, because i didn’t
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they simply gave me money for some of my basic needs. look, you gave birth to a child with a heart defect and you think it’s because of the fact that yes? because of his drinking, there was a situation, at that moment we quarreled very strongly, and there was a lot of negativity from his relatives, relatives , and even though i didn’t know that i was pregnant, a lot of insults were poured into my address, of course, these are the requirements, some men make, you be a good mother, and a good wife, and also earn money, well, in any case, you choose something, of course, i very strongly, that is, his relatives see that he... he drinks, you give birth to two children, were you guilty of something else, what did they accuse you of? they accused me of working very hard, they accused me of being a bad mother, but the accusations were not only from them , that is, from my ex-husband in general, but that’s what i call him, and his relatives
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, including you dirty, firstly, you yourself even he has bad habits, you say this if you are doing something of your own, for example, your beauty, you forget, you don’t have to wash the dishes. generally a dirty plate, everything else will stand for a long time, you don’t cook, not this one, say, i’m now i’ll read out how you directly this is karina’s main principle, my mind’s work is more important than... cooking, yes i think that well , you have such and such a mind, who feeds the children, and who feeds the children, and i feed the children myself, that is, at the moment they are with me in moscow, in the morning i like to cook myself, i won’t say that i don’t do anything at all i cook, but you have 12 and 8 years old, you need to feed them breakfast, conduct school, cook dinner, or are they sitting there in after-school care, no, why do they need to be fed in the evening, which means karina sleeps for you at night, doesn’t sleep at night, it’s very late. can fall asleep in the morning then sleep until lunch until 12 o'clock, and your children, i run
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my beauty salon, yes i run social networks, how much time do you devote to social networks, very little at the moment, this cannot be, or you devote time , well, at least 3 hours a day, but in fact, a girl’s appearance again depends on her build, she look, she’s a slender girl, especially the owner of a beauty salon, boys, what are you talking about, of course she won’t be bad. look, of course, she will be well-groomed with her 40 and young, my work is with a salon business, today it works practically without me, because everything is automated there, and i run my business, well, about 2-3 hours a week, this maximum, this cannot not happen while you are at the checkout, you have money, if you are not in your business, not in place, not at work, the money passes you by, i have my friend, a close one, the owner of a very famous beauty salon, she disappears there day and night.
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i need to get ready, no, i don’t need to get ready, then show me, thank you very much, mikhail, i want to invite you to
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dance, you dance, yes, just dance, yes, just dance. how did you decide to come? how did you decide to come? are you really looking for your betrothed? yes, really, i’ve been alone for 3 years, it’s a non-standard situation when you live alone with my children? and why? and that is, the ex-wife does not take any part at all? yes? no, i haven’t seen them for 3 years. yeah, not even trying, so this is her initiative? she has her own life. how did you survive? divorce, well , that is, did it take a long time or was it easy? no, uh,
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i was going through a breakup, no, it’s difficult, a different life, completely, there’s something to do, it’s completely different, that we’ll get along like this, i think that’s it, thank you, thank you very much, take the flowers, she fascinated him with something there , some small talk, in any case, it’s her red lipstick, he’s that... natasha, you’re sitting there looking kind of sad, no, everything’s fine, how do you like the bride, well , i think we can give it a chance girl, no two children are scared, that they are dirty, that they don’t cook, well, she herself writes that she has it, she has withdrawn into herself and the dishes can be done, well, the children
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will wash it, there are 8-12 years old, it doesn’t scare us, we consider it, take note, take it on a note, where is the best place to find today, right? you looked very beautiful, i really liked it, it was visually super, and he didn’t take his eyes off you, meet... brides, come in, mikhail, hello, my name is ekaterina, i’m
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a cosmetologist-esthetician, i promise that we will with you forever young and beautiful, very great. thank you, ekaterina, 36 years old, cosmetologist, lives in krasnogorsk, cooks osmenogo, plays tennis and dances jamaican dances, dreams of visiting the brazilian carnival, is proud of the fact that she rode the scariest rides in amusement parks, warns that she will not pay for her date . catherine knew that her husband was not faithful to her, but she continued to play detective, in the end she did not win anything, but only caused damage to her health. i hope that mikhail has already played enough. hello, hello, is this your hair? no, it's afrocurls. well, it doesn’t matter, it’s for your hair here, yes, it’s for my hair , of course, no, it’s not a wig. white skin is a completely different type, yes, by the way, by the way, she has the image of a mermaid, such
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a delicate dress, i wonder how she will present herself, they came with the guys, yes this. my good friends, and misha is jealous, i think we’ll resolve this issue, in the sense of how, you’ll just eliminate the boys when you get married, no, i think they won’t be a big threat really, listen, but she came with men, immediately it’s like such a question, otherwise moreover, our man is jealous, are they really friends, or is one of them her fiancé, what kind of thriller was that in your life, huh? and what kind of detectives, why did you need this, tell me, in fact, yes, i was married for 10 years, my husband at first was naturally faithful, as everything usually happens, but after a while, it’s 4 years after our wedding, it passed, but some nuances appeared, yes, which could be
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judged that the person is already starting to cheat herself, what, please share, is one of the stories the most... the first, when his friend and us were in our apartment, and at some point my husband left, and his friend asked me a compromising question: katya, do you think that infidelity strengthens a marriage, to which he openly she answered that you know, no, my personal opinion is that cheating is unacceptable for a marriage, it will in no way make a marriage stronger, even then i realized that the person asked such a question for a reason, that is, there are some...
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why did i go to the kitchen? i don’t know, but i had to go, i hear this phrase: i you i love you, and i feel good with you, and i’m standing behind you.
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to say that dear, you and your sister flew to spain, so it’s you, and the husband of your mistress, how did he appear in your life? my mistress’s husband found me on social networks when he sent me a message saying that your husband’s car brand is such and such, license plate number is such and such, this is a certain value that was present in his car. i say: yes, he says, congratulations, he is dating my wife, how great you are, yes, it’s a family contract, is this all of a sudden?
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i refuse to give birth to children, i shift everything, come on next year, come on next year, and you basically want children, of course, you are 36 years old, yes, no, look, i don’t understand, well , really katya, or am i already crazy, you lived with a man who you you weren’t really needed, what kept you close to him, you also didn’t want children from him, he invested a lot of money in you, it was he who opened a business for you, no, he didn’t open any businesses for me , including money from us there was a separate budget. he was a fantastic lover in those moments when he didn’t cheat, when he didn’t drink, no, absolutely an ordinary person, nothing, provided, no,
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we bought an apartment together, maybe she had some kind of relationship that she doesn’t want to talk about, but she’s the strangest woman possible, i’m wasting my time to waste his time, but i refuse children give birth, i'm too emotional... women, by the way, spend a year next to a man, i take good care of my health, okay, okay, okay, ekaterina, here is mikhail with a boy, a teenager who needs love.
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medicines, not doctors, but just need tenderness and care, nothing more, nothing some kind of affection, the attention of an adult woman who will only give and nothing in return, are ready, yes, i love not only other people’s children, but in principle i plan to have my own too, and for me there will be no division, a joint child or a non-joint child, i think , that it was precisely to this age that i reached this age, because i consciously want children. in fact, everyone made some mistakes, we all learn from mistakes, yes, yes, it was her experience, she accepted it, your professions are the same, so you can always come up with something, i like it when two people can create something together, but if you don’t give birth to a common child, raise this one, so to speak, the lord will give you something for this, you understand, you will be in grace,
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together... between a man and a woman, until they went to bed, no, well, there’s some kind of college thing, i don’t know, at work, here i am, for example, i have a lot of friends and relatives here from work, i just think, but if, for example, my lover told me , i don’t like that you’re on such short terms with the director and in general i’m a husband, that’s all married and, as it were, that
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everyone around is dead or what? he will be careful in future relationships anyway, he will get into the door with him, look like this and i’m like, like, like a brother, there’s something there, mikhail , you’re so handsome, yeah, that’s because of course anyone would love to glorify him and i’m like, together with her, well, that’s really
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deserves it. my lord, i came out of the sea for you and i invite you to sit down, i want to dance for you, but he looks like, oh, he looks like a hyurem,
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well done, well done, somehow very modest, mikhail, what does this mean, and what does that mean, what tonight will be hers, if she kind of seduced him, he gives her a handkerchief, that means tonight will be hers, they were fighting for each other there, i’m ready to dance for myself every day, it’s very likely, apparently, mikhail likes all this, like to be.
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that i’m ready to actually help your son and so on, that is, well, outwardly , as i understand it, this connection seems to have happened for you, mikhail, there are women for everyone who are suitable for absolutely any man, not because she’s there... then he’s walking, no, he’s just of good character, but there are no men for anyone, so he seems to want a couple, inside there is such a protest, maybe you don’t need a wife? i don’t know, i probably should, it seems to me that you won, it seems to me that he liked you, but your daughter didn’t like you, but did you like him,
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yes, how do you like it, quite nice, interesting, then time will tell who you are do you recommend, my dear, who do you like best? with whom would your father throw in his lot? well, knowing him, i think that katerina is more suitable for him, he loves painful women, as if his character, yes, i think that katerina is more suitable for him, i also think that katerina is for him, and you want dad to get married, honestly, you want a woman in your house, i will be happy, if not happy, honestly, just from myself, tell me, i don’t mind, that is, you can say that in principle i’m on the side, do you have a lot in common with your daughter?
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i chose, yes, but if my opinion is needed, then i would probably be the first, i invite everyone to come out and support mikhail, i based the choice on you, i liked your position in life, all your external data, there’s a lot to like to be honest, thank you, i think that everything will work out for us, yes, i think we can... carry out some projects together at work, that is, move in the same direction, and not just watch what each other says on a friend. agree with you. we have a couple mikhail and ekaterina. if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i
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larisa guzeeva wish that your loved one will definitely tell you. let's get married. hello, in the program time about the most notable events it is. of the day: document of the first person. vladimir putin was presented with a certificate of the president of russia. the head of state received the chairman of the central election commission. three days from terrorist attack to arrest. what did
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the ukrainian agent say who blew up the car of an ex-sbu officer who is on our side? universal vehicle, bmd, mobile solution to assault missions and artillery support. tula paratroopers. destroys the enemy's cover. the unknown is behind us. a grandmother from liberated avdeevka looked at her family for the first time in 10 years. family history, which brings me to tears. damage assessment, this spring's flood in russia is a record for decades, a lot of water is going to the mound, there is still a lot of ice in tomsk. writer, muse and wife. zoya boguslavskaya on her anniversary about life, creativity with andrei voznesensky and friendship with the great people who entered their house. so, today vladimir putin was presented with the certificate of the president of russia. a month ago there was a second one. days of voting, which showed a historical
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maximum of support for the current head of state, the chairman spoke about the results and qualities that our people showed ella pomfilova, the center of the election commission, brought the document to the kremlin. konstantin panyushkin, more details. let me give you my certificate. the inside of the document is as laconic as the outside. name, position, term, signature of the cec chairman. thank you.
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and the kursk region is the most cynical and vile, they relied on terror, this is something that has never happened before, that is, why and how can they turn up, intimidate people, cause fear, panic, an armed formation of mercenaries of the ukrainian armed forces tried to cross the state border to gain a foothold in the nearest settlements rocket artillery hit civilians at points, so the enemy decided to try to disrupt the presidential elections, who did they decide to intimidate, the russian people? the multinational people of russia, this was not sure,
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it would never happen, in fact, the howl of a siren, the roar of rocket explosions did not stop the russians, when we went to the elections, we had rage in our hearts, you know, like in 1941, when all the people rose up justly war, so we belgorodians went to the polls right now at this historical moment, it doesn’t scare us, therefore, we fulfill our duty, our responsibility as a citizen of the russian federation. the courage of the residents of the belgorod region inspired the whole country to go to the polls. gratitude and admiration from the residents of the belgorod region and others.
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courage, the award was recently presented to the family by sergei kiriyenko, such ugly forms began to be used, that is, they went to great lengths, incredible, i would say, hysterical machinations of our ill-wishers, well , in fact, they also played a big role in uniting our people by what are they create. in 2024, the central election commission recorded unprecedented results of the presidential elections, with a turnout of 77.5%, the highest in the history of modern russia. an ordinary citizen of the country. i understood, i understood in my heart that he is
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in demand, the country needs him, the future of russia depends on him, and the high turnout is connected with this. the winner's result is also the same as ever, 87.28%. the rest was shared by three more candidates, who, however, also rallied around vladimir putin, which is best illustrated by these shots. march 18 - red square. russia. on the stage, prepared for the election winner nearby. today the president of iran called the kremlin. vladimir putin and ibrahim raisi discussed the aggravation in the middle east after the israeli strike on the iranian consulate general in syria and the retaliatory measures taken by tehran. the russian leader expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new escalation that is dangerous for the region. iranian, in turn
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, noted that his country was forced to act within a limited framework and was not interested in increasing tension. both presidents agreed that the root cause of the current ones. russia and iran are for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, relief of the humanitarian situation and a political and diplomatic settlement. another defendant has been arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus. a resident of tver, as stated in court, fictitiously registered terrorist accomplices at his address. we are talking about those two who provided them with money, an apartment and a car. ashurov, this is, as the surname says. ukraine, as stated again today by the secretary of the russian security council nikolai the investigation confirmed their connections with
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patrushev. the criminal kiev regime deliberately commits sabotage against civilian objects and fires at them. border russian regions, using fire weapons against civilians, commit terrorist attacks in places where people are crowded, organize assassinations of government officials, public figures, and journalists. a striking example of inhumanity and fierce hatred of our country is the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in kroku city. during the investigation. performers, accomplices, organizers of this of a monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse the traces
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of the crime, will suffer a well-deserved punishment. the west is pushing a version. the terrorist attack in crocus was the work of the islamic state group banned in russia, but this cannot hide the essence of the state of ukraine. new confirmation was given by the perpetrator of another terrorist attack, a ukrainian agent who blew up the car of a former sbu officer in moscow last week. report by anton vernitsky. do you have a weapon? no, it took fsb officers less than three days to detain the man who planted a bomb under a car in the north of moscow. turned out to be a russian citizen born in eighty-three, at the very first interrogation, he admitted to collaborating with the ukrainian special services, in november 2023, he was recruited by the sbu, in february my supervisor told me that he was assigned
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the task personally by the head of the sbu, malyuk. the terrorist attack was prepared carefully, at first the detainee watched... the car, then he was asked to assemble an improvised explosive device, my supervisor explained with the help of instructions, so i assembled it and on the ninth, at approximately 2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, they tried to blow up vasily , a former ukrainian security service officer who defected to russia in 2014 prozarov, he served in the sbu. from ninety-nine to 2018, during the last five years of his service, that is, from 2014, he collaborated with russian intelligence, as he himself claimed, for ideological reasons. when consciousness came to me nationalist, even nazi anti-people coup in kiev, i made a decision,


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