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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 17, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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what else, if we are talking about the first stages, we use bremonedinotortate, it is a vasoconstrictor, the same thing constricts blood vessels, this is the main thing that is used, yes, further, when the progression of rosacea already passes the next stage papolopostular, that is, novice rashes appear, then we add antimicrobial therapy and antiparasitic therapy, that is, it is zaloic acid and vermictin and...
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and what it does is seal it, it kind of seals the vessel, it sticks together or may burst, thereby we eliminate it, understandable, that is, in essence, this is an opportunity to seal a vessel and remove it from the face, when the effect is immediately after the procedure or not, large vessels can be seen immediately that they are leaving, that is, they are instantly sealed, and if we are talking about a fine mesh. please look at the screen, this is before and after the procedure, we hoped that this patient would come to us, we are showing it with his permission, but he is not in the country now, he is on a business trip and simply couldn’t, that is, the result is simply wonderful, it’s just nice to see . means competent
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professional treatment, this is a woman, are you in pain or not? no, everything is tolerable, we’ll leave you to go through the procedure further, we’ll leave you too with the patient, but i invite my fellow doctors to tell you those words that we always say in the end: we had a good time with you, may you live great! hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya loseva in georgia there is another maidan, large-scale protests have begun. bill
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by the agents, first in parliament due to deputies came to blows due to the scandalous initiative, not without this, after such events the opposition held a fairly large protest in the center of tbilisi, according to the document that organizations that receive more than 20% of income from abroad have been trying to pass in parliament for several years now will be added in a special register, for refusal to register and concealment of sources of income , everyone will be punished...
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now shota abkhaidze, a political scientist, is coming to us directly from tbilisi. shota, hello. hello, greetings to our tv viewers. please tell me, well, actually, it’s probably very difficult for many to understand this draft law, but nevertheless, this means it’s not the first year, because last year we also covered these events in connection with the adoption law on agents, but then the authorities somehow managed to stabilize the situation. yes, but this time we see that in the west they are somehow not ready to put up with the fact that in tbilisi everything is more or less calm, and there, it means, they decided to sponsor another such maidan, well, please tell me how in in georgia itself, in general, these are ordinary citizens, but not this bunch of people who want, well,
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not to be taken out of the shadows, perceive what is now happening in the country, let's start with the fact that last year's events, in principle , a... were like would be an attempt, another attempt, one might say, to destabilize and first of all they used another reason, this was the adoption of a bill on foreign agents, then the state, in order to calm the situation, in principle, one can say that under pressure from the west and under pressure, as it were, the destructive opposition nevertheless made a concession, that is, in order to reach a certain consensus and withdrew the law, that is, the first time it was not accepted, now there is another... attempt, that is, the adoption of this law, there are several factors, here is the mood, so that you understand , and for the international public to understand in georgia, ordinary citizens, in principle, have nothing to protest against this law, because it is precisely ordinary citizens
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of georgia who suffer due to the incomprehensible foreign funding of certain organizations that create discord within georgian society, within civil society. who destabilize civil institutions, state institutions, constantly speculate, one might say, set fire to the political situation, introduce such dissonance, one might say, that is, this is absolute destruction, now there is a protest in dvilis, who is the main instigator, so we can say that this is again another reasons for this bill... of course, there is a destructive opposition, a destructive opposition, that spectrum of the so -called civil, civil institute of international public promotion, which is funded by the west, because the concept that now and if this bill is passed, they will have to report to
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the state, because this is all happening in a very gray way, this is a very gray scheme for financing these organizations, and this is not only funding declared... one might say projects where human rights or the formation of democracy there among civil society or some other projects, social or humanitarian, as they officially declare, in fact these finances are used to finance certain political processes, because if this law is adopted, they will have to report, the amounts here are not small, that is, it reaches several hundred million dollars, because those people who... are subjectively interested in a purely financial issue, and not on an ideological issue, they are most of all now starting to, one might say , react to this very sharply, and that i can interrupt you, we are now going into the jungle of the bill, these are certainly important nuances,
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but it seems obvious to everyone that simply supporters of the pro-western course and the pro-georgian course clashed with each other, and the bill is solely an excuse, because there is money, there is the figure of mikhail... saakashvili pops up again, he calls on his supporters to go to the barricades, as in georgia today relates to the figure of mikheil saakashvili, how many supporters he has today, and whether he can raise georgia to something greater than what we now see on the streets of tbilisi. yes, i’ll answer this question for you: mikheil saakashvili is already odious, a marginal political character, he doesn’t even enjoy any special, one might say, such... special popularity, even among the destructive opposition, there he has a lot of opponents, a lot of enemies, it’s just that someone talks about it openly, someone... then all this, as they say, is not shown to the public, but now he cannot lead such masses with him, and not a single leader of the destructive opposition today can
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simply overthrow the current government and cause some large-scale processes of destabilization, because we can say that this segment, which constantly... advocates, that is, for the legalization of drugs, for the rights of the qr society, the so-called lgbt, and the same thing is against the bill and others , as it were.
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in ukraine, we see what happens when, then, there is a minority, we were told that in ukraine, that means, there are nationalist- minded citizens in the minority, and so this minority very skillfully controlled the majority, yes. i now have a question for you : something, please tell me why they immediately blamed russia for everything, because in america, i don’t know, they were the first to pass such a law on enenoagents, now i ’ll explain this to you too, in america they passed this law in the forties, then the subsequent step by step this law was adopted in other countries the european union and so on, already in other countries, it was russia that was blamed, because this is a topic of political speculation, that is, you need to grab onto something. when someone is not happy with something, in this case the western opponent and the destructive opposition,
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it is necessary to create the image of an enemy, that is, so that this law is supposedly connected with the kremlin, supposedly it is an order from putin, and so on, this law has absolutely nothing in common with russia, absolutely nothing in common, no one ordered it from anyone, one might say, and this is purely an initiative leadership of georgia and the impudence of western diplomats who are inciting this situation, they stand for...
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miller, the white house press secretary, arranges a press conference, that is, he is ahead of these events, and he says that - that
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is the georgian leadership applies, that is, there is aggression, one might say, excessive, like all sorts of these, that is, you can’t use pepper, you can’t disperse rallies, they have already started, he is already declaring that this law is russian, that russia is behind these events, you know, this is all in advance planned, well planned in advance. to say such an informational propaganda campaign that is now in the west, well , in fact, it makes no sense to prove anything that russia is not behind these events, because they want russia to be behind these, for putin and the kremlin to be behind this, this is their task. thank you very much, shot abkhaidze, a political scientist from tbilisi, was in direct contact with us, and what happens to those who are attracted by the horizon called european integration, immediately after a short one. the voice is live on
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friday on the first. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is gaining more and more interest every day, this is the circus and theater director, valentin gnevshev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be. people who found in the circus some kind of poetic, fantastic reality is fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor
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moscow bohemia, who lived on poor wine on good poetry. my 49 and a half minutes of jazz is not just a program for me, it is an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, premiere, i love my country , on saturday on the first, and i...
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to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. lately we have been hearing the phrase “global majority” more and more often. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of and the most important thing is who controls these states. we met in the palace
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of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is a war. existence, that's why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say “yes” to everything, right, left, up, down, everything, answering “yes, boss.” and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children don't study politics. one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you use social networks, it is interesting for you. before i became president, i headed the state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, online public opinion does not reflect the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, a possibly fabricated company, a new project of the first channel , the global majority, bashar
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al-assad, on sunday on the first. this is a fashion statement on channel one, i’m with you, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, leggings with bouffant, how do we feel about this, what is it, let’s quickly get to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, you’ve ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one told me that i’m beautiful and... when we try, we start a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i hug you, of course, this can all be fixed, that’s all bullshit, everyday life, husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, mom, dear,
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well, it’s not me anymore, all together, beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have... verdict, new season from april 22, on first. an operation is underway to liberate the hours of yar, our landing forces are fighting on the outskirts of the city, and are also advancing from the flanks. at this time, the two hundredth brigade of the leningrad military district, after the liberation of bogdanovka, is attacking near kalinovka, the city is burning from the work of our artillery, as well as aviation... in the kharkov direction, our reconnaissance discovered the location of the rszzo vampire crews. under the guidance of foreign instructors, they were used by the ukrainian armed forces to fire at populated areas. in the belgorod region , russian aviation, with a precise strike from two tactical missiles, destroyed the rszzo vampire along with its crews, as well as the sbk
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and gsn warehouses. after precise russian strikes in ukraine, the production of body armor had to be stopped. the owners of a once successful commercial enterprise spoke about this on local television channels. for today day, production actually stopped due to russian missile attacks. ukraine will come to an end, without western money from western military assistance, so vladimir zelensky admitted that every day his hope is melting before his eyes. i will say frankly, without this support we will have no chance of victory, we need to be much stronger than our enemy. today. the ratio of our artillery shells is one to ten, can we hold out like that? no, in any case, with statistics like these, they will push us back every day. hope is hope, but at
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zelensky is confident that his crying has enormous potential for solving problems. meanwhile, in america they are again saying that they are not going to allocate money to kiev; in the senate, mr. zelensky was advised to look for other sources of funding. of course i'm not going to vote for more funding for ukraine, with this money we spent on ukraine we could build a wall several times over, we could give every homeless veteran in this country a million dollars, this is a war in europe, let them fight it, of course, we support israel, it’s time for ukraine to look for other sources of funding. now the us senate has decided, in principle , to divide aid for israel and ukraine so that they can vote separately on each bill; they tried all this before. to push through the bundles, the head of the house of representatives, mike johnson, is very determined. we have developed a plan to finally resolve the situation regarding the supply
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of aid to the united states of america, and we know that the whole world is watching us, waiting our reaction. terrorists, tyrants, terrible leaders like putin, xi, the iranians are looking to see if america is willing to support its allies and stand up for its interests around the world, and we will, we will vote on everyone. aid separately, dividing the bill into four different parts: aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to the indo-pacific region, and then taking additional measures for our national security. i expect the vote to take place this week. indo-pacific region, here in taiwan, of course, it is implied, first of all, after such words from johnson, vladimir zelensky suddenly saw the light and said that in the united states no one cares about the death of ordinary ukrainians. he called the decision to divide american aid a disgrace for democracy. this means that this is not about security, this is pure
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politics, and this is a shame for the whole world and for democracy. for those who talk only about democracy, this is just talk. if congress divides this aid into israeli and ukrainian aid, this means that this is an election issue in the united states. this is pure politics. no one cares what happens in ukraine, no one cares how many people die in ukraine. well, initially this was a cunning move by biden back in september last year, and we also talked about this then, that putting this into a package, that is, as it were, well, there are things that washington cannot help but do, for example, it
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cannot help but help israel , especially after october 7, and that is, israel becomes a locomotive that drags everything else behind it, in this sense, by the way, we also said a long time ago that they would break this package, and the splitting of the package gives the republicans in the house the opportunity to combine . then they have an option for the game, they will say, well, the numbers are not placed on the packages, that is, not the first, second, third, fourth, but the first, and then
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the next. they will say, let us first , relatively speaking, vote on the fourth package on the border, and then on ukraine, stupa again, the democrats are blocking this package, first let’s give ukraine again, on saturday they are actually going on another vacation again , it’s understandable, but zelensky what to do, what options to knock him out, i really liked the opinion of the senator from tennessee that even if there were other sources, i just figured out where else he could find the money? yes, europe also promises to raise money for america, in australia, who else is ready to give him money besides the americans, well, the europeans, they already gave the last time, but at the same time, you know, in order to be given, you need to make yourself attractive object for investment, here i wonder what zelensky will do, what do you think, alexander, you know, it seems to me, here the question is in relation to the state, on the one hand, israel, which is the last,
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probably the only one. which will shoot down the next iranian raids, they probably will, rather than supply the same systems to ukraine, which only does what it does, cry, beg, and sometimes begins to behave like such an angry school bully who is trying to say something to his teachers, but he doesn’t do it very well, so zelensky is nervous, he understands this dilemma of the west and understands in which direction.
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his handlers are inclined, he is now in the role of a vassal who cannot seriously bark at his suziren, and at the same time cannot improve the situation in his own country, of course iran has demonstrated powerful military-technical capabilities, and it has demonstrated that it is capable of 300 missiles, and to launch drones in one night, of course, now very powerful resources will be used to... replenishing already spent air defense missiles and aircraft missiles, yes, which were intercepted by drones, all this will bypass ukraine, so zelensky is now on the battlefields it’s already affecting, let’s just say, that ukraine has moved into the background, third place for the united states, from the point of view of weapons, here are our guys, soldiers, what they really see here today, now, well, on the one hand, on the one hand, i just returned, on the one hand on the other hand, we see
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that ukraine has artillery capabilities. have decreased significantly, that is, if we are talking today about the ratio of shells, then for one ukrainian shot there are 10 russian shots, but at the same time ukraine is trying to compensate for the lack of artillery, strike aircraft, fpv drones, of which it has a lot a lot, for each russian infantryman there can be up to three fpvs, and they have more drones than we do, well, who counted them, who counted them, or is there parity here?
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dense strike aviation, after all, we have an advantage in artillery and aviation, because today we have a large line of glide ammunition, we have significantly expanded reconnaissance and reconnaissance strike capabilities, because today we see how our drones remove objective control hitting targets at a distance of up to 50 km from the line of combat contact, before such a thing... was a dream, and what is most important, today we are forming that very notorious strike-strike contour, which we have been talking about since '22, which did not exist, and today we have between detection of a target, good targets, that’s how they show us in kharkov, yes, two vampire installations, between the detection of a target and the transmission of a command to destroy this target, not hours pass, as before, but minutes, minutes, this is very important in the current conditions, and this is happening
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not only there in the near border. in the kharkov region, but in the depths of ukraine, but this puts zelensky in an awkward position, abas, because he understands, and he openly says it, that there will be supplies with it, ukraine will lose this war, he first started talking about it. openly, and in order to attract attention, he needs a big provocation, what he will be ready to do, it’s difficult for me to say what he will be ready for, but absolutely, an animal driven into a corner is more dangerous than an animal located, and what there is options, in free space, there are different options, i suspect that a nuclear provocation is quite possible, why not, how is an attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant either or?
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in principle, there is enough staff - in such a half-dead state, so that it is capable of biting russia like that, causing us inconvenience, not allowing us to finish quickly, and what we want to finish as quickly as possible, because well, no one needs this fuss, so of course, they will be a little - in general - sponsored to plant weapons, so that they don’t completely die there, but israel needs them in full, that means... strong, fully capable of repelling iran. iran, in fact, now worries americans much more, and even american society, because it is a very clear threat, they do everything with pomp, they do everything with a media flourish, i mean
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. in addition, this is relevant today, it is fresh, no matter how funny it may sound, but the media component cannot be excluded, this is happening here now, while many people are already fed up with ukraine. somehow, you know, it’s turned into a kind of routine, and americans really don’t really understand, but we ’ve been spending money there for years and without results, when we can give every american veteran a million dollars, then everything is concentrated in one day, of course, there is more of a show than some real mess, but with the prospect of this conflict spilling over into a nuclear one, so in order to calm down the americans a little, who have questions, now... it means the white house is shifting responsibility lies with europe, but in europe they are forced to pretend that the ukrainian track is still relevant, olaf scholz went to china to negotiate with sidinpin, the german chancellor believes that the leader of china is simply obliged
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to influence russia so that we withdraw our troops from the northern military district zone . the word china has weight in russia, so i asked sidinping to influence russia so that putin would finally stop. his crazy company, withdrew his troops and put an end to this terrible war. well, scholz, you see, has learned to persuade himself himself and decided later, that is, to try this psychological technique on others, but in china it did not work, china showed their attitude towards scholz even during his arrival, the loss of the plane was only met by the deputy mayor of the city of chongqing, and sizenpin stated that in in this conflict, it’s time for many people to stop adding fuel to the fire. for the sake of some personal interests, the chinese leader proposed his points to achieve peace in ukraine. shizen pin emphasized that in the current situation it is necessary to focus on achieving peace and stability and not
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pursuing personal interests. we need to defuse the situation, not add fuel to the fire. it is necessary to create conditions for peaceful negotiations and refrain from further escalating tensions. the negative impact on the global economy should also be reduced. china encourages all efforts leading to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference recognized by both russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all options peaceful settlement. but vladimir zelensky intends to promote precisely his formula for peace, which is not a formula or peace at all, and he does this in switzerland, and naturally, without the participation of russia. we. proponated. we have proposed a formula for peace. currently , there are already concrete first steps. there will be a peace summit in switzerland in mid-june at which we will prepare and develop a plan to end the war. this summit will take place without russia so that it does not block this plan.
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russia doesn't want any negotiations, so the initiative must come from ukraine, a country that wants to end this war with a just peace. if you don't start negotiations now, won't conditions get worse? i am ready to negotiate with you or with people who really want peace, do you understand? yes, because he doesn’t want negotiations. hold and generally somehow mention, now, that means, the upcoming
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world summit, as they designated it, in switzerland and again, they are betting, that is, in the west on the so-called global south, yes, trying to impose their thoughts, our own, therefore, some points on a supposedly peaceful settlement, and especially hope for china, in this light, yes, we are returning to olaf scholz’s visit to beijing, what to expect, beijing, because... publicly, and, yes, he,
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although a liverwurst, is an experienced liverwurst, has been married for several days, and he understands perfectly well that in general at negotiations at this level they don’t speak in such words at all, that is, he comes and says so : mr. chairman of the people's republic of china is there, call putin, you are you kidding me or something, especially in china, well, maybe you can talk to macron this way, but there at their ceremony, we understand that he brought something to shizenpina, that is, he brought it. that is, it is clear that when you arrive, the german economy, the entire, uh, remaining one, with him was virtually the entire german business in this, that he promised to sell, transfer his remaining german economy to china, negotiated the conditions, the business goes there himself china and the united states, they don’t ask for scholz, but he stipulates the conditions, naturally, then the second topic, which is the real topic, yes, this is preservation, then the fourth point is precise, this is the preservation of the logistics... chains of europe and china, they don’t exist, thanks to the houthis, they finished off
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the last route, they simply don’t exist, it becomes expensive, unprofitable, and the only real route today is the northern sea route, but they will strangle themselves before accepting even a chinese one, a chinese container ship that sailed along the whole of russia and landed at them from the north, these are very big problems, it i came there with my business, to compete with macron, to talk about business, that’s all, that’s all makeweights, that’s not it at all... the situation in ukraine now worries scholz a little, and that is, this upcoming peace summit, at which, well , unofficially, but also in the swiss statement it was written that they expected the presence of china, that is , there was no attempt to put pressure on china or was there, what do you think, this is the one to put pressure on , are you kidding me that sidinpin was serious, these four points you just need them translate, that is, when he says that there is no need to add... fuel to the fire, sizinpin
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is completely, he is 100% aware of what is happening on the battlefields of ukraine, and in general in this war, he knows perfectly well how we that the westerners always raised the level of escalation of this conflict, we always answered, well, except for february 24 , 2022, they always raise this level, it is he who tells them: stop supplying them with missiles, ammunition, everything and how then we will defeat them this is not very satisfying. satisfied, china satisfied, here's the last one the most important point for them, but we have already talked about this, about the so-called swiss conference, that is, it is unlikely that there will be first pages there, there will be few, that is, they will be called a conference, because pay attention to one fact, it was planned for what month, to march-april, remember after that it was postponed, but it was postponed after what date, after may 21, in april? for everyone, zelensky was the president, in june he will already be
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officially legally according to all international parameters, and who are you anyway, so that we and you are talking about something about the formula of a private person of unknown origin who lives in kiev, whom he represents, but peace negotiations on ukraine are increasingly being discussed in the west, the americans are now trying to blame ukraine for the failure of the istanbul negotiations, american publication. how can all this threaten kyiv? there seems to be no
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end in sight to the war between russia and ukraine. according to the latest data , the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander syrsky, said that russian troops intend to capture the city. on the flanks, in particular, storming the settlements of bogdanovka and ivanovskaya. the conflict in ukraine has been going on for more than
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two years, and there are signs that this year could be decisive. ukrainian officials say they need more ammunition and support from. kiev is facing a critical shortage of air defense assets. russia is stepping up air attacks and targeting air defense systems. with precision we have never seen before, the russians continue to advance into eastern ukraine. but if they go to kramatorsk. it will be strategic gain, breakthrough of the front. now they have an advantage due to the window of opportunity that has opened, since western aid is not arriving in the required quantities. and now our special correspondent is in touch with us. good evening, mariana, you are in kharkov, the situation there remains extremely difficult. yes, the situation is difficult, and we
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feel anxiety growing. today we visited the fortifications around kharkov. around the entire city , defensive structures are being built and trenches are being dug. work started a month ago and in a week everything will be ready, this is a three-line fortification, the ukrainian military can be stationed there in the event of an attack by russia, we were about 5 km from the russian border, we see that kharkov is preparing for a major assault, tension is really growing here, get going , come on, join our conversation, yuri ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, we agree with the general opinion...
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in fact, the situation there now is very difficult for the enemy, and i repeat, this is their assessment, not mine, but the sixty-seventh brigade escaped, one of the versions says that they obeyed zaluzhny, loved zaluzhny, well , his brigade was there, they don’t perceive syrsky and sabotage his events, these are such attempts to shift the blame to the previous commander, or is there really such a basis for assuming that this was the case , no, this is a search for excuses, in fact, this is the situation not only in the sixty-seventh brigade, the twenty-fifth was the brigade, now the 115th brigade, exactly the same, the main reason is the increased capabilities of our army, as well as a sharp deterioration qualities of the enemy personnel, that is , we simply destroy them, the enemy soldiers are much less morally prepared,
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who are caught on the streets of ukrainian cities, they see this, naturally, at the first opportunity they surrender, despite the fact that the backbone of the brigades is... in sixty-seven, well, it’s as if fears are forcing them to the front line with murders and so on, that is, this is a complex problem, they can look for reasons as much as they want, but there is only one reason: a sharp strengthening of our army, moving forward and the inability of the ukrainian command to come up with any tactical solutions to neutralize the threat. how is the situation now at the front where we are advancing? again, which direction is the hottest right now? well, we have hot destinations. as always, several, the first - yesterday there was a big operational crisis with the enemy in the ocheretinsky sector, there was just panic, they abandoned it for well , a breakthrough was actually made, we covered more than 2 km in 24 hours. ascended to the outskirts of ocheretin, where the enemy was already throwing batches of cooks, drivers, they formed combined
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detachments there to somehow shut him up, well, by the evening they were able to shut him up, especially since our flanks didn’t pull up, so they had an operational crisis there that flared up our 115th brigade in a few days, now the enemy is trying with all his might to scrape up reserves in neighboring areas, and i repeat, they are not even rowing them in battalions, but simply in groups, that is, they are taking the neighboring sections of brigades there. whatever they can, but yesterday they couldn’t localize this breakthrough, i don’t know what aviation and artillery will be working there very tightly this morning, i really hope for the continuation of positive results, here is the next thing, what is important, this is the most important strategic point, slightly less important than the ayar hour, but no less important for the srednedonetsk direction, having lost yet again ... in any case, he will have to roll back further, moreover,
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the flanks of the rear of the enemy’s toretsk grouping are exposed, our army is coming from the north of this same toretsk grouping from the hourly ravine, that is, in fact, huge cannons are planned, this is if everything that is planned will turn out, but it won’t happen tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, maybe not in a month, maybe in two or three, but if it works out, avdeevka will seem like just flowers compared to berries and now... this is a disaster that the enemy is afraid of, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s see what happens, we’ll definitely tell you, thank you very much, podalyako, he was in direct contact with us. alexander, well, i would like to understand, ivanovich says that there is a state of panic among the vsu officers, but nevertheless they are standing, they are resisting, as can be seen on front now, even compared to last year, their fighting spirit is, you know, i talked to the guys who went through the whole thing from start to finish.
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our level of motivation is completely different, with us it is, well, partly, of course, it is also financial, but first of all it is
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ideological motivation, when you voluntarily join the army, when you understand why you are going there, you behave completely at the front in a different way, i was struck, for example, by the story of a medical orderly of the leader of the 74th motorized rifle brigade, who died under berdich, he was engaged in evacuation. wounded, you need to understand what evacuation is like near avdeevka, this is an open space, this is the sky, it’s like mosquitoes over a swamp in the summer, it’s also stuffed with various types of drones, and artillery is working, and cluster munitions are working, in such conditions, day and night, you have to to evacuate the wounded in order to bring them to the first stage of evacuation, so that they would receive help, so that the person would survive, this medic was engaged in such an evacuation, and came under another shelling. two of his two medical colleagues were wounded, plus three wounded an attack aircraft who had to be taken out, and he makes a decision, hides them
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under a tank, a burnt out tank, hears the growing sound of an approaching pividron, understands that if he also hides under the tank, he will fly in there and everyone will die, so he just this space between the tracks it overlaps with itself and takes the blow of the fvidron upon itself, it itself dies, five people survive. here is the motivation, yes, a volunteer, a volunteer , a hero of russia, a volunteer, who joined the army at the beginning of this year, is presented, today is april and he is accomplishing a feat, completely cinematic, a feat that we, that we read about there in soviet military prose, and will continue to read, i am sure of it, i have no doubt, because it is worthy of being immortalized, abas, on the other hand, ukraine is trying find excuses and say: if you gave us everything that you gave to israel, then we would... mr. netanyahu the trickster, who
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is now fighting and competing for the attention of the united states of america, for weapons, for money, is ready to go very far in this competition very far, so i'm combining the answer to yours initial question to your follow-up question, natanyahu showed what he is capable of, they moved the red lines, they attacked iran, they actually declared war on iran before yura, attacking the consulate, and in damascus, now it’s the turn for... what will he do in the hope of winning over attention to myself, but i would like to allow myself to disagree with alexander, yes, returning to scholz’s visit to china, i don’t think that scholz is in that status, and germany has that degree of sovereignty, so that the chancellor could, on his own behalf to travel around china on his own, and ukraine , they say, is not unimportant to him, it is not interesting, he
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is deciding his own affairs there, this is not so, degradation is connected with ukraine, with the ukrainian war. he is a messenger, he is a messenger of the globalists, he is an envoy, he is a beggar who came to china, to reconnoiter the situation, to understand whether china can become a guarantor, and whether china can help somehow resolve the situation, this is all in the context of constantly emerging conversations, then here and there, about negotiation processes and so on, and this is directly related to fear, animals absolutely. look at these shots, look into the eyes of zelensky, yes, the ukrainian leader, he is afraid of this visit, because this visit could mean in theory that scholz was sent there to negotiate, to conduct some kind of negotiations, well, it is clear that there really are personal interests there , well, at least, because the war will end, it will end, perhaps the degradation means industry,
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the economy of germany and not only germany, in general it’s amazing how the germans suddenly... suddenly everyone became scholz, yes, but here’s the thing, this means, scholtz, it’s really not the fault of the fall of germany, that the conflict in ukraine is the fault of scholtz’s corrupt soul. a short advert and we'll be back. what pain pills do you need if you have stomach problems? this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the program. life is great, tomorrow is the first day, the appearance of such a child in my life was a complete surprise, the tandem we have is such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe even better, we came up with the idea to do it here
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rack, dad and son leave at 11 or together from the room, pop complex, even just hanging, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this is a cinema hall, and we got to our home, about comfort , premiere on saturday on the first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first: and i ’m walking, walking around moscow, passengers are still pointing at that same escalator at the universitet metro station, someone even starts singing the song nikita’s hero mikhalkov from the film "i'm walking around moscow". i don't like it when they call me a comedian because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgiy daneli was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said
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to sokolova: “lyuba, i’m leaving.” i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it is like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what gundareva played is what we get prize, i'm happy that he's watching, and he's watching very much interested, always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which did the director blame himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death? weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive , family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is included in it, from which countries it consists of, and most importantly, who controls these states, we met in the palace
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president of syria, a man who challenged the collective. right, left , up, down, everything, answering, yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, another engineer, you use social networks, is this interesting for you, before i became president, i headed a government organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people, new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar al-assad on
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sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and... there will be a sleepy shore, they are running, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming , we are young spring messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i saw the light, come here, and you will catch it, i was in
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the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re all you’re lying, why are you all lumped together so much, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, but we don’t decide, and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, this... the nichaev spouses have received a statement from you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live together in the next world with my wife, michaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell lenka right now, that i’m leaving her, after all, she’s not the first to cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife. doesn’t want to part with her, hello, len, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they really love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, the premiere
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of a multi-part film, soon on the first one. a... the vks carries out targeted strikes on energy and military targets in ukraine in kiev and the region. all this morning the air raid alarm was blaring, announcing the defeat of the enemy command post in chernigov. missile strike also was applied to the city of nizhyn in the chernihiv region. it is known that there is an airfield there. explosions are said to have been heard in odessa. in addition, it is reported that the attack was carried out on the infrastructure of the seaport. and war correspondent pavel kukushkin is in direct contact with us. let's find out in detail. hello, over to you, what’s the situation like, what’s going on? yes, hello, ruslan and olesya, absolutely correct, i am now, let’s say, on the outskirts of the yaru clock,
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i will not name a specific place, but i am with the volunteer fighters corps that are moving forward, now with battles, very intense battles are going on here quite actively, one might say 24 on 7. and the enemy is resisting quite seriously, using primarily means, shock and quite a large number, but nevertheless our guys are using means of rap for the fight, our aviation is also working very seriously, just now i was preparing for the broadcast, our two front-line aviation dryers flew by again, which worked off the pokronazis now in yari safely came back. and also our cannon artillery works quite closely against the enemy, tirelessly, they practice it, i also watched from the command post live now as the artillery takes a long time in positions,
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and the attack aircraft are advancing, well, i won’t say specifics yet, of course, because all this is happening before my eyes in real time, but nevertheless - despite the fact that the enemy is desperately resisting, the fighters of the volunteer corps. two-armed brigade, also paratroopers of the ninety-eighth the heroic guards division ivanovskaya, are also moving in the direction of the canal microdistrict, they are hooked on the outskirts and
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are working, the intensity of artillery fire and assault actions, well, everything speaks about this, yes, well, conclusions can be drawn by the viewers themselves, thank you very much, war correspondent of the volunteer corps ministry of defense pavel kukushkin was in direct contact with us. vladimir zelensky signed the scandalous law on tightening mobilization, it is simply unknown in what status he signed it, because he is the overdue president of ukraine, but nevertheless, now men must carry it with them at all times. in addition, in the verkhovna rada
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, deputies began to say that you can’t just punish men, you need to give them some kind of motivation so that they go to the front, well, it’s really clear, because a well-motivated fool is much more effective an intelligent person, in general , mobilization in ukraine, without the adoption of this law, reminded me of sheer chaos. another video has appeared showing how in odessa they deal with those who don’t want to serve, and now all ukrainians liable for military service are running towards moldova: dozens of abandoned cars were photographed by drivers driving along the road near the border with moldova, well , joint horse racing in ukraine is no longer a trend, it turns out that now everyone has begun to run long distances together, many they even stopped hiding that they don’t want to serve, they die for ukraine and do.
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between israel and ukraine, why is this so, they have some guarantees, albeit legally insignificant, but nevertheless they are described, somehow formalized legally, but we have nothing there is still no such thing, as you can see, there is no talk at all, they are already asking for at least some, well, at least something to be on paper. alexander, is there a chance for ukraine to become a second israel for the united states, to be treated like this, i think there is no chance, first of all, the united states doesn’t have much interest in this, in general, against the backdrop of recent talk about some... negotiations, yes even without the participation of russia, it seems to me that the moment will come when negotiations will take place without the participation of ukraine, as it was, in fact, in 14 and 15, when ukraine was simply present as an extra. well , i’ll be honest, in general, in general, the idea of ​​negotiations in the current situation is not very attractive to me, i remember, when they had just taken the milestone, such a dirty little man crawls out of the basement, for many months without electricity, they cooked food on the fire in
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the yard at the entrance , so that it was not far to run to the shelter in the basement, and he recognized me and came up and said: you know, you go there often in moscow, maybe you... ukraine was perceived in the west as the united states as a springboard against russia, starting from february 24 , 2022, and even more so since the fall of last year after the failure of the ukrainian offensive in the states, this
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territory is perceived as a support zone, as a forefield, after passing through which we will, as it were, weaken, it is no longer a springboard in unlike israel, which preserves values. i have it with me, it’s a pity to throw it away, i guess. well, you still have to keep the sharpener, but you know, if you break your arm, the sharpening will fall out, so how peaceful you all are
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today, but what to do, these are the times, we won’t wring our hands, in fact, now there really is a turning point, many people are talking about peace negotiations, this is a fact, and as for guarantees, that means, given that zelensky refused to hold presidential elections in ukraine, it has become, excuse me, an expired product, but no guarantees, even western ones, apply to expired goods. news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the supreme court of russia has a new chairman, irina podnosova was appointed to this post, her candidacy was the only one, and today her...


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