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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 17, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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can we talk about this, about whether this will cause some kind of protest, although it is such an internal, so to speak, protest of some kind , but won’t it be internal, let’s talk about it, let’s talk about why systematically, purposefully exterminate one’s own nation , we will show you there, so to speak, demographic calculations about how this call, so to speak, will turn out, well, it’s just some kind of horror, but there is one more aspect, remember even before, one might even say, long before we showed and discussed with our experts in our studio at the first channel all these lags. the children's camps of the ozovites showed you some stupid kids, well, like kids who there had some stupid chants, they retold them, and we threw up our hands and lamented, i think, lord, who will grow up from these children, why disfigure the psyche like that ? , so to speak, which of them will turn out, well, time has passed, now in 2024 it is already possible to state which of them grew up and what came of them, the result was exactly what they sculpted with all the understandable...
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consequences for themselves , about this too let's talk right after the commercial. what pain pills do you need if you have stomach problems? this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow, on the first day. and i'm walking, walking. until now, at the mitrouniversitet station, passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts singing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s character from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was the magician of the film set set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry, i think, what is it like to live unloved, that’s how... how to live unloved, is it true
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that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, he always speaks slander, for example, she said that he married the first oncoming, for which the director he blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him,
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we were starting a new life, how could i walk down the street with this? listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his olympus back, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit, everyday life, husband, children, when to be a girl, we go on a date in this way, dear mother, well it’s not me anymore, all together, beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have a fashionable verdict on... new season from 22
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april on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a room for a visit. i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i yuri nikolaevich nichaev began together with my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna.
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life after life is the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one. so, i apologize, friends, now on channel one, let’s do what i said, as we announced, friends, we will have the opportunity, i hope, to talk. so, from the fourteenth year, exactly from what year.
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well, is it possible to talk about this seriously? you can, as it turned out, it turns out that all these formal percentages mean nothing, how much the nationalists received there, it turns out that these camps matter, so to speak, they mattered influence, it turns out, it turns out, from these camps come the very people who are now, well, i don’t know, ideological, forming its ideological backbone of modern ukraine, imagine how dear experts from kiev, where are you there now, whom i don’t know, faces about they don't hit the table because? he has the opportunity, that is, as it seemed to him, he has his own opinion, yes, they, of course, obediently nod, well, to yourself, answer this question for yourself about our discussions, i wonder how, yes, well, look, a little bit small a compilation of these life stories, from these
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camps, please, let moscow lie in ruins, and for us, nachkhaty, death, death to muscovites, i read in a certain group of applicants that for the correct skin test on nmt, 600 russians will die, and i thought, god, so, i’ll add up the bmt for all 200, which will be 36,000, what a great figure, let me tell you again, we have a headshot photo zone, there’s a photo zone, that’s it, young man, you don’t feed me the same way . overcame everyone, dawn? zorya, you kill all muscovites, too much to other ukrainians, yes, and then they piss off these little ones, i understand, now again all our intelligentsia, the liberal ones, will start closing their eyes, rolling their eyes, you know,
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oh, what are you talking about, well, these are children, how can you, i repeat, devils grow into demons, here’s an illustration like this, which means that the kids have grown up, which means they’re devils. what a garna figure, yes, this girl says there, okay, beat the muscovites, pile up the corpses, the kids are singing, i listen, really, i can’t, it’s just tearing me apart from the inside, i remember how ours, it means that this is the intelligentsia itself, when a photograph appeared somewhere there, what does it mean that the parents dressed their baby in a military uniform in our soviet one, well, after the victory day, apparently, as they opened their these mean euro liberal these same ones, it means they started and a terrible roar came from there. militarization, how can you, what kind of country is this, yes it is monstrous, so i want them to look now at what we showed and speak out somehow about this, although no, i don’t even want , at all, i don’t even want to, i just want to erase them from our lives and preferably
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throw these hypocritical stupid freaks out of the country with a kick in the ass, i apologize for this, it’s a small emotion, okay, the generation has grown up, so sasha says, for insulting freaks, for insulting freaks. childbirth and insults , the generation has grown up, friends, so it turned out that what they said is not simple, well, listen, they repeat what they say, well, poor kids, they don’t really, no, understand, now at least at least understood, memorized, somewhere it became. part of them their personalities, on social networks, i don’t know whether this is true or not, we don’t have any documentary evidence in this regard, but on the body there in the telegram you are actively dispersing that he died in the hour yar - in the hour yar the hero of a famous hero died back in the day, a video about just this kind of children’s, here he is a little kid, now he’s already an adult, and so of the azovitz children’s nazi camp, so to speak, a graduate, a student, the children there yawned, also muscovite knives, stacks corpses,
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so look, ideology, which is planted on in ukraine, it is not that i will keep my house, i will be proud of it, no, it is that go kill, go kill a muscovite. they gloat when there is some kind of grief in russia, they rejoice at it, this is satan’s ball, in principle, that is , you are not worried about your country, but you want them to have a bad time, so that they have a monstrous generation, which will be brought up on blood, on pain with hatred, these are such european pale-faced people, i mean the color of their skin, now jihadists, real, hardened, go take revenge, this will be the same, and this, of course, is a tool created for in general then, volodya, wait, so yes... but this is monstrous also because then the only, the only antidote is complete, excuse me,
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physical elimination, and what, well, i, excuse me, i’m just trying to reason, what else, if these are jihadists, if this is jihad, if this is a holy war for them, then how can we interestingly stop them, convince them, when it is recognized that this is a terrorist state, then we can talk about destruction of terrorist state until it is recognized as a terrorist state.
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suddenly everyone suddenly became anti-fascists in germany in 1945, yeah, and the nazis themselves, of course, they were all in the bench, well
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, not all of them, of course, some in the states, some in argentina, some in the dock in nuremberg, and so on. question, sasha, uh, and you understand this well, for sure, these are those who have already been brought up, after all, something needs to be done with them too, we them, well, it’s impossible to convince them, this guy, look who with this, with this, so to say, i read these poems with drive and inner fervor, it’s clearly already become. part of his personality, what to do with it? you definitely won’t do anything with a dead person, an idea cannot be destroyed by destroying its carrier, physical destruction. what will lead to the emergence of new carriers of this idea, maybe you heard in forty-three in moscow there was a conspiracy of the golden youth, well , something like a conspiracy of the golden youth, when the children of the leaders of soviet institutions at the ministry level staged a fascist conspiracy, well, they were forgiven then, he said quite bloodily, no matter how it was not necessary, this conspiracy was headed by the son of the minister
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of arms shakurin, he was about 15 years old, these are these... well, in general, they had it all, that is, this is in moscow since 1943 in moscow, that is, the idea seems to have had nothing to do with real fascists, it seems like yes, but at the same time the idea has sprouted, the idea needs to be defeated by another idea, in this regard, even these nazis - this is a very valuable resource that needs to be used, why let's say
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the same catholic church grew very well in its time, then the protestants moved forward capturing large, large ones. here he is, look, pay attention to this position, and pay attention to this position, recently one person told me about russian nationalism and gave a lecture by one russian nationalist, nationalist, russian, i say, any nationalism is harmful, and he says , what do you think about this, i say, the book reminds me of what book, let ’s not talk about literature, i’ll give you the title i’ll tell you the books, you’ll understand, maincamp, it’s the same thing, which means they’re talking about what
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it is, that is, to enter into long, long discussions.
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and they also have an idea, terrorism is a crime, that hiding the right thing to discuss with terrorists, terror is a method, a method, the idea behind it is there in one case , there is no knowledge of the scientific independence of ireland in another, something else, and terror is the mother yours, it already happened, i already apologize for being emotional right now, but it already happened, they already grabbed it all, because it happened,
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that in ukraine, these benderites are sitting in the city of lvov, there they are performing muscovite nagilyak. and we’re like, you know, we’re discussing with them on television, they have a president, democratic elections, what are you talking about, what kind of ideological war, these people want to destroy an entire race, they once destroyed jews industrially, now they’re nazis, nazis, who say that russians need to be destroyed, russia should not exist, so enter into an ideological struggle with them, what are you talking about, then two things need to be legally secured, thing number one is spreading the protection there of the russian people throughout the planet so that it spreads. the second is so that there is no statute of limitations, so someone calls for a muscovite to kill a person, this is a call to kill a person, i don’t want to enter into an ideological struggle with him, i want to be protected by the law, what are you talking about, of course, you need to explain what this is bad, here... these conversations there about mancampf did not just ban mancampf, because people were initiated by maycampf, because the nazis were initiated by maycampf, because they went according to mainca, then oh, let's talk, minecraft is a super technology, that means
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let the technologists read and let them deal with it in their own narrow circle, there is no need to spread all this to the general masses, that means there should be a ban on nazism, there should be responsibility, and, moreover, a criminal one, which is spreading throughout the planet, they called for killing a russian person according to the law, what to do with this person if this is a party, what to do with this party if it...
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is supported, so to speak, by the un, well, sort of, because well, the un, a number of countries european, well, let's say, go. one of the experts is looking at us, this is all nonsense, of course, but at the same time, our life. now, as for the specific, so to speak, technical, well, yes, technical, so to speak, we started talking about what, about
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this law about mobilization, it is also mobilization in the popular, so to speak, interpretation, but about the technical aspect, here look, demography, the new york times notes on this matter that there is catastrophically little left in ukraine, this is their term. few young people under the age of 30 years, and after the tightening of mobilization they will be sent to the front, which means there won’t be any of them left at all, it will be, well, if we speak tactfully, then it will be a demographic hole, but if it is tactless, then it will just be, i don’t know how to say , hole, in 10 years there will be no one to give birth, the end, just, well, i don’t know, just even a billion, well, i don’t know, well, well, well, in general, that ’s it, it’s a monstrous, kind of scary schedule, right?
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for mobilization was reduced from 27 to 25 years, the clause from demobilization of active military personnel after 36 months of service was excluded. men of conscription age from 18 to 60 years, regardless of suitability for service and rights to deferment, must have military registration documents with them and present them at the request of military registration and enlistment office employees, police, and border guards. the summons will be considered served even if the conscript has not seen it in person. the date of service of the summons will be considered. the day when the document was stamped with the impossibility of personal delivery, your short comment, sasha, first of all, yes, you probably still communicate
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with ukraine, with ukrainians. which, what opinions, what moods, let me just follow the law, it won’t get worse, it won’t get worse, it won’t get worse, because everything bad they could do, they did illegally, well, you’ve probably seen a lot of videos about how people are simply they grab you by the legs, by the arms, throw you on the bus, after 2 days you already receive a death notice, well, it wasn’t in the law then, it’s not even included in this law, but this practice continues, yesterday zelensky signed this law , but it continued until... the signing of the law, i’m sure it will continue even after the signing of the law , why, this is some kind of bargaining for money, well , a certain kind of bargaining for money, that is, a certain kind of action, substitution, there is such an expression a little, from the imitation of vigorous activity due to rapid rotation, that is, they create a certain some kind of semblance that something will change now, zelensky needs money, he needs resources, he needs to preserve the resources that he has already stolen and removed from ukraine,
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to increase pressure on the population, he...
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tells me: this is an old video ? yes it old video, this video is from march 1 , 2022, when a person’s car is simply wrung out, all of us in the car will go to the front. now they just wrote this law, but what has changed? but nothing has changed, well, why was it necessary to sign it, so that the vote could be presented to the americans that we are now strengthening, that is, there is someone to fight, don’t you worry, on paper they strengthened it, but in fact, that is, there is same law, but there is law enforcement practice, that is, the application of this here. legal norms in real life and strengthen them there is nothing left, because terror has reached its maximum, well, this is, by the way, what is happening even with the law of mobilization, this is one of the signs of the fascist regime, because fascism, well, here we begin the definition, the classical definition of what fascism is, this is an open terrorist dictatorship, well, we won’t continue there, it’s just an open terrorist dictatorship - what is it, this is a dictatorship not covered by laws, here, in fact , it’s not covered by laws, it’s as it was, so this is the drapery of the new
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law. it still does all the terror that is present in ukraine, well, in terms of mobilization, it doesn’t cover up, it’s not clear, i would pay attention to something else, in the west they talked for a long time about the fact that we will give you weapons, and who will you fight with, absolutely, and it is known how many armored vehicles were agreed upon at the romshtein base, the number, tanks, howitzers, that is, according to statistics, if you look at what ukraine... was given and the number of people who drove it, well, behind each wheel someone has to sit, it's over, everything is clear when zelensky gives an interview, when he is present somewhere, everything that is behind the scenes, everything that is behind the scenes, everything that is behind the scenes is very simple, give me the weapon, they ask him, look, it’s still interesting, now, wait , there is an interesting story here, it is clear that there are comments about this law of mobilization, i want
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to show you characteristically: if odessa is not liberated, that is, if we don’t liberate it, don’t take it, then there will be trouble, this is interesting to talk about, actually from ukraine, yes, with a resident of nikolaev, in this case, we are talking with andrei tereshchenko, andrei, hello, oh, you are finally on the street, how are you doing, yes, hello, yes, things are rather bad, finances are very, in general the situation in general is not very good, as if ours are happening, but
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what exactly, what do you have? well, it’s like we have a certain crisis right now, and if let’s say they made money with some enterprises, then now, unfortunately, they don’t have the opportunity to pay for the same services there and don’t have the desire, because this... and that is, in this sense, not very business, that is, if on your part not very much, but if you look at us, excuse me, from our side of the border, then these are , on the contrary, quite normal, natural things that can make people subscribe to this tweet, which we just did not tweet, there is a post that we just quoted the last phrase, i’ll repeat it again if it’s too late. odessa will not be liberated, there will be trouble, do you think how many people share this approach? well, yes, well, the main thing is that they survive, because the people seem to want to somehow live normally, yes and seems to want to have some kind of finance,
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at least, but now many have a problem with getting a job, mobilization activities among men, there are also fears among the female population, because the mass form is also female, but these fears are still minimal. there it directly affected men, they have now signed a new law, therefore literally yesterday they told me that now they would probably be afraid to open the doors at all and so on. is it true that people are hiding, tell me please, andrey, or have they not really accepted this law yet, people, people are hiding and have signed it before too long, that is , they are trying to be there on the central streets and trying to sort of stay at home more, but there is such a thing and not to register for. .. for official work, yes, it is in this regard that the problem also concerns entrepreneurs, because for us, as i recently said, there are certain nuances in this law, we have a head in this regard, that since we are primary tax payers , then after all there are fewer of us like that concerns, but nevertheless everything very much
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depends on which employee of the tsk, including i will end up, yes, when they find out there that it is a legal entity and so on, well, somehow it simplifies the situation a little, yes, but then it simplifies , while we still have to pay some taxes, now it’s as if we have nothing to not pay, even in a hurry, because small businesses are now in a very difficult situation, at least in the south. andrey, you know, i have a question, people just don’t want to fight, but at the same time they want ukraine to win, or in fact, they already have they want the russians to come already, we will live normally. an excellent question, yes, there is a great difficulty with this, because in fact there is a very large proportion of people who do not want just this, because they believe that it will not be better, it will be... then to some extent worse, but this is frankly speaking, partly it’s a problem, because uh , how can i say it, that is, now we see we understand that the state doesn’t seem to care about the population in any way, but we also have no guarantee that when this situation changes, there will be
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some kind of support, because well, now let’s say, even people who support yes, that is, their support, wait, wait, andrey, there’s a little wind blowing, we hear you, the last phrase, it’s important. i mean, there are no guarantees, because they see, the residents see, what is happening there in mariupol, in i don’t know, in zaporozhye, that everything is fine and good, no, unfortunately, they don’t know this, they don’t see, they have a different picture, and as for us residents of nikolaev, in particular, that’s when naturally we have all the problems is happening, yes, but then people just seem to have something else in their heads, that even if other people come here, yes, on the one hand, this will solve these problems that are happening now.
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so i’ll tell you that information, information, so to speak, hermetic sealing gives birth to monsters, that’s what andrey is talking about, so you
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ask him, well, how about it, there are examples, look, mariupol is everywhere, there are no such examples, you live in domed, sealed drops and that’s it, so that’s all, well, that’s why you’re you draw like this... monsters, when the russians come, what are you, i’ll quote, i’ll quote the german foreign minister, annalena berbak, she said that when the russians come, it’s not me who says it again, it says:
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firstly, then that i am not an expert, and secondly, even if i were an expert, there are probably so many unknown to us, i don’t know, circumstances and factors that are coming, that i’m just repeating, it seems to me, any of our reasoning is, well, mine, at least this topic, it will be, it will still be, well, kind of subjective, stupid, stupid and irrelevant, why do we need us to come, to be greeted with flags, it doesn’t matter if we... come, they will adjust, they will adjust, it will be, it
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will be a much more difficult situation than it was when we first entered in the twenty -second year, when people believed, well , even with those people who believed, they didn’t believe it right away, take the same berdyansk, where russian troops entered instantly, took control of the city, this is in the zaporozhye region, melitopol entered instantly, they took control of the city, but these came out with yellow-sided flags, they rushed right at the russian soldiers and said, like, get out of there, we are here for the ukrainians, and many of these... who rushed at the russian soldiers back then in march of '22, they are now, well, probably more zealous it is difficult to find supporters in russia, this goes back to the beginning of our conversation, by the way, from time to time, from time to time there are various publications in ukrainian public pages, for example, a woman complains about her sister, who lives in melitopol, she she says that she was a yellow-black heart, and now she is for putin, well, this was even before the elections, she said there that she goes around campaigning to vote for putin, why, and she has a simple argument...
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she threw for the mark 9 m, aerial footage, one
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of the highways, a huge part of the road is hidden under water, even the roofs of many country houses are not visible, power lines are barely visible, hundreds of houses near private plots are flooded, 25 settlements are without power, additional teams are on duty ambulance, the authorities are calling on all residents who are in the danger zone to evacuate, ice drift in the tomsk region, frightening footage, the elements are taking over everything in its path, previously the authorities... reported that in the worst-case scenario, if there is an ice jam , 10 more will end up in the flood zone settlements. in the tyumen region in the ishim district, evacuation in several villages. temporary protective dams are being built in the orenburg region, despite the fact that the situation is stabilizing, 6,000 houses were flooded in the regional center alone. not easy the situation remains in the area of ​​the village of ilek. the water has risen above the critical level. the new chairman of the supreme court of russia
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, the federation council, unanimously approved irina podnosova for this post. she was the deputy of vyacheslav lebedev, who passed away 2 months ago. irina podnosova, professional. top-class went through all stages of her judicial career, speaking before senators, she told what tasks she considers the most important, reporting by pavel polkin. according to the russian constitution, the new head of the supreme court is appointed by the federation council on the proposal of the president and the recommendation of the highest qualification board of judges. all these points have been completed by this day, and the federation council voted today on the candidacy of irina podnosova for the post of head of the supreme court. since 2020, she has been one of the deputy chairmen.
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openness and accessibility of justice are at a high level, we still believe that there is also a lot of work to be done in this direction, which is related to informatization and digitalization of legal proceedings. in addition, she named one of the main tasks construction of the judicial system in new regions of russia. the senators asked how she felt about the move of the supreme court from moscow to st. petersburg. the proposal to move the supreme court in st. petersburg has been around for more than 30 years. we believe that after the move.
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according to the law, irina podnosova will hold the position of head of the supreme court for the next 6 years, with the right of further appointment. pavel pcholkin, ekaterina iravenko, nikolai sysoev, egor shelipov and alexander gornostaev channel one. new data from the front line: russian mortars destroyed the group drone operators of the armed forces of ukraine and
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militant equipment in the kupinsky direction. in donetsk. our heavy flamethrower systems are in action. the crews quietly take up positions, making adjustments from the gunners. and a sea of ​​fire falls on the platoon strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. in the zaporozhye region, russian artillerymen hit an enemy stronghold. shot. restore leads. and the tankers in the southern donetsk sector support our attack aircraft with direct fire at the locations of the ukrainian armed forces. first sighting, next round right on target. and combat maneuvers. our pilots approach the target at an extremely low altitude, fire, and the return course is looped so as not to get hit, court-25, the famous rooks, huseyn huseynov saw them in action. the plane moves, we wave our hands and clap, as if my comrade in arms is coming back. the engineers of the air base never change this tradition; every
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time they see off and meet their pilot, their plane. before each combat flight, check all aircraft systems, refueling, charging ammunition. rooks can have several sorties per day. the assault aircraft of the southern group of forces operate along most of the front line. donetsk direction, artyomovsk. matchmaker-flint. the multi-ton vehicle easily lifts off the ground and heads towards the line of combat contact. next comes another dryer. rooks fly in pairs and go to the shooting point at very low altitudes of 20-25 m in order to get close to the enemy undetected. and only when they approach the target within firing distance do they sharply gain altitude. in aviation this maneuver is called cobrating, when the side lifts the nose above the horizon. it is from this position that the rooks open fire on
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the target. with a sharp maneuver, the plane takes a reverse course, turns, throws away heat traps, in case the enemy’s air defense tries to take aim at it, and after 30 minutes, the pair lands at the home airfield. to confirm these words, footage of objective monitoring of the operation of the su-25. all the shells fired by the attack aircraft hit the target in a heap. well-camouflaged enemy the dugouts are on fire. the su-25 uses unguided aircraft missiles, but if necessary, air-to-air guided missiles can be attached to these suspensions . besides. can also carry adjustable aerial bombs; immediately after landing, the pilots must discuss
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the past flight, and the engineers check the machine again when a new task arrives , unknown, and the plane must always be ready. farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and irina chyuchuy, first channel lugansk people's republic. urgent news comes from the fsb, the second person involved in the case of blowing up the car of an ex-sbu officer, vasily, was detained. the operation was led by the head of the security service of the special services, who carried out the explosion, malyuk. the assassination attempt took place last friday, prozurov was wounded, but his life was not in danger, he consistently criticized the kiev regime, collaborated with our intelligence since 1914, and moved to russia in 1919, where he continued to expose the crimes of his former colleagues. other. the government will allocate 130 billion rubles to support our it developments, deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko spoke about this at the international
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conference data fusion, it opened today, there are 2 days of work ahead. the head of government, mikhail nishustin, recorded an address to the participants and noted: strengthening technological sovereignty is a key task. our president noted that in business and in the government system it is necessary to actively develop digital platforms and master models. management based on big data, the government creates the conditions for modern solutions to be created and applied in our country, we are increasing the training of specialists for the it sector, well, in general , we provide extensive assistance to organizations in this industry, we now have about 20 thousand accredited companies, more than 850 thousand people work in the industry, the head of state has set the task of achieving independence from... software. an anomalous april in most of russia, the south, the bolzhye region, the urals, siberia, the far east,
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vast masses of warm air, as a result, in the coming days the temperature will be on average 10° above normal. in krasnodar, for example, 32°. even for these latitudes, the weather is still not april. well, a record for the day has already been recorded on sakhalin, +25 there. but in the capital region everything is according to the calendar. it's damp and cool all day, no more than 10°. tomorrow it will be about the same. well, the question that worries many is what will happen during the may holidays? there is already a preliminary forecast; no cold cyclones are expected at the beginning of the month. the temperature is above normal, but only by a couple of degrees. i repeat, this is a preliminary forecast, which will still be updated. and a big premiere for victory day, a fantastic plot against the backdrop of historical events, the film dugout, time travel and difficult choices when life is in the balance, deep meaning in...
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1941, the germans are gradually occupying the donbass , ours are trying with their last strength to maintain the commanding heights, the saur grave mound. in the thick of the battles, two friends find themselves, a russian emergency doctor sergei and a black digger from germany paul, who is looking at the battlefields for everything that may be of commercial interest, from weapons and ammunition to military awards and dog tags. during one of the hikes in the forest, the inexplicable begins. an abandoned dugout turns out to be a portal through which the heroes find themselves in the times of the great patriotic war, i heard that the sound was somehow strange, that’s where seryozha comes from, this is a dugout, for the authors of the picture a fantastic plot is only an excuse to talk about the difficult choice that a person faces when he finds himself between life and death. everything that happened cannot happen, i understand, but it’s nothing compared to death,
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you know, now at least we’re alive, life is all we have now, you know? this is a movie about honor, this is a movie about friendship, this is a movie about people, and this movie is about the fact that it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, it doesn’t matter what religion you are, the main thing is that the main thing is what’s inside you, and most importantly, what are your human principles. the director of the film, mark gorobets, originally from kiev, his grandfather, a major general in the soviet army, holder of three orders of lenin and two orders of the red star, reached berlin, this film, says the director, is a tribute to the memory of veterans of the great patriotic war. most of. signature filming took place in the pskov region, by the way, in the very places where during the great patriotic war there were fierce battles during the patriotic war, and one of the battles involving dozens of armored vehicles was also recreated there. and to film one of the episodes, the creative team went to the donetsk people’s republic, actually to the front-line area to the saur grave. finding themselves on the brink of death, each of the friends is looking for a way to survive and it seems that their roads
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always diverge. i won’t persuade you, i don’t have time, i want to live. at the end of the film. history says that no matter what happens in this world, no matter what conflicts, anyway, sooner or later, times pass,
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people will have to communicate, they will communicate, battle scenes, spectacular... the special effects of a war movie require an impressive video, but according to the artistic director of the film, vladimir medinsky, this is not the main thing. i kept agitating the scriptwriters and directors, let's have less of this shooting, shootings, tanks, we had a lot of this, i wanted that as a result of this whole story with time travel, we understood that history is not what what happened yesterday, history is what happens today. the film dugout will be released in wide release in a week... its broadcast, time will tell the program,
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we work live, at night and in the morning . the information channel on the first continues , the russian army launched attacks on... the ukrainian military rear. explosions occurred in the odessa, dnepropetrovsk and chernigov regions in chernigov. our missiles hit the location of ukrainian fighters of foreign mercenaries. in the odessa region , the target of our attack was the port infrastructure. according to eyewitnesses, after during the flight there was multiple detonation and a strong fire started. also, several powerful explosions occurred in krivoy rog. there are many enterprises there that are used to repair and store enemy military equipment. kiev, as well as in the kiev region. the ukrainian front could collapse within a few months, as the publication reports, ukraine may soon lose the territories it still controls. the front line of the ukrainian armed forces may collapse this summer as a result of the supposed offensive of the armed forces
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russian federation, which outnumber the ukrainian side. situation. lack of supplies, which undermines the morale of the ukrainian military. ukrainian armed forces officers privately acknowledge the inevitability of new territorial losses this summer. the only question is how significant they will be. russia is closer than ever to its goals in the northeast military district, while ukraine, in its current form, will remain a thing of the past unless a turning point occurs on the battlefield. they say that zelensky has lost his nerve, and now he is demanding the convening of a meeting ukraine nato’s agenda, of course, is the supply of air defense, ammunition, and, of course, as much money as possible. in these two days we have already, well, in these two days we have heard everything about various conflicts. here, in europe in the middle east, there are different levels of threats, different airspace, although the same bombs and ballistics, and different threats of escalation, but are human lives different, are people really different in their virtues? no,
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equally, we value every life, we must value it, we must protect it at the same level from terror. ukraine will make a request to convene meetings of the ukraine-nato council on the defense of the sky, air defense supplies, relevant systems and missiles. andrey, well, here i am. somewhere in the west, how far? ukraine, although, as we have already said, most of this money will remain directly in america and will be used for the production of weapons, but nevertheless zelensky is twitching, twitching, he is nervous and he wants to get re-certified his nerves
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are over, because everyone now wants to to make money from this, the czech republic suddenly said, yes, we are now buying up our own all over the world shells, yes, all the countries said so, no questions asked, triple the price, because now it is liquid, well, the most important thing is that the middle east
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dictates a completely different situation, a large-scale conflict, including a nuclear one, can flare up there, forces are concentrated there , air defense systems are concentrated there , there are american bases, there are allies, there is financial interest - of transnational corporations, and ukraine is a resource, they will take everything out of there anyway, so zelensky will now throw his population into the furnace, he has there was a choice, to admit the realities, to go to some kind of negotiations, but to lose a political future or something else, but he doesn’t have one, he will be a man in exile, or to bury his country and hold out a little longer, of course, he chose the second, but i’m sure that the nation will give him an assessment in the near future, and well, everything will fall down there in a very big way.
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tired of ukraine, today i am at capra, i have to, i will do it, i will sweep away the meeting of foreign ministers is taking place, it has begun, it will be until friday, and you look carefully at how
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the ukrainian issue has really gone away, not that it has completely gone away, but how it has moved somewhere to the sidelines, because indeed other crises and conflicts are much hotter now, the middle east... the conflict is multicomponent, in october last year it seemed that it all comes down to gas, now after this duel that we are seeing, which i am sure is not over between... iran and israel, this factor is still breaking in, and what remains for ukraine, where is all this rhetoric that was still sounded recently, it would seem that just like italy declared that we will return ukraine, we will not let you relax, we will not let you refuse, all these vices are loosening, falling apart, and you know, as for zelensky, you and i are after the beginning of a special military operation, a lot of people have already heard his statements, absolutely.
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i’m sure nato is not there either, the european union is not, that is , it seems that everyone is answering, and no one is answering, this situation of chaos without understanding, it will certainly increase, zelensky’s statement is the best confirmation of this. we we know why zelensky is asking for missiles, almost every day our air defense forces shoot down enemy drones over our territory, according to the ministry of defense, this morning a ukrainian drone was destroyed over mordovia, an attempt to strike an object was prevented. on the territory of russia, also a ukrainian drone was destroyed on the territory of tatarstan, but friends, you and i should not stand aside here and also help our air defense forces, how this can be done, many will ask, it’s quite simple: the people’s front has launched a special application, which is called, which allows every concerned citizen who sees a suspicious object in the sky to photograph it and send data that will be directly transmitted through the popular front, our law enforcement agencies.
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to this meeting and called on all, that is, members of the alliance to scrape the bottom of the barrel in order to provide kiev with air defense systems. well, the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, also decided not to stay in the country, he hastened to find an answer to why the united states cannot shoot down missiles over ukraine, like in israel, and he turned out to be quite simple. his answer: there are no american military bases in ukraine that would be threatened by these missiles. iranian attacks against israel. passed over the bases of france, the usa and
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jordan, so these countries reacted in the framework of self-defense, but ukraine does not have these bases, these are completely two different situations, the circumstances are completely different, such excuses are no longer satisfactory, and now it wants to receive obligations from the united states in the field security similar to those that the americans gave to israel, the head of the office of the ukrainian president andriy germak at a meeting with the american delegation. “the us agreement with ukraine should work no worse than the american memorandum with israel, which confirmed the effectiveness of the joint actions of the allies during the recent repulse of iran’s massive attack on israel. andrey, there has already been an answer why ukraine cannot become israel, because there are american military bases. does this message from ermak mean that the americans are ready? in general for everything and even tomorrow,
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only they will welcome if american bases will appear on their territory, well, this is not quite the same comparison, here, probably, we are not talking about bases yet, but because the level of interaction, the level of partnership relations between the united states and israel, it is bilateral, very high, by bilateral we mean non-sending money one way, israel is a high-tech state, which is the second. after us in terms of developers of air defense systems, because the same petriot is very seriously losing to the israeli strela-3 complex and so on, and there are a lot developments, there are interests there, these are very serious. on metal, they present themselves as number one
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of the soviet union, they lost this, they let the value go as territory that will irritate russia, but this is not for long, because we took them very seriously, the second thing is deep-sea ports and black soil, which can be either exported or used for cultivation. they are making hints to ukraine, guys, calm down a little, you will understand your place in the ranks, who the west is already tired of, at the political level they are you, so that, in order for us to dictate terms here, i
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let me remind you how the newspapers there said that it would be nice for mr. zelensky to say thank you sometimes, i will remind you how he later made this picture to the british there, again with certain people. well, it’s clear that ukraine wanted to sell everything and have nothing more to offer, to bargain with the united states for these security guarantees, but since they , well, except for their territories and their own, of course the question is this: if there is no compromise, then we need to look for compromising evidence, it will do whether zelensky and his gang are willing to gradually blackmail.
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already now we are observing a completely different situation, so to speak, and i would like to add to what my colleague said, that of course there are thousands and one reasons why, if we take these two scales for the west, ukrainian and israeli, then of course the israeli incomparably more significant due to very many factors, relations with ukraine, they are quite simple, they are a one-way game, we give you weapons, you are at war with russia, that’s all, that’s... a very practical meaning. israel is a strong, independent player on which it depends a lot, relations with the united states with dozens of states, and not only in the middle east, not only with iran, these are the countries of the persian gulf monarchy, this is the arab world, this is
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the islamic world, this is india, that is, say israel, then israel plus will reach out, plus, a whole geostrategy, and ukraine, well, ukraine is really at war. the last ukrainian, unfortunately, the tragedy of the situation is used in such a utilitarian sense, when ukraine is less and less able to perform this function, then, accordingly , interest in it is lost, which cannot be by definition lost to israel, this must be understood, therefore it is generally incorrect and stupid to compare ukraine to israel, but they are comparing, yes, they are incorrect and stupid, so ermak can tell him, you are incorrect and stupid, but he is open. says: give us kakrailu, again, he says whatever he wants, but you and i see that anyone can, but as i already said, there are really very few people who are able to even listen to this, let alone to do all this, i would also like to add
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about the barel, if you look, yes, if you look at his statement, the latest, he too, so to speak, just the other day... this week he burst out there again with an article that, so to speak, is the geopolitical results of his so to speak tenure as head of the european diplomacy, well, somehow we have all this, so to speak, some quotes tore the agency apart, i went carefully, looked at this article, and before that there was another article where he argued that the ukrainian russian economy is, in fact, now is almost knocked down, so i thought, you know,
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for ukraine it’s a matter of allocating money, and so, in the united states they are in no hurry to make concessions to zelensky in the senate, have they even advised him to look for other sources of funding? of course, i'm not going to vote for more funding for ukraine, with this money we spent on ukraine we could build a wall several times over, we could give every homeless veteran in this country a million dollars, this is a war in europe, let they... of course, we support israel, it’s time for ukraine to look for other sources of funding.
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well, now the american senate has decided to divide the aid for israel and ukraine and vote on each specific package separately. the head of the house of representatives, mike johnson, is very, very determined. we have developed a plan on how to finally resolve the situation regarding the supply of aid to the united states of america. and we know that the whole world is watching us, waiting for ours. reaction: terrorists, tyrants, terrible leaders like putin, xi, iranians, are looking to see if she’s ready america will support its allies and stand up for its interests around the world, and we will do that, we will vote on each aid package separately, dividing the bill into four different parts: aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to the indo-pacific region, and then passage additional measures for our national security. i expect the vote to take place this week. zelensky was very offended by these words and started stomping
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his foot; he called such a decision a disgrace for democracy. this means that we are talking it’s not about security, it’s pure politics and it’s a shame for the whole world and for democracy. for those who talk only about democracy, this is just talk. if congress divides this aid into israeli and ukrainian, this means that this is an election issue in the united states. this is pure politics. of the entire world democracy, listen, but zelensky has now said what we have been trying
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to explain to you for a very long time, that america really doesn’t need ukraine, that ukrainians really are consumables in the fight against russia, that’s it now zelensky is saying this, but look, he is saying this in conditions where it would seem that mike johnson is speaking out with such angry rants, where there is this whole gentlemanly set of dictators. so to speak, it’s about putin, it’s about determination, about the fact that the whole world is watching, and it would seem that after this everyone should say, oh, look, america really remains together with ukraine, here the disappointed zelensky is actually acting as a politician , a conventional politician who tears off this mask from washington, which seemed to have grown to him. this is very serious, this is a dramatic turn, probably this is the beginning of the end of
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this whole big story of the ukrainian project, today we are seeing this. andrey franzi, if they vote, let’s now somehow bury the aid package for ukraine, and if they vote for israel, for ukraine, this option is possible so what, but here let’s remember, subtly say that now they, then, with the wording on credit to ukraine. on credit, and to israel, here i don’t know about israel, but in ukraine it’s definitely on credit, but to israel as a gift, and israel is its own, yes, yes, there are no aid packages there, only a few thousand aircraft bombs were shipped, look, it’s very important, but how america has recently transferred weapons, which means ukraine is entering the senate, and very simply, the so -called pda program, presidential, which means written orders, when it comes from surpluses, supposedly surpluses. sent the us army to ukraine, they just digitized it in money there at old prices, but in reality it
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there were pieces, shells, bombs, everything else. we remember that the manufacturing companies are zenit.
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situation, and not add fuel to the fire. it is necessary to create conditions for peaceful negotiations and refrain from further aggravating tensions. the negative impact on the global economy should also be reduced. china encourages all efforts leading to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference recognized by both russia and ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all options peaceful settlement. explain to us this strange relationship between scholz and china. you know, scholz is not the first, but a western leader, who comes to china with the same request, please influence russia, before that the result is a demand or a request? well, as a matter of fact, you understand that scholz has no
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leverage to demand, since scholz is very actively interested in cooperation with china, look.
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not only about children, but about corruption, with this man romania already owing 144 billion euros, he sold romania for that he will be given the post of secretary, the americans
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, as ukraine moves towards the abyss, romania is very interested, because there should be one of the second... dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. what pain pills do you need if you have stomach problems? this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the live healthy program, tomorrow on the first one. today we will introduce you.
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the circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue. our series of half-hour portrait programs and we want introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49, for me not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49, ciao baby,
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motodor on friday on the first, this is a hiding place, which means a robbery, i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers, and the gilded watches and... according to the laws of war, the story continues from april 22 on the first, from
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the command forest, ask whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya, today the grand opening of the 12th film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right?
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life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. it's been 10 years now the mining town of gorlovka is located in the front-line zone and constant arrivals from the ukrainian armed forces are a harsh reality for local residents, but despite everything, life in the city continues, this is how... and how people live there, maryana naumova learned.
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are you an employee? yes, my name is andrey, i’m 21 years old, listen, you have flight after flight here, i read the news, you’re here all the time. for some reason it constantly flies to these houses, because on that side, if you look, there they are, terikons, yeah, on that side there are already 2-3 kilometers, as they say, directly opponents, ukrainian militants, that’s why there were recent arrivals here, there’s a crater, i recently patched it up, yeah, so that people somehow don’t have to look at it, while we’re working quietly, it’s loud in the entrances, basements,
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i’ve been living here for 10 years now . support all the onslaughts of attacks, arrivals, zhek gives out oilcloth for free to people who need windows blocked up, men from the lisar walk around, help old people, women, when you understand that everything is flying out, collapsing before your eyes, somehow it becomes scary, you this is of course terrible, nothing you’ll say, yes, i haven’t left yet... but can i
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come up to you, of course, i’ll come up now, i was at my son’s and wanted to stay there for his birthday, everything is there, they’re calling here, i stayed for 4 days, i came, street, cold, i didn’t know what he was doing to me, they gave me a film, over this window, pull the film, what kind of wind is it, what should i stick it on? uh-huh, what do you need strips for, you need tape, it doesn’t hold the tape, i even turned out the slopes, those over there are no longer there, there are strips over there, i took out three buckets of glass, even more, this one it burned down, everything burned down, it was a pile of glass, then the air conditioner was a golem, it just never
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stops banging. why didn't you leave? children, dear, you will leave your house somewhere, someday, somewhere, this is my apartment, excuse me, i lived here once, yes, i had a good time here, now i’ll show you the hall, oh, the door, here she is, she’s holding on like that, thank god, on her word of honor, well, here it is, look, everything, everything is broken, everything, the balcony, they’re a mess here. i had a balcony here, it was standing there , everything was just burnt down by these fragments it hit between the floors, between the floors it flew more there and here the fragments flew wherever they wanted, well, you probably used to have a nice pond of some kind, and the telephone is quiet here, it’s good here i was born, i was born in that pond, my childhood was spent here i swam on this shore, this is my homeland.
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my sisters live here, my daughter-in-law is all here , anastasia, we saw from the front of the house that there was an arrival, all the windows were broken, i see you too, but the tape was already sealed, well, the little children had to quickly seal it film, so you will soon have another small child, but how do you live here, then you still have children. how we live, we live hard, but we have to live, because we have nowhere to go, we sit at home, we sit at home, we mostly study remotely, just at the moment of arrival we were sitting in class, we miraculously survived with the child, because we did not expect what would happen shelling, uh-huh, glass all rained down on us, we practically got out, we thought that everything would no longer be at home, so my little child began to be very afraid of everyone
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now the shot. now if there is the slightest sound, he starts to be afraid, to hide, it’s the older children who are also afraid, their psyche is already disturbed, it’s hard for them not to go for a walk, go out, or talk to friends, just sit at home, and now, now you’re afraid once again to go out into the street, because they started shooting at us heavily, what do you dream about, i dream about getting hit. city ​​and children's park, i dream of going there.
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so you’ll know that our friends are here, oh, the whole entrance is here, and hello, we’re visiting you, so here we go it’s a neighbor, he brought his grandson, good, but you had a meeting here, yeah, oh, take it off, i ’ll do my hair, give it, well, nina petrovna, it’s okay, the balcony itself is in ruins, i heat it all the time, i heat this one with gas like that now the sail stands like this on skis, with skis back and forth, you’re not afraid to continue living here, i already have a grandson, i’m sorry to leave him, although he has an apartment and that’s the most important thing
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, but a boy is not a girl, so i don’t know, he went to kindergarten in ukrainian i studied at a ukrainian school there, he’s mine. here's a bag of groceries for you, to make it easier for you, please take it, well , your windows have also fallen out, yes, yes, and the frame
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has been knocked down since 1922, here are the chips that were taken out of the frame, what a horror , we had this window without glass at all, uh-huh, this is two two winters, they blow from this, from that frame, because there is no frame there. he’s been sleeping since he was a child, but it’s dangerous here and you can’t go anywhere, because there’s nowhere, where will they take me for 50 years, no one will take me for any job, any job here is being done, you know, there is so much work here, especially.
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there are also many people, why don’t they do roofing here, well, how can you, for example, get those roofers here on this roof, if they are like this with a sniper, they will be on the palm of your hand, hello, so well, it’s impossible, these ones fly, these ones yes, these drones, oh my god, there’s something buzzing around here, you start running, hiding in the entrance, because they can at any moment... well, you never know what’s on their mind, but you have a bomb shelter here, well, let’s go, it’s a shell such as it is called, we are not we know, but something like this came to us, it was near the school,
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we were being fired at from three sides. it’s just that it doesn’t fly from our side of the city, the scary thing is that people, even our children who stayed, are hanging, shooting, they ’re running, they’ve run somewhere, they’ve just gotten used to it for 10 years that this is how it is we live with this as we should, hello, comrade driver, good afternoon, and they just told me that this is the only one. who actually comes here, well, have you seen how the road is, it’s hard and the cars just can’t stand it, girl, listen, okay, get on your way, they shoot you here every day, what can we do, let’s say that we are immortal, for 10 years already. you will believe everything, it’s normal, so what? yesterday
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they leaked three times from shelling, well, if shelling starts, you stop, open the doors and people jump out, well, what are you doing, well , i’m trying to get the bus somewhere, that is, you won’t rush your car, well, of course, how can that be? , our nurse, hasn’t let us down yet, there aren’t enough people, the people are all in the army, the cars are standing still, and we are old people, so what? we, we can’t break apart, sometimes there are two cars. sometimes you work alone, but what should you do? everything seems to be fine, well, some fairly positive person, of course, me, we will win someday, anyway, sooner or later, i think so.
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the calmness and courage of these people, who have been under fire for 10 years, but believe in bright things, is amazing. do you know why? because they know that the truth is on our side, compare with similar reports on the other side, how much anger and aggression there is in people’s eyes, some, but when their liberate, they become. calm and believe in russia. more news on the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and first, about the investigation into the assassination attempt on former sbu officer vasily prozarov. our special services established new details, as it was being prepared, it was detained. the second defendant has already confessed; this is
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the courier who delivered the bomb components to moscow from lithuania for organizing the assassination attempt. the detainee turned out to be a russian who also has moldovan citizenship. during interrogation he said that he received instructions and a deadly cargo from a certain woman from warsaw. on april 6 , 2024, in lithuania, i received cargo from poland from a representative of my company, cargo that was supposed to be delivered. on april 7 , the ruler of the cargo contacted me, asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo, in the evening of the same day, i handed over the cargo to the man i met at my residence address. the fsb today showed footage of the same sender. direct
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executioner of a ukrainian agent who, on instructions from the kiev regime, blew up prozorov’s car. instructions were received from kiev, and the operation was personally led by the head of the ukrainian security service, vasily malyuk. the attempt was made last friday, prozorov was slightly wounded, his life is not in danger. the sbu officer has been cooperating with our intelligence for a long time; he has been living in russia since 1919 and is engaged in exposing the crimes of the kiev regime. now about how the special operation is going: tonight and in the morning the russian army carried out strikes on ukrainian military rear, explosions thundered in the odessa, dnepropetrovsk and chernigov regions, everywhere our missiles targeted objects associated with the armed forces of ukraine. this is the kind of footage shared by residents of chernigov, these are the results of a precise flight to the location of ukrainian militants and... and in the odessa region
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, the target of our strike was the port infrastructure, as eyewitnesses report, after the flight there was multiple detonation, a strong fire started, and several powerful explosions occurred in krivoy rog, there are many enterprises there that are used for repairs and storage of enemy military equipment, including western ones. let me remind you that our army is carrying out precision strikes on targets associated with the ukrainian military industry in response to kiev’s attempts to attack russian energy. and footage from the front line. fighting on the way to the hour of yar. russian attack aircraft destroyed an enemy tank. after the missile hit, the car lost control and, picking up speed, rolled into a pond. the surviving militants barely had time to jump out while moving. according to enemy positions along the combat line contact. our frontline aviation works tirelessly, sortie after sortie, destroying target after target. the russian fighters, as
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the su-25 attack aircraft are also called, have a special role in this; they work in pairs at an ultra-low altitude so that the enemy does not notice their approach. it is impossible to hide from such blows. i saw how planes were being prepared for flights. gusein huseynov. the plane is moving, we wave and clap, as if my comrade in arms is coming back. the engineers of the air base never change this tradition; every time they see off they meet their pilot, their plane. before each combat flight, all aircraft systems are checked, refueling, and ammunition is loaded. nothing should interfere with completing the task. the pilot then flies away, arrives, and speaks. comments, we begin to eliminate them, if there are any, if not without any comments, then we prepare for a second flight, refuel and wait for the next flight, the rooks can have several sorties per day, the attack aircraft of the southern group of troops operates on most of the front line, donetsk direction, artyomovsk and matchmaker-flint. the multi-ton vehicle
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easily lifts off the ground and heads towards the line of combat contact, then lifts it up. another drying: rooks fly in pairs, go to the shooting point at very low altitudes of 20-25 m in order to get close to the enemy unnoticed, only when they fly up to the target at shooting distance do they sharply gain altitude. in aviation, this maneuver is called pitching up, when the board lifts the nose above the horizon. it is from this position that the rooks open fire on the target. a sharp maneuver and the plane goes into reverse course, meanders, throws away heat traps in case enemy air defense tries to take aim at it, and after 30 minutes the pair lands at the home airfield. every day, continuous work is carried out,
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we hit the main fortified formation of the armed forces of ukraine, we hit the enemy’s manpower, we also hit - we disrupt the rotation, we hit the equipment on which the rotation is carried out. as a rule, all targets, all targets are hit, all missiles are placed where they need to be. in confirmation of these words, footage of objective control of work su-25. all projectiles fired by an attack aircraft hit the target in a heap. well-camouflaged enemy dugouts are burning. the su-25 uses unguided aircraft missiles, but if necessary, air-to -air guided missiles can be attached to these suspensions. in addition, the rook can carry... adjustable aerial bombs. all aircraft of the southern group of troops of the latest class of modernization, in addition to the warhead, have been improved and protected, and a modern electronic warfare system has been installed. this reb system tells us when we are being irradiated, who is irradiating us, and at what range. depending on this, the complex
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automatically puts the necessary interference on the enemy’s radar, preventing the possibility of a launch against us. immediately after landing the pilots. they always discuss the past flight, and the engineers check the machine again; when a new task arrives, it is unknown, the plane must always be ready. gusein huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov, and irina chyuchuy, channel one, lugansk people's republic. now the latest information about flood situations. the water level in the tabol river near kurgan has exceeded the nine-meter mark in the suburbs of the regional center, the figures are even higher, houses in some places are up to their roofs in water, people are being urged to urgently evacuate. in total, about 13,500 people were removed from the flood zone in the region. the situation in the belozersky district is critical, as the authorities say. rescuers are working, the number of medical teams on duty has been increased. evacuation has been announced in several settlements in the tyumen region. at ilyinka, the water level in the ishim river is half a meter exceeded the historical maximum. the critical
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point has been passed in the orenburg region. the ural is overflowing in the ilek region. the area of ​​flooded areas in the tomsk region is growing. there is also ice drift. a similar picture is in the north of the khabarovsk territory. the sutyr river opened up. the flood washed away the bridge from the main village in the verkhneburyainsky district, cutting off dozens of residents. the supreme court of russia has a new chairman. irina podnosova was appointed to this post. her candidacy was the only one, and today she was approved by the federation council. the position, let me remind you, remained vacant after the death of the former head of the supreme court, vyacheslav lebedev. irina podnosova was his deputy. speaking to senators, she stated that she would continue to strengthen the judicial system, and one of the most important tasks now is the formation of justice bodies in new regions. report from the federation council by pavel pcholkin. according to the russian constitution, the new head of the supreme court is appointed by the federation council on the proposal of the president and the recommendation of the highest qualification board of judges. all
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these points have been completed by this day, here is the advice the federation voted today on the candidacy of irina podnosova for the post of head of the supreme court. in 1920, she was one of the deputy chairmen of the higher court, vyacheslav lebedev, who died in february. by profession, irina podnosova has completed all levels of her judicial career as a criminologist. by this time her. legal experience is already 34 years, she also headed the judicial panel on economic disputes of the supreme court, speaking before senators, irina podnosova spoke about how she sees development russian judicial system: this, of course, is the openness and accessibility of justice. despite the fact that now, of course, the openness and accessibility of justice are at a high level, we still believe that a lot of work remains in this direction, which is related to the informatization and digitalization of legal proceedings. in addition, she named the construction of the judicial system in new
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regions of russia as one of the main tasks. the senators asked how she felt about the move of the supreme court from moscow to st. petersburg. offer the supreme court has been moving to st. petersburg for more than 30 years. we believe that after the constitutional court moves, it would be logical to move the supreme court. then st. petersburg will rightfully become not only the cultural capital, but also the legal capital. country, you understand that i cannot have any other attitude than a positive one at this moment, and most importantly, i always say that we are law enforcers, we must comply with the law, the law, in my opinion, dated february 5, 2014, in article twenty-two it is written, place of permanent residence supreme court, determine the city of st. petersburg, laws must be implemented, the relevant committee of the federation council.
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i would say that irina leonidovna is not a parquet general, but has gone through all the steps from the ground as expected, so she knows the entire judicial system, knows the pros, knows what the cons are, what... she needs to work on. irina leonidna is a supporter of further humanization of the criminal justice system. the legal code of the criminal procedure code, the judicial system as a whole, this is encouraging. here is the vote as chairman of the supreme court, irina podnosova was appointed unanimously. valentina matvienko handed her a copy of the resolution of the supreme chamber of parliament. now the head of russia's highest court thanked the senators for their trust. i assure you that all the strength, knowledge. i will direct all my professional experience to the successful work of the supreme court and to improve the judicial system. i express my hope and confidence
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that both the supreme court and the senators will continue to work together to improve russian legislation. according to the law, irina podnosova will hold the position of head of the supreme court for the next 6 years with the right of further appointment. nikolay sesoev, egor shelipov and alexander gornostaev, channel one. the georgian parliament today adopted in its first reading a draft law on foreign agents, which caused violent protests from the pro-western opposition. its representatives from among the deputies tried to disrupt the voting by shouting and obscene language, then left the party here. the discussion of the bill is taking place against the backdrop of mass protests in tbilisi, with demonstrators laying siege to the parliament building every day. late the night before, clashes occurred again with by the police. usa
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and britain. the epidemic situation in the world is constantly changing, there is a risk of the emergence of a new highly pathogenic, that is, easily transmitted influenza virus. this was stated by the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova.
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there hasn’t been any for 75 years, in dubai the annual norm of precipitation fell in just a few hours, as a result of the flood, transport collapse blocked highways, airlines are postponing or completely canceling flights, one of...
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guides, as well as representatives of the host country. and that's all for now, we're keeping an eye on developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program “big game”. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today in russia they celebrate the day of the veteran of the internal affairs bodies of the internal troops, here is the strengthening of the terrorist. threats, which were very clearly demonstrated by the tragic events in crocus and, in general , by the kiev regime’s increasing emphasis on terrorism, show how invaluable the work that these bodies are doing is, so of course we congratulate all the veterans of internal affairs of the internal troops. in the meantime, very the russian chairmanship of brix is ​​taking place dynamically, this year, today in moscow the first meeting of the anti-corruption working group of this
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association will take place, and since january of this year the association already includes... 10 countries, in general, about 250 events will be held within the framework of the russian chairmanship, including , of course, the summit in kazan in october this year, it must be said that relations with the brix countries with the world majority are generally critically important for security and especially for the development of our country, they, these relations are one of factors of our stability in the conditions of the war in ukraine and the hybrid war waged against us by the west. and, by the way, the day before the international monetary fund according to... gdp, this is a lot, and it is more, significantly more than in the united states, especially, it is more than three times more than in europe, and in many ways , this is precisely the result of russia’s cooperation with the world majority and brix. but
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the main factor on which the future of russia and its place in the world will depend is, of course. our victory in ukraine, how it is is approaching, let's ask anastasia mikhailovskaya, who will tell you about the situation on the donetsk front, in particular about chas yar, anastasia leonidovna, i am very glad to welcome you again to our program, good afternoon. hello, hello, the situation here now is much better than it was before, our guys are advancing on the clock and our aviation is working, now we will show you footage of our sao. they are launching heat guns, heat, heat shells, yes, so that they cannot be shot down, and how they fly and bomb for hours, please look, now our b, you will see how they work, yes, that’s how they work for us, that ’s how we have them now, you see, our offensive, and let’s let everyone out, let’s say the precinct, now let you
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out. guns, yeah, the work is very active, the guys are working on all sectors of the front, now with special enthusiasm, because everywhere we are now at an advantage, we see how the battles are going, now you will see, yes, these are our su, the newest su -25 storm aviation of the southern group of troops at artyomovsk control, now you have them you see, right now these are our handsome guys flying out, yes...
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the best sal nato, the best sal, panzer, look, these are also our guys, our front, these guys worked right on the panzer, yeah, they destroyed the enemy directly, even away from the position, because such serious artillery pieces are located far from the positions, our artillery... works very accurately, works out everything, these are the serious nato weapons, the nato weapons that enter ukraine, you know, and these are the ones . there it also burns with him, so guys, artillerymen, we are helping them now on all sectors of the front, we are giving the guys our rap, which we buy together with you and
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produce the funds collected on the first channel, thank you very much for helping us, your help is invaluable, that rap , which we distribute to children, and medical ones. we are having a bit of a problem with the sound right now anastasia leonidovna, thank you very much, we are always glad to see you on the air, indeed , for my part, i also urge all viewers to participate in this absolutely necessary in fact, electronic warfare is one of the most decisive factors on the fronts of special operations in the modern nature of war, where drones, drones, fpv drones, in principle, drones, are increasingly playing an increasingly important role. thank you very much, anastasia leonidovna, now let's talk about the broader picture of what is happening right now, at this very moment on
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the fronts of the special operation, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, our traditional military observer, will tell us about this. maris alexandrovich, good afternoon. and good afternoon, in short, we maintain the initiative in most directions, we advance in a number of sectors, and if we go from south to... to north, then in our rabotinsky direction, we quite confidently control part of the center of the village and also continue our offensive towards northwest of verbovoy, the ledge is gradually shrinking every day, on the vremevsky ledge our troops are fighting south of the outskirts of urozhainy, here we have advanced, here the ledge has also shrunk, in the ugledar direction our troops have achieved new successes in novomikhailovka and in novomikhailovka, here we are constantly approaching that. that this village will come under our control, in the maryansky direction our troops are successfully storming krasnogorka, yesterday our troops already broke directly into the city itself, captured the railway station,
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fierce battles are gradually shifting from the southern outskirts towards the city center, here we also have a noticeable progress, a powerful offensive by our troops continues in the avdiivka direction, an assault is underway netaylovo, there are battles on the outskirts of uman, there are battles in the northwestern... berdychi and we already control most of semyonovka, north of berdychi our troops have successfully advanced in the direction of ocheretin, there are already about one and a half kilometers left to the outskirts of this important settlement, we have also advanced again to kalinovo, in the artyomovsk direction we have successes in the chascheya area, there we have made good progress in the last 24 hours, we are actively destroying enemy troops in the city, there is also progress in in the area of ​​krasny on the northern ledge in the area... of the cheerful, well, svatovo-kupyansky krasnolimansky direction, today there are no significant changes, in general the enemy is everywhere on the defensive, in the donetsk direction it is especially noticeably moving backwards. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, keep us informed,
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and i must say that the tone of the leading western media regarding the prospects of war in ukraine is becoming not only alarming, but generally just gloomy, and it is so deeply gloomy, today’s publication of a politician published a very large article called why... ukraine is losing the war. let's listen. the morale of the soldiers is depressed by the incessant bombing. lack of modern weapons and human losses. in cities hundreds of miles away from the front lines, the crowds of young people who lined up to get into the military registration and enlistment office in the first months of the war disappeared. today, potential recruits evade conscription and while away their evenings in nightclubs. many of them left the country altogether. for the last month i have been reporting from ukraine, conducted dozens of interviews with politicians.
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the weakened air defense system hardly protects buildings from russian one-and-a-half-ton adjustable aerial bombs, which blow them to pieces. the front line is held by scattered, understaffed units due to a lack of artillery shells. they try to stop armored columns mainly with small kamikaze drones. the war in ukraine has reached a critical juncture on the eve of its third summer of fighting. the strategy of russian president vladimir putin, the goal of which was to wait out western help ukraine, has proven its effectiveness. events in the coming months could decisively turn the tide of the war in russia's favor. without a fresh infusion of western military equipment, ukraine may face further losses of both territory and its best units. andrey. well , today we will discuss the prospects for the receipt of western aid, there remain very serious questions regarding the receipt of people; yesterday zelensky signed a scandalous decree on mobilization. but it will take a lot of
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time to prepare new ones troops, or do you think that they will just be like cannon fodder, now they will be thrown in to plug the holes that are forming on the front line, they are all saying that at the end of may, beginning of june, they expect a big russian offensive in a number of ways directions, how do you assess the situation? from our point of view, i rate it very positively, because we really dominate everything. with the possible exception of fpv, here we have parity between fpv drones and the enemy, but again, conflict is a confrontation between systems, it’s not just a system in the global plan, here we are ahead of them, russia is called the highest degree of strategic adaptation, and i will also add strategic planning, what is happening now, the new types of weapons that are arriving at the front, this was planned a year or two ago, this is now underway, and what will arrive in a year is now being formed at this very moment. or reports to the minister when
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promising samples are shown to him, as for personnel, now soldiers are called operators, this is a person who services something, works on combat car, is an operator of an anti-tank or anti-aircraft complex, a person with a machine gun simply cannot do anything, you can try to put on 10 boots, but you will not protect yourself from the cold, when you don’t have a jacket and a hat, you can’t put them on your head, then it’s the same with people, if you don’t have an air defense element, you won’t do anything. weapons, so a system that works, the potential of the military-industrial complex, the economy, this is the key to victory, and here we ourselves occupy a leading position in the world, and we see strategic miscalculations of the west, when a political publication writes that ukraine is heading towards disaster, here it seems to me that it is necessary to...
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romanian president klaus iohannis intends to lead nato and host the alliance's largest base in europe in his country. johannis, have you become a servant of the americans? he is german. the base can be used as a jump-off airfield for launching strikes on russian territory. we have helped and will continue to help ukraine. iohannis has as many as 17 criminal cases. mr. pont's team lied that i engaged in child trafficking. at the right time, i will be able to prove this with documents. said 10 years
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ago, documents are in process, criminal cases were opened not only about children, but about corruption, while this man romania already owes 144 billion euros, he sold romania for the fact that he would be given the post of nato secretary. americans, and how ukraine is moving towards the abyss, are very interested in romania, because it should be one of the second ukraines. the minister of defense resigns with the wording: i cannot cooperate with this president, they will deploy a huge strike group of troops of about 300. stellar group product, which pain pills do you need if you have stomach problems? this is a very serious question, but
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we answer it and other questions in the live healthy program, tomorrow on the first one. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clone, a lot of brilliant people who found in... in the circus some kind of poetic, fantastic reality, this is fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my
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language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a truly poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49. “i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49. ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, and i am walking, walking around moscow, until now since then, at the universitet metro station, passengers point to the same escalator, someone even starts singing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like it when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done many comedies. the brilliant georgy danelia. was a magician on the set, but how did he manage direct your own life. daneli came home and said to sokolova: “lyuba, i ’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba started crying, i think,
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what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved.” is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived two lives, and it all went to lyuba sokolova, that gundarevo’s game. we get the prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s looking very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive , family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman. the guys met at work. let's play, dash, well, you're on this side, girl. i couldn’t handle the knife, she
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took me all the way. we will make suzdol art. i need colored plates, just like our film crew. very beautiful, just what you need. there is such and such. to the wedding wedding to celebrate by ringing a bell, why do you have a three-headed bride, well, it happened, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the road, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy and running they wake up the sleepy shore, they run , shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where,
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when, spring series of games, sunday on the first. there's a big game on the air, this week will really decide whether the united the states will not accept any aid budget for ukraine. let me remind you that the day before, speaker of the house of representatives johnson presented his own.
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it is important that the house of representatives decide this week to help us provide security assistance to israel, ukraine and the indo-pacific region, they must decide this week, and as for the details, we will wait and see what the speaker proposes . so, you are not against the fact that the bill was divided into four parts. i repeat, we will wait and decide after we have an opportunity to get to know the offer from st. petersburg better. the main thing is that our allies, like ukraine and israel, who right now... are under the gun, literally under the gun, receive the security assistance they need as
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quickly as possible. i want to emphasize once again that just recently the biden administration wanted to achieve the adoption of a new budget, to win a political victory over the republicans, and yes, by making sure that a democratic bill was adopted. now they're ready to sacrifice for domestic political reasons, they are ready to give political victory to the republicans. in order to avoid, as they apparently consider, a more important catastrophe for themselves, the defeat of ukraine in the war, or at least to postpone the prospect of this defeat, but it still does not work out, at least for now , that michael johnson suggests, as the wall street journal writes today, many republicans are against merging the bills again at the end; they want four different the bill and went to the senate, apparently based on. from the fact that the israeli bill will be adopted, and the ukrainian one, we’ll see, well
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, they also object to the fact that there are no decisions on the southern border in that bill, the option that michael johnson proposes, today the associated press is already writing with reference to the republicans , that this week, as john kirby was just talking about, the house of representatives may not have time to pass it, then they will again disperse to the districts, you are absolutely right, the time is coming now there is again a long recess for congress, and the united states of america, the priority of assistance, of course, determine the following: the first is israel, and israel, within the framework of the republican or such grand old paty, is called exclusively as a biblical people, the connection between the republican party and israel is historical, the republican party simply cannot help israel; a huge number of democrats are also joining this.
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that we can give assistance, but we should give ukraine exclusively loans, but only if ukraine repays loans, this means that if they are given, for example, 50 billion dollars, then from these 50 billion dollars it is necessary to subtract the interest that they must pay for previous loans, and it is advisable to freeze that part already money, which in no case will reach the ukrainian people, the concept is changing here, a very important point, the southern border, the southern border is a separate issue. and a number of senators, including republicans, and congressmen, republicans, are extremely unhappy with johnson, because johnson does not
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lobbies the main interest, precisely the interest that was prescribed by the texans, and those comments that were made by the governor of texas were simply not heard, which means all this fuss was about nothing, here we see that the adoption process in a week is now not will pass, although in israel it is quite possible, well , it seems to me that as for the southern border, this is trump’s conscious position. he is not interested in improving the situation on the us-mexico border before the presidential elections; on the contrary, he is interested in worsening it in order to increase his chances of being elected, and then becoming president, he will easily, with the full cooperation of governor abbott, the governor of texas, solve this situation, yes, but you are absolutely right, for many members of the house of representatives who depend on their districts, on voters in districts where the situation is getting worse.
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restrictions on the size and power of their armed forces and so on and so forth. we know this from the words of former israeli prime minister natalie bennett, who was one of the mediators, we know this from the words of david arakhamia, the head of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada, who was a participant in these negotiations, we know this from the words of poroshenko, and we know this from the words of the leaders of russia.
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and then came another confirmation: two prominent american experts, this is an employee of the corporation. charob and johns hopkins university professor sergei rachenko conducted a large study in which they studied, firstly, the drafts of this very agreement, and secondly, they conducted numerous interviews with ukrainian participants in these negotiations, with american officials and indeed confirmed the conclusion that the united states derailed these negotiations, the results of chara poirachenko's research were published yesterday in a leading american foreign policy journal.
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kiev region, chernigov and sumy regions, and the third, they could not help but mention, although they emphasize that even after bucha, yeah.
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at the time, the ukrainian issue told us that the ukrainians did not consult washington until the istanbul communication was published, despite the fact that the conditions described in it implied new legal obligations for the united states, for example, russia's entry into the war in the event of its repeated invasion of ukraine, this one condition alone made the treaty unfavorable for washington, even if russia and ukraine overcame their differences, the terms of the istanbul kuminike would require support from outside the united states of its allies, these ... western powers would have to take a political risk by entering into negotiations with russia and ukraine to jeopardize their authority by guaranteeing the security of ukraine, as then, thus, in subsequent years, neither washington nor european capitals demonstrated a willingness to engage in high -stakes diplomacy or provide real security guarantees for ukraine in the future. you feel, ivan alesevich, firstly,
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washington was not consulted, yes, russia and ukraine are independent, ukraine is independent.
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already signing the agreement, because firstly, they were not consulted, yes, and secondly, they did not want to take on any guarantees, any obligations at all, well, i think that these moments tactical ones are important, but still, the fact that it was after the breakdown of these agreements that massive american and generally western assistance came from all these vassals, this still indicates that they disrupted these agreements in order to really completely incite the kiev regime on... in general, 2 years ago everything was said on this subject by our minister of foreign affairs, our president, so the value of these studies is small, i think that for
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a significant part of the world this will be a good indicator that the russian position is open, is clear, and we really talk honestly with the rest of the world, in principle, the west can also hear all these honest words, so here are some disputes on current issues. also, in general, by analogy , it is clear who is telling the truth, who will tell the truth partially through experts, through interviews, only after 2 years, well, maybe a little earlier, but the most important question is why it was necessary to dump all this now, i think that there will be several lines, how they will try to use it, the first one, and i i think the authors will be inclined to do this, they will argue that, well, that’s it, we still got the answer.
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it’s all on the democrats and they don’t take responsibility for themselves. the second element is very important, which is present here, and i don’t know whether they wanted to convey it or not, but from my point of view one can draw this conclusion from this article: they are not ready for any agreements, they did not allow russia to reach an agreement with the kiev regime in the early stages of a special military operation, when it was technically possible, and they themselves... right there this is said very clearly, we do not want to take responsibility in the form of security guarantees, in any form, in any form, we are just ready, not everyone is ready now,
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to supply the kiev regime with weapons so that it tries to cause maximum harm to russia, this one here is the inability to negotiate, which is well demonstrated in this article, but i don’t fully know, they really tried to convey this to us, because this is what it is.
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and i’m walking, walking around moscow, passengers are still pointing at the mitrouniversitet station on that same escalator, someone even starts playing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova: lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba began to cry.
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here is a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is very young man, i can’t live without work at all.
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should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: remain bright, fleeting incessantly, i don’t reproach you for passing, thank you for coming, andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother, an eclipse of the heart, andryushka and i they lived very amicably, this was his song. reflecting the moment of our only quarrel. to mark the centenary of zoya boguslavskaya, premiere on saturday on the first. lately we have been hearing more and more often the phrase global majority. who is included in it, what countries does it consist of, and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is
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a war for existence.
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want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving her, in end in the end, jana will be the first to cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, frivolous
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conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? for all. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon, on the first. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, the mighty yenisei river, which is great for fishing fish, it’s very beautiful in winter, especially when everything turns into an incredible fairy tale. to date, we have already traveled to 79 regions of our wonderful country, this is a horizon, this is interesting, these are new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea. people
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look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia, there is a big game on the air, one of the main topics of this week - it's like from... will respond to those very cautious, limited and symbolic, i would say, retaliatory strikes that iran launched against israel this weekend, in response to the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus, in the western media, in the israeli media there are a variety of versions, all, of course, with reference to officials, on condition of anonymity. nbc news writes that israel will most likely strike outside
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iran, for example, on iranian positions. on the contrary, also with reference to israeli sources, he writes that, on the contrary, israel will inflict strikes against tehran, but without casualties, or any at all. will directly launch a cyber attack on iran, everyone emphasizes that israel is not interested in a full-scale war, it is interested in responding, but responding without escalation, but andrei frantsovich, in fact, the escalation has already begun, because israel and iran have moved, albeit to limited , but direct attacks on each other, and we also know that after all, prime minister netanyahu is interested in escalation, yes, you know, as they say, the page... is already in wikipedia has been launched, it is already being filled out, in fact, israel has always carried out and will carry out cyber attacks on iranian nuclear facilities, it does not need a reason for this, it has always launched and will carry out attacks on iranian proxy forces and we
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see that planes just took off at night and bombed without even any publications , they don’t need a reason for this, now they have a reason to strike directly at iran in order to roll back the nuclear program. understood that they would have something to pay for, refuel planes, and so on, and accordingly, they needed to agree, their they are not interested in whether they will strike targets, but what iran’s backlash will be, and this is the main point for them now, because iran will definitely strike, it will strike differently
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than it did the first time, it is important for them that the americans also preserve their an agreement on the defense of israel, all countries confirmed that they will shoot down, and another question is that if these blows are strong, it will develop into a confrontation, that then they will... get involved, their allies will help in this conflict. that's exactly why i i’m saying that escalation is already happening. biden is putting pressure on netanyahu, as nbc news writes, he told netanyahu that the united states will not support israel in offensive actions against iran, but this is a trap and a lie, because even if israel carries out these offensive actions on its own, iran will definitely respond , and the united states will be forced.
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the united states cannot do anything about it, but in this case, netanyahu is similar to zelensky. zelensky is also saving his own. which he can achieve for a politician his level, now he needs to survive, and biden understands perfectly well that this survival is not possible without the united states of america, the unlimited support that america previously provided to israel, it still has its limits, very clear
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limits. the fact is that both republicans and democrats have a positive view of israel, but there are others, there are ordinary voters who are wondering, yes, how much will this cost us, because every blow, even if it is ineffective, will bring it down. these are even the attacks that took place now on the part of iran, this is a rather expensive price, it is simply expensive physically, and the united states of america must promote its machine solely in order to, among other things, provide for israel, but what about everyone else, and what about others, it turns out that this is what it will no longer be possible to go between the charybdis exile, you have to choose either or very clearly, i believe that biden is really a hostage to the situation, but choosing between ukraine and israel. with a limited territory, with a reliable ally who will resist the ninety-million-strong iran, of course israel, of course, you know, i have already said more than once on this program that the united states needs to add rakes to its national emblem, they
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step on them every time, look, regarding ukraine biden says: “we will support ukraine as long as it takes, yes, as long as it takes,” were trapped with israel, biden says: “we stand with.” yes, we stand together with israel, no matter what israel does, unconditional support, we find ourselves in a trap, that’s the problem american politics, it seems to me, is very correctly drawing attention to one of my favorite, so to speak, western... american experts, harvard university professor stephen walt. let's listen to him. tehran's decision to launch drone and missile strikes in response to israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus showed how poorly the biden administration is handling the situation in the middle east. unconditional support for israel has deprived its leaders of any incentive to heed us calls for restraint. therefore, it is not surprising that they ignore them. american support has never weakened. israel is bombing gaza and starving. its civilian population never announced the largest
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confiscation of palestinian land in the west bank since 1993 during a recent visit by secretary of state antony blinken. washington did not blink an eye when israel bombed the iranian consulate, although at the same time it condemned ecuador's recent attack on the mexican embassy in quito. instead, president joe biden emphasized that his commitment israel remains steadfast. the bitter irony is that the individuals and organizations in the united states who most zealously defend israel from attack and demand from everyone. administration of unconditional support, actually causes enormous damage to the country they are trying to help. here ivan vasirovich, it seems to me that stephen walt makes a very correct conclusion, yes, because ultimately the united states is now creating the preconditions for the death of israel. in the longer term. and the article that stephen walt wrote, it is said that the fire in the middle east was started by america. now i can’t deny myself the pleasure of still remembering. the previous quote, when you
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quoted charapa and sarachenko, what happens is that they complement each other, there they say that it is not america that does not want to take responsibility and it turns out badly, here old describes that america is getting involved, taking responsibility, in kiev regime, too, then they got involved, in general, that america is abandoning its vassals, without taking responsibility, that america, on the contrary, is taking too much care of you. and takes responsibility, it turns out badly in any case, so the americans, you know, they argue among themselves about how america should act everywhere, after all, there is the same old school of realism, which you sympathize with, it does not call on the americans to retreat, to leave, they just say that they need other means, so they have the concept of so-called offshore balancing, by the way, this is also an action by someone else, so in russian , overseas is overseas, so that there and for
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the rest of the world the question is that the less america, so much the better, the question is not how, the question is that there should be less american presence in one form or another, or if it already exists, then let it play by the rules that the region has established, yeah. in the rest of the world, don’t get involved in a different message at all, accept our rules, but i would like to emphasize that it is very correct to draw attention to one more element, the united states has driven itself into a trap, but it has driven itself into an even bigger trap.
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don't miss 12:00. this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria korableva. and let's start with floods. in the kurgan region. the water level in tobol is rapidly rising and has already exceeded 9 m. aerial footage, one of the highways, a huge part. roads are hidden under water, many country houses


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