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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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it seems that they just need him to pay off his debts to them and their children, no, well, that too, of course, don’t you think that’s the only thing they need? no, i want to sympathize, because obviously she has never met a good and respectable man in her life, vasily, who is not even a man, he’s not even a person, he’s just an animal that moves only on instincts in life, on instincts that simply help him survive. better all the time, looking for some better position in life, where warmed up, where it’s warm, where he cooks well, he has no feelings for children, neither for his own nor for strangers, he’s simply not capable, and elena yuryevna, who is not just an abuser, she’s just a cruel tyrant, valentina is in prison, she lost her child, there’s no need to sympathize with her like a mother, take it out, just sympathize like a woman, but you have such an arrogant, such, such... arrogant face,
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which is not just pathetic, disgusting to look at, well, the family is of the same breed, test result , well, it seems to me that it’s even funny to talk about this, do you feel something about maxim or you don’t feel it, but this is one hundred percent your child, so i don’t say anything, thank you very much, uh-huh, thank you, would you have thought about oksan at all? what are you being dragged into? you are an adult woman, you have two children, and you sit with your man and correspond with his ex, well, where is your head on your shoulders, that’s realistic, he does this only because he has not cooled down, what is the most painful thing that can be done to a woman - this is to say, this is a child for whom i have no feelings, the only way he can take revenge on her, sit and think about it. my daughter was
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larisa was completely burnt, and kristinochka was absolutely intact, the house burned down in which my daughter and the neighbor’s girl died, you know who killed your children, i don’t even think so, you two, i was sure they weren’t there, this is the second fire in the house, two houses have already burned down, now their third house has burned down, but with consequences, the children need to be saved, but the mother is fine, should we now wait until all the other children burn down, i will have my children.
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blows, including the kiev resources themselves are now actively dispersing the material chernigov, which is not typical for them, declaring that this was an attack on a peaceful object, on a hotel, well, then they immediately showed footage from which it is clear that this is a military barracks, because in this peaceful hotel there were bunk beds barracks type, and there were boxes for weapons, so the arrival would have been...
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crushed, i couldn’t stand it, in fact , our guys ran and went right to the outskirts of ocheretin and occupied the traction station, it’s right on the eastern part of retina, and that’s how we entered physically to the territory of this the most important strategic settlement, the most important, first of all , geographically, so the enemy’s defenses have been noticeably pushed through, well, it’s a pity that they haven’t been broken through, but nevertheless , yesterday it was close to the fact that we could break through it there, now our troops are providing it. the flanks are trying to squeeze the opponents into novobakhmutovka, finish off the opponents in berdychi, the attack is on novokalinovo, well, it’s obvious that we will pull up the flanks for a further push forward. the second interesting case is krasnogorovka, our tank lit up there again, it has already been called the king of the grill, the enemy,
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the turtle tank, it doesn’t matter, they laughed before, but essentially one tank is provided by the reb tank system, including created thanks to the people’s military-industrial complex, and even more so it is very indicative how it drove along the refractory plant, then that is, he simply mocked the enemy, that is, complete impunity, trawled the road for further assault groups, according to the data that i have, today our attack aircraft are trying to storm the refractory factories, that is, a large part of the city’s territory, well, it’s as if the enemy doesn’t control it yet, but we already control the southern part, a significant part of the central part, because everything is very , very bad for the enemy there, there is often also confirmation that we have now entered the microdistrict channel, some high-rise buildings have already been taken , assault operations are also underway, and i think we can also expect good news from this direction, these are the three main directions, although there are attacking actions on ugledarsky, novomikhailovka there is progress, there is good progress, there is
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the progress is insignificant, nevertheless there is, this is in the zaporozhye sector, in fact, for the enemy the disaster is growing, because an increasing number of brigades are not holding ours. but if until today there were panicky statements from the ukrainian side on this matter, now bravura statements began to be heard, in particular from vladimir kudrytsky, the head of ukrenergo. let's listen to him. russia's missile attacks
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on ukraine's energy infrastructure are having disastrous consequences, in ukraine up to 80% of thermal generation and up to 35% of hydro generation were destroyed. this could be a blessing for ukraine, says vladimir kudritsky, chairman of the board of ukrenergo. the first of those power plants that were affected were built and put into operation in the period before 1977. all of them were built a long time ago using old technologies, everything in them contradicts today’s modern technological level, kudritsky emphasized. in other words, we are now shutting down the most inefficient and expensive generation. we have to mobilize existing international support to attract as much as possible. more private investment to build a new generation of power plants, well, then maybe the matter will be completed, of course, by dismantling the regime, decommunization of the ukrainian energy system, because well, it’s as if after the soviet union they didn’t build a single power plant, but in general it’s certainly an interesting situation , well, in fact, the situation
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here is doubly interesting, said alekseevich, because if you go to rybensko, you can find hydroelectric power stations there us, although we do not suffer from a lack of new plants, including nuclear ones...
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as russian troops have stepped up attacks on ukrainian energy infrastructure, calls for defense systems have become increasingly desperate, leading foreign minister kuleba to tell western leaders: " give us these damn patriots." vladimir zelensky formulated a specific request: for complete protection of ukraine , it is desirable to have 25 patri systems with 6-8 batteries each. this is a huge figure, the usa has only 15 petriot battalions, ukraine has nothing it can’t be 25, notes mark kansen. senior advisor at the washington center for strategic and international studies. in a recent interview, rayton's president of
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ground and air defense systems, tom la liberty, said the company is currently capable of producing 12 patriot weapon systems per year, a rate that means it will take years to meet ukraine's needs, not counting the manufacturer's other commitments. this is how the arithmetic turns out, yes, that is, they can produce 12 united states, yes, they themselves there are 15 of them. ukraine needs 25, well, to ensure the security of ukraine, continuing this logic, it is necessary to dismantle the anti-people nazi regime in kiev, give it to the court of its members, let’s say, yes, those who will survive, and then create such an infrastructure. on a certain territory, yes, which will somehow be called
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there, potentially ukraine or something, which after all, from the territory of which there will be no threat not only to russia, remember this, coming back, as they quoted, there was such a wonderful book, in my time, propaganda, but a very interesting publication, where the threat to the world comes from was such that from the territory of this, from this black hole of europe, it does not come from... not only russia, but also europe and the world, then it will ensure the safety of the population this territory. this means that the security of a significant part of the population is strategically ensured by the entry of the corresponding regions into the russian federation, into connection with russia, despite the difficulties of today they will undoubtedly be overcome, in strategic terms, these are these millions of people. will live in a situation of prosperity and security, well, with the rest, so to speak, it will be seen now
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as our special military operation is successfully completed, no petrites will help, no matter how many of them, even if they make 12 instead of 24, they will put everything there , this will not help, they will be destroyed in the same way, which means that as for this energy infrastructure, well, look, because the kiev regime dismantled the remains. sovereign economy of ukraine. by the way, orban is absolutely right, prime minister of hungary i am absolutely right when i said that ukraine has ceased to be a sovereign state. this, this is not, this is not a propaganda statement, and this is not polemical fervor. absolutely correct. did he say why? because the country does not live and will not survive without western help. this country is not sovereign, not independent, not autonomous. it's clear. therefore, these are the remnants of soviet economic power, soviet economic power, which means they somehow
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still keep heat there, drainage, water supply there and so on, yes, but nothing new, what did he say, give us money, build us green, green energy, which means there won’t be any money, because no one is investing money in this situation, absolutely right, there won’t be, but at some stage it will be necessary... to give the economy under new historical conditions, of course, not under the nazi regime, yes, but under some, so to speak, new political configuration, it will undoubtedly be created.
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sovereign, well, software brains, plus hardware, so to speak, but we invest the software and hardware systems that create everything money under the leadership of the president into our sovereign economy, into our sovereign industry, in ukraine the remnants of at least some sovereignty are being destroyed, there is at least some autonomy there, this is now a territory completely dependent on washington, but this cannot continue like this, that’s absolutely true, and this is not in the interests of the inhabitants of this country that is still there, right? well, i must say that if they want to create a green economy, then dependence on the west will not help here, since all the ingredients of a green economy including solar panels and so on and batteries are produced in china, so who says in the west this is also missing, but nevertheless europe declares that it will support ukraine to
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the end with absolutely all available means, ursula von spoke about this today. it will take moral and political europe as long as it takes to have the courage to stand with ukraine here, because insecurity and a russian victory will cost us far more than any money we can save. we can't afford to resist multiple threats and conflicts, being unprepared for them. so how will they prepare? and think to yourself, when will the devil take you, to support you to the end, this also means something else, has another meaning, until the very end, yes until the very end, until the last ukrainian, until the last ukrainian, as the great boris johnson bequeathed, the great terrible boris johnson, yes, the price tag is growing, the price tag of military supplies to ukraine is growing, the price tag is rising
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, the so-called restoration of ukraine is, of course, ahead of the american ones, before european politicians. a pressing problem arises: where to get the money for this, because when once again the european union tried to allocate a very large tranche, the financiers of the european union, the accountants, roughly speaking, said whatever you want, where will you get this money from, and at the cash desk , the money in the nightstand had already run out, if previously they took it from there and so on, then they came up with the idea of ​​borrowing in order to give it to ukraine, which also receives loans and will also give back, that is, such an interesting chain arises, but... in this regard, of course, one should think that if earlier someone, if earlier the hyenas of europe aptly called poland, then i think the attitude of ukraine is a black hole, not even of europe, but of the world economy , because it is precisely this name that will most likely stick to ukraine, it cannot avoid it, because
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appetites are growing, and, as you know, it comes during meals, and how, the more they give, the more they will demand . not even to ask, to demand, this is an alarming symptom, a very alarming trend is that now zelensky is ready to borrow, which means that the future generation of ukrainians are becoming credit, debt slaves for europe, what does europe really want from ukraine, in my opinion, it really wants to mow down as many ukrainians as possible, for what, here is france and britain lifted the veil of secrecy a little, building their relations with...
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europe can’t help much, america can still help, but will america help after advertising. what pain pills do you need exactly if you have stomach problems, this is a very serious question, but we answer this and other questions in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first one, a wonderful drama is being filmed, i hope it will be funny. there was some kind of vein, he could choose from the crowd, there are a lot of famous people now, thanks to geralash, he was just such a kinop
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, he was, but for me, it’s not me, it’s herself, i don’t have an acting education, yarovazh became the first step in cinema, tell me, well, who am i, i passed it, by the way, without auditioning, he simply showed me: “sanya, your emotions are needed here, that’s all, don’t be afraid, we ate on purpose so as not to bite or eat.” small children, the enormous pleasure and happiness of doing what you madly love, what the audience loves, probably there is nothing better and there is nothing better, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of boris grachevsky, on saturday at the first, and i am walking, walking around moscow, until now, at the mitrouniversitet station, passengers point to that same escalator, someone even starts humming the song of the hero nikita mikhalkov from film "i'm walking around moscow" i don’t like it when... they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said
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to sokolova, lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba cried, i think, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all , what gundareva played is we... get a prize, i’m happy that he ’s watching, and he’s watching very interested, always slandering, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after a clinical death, weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, this is dasha. our director, and this is maxim, our cameraman, the guys met at work, we play naiba, yeah, well, here you are for this on the other hand, the girl, i haven’t slept all night, she
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made me laugh, we’ll do suzdol art, i need colored plates, just like our film crew, very beautiful, just what we need, there’s such a tradition in a wedding... celebrating the ceremony ringing bells, why do you have a three-headed bride, well , it happened, she is the second, it seems to me, we are opening, hurray, the road, floors, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, on sunday on the first, lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who in is he included? what countries it consists of and most importantly, who controls these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, the man who challenged the collective west. our war is
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a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say to everything: yes, right, left, up, down, everything, answering yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me. new project of the first channel. global majority. bashar assad. on sunday on first. show fashion verdict on channel one,
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i’m alexander rogov with you, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she’s gained weight , difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me. well, a good, attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like that you can perform in this image, you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, fashionable
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verdict, new season from april 22 on the first. big game on first. an interesting conflict is unfolding in the congress of the united states of america. michael johnson, speaker of the house of representatives the us congress has brought up more than one bill for discussion. on assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan, and separate bills divided them, the chances of acceptance each of these bills, in my opinion, is different and the attitude towards them is also different, but johnson has already put himself in almost military uniform and declared that he is now a wartime speaker. let's listen. “we
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are living in unprecedented dangerous times, this applies both to the whole world and to our country, we need stable leadership to be governed by a strong hand, i consider myself a wartime speaker, in the literal sense, that’s how it is, i knew it from then very moment, as soon as i took office, and i didn’t think that this path would be light. recently, former speaker newt gingrichi posted on his social media that this may be the toughest challenge a speaker has faced in the history of our country, he said. that this is comparable to a civil war, or maybe worse, every vote matters, in such terrible times, when our nation is so deeply divided, the only way to overcome these tests is to show our unity and explain to the world that we have answers to these great challenges, and we really have these answers, they may have the answer, but they also seem to have money there are not very many free people, aleksandrovich, what is your forecast of what will happen in the united states congress and, most importantly, will ukraine get what it would like?
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strictly speaking , there are essentially six months left before the presidential election, and before its results are summed up, well, if johnson really wanted a status of war, the country would probably declare readiness to defon1 and proceed directly; in my opinion, they announced it only once in the entire its history, even during the karivo crisis it was devkon2, but in fact johnson is essentially such is one of the last... not the last speaker during the biden administration, accordingly, uh, his only task now is to sit down and become some kind of arbiter between republicans and democrats, to prevent any aggravation of the situation in both, so to speak, houses of congress, and as for direct assistance to ukraine, naturally, having certain capabilities that provide rights, rights in congress, then the republicans, in
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particular the core. this party, which uses the factor of assistance to ukraine for the purposes of let's say, the disruption of any democratic agenda, they will hold on to this opportunity to the last and make maximum use of it precisely against the democrats; in fact , they are not so worried about what will happen during the period of power of the democrats in the white house, but they still they are counting on trump's victory, here, too , one should not have any illusions with the arrival of... trump , in my opinion, should not be expected to make a fundamental change in, so to speak, assistance to the ukrainian armed forces and the regime in kiev. yes, perhaps it will somehow be reduced in the nomenclature supplied weapons, it may be reduced in the volume of financial assistance, but in no case will it reduce its level in such indicators as military-intelligence support, development-technical support, provision of data to kiev, yes, both on...
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and through the nato command, where it is necessary, in fact, these are, to a certain extent, fundamental factors that allow kiev, among other things, to implement.
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have an advantage over the ukrainians, the ratio of these shells is 5 to one, israel needs them, taiwan needs them and of course america needs them. will we be able to participate in all these conflicts at the same time? no, it just doesn't make sense mathematically, so ukraine needs to focus on defensive tactics rather than launching these terrible counter-offensives that the biden administration has been pushing for. let's take another example, pro patri's systems, which recently saved many israeli lives.
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in a vote to remove johnson, because they could have held a vote within two legislative days. and what about democrats, several house democrats told me that they would actually save mike johnson, especially if he did what they wanted,
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particularly with regard to the ukraine aid, but would they really do that? so, this is a key moment for the speaker and the republican majority, which is escalating into bitter infighting and chaos. never before in american history has a speaker. was removed from office by his own colleagues, this is the relationship between internal foreign policy in the united states, well, in general, i it seems that this whole story, which is now so semi-detective, which is unfolding in the american congress, is of course absolutely pre-election in nature, uh, of course, these are, you know, once again emphasizing the convulsions of the biden administration, that’s all, that is, there are already republicans there, as they say, they are dividing the pie, they are already pushing among themselves. and many are working for the future, including their own personal perspective, apparently, they do not take biden into account, and this is indicative, this, of course, is the collapse of this administration, internal, internal political collapse of the administration, yes, it seems to me, the worst
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performance that we have seen in a decade of american politics, now, as for whether they will give or not, yalekseevich, i absolutely agree with you, something will probably go wrong, but the question is ... what will it cost, how quickly will it be transferred or will the elections come faster, the same american ones and then all this can be suspended and the transfer of this money or part of it can be frozen, but the most important thing is that i agree with my colleague that it will not , even if trump wins, there will be no immediate changes in washington’s ukrainian policy, there are still several months of transfer of cases, there is a rather complicated process in america, as we know. but the main thing is that we absolutely cannot adapt to this schedule, and we are not doing this, we are solving our problems, at the pace with the dynamics that our supreme commander-in-chief putin has repeatedly spoken about, we
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are solving our problems, we will continue to solve them, well they will give you some more weapons, they will give you more money, they will cut off the money, there they will allocate iskas and immediately cut them down, so to speak, some of them will not arrive at all. part will go to american defense enterprises, military factories, the military-industrial complex, now during the elections this is very important for both parties, by the way, so, so to speak, it’s not necessary that they will conditionally give some kind of the entire amount will go away. kiev , no, of course, most of them will return to their country, they will remain in the country, they will remain in the states, the rest will be cut down, so to speak, there is a 25-year gap, as they say, but the most important thing is that this will not solve anything in the field, it will not change the situation in any way, because this front, which zelensky, syrsky, and all these other skies are talking about, this front is collapsing, it is no longer just crumbling, it is collapsing under our blows, this will only increase. this trend, you are absolutely right, well said today, this is a trend, yes, but it is growing
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, this trend, we understand this perfectly well, it is now stretched to the maximum, this string, so to speak, then it will burst, that’s it, therefore, we are stretching it out even more, we are striking at the infrastructure absolutely correctly, the destruction of kharkov-chernigov, the destruction, so to speak, of all this abomination, so to speak, outright, mercenaries there and so on, including the officers, this is very the right things, and it will be incremental. here, none of these billions there or whatever they agree on will absolutely save the kiev regime, we will remember, so to speak, that the saigon regime received a lot of money in the last months of its existence, afghan, which and afghan, which did not arrive, some of which flew away in suitcases and some there, so to speak, yes, we know this perfectly well, this money did not solve anything, so it will not solve anything here, but in order to scatter... money, you have to have it, but the united states actually
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has financial problems, they are not the most wonderful, we know about the size of the national debt , everything is going into deficit, that is, if they allocate money there, even small to israel or large to ukraine, it will be due to emissions , there are no other sources, so moreover, internal problems are also growing, well, biden opened the border, okay, now we need to feed the migrants who have arrived.
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on russian metals for aluminum, copper and nickel, that they can no longer be traded on the new york and london exchanges, as a result, naturally, prices for these metals jumped up sharply, but today biden just spoke in pennsylvania to metallurgists and said that he will increase duties on chinese metal by 300%, we can imagine what will happen to prices for metal in america. and what they will make weapons from, they will make
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weapons from this, firstly, missing aluminum, nickel and copper and expensive chinese cast iron. micheslavich, well, firstly, in addition to the fact that they must be made, they must also be preserved, because i wanted to congratulate , quite, as it seems to me, in your vein, the wonderful american nation, the american nation for what they have today, or rather yesterday according to their time, the scranton arsenal was burning, the largest in terms of production, 155 million. they extinguished, well, extinguished, but it’s amazing how cast iron can burn, so to speak, and other machines, so to speak, well, okay, it burned and burned, as they say, talented people, so to speak, somehow managed to do it, but the question is that aluminum itself, you started talking first about aluminum, it is an energy-intensive metal, its production requires a colossal amount of electricity, therefore energy is needed, for steel, i will remind you that at one time the states already tried to wage a barrage against steel when ours was severstal. actually threw a considerable amount of goods onto the world exchange, so
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steel is also very expensive, and an expensive commodity in production, and 70% of the labor market is staffed by the so-called third sector, that is, this is a service market, not real production at all, so people are shooting themselves in the foot, they don’t have metals in particular , which is extremely important to note , the chinese are unable to produce new alloys. for tanks, because when the abrams m1 a1 was compared on maneuvers, the chinese comrades compared it, published the results with our t-90 breakthrough, there was no reinforcement there, there was a t-90 breakthrough, then... they saw that along the way, as they turned around during maneuvers, but an elementary american tank, sorry for the defeat, did not catch up, because the steel was very heavy, the alloys were old, and, accordingly, it was not effective on the battlefield, i i won’t talk about other things now, because we are talking specifically about metals, it turns out that not only do they not have the necessary technological chains for the production of alloys, but they also do not have
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the energy to produce these very goods, so who does god want to destroy, besides, as they say, he takes away the mind, well , i must say that in my opinion they are doing everything for... trump benefits from the fact that mike johnson is the speaker, because he can control him, for example, on such an important issue, like aid to ukraine, trump can control johnsen from bringing this issue to a vote even though we implore him to do so with an overwhelming
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majority of votes, which means donald trump is essentially driving this bus, and of course the man who is driving donald trump. and comedy, tragedy turned into farce simply because you can’t treat your political system like that, in general it’s a young country, america was once a state of idealists, a lot happened there, it was very interesting, but over time it turned into a country bureaucrats, this is a huge bureaucratic
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office that spends much more on its services than another country produces or consumes, and this is absolutely obvious. therefore, they, apparently, are not afraid of the lack of money, because they they say: we will print, economists say, as you print, it’s impossible, well, it’s possible, because we are bureaucrats, we know better, unfortunately, the united states fell and the us leadership, and part and most of the establishment, fell into this trap when they convinced themselves that they know better than anyone how everything works, and what is possible and what is not, this is a side effect of the abolition of international law in favor of so-called rules, because it arises... this is why joseph biden, god willing to him health for the next presidential term, he shows the world here such maxims that in another, in another situation, would look like a nightmare,
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some kind of horror, even a thriller, but we see it as a comedy, this is precisely the difference between the usa. bronzed and frozen as a bureaucratic structure, and the rest of the world is developing, especially in the brix format, and for us this becomes, well, let’s say, a really interesting episode, which is part of our, perhaps common history, yes, but the united states, in addition to the fact that they are stuck inside the country now, internal political strife, they are still stuck in the middle east, and there seems to be no way out for them, but we ’ll talk about that after the ad. romanian president klaus johannes intends to lead nato and host the alliance's largest base in europe in his country. johannis, have you become a servant of the americans? he is german. the base can be used as a jump-off airfield for striking russian territory. we have helped and will continue to help ukraine. iohannis has as many as 17 criminal cases.
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mr. pont's team lied that i was involved in child trafficking. at the right time i can prove this with documents. but he said this for 10 years. back, the documents are in process, criminal cases were opened not only about children, but about corruption, while this man romania already owes 144 billion euros, he sold romania for the fact that he would be given the post of nato secretary. americans, as ukraine moves towards the abyss, are very interested in romania, because it should be one of the second ukraines. the minister of defense resigns with the wording: i cannot cooperate with this president, they will deploy a huge strike group of troops approximately 3,000 soldiers. iohannis, a german in the role of a romanian, this is dangerous, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. today we will introduce you to a man. whose work arouses more and more interest day by day is the circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my
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teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. it's the fleetingness that i want to capture. the circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue ours. series half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovissky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49, minutes of jazz for me.
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the snow is turning white, and in the spring the waters are noisy, the sleepy shore will be running, they are running, shining and saying, they they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us forward, what where, when is the spring series of games, on sunday on... the simple boy benito
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mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if not the warm support of educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile; he published the first programmatic fascist text, the fascist manifesto. intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they special rights to dispose of other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism. on monday, on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today.
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together with my wife elena mikhailovna nichaeva to live together in the next world, what kind of love, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her, in the end, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i’ve soaked him with his hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and not wants to break up with her, hello, len, frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, why? ready, that's it, life after life, the premiere
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of a serial film, soon on the first, a big game live, the day when iran launched a missile strike on israel. was the only time in the last six months that israel did not bomb the gas strip. the united nations again recorded more than 100 deaths. yesterday, the number of deaths in the gas sector reached 34,000 people, the number of injured - 76,500. died during there are 10,000 palestinian women, including 6,000 mothers who left.
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and the corresponding question was asked during a press conference by state department talking head matthew miller, and here is his answer. i would like to ask you about the hospital. a un team arrived there and they said they were horrified by what they saw. on the outskirts of the hospital, they discovered a mass grave containing many unidentified bodies. have you seen this report? do you have any comments? on this matter, i have seen this report at the moment i don’t have any independent assessment of this event, but have you contacted israel, are you going to start an investigation, this is a mass grave, we don’t have employees in israel who could start such an investigation or conduct any kind of inquiry, we don’t have people to places that could understand what happened, we regularly raise issues of this kind with the israeli government, as
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for this particular case, i have just become familiar with israeli actions in the gaza strip let down, strictly speaking, by the disproportionality of the actions, even if we assume that tel aviv decided to demonstrate its determination in the fight against hamas, and we do not touch upon any initial scenarios or any predetermined events in the gas sector, then the position of israel, the further it continues this
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carnage. gas, the less it is understood not only by some neutral countries, but also by its closest allies, at least at the level of rhetoric, since such actions, let ’s say, even to tel aviv’s closest ally, it is not profitable for washington and a number of european states to support, yes, the americans are also starting to turn up their noses, but at the same time they are introducing sanctions. well, if you thought that you were against israel, then you are mistaken, jake saleon said that the united states is now ready to introduce a package of sanctions, but against whom? let's listen. in the coming days, the us will impose new sanctions against iran and its missile and drone programs, as well as against organizations supporting the irgc and the iranian ministry of defense. we expect our allies and our partners will soon follow our example and introduce their own sanctions. we continue
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to work to further strengthen and expand the system.
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this is the same, this is many goals at once, this is not only security there and not so much even the security of israel, this is the general, so to speak, situation in the middle east, this is minimizing opposition to the american course, this is the simultaneous stopping of our cooperation with iran, this is stopping chinese-iranian cooperation, a lot of others, so to speak, yes, but this is all absolutely destructive policy. there is no constructiveness from washington, that is, there is nothing good for the region, as it never was and never will be, washington can only scare and give weapons, they really have no other policy, everyone, of course, is now waiting for what israel will do, inflict whether he is retaliating against iran, iran warns, today, by the way, there was a parade in iran in honor of the country's army day, and president ibrahim raisi
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spoke on the occasion, let's. let's listen to him. our military operation against israel was originally planned as limited and not comprehensive. if this was a major operation, then the allies. devices, there are more than six categories, which iran has at its disposal to deliver a constant wave after wave of attacks on israel over the course of several days, and with this, with such
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saturation, that is, an excess of targets that you will see on a flared antenna array, reflect, especially with the difference in prices for missiles, anti-missiles, strikes will be impossible, i remind you that one heavy gas-class drone of iran, as it is called,
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the usa and israel, declared themselves god’s chosen ones and they believe that they are outside the rules, outside the standards that everyone else must adhere to, and they should not, which is why they are so maniacally trying to immobilize iran so that it cannot respond, that is, it even comes down to this little bit of teenage competition, you know don’t answer, because then we will lose face, to be honest, with all this chosenness of god, i think... to finish, i think that israel will also be hit, but not because of honor, but precisely because of dishonor, because netanyahu is under criminal charges simply will be imprisoned if there is no big war, so
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in these conditions, contrary to any interests of his own people, contrary even to the security of israel, and i believe even to the survival of israel as a state, which is now really called into question, he will still strike a blow for in order... in the wake of this anti-ran and military hysteria to maintain our positions, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, on the first channel. the water is rising rapidly in the kurgan region.


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