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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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with the middle east, it is still somewhere - alone, in general, not alone, with its feet resting on the ground, on what is happening on the ground, at the level of combat units, at the level in our case, trenches, dugouts, fpv, drones, that is, what is going on there, what may be, and not everyone sees from a high geopolitical level, but how the discussion takes place at the geopolitical level, where they are moving or not moving, and what trends... whether they will prevail or not depends on what is happening on earth, in this case on earth not on this scale of the map, on a completely different scale of the map, this, by the way, is a very good example of the fact that even when you are talking on this scale, and you shouldn’t forget about another scale, much more so to speak, such a substantive one, like this, yes, understand that that big map is in many ways...
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i didn’t discuss much attention to the need for such equipment, that is, they were talking about something so grandiose, strategic, which is also very necessary, these are the machines for evacuating the wounded from robot battlefields, and assault vehicles, robots and so on, i think it was considered some kind of interesting, but exotic, now, and the minister of defense said this today, addressing those who produce it to the military... we need a lot of this and quickly , and you understand perfectly well that a lot and a lot can be said quickly now, because someone started developing this some time ago, it doesn’t just click like that, not to mention why the minister of defense did on this is an accent, because it’s not enough to invent all this and produce make put on stream, this still must be accepted according to certain regulations of the ministry.
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but this is a conversation about the need to identify problems, work on them, solve them and move forward, just as in the case of our strikes that we have been delivering, well, somewhere since the end of march already, well, as it seems to me at a more active pace, the accuracy of these strikes is growing, and the scale of destruction of the enemy’s infrastructure is growing, today the...
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layers are working, that’s when the turning point begins in all areas, so what we will talk about talking today is based on this, this is what is happening at higher levels of politics and geopolitics, we will discuss immediately after a short, as always very interesting advertisement, on channel one, don’t switch, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, today we will introduce you to a person whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is the circus and theater director, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic,
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fantastic reality in the circus. it's the fleetingness that i want to capture. the circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue. our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 and a half days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor bohemia moscow, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 minutes. jazz for me is not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first,
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lately we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of and most importantly, who controls these states, we met in the palace of the president of syria,
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on sunday at the first show, a fashionable verdict on the first channel, i’m alexander rogov with you, over the last month she ordered black leather shorts, boldly, boldly, a red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she ’s put on weight, a difficult mother , my mother really wants me to be a decent girl. this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, what a nice attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, this is something like what can be performed in such image, you need something completely new, you are
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very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter: and i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable verdict, new season from april 22, on the first. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but everything is cleared up, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you will still die, why? everything is lumped together, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want
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to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her. in the end . she will be the first to cry and calm down, where is the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, but... we’re talking live, live , including about what’s happening
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directly on the battlefield in the theater of military operations where the military stage of the conflict is unfolding , how much does this affect other floors or levels of its discussion, political, informational and so on, here is another example of the scale of what is happening, we are all there for five days, and also today in the second part of the program , of course, we will talk about what... iran's retaliatory strike israel, there are 200, that means, drones, there are several missiles, here you go, a report from the ministry of defense, just a regular working report from the ministry of defense, that in one day 191 unmanned aerial vehicles, six operational-tactical missiles were shot down by air defense systems, an attack with produced in the usa, a guided bomb, and so on, in a day, and this is such a working topic, that is, no one is saying that something unreal happened today.
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gradually and not always as quickly as we would like, and sometimes too slowly as it seems to some that this leads to such an attitude towards what is happening in the perception of our enemy’s allies. we listen to politics. it's not just that ukrainian troops are running low on ammunition, the country is dangerously short of something even more difficult to obtain than shells, the fighting spirit needed to win. the morale of ukrainian troops is depressed by incessant bombing, lack of modern weapons and losses on the battlefield. at
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the same time, volunteers seeking to join the army disappeared in the rear cities. many shy away from conscription or left the country altogether. ukraine is sliding towards disaster. the front line could collapse as early as this summer as a result of a proposed offensive by russia's armed forces, which outnumber the ukrainian side. russia, more than ever, is close to its goals in the northeast military district zone, while ukraine is in its current state. form will remain a thing of the past, unless a turning point occurs on the battlefield. the country is facing an existential crisis; such an existential struggle cannot be won without mobilizing the entire nation. and yes, i'm fine i understand, i myself have said this many times, i will repeat it every time, that i understand that this is politics, which, in addition to the fact that it reflects reality and the real situation, it is also involved in marketing to squeeze out help from ukroreich, that this is pressure on.. congressmen who should allocate some money, this is pressure on the europeans who
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should not give up on the unfortunate nenko, i understand all this perfectly well, and i remember very well that this is the same politics that was in january. in february of twenty-two described there for how many hours will russian tanks enter kiev and so on, i understand all this perfectly, but i also understand that in order for these political articles to somehow correlate with reality now, it was necessary... on a huge, huge scale our guys should work on the battlefield so that there is such a moral state of the ukrainian troops, it is not invented, so that there is such a problem with the ukrainian reich volunteers, which they themselves quote, is over, otherwise they would not need such a law on mobilization, our military-industrial complex, which really leads to the fact that in many areas, yes, they snarl, but nevertheless our fire shaft, it is much more powerful and also...
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i’ll start with what i think is an interesting comment to everyone on the issue of the effectiveness of ukrainian air defense, well, we we’ve always heard that they shoot down 150% for launched targets, we always heard before, now their trend has changed to the opposite, that... they’re kind of like, well, they don’t have enough, but i’ll just notice one interesting thing that we saw the reflection is very small, as we understand today, you i just said that for us this is an absolutely ordinary attack, a very small iranian attack on two targets in israel, as a result of which it turned out that the israeli defense forces took part in the repulse,
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us carrier-based aircraft took part, the british took part, the french took part, the jordanians took part. the famous izhis anti-missile system took part, which was deployed on ships, that is, in general everything was involved, but not a single hypersonic missile was shot down, assuming that it was used, no, they were used, i think they posted a photo yesterday, however, look what we shot down, it turned out that it was just a spent upper stage of an iranian hypersonic missile, i posted it on my telegram channel, you can see exactly , that is, none of these missiles. it wasn’t, this is to the question that , taking into account the quality of the air defense that worked there, and applying it here, to the stories about how they knocked down our daggers in batches and everything else, the second, of course, it must be said that today there really is a war it’s finally changing qualitatively, we almost now don’t hear about the problem of the counter-battery, i always in this case
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, you know, blow on the water, because i understand that yes, there really is a number of shells that. but today we see that we see the excellent work of our reconnaissance and strike contours, that is , it is no longer just good guns, good troops, but we see a single complex of work, in which, for example, even recently, when we watched the destruction of divisional, that is, non-vizin battery s300 ukrainian, is not enough who paid attention, but i, as a military man, understood that... the defeat of the division with the uav is, as it were, removed, that is, this means that there is a uav there, which at least this division does not see, well, they are now saying the same thing about kharkov, that kharkov’s air defense is already to such an extent , well, not that it’s zeroed out, but that ours are already recording a lot from drones, which are definitely there, but i repeat, that is, this means not only that
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no matter how they see, but also about the speed with which time reactions, because it is quite obvious that the division there is not standing there day after day. that is, we have already solved this problem, and this problem is not only technical, but military-administrative, it is an organizational problem, first of all, and we have solved this thing, i will note one interesting thing, that today the biggest problem for us, as we know, we we always discuss drones now, but i’ll note that drones are not american weapons, in fact we are today.
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you have to prepare yourself for the fact that they are about to as we read the politician, they are about to run away, and they run away, in this part we understand why the politician is writing this, they are running away, they are fighting, fighting fiercely, but we must understand that yes, indeed the mood is completely different, yes, indeed we are already like for at least 3-4 months we see that they are surrendering not only individually, but also in entire groups, that is, we understand that they have huge problems with staffing, by the way, i note, remember, about a year ago, if i’m not mistaken, how his last name is poznyak, don’t you remember? in my opinion, there was this... political scientist - ukrainian, who is of american, that is , ukrainian origin, who said that we urgently need one and a half million to the front, i note that they, we then said how crazy this is, but today we we see that they work according to his patterns, not in the sense that he controls, but in the sense that they cannot come up with anything else, only people, that until they are given what they ask for, they are going to shut it up stupid
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people, and for them, of course, this is also a huge problem, because even taking into account that they... are raking out and will be raking out at a much faster pace, because it is clear that the law is draconian, it will be very difficult to hide, but we must understand that people who are driven to the front, they do not immediately become fighters, firstly, secondly, the level of motivation, as you and i know very well, plays one of the main, one of the main roles in war, if you don’t really want to fight, and even less want to die, then the overall level of combat effectiveness, in this case, it begins to decline sharply, it's true, like... again, as you and i know, and not only us, it is also true that a man who was caught on the street, who had no intention of going anywhere, whose hands were twisted, thrown into a minibus, was taken away and a month later was sent to the line. front, after a week or two he has that motivation that he never could have imagined, because his comrades are dying nearby, you
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took it off your tongue, but you have to understand, i also don’t need to be pink ponies, which is kind of these people who are killed in the streets, they do not become some kind of great warriors right away, but their motivation appears quite quickly, this is survival, just elementary and revenge, whatever you want, you are absolutely right, but...
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they say that lying must be punished and punished very cruelly, and people are not very protected , when an entire unit, instead of fighting for six months, wears down in one and a half to two months, then in this case, of course , withdrawal forces are needed, because our people are somehow not a bottomless barrel, despite the fact that we are a huge country, you are saying now with a reason to say so, of course, well because that you understand that i know, but i just understand perfectly well that there is a reaction to this, i know how such commanders are removed, again sometimes they say: no one does anything, it’s not true, they remove them very harshly, on the contrary, those those who really show themselves go to the top, and we now know the appointments that, again, have passed, that is
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, in this case, what i’m talking about is that this is the training period, you know, the soviet army had the forty-second year, it was called the training period, so school period, yes, bloody school period, because that we remember kharkov and everything else, it’s true that it already ended with stalingrad, well , that’s the forty-second year... we’re in the twenty-third year of school, it’s already a school year, it ’s over, and of course, we’re really now waiting for that yes, in this spring-summer campaign, not only politics, as it were , predicts this, but we also expect that there will be very serious changes, because everyone understands that the quality has accumulated very large and the transition from quantity to quality is also before our eyes, now the task all this is correct manage, yeah, the task is to manage all this correctly and of course not take it off. from the point of view that, strictly speaking, those who started this whole mess and used ukraine continue to use it as a battlefield,
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this phrase at the end, that in such an existential struggle it is impossible to win without mobilizing the entire nation, today when i was in my telegram about i wrote this, i wrote only one thing, that everyone sympathizes, everyone is trying to find money, but no one canceled the task of fighting to the last ukrainian, the question is, what else do they need?
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this is indicative, well, the next level is from the battlefield, the next level is those who , as it were, politically decide these issues, on whom it depends more or less, whether they will give or not, someone does not make these decisions, but participates, as it were, in the development background for these decisions, they are all together, this is very revealing, at least in words, i don’t know what is happening there at closed military meetings, but they are all together in words, now this is what i hear every time i hear this what ermak says, often this is a potion he says, they have this one... and why are we worse, aren’t we people? i remember every time, i wrote several times, there is such a wonderful work, the island of dr. moreau, where he means...
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there are things that cannot be compared, you need to understand that the israeli iron dome system, which protects the airspace , was created over the years , besides , it is very expensive, but even if we had the resources, it cannot be done overnight, secondly, iranian attacks against israel took place over the bases of france, the usa, britain and jordan, so these countries reacted in self-defense;
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this does not happen in ukraine. in ukraine there are no american, no british, much less jordanian military bases that could be threatened by these missiles, so a similar answer is impossible, the circumstances are completely different, the circumstances are completely different, aren’t we people, well, a little bit not quite, we you they converted it from a small animal, you walk like that on two legs, you speak fluently, well, in general, guys, what kind of israeli are you, you are not israeli at all, even the one that you have a presidential one, well
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, it kind of extends to the fact that this project is ukrainian in general, and even more so now in the world, well, the aggravation in the middle east, which we will talk about later, what is the current status of this project for the west, because without the west, we understand that there is no ukrainian army, no army, nothing, there are people, there is nothing else, in your opinion, what is going on between them? well, if you now observe what is happening, say, around uh.
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with these same bills, yeah, only that, as you know, speaker johnson, who is always balancing on the brink of whether he will or will not put it to a vote, came up with an option in which instead of one bill he would have four, dividing them, this is for israel, this is this ukraine, this in general in the pacific basin and so on, this has already caused outrage, outrage.
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in the senate, in general, all this fuss and fuss is very closely interconnected with the attitude of republicans towards democrats, the prospects for elections in the united states, and so on and so forth. but, of course, i must to say that in fact they are the most consistent opponents of russia, they are still trying,
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everything is balancing on the brink when it comes to the prospects for the expansion of the conflict in the middle east. it is clear that israel attacked a diplomatic mission in a foreign country, in syria , precisely in order to break the impasses of its domestic military operation, igniting a large fire in the middle east, in which israel hopes the united states will be drawn in, we will be drawn in by iran , in response to this the united states will have nothing left but to get involved, that is, this is a situation where israel is trying to wag the tail of the dog with the united states itself,
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came under attack, in fact , chancellor scholz ran into him, the chancellor of austria ran into him, they saw in him that he was not really ready to help as much as should have already lamented the losses of israel, well, in general , a lot of things have been said, that is, old man borel made a mistake in this case from the point of view of general solidarity, but as far as ukraine is concerned, it is obvious that today ukraine is a weak point .
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i mean calling everyone to a military post, everyone from young to old, i mean that in our country there should not be war here and peace here, but war and the rear, there is war and there is a rear, which, which helps the front, which helps the front, this happens, but not to such an extent, on the scale that, as it seems to me, will be needed not in order to defeat ukraine, but in order to put the west in its place, uh-huh we are there. certainly political scientists who do not see the end of the whole a special military operation, such as the capitulation of ukraine and the destruction, cessation of its existence, but we must be aware that in today’s situation, this kind of
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capitulation of ukraine is actually the same as the capitulation of the west. it seems to me that the west does not want any capitulation, and this is quite natural, and it will make efforts, coordinate everything else in order to help this ukraine, but on its own.
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in terms of the fact that
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this tonality needs to be changed in some sense, but i’m also watching, here, well, i’m watching something there, i listen and read how happy we are. many, well , they sort of mock, troll the uhilyants, as they are called in ukraine, well, those who escaped from mobilization there to europe and so on, here, i sometimes listen, watch, say, “ yes, they are so-and-so, well that is, he trolls people, but we should simply, well , award them with certificates in every possible way, because no matter what he is, a nazi, not a nazi, the last scumbag, if he fled from ukraine somewhere else, this is a person who in any case, he won’t be at the front and he won’t shoot at our boys, that was the logic, in the first days of the special operation, according to which we are in the duma and i, in particular, tried in every possible way to ensure that there were as many benefits as possible.”
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and his services warned him that you know, the hitlers come and go, but the german people remain, yes, but finishing this very important topic, i hope that the situation at the front in the foreseeable future will allow us to talk about this more often, because these are the most important things, but for in order to discuss them more seriously and often, well it’s necessary already, otherwise i remember how in the spring of twenty-two we were already discussing here in the studio, here we need military commandant’s offices, we don’t need them...
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i took turns, i had one of the airborne ones, and i
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was like, in my youth, no, i won’t i don’t need to go to a military department, in general it’s useful knowledge, well, we ’ll master it here in battle with you, well, that’s what i came to, well , as a matter of fact, life has improved, karma has taken its toll, special propaganda has caught up with me, we’re moving on, this means, from the point of view of analyzing what is happening now among potential, that means our enemies, here konstantin fetrovich began to talk about this, that... they reprimanded him for drawing some kind of parallels, not even parallels, on the contrary, that israel is israel, and ukraine is also ukraine, the old man is being corrected, which means that they will have an economic summit of eu leaders here, which, as they write, is “overshadowed by iran,” but they will, of course, talk about ukraine there too, in fact, barel is already saying that, of course, they expect to get something specific. obligations for the supply of air defense to ukraine, since now they
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they say that they need air defense, they generally have no luck with the ukrainian reich, that is, at the moment when they were howling that they needed shells, israel, therefore, began an operation in the gas sector, and 150-mm shells were really needed there , and now these are driving through air defense, but now israel seems to need air defense, because this one, so to speak, is so interesting, it just happens to coincide, here’s the table. i had a conversation with the president of romania about our support for ukraine, i urge all allies to dig deeper to provide. more ammunition from air defense systems, romania is critical to the defense of nato's eastern flank and is committed to supporting ukraine. well, where would we be without romania? here. it was already, i want to say, it was decisive in 1941, 1942, we remember how it ended for romania. we remember how it ended for romania, but romania was
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, as it were, stung for political reasons, so romania remained. and i really like this, that you have to dig deeper. actually, the classic phrase is... dig uh deeper, throw it further, it’s interesting, they seem to be talking about the need to dig deeper, are they going to throw it, or are they really going to give something, because the same stolpenberg, he goes further, again the question words or not, he says that if you have a question among nato members, and you have a choice, your nato indicators or additional assistance to ukraine, send assistance. ukraine, now the question arises again, well, the question of analysis, perception, i don’t know, i believe, i don’t believe, is this still some kind of rhetoric in order to support the morale that has fallen, or is it still a real process of searching for something, and if the search for something, then what, to support the pants, or whoever? -this
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suggests that a military solution may be, well, more or less tangible for ukraine, in your opinion, well, first i would say a few words about zelensky, who is obscene, who, no, of course not, who, but you have something about him, after all, we are engaged in analysis, and not inscriptions on the fence, so, in fact, zelensky, he seems to increase the hysteria of comments regarding the fact that help is not coming, in particular these statements on the topic i don’t believe that you don’t have patriots, i can’t believe that you... don’t have just these shells, give me 25 complexes and we will cover the entire sky, i will never believe, says zelensky, that these great countries do not, because many people actually already say that we, in principle, gave everything we could, and such statements are coming, well, stoldenberg and says: look deeper, now
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we’ll get to that, but in fact, on the one hand the logic is clear why, because for a long time... the citizens of ukraine were explained a simple thing that they need to hold out, this was especially true last year, it was clearly visible, now we will hold out, and then our older comrades will come and take us in nato, especially when there was a nato summit, this logic can be seen very clearly, they will take us into nato, then they will stand up for us, but we just have to wait until they take us into this big one. club then we will no longer fight, but they will fight for us, these are the conversations on the topic of why you are protecting them is not to protect us - this is a continuation of that same logic, but it turns out that when zelensky and other leaders of ukraine say publicly that no one is protecting us, naturally the ukrainian population should have more and more
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questions on the topic, so wait, you said that we should wait a little, we are about to be taken into nato there or there will be some kind of plan, a road map, but now it turns out:
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how will all this happen, especially since there are still those who are pushing us, as you know , they got a reservation, in this regard, they also have a logic, either you go to the front, or grab and send, so they will naturally grab these people with rage, then there will be some attempts to reformat, well, especially since there are among those who grab for the sake of objectivity , there are many who were really at the front, who really drank there, they still do this, as if not to cover themselves, they still do it with hatred, that i drank too much, so you drank, that’s why it’s there.. the car is of course very ukrainian . very, very made in ukrainian, well, not in ukrainian, it’s just made jesuitically, but in this sense, of course, these videos will be played quite effectively, well, yes, but it works, it works, at least ukrainian society receives another signal, that no one will fight for them, and
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they will really have to finally clean up the mess. as for digging deeper and the situation in nato countries. well, it’s clear that if you really can look for something in the storerooms there, let’s say, the czech republic made a statement today that they don’t have heroically, 500,000 shells collected this... the shell coalition worked, some countries throw up their hands, but they really say that we gave everything we could there and they say whatever they want, you can be ironic, by the way, about romania, but they can also be born , it’s impossible not to be ironic, that’s the problem, no, i mean that where romania is, there’s moldova, you know that the whole topic of soviet warehouses is also known, by the way, it can also be implemented, because in there are many in ukraine. they say that we are walking here, let's beg, when there are army warehouses next to us, we just need to resolve
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the issue with moldova and, accordingly , get these weapons into the sausage, well, also like a scenario, which in principle is quite obvious, it is necessary that his father tomshed from 155-meter shells is not there, maybe no, and there is a 152 mm one with a very relative degree, but nevertheless, the most important thing is that the shells were from the first world war. yes, well, there are different shells there, and the first world war, and well, in general, you know, in the current situation, when they say about what kind of total shell hunger, probably, this could also be useful, at least there may be a desire to get this, and then we’ll sort of get it, then we’ll figure it out, this could also be the logic, but it’s also clear that it’s really far already not all western countries are ready to play this game, i , again, also understand that one should not be naive and think that it is complete, as many there say, that everything is there, everything will end now, no one will give anything, but nevertheless , of course, this is already a shallow river,
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there are quite a lot of problems, well, in fact , the key problem is the united states, where, unfortunately for ukraine , an increasingly active election campaign is unfolding, that’s where johnson really has their own interests and other republican politicians, who are like this... fetovich said there about snakes in a frying pan, in fact, you also need to understand that this is actually the essence of american politics, because america is a country of procedures, hence the huge legal business that exists there, a country that is constantly suing, in politics, in fact, this is the task of any american politician: if he has some kind of interest and some kind of goal, he takes lawyers and says: “look for opportunities and give me a scenario on how to catch on to something.”
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to receive further payment will already be it, but nevertheless, even on credit, at least nothing stands out, so here is a very even more interesting intersection of events associated with the tsukryreich, events associated with the allocation with these dances or snakes in a frying pan, with the allocation of funds to them, what happened in the middle east, all this is now even more closely intertwined, because you have already talked about these difficulties with the allocation... of this package with voting on it, now it has also been divided, and we understand perfectly well that we divided it
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because israel has become, well, a much more burning priority goal, now the question is who will be given how much, what these procedures and these alarms will be about, it is still connected, because the economy, the war, after all there is also economics, well, it’s just not just, so to speak, this is such a fight, this is the economy, and now look and... that means one, one retaliatory strike from iran on israel, with one percent, one percent of the available drones, not the newest ones, iranian, cost, and this is what the israeli publication writes, 1.3 billion, billion dollars, but of course, taking into account national psychology, i understand that 1.3 - somewhere we’re writing something, something in our minds, but here you go, financial times, where , of course, there are probably some
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national peculiarities of mentality, but those give a billion. but in general, you understand that even if it’s not 1.3, because we’re writing two, one came to mind, then 1 billion for one attack, which wasn’t even a wave, and that’s 1%, well, the math doesn’t work very well here, but nevertheless, you understand that if we are talking about the need to help israel, and for the republicans it is clear that it comes first, because this is their favorite, as you rightly said, creation, then you understand that if one attack 1 billion, even... and we talked about it yesterday in the studio, that it’s one of the most important, one of the most important the consequences that iran demonstrated to the iranian one attack, which may still be a precedent, now there is a precedent
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for launching a strike from the territory of iran in advance, this precedent does not exist. was, against this background , israel also says that the idf made a decision on the type, but not on the timing of the attack on iran, that is, roughly speaking, we are talking about the fact that it is not clear how much money the americans will need to pump into this , if you need billions to repel attacks, and you also need to launch something somewhere, hit it, and so on, and this of course imposes separate circumstances on the congressmen who will now consider these separate packages. and an additional headache, thank god for these idiots in kiev, that ’s an important question, in fact, what will happen and what won’t happen, to what extent is this a hype or a real escalation, now after a short, as always very interesting advertisement, we’ll talk, this is a hiding place, which means
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a robbery , i don’t think they are chandeliers then. they took off their gold-plated watches, they weren’t germans, they weren’t germans, they were forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, that’s why you came to say goodbye, and then climb to the front now, you won’t tell me, svetlana petrovna, they wanted to either destroy our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case, the group worked, and if he’s... a traitor, i’ll shoot him, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, from april 22, on the first, from the command forest, ask for everything you want, and you know what i want, send me vanya some news, rum, castra product of steller group.
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vodka vedo. product of steller group. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. bourbon stirsman. product of steller group. whiskey mancacher. product of stellar group. what kind of pain pills do you need if you have problems? with the stomach, this is a very serious question, but we answer it and other questions in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first, and i am walking, walking around moscow, still at the mitrouniversitet station passengers point to that very escalator, someone even begins to sing the song of nikita mikhalkov’s hero from the film “i’m walking around moscow.” i don’t
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like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the leafy georgiy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? danelia came home and said to sokolova, lyuba, i’m leaving, i fell in love, lyuba cried, i think, what is it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all , the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i ’m happy that he’s watching, and he’s watching very... interest always carries slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first , this is dasha, our director, and this is maxim,
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our cameraman, the guys met. i need colored plates, just like our film crew, very beautiful, just what i need, there is such a tradition at weddings to celebrate the wedding by ringing bells, why do you three-headed bride, well, it happened, she ’s the second, it seems to me, we’re opening, hurray, great, our premiere, we’re playing a wedding, on sunday at the first one, you were still a cop boss, there’s no hearing, no intelligence, the number
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is unexpected, a cool surprise, i’ve gotten so used to it, why do you need such a handsome one, why do you need it when it’s spring, that’s all old fashioned, on sunday on the first. the simple boy benito mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people. his colleague
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was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile. he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. on monday on the first, the program time will tell, we continue to work live, live... we continue to analyze or try to somehow generally understand what this tight knot will be pulled together from, that the ukrainian reich will drink for help and is waiting for some kind of release of what -
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funds from the united states, the united states once again divided this same package of notorious aid into several packages, because now they understand that it is impossible to delay with israel; with ukraine they could delay further, but with israel it is impossible to delay, so they will vote now. will present it on wednesday and i don’t know, probably on what day, on friday, probably, on friday they will probably already vote, but here’s a clarification about ukraine, about loans, it’s clear that zelensky doesn’t care now, but
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nevertheless, we see a significant approach has changed, that’s what concerns israel, i already said when i went out for advertising that it is very important here, how to evaluate in general and how american congressmen evaluate, in general perspective? well, a serious continuation of a purely military one, not cheeks, pouting, not a statement, but a purely military development of events, because the israelis continue to claim that they have already decided everything, now they will only choose the time, and iran, apparently, takes the prospect quite seriously possible strikes, but most likely he is waiting for such targeted strikes, because they are reporting that ksir has withdrawn high-ranking military advisers from syria, but the middle-ranking officers...
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here and there, there, at this time, actually speaking, this is approximately what happened, it is now known that 8 hours before the start of the strike through turkey, information arrived in israel that strikes would be carried out and... the americans knew, again, even the type of strikes and the objects on which the blows were struck, they were emphatically removed from any other possibilities that could somehow lead to any escalation, except for one, in my opinion, a shepherdess girl, in my opinion, there was only one civilian death there, and that is, this is the only civilian casualty, it must be said that the airfields were empty, because in this case everyone was lifted into the air and taken away. that is, what you are describing
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looks like some kind of a little agreement, you know, i would say that it is beneficial with whom, with whom, to say, firstly, this is with whom, with whom, this is absolutely accurate, here i completely agree with sedorovich, because you need to understand that the agreement was definitely not with israel, in this case the agreement was most likely with the american, you need to understand that, for example, in iran the pro-american, well, to put it mildly, party is very strong, than even with what to say, the targeting of suleimani by the same americans at one time, it raised a huge number of questions from who launched it and how they were able to find out so accurately, not to mention many others, and yet, i repeat, that is, one must understand that this is a feature of warfare in the middle east, it is now obvious to everyone that this is the machinery of these wars. the last word should remain with
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israel, but at the same time it is perfectly clear to everyone, in israel, first of all, it is clear that the word must be left so that it can be said so quietly after, you know, while you were working there, i ’ve already been here three times and the drawn circle ran out, you know, so i think that yes, here’s the story with the proxies, the story with some pro- iranian groups, with pro-iranian objects, but of course not directly associated with iran, most likely it will become a target, the missiles will definitely not fly to iran, i... am almost sure of this, because israel understands what it is risking in this case, you said it yourself, that less 1% used, stressed everyone out, you know, in this case, of course, i think that we are talking about the fact that, well, it’s not very good, maybe admit it, but in this case the americans played the best, yeah, because they were able to somehow resolve this obvious crisis in their direction, that is, they didn’t allow, that is, on the one hand, they provided an opportunity.
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from egypt and turkey there to iraq and everyone else, that is, they showed everyone their role and place in this region and, accordingly, following from what you say, it turns out that, well, objectively assessing the prospects for military escalation, some downright huge a lot of money for them. no, no, the point is that - in this case the page is turned, but the book does not close, yeah, this is precisely the clear understanding that the crisis is at this level, it has been overcome, but the whole problem lies in that the crisis will only continue to grow, yeah, the crisis in relations with iran, americans, first of all, it is obvious to everyone that the next president, if he is trump, will be a president who is going to a very severe escalation with iran, there is no doubt , if america goes further to... aggravate with
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iran, then the first person who needs to be protected there is to protect israel, because 99% of the unused ones will during this time turn into a full 100, or even 110, and accordingly, in this case, preparing israel for future threats becomes task number again, and accordingly, it follows from this what we said about all these packages, that it was supposed that most of ukraine would have 60 -something there, and the remaining 30-something would be divided between.
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into a full-scale, huge middle eastern war, in which both iran and other countries, and the united states of the west, iran, china are not interested , the united states is not interested, yeah, because the united states certainly was not directly behind the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria, or they were not. warned, either they were not fully aware, or they did not agree on this issue, it is obvious that this is where it began, it did not start with iran’s attack on israel, it began with israel’s attack. according to the iranian diplomatic mission in syria, why this was done, because israel entered there is a dead end in our operation in gas, yeah, 119 days the operation in gas continues, despite the fact that it has already been announced many times that we have already won, and so on and so
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forth, the hostages have not been returned, moreover, it is completely unclear how in conditions of growing indignation, i think that it is much more than 119, we celebrated six months here. well , do the math, that means six months is more than 300 days, april 7, april 7 was already half a year, so i just want to say that in fact, in fact, israel’s plans are certainly connected with the start of this operation, not with the destruction of hamass and not even the return of the hostages, they wanted to take advantage of this situation in order to simply, without explaining how this could be achieved, that is, the entire palestinian population, that is, to completely eliminate this gas enclave and so on, in conditions there is an increasingly international attitude towards this, including in western countries, solidarity with the palestinians, they could not do this if the operation continued in the same style in which it had been going on all this time, they need a big war when
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there will be no time for the suffering of the palestinians in gaza when they find themselves, well, as chips that fly, yeah, that’s, of course, confrontation with iran and so on. which means, based on this, the danger of conflict has not been averted, because israel’s motives remain the same, i understand, these are simply maneuvers of israel and the israeli government, which, of course, can demonstrate independence for some time, but in principle it is very much tied to its own allies, in the west and the united states, and if they are so active, they do not advise israel to respond, today netanyahu was forced to say, without naming the country, to say that of course we are grateful for our decision. a situation that he himself provoked, therefore, he has a very difficult one , but i don’t think that he completely abandoned
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plans to start this large-scale war, who is not yet interested in the fact that there was a big war in the middle east, you want a version, you want no, the russian federation is not interested either. why? not only because some of us love israel, some of us love iran, but the fact is that in today’s situation, we are building a strategic alliance with iran. in december, on december 25 in st. petersburg, we signed a free trade agreement, which allows us to save large sums on trade with iran. today we are actually 5 minutes away from signing an unprecedented agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership with iran.
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or to israel. everyone who needed it, even without warnings through turkey, already knew that they were flying. iran got where it wanted to go, that is, two air force bases are not residential buildings, these are not residential areas, these are military bases. iran warned all countries in the regions in which there are american bases that we love you very much, the jordanians, the saudis, whoever, but if the americans or someone else strikes iran from your territory, do not be offended, we will be forced to strike to you. yes. did this, so the situation today remains very tense, precisely because of this behavior of israel, which is playing with fire and, by the way, creating problems, including for its main ally, the united states. got it, and also one front, which actually
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isn’t going anywhere, we just talk about it less often, but because everything there seems to be not so clearly visible, this is the economic, financial front and so on, on it, in my opinion, one very interesting thing happened the story that i read here in politico, and which is different, well, we always say that the british are there, they want to squeeze out, so they are pushing everyone, because they, then suddenly i read in politico, the next text, please , in politics, reality rarely coincides with rhetoric, but the reality is that britain will probably never take money from russia. lawyers and sanctions experts argue that , regardless of the political pathos, there is and never will be any legal basis for the seizure of frozen russian money, and the freezing is a temporary step, the question of the fate of the assets will wait until the end of the war in... ukraine, they can be used as a lever of pressure on the kremlin in negotiations, the permanent seizure of assets
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will make such negotiations less likely. in fact, it's like only in form it’s about money, in reality it’s about politics, about geopolitics, yes, about what they consider levers of pressure on us, what kind of pressure, pressure on whom. so in your opinion, what is this about? well, firstly, it’s about money, after all, it’s really what we’re talking about. about our frozen assets, we all know their actual volume, while in general, by modern standards , another paradoxical situation arises, no less paradoxical than, say, the reluctance of the united states to allocate money to ukraine, well, it’s really paradoxical, because which seems to be an ally, a partner, but does not give money, this is strange, the paradoxical situation is that despite all the chaos that we are seeing, including in the economy,
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the hypothetical that exists, this is seized russian money, around which, too, various clever
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combinations are built, up to the issue of bonds, the interest on which will be provided, and the bonds themselves will be guaranteed by these very assets, but again we understand what the main reason is that this money is still since they have not been officially stolen, it is clear that a precedent is being created that did not exist, because, by the way, we are talking about iran, let me remind you that iran has. assets were also frozen after the revolution, however, these assets were not stolen and even they were returned to iran, that is, in this regard , in world financial history there were no cases when sovereign assets were so brazenly taken, arrested and ultimately stolen , and naturally the west understands perfectly well that the united states understands perfectly well, it knows perfectly well how many shares, how many bands of american bonds do saudi arabia, china, japan and others have?
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after all, the sober mindedness of iran, which did not further push the region into a global conflict, nevertheless, let’s say, gas prices have risen sharply in asia, why? because people immediately wondered if something would happen here, say, with the blocking of the same strait of armus with lng supplies from qatar. because it’s also a question, if, well, everyone also understands the question that if israel is now inflicting some kind of response and really the region is drawn into conflict, the first thing iran can do. the united
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states, great britain, everyone else is allowed, then this chaos, it will naturally hit those states that are used to living in relative comfort, because they proceed from the logic, we can, you can’t, and then, when they find out that others can do the same, everything is fine.
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a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. boyars, in a situation of war, they are bastards they are starting to leave for boyar power, and now it’s rising.
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with his eyes he finds some answers to his questions, tomorrow on the first day, today we will introduce you to a person whose work arouses more and more interest day by day, this is the circus and theater director, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found in the circus some kind of poetic, fantastic reality, this is fleetingness that... i want to capture the circus that i want to make , it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that
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i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was so truly poor. bagema moscow, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz for me is not just a program, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting behind a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, a matador on friday at the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and... the waters are noisy in the spring, they run, they wake up the sleepy river, they run, they shine and shout, they shout to all ends , spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday
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on the first. this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i’m with you, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what’s wrong, let’s hurry up getting to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, you ’ve ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually have very few relationships with men. i’m talking, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one has ever told me that i’m beautiful, we’re trying, we’re starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems , grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, this is all bullshit, being a husband, children, when to be a girl, a date
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let’s go in this way, dear mother, well, it’s not me. all together, beauty, beauty, khazhors will have a fashionable verdict, the new season will be on the first from april 22. well, at the end of the program, a little more on the topic of how they help, who helps ukroreich or they say that they help or will actually help, despite the seriousness of this topic, there are of course a lot of funny things, and these funny things suggest that this is what it is all about a very muddy topic, well, here’s an example of poland, which shouts the most:
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fire, but that’s okay, here’s another one too an indicative story, here's a photo for you, it's about airplanes, we were just talking about the f16, here's a photo from august '23, and take a closer look at who's in the cockpit, this is the danish air force base, where is this guy in the cockpit discusses the supply of a danish air force fighter to ukraine, we discussed this then, there were thunder and lightning and we said aha-ha, ah-ah-ah, attention, next photo: skrybdan air base on april 16, 2024, delegation from argentina, please note attention, in there is no one in the cockpit, zelensky is not there at all,
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because this is a delegation from argentina led by defense minister luis petre, before signing a contract for the purchase of twenty -four fighters, and in total there are 30 in service. pay attention to the tail number of this semalt, this the same semalt, which in august 2 already established a good business selling aircraft, but we will not relax, because the news has just arrived that three f-16s of the royal netherlands air force landed at a romanian base on the issue armenians, will be used to train f-16 pilots, including ukrainian ones. lima will show what's next, now the doll of tootie's heir.


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