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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 17, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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the president of romania, klaus iohannis, is really trying to be perfectly similar to the romanian count dracula, with an increasing degree of bloodthirstiness, he intends to lead nato a little and place in his country the largest base of the alliance in europe, he has chosen one and only victim, russia.
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iohannis gave the territory of romania for transit for the transfer of military personnel and weapons to the combat zone in ukraine. in the opposite direction, agricultural raw materials and grain are traveling to europe, which have blown up the eu market with cheap prices. considering that poland is blocking borders, and hungary did this a long time ago, it uses romania practically as the only transport hub. even 2 years ago, iohannis caved in to nato’s desire to create a combat group under the leadership of france in the country. “i welcome the decision of president emmanuel macron to strengthen the military presence in romania by sending a company of armored personnel carriers and a squadron of tanks, this is an important sign of allied solidarity. macron is the frontman in the escalation of tensions and, on the spur of the moment, is moving troops through romania closer to ukraine, and the president of romania has already given the go-ahead for the construction of europe's largest nato base near the black sea port of constanta; it will exceed in scale the ramstein airbase in germany, the distance to the border. the area
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is only 100 km, why does nato need a second huge base now on the eastern flank? firstly, because ukraine, and therefore nato, are losing access to the black sea, secondly, the armed forces of ukraine are in a flat position and they need quick replenishment, thirdly, for the future, iohannis clearly outlined the vector of the long-term bucharest politics. it was the partnership with the united states that shaped romania into what it is today, a strong democracy. this partnership was and remains extraordinary. there is a version that the neighbors want to tear apart ukraine, the poles will enter the eastern lands, romania will absorb the ukrainian bukovina from bessarabia and moldova, which it has been courting for a long time. the president of moldova, maia sandu , treats her neighbors as if it were her home; it’s not for nothing that she has romanian citizenship. military experts were inclined to think that the trio consisting of ukraine, moldova and romania were working on a possible invasion of romanian troops in... the case of the military annexation
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of transnistria, the scenario did not happen due to the failure of the ukrainian defense, rolled into bucharest and scholz, second fiddle in kiev, after his visits a repair center for tanks grew up on the romanian border with german money, construction of a plant from trenmetal will soon begin for the production of gunpowder, which is in acute shortage in europe, i must say, iohannis is especially friendly with the german diaspora. i know many german politicians well and i have maintained these contacts since my membership in the democratic forum. germans in romania, i would like to use these contacts to improve our relations. johannis's parents, members of the german minority from transvania, emigrated to germany in 1992. klaus remained in himself as a physics teacher at the national college samuel von bruckenthal, who himself had once graduated from. membership in a german political party led him to the post of mayor of his hometown. political scientists see the hand of the west in the fact that the former mayor of the german origin overnight became the president of the country. who are strong in nationalist
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sentiment, the facts that victory in the elections was not given to him in a fair fight are enough; the results of his almost ten-year presidency were only the decline of romania into one of the poorest countries. european union. i hear more and more people talking about how weakened the european union is, that we are not doing enough for our citizens, that we are not coping. even during the trip to kiev, macron and scholz did not take johannis with them in the same carriage, apparently, because they don’t really consider him one of their own, they just use him, which is why they sent him to apply for the post of nato secretary general, so that he would further pledge the country to the interests of the alliance. generally comrade.
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not the rich population of romania, while at the same time pleasing the united states, because expansion here at the expense of moldova is the only way to expand romania, this expansion can be presented as a grandiose historical victory of romanian nationalism, and at the same time, if this happens suddenly under a president who is considered not ...
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is uniting, or is it correct to say, taking over moldova, they are planning to buy out the port, they have already acquired gas companies, work is underway to reconnect water supply systems, which is important, but they are also working on energy, but the official language in moldova is already completely romanian, so say, and why the moldovans have no chance, now it turns out, well , in fact, this is a really serious company that romania is leading in...
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the greeks never wanted to call macedonia macedonia, and they achieved that in the end they were forced to call it northern macedonia, exactly the same complex and romanians. on the other hand, it’s an unfortunate story, because after the collapse of the soviet union, moldova decided that it, too, should be a great maritime power, came to an agreement with the ukrainians, transferred some part of the territory in the east to ukraine, and the ukrainians gave them a small access to the danube. there is a kilometer or maybe even less, they built this port of giurgiulesti there, some kind of
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gray smuggling was going through it, it has now been noted in supplies to ukraine, including weapons and everything else, but apparently something didn’t work out, and the rooms, although they have their own huge port complex on the black sea, the same constanta, there is not only a military base, but a large commercial port, but they grabbed hold of this moldovan one, apparently, so that if the economy is under control, as soros taught, if finances are under control control. than a second base, and in another part of the country, this is quite curious, danka, this
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base is on the territory of the town of mihailachanu, that is, it existed in soviet times, but it was a small air base that accommodated, in my opinion, two or two is it three they destroyed soviet fighters, solely for defense, well, the fighters could have been romanian, they could have been soviet, it doesn’t matter, it means that now they are expanding this runway, or rather, the project needs until... 2040 is planned, they are planning there to accommodate a brigade of 4,000 troops, 50 tanks, well, we see a colossal infrastructure planned as a whole city, in fact, if this is implemented, well, again, this is what we are talking about, it won’t be there by the forties , i believe that it’s more likely no than yes , here now why is it necessary, because i link it with the supply of those six seemingly unfortunate f16 aircraft that are promised to ukraine; the base can be used as a jump-off airfield for launching strikes on russian territory. with the help of rocket weapons
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, these aircraft can carry out these strikes from the territory of romania, and this is what it is being done for. let's listen to what they say about this base, in general how it will be there, if it is, most likely it won't be, but still everything arranged. hangars for maintenance, storage of fuel, ammunition, equipment, aviation technical materials, simulators, catering facilities, living quarters, everything necessary.
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alternative routes, they are now very likely to happen, that’s why they need, of course , many such concepts are being developed for this situation, not so long ago, as we know, they began to throw into the media space the story of the so-called military schengen, about somehow simplify the transfer, regrouping of troops there from one country nato to another, that is, to move them around europe, but at the same time, as we have already said, of course, all these plans look beautiful on paper, but if we look at the implementation, then questions arise here, yes. 3000 soldiers, 2 years have passed, they are still not there, because, well, excuse me, there is no money, all countries are ready to do all this on paper, and
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then they refuse when it comes to , in fact, this very group form, but this very base, yes, we are talking huge, the largest, but you see, the fact that it is so big is its main vulnerability, yes, in the event of a real big conflict, a missile arrives and 10 thousand nato soldiers who are located at this base, they turn into nothing, yes, and just the experience of the ukrainian conflict showed, yes, that it is deploying... and of course reconnaissance activities, reconnaissance sabotage, we have already mentioned today, and firstly, a training camp in romania, a training base where f16 aircraft delivered to the territory of ukraine with ukrainian pilots will be tested, this hasn’t started yet, well, in the future, they need additional bases in order to constantly send their reconnaissance aircraft, mq9
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reiper drones over the black sea and so on, so they will put pressure on us, but in general i ... i agree with the forecast, that is , they will place something there on this base, but all these plans for creating a new ramstein, especially by the thirty-fifth, forty years , do not seem particularly realistic, i think that by that time the concept itself nato, of course it will change a lot, but it is quite possible that the alliance in its current form will no longer exist and will not exist, well, there is still something with which the americans entered romania, we found very interesting information, which today is reliable, but they write about it very ...
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there is, because i think i see some kind of castling between him and mircea joana. mircea joana is nato's deputy, once. and the world of chojaan is aiming at the president of romania, they want to exchange with him. he promised that he would be from romania before, in my opinion, now, if not i’m wrong, until, in my opinion, december, nato already has a choice in november, how they will
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do it, i don’t know, of these four, he’s in first place, i think, yes, the point is that i’m hanes . i wouldn’t bet on the balts, but based on the fact that russophobia resets everything, they removed it. so, ryutev is in the blue corner and klaus is in the red corner. this means that johannis has a good
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argument, the eastern flank of nato, firstly, and secondly, well, there has not yet been a representative of romania at the head of nato, and the dutch have already had representatives of holland three times, yes, after all, yohannis, no, still fierce, still, still fierce, so give us the brief, your bets, gospodanis. doesn’t control the situation in holland, razdray is there, he lost the last elections, the right-wingers came there, secondly, he quarreled with kaya kallos, because one of the first who said that kaya should not be allowed into nato because she eats russians for breakfast, yes , it was just rutte, there are clear signals from estonia that they will block rutte, that they will not forgive him for this, so both are flying out, plus... there is a very serious romanian-dutch connection always, since romania in soviet times was one of the poorest, and now it’s the same, that is, when i traveled
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around romania at the beginning of the 2000s, there is still a route from bucharest to the sea, then you can leave the poor man as the head of nato, he will be put everything in your pocket, that's where they rode on carts, 15 years have passed there so far, nothing has changed, it was holland, it was rutte who personally said at first that...
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the circus that i want to create does not exist . we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and want introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad
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wine on good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz for me are not just a program that is important for transfer me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first. gin сnop is a product of stellar group, cognac monte shocha, a product of stellar group, rum, castro, a product of stellar group, veda vodka, a product of stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of stellar group.
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i think, what is it like to live unloved, what is it like to live unloved? is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical? he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, the fact that gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy that he’s watching, and he ’s watching, he’s very interested, he’s always carrying slander, for example, she said that he got married at the first meeting, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death he weighed 42 kg and... i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive family secrets of the great director. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on
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saturday on the first. lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we met in the palace of the president of syria, a man which challenged the collective west. our war is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west is now supporting and promoting leaders like zelensky. these are people who say to everything: “yes, right, left, up.” down, to everything, answering, yes, boss, and my father never discussed my future with me, i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves, my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. do you use social networks, is it interesting for you, before i became president, i headed the state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people,
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network public opinion does not reflect... the new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar assad, on sunday on the first. a simple boy, benito mussolini, would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people who were his comrades. was a prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first programmatic fascist text, manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere,
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ordinary. 2 on monday on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? i am clear. come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio. dozens of people saw me. will you still die? why are you lumping everything together? we will get used to living separately, we'll break up anyway. well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but there.
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in droves with suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, with you... again maria butina, this is the doll-heir of tuti, today the president of romania, klaus johannes, is in the focus of our attention. in fact, it is part of a huge game. let's see how they are arranged there figures, and peshkali this johannes from a military point of view, the netherlands is understandable, but today we already discussed a little the base, what the romanian
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navy is now. here you go. this notorious boat, it’s some kind of, i don’t know, symbol, for some reason it’s still being cleaned in the fleet, but it’s been decommissioned, since 1997 it’s officially no longer there, but they have this , let’s say, it’s a support vessel, but it can no longer sail, it’s standing against the wall, that is, it’s used as a pier, it’s not even floating anymore, what do they have composition of the fleet, they have three frigates, what kind of frigates are they, two decommissioned frigates from britain, which were transferred to romania, just in case, all the missile weapons. they took it off, there’s an artillery piece all over there, such a country, such strange frigates, no, well, if they put one frigate there , they have a romanian-made frigate, this is back during the warsaw pact, they managed to make such a shadow pusher, which why - one missile launcher at the bow, the other at the stern, so to speak, and there are no missiles for this installation, why they keep this fleet, i don’t know, that is, they essentially
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do not have a navy as such, and they don’t need it, they sell it completely. nato. if germany romstein is an occupied country, as a result of the second world war, it is occupied by the united states. and romania says: we too, we also want to be occupied. please look at the details there. the air force of great britain, spain, italy, and france, that is, everything is very serious there, and is expanding. they will be serious, there will be this base or it won’t, depends only on one thing, if nato is there, if they somehow manage to survive, well, this base will be there, of course, they have already started actively pumping money there, they started with what, with the infrastructure,
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they ensure their energy independence, they provide for the town , there will really be its own city, with its own hospital, americans don’t want to go to romanian hospitals, because they still drive carts there, so they treat it with contempt, it will be such, you know, a nato little world that has no real relation to the territory in which he is located, in connection with this they will put lihannes sold, sold romania, including due to the fact that he will be given the post of a non-leader, it is wrong to say, he is a technical specialist, a senior secretary of nato. i remember the 2000s, when they came to us, well, we tried to build relations with nato there, to us in...
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romania, we have already heard wonderful criticism of romania, we need to explain why romania is such, what is the problem for nato here , for nato projects, what is the romanian problem. firstly, romania entered the the path of industrial development remained in a state of wild feudalism for a very long time, as
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a result there is such laxity of the population, because what can you do, they will take everything away anyway, why, you need to somehow steal something, but this kind of population does not arise by chance in this area, there were many tribes changing. in history they were different, as for the germans in romania, they were the burgher class, townspeople, merchants, artisans, that is , people who were organized, disciplined, focused on result, this is why the americans are interested in iohannis in romania, so that the base is built, so that all the contractors there don’t steal, you need communications to work, you need romanian officials to steal less, you need... so that the whole system functions at least somehow- then, at least at some qualitative level, that is, not as is traditionally customary in romania, so iohannis has many tasks, the americans will not just invest in romania, they did not accept romania into nato for a very long time,
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precisely because they understood that you you give money, the money is stolen, there is no result. the americans are now , as ukraine moves towards the abyss, it will be defeated, romania is very interested in it, because it should be one of the second ukraines, yes, that is, the second ukraine, in many ways, yes.
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he can prove this with documents, he said this 10 years ago, the documents are in the procession, apparently they were delayed by the post office. for a long time in romania, romanian authorities were suspected of trafficking children and organs to canada. and in this regard, in relation to iohannis appears in 17 criminal cases; during the election campaign in 2014, he was called for an interview, directly asked.
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his behavior, his gestures, look at his face-mask, which, in
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principle, even sometimes he gets lost and does not understand what emotions he should feel, at the inauguration it is especially indicative, that is , yes, it seems like you should be happy, he slows down for literally a few minutes before yes, he thinks so, yeah, why is there joy, joy, yeah, i understand, now i’ll be happy, you practically don’t move your facial expressions, but no he’s moving completely, he’s further ambitious, i think that you know, now it’s not even his ambitions anymore. he was getting ready, everyone had already left romania, well , his parents are really ethnic germans,
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he was born in transylvania, i’ll just make it clear, but for our viewer, and his parents emigrated to germany, he decided to stay in transylvania, that is, he knows, in fact, who does he look like, i apologize for the comparison, but it will be understandable, he is a kind of ensign, that is, with lower ones he behaves defiantly and puts pressure on them with for those who are older and behave ingratiatingly, if we look at the video, at the photo, where he communicates with someone from... here comes merkel, pay attention, his leg twitches, here she comes, he doesn’t know what to do, what, how to jump, lift, crawl, and pay attention, once one’s legs are crossed, but everything is turned to the side there, oh, the hostess has come, i also wanted to show him what else, that’s when the journalists take him by the soft places and ask, and are you selling people there, in addition to the fact that... he shows with gestures that he is uncomfortable,
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pay attention to his jacket, he is sitting, but the jacket is buttoned with a button, usually men, when they sit down, unbutton the button, stand up, button the button, it’s like, well, like a reflex already, it’s buttoned up in the literal and figurative sense of the word, and now look at his clothes, at his gestures when he addresses merkel, only he has an order of merit, yes, yes, by the way, yes, he’s generally relaxed there like that, look, he’s feeling himself. at home, he came to his people, in romania he performs tasks, yeah, novel, i don’t agree, thank you big, i partly disagree, although i really like the version, it really fits everything in the case when he talks about the children of canada, he’s kind of right-handed here, well, he remembers perfectly, you can see it in his eyes, very well , the fact of children being sold there, he remembers this fact, he remembers it very well, he understands that this accusation is not empty, we talked a lot about secret societies, there is one more thing: kodenkhova collegium,
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which means it was before the war, this there was a certain mr. von coudenhove, a mixture of japanese and german, he believed that europe in the future would be a kind of mix of absolutely everything, you know, it would look like babylon, like egypt, he believed this, he was striving for this, he believed that there would be united states of europe led by the usa, this idea, essentially speaking , she seemed a little eclipsed like this, because to put. well, but after the war churchill really liked this idea, and then this idea went to the cia and it didn’t go anywhere, so he died in 1972, and in 1978 they created a society. which the so-called globalization of europe, so that europe is together, she was all mixed up. member of this society? you know, in the fourteenth year, 2014, when iohannis was elected president of romania, the german, this minority, it turned out that he somehow became this president. this year merkel is awarded
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a prize from this society. and now, for some reason , johannes is being awarded a prize from this society, from that society whose goal is europe. mix to manage her like slaves, nikolaos von lichtenstein, who is a very famous figure in europe, the european union, the euro, eurodemocrats, eurobureaucrats, anyone, who is in charge of this society, and the fact that this society is located, they do not deny , is under the supervision of the cia, this is the story, let’s pay attention to one more thing : his career growth, how interesting he has risen in general, so, that means, member of the onaj party in 1989.
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to romania, and it was very simple: 1989, december 31, a certain mr. soros registers his fund, since the ninetieth year his fund began to work fully, fully, i remind you, while the soviet union was still alive, and one of the tasks of this fund was very understandable, to grow your own galaxy of politicians. sores has repeatedly said what romania is, well, he says, excuse me, but this is a certain european one.
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soros begins to place his people, but besides soros, germans appear who begin to compete very fiercely with him. two funds arrive. the first is the konrad adenauer foundation, the foundation that was created in 1955, but besides it comes the second foundation, the friedrich naummann foundation, both germans, and those germans are starting to talk.
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that is, you can take an ethnic german, brought up in the soros foundation and get a compromise figure, absolutely right, plus, there is the adenauer foundation, there are other foundations that created a very large cushion for him, and no one thought why, under this person, romania’s debt grew monstrously, i remind you in total, during the years of his reign from 75 to 87 , he collected 22 billion, this is the money that he borrowed. and under the current president, romania already owes 144 billion euros, well, it happens, this simply holocaust growth is happening under our hero, it turns out that it is now the poorest country in europe, absolutely true, but then some kind of dissonance arises for me, but then why does romanian president klaus
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johannes fly to the coronation of charles ii, the only one of all european politicians who flies on a private plane, what? the estimated cost of operating this aircraft with a crew is about 60,000 euros in both directions. let's take this falcon 8x. this fourteen-seat vip plane took iohannis from sibiu to rotterdam for dinner before the summit. with a crew of three and six passengers, such a flight will cost you approximately. 115,000 euros. if you add a transfer in geneva, prepare to part with more than 170,000 euros. but the falcon pales in comparison to the vip plane it carried this spring.
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don't switch taxi undercover premiere watch after the program time bourbon steersman product of stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin s. nop, a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of
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the stellar group, we will show the film sergei ezenshtein, ivan the terrible, a strong government is needed to overcome the grievances of those who oppose the unity of the russian state, why izenshtein, why his cinema, in my opinion.
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someone even starts humming the hero's song ; the passengers point to the same escalator, nikita mikhalkov's from the film "i'm walking in moscow." i don’t like when they call me a comedian, because i haven’t done much comedy. the brilliant georgy danelia was a magician on the set, but how did he manage to direct his own life? daneli came home and said to sokolova: “lyuba, i’m leaving, i’ve fallen in love.”
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and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. the weather in sao paulo changes as it wants, today it’s raining and humid, but literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry. we can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. and it's true that man. starts getting tattoos, then he can’t stop, he wants more, more, more, yes, 100%, you can get addicted to it, the state helps you, very
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rarely, once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep on the street, where do you sleep when it’s raining, and where is it always under the bridge, me i was speechless, what is this, this is our main delicacy, ants with cassava puree, oh my god, life, premiered on sunday on the first. klaus iohannis, the president of romania, could receive an award for the fastest and most incredible career growth. here he is yesterday, a physics teacher, and today , look, he is the president of romania. what's the matter? maybe he's just talented. let's figure out who really helped this. klaus to move into power, and most importantly, why? klaus iohannis hires expensive
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planes, the poorest country flies, but a question immediately arises.
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minister of defense, you know, when the minister of defense resigns with the wording that he wrote in a statement: i cannot cooperate with this president, this is a very bad sign for the country as a whole, yeah, well look, i can actually explain very simply, but how it so happened that in the first youhannis lost in the second round, but won in the second round, the voices of the romanian diaspora abroad played a role, primarily in italy and germany, there are 4 million there, well, they were mobilized, i think not without the support, well, relatively speaking, of those curators who led karl johannes, they all failed en masse for him, so he unexpectedly won in the second round. and you know, who ran his hadenau foundation as a company, it’s not surprising, as for this very foundation, we mention it as an instrument of germany’s soft power, but i would still focus here on the fact that that this is an instrument of soft power and lobbying for the interests of the german christian democrats cdu, so the moment when our today’s character meets angela merkel, he meets not just there with
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a representative of the largest economy in europe, but literally... well, with his de - in fact, she is the boss within the framework of these network-centric structures in which they are tied to each other, so it is logical that yes, here he is in front of her, well, one might say, groveling, this is moment number two, moment number three, we have already mentioned it attempts to dishonor his opponents within romanian politics, you need to understand that he had criminal cases opened not only about children, but about corruption, when he was just the mayor of his town, but he literally gave it away for next to nothing. this or that property to this very organization’s fund there for the friends of germany, that is, of course, this is a typical story for romania, but the simple point is that we shouldn’t imagine him as some kind of fighter against corruption, of course, he is not one, a typical corrupt romanian politician, like many of them there, but the next point is related to the fact that, of course, what will be waiting for him now, you mentioned that yes, he is spending money there, he spent 6,000 euros on this
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unfortunate trip on a private plane to london for crown. 8%, but i am probably one of the most unpopular world leaders in general, that is , i won’t immediately name the country that is headed by a person with a rating of 8%, but you see, romania succeeded. another thing is that of course, in my opinion, again, the probability his appointment to the post of nato secretary general is not high. i wouldn't write him off completely, mark
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ryuta is obviously the favorite at the moment, but ryuta has a problem with him. conflict with hungary, it’s just that romania currently has relations with hungary that are not exactly friendly, but rather working, so today we started our broadcast today with this very summit, we need to remember that just the other day bucharest took place. so i think that, for example, the same orban, well, would rather see iohannis in office general secretary than markoryut, but again orban’s hardware weight is also not the highest, so it’s not a fact that it will work out, but of course, the main problem is that he is german, but besides there are corruption scandals, low ratings of everything else by the way, right-wing movements are now also gaining strength in romania, such right-wingers.
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year, all the germans, as has already been said, very precisely, sergei sergeevich said, yes, they are trying to escape from romania, what are they doing for this? the germans don’t take everyone either, in germany, they are trying to do it in russia it was the same in uzbekistan, they are trying
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to join a certain society, the society of the germans, the society of germany, which is local, he also joined there in 1090, when he was still a deputy director, he was even a physics teacher, he joined there, which means yes, yes, yes, in 2001. when he already understands this, he was already the mayor of sibio, he becomes the director of this society, that is , he represents the former sibio, all the germans in romania, everyone in general, here, of course, this is his growth, and we showed very well there is no one here the gentleman with the part name hans, who supervised him, he was also a teacher, he was next to him, it’s exactly said, he is a person who will do exactly what he is told, you know, there are still important points, first, i will support that for germans... ethnic people who lived in romania, there was always a division into germans and germans, in order to become a proper german, you had to join your party and get verified, this is the first, second, what kind of future is possible for our today's hero, the future is only
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inside, i'll explain why, the fact is that he he already gave everything that was needed, the first thing he did, how do you think, how did he become president, what contracts did he sign, this first was two of the largest contracts, he gave almost all the metallurgy... not to germany, to the united states states. in germany they got a little fertilizer, and many people laugh even about this. the most valuable thing i could give away was fertilizer for germany, i gave it to my homeland. yes, next, where to promote it? where to promote it? goal number one is to create a single territory between moldova and romania must cease there is a border. he must become the person who must make the change until the end.
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he needs to work out this material completely, about nato, you know, maybe he can go to nato, but only if trump comes and says: america is leaving nato, then these are the people, they will be in their place in nato, that is, your version, no, no, definitely not, but as for the fact that he suits the americans 100%, well... perhaps he suits someone in the camp of the atlantic establishment, but we actually see there is a lot of criticism against this person, he is literally accused of turning romania into a kleptocracy, he is following the path of orban and the tdp, there are a huge
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number of claims against him from all those organizations that like to criticize russia, china and so on and so forth, lowers romania in the ratings of perception of corruption, democracy, and so on, by the way, one of the reasons why i think that after all, everyone won’t be waiting for him so joyfully... that he’s not so that now for them it has turned into such a black sheep as orban, but it is close to this, but at the moment romania is considered by westerners themselves to be the most undemocratic country in the european union. not even hungary, in my opinion, still a certain point of befurcation in terms of what will happen with romania and moldova will be the fall of 24, because firstly in december there will be elections in romania itself, there is most likely a very good the result will be obtained by pro-russian parties and isolationists in general, more than 30%, this ruling coalition, national liberals plus social democrats will most likely not even get a majority, i admit, by the way they say the scenario of bulgaria, which was in the twenty-third year, when they held five elections, were unable to form a coalition then... installed
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some kind of technocratic government from from brussels, they brought people, they said that here you will stand, well, plus, of course, the second point is the elections in moldova, which will also be held in the fall of 24, my sanda is being dragged to them, despite her low ratings, sandu herself is still trying to get re-elected with a history connected with holding a referendum on joining the european union, the fact that you will vote at the same time is understandably not popular for sandu, but still the attitude towards the european union is a little better among average typical moldovans, so here’s somehow. it seems that due to this, something will be possible there, but i admit that there will be a very large number of provocations, unfortunately in relation to our transnistria, gogauzia, but we can already see everything now, well, that’s how this crisis situation is in the end 24 will be decided, well, i think that romanian moldavian politics will develop, and we will find out what will happen to this character in 25, so i would like to highlight one more fundamental point, well, we are now looking from the point of view romania, from the point of view of moldova, from the point of view there seems to be a free discussion within the framework. nato, who makes
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decisions in nato, well today it’s not trump yet, the president, figuratively speaking, the decision is made by the united states of america. united states america expressed their confidence in whom? mark rutte, he is a handshake, he is a technocrat who is suitable for this role, which is why i still bet on mark rutte. in general, you know, it seems to me that the citizens of romania are now very concerned about another, probably the most important, or as they say now, vital, vital question, here they are, in fact. they asked their president: whose will you be? that's what he said. iohannis, you have become a servant of the americans, better than being a servant of the russians. as they say, a sincere confession of one who imagines himself practically the descendant of the mysterious and sinister, heartless count dracula. in fact, he made an attraction out of the country, only not for... tourists, but for nato troops,
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you and i will definitely have to deal with this issue, because the region is strategic. maria butina, the heir to the puppet atuti, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the waters were rising like never before, historical highs, orenburg, kurgan, tyumen, joined the conversation between vladimir putin and the minister.


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