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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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when detaining a criminal, and the criminal resisted using a firearm. weapons, also took away my weapons, well, i, well, i and you were taught to report in a uniform, colonel turbinich, turbin just took part in a shootout, and apparently is still in a state of shock, it’s me who is in a state of shock, what’s left of your taxi horns to legs, but can you even imagine what kind of scolding we all now face, this experimental model is far from perfect. it's worth it, thank you, comrade
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major, close it, why don't you open the bank outside? they put it out, they already thought that the cash would be for the bookmaker. which is strange, but turban said that they would take the bank when this morning at the meeting, how did you know that there would be a raid on the bank, i didn’t know, i just assumed, oh well. some complaints against me, such
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that they left the bank 30 seconds before our arrival, 30 fucking seconds, yes, someone warned them, fuck you, who could it be if only the killer knew about the operation , the capture group, your boss, and you? there is a big game on the air, now we will talk about complex, dramatic, i would even say, concerning the alarming events in the far east, we will talk with yakov kedmi, the ex-head of the israeli intelligence service.
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political sober segment of israeli politics, almost all former heads of intelligence services and armenian generals ask one single question: what is the point, what, what is the purpose, that is, to carry out some kind of military operation, without first, the purpose being clearly defined, what can be achieved, second, how
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justified is this goal and how justified is it by the means or by the costs that there will be. and the latter is always the case, and if this goal is not achieved, the operation will end in partial success, not to mention failure, how critical that will be. putting all this together, the general opinion is that there is no point, there is no purpose in striking iran today. many say and experts who think, this is the liquidation of iranian general officers, well, to call them diplomats, this is already on the conscience of those who call it, it was the headquarters of the iranian revolutionary guards, which was responsible for all attacks and actions against israel with the territories of lebanon and syria and also, the question that...israel is being asked today, and i asked
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this question as soon as this happened, why, what were they trying to achieve by this, how justified was it, and during that attack? two major, gross mistakes were missed: first, it was unclear what purpose was justified, second, once again the israeli intelligence services, here i blame both military intelligence and musad, because musad is responsible for lebanon for iran, they were unable to correctly determine , and what will iran’s reaction be and iran’s reaction was for them unexpected, such mistakes cannot be made in strategic decisions. the same thing, the same problem now, but why do this, how justified is it, what possible reaction will iran have and against the backdrop of what happened, the general opinion is an attempt to prevent
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any military action against iran that goes beyond what was done before, by the same officers and generals. we destroyed several dozen of them before, but not in this way, not necessarily on the territory of the embassy, ​​i’m not really, i’m not i am very worried that the iranian embassy was hit, iran, with the help of ksir, with the help of hezbola, blew up the israeli embassy in the battle of saros, the same organization, together with khizwal, blew up in the battle of saros in 1994.
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very strong pressure from both the united states and europe, very strong pressure in israel from professional circles, but since netanyahu’s main goal is to stay in power like the balchish boys in gaidar’s work, gaidar’s grandfather, not his grandson, who said: “we would have to stand for one more day and hold out for another night.” here he has... this policy: to remain prime minister for another week and since his stay in this post depends on his political allies, representatives of, i’m not trying to say, fascist ultra-religious
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parties in israel, and they demand completely thoughtlessly and irresponsibly, and to answer iran and threatening if. no, we will leave the coalition, only god knows what decision netanyahu will make, the only thing that can to stop, this is the strongest pressure from the united states, as well as its members of the government who are in government today, from more moderate political parties, i want to note in addition to this that the help that the americans and europeans provided. us in repelling the iranian attack, it sharply increased the ability of the united states to influence in israel and weakened netanyago’s ability to resist this influence after what the american army and
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their allies did. thank you very much, thank you for your time i hope to see you on our air again soon. thank you bye. now we continue our conversation about important events in the world, our guest, yakov kedmi, said about what has intensified as a result of the latest crisis. the united states' influence on israeli policy, whether we like it or not, a lot depends on the united states, not everything, not nearly as much as in the past, but a lot still depends on it, so, of course, i immediately want to ask our guest, correspondent, merchant in the united states of our regular participant, ekaterina moore, what does the future have in store? in terms of american assistance to ukraine, as i understand it, this is an issue that is now
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being discussed in the house of representatives of the american congress and is being discussed with great emotion. hello, dmitry, yes, you are absolutely right, there are two camps in the republican party that are in favor of providing assistance and against providing assistance, and to the major taylor. another republican has already officially joined, they both insist, i repeat, officially, because how many will side with the republicans and majorie taylor greene, but we can’t say yet and they believe that the republicans are losing too much in bipartisan deals, so it is necessary to add some kind of border measures to help ukraine, ukraine. in order to solve the crisis on the mexican border, but in fact, what i
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’m reading in the press now, johnson made it so that the border bill is actually stillborn, because it will go separately from aid to ukraine, and most likely his republicans are in the senate will not be able to sell because the senate is known to be democratic, so yeah, it's a very emotional story. but aid to ukraine is indeed likely to be passed this week if it passes, and johnson says the vote is likely to take place on saturday. aristotle, who, as it were, was against tyrony, but did not like democracy, among other things, he spoke about one problem with democracy, politicians lie all the time.
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that's how i understand it, now it has completely turned 180°, right? absolutely, you are
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absolutely right, the thing is that now in almost 99% of 100, the democrats remain the winner, and they say that they will not vote on the border deal, and mike johnson successfully removes this clause from the bill, and therefore he knows very well: that this bill separately in the conditions of a very narrow advantages of the republicans, but it may not pass, firstly, in the house of representatives, and secondly, it will absolutely definitely not be accepted in the democratic senate, so yes, it is quite clearly turning towards populism, and the proclamation of some beautiful slogans, but de facto, in the case, the republican party does not get anything from this, and why -
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i met with johnson at his golf club in florida, after which johnson again said that he would offer this package in ukrainian.
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the better for him, because he can put this forward as his pre-elected slogan, biden brought the country to this state, so if we remember, he actually killed the bipartisan deal on the border, he said that we will not do anything on the border, i think what is this election move, and therefore i think that mike johnson is not just not afraid of donald trump, he is just acting on his orders. i don’t know whether he is acting on his orders, i fully admit this, but i also see some progress in trump’s position. if earlier he said categorically no military assistance to ukraine, then recently he said, well , maybe it is possible to help ukraine only in the form of loans. trump is a serious businessman.
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here is your opinion, i have a feeling that trump is now working 90%, if not more, in preparation for the elections, both to stop aid to ukraine, especially if it would cause a split in the republican party, he
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gains very little, and if he does, he seems to show that he is a serious leader. capable of compromise and works well with republicans in congress, then this helps him, and he’s not really ready to think about anything else, i don’t know how this hypothesis seems to you, it’s a great hypothesis, dmitry, i recently i spoke with one of my very good friends, experts, matthew howe, who spoke at the un, and he said one very an interesting phrase, he of course exaggerated, but he said that... in general , it would be optimal for donald trump if russian tanks enter kiev in october of this year, in order to clearly bring down the rating of joe biden, for whom ukraine was such a main project. , foreign project, an international project, and in the international
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arena, so according to his version, donald trump will now need to do everything to... for ukraine to maintain the status quo, well, let’s say , until the fall, so, naturally, providing such help, and we all know that 2/3 of this assistance will remain in the united states, well, somehow they will extend this remaining 1/3, and then, accordingly, most likely, the ukrainian project may gradually fade away, and for donald trump, this will be the optimal outcome...
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the united states of humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to again, again find trump in the white house, and with his unprecedented in the sense that he already has. has a lot of experience on what to do and what not to do, and that he will kick out all the wrong people, appoint all the right ones, then he will ukraine will sort it out and come to an agreement with putin.
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do you think that he will still manage to become a candidate with a real chance of becoming president? i think that if we talk about the current process, it is one of the four weakest, and it is no coincidence that donald trump himself said that the sponsor of his re-election is the prosecutor, the prosecutor of new york, and therefore i think that in this case it is precisely for this ... trump should not have any problems with the process, especially since experts predict that the verdict will be after the elections, and the current debate is the election of the jury,
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members of the jury, they are playing in favor of donald trump, because he is appearing more and more often on american television screens, and this is the kind of time that is very expensive to buy. this is also an advertisement, so i think that this particular process will most likely play into his hands, but other processes are a big question, because we are talking specifically about federal proceedings, and if donald trump’s lawyers manage to delay these processes, do so that they, too , would have the same result after the elections, i i think that at least he will succeed in becoming a candidate to compete with joe biden. this is such an interesting situation in the united states, what does this mean for russia, this is an open question, but i think it is quite
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obvious that, as they say in such cases, rely on trump, don’t make a mistake, rely only on your own strengths, this is the only one for me possible conclusion from what we are seeing in terms of american political campaigning, thank you. let's go to advertising. now experts are still working, but they already say that nine houses have been damaged. as mayor kharkov blatantly lied about shelling civilians? any ukrainian official opens his mouth, in principle, already at this moment he begins to lie. the mayor of kharkov directly said, looking at the island of the destroyed rszz, they like to hide their systems near civilians, let's show an allegedly ukrainian tank, which, as they say, is even much better.
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he would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of educated and thinking people; his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, he published the first one. there is a big game on the air, when we talk about
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big politics, less and less can we talk about it without taking into account the china factor. last week, this week there were very important visits of western officials, western leaders to the chinese capital. we will talk later about chancellor ferg scholz's visit to china, but first i would like to ask our guest, andrei ivanovich denisov, senator, former russian ambassador to china, i would like to ask you, andrei ivanovich, when did yelem come to china, how i understand she came as a minister us finances for serious negotiations. about the very difficult us-chinese relations, which, of course, are very important for china, but in general they are also important for the american economy, what do you think?
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feet, that’s what it is, well, we won’t discuss it, apparently, the chinese, being polite people, listened, but naturally, none of janet yellin’s instructions to limit the entry of chinese high-tech goods into the world market, well, it’s pointless. but the second part, what i called a side dish, here of course there are several more piquancy, in principle , the us treasury secretary, well, this is not a task for himself...
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a complex mechanism, including, well, of course, the central bank, it is called jungeninghan, the people's bank of china, a bank for international settlements, it is called: simply the bank of china without the people's bank, four of the world's largest investment banks, including, we translate it as the commercial and industrial bank or industrial and commercial bank of china, its assets are estimated at about three, as far as i remember , trillion us dollars, it is simply the largest bank in the world in size assets, well, the rest are generally approaching it somewhere, all chinese... banks are very active in the world market, which means they have the closest, intertwined, deep, rooted relationships with the american banking system, which is the basis of the global banking system, this
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it is very important for these banks, yes, of course, american bankers are on the board of leading chinese banks, they work in constant remote communication, like everyone else. national financial system, it does not take into account night or day, time differences, financial transactions through electronic networks go on around the clock, and i repeat once again, the connections are so thin that certainly no dime, as they say, that is, not even the smallest coin will ever slip through in these payments, there is no gap for it, so of course for chinese banks relations with the western, with the american... first of all , the banking system, have existential significance, without them it simply will not survive, despite the fact that china is still the second first, as i call it, the economy of the world, that is, approaching the american one economics its size, and the largest economy
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in terms of foreign trade, its foreign trade volume is somewhere around the figure of 6 trillion us dollars per year with a huge, huge, multi-hundred billion dollar...
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boxers have different weight categories and the outcome is this, let’s say, there would probably still be a financial, monetary war, god forbid, if it breaks out, because it would be a disaster for the entire world economy, but
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be that as it may, if we are talking about two boxers, this fight is still will be in favor of the americans, this is the first, second, but china thinks about itself too, it is an integral part of the world economy, it has benefited from globalization. he is trying to preserve some fragments of this globalization; he is in no way interested in, you know , taking everything, turning it upside down, like a chessboard, china allows itself in this case to deepen cooperation with the russian federation, including in the military region, well, firstly, because china certainly has a certain strength and... it still exists, it is an independent, major player who, in principle, does not like and does not tolerate being dictated to, it’s another matter when there is such a fencing going on, like the financial areas, well, china, let’s say,
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does not so much attack as defend itself, but at the same time, at the same time, you say military technical cooperation, in principle there is nothing illegal in it, it is permitted by all international, what is called rights... regulations, for all transactions there is international reporting, which is carried out by our side, as an exporter and a chinese one, and here after all. we need to go back a little into history: in 1989 there were the famous events in tianyanmen square, a kind of prototype of the color revolution, it did not succeed, thanks to the political wisdom of the then chinese leadership led by dengxiauping, but be that as it may, the west and the united states imposed an embargo on china in terms of military-technical cooperation , supplies of weapons and military equipment, this embargo is still being maintained, except here, i mean. from major arms exporters to the world market, china has nowhere
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to get resources to replenish its arsenals, therefore, military-technical cooperation continues, another thing is that calculations for this cooperation are complicated, this is true, and this, by the way, was the topic of conversations, one of the topics of yellin’s conversations in beijing, the part that i called a side dish, but in in light of what you said, not only do you know china well, your... said matthew miller,
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state department spokesman. we have long made it clear to china that any steps aimed at supporting russia in the ukrainian conflict will cause our concern. at all not necessarily, we are talking about direct military support. we will be concerned about any assistance in restoring the russian military-industrial complex from chinese companies. in recent months, we have seen china supplying russia with materials for the restoration of its military-industrial complex and the production of weapons, which.
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depends on the united states, economically
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, financially, maybe even more than the united states depends on china. secondly, we see, as before, very overt american pressure, which in general, it seems to me, is even sometimes goes to the edge of decency, certainly of diplomatic ethics, and what in these conditions. such verbal formulas, that our
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relations have reached the highest level in history, that we are forced to stand shoulder to shoulder on the world stage, or as the chinese say, back to back, or our minister sergech lavrov during the most recent visit to china, he noted this new formula that we respond to double deterrence with double countermeasures, and it was not lovrov who proposed this, i think it was supported by the vans, isn’t that so, and proposed and... at the press conference he simply made a reference to the fact that this was said by the chinese minister, yes, this is exactly so, and here i also do not see any, so to speak, sensation, because indeed, the united states , generally speaking, they do not hide the fact that they, well, even if they look at russia and china differently, but both are clearly obstacles for them, they have built a kind of
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hierarchy, first they need to destroy russia and clear the way for to besiege, as they say, china, and even... positions and not because china is some kind of he shows persistence, although this also happens, but because the americans encourage him to do this with their generally completely reckless, i would say, policy towards china, russia, and other countries. i think i mentioned to you that henry
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kissinger, who was chairman until his death, chairman emeritus of the center for the national interest, yeah. for many years he said that, from his point of view, the partnership between russia and china has no prospects, he said that the history of relations between the two countries is very difficult, different political cultures, and it seemed to him that there was even a factor, well, if you like, an established factor of mutual hostility, so it was especially interesting to me when, after his...
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there’s nothing even to argue about, that’s exactly how it is, just look at it what is happening, but as for pushing china and russia into each other’s arms, this is actually a phenomenon that takes place, moreover, several years ago, when it was still possible, well, let’s say, fairly frank direct conversations with american political scientists, even before i left for china, when i worked in moscow, i sometimes asked: well, why, what is the goal of your policy aimed at pushing russia towards stronger relations with china, then i learned that chinese colleagues asked the americans at the same time, until recently , exactly the same same questions, so you see here, the feelings, as they say, of our
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chinese colleagues are approximately the same. henry kissenger was a politician of the old school, unlike you, i, well... crossed paths with him, as they say, but only once had a fairly long conversation when in september 2004 he came to our mission to sign, but i was the permanent representative there, and henry kissinger came to sign the book of condolences after the terrorist attack in beslan, but did not limit himself to signing, he and i went into the meeting room and they talked for about 35 minutes, about which i regret that i was in hot water then...
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it is beginning to seem that there is a growing feeling in beijing that if the united states
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had really managed to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, this would not have led to world harmony, but would lead to china becoming the next focus of american hostility and american pressure. i don’t know how you feel about this impression of mine. yes, that’s how it is, at least that’s how it is by and large - there are no illusions about the intentions of the west, about the intentions of the united states of america in the form in which they appear today, in china, there was a moment when trump and the republicans lost the presidential election and biden returned, i was then in beijing and, of course, watched happening from there, but two things caught my eye, it was... just such, you know, some kind of puppyish delight of the european partners, well , even the european diplomatic corps in beijing, well
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, finally, well, finally, trump, from whom we everyone has suffered, now the democrats have come, it will be like with my grandmother, well , that’s okay, but our chinese partners then also had such sentiments that trump really squeezed them very hard from the point of view of purely trade policy.
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relations with the united states, which by that time had already will begin to gradually rebuild their trade reached 700 billion and exceeded 700 billion us dollars per year with a 350 billion trade surplus in favor of china, in general it was an extremely unpleasant surprise for them that it was in this matter that the biden administration did not simply continue trump’s policies , even strengthened it significantly. and continues to follow the same path, so even in this respect there are no illusions in china; we, of course, are different and in different positions in
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relation to our counterparts to the west, from the point of view the relationship of the west towards us towards china, the division between the united states and europe, well , let’s say, in relation to the united states, beijing, apparently, no longer has any illusions of aggression, but that’s the attitude of europe in china after all. apparently they proceed from the fact that it can, well, in simple words, be re-educated, that is, to some extent, not only to convert, but by playing on europe’s objective interest in trade and economic ties with china, especially against the background of the virtual complete severance of these ties with our country, with russia, one can somehow influence europe, well, in a healthy direction or something, well, it’s quite possible that this is also... olaf scholz’s visit,
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a purely economic, by the way, visit to china, it just confirms that on the other side too we wouldn’t want to break all the pots, but try to glue some of the fragments together. please note that the chancellor did not take with him the minister of foreign affairs, a lady who in beijing causes, well , just irritation, uh, the heads of the largest german corporations came with him very deeply.
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this was the main thing for him in china, chinese his partners listened to him attentively in their own manner in their own diplomatic style, in china it’s not customary to swear, it’s not customary to get filled with blood, stomp your feet, you know, shout at your partner, these are not americans, they listened politely in general, well, one might say, they let him through all this is falling on deaf ears, thank you very much, it was a very interesting conversation, i am grateful for your time, and we learn a lot from you every time...
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about 50 thousand people, the person who helped her develop was negroponta, you did an amazing job , she highlighted huge budgets in order to literally destroy russia’s interests in the arctic. we have seen a strong rapprochement between russia and china, what can we do to drive a wedge between them. in the near future , some actions may even be imitated, and this will simply cause a very strong public outcry. she serves on the advisory board as a biological application specialist. weapons, she plays that she works for the president, she works for those who always have dirt on the president, those who disinform president, this is the notorious deep state, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow at the first, we will show the film by sergei isenshtein, ivan
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the terrible, we need strong power in order to break the ridges.
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zoya borisovna personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves , she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages, 100 years, this will definitely be written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents , she felt them right instantly, she is an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is very young man, i have no job at all. i can’t, i have to go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated a poem to her: “abide, bright, fleeting, unstoppable, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming.” andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother.
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andryushka and i lived very friendly, it was his... a big game is on air, one of the most important events of this week was the visit of german chancellor scholz to beijing, where he held big negotiations, including with the leader of china sizenpin, everything seemed to go well enough, at least.
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such a document regarding interaction with china, that is, it is necessary, that is, the essence of this document is that it is necessary to get rid of excessive dependence on china, that is, there is such a systematic goal, a systematic curtailment of cooperation with china, on the other hand, scholz during the meeting and the purpose of this trip was to develop relations with china, that is, here we observe a certain kind of contradiction, in the words... of the chancellor in the actions of his government, and well as already noted, again he tried to somehow persuade the chinese leadership to refuse cooperation with the russian federation, although
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he could offer absolutely nothing in return, that is , german companies in this situation, when when in mind here stupid sanctions policy, production in germany is becoming unprofitable, german firms are fleeing, within the framework of the conventional west, that is , it cannot, but nevertheless he acts and comes and declares that it is necessary to do this and that, although, although, as i already said , he has nothing to offer, and china has long been oriented on its own. i think you know that in moscow there are some, well , if you like, sarcastic people...


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