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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 9:36pm-11:36pm MSK

9:36 pm
where's my perfume? mom, why do you need them in africa? i 'm still a woman. tiger doesn't care what you smell like. i love you to sit. i don’t want to change anything, i don’t want to change school. what about my coney? am i not going to go to class anymore? well, why not, dad will
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take you, nothing will happen to your horse, agate, well, let's go.
9:38 pm
why can't i be with you, why? i'm brave, i'll look after you? bunny, well, because you need to study at school. i don’t know about this school, i can study on the internet, it’s even better. linen, sorry, but there is no internet in africa. but this won’t be for long, i promise that i will definitely take you, mom, we will never have a cat, you know, maxim is allergic, you now have fish, i hope it’s worth it, me too.
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“you know, i would never choose between a boy and a cat, it’s so stupid, and cats, they’re so cute, fluffy, and they purr like that, you know, boys sometimes purr just as well, mom, sometimes i don’t understand you at all, after 5 in five years you’ll understand why, in five years, sixth-graders already have boyfriends.” you you didn’t even warn me why you didn’t want to leave lena with your mother as usual, well, actually, i was going to take lena with me to africa for 2 years, well, yes, but then i thought that it was better to settle down on my own first, africa is all- anyway, i’ll take her later, and then it’s when for six months, a year, in a word, she stays here, and you leave everything and fly away, such offers come up once in a while...
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well, yes, after this work i can become a leading photographer in national magazine, this has always been my dream, but i wonder what to do, you’ll figure it out, and i promise to call, mom, okay, it didn’t work out with the cat, i have to go to a new school, well, you and i... discussed, i won’t be able to take you, but when you grow up you can return to your school, we agreed, this is beauty, i knew that you i'll like it. wow, mom, well, look
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at the echo, mom! keys, hi, hi, hi, hi, well, come in, come in, baby, come in. thank you, we need to talk to you about something urgently, but what? this is my - yulia and i's bedroom, yes, there's a living room here, there's a kitchen, but you can see my room, we bought a bed, and where is it, where
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there, listen, some circumstances have changed, what circumstances, like what, well, our life together. look where you are jumping, what are you doing here? and you? wait, today isn't sunday? no, so these are the circumstances? uh-huh,
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i just can’t wrap my head around it, this is also a big surprise for me, but it just confronted me with a fact, how could you even agree? well, just one more child, it can be worse. we can handle it, they are good girls, almost the same age, and they will be interesting together, they will become friends, it will be it’s fun, you’ll see, well, it’s okay, you’re not here for long, it’s not like husband and wife, but why are you so angry, it seemed like we communicated normally before, well, of course, three times, but i just pretended that i liked you, we weren’t going to live together, don’t even dream that you’ll get the bed, i ’ve wanted it all my life, oh well, is it okay that this is my dad’s apartment? how are you even going to raise her? you never even lived with her, why did you even agree? what should i do then? i don’t know what it is mom chose a career in the family. oh, by the way, maybe it would be better for leni to live with your mom? hello, i’ve arrived, my mother teaches two hours at the institute. but really, if
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lena had been with me from the very beginning, you would n’t have accepted her, right? well, of course, it’s just all so unexpected. why not? we seemed to be planning, did you want a second child? well, i wanted a little one, well, sooner or later i grow up little, i wanted ours, so sonya elena is ours, and then maybe, yeah, and we are a large family, but parking is free, yul, well the main thing is that we are together, right? i told you they would become friends
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later, honey. uh-huh, hold, hold, hold, come on, ready, one, hold, oh, lift, lift, lift, lift, lift it, that's cool, lady. eagle, come on, cool, cool!
9:46 pm
well, monkeys, what a walk they had, awesome, simple, absolutely amazing, in my opinion. we spent time, yes, len, sonya, we have great news for you, yul, i love you, and you too, you will become possible, no, yes, of course, yes, well, so as not to be unfounded, it looks like this still for a long time, good, at least not pregnant. well, maybe some more tea? thank you, that’s enough for me today, but i want to go home, well, home
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is home, and who is good in us, who is beautiful in us, holy manyushka, svetlana grigorievna, i’m marrying you off, i’m already grown up, we’ll run together, we’ll blame ourselves, i’ll become a prince, believe me , you are a fool, vanko, you were born a slave, you will die a slave. he carries you on a cart, give him to the bookstore, but why do i need such a god if he is against my love? look, mashki, look, now i’m not a slave, you’ll have everything you want, you’ll be a robber prince, because you love your slave, as long as i’m alive, you won’t get married, you’re nobody, keep him, he’s her husband! you will track down vanya and bring him his head to me, cathedral, tomorrow on the first,
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rum, bonfire, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product. borborsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac, monte shoca, product of steller group. this is me calling. greetings. tomin from the criminal investigation department. the viewer's first perception is the same. major tomin and nowhere. if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this of course pisses him off. he has
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a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine confidence in the family, this is a man who lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing , he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient. he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so you have to spit, phew, for leonid’s eighty-fifth birthday konevsky, may 2, on the first.
9:50 pm
good night kittens, good night, good night. baby, i can ask you to remove this photo, why? i don’t like her, i want to leave her, you see, honey, this is not entirely right, and maxim may not be pleased.
9:51 pm
you know, two children is not that difficult, i like your enthusiasm, maybe it was a cool weekend, just a very long one. parents, we have awesome children, they are so little, sometimes,
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how long can you do this? hang around, we 'll be late for school for you, not us, but you, i'm ready, sleepyhead, if you're digging, you won't have time to have breakfast. so monkeys, let's take a wide step, otherwise we'll all be late for you, and where are you going? i mean, where? are you going to take us to school? well, yes, today is the first day, well, do you want to disgrace me, at my age? wait, in your opinion, at what age do children go to school on their own? actually, i'm from second
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grade, but how do you know where to go? i looked in the navigator, the school, by the way , is not far from... from here, okay, sleepyhead, then i’ll take you, and that means i can disgrace, yes, i’m not little either, i’ll also go on my own, so okay, that’s it, i’m going, so girls, if alone, then only together, and you got the geolocation in real time, and so do i, bye, mom and back too together, adults like that, don’t talk.
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we would like to date on june 20th, we just met in june a year ago, i can’t offer you anything in june, everyone is busy with the date. well , maybe on the tenth of july, my birthday is just in july, congratulations, well, let’s see, only on august 21 at 19:00 and don’t
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be a minute late, that’s the only thing, what can i offer you? well, august, so august, well, yes, uh-huh, hurray, guys, guys, quiet, quiet, quiet, guys, today two new girls will be studying in our class, lena and sonya, hello, hello, besides they sisters, we are not sisters, sorry, lenochka, step-sisters, and this is also unlikely, we don’t have a drop of common blood, okay, but... let’s forget about genetics for a moment, i understand correctly, you live together, and this misunderstanding, we will soon correct it, lenochka, not only in our school, but in general it is not customary to interrupt interlocutors, especially adults. elizaveta nikolaevna, forgive my ill-mannered sister, we
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will work on this issue at home. fine. hello, have a nice day.
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you’re waiting for your mom, but no, not your sister, we’re together. should go home, she left a long time ago, i saw how? listen, where do you live? on serfdom, let me accompany you, come on, are you upset? i thought you weren’t really friends, not really, clearly, listen, do you want me to tell you my secret, but no? you won't spill the beans, come on.
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and nikita, i haven’t been in for a long time, i’ve accepted the tour, can we go for a while, what’s your name? sonya, sonechka, very good, please come in!
9:59 pm
well, soon? now, now, just a little bit is left. cool, every hour chimes that it’s 6 o’clock, yes. mom, why aren’t you picking up the phone? well, i mean,
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lena has been home for a long time, maybe they said that you two would return. well, she, she is, left earlier, and i was waiting for her near the school. she told me that you left with some boy, but he just wanted to take me home. well then, i don't accept your excuses, you punished. of course, i understand that the artist must be hungry, well, maybe you should still eat at
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least a little, and a little bump, a little picas. stimping and then let someone tell me that dragging a newborn baby around museums was a stupid idea. mom, remember, you said that when we move to maxim, everything will remain as before, only we will be even happier. well, of course i remember. then why don’t you read to me before bed and we don’t wear the same one? pajamas, i will definitely read it to you, can you now, honey, understand, there are not two of us now and i need to pay attention
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time for you, and maxim, and lena, but pajamas are not the main thing, yes, the main thing is that we are all together now, then why am i not becoming happier, why didn’t you wait for sonya, she told you so, it’s not time, please . why do you believe her and not me? mom would never trust someone else's child. she was always on my side. and you are a traitor. your mom isn't here. there is only you and me, and yuli sonya, and we are not strangers. we are a family, please remember this. we are not a family. in general, you only came to see me on sundays and then a week later. i want to do horse racing like
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before. you promised, it turns out you lied, now you’ve decided to raise me, it won’t work, we, of course, are cool parents, we have awesome children.
10:04 pm
oh, you petty thief, i’m not petty, i’m only six months younger than you, dad doesn’t love me now because of you, i hate you, you don’t have your own pub, you decided to steal mine, but i need your dad like a fish umbrella, maybe maybe you want to steal my mom? why do i need your mother? she doesn’t even know how to cook soup properly, she always doesn’t deliver chicken, yes, she just loves animals, now i understand why your mother ran away from you to the tigers, a beast of prey is better than a daughter like you.
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yes, as i understand you, i also can’t stand this sticky table pasta, bah, get it, thank you, it’s normal pasta, my mom collects food because she’s allergic to everything, she gets covered in terrible spots, and you’re just jealous because what do you have... no, mom, she left you and left, there is one of the spirits, or rather there were, mipa, niva. quiet, quiet, worry! maksim,
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when you called me and asked me to take first one of your daughters, then the second, i hoped that they had inherited your behavior and academic performance, which is why i took two extra students into a crowded class at the end of the school year. it seems to me that you remember well, in your school years, we are also very worried, but we need to somehow figure out who was the instigator, well, they are children, well, who didn’t behave like a bully at school, they started a fight. this is the first time such a massacre has happened in our school, i’m sure sonya and tatyana lyanevna have nothing to do with it, i ask you, the girls need a little time to settle down and get used to school, to home, i will talk to them seriously, and this will not happen again, i promise you, yes, for the first time in 4 years i was called to school,
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okay. treat yourself with understanding, these are children, remember yourself, the fact of the matter is that sonya is very similar to me, and lena is very similar to me, yes, but my parents were not called to school. mine all the time, and i certainly didn’t fight at school, you know what you’re getting into? no, look, lena, even now she’s ready to get into a fight, but my sonya has never hurt a fly in her life, in my opinion, these are obvious things, maybe you don’t know your daughter well, that’s all, i ’m late for the meeting in 15 minutes, sleepyhead, come with me, i won’t leave you at home alone. mom, i ’m thirsty, there’s a cooler downstairs, i want a cooler, there’s a vending machine at
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the entrance.
10:09 pm
well, you really got into trouble, no, but if we fight a couple more times, they won’t live to see the wedding. listen, what if we manipulate them? how is that? i don’t know, but according to the child psychologist, it works, we will pickle them. in the end, where there is a second marriage, there is a second divorce. you want from me get rid of it, dear, not my sister, deal. let's go, where? that's it, i'll show you. great, great place to develop our plan, only this is not a friendly meeting, this is a meeting,
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let's see what it is to manipulate, to manipulate, to perform complex actions, controlling someone, something, moving someone, something. to secretly control someone against his will, what is needed, so, why women can’t stand men, they don’t help around the house, they throw socks around, they don’t give women time, a compliment from you can’t wait for them, you’re scaring me, often unmarried girlfriends come to my mother, let’s start, let’s start.
10:11 pm
maxim, i suggest creating a duty schedule, tomorrow is your turn, but today was your turn, or what? yul, it worked, it worked, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. and that i ’ve seen this a thousand times in films,
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and these are your white shirts, well, it was your turn to be on duty? say thank you for hanging it up, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, look carefully. pulators are people who, not just for a few months, they perfect one thing for years
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the same trick, that is, it turns out that we are deceiving the audience with their consent, with their grateful consent, you think that this is impossible, that all this is computer graphics or editing, but in the world of magic , nothing is impossible, love’s podcast is on the first today , lent ends , a magical holiday awaits us ahead. the most important miracle is that god is love, i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears, since then, yes, we already have four children, i said, katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says, no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh godfather move, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days, a monk walked with us. and i walk like this, i feel so good, i say, what is it? he says it’s
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grace, i went blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i physically felt my guardian angel, i believe that my guardian angel is, of course, the lord god, with the hands of doctors they performed a miracle, oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation, i am going with the children and we are hanging our whole garden with all these eggs, but we have been carrying the second millennium in our hearts... this sunday, this very in fact, the greatest russian holiday, may 4 on the first, well, well, well, that’s enough, now knead.
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well done, it’s working out well, let’s go without lumps, without lumps, yeah, delicious, can i have a little coffee,
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i can’t wait to get you out of here, yeah, and i’m already choosing a kitten, name it abchi, maxim, be healthy, thank you, listen, when is your birthday, 26? february, and it’s august 19th for you, baby, what do you want for your birthday? i don’t know, i already have these toys here, so do i, my dad promised to take me to the skating rink, but for some reason he didn’t call, maybe he’ll take me to my birthday, but it’s okay that the skating rinks are closed in march, i know, maybe , at least we’ll go to the movies with him, that’s even better, i love popcorn, my mom and i
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go to the movies every week, khadire, well, maybe we’ll still succeed when we, well, get divorced, i hope good night, good night. thank you, well, girls, you're full, yeah, you won't be late for school, listen, you can take my dress today, like a princess, yeah, yeah, thank you, have a nice day, monkey,
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bye, bye, princess, not much , because of your stupid plans we are releasing. the most important thing, and why are we releasing megamosk, their stupid wedding, why is everything stupid with you? maxim should take yurino’s dress, but the dress is not such a stupid idea.
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hello, yes, daughter, hello, hello, dad, hello, hello, i can’t hear you, hello, your phone is bad catches you, len, i can’t hear you, no, okay, yes, we’ll talk at home, yes.
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so yul, can i have a minute, just don’t worry, it’s a promising start, right? i don’t know how it happened, me and maxim, well, tell me it’s okay, what happened, don’t scare me, okay, in general, your dress disappeared, how it disappeared, i don’t know,
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disappeared, evaporated, flew away, wait, did you lose my dress, i didn’t lose it, i didn’t lose it. apparently not, how is it even possible to lose a dress? i don’t know, forgive me, but what about you? dad, where are you going?
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yulia, forgive us, we will buy you any dress you want, it will be 100 times better than the previous one, tell me, how, how could you lose the dress? listen, why do you always put your phone under your pillow at night? okay, if you don’t want to, tell me, my mom should call me. and my mother says what time it is, my mother doesn’t tell me anything because she doesn’t call, you probably don’t miss her, but i have
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breaths, or rather now of course no longer, well, although the box still smells, but i i don’t open it anymore so that the smell doesn’t dissipate. thanks, so what's next? any thoughts? maybe we can wait for something at school? so, you want to go to different apartments or different police departments. in love in war, all means are fair. okay, let's leave the arson as plan b. so. what kind of men do women hate? well, thin, without responsibility. what's
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the most irresponsible thing our dad can do? so, dear parents, respected. yes, in general, today at school sonya awarded us tickets for attractions in parava, which is great, only the quarter is not over yet. for intermediate results for the mathematics olympiad, online mathematics olympiad, well, yes, online always lexe accompanied by an adult, of course, um, safety first, first of all, when on thursday, well damn, i can’t do it on thursday, y i'm meeting with a client, so what's the problem, let me cancel all my plans, go out with the girls and we'll have a great time, monkeys, right?
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yes, the girls won the olympics at school, i don’t know, they won some kind of olympics, they they gave these tickets, awarded them with tickets, the three of us went to the park. the girls went on rides, dad said that he had the day off, we went to this stupid huge park, they don’t wait for us for a minute, well, who knows that he is so responsible, definitely not my mom, since he looked at the phone, how normal. we were very scared, we screamed so much,
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the rides were so high, they felt good, they smiled, had fun, then we went to these stupid cars, we need a different plan, we need to move somewhere not such a good view, remember that cool one dinosaur playground? then they came out, one of the children said, let's go see the dinosaurs, he made us go to these stupid dinosaurs, i looked at the girls, the girls were in front of me, i didn't take my eyes off them, and then they disappeared. and then we got lost, and then our uncle
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, a policeman in a cap, found us and offered to take us to dad and mom, don’t you believe me, well, let’s go. what do you mean? i mean, from the very beginning you are only concerned with yourself, because you are getting married, and you have a child from your first marriage, why do you you forget that i also have a child from
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my first marriage, and it’s not easy for me in this either . to you, you know, it generally seems to me that this is all pointless, we are not a family, mom, come on!
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well, you’re an athlete for me too, now we’ll blow it off, but i didn’t tell you to come back, yeah, i decided to stay overnight, go, you can, try, yes, i can. so, our plan is slowly
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starting to work, although she even forgave him for his dress, and she has ruined shirts, they were expensive, by the way, it’s time to bomb, think, partner, what they are most afraid of parents, when their children are sick, that’s right, but you have some kind of illness, that’s... something else, it’s an allergy, that’s perfect, thank you.
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you can’t, i told you nothing, you ’re going to burst, i won’t burst. now we love you , i can’t take it anymore, girls, live, hurry up, girls, we’re home, sonya, lena, my god, where did this come from, did you eat oranges, and
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oh, lena, what, maxim, call an ambulance. calm, calm, my dear, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, normal, normal, my darling, everything is fine, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, dear, everything is fine, lord, now everything will be fine, now the doctor will arrive, well, the swelling has gone away, breathing is smooth, we can do without... injections, and it’s good that you gave her the pills on time, which means everything could have turned out much worse, well, princess, bye, thank you , yulna, everything worked out, it worked out, but if we had arrived 20 minutes later, what could have happened, my hands are still shaking, lina knows
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that she has allergies, why did she do it? “i’m sure that this happened by accident, that lena wanted to support sonya, nothing more, but she could have killed her, i’m sure that she i did it on purpose, it’s not annoying.” you always protect your daughter, you’ll exchange mine, maxim, forgive me, i was wrong to lash out at lena, i understand everything, you were scared, children are much more fun than i expected.
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with lena, and sonya has somehow changed, maybe we’re stopping them from living, maybe we’re stopping each other from living, all that’s left is to strike the decisive blow, little darlings, they’re either already holding on, what we’ve been doing all along, manipulating, we ’ve given them a choice, right? i’m like...
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don’t worry about me, i’ll think of something, good luck to you, lena, as soon as we cross this threshold, there will be no turning back, our life will never be the same, let's hug.
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and helena, i have no idea, it seems she got up early in the morning and left, behind... on the bed, where could she have gone? remember she said anything? she seemed to be saying that the door to the roof in our entrance is not closed, she likes to sit there, the view is beautiful.
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alyonochka, dear, please get off the parapet. come to me, ah, come to me. now you and i will live together, do you hear? just you and me, i promise you, i swear to you. we'll leave and we won't tell anyone. yes, just us, understand? uh-huh, don't run away anymore, please, okay?
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alive, svetka, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, sedarenko, we’ll work together, it’s okay, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we’re investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people, why did you take her with you, from us everyone is a fighter, she is not a fighter, she is your wife. grigory ivanovich,
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where are you going, with you some kind of unkind, but also evil, just shilov, not evil, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain is simply not sometimes all we can do is try not to hurt others, according to the laws of the military. new episodes, tomorrow after the program, you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, these are miracles, blessed is the matron, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, with the petals of the matron, many are healed, we have come this is exactly why she helped us in our personal lives, those who defended her. took care of her,
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they came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true, whoever hurts is the one with that makes a request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i’m making the request as best i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because at the time the patrons appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i i just so boundlessly believed in it, but i just assumed that it could be, in may our mother appeared, some kind of divine providence, well, we just stood there. in front of the relics, and i mentally, in my thoughts, turn to the matron, i say, look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, may 5th on the first, mom nikolina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now realized that i... nematrons, hello, what a surprise,
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hi, i came to congratulate sonya, but she ’s not at home, oh well, i understand everything, of course, she doesn’t want to hate on her birthday, but no, she’s really not at home, she left 2 hours ago, and she forgot her phone, soon guests will come, and i’m actually starting to worry, well... let’s say i didn’t forget my phone, but didn’t take it on purpose, you think, well, actually this doesn’t calm me down, give me 20 minutes, i ’ll call you when i find her, where will you go? i won’t say, then i’m with you, then i won’t go, you’re harmful, 20 minutes,
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so why are you sitting here, grieving like alyonushka, he didn’t even call, didn’t congratulate me. well , you don’t have a normal dad, so what? but he has a cat, and his mother never called, well, maybe they gnawed all the wires there in africa? like yours, i started throwing socks around, so what do we have, an imaginary mother in africa, and we imagine mom and dad skating in august, not two
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a parrot, not a homewrecker, well, a new plan, you have no idea what kind of idea i have, i set it on fire like that. you're scaring me again, but i'm kidding, but i almost forgot, happy valentine's day, sister,
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hello, hello, you're out for a walk, yes. and you, i, there, well, apparently, yes, well, let's go, parents,
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parents, parents, parents, what's going on? hello, dear parents, hello, you need to talk, but you probably don’t want to, so we’ll talk for you, sit down, as you probably already guessed, in front of you is you, in all your beautiful, i don’t remember that i have noses, this is also, to put it mildly, not... my style, we now want to tell you one story, but keep in mind, this is all artistically invented ; all coincidences with real people are simply excluded. so you yourself said that you are us, oh, you know, dear, about your
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socks, i did an investigation, it turns out that this is all my daughter, by the way, yours too, well, what can you do, these are just children, with shirts my, what happened, you don’t happen to know, oh, i’m afraid this is also not an accident, by the way, uh, the girls then, i... the park ran away on purpose, yes, but i really kept a good eye on them, and i didn’t eat an orange today, alena went to the roof on purpose to scare you, they just wanted, for some reason, to separate us , what to take from them, they are still stupid, you know, no one knows how to cook pancakes better than you, i miss your borscht, although we could have put more chicken, and i miss
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our balcony, how you hugged me, well , here we are again we’ll survive okay, here are the children, yes, you know, alyonochka always dreamed of a sister, even such a terrible one. they are needed we really need each other, just like we do, in general, it’s us, sonya and lena, who officially declare that we will be the best, friendly sisters on the planet, and solemnly swear that we will clear the table, make our beds, do our homework and behave well, and we also agree to have one more sister, it ’s too small, it’s better to take it. listen, you fell back in love with each other,
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and this is my dress, by the way, this is also us. do you remember what day it is today? 21, uh, august, what time? 17:20, well, let's run rather, let's run, why, where, peek-a-boo, parents, twenty-first, ah, you probably don't have a passport with you, i have it, and you, i have it. rings rings, i don’t know, we’ll come up with something, we’ll roll it out of foil, like
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in a movie, what kind of movie are you watching, give me the keys here, we have awesome kids, and we’re awesome parents, we pushed it so hard, we can’t be late, give us your hands , a sign of love, fidelity and harmony, please exchange wedding rings, dears! yulia and maxim, i present you with your first
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family document, congratulations on your birth new family, please, thank you, you can congratulate each other, no, stop, cancel, nothing will work out, what are we going to do with the cat, the main thing is don’t be offended by me. believe me, it’s not easy for me now either, you know, sometimes between boyfriends and then, well, i have to choose a boyfriend. sonya. his name is obche maxim? here you go.
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is it possible to rename it? general maxim is a strange name. the best, will you return to our school? probably not your sister, now it’s my sister, terrible, but the most real, the most real, for now.
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shillov is alive, i can’t believe my eyes. stay with me, sedarenko, we’ll work together, it’s okay, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone should stand, we’re investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the cases of these people, why did you take her with you, every one of us is a fighter, she ’s not a fighter, she’s your wife, grigory ivanovich,
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where are you going, with you? some kind of not kind, but evil, straight up shilov, not evil, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain, it simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others, but laws of war, new episodes, tomorrow on the first. do you think that i have no heart, or that i don’t feel anything?
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are you worried?
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they print the contract, they carry it, by the way, and... why is your bank called so strangely, the americans don’t have enough imagination, melvin, melvin and melvin, between you and me, are just showing off. no, sasha, our bank is named after its founders, melvin the eldest, melvin our middle melvin. yes, christina, our mae, is the smallest of them all. meh. the rose is cut, recording is in progress, everything is fine.
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“first vostankina, at the exit there are these hordes of fans, then there are traffic jams, but you yourself understand, then here at the entrance, fans, ruslan, ruslan, ruslan, give me an autograph, i’m your fan, fan, tell me, but your show seems to be supposed to be seven was to begin, no, ruslan, yes, you don’t want to tell me anything else, i do.” but not here, let’s go and remember, at the end you need to say the phrase, and i’m yours forever, romeo, gentle, mine, didn’t understand, sophie,
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question from the radio, are you not tired of the status of the most successful russian model, take off, take off, now, when hearts are beating alarm bells, now, when the eyes look straight ahead, now, when the hearts are on fire, i want to say what i have been silent about until now, i am all at your feet, juliet, and my question is burning, waiting for an answer, take off the ring, don’t write, don’t take it off ,
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comment, christina, marry me, what’s it like to marry, are you crazy, listen, you can concentrate, i concentrated, i just don’t understand, where is the ring, where are the flowers, where is the limousine? where, where is the courtship? well, why all this meshura, is it really necessary for real feelings? your feelings don't need any of this, piece meat, but for my oh how necessary, i didn’t find myself in a garbage dump, garik, not all girls are the same, i want to give christina something that money can’t buy, a real feeling, you know, but what does money have to do with it, i want, so that everything is beautiful, i’m like a beautiful flower that needs to be picked and put in... okay, let’s have a second try, christina, i
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love you, so surprise me, i want romance, a lot of romance, but you don’t know it at all. and so, grim, please correct it for me. i wanted him to do it sincerely, i’m so tired of this show off, sonya, we have huge problems, do you hear me, rita, i ’ve been nurturing this relationship for 4 years, what is he doing, ruining everything with these cameras, journalists, so the bear is higher, we don’t block the chest, all the most intimate things are on display, a counter device, take away, makeup, sonya, you you’re not thinking about this, neither
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max factor nor versace are going to renew with us... you hear, that’s how the work hangs up, i don’t know how to make him open up, so look at me, so stop, excuse me, please, excuse me, please, can i stop, thank you, sonya, sonya, i remind you that you are 28 years old, brands scent on 29, you and i have very little time and huge problems, i missed it, yeah, is it really so difficult for him to be sincere? so sonechka, get ready, culinary specialist, and today our guest is, excuse the expression, an arthropod, an arabian lobster, and i’ll show him where the crayfish spend the winter, what’s alive, vetch, stop, stop,
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stop, stop, what’s that? well, what’s the matter, why are you sitting with such sour faces, you ’re disturbing him, you’re knocking him down, little mermaid, what happened, huh? i don't understand why i, the man who squeezed robert's own hand denir, i have to squeeze the claws of this arthropod freak, three, three they stink, mayonnaise, they can’t wash it off, that’s all, i’ll wipe everything, now i’ll wipe everything, i shouldn’t fry this cancer, but at least. well, ruslanchik, this is because you need to get married, and your wife must be smart, kind and understanding, she must develop your talents and lead you to the pinnacle of glory, there will be no filming, no, well no, ruslan, ruslan, cancer, that take it away, he’ll die now, it’s
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a pleasure thing. for you only about the lightest , brightest reds, so i suggest paint the whole day. sonya, you still haven’t answered me, and the press is waiting for our decision. ruslan, what does the press have to do with it? the press must inform the masses, and the masses want to know. ruslan, what’s wrong with you, what kind of press, what kind of masses? where do we stand green? so yes or no? let's go, traffic jam, great, let's rehearse your answer, ruslan, i don't want to rehearse anything, and in general i don't want anyone to meddle in our personal lives, this is not normal, understand, my love, the stars have other people, different standards, ruslan , i am
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a person, i am a personality, what do you love about me? person or star, i love you, your star, christina, i love you, christina, i love you, marry me, i hate, i love you, sonya, but we are stars, you are naturally given amazing beauty, unusual to me. charisma and talent, amazing beauty, we must accept it, come to terms with it, our life will never be ordinary and normal, people want us, but you are not interested in what i want.
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wait, i need to tell you something, you know what the deal is, i want to live a normal life, i want us to have a cozy home where i can be myself, so that you can be a normal husband, but you also cook so well, what did you say, well, in general? i can repeat this again if you need, that is, you are offering me some kind of joint project, yes, i understood you correctly, but no, i’m not talking about cooking at all, i’m talking about the fact that i need normal... . relationship, then you need an ordinary, normal one, yes, but for me, what do you offer? now, in general, can you really get such an ordinary one, this is a masterpiece, i
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paid more in a week of rental than this one the convertible is worth it, who else do you need after this? sash, i love you too, but as a friend. you see, i need something completely different, no, sash, you’re good, but i need something brighter, more extraordinary, and you need a clerk, gray, yes, well, have you ever done anything unusual in your life, well, except for bonus programs , your suit is not even black, but grey, kristina, and that i’m some kind of clone, i’m an artist, by the way, they don’t lie on the road, but you understand, we have such... a full bank, but maybe with one exception, you are ordinary, gray, uninteresting, ordinary, boring, so find yourself one like that, i’ll find him, find him, i’ll find him, find him, i
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’ll find him, marry him, and i’ll marry him, marry him, and i’ll marry him.
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oh, that's what you need, take me down. well, yes, tomorrow at 10 at zacks, at the sixth, yes, yes? so should we follow her or stay with you? there will be no romantic proposal now. she needs to meet you.
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listen, it seems to me, or i got carried away. sonya, i told you once, a wedding is a brilliant move. brands for newlyweds are in our queue. line up, what if ruslan doesn’t believe that i can actually marry who got it, because i’m not really, sleepyhead, from this sweet moment you will return to the very top, i promise, ruslan will see you on all channels and will understand that with his window dressing he has angered you in a big way, no, it was all a bad idea , bad idea, you need ruslan, but i don’t just need ruslan, i need everything, everything, be quiet, don’t get worked up, calm down, think for yourself what will happen if you go through with this wedding, he’ll be jealous of you, and if he gets jealous of you... he will crawl to you on his knees to do everything you want and how you want you want, girlfriend, but we have to put the squeeze on him, marriage is generally a stupid idea, even more so at the first meeting, what if she’s an alcoholic or a drug addict or even a murderer,
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a black woman, a widow, what’s the difference, she’s a stranger, well, that’s okay, i’m ready for death, you're kidding, yes, well done, but if she's really crazy, and in your opinion only a crazy woman can marry me, no... well, if it's love at first sight, then, no, this is definitely a stupid idea, boss, slow down, we let's go out, i won't let you fall into the clutches of this maniac. maybe you're right, of course you're right, a little did not become an accomplice to the murder. unfamiliar. no, i'll surprise her. don't you want to be an accomplice? he won’t let you down,
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there he is, so come on, get ready before he changes his mind, good morning, what did you say wrong, why didn’t you notice? approximately, okay, excuse me, what, what, did he look like, what, what, what did the man look like, yes, good morning, let's get over here, i hope he has registration, no, mine is in a suit, name sofia alekseevna alkhovskaya, uh-huh,
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olkhovskaya nya, there is such a tree, alha, sometimes a bush, but don’t worry, we have a lot of forms, calmly fill out, and after 2 month in a solemn atmosphere, excuse me, excuse me, please, we just need it faster, but you’re not for the young... this is an important time for them too, and you know, we can’t wait at all, yeah, well, an accelerated version of the month, yeah, let's not spoil the romance of the young, excuse me, maybe for a minute, date of birth, date of birth, eh? let me do it myself.
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what am i doing? i'll marry the first person i meet. sasha, sasha, sasha, what are you saying, jena. this is not the first one i meet, this is sofya alkhovskaya, a russian supermodel. can you imagine what a model crowd is? uh-huh, chana, i’m going to knock you out now and make you fucking unconscious, i need christina, not a model for a party, christina is a sister, okay, listen to me, listen carefully, as a friend, you and i are friends, sasha, friends, friends , if you marry this doll, your christina will come galloping to you, the woman will become a silken woman from childhood, sasha, otherwise you will run after her all your life, surprise me, make me different, lose weight, get a haircut, you will set the conditions yourself, jena, will she gallop along, of course? yeah, christina, at least
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salmahayek, okay, okay, well done, well, where to sign, i ask everyone to come to the ceremony hall, it’s time to seal your union, go ahead, i ask you, i gave you money, but no, i promised that she will be on the cover of the tv program. easter of christ - live broadcast of the service from the cathedral of christ the savior on saturday, may 4, on the first ilil, the sovereign dug the very place of the cross of st. andrew the first-called, founded a fortification, named st. petersburg, we will drive the swedes out of here. and charge, mr. sergeant,
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the swede is walking with his fist, and we are stretched out in a line, he'll tear you apart, we're peter's guards, we can't run away, get up, otherwise you'll be killed, to hell with you, i envy peter that he has such guards, we need to stand closer to the tsar, there are new people around him now, daddy, take a breath , there’s even air here, it seems that the sovereign has a new favorite, the cathedral, tomorrow on the first day, dear sasha and sonya, today you are embarking on the long-awaited path of legal marriage, for now it’s you, it’s you, but it will take quite a bit to change everything, at least for you there are rings, you wo n’t be sasha or sonya, you will be.
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and let the rocks of mutual resentment and misunderstanding not break through your trick, thank you, alexander, do you agree to take sophia as your wife? well, yes, sonya, do you agree? yes, and now, dear newlyweds. i propose to exchange rings, and let these circles without beginning and end become the seal of your eternal love, i declare you husband and wife, you can seal the marriage bond with a kiss,
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no one separates, many people dream of such a wedding, who by the way, barbie dolls, office coolers generally dream about something, in my opinion, i understand that it’s just an allergy to your botox, what do you see, sasha, i said from the very beginning, you just need to tune in to the same wavelength, birds, they feel themselves, sasha, goodbye, boys, yes, thank you, i think for my purposes these photos will be enough . we have a plan for 2 weeks and an agreement, unless of course you forgot, i don’t have an agreement with you, thank you alexander, and you are officially married, we don’t write it down, if you cheat on us now, i ’ll give you such a divorce that you’ll be with us for the rest of our lives you’ll pay alimony, it’s clear, you’re
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serious, you still think i’m joking, we have lawyers, zhana, well, it’s clear, i’m not going to lose the investors’ money, so to fulfill every point of our agreement, and then, please, get a divorce, get married, have children, but for now, no, family life is work when ... tell me, when all this is on the air, i need her to see exactly, smile, what kind of rich man this is, this is
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a witness from the groom, and what or armand, he’s garik.
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is this about the kiss already for me or is it part of the message? and yeah, damn, it’s busy, let me out finally, i have to get to her, so alexander, you should stay in sonya’s room, when the reporter leaves, please roll in all four directions, carefully, so guys, we don’t crowd. let's not go,
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let's pass, let's pass, let's all pass, guys, don't crowd, that's it, we're filming here, then to jana's room, why is there coffee here, jana. they will remain there for a long time, i think,
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a week or two, turn it off. light, i can’t, i’m reading, you’re reading, let me guess, what’s the menu, everything is more interesting than talking to you, so, better read the instructions for the shampoo, the models praise it, they say it refreshes the head, well, lift the lid that's it, that's it, i went through the balcony, go ahead, then he will say that the groom ran away from alkhovskaya on the very first night, the marriage is fictitious, ruslan will be happy
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, damn the journalists. i hope my wallet is in place, but mine is like, what the heck, says why the night shift, are you a doctor or something? i say, damn, what kind of doctor am i? journalist, this is more important, i protect health and society, she doesn’t understand this at all, but what does she do, damn it, she doesn’t do anything, she’s
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a deputy. oh-my, what’s yours, no, not mine, oopsies, come on, come on, let’s go, look, huh?
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yes, sasha, look here, sasha, what the hell, look here, help, damn it, why did you steal the phone, are you kidding me, this is petty and vile, are you serious, yes i, yes i agreed to call in return, that’s it myself i punished myself, what happened, listen, help me, i might lose my temper, i might lose my temper, really, but for some reason my problems didn’t bother you much? i told you not to go out, listen, models are born gray or they teach this in courses, so hang it up and think about it, well, wait, wait, by the way, ruslan called and said that our marriage is fake and what, that we didn’t even kiss, and that you yourself will soon run to him, that yes,
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intercept. oh, so you, i, relax, i think this is part of the business plan, but if you try to escape again, rita will get you out of the ground,
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go to sleep, i said, thank you. thank you. well, will you, alexander? oh, where was i looking before? i like this. christina, believe me, everything that is written there is not true. is this some kind of yes-yes, is it a montage or did you just fall from the balcony. you are not one of those men who can climb a girl through a window. but i hope your wife loves you just like that. christina, listen, well, listen, i can’t. mel asked me to come see him; he had some plans for me, perhaps even business ones. so wish me luck. hello. bye everyone, calm, calm, sweatshirts, she has no courage, it’s a shame, in fact she is wildly jealous, insanely, and the best remedy for jealousy is an attack, so she’s trying to make you jealous, but
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you can’t give in, because you, you are stronger, christina will break. oh, and if she doesn’t buff, she didn’t go to akmela, but a regular meeting in negotiations, at the first click she will fly to you and bring beer, you will become a star, just like she wanted, wait a little, live with sonya, be patient, god, what am i saying, be patient with the supermodel, holy shit, he pisses me off, first of all, he's boring.
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who are you my? sasha, i will make sure that christina sees how happy you are sonya, 24 hours a day. i’ll get an agreement, along with interest, sasha will finally get his accountant, you’ll get a career, an agreement, interest and your ruslan. there's one step left, let's go, i won't sign this nonsense, but why am i doing this then? wrote, you guaranteed, sasha, you promised, i promised to live with her, and not become the same advertising dummy like her, sasha, you have no right to...


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