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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 16, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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began to work on special equipment, the soviet missile program could theoretically not be inferior to the german one or not be far behind it, if not for repression. back in the thirty-third year, a rocket research institute was founded, the organization of which was helped by mikhail nikolaevich tukhachevsky, who understood that the country needed new technology, sometimes invested, by the way, in failed projects, but still he very actively supports the development of new technology . testing of rocket projects began, and the people who created this one the atmosphere of creativity in the early thirties, it was amazing, people literally forgot to eat when this soviet rocket program was launched, before the creation of the rocket research institute, the group was called tsgirt, the central study group.
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now his name is practically forgotten absolutely undeservedly, sandr is a great figure, such a person, a transitional stage from tselkovsky , the queen, so to speak, an outstanding engineer, a dreamer, rnii was just launching the first project, his rockets in the year thirty-three, about space kebalchich really dreamed there back in the days of the people's will, tsilkovsky, but here it is important to say that the chance to realize this dream appeared only after the revolution, after... the state began to mobilize
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these talented people in order to discover the unknown, this one a desire for the unknown, this, of course, is also the atmosphere of the thirties, it will be there later, yes, but without this enthusiasm, human enthusiasm, the creation of rocket technology would have been impossible for us, everything at the rocket institute it wasn’t entirely smooth sailing, korolev was first deputy director, then he was demoted to head of the department, his character in general was quite tough, korolev will be remembered later, by the way, when he becomes... this is also a well-known figure, this is one one of the developers of the katyusha rocket, but langemak was arrested in 1938, followed by the director of the kleimenov institute, sergei pavlovich korolev himself was arrested, and valentin petrovich glushko, the future designer, was arrested. yes
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engines. from the maldyak gold mine in kolyma, they were sent there to a sharashka led by tupolev. and accordingly, he was thereby saved from death, because he had already reached there in kolyma. klimenov and lamgemag were shot; engineer kostikov, who actually wrote one of the denunciations against them, took credit for creating the katyusha shell. differently. assess the beginning of the space race, and its end, by the way, the space race is by analogy with the arms race, in general a term that appeared, well, some believe that it all began, the race began with the launch of the first satellite by the soviet union, but i remember that in 1947, that is, exactly 10 years before the actual launch of the first satellite. at
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the future kapustin yar cosmodrome in 1947, r1 p1 was launched, and even then, 10 years before the launch of the satellite, keldysh calculated all the parameters necessary for the launch of the first satellite, that is, 10 years before the tight, well, it must be said that keldysh in general. called the number one theorist of astronautics, and also, when we talk about the space program, without the name keldysh, there is no way to do it, yes - i i’ll go back to germany a little, the fact is that the first institutes that were involved in the development of rocket technology were created right in germany, the rabe institute was organized in bleichord, which was in the soviet occupation zone, which was engaged in collecting and studying all the developments on rockets, and there is scattered technical documentation, fragments somewhere, we didn’t get a single intact fa2 rocket. in august 1945
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, a special shot group was created to organize test launches of missiles, and sergei was at the head of it for the first time korolev, who previously worked in sharashka. sharashka aircraft engine plant in kazan, he was brought to germany, he began to understand there, even while he was a prisoner, and there korolev came to one test of missiles that the germans were conducting, but so that he would not be identified, so that he was too competent a technical person, he disguised himself as a driver i came there, it’s interesting, that is , they tried to deceive the americans a little, and so, when it became clear that we would not find the whole fa2, they began to restore it, they restored it, the minister of armaments. ussr dmitry fedorovich ustinov approved the creation of two institutes - northausen, ballistic missiles and berlin - all other missiles. and german specialists worked in them, whom we managed to capture. while in germany, about 5,000 technicians and engineers agreed to work for the soviet union, they even managed to lure
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some people from the american zone of occupation, in particular, a specialist in automatic control systems helmut grettup, kurt magnus, hans hoch, and a special research institute was created, research institute -88. where korolev became the head of the department, and then it was created from him there was the famous okb number one, this is the same design bureau that launched a satellite and a man into space, again, what is important, korolev served time, but korolev could have become embittered, he could have broken down, but his thirst to create a rocket, including a rocket and a military one and at the same time, in order to go into space, this thirst remained, if only...
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this was not a jump back into orbit, it was laika on november 3, 57, the descent module - this was already the next stage in development, so say astronautics, that's why she played the most important role, but nevertheless , it was not yet possible to return it to earth, well , everyone remembers the squirrel and the arrow, but they forget the pro-laika, and even more so everyone forgets about the dezik and the gypsy on july 22. surface of the earth, they reached 110 km, that is, this is not space yet, but nevertheless this is already a big step towards it, and it was still 51 years old, both returned
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back, but at the next launch dezik died, and after that gypsy korolev was very i was upset, the gypsy was not allowed anywhere after that, but the dog was angry and even once bit one general, respect him. reacted when they were preparing to launch the satellite, then when they were discussing what would happen in space, then pyotr leonidovich kopitsa said accordingly: you know what, i don’t know what will happen there, but if there is an opportunity to break into space, it must be done , we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis! you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, indian, natural, homemade, please, i have the most delicious, this duck with garlic baked in the oven, very tasty, i have a full discount, according to statistics
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, girls jump more than boys, but in boys , the instinct of self-preservation has to be challenged more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it is, you have to jump, i'm very scared, let's go, the premiere is on saturday on the first. you can’t miss this, television from the inside, premiere, on sunday on the first, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, we’re talking about the space race, which was conducted by the united states and the soviet union missiles. the technology appeared in order to carry nuclear warheads, but here is the irony of history, our first ballistic missile,
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the intercontinental r7, the famous royal seven, some write what they wrote and said that it’s just a v-2, there are some connected ones, this is complete nonsense, the design there is completely different, of course, based on the fa2, soviet technology developed like american technology, yes, there was a common line here. i must say that it lasted, well... by today’s standards, it didn’t last long, he made 1440
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revolutions around the earth, but of course he made a fantastic sensation, and his famous signals, beep-beep , were most likely listened to by the whole planet, because the impression was simply fantastic, they burst into space, and here i will refer to a memory, i will quote georgy mikhailovich grechko. who was - first an engineer for korolev, and then became an astronaut, was one of the first civilian cosmonauts, so to speak, not from the air force, but from engineers, so to speak. buckwheat wrote: in a very brochure of scientific and technical information that we published regularly, we read that on the fifth the americans were making a report called a satellite over the planet, and we planned the launch on october 6, we came to korolev, showed him this information, korolev at first said nothing, went out somewhere, only then many years later he wrote: “ i found out that he contacted the state security committee and asked the question: do they have
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information that the americans are going to make another attempt to launch their satellite exactly on october 5th, otherwise why would they make a report? the answer came from the kgb just like from the delphic pythia. we have no information that they want to launch a satellite on this day, but we have no information that they do not want to launch a satellite on this day. brilliant answer. well, like the greek pythia, who gave answers that could be interpreted in any way, and korolev took the risk. he postponed the launch of our rocket with a satellite, and the satellite was specially lightweight, there was only a radio transmitter there, scientific korolev decided that we would not load scientific equipment there, there was no time for this, we had to be the first, moved it from october 6 to the fourth and the launch was a success, when werner von braunan was asked why, under the conditions that you had, with huge funding, more than in the soviet union, it is important to understand, many times more, given that you... accordingly, there was also a military man and so on, why didn’t you manage to be the first? he replied, they quote:
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i did not have such a number of highly qualified specialists. the next step was sending into human space. in the spring of the sixtieth year , 20 people were enrolled in the first group of cosmonauts, then six of them were selected, including gagarin, german titov, andriin nikolaev, pavel popovich, grigory nelyubov and valery bykovsky, they, accordingly, had to pass the test, about that too those who are now... talking about human flight into space understand very well, well, it would seem, yes, i flew into space, there were 108 minutes, well , just think, yes, i scrolled there, yes, everything that is heroic in this, uh, 50x50 was, will survive gagarin will either not survive, what kind of psychological stability should a person have who understood perfectly well that he is taking a risk in which it is 50/50 whether you will die or survive, why you will die in some completely inhuman way, 50% of luck includes... for example, doctors argued whether a person would go crazy in zero gravity or not, it was unknown, during the flight one of
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the backup control systems did not work, again it was necessary to hurry, because the americans were trying to do everything to ensure that the first person went to. there was space american, allen shepard - in the end he was supposed to fly, or rather at the beginning he was supposed to fly on march 6 of the sixty-first year, but due to weather conditions it was postponed to may 5. another thing is that it was a suborbital flight, that is, it did not enter orbit, but if the flight had taken place, the first man in space would still have been an american, not ours, and, of course, this was not just a political question. prestige, although of course, the political prestige is gigantic, the first in space, but it was also a question and, of course, maintaining enthusiasm, you yourself said in at the very beginning, and about the effect gagarin’s flight had on people, and what is interesting and important, gagarin did not become arrogant for a second, that’s how many people’s memories of him show that these are tests with copper
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pipes, and this is the most... then the case when you can pass the test of water, fame and fame with power - this is the most terrible test for a person. gagarin passed brilliantly, passed brilliantly, without any arrogance, treated people, and it was the queen’s choice, because they argued who must fly, tetov or gagarin or gagarin, korolev made a bet on gagarin, although tetov seemed to be more intelligent, and he flew later, yes, but here is an image, just an image of a man who should be the first in space, korolev guessed, yes the image was. very important, that’s interesting, it means that gagarin flew on the 12th, april 12, and already on april 26, there was a decision of the presidium of the cpsu central committee on measures to further commemorate the popularization of the first flight of a soviet man into space, and behind this was, of course, work on
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internal audience, but first of all, of course, work abroad and... gagarin’s foreign trips were planned by several departments at once, the foreign ministry, the kgb, and the ministry of defense, but only in the spring of sixty-one he already visited czechoslovakia, bulgaria, finland, and great britain , poland, cuba, brazil, canada and hungary, in just 3 years he visited more than 20 countries, and naturally, and naturally, ours really wanted to organize a visit - gagarinov to the united states, but there it was difficult, because the official authorities in this moment they promoted their first hero, so to speak, shepard, so they opposed gagarin’s visit, then they tried to come in from the side through private initiative, through public organizations, everything seemed to start to take shape,
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but then the berlin crisis broke out, the visit to the united states did not take place. because the crowd was eager to touch gagarin and have something there as
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a souvenir that gagarin wore after this story. with himself, when he went somewhere solemnly, a box of buttons for his uniform, because buttons are fans they simply ripped it out of his uniform, speaking about gagarin, it must be said that he did not want to be a wedding general, he wanted to fly again, and the tragedy associated with his death is largely connected with the fact that he continued to fly, and there was a violation safety regulations, again there is a conspiracy theory that he died there as a result of someone wanting him there... and so on, all this is not confirmed by anything, there was a multiple violation, as usually happens, a confluence of a number of factors with a violation of technology security that led to his death, but he certainly wanted to fly again, the top management opposed this, because they didn’t want to risk gagarin, gagarin was, of course, yes, if we have everything in soviet times, that’s all, all the issues of the space
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race and so on, they were covered with such darkness.
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invited the soviet union to participate in this lunar program, he said, we will explore the stars together, and behind this there was a document,
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and there it was said that as a first step, the usa and the ussr could choose a landing with scientific targets of a small group about three people to the moon, and then return them to earth, well, according to the version that i know, khrushchev was there protecting some. and abandoned this, they relied on ships like vostok, voskhod, and the lunar program was postponed; then it also began to be developed with a significant delay from the americans, so one of the reasons for our lag in this area is that we slowed down development , this is one of the versions -
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judging by a number of memoirs, which guborev also wrote about, that the soviet union could not win the lunar race, the resources were incomparable, it is known that we had a failure with the luna-8 spacecraft, with the flyby of the moon, the initial failure, then the flyby was successful, but , thank god, we didn’t dare to send a person, because the flyby, yes, because the risk was too high, we were too behind , the americans won the lunar race, although again...
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after the defeat of the soviet union in the lunar race there were other projects, and the project of rapprochement in the era of détente was the soyuz apollo project for docking ships, which was covered in the press and which became a really very important factor in the détente times cold war. speaking of the queen, what was his genius? again, as gubarev said, everyone was used to walking up steps, and he jumped over the steps, moreover, aware of the risk and... aware of the possibilities, he had an amazing instinct, he was not a scientific genius, he was a genius organizer who managed to collect people who knew how to control them,
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who... by the way, which is very important, had intuition, engineering and scientific intuition, they argued when it was necessary to send a device to the moon, without a person, yes, they argued about what, is there dust or is there a hard surface, they argued, they argued, korolev thought, thought, listened to various arguments, then he took a piece of newspaper and wrote: “the moon is hard.” well, no one knew whether it was hard or not? korolev, on the one hand, went for the rice, on the other hand, this is what is called scientific intuition, it is really solid. around the queen there were people who went through the war and for whom this work, exhausting, hard work, nevertheless was easy compared to what they saw during the war, and at the same time it was motivation, and the feeling that the future of the country depended on them, on their work. grechka wrote: korolev always relied on people , that’s why he won, the slogan personnel decides everything, sergei pavlovich korolev learned this better than others, no one corresponded to this
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principle in practice as much as korolev. highly valued professionals, not cogs, but creative professionals, in this i see his genius and uniqueness. and, i attended several meetings held by korolev, he invited the main experts, whom i knew well and young people like me , the question was raised, for example, about fuel for the rockets of the future, kerosene or hydrogen, she passed everyone, including me, i couldn’t offer anything smart, different from what was said, but he stood up and expressed his opinion, only much later i realized that korolev taught everyone to say what he thinks, again:
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what was launched, in the end, we have, so to speak, baikanur, there is plesetsk, here, there is the eastern cosmodrome, and regularly launches occur, the importance is often underestimated cosmonautics, we are surrounded by what we have thanks to space, this applies not only to some fundamental scientific research, this applies to fasteners on clothes, first. yes, the corresponding fasteners, velcro, were invented for space, and computers, the internet, satellite navigation, all this is a consequence of space technology, a lot of medical technologies were tested for the first time within the framework of space programs, this is all thanks to which it is possible not only to develop science, but also to develop our humanity well-being, and also receive income, but what they also often don’t understand that you need to invest in fundamental things in order for
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it to have a practical effect later. today we talked about the space race, the competition between the united states and the soviet union. pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the russia west podcast on the swing of history on the channel one website.
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the day comes, the hour comes, and i want to know what will happen tomorrow in a year, with you, with me, how to enter, sad weather, and so not to fall, how to shake off the soul, throw off the shoulders, the skill of past years, find. there, slen, i know
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the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when he will smile. the world and everything will become beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us. the day will dispel sadness, your smile, it is like a clouded sun, it meets me, let
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the light of the king be pure, it is like a dream, in the morning the tenderness will awaken us. the rain of passions will float, a change of gray days, i know it will come that day, i know, a bright hour will come, when the world will smile, and everything will become beautiful for us, i know, that day will come, i know, a bright hour will come, when a smile will come. the world is changing and everything will become beautiful for us, everywhere,
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tsu-tsudu. i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful. everything for us, tudu, tudu, suda, suda, papadil,
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hello, this is the podcast 20 years later, and you presenter konstantin mikhailov, my guest today is the rock band lead fog. hi guys! great, great, hello, their hit shot powerfully in the mid-nineties, early nineties, yes, in the middle, at the end, in the middle, in the late nineties, in the late nineties, yes, i know, this one is still played on many radio stations hit straight. my guest is the leader, founder,
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lyricist, author of music, author of everything, in general the author of lead fog, dmitry nesterov, yes, everything is correct, well, now the co-authors too new songs and new arrangements, these are grisha and sasha lopinkov. sasha, hello, hello, you are twins, yes, as i understand it, ural peppers, you can tell them apart by their beards, as i understand it, i generally distinguish them, we have known each other for 100 years, therefore, that is why we have known each other since 2000, yes , listen, well, i can’t help but ask a question to which you’ve already practically answered, what is happening now, well, just now there’s some kind of resonance and interest again, i’m looking at the downloads and listening on the internet, there’s some kind of madness. hundreds of thousands of all sorts of numbers millions therefore it became, well, how did the group become in demand, why don’t you re-upload the video in good quality, because 480 is the maximum resolution, you know, i have nothing, well,
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yeah, i didn’t save anything, i thought i was done with music forever , and to be honest, i don’t even remember where in what warehouse all my vtakam were stored, then the brothers appeared, shook dima, and what were you doing with this one? the period when, say, from the late nineties to the present day, when well, the 2000s, i was organizing events related to with all sorts of political elections, i prepared the field, that is, it was called social at that time. program, that is, i prepared people for the arrival of agitators, listen, how did it all begin? kostya, as usual, then in moscow, in all the institutes, i studied at the moscow automobile and road institute, here in the house of culture of the automobile and road institute we did all this there, but most likely we organized and rehearsed there, and then moved and rehearsed at sokol in decmai, it was a cult place, then there was a very popular disco there, yes, minaev, in my opinion, yes, well, there was a lot of interesting things there and... almost a lot of famous groups had already recorded there, there were
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djs, discos, we performed there with our live concerts during the disco, it was terrible how everything was mixed up, slow dancing were, white, yes, we invited a gentleman, white dance, well, there were slow dances, can you imagine, then it was normal in the middle of a dance set to have a slow dance set, cool, when you decided that you should write music, and that first, text or or music, music? music first yes this is the problem of our team, the fact that i write music first, in our country, in our country we need lyrics, i know you write songs very slowly, i ask you to answer the question slowly, yes, i write songs slowly, why? no, in fact, i don’t know how songs are written, they just pop out on their own, if we knew how songs are written, we would probably have written a bunch by now, i’m not a professional musician, the guys are professionals with higher education . the thoughts are the same, yeah,
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of course it’s not easy to write a good song, especially cheerful, yes, cheerful, positive, i know, this is actually how the girl wrote the song, i know that day will come, i know, i was in love, i was playing on an out-of-tune piano in my soundboard, behind the disco, and i came up with it right away i came up with this refrain, i think that there is something wrong with the harmony, it’s a strummed one. that’s it, well, you alone thank my mother, she read to me when i was sick, once i got out of the situation beautifully, you just took byron’s text, well, yes, that’s thanks, i got the poems, we had a translation of yes, in marshak’s parsnip translation, it’s okay, they didn’t read it to me on the moon, but you didn’t read it to me either they read dunno on the moon, but somehow my mother , i felt very bad, she took it and started reading byron’s poems to me, and i liked it so much, it sank into my soul so much that i remembered about it when i had already started to come up with an idea: to look for some - the lyrics, the best fit for this music is the lyrics of byron himself,
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but i couldn’t come up with it myself, you know, but once i tried it and the rhythm fits, i just put it all together and it turned out to be a song, let’s just go ahead and sing, let’s sing, let's sing. in the bustle of the day, i will lose your image, dear,
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a lonely hour in the hour of the night, it will return with its former strength, and it is a matter of my pride, in my soul , keep your holy image, among forgetful friends, to be faithful to you. like once, like once, forgive me, sometimes, among strangers, laughing carefree, i am, and those empty faces
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seem to forget you, but don’t believe my words, which threaten you with a promise, i don’t want to give it to fools, not even your sigh, not even your glance, i’m so tired of finding and losing you. among the nonsense of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where there was only dawn, you’re the only one who doesn’t give, quickly do good, while it’s long enough, i want it so much, i want it so much, i want you back forever, forever,
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my wow. i’m so tired of walking around and losing you, among the meaninglessness of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where it burns, write, you
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alone don’t let it dawn, it will burn to the ground. in a glass of fine wine, i’m so tired, so tired of losing you, i want to return myself to you, i want to return you to myself as i once did, as i once did. so once qadidat.
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this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guest lead fog. wow, just the name? oh, that was also a disaster, because it was my student years, even after that, because it’s like a group, a group, a group, a group, but what group, there’s no name, so we came up with a huge list of 100 different names, then there were fashionable names consisting of two words, but i poked, poked, poked, poked, when i got tired of all this, i pointed with my finger and it turned out to be leaden. such cold romance, something i heard happened at the very beginning of a career tours in great britain, yes there was such an adventure, but it’s not an adventure, it was actually a cultural
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exchange at the end of the soviet union, ninety-one, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to the irish bbc,


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