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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 16, 2024 11:00pm-12:11am MSK

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damn, i saw vanya and masha quarreling near the house; i wrote him a message on her behalf. i asked him to come back, go up the stairs, he was used to mash’s quirks, but i needed it. hello.
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mash, mash, you’re here, what did you do to her, what? “you’re right, i needed her records to feel that my life would have at least some meaning, and they could just live and let their sister live, i thought that masha wanted this too, but i was wrong, god, how. .."
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i was wrong, masha, forgive me. well, it's a long time to wait for you, the evening run is waiting it won’t, especially since you missed yesterday’s, by the way, for work, arkady yakovich, you...
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don’t be angry, just don’t dress up, arkady yakovich.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. we begin with a conversation with maria vladimirovna zakharova, director of the department of information, press of the ministry of foreign affairs and , among other things, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary and maria, we are very grateful for the fact that
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the superiority that the united states does not provide, having crushed everything under itself , and not wanting to leave this path. it's not about hegemanism of one power or tandem, duo, two powers, or, let’s say, some
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regional associations that include our two countries. this is not about exclusivity, this is not about unhealthy, aggressive competition, either with each other or with anyone else.
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usa, i mean experts. by the way, henry kissinger, who passed away not so long ago, wrote about the same thing and said that the united states of america itself, in fact, contributed to the emergence of such a powerful force as bilateral relations russia and china, which have reached an unprecedentedly high level, i would say about one more important detail: yes, even if this is such, you know, light symbolism, even if this is such an artistic assessment, but it is also important.
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us secretary of state, that is, in fact, this position, at least it was so before, correct me if i’m wrong, involved interaction with the majority of heads of state, it was the us secretary of state who conducted contacts and negotiations with heads of state, especially governments, that we we see, on the eve of these negotiations russian-chinese, who were simply doomed to this power, to this... charge for peace, positivity, dynamics, modernity, for the future, blinkin comes to the fifth establishment in kiev called some kind of dictatorship, bar, dictatorship,
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some kind of basement bar sings a song, well, i ’ll tell you now, it’s true, about the fact that he looks like... and many perceive him that way, you understand that they see it all over the world, i honestly don’t know which pr campaign, but this is 100%, someone advised? developed this, but it’s better not to contact her anymore, why? because this is the alternative for the world majority, which way to go? dear to this absolutely irresponsible, endless, pr scam, in the form of, i don’t know, completely stupid actions unworthy of a great power or responsible behavior, which is built not only in... two countries that certainly receive bonuses, receive opportunities for development, and this is
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a mutually respectful dialogue, mutually beneficial, but including, well, i would say, they even nurture with their efficiency, the countries of the world majority, as a contrast, why the state department, i don’t know, in the white house, did not calculate these things and how this became visible in contrast. big question, but on the other hand, you see, i never tire of repeating that people who find themselves in the state department and in the white house are largely by accident, and in many ways, in general, they come in the wake of this election situation, you remember same, how many american ambassadors were appointed after the election of the same obama, simply because they invested very well, normal american practice, absolutely, but then it was some kind of unprecedented figure, in my opinion it was... about several dozen, about 20 people received, in my opinion, 60% - these were donors, well, you can
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imagine when people turn out, one of the examples that struck me then was when a person received the nomination of the american ambassador to one of the latin american countries, because the country was rich in bananas, produced them, and he had a corresponding commercial and industrial interest in this and he simply invested in obama’s company got assigned to this country, that's it, that's it...
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the outrages in the modern world, it shows how some people in the united states are losing their minds in an attempt to maintain their unipolar hegemony. such actions by the united states do not prove their strength; on the contrary, they indicate that washington has lost confidence in itself and is in a difficult situation. this will not solve the problems of the united states itself, but will cause even greater damage to the normal functioning of international production and supply chains. relevant us actions will not be able to hinder china's development. one-sided actions and protectionism are contrary to the trends of the times.
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he was crushed here by the wheel of history. at this critical moment in the global economic recovery, the international community must tell the united states not to create new problems for the world. i don't remember the chinese foreign minister speaking in such terms about the united states. but the fact is that, one way or another, i learned chinese, eh.
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the white house and the state department for being did, and in a derogatory manner, the second part is addressed not to the state department, not to the white house as a whole, not to washington, it...
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access to humanitarian aid and so on and so forth, these are countries and peoples for whom these fluctuations can become critical, fatal, only because , as wang again pointed out, the united states believes that , no longer being able to compete with china, economically, for example, or with russia politically, they are resorting to this... the united states believes, as they write western journalists, that china cannot support russia if
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it wants to develop relations with the west, writes news with reference to... an unnamed representative of the state department with a genuine position, but this is a position that has already been given more than once, this speaks precisely of a nervous state, by the way, precisely vany emphasized this in his statement about his nervous state and the absence of any opportunity to somehow influence the situation otherwise, only an insult, only unilateral sanctions of independence, who they will attack first, how they...
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they begin to react calmly to the fact that it is probably impossible to react calmly, you know why, this is not so much because of politics or diplomacy or political science, but, probably, from life, you understand perfectly well that if a person, for example, is driven into an absolute dead end, that is, pinned against the wall, there is only one way out, attack, forward, because there is nowhere to retreat when they start, i mean washington, pinned against the wall.
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international affairs of such a scale, he was a domestic political person, he was a person, i would say, regional, even for the united states of america itself, i’m not even talking about the region of latin america, he came from within, he was probably the trump card that was taken out of his sleeve in order to, well, and so on and so on, i remember very well
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how, even in less than a year, i remember very well, and if you allow me, i’ll even tell you why, at that moment... who would win the election, then obama’s candidacy was not on rumor has it, no one even mentioned this name, it was the same trump card, it was the same card, which was taken out last. moment, hence , in fact, the peculiarities of his reign, that is, he studied a lot as he moved, and what, in my opinion, the most important thing around him, and i am now very transparently
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hinting at hillary clinton, were those for whom russophobia was a natural state , and which in many ways, it seems to me, got obama hooked on this russophobia, i’m not sure that it was some kind of personal position of his, i think that in many ways it was imposed on him by... his then secretary of state hillary clinton herself did it intentionally with knowledge affairs, considering that literally during the same period, she published a book that was saturated with hatred of our country, back then, you know, when they just came to power with the obama administration, the harvard center, the beldford center and my center for national interests, we traditionally. when the new administration began, they created a high-level bipartisan commission on american national interests, here we created such a commission, its leaders
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were led by senator hegel, who later soon became obama's secretary of defense, remember gary hard, who was a democrat, a candidate for the presidency, we had a very high- level meeting in the white house, i won't mention with whom, because we promised not to mention it then.
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white house politicians in ukraine and the us secretary of state, who sings monstrous, not bad, by the way, songs, but with a monstrous context, based on the situation that ukraine is currently experiencing. the song, by the way, do you know the history of this song, neil young? i know who this is for the song came to bush, and you know, i don’t know how to tell you this, just say it as it is, well, i’ll say it, i’ll say that you know, here’s me in america, when i... accompanied, let’s say , president nixon, i was always told that you should freely criticize your country on the territory of your country, and if you
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are an official, you do not criticize your predecessors, you do not criticize american policy at all, and the secretary of state should come to kiev and actually mock the former president united states, but there is something very ignoble in this, i want to say more than just that. to mock, this is all done in the context of the republicans, he not only mocked blinken at the republicans and former presidents, but he also mocked the people of ukraine, singing a song about murders and gentle, more gentle, kinder american machine guns, by the same author, this is absolutely monstrous. next picture middle east, an absolute failure of politics. collapsed or collapsed
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against the backdrop of the monstrous catastrophe that unfolding there, this is another example of how the world majority makes its choice, in favor of what they are ready to vote, and you see, according to the results of the voting of the general assembly resolution, how those countries that have always followed america’s lead, as a rule, followed the lead and america's pro-israel policy.
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really seriously put pressure on israel, stop this unlimited violence against civilians, you see how you wisely pose the question: do i believe, and there is no need to believe or not believe here, there is only one step, demonstrates the sincerity of the white house, the supply of weapons or the cessation of supply of weapons, that's all, then there is no need to ask the question whether we believe it or not, the same with ukraine, if they were making... a bet on
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a democratic, peaceful, future of this country, they would never have arranged what they did, unfortunately, if they had told me a year ago that i would utter this phrase, i would not have believed it, because it is so apocalyptic, given the history of both the united states and the history of israel, their two-sided history, but now i will say, the united states of america framed israel, making it a hostage to their incompetence. there is never one thing that became absolutely decisive, it’s hard for me to say, i don’t know all the details of the internal political struggle in the united states of america, but the fact that incompetence and misunderstanding of the archaism of their approach in the form of exclusivity certainly became this trigger 100 %. they don’t understand
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how out of fashion it is, how...
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don’t click, unfortunately, nothing can be fixed anyway, so for some reason it seems to me that in some part it’s like this foreign policy peak of the biden administration, there may be a lot of accompanying things, stimulating, aggravating, but the essence is the same, a mistake was made that was not corrected, they cannot give, i don’t know, call it back or admit their own mistake,
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change tactics. to the majority of all those countries that perhaps just a couple of years ago hesitated and thought that there could be a truly unipolar world, it was somehow more reliable than entering some new international whirlpool, they show that their system, this archaic thing, is applied in absolutely absurd circumstances, in an absurd situation, the fact that representatives were sent there, well, they are called the baltic foreign ministers. you said it well, they are called, of course, of course, well, some diplomats, what are you talking about, these are the same mummers, this is the same whole pr campaign, this is a terrible story, but it proves to us what i said at the beginning program, 20 years ago, 30
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years ago it worked, now it doesn’t anymore, this is the most revealing for the united states america, but they don’t understand it, the patterns are the same, they use them, because look, everyone knows, at least anyone who was even a little interested understands what we’re talking about, georgia is within its own country, without the help of any experts , she herself decides to adopt the law, without any russian advice or pressure, absolutely, looking not even at us, but looking first of all at the united states of america, at the same france, which is developing in these same months.
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and the unification comes from abroad, as well as to public figures and journalists, it’s just that in the united states of america it is used in a politicized way, but the logic is obvious, georgia, which the united states of america, namely washington, from administration to administration for several
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decades, has heard all this and seen all this, is developing similar legislation, what does it get for it, pressure, threat of sanctions, humiliation of not only political figures, but leaders. will become an obstacle to the existence of the european union, against the backdrop of all this, this is blooming in magnificent colors the monstrous american government machine is not moving anymore, it’s not even
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a machine, it’s not a wave, it’s not a machine, it’s some kind of cart that hasn’t been lubricated, all these monstrous speakers of the white house, the state department, who are trying to explain and can’t even do it their own.. robert fitz sought to exploit controversies related to lgbt rights, gender conflicts, immigration, and also portrayed the european union and ngos as enemies
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of the state. the divide-rule principle led to the fact that within 20 years after joining the the european union, slovakia has become more polarized than ever, as a result his strategy caused the first assassination attempt on... a european country, his strategy justifies what was done against him, i think, i think, the next stage , they will simply say that he himself provoked the shots. in himself, perhaps he threw himself at the gun, i think that approximately in this direction, the reasoning goes in this direction, and some media outlet issued this, bloomberg, here is bloomberg, i will remind you, but it was laid down, formed as economic publication, it was named after the surname of the former mayor, the largest entrepreneur michael bloomberg, and new york, the headquarters, a stunning building, by the way , the stars were working. formerly charlie rose,
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one of the largest, perhaps even the only , native journalists in america in recent decades who understands at least something about international affairs. what 's left of bloomberg? charlie rose left, although he didn’t leave, he was kicked out, remembering how 30 years ago he put his hand, or maybe his eye or thought, in some corridor thigh, or on the shoulder of some lady, and the agency itself turned into... and this was also unproven, well, of course, naturally, the agency itself turned into a sewer, excuse me, by draining not leaks, but disinformation of a mainly anti-russian nature, also, by the way, a touch to the portrait, but the question is different, but when bloomberg, the american publication, dmitry, think about it, says that society in slovakia is polarized, they forget. in which society are they themselves
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more polarized societies than the united states of america, i mean the political segment, now we are not even talking about ethics, not about religion, not about morality, not about anything else, just about politics, it is generally impossible to find greater polarization, you will forgive me, you will remember 2016, what followed after that, or perhaps bloomberg forgot how the capitol was taken by those who disagreed. with the election results, and what the supposedly liberal-democratic-minded authorities did with them later, this is not polarization, the whole world watched in horror as the surrender of a nuclear power turned into, i don’t know, some kind of halloween venue, in fact, this is what it says, it speaks of a complete dichotomy , including those publications that used to be the leaders of thought 10 years ago, which
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bloomberg would talk about , that all this that is happening in slovakia led to the assassination attempt, as if hinting that fitz himself is to blame, that he polarized society, and this resulted in an assassination attempt on him, who is talking about the topic of assassination attempts,
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about physical elimination in the form of an assassination attempt, and
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after that they can’t find basic words sympathy and support when they see, well , the obvious thing that the whole world sees, and therefore also me, you know, what also struck me, if you allow me, was one quote, and we are talking about the statement of the president of slovakia, who made it immediately in the first hour after monstrous attempt on the life of the fitz, she said:
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chinese relations, we will draw the line with them, remember how chairman sidinpin’s visit to russia ended, with this very phrase, that the world is witnessing changes that had not been seen for a long time before the village, that’s about this is what we talked about today, so
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only forward, towards the world that we will now build with those who are open to dialogue on a mutually beneficial, mutually respectful basis. i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish. i believe that if you sincerely do not believe, then this is better than believing somehow falsely. according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox. excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, it was such a discovery for me that on easter, anyone can ring the bell. and you really went
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to learn how to make special calls, absolutely true, who do you think you are, but there is a duty, a family of tradition. there is love, but there are rules, yes, they contradict. century, after a successful reconstruction, we decided to try to make our own, you produce all this, yes, this is homemade, from small to large, also bololaikas, all our instruments are made by hand, each master puts his soul into this instrument. when we developed our coconut milk, we did over 100 tests. did you get into this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant? yes, it was very important for me to see the most pure composition, your portrait is a portrait of your colleague, co-founder. it turns out that you are
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personally responsible for the quality of the product? the first reaction is often, wow, how bright, what an unusual shape, maybe... a woman sees the bag and doesn’t say: i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, sell it for any money, it’s all hand-painted, yes, yes, yes , by our artists, our everything, the premiere is on saturday on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from shoulder, from the shoulder, right, guys, natural homemade frog, please , i have the most delicious one, this is garlic duck baked in the oven, very tasty, i have a full discount. according to statistics, girls jump more than boys, but boys have a greater instinct of self-preservation, you have to push more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the
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longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday on the first, famous people gathered at our table favorite artists who will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them, you will forgive me, i accidentally broke this new... memory, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to program, i need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, so the next day to the remains, i’m wearing a make-up suit, one of the women brings me such a large velvet circle, there are two like this hanging from the sides things, an ordinary uterus, these are ovaries. she died like that cry produced? german, bending over, with a fork in
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his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment, sticks this fork in her ass, she does it, and it sounds: stop, it’s removed, ruslanovo is just rubbing it, he says, i didn’t know that the director and actors did this works, but as far as zapashny told me, it was a long time ago that the soviet circus was still there, the tiger grabbed his father, he quietly tells them, how much should you take? now a stick and with all his might on the head, and now a tiger, on saturday on the first, a big game is on the air, important negotiations have just ended between the leaders of russia and china in...
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yes, this is a very important event, it is not just the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations
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between our countries, it is most important at the current, critical moment, when both countries have made their choice and decided to become strategic partners, and there are news for this. grounds, because our countries share a common vision of how to move forward, and i’m not just talking about our two countries now, i’m talking about the direction in which the whole world should move, we are against hegemony with the united states, both of us countries believe that the united nations should play a leading role, everyone should respect.
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played by the institutions of the united nations. unfortunately, it’s not for me to tell you, but in
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general it is difficult to achieve anything in the un security council.
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and over the last couple of years it has become quite obvious that it is very difficult for countries to come to some kind of consensus on a number of important issues, so what are the alternatives? on the one hand, all the major countries in the world are trying to find some kind of solution.
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yesterday these are all new forms of international cooperation, new institutions that are now emerging, beginning to function, countries such as russia and china must work together, we have a lot to do for the common good, as you know, in kiev there was a state, the united states of george w. bush, sr. , i don’t know why he needed it, but the most important thing i heard during blinkin’s speeches in kiev was that china. does not
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provide direct military assistance to russia in ukraine, but does many other things, which allows russia to strengthen its military potential, and blinken said that china understands how america feels about such a policy, and that if china does not change its behavior, then the united states will do something itself, so i didn’t understand that the state.
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weapons during this conflict with ukraine, which is still ongoing, they accuse china of supporting russia, so china will never buy it, if china listens to the us statement, what will that mean? it will be mean that china is no longer an independent country and cannot do so on its own. independently determine its foreign policy, cannot decide with whom to trade and so on, no, china has already loudly declared that russia is a strategic partner for china, and the economies of our countries complement each other, for which they accuse china, in fact, this is normal
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trade relations between china. and russia, and the united states is actually one of the parties in this conflict, and what right does the united states have in this situation? this is especially important when it comes from you, because i know that you are well informed and tend to talk about things because these things really exist,
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thank you very much, we hope to see you again soon on our air, off to advertising, thank you, thank you very much, i'll hit you. carefully, but strongly, as kozadoev stopped the debate with lyolik, absolutely right, yes, my team and i were dedicated and decided that there should be some kind of transportation of meat products, what is a woman’s happiness, according to tatyana avsienko, women’s happiness was great, why do i need the sun, monaco? what tell me the moon in the san traffic premier, i love my country, on saturday at the first, listen, you ’re kind of strange today, nothing
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happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, sorry, i’ll be there for an hour, maximum one and a half well, what happened, an intruder’s plane crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you’re not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, it’s a bad omen, the fourth, answer the third. something happened, i’m very sorry, harry powers’s interrupted flight on saturday on the first, how
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’s the mood, how’s the mood, so i’ll throw them into shape, on the surface or out of shape.
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nationalism, since no one knows what it is, and it sounds beautiful, it seems like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians are always were and will be second class, ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday, on the first.
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there's a big game on the air, with us now via skype from washington and... the united states is a regular participant in the program, to our great pleasure. ekaterina, hello, thank you for finding the time.
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presidential candidate metromne, for example, has said more than once that he is really not very loves trump, he is one of the most vocal opponents of donald trump, he said that, perhaps, the main mistake of joe biden is that he allowed his ministry of justice to conduct all these legal proceedings against donald trump, which actually brings they only benefit him more than... they threaten the election results and his security, and we, in principle , have already discussed this more than once, the second thing, indeed, if we look, there are some foreign policy factors that complicate the situation for joe biden himself, but the first, of course, is his age, he constantly stumbles, forgets words, the second is two conflicts that now, which everyone now knows about, are ukraine and, accordingly.
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important for victory states in such as already double-digit numbers, with joe georgia, nevada, donald trump, confidently ahead, in the listed two states it is biden who is losing his support from his nuclear electorate, these are people of color, americans of color and the younger generation, and of course, now he is playing abank, actually betting on zero in order to show that in...
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a one-on-one fight with donald trump, he can win, but experts say that the bet may not be justified, firstly, winning the debate has never guaranteed victory in the presidential election, and secondly, it’s not a fact that, to quote donald trump, this is of course an exaggeration, it is not a fact that joe biden himself will be able to climb to the podium due to his age, but of course there are problems here.
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that the preparation for this debate will be very deep, they will look for such trigger points for donald trump in order to piss him off, and what else is interesting. what many people are now joking about, by the way, is that joe biden demanded that there be no audience at this debate, that is, if previously there was a very strong support group for donald trump, which, and i quote the politician , made the debates turn into
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a competitive struggle, like as if this were arm wrestling, now donald trump will have to face one on one without his support group. fight with joe biden, and another very interesting fact if we look at how he felt at the annual address in congress, and many correspondents and journalists noted that he was simply on the rise, perhaps some, i don’t know, effective means were used to make biden feel so invigorated, but nevertheless, about an hour joe... biden was able to hold out very effectively in responding to what was going on in congress, so i think joe biden has a chance to prove himself capable, and prove to the audience, at a minimum, prove to the audience of this debate that
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he is capable one on one resist donald trump. i am sure that when you talk to your friends, to your contacts in moscow, they ask you about what... the main thing for russians, what foreign policy, what position on ukraine russia could expect from trump, and of course, they tried to create the impression is that trump is almost in russia's pocket, but we know that frankly speaking, this is a huge simplification, do you think that trump has a well-thought-out position on ukraine, and if he has one, what is it, i think that here ... we are talking about tactics and of course not about any playing along with russia there can be no conversations, because if we remember what happened during the election race, when trump promised that he would improve relations with vladimir putin, and what
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actually happened in russian-american relations, we will see that they have achieved, perhaps, lowest point ever. the entire history of relations between russia and the united states, property was taken from russia , the points of the vienna convention were ignored, new sanctions were introduced against russia, well, in principle, if we remember, under donald trump it continued, continued arms supplies to ukraine, he of course manipulated these supplies, but nevertheless... the armament of ukraine continued under donald trump, so to expect, of course, that donald trump will deploy this great american strategy, change it, this of course should not be done , because well , the president in america is more of a function.


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