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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 17, 2024 2:25am-3:01am MSK

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i asked a year ago that i, too, was covering up my emotions, the need to go shopping there, but after a conversation with a psychologist i went out, called my friend and said, listen, let’s go, there’s a new collection, we need to go in, let’s go, let’s just take a walk, yeah, well, you can after today conversation with us to do this, but now there is still a feeling that you seem to be more ready to deal with this, yes , i’m tired, really, i want to, so i understand that even... well, for me, as it were it was also very revealing, i was in thailand, this it was many years ago, i was vacationing on one of the islands, and there are three islands, one of them has an airport, the other two you can get to by boat, it’s like a panga on kotau, yes katau, i was on katau, i was vacationing there, probably three years in a row, i mean these two, and you can imagine, and forty-degree heat, with these two suitcases, nothing can close for me anymore.
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i bought myself some gifts in some aloe vera store, and i bought gifts for everyone who didn’t need it, they didn’t ask me, which means i, since i stayed there for 3 years in the same hotel, they already knew me there, there was such a beautiful thai woman there, and i told her i took some things out of my suitcase, because it simply wouldn’t close, that is, there were two suitcases which had to be stepped on in order to close it, and... i have a next flight there from the island to another country, i understand that i need to buy something else in singapore, i understand that i simply won’t report there things, i started giving them to her, and i understand what she feels from this, when this probably didn’t happen, she feels such, not just some kind of gratitude, but i understand that the person really, and i laid out things for her, i understand that she... chose only what
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she will wear, and damn it, i’ve been saving for years, saving for years, saving, saving, saving, there’s no joy, for me, too, this was such a very significant moment, okay, and these are like those parts of you that you are aware of, but the unconscious part is still eager to go buy, let's just try to figure out what what else today, well if we consider.
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how will more money change, there will be more money, i think that yes, not more, in large quantities, i can, here with professional activities too, well, such a small nuance, i worked there before as an assistant, oh, before that i worked as an assistant in a large holding, then i became the executive director of a modeling agency, after that something went, went, went, i moved to moscow, and here i was while, well, with my... person in an uncertain status, i graduated, graduated from higher education professional education, because i was transferred from one place to another, i lost 2 years, i didn’t work for these 2 years, and it was extremely difficult for me without work, because before that my life consisted of wonderful travel, i was cool and interesting communicate, meet new people, i really regret that during this time i lost. my
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professional skills, for example, such as knowledge of the english language, previously this allowed me to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time, now i understand that there recently entering some kind of restaurant, when i hear a conversation in english, i understand almost half of what they say, so i would very much like to return to the activity in which i lived, but let’s say. .. now i understand that this is impossible, here we need to look for some other ways, but even, by the way, in fact, when i worked, i didn’t have such strong chapagalism, i bought something when i worked with brands, i didn’t buy anything at all, they gave me everything, well, look, because that at this moment you receive satisfaction from professionalism, from your activities, this is wonderful, in a relationship, what can change, in a relationship with this man or with any other. probably, i think that we need
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the next one, the next one, that is, well, relatively speaking, well, if we assume that your relationship, here you are dating a man, yes, how are you afraid or how worried are you? are you worried about him finding out that you're a shopaholic, so how do you hide that part? yes, i don’t hide this part in any way, but well here you have a problem, relatively speaking, you admitted it, thank god, i’ve been here for the last, probably months, well, four months for sure, i ’m talking about it frankly, that yes, that is, you won’t hide it from the man who is with you hello, alexandra, i’m a shopaholic, i’ve been there for 15 years, i buy everything.
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but we had a relationship, we have a big age difference, and it was hard, as if getting used to each other was hard, plus he still has two marriages behind him, one official, one not very official, this communication with children, which is very difficult
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to build, and it was not easy for me, plus he also has his own internal conflicts at work, which are quite serious? this added to the fact that his attention was flowing away from you to the children, to work, to problems, i continued to buy, yeah, well then it becomes even more obvious that your chapagalism is just an attempt, you know, when a person is thirsty , he drinks salt water, can't get drunk, trying to be loved, and need, trying to get how again, that same love, or in the case of whispering, replace it, you know, if you, for example, told us that your problem is that you demand gifts, it would be different, yeah, that’s what you talk about shepagalism, then your task is just to have the opportunity to buy this or that thing there, to simply have the opportunity, i remember a number of years ago i went into some store, an expensive bag shop there and thought, what a bag , it must cost
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like 30,000 rubles there. i think what a beautiful bag 30,000 rub. it can’t be, then i think, if i look closely, maybe not 30,000 rubles, maybe 300, but i looked closer and set it up. 3 million, yeah, and i put this bag down like that and walked away from it so backwards, why am i saying this, because i obviously couldn’t buy this bag under any circumstances, well, except on credit, and this is an unpleasant feeling , when you have the opportunity to buy, it seems to elevate you, but being humbled by the fact that a person does not give you the amount of attention that you want, they do not give it the quality of attention you want, of course you want.
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the problem of this chapagalism takes its legs from there, you know, this work requires, in my opinion, or rather this problem requires quite a long work, and group work is best, but i will now give you some, well, instructions, or something, yes, what needs to be done, i never suggest quitting smoking, drinking or stopping shopping, for example, it’s pointless to do that, you need to go the other way around, in my opinion, that is, in fact, you need to do two very simple things.
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i’m giving you a direct instruction: your task is to buy something every day that costs less than 500 rubles. it could be anything, go down to the subway, there are absolutely a lot of things sold in the passages, not absolutely. no need, i went down, you know how much it costs there, not 500 rubles. no, if you try, you will find something for, in the end there are stores, everything is 349 or something like that, no, i understand everything, if you don’t want 500 rubles, let it be 1.00 rubles, but your task is to go in buy something, just buy some nonsense every day, but it’s not there must be food that you eat, and it should not be food that you put in the refrigerator, it must be something completely material, that is, well, i really don’t know shoelaces either. conditionally, so you go buy, take it, just remember my vote, you buy it, by the way, it’s necessary, i
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lost the white one somewhere, so, accordingly, your task is to buy something every day, buy something, once a day it’s obligatory make 500 rub. second, what i suggest you do, i don’t know whether you will do it or not, you are in at some point you sit at home and, out of boredom , scroll through some marketplace, probably yes, often, and in a taxi, do you ever have something like that? no question, suddenly your eyes stop on something that you think you need right now, that you need right now, before you click on the buy button, pay, you first do the following: you hug yourself tightly, and several times talk about yourself that you love yourself very much and that you are the best on earth in general, and that there is no one but you on this does not exist on this earth, so you wear it out a few times... wear it out, after that, if you want to do it, then you buy it, but i have a feeling, especially judging by
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your reaction, that this will be more than enough, thank you thank you very much, you know, a previous psychologist told me about a technique, i think it was called 21 days or something like that, that if you like a thing, you photograph it, and if after a month you haven’t changed your mind about buying it, then you go buy it, i tried it, it’s not for me strongly.
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just covers our unbearable pain of loneliness, and if suddenly, dear tv viewers, you want to sort out your problem or solve some issue here in the studio with us, you can fill out a form for participation in our program, which you you will find it on the website you can watch all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel
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the day comes, the hour comes, and i want to know what will happen tomorrow in a year, with you, with me, how to enter, a sad rush, and so not to fall. how to renounce from the soul, throw off the skill
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of past years from the shoulders, find success from the years, i know that day will come, i know that a bright hour will come when the world will smile, it will become beautiful, everything is for us, i know that day will come, i know that a bright hour will come, when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything will be for us. at the end of the day, the day will scatter away, your smile, it greets me like the blowing sun, let it be
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pure. the light is king, it’s like a dream, let the wind of dreams awaken, tenderness in us, and fuck the rain of passions, the change of gray days, i know that day will come, i know, a bright hour will come when the world will smile and become beautiful. everything for us, i know, that day will come, i know, a bright hour will come, when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, tsudu, tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu, tsudu, tsu-tsu,
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tsu-tsu. i know that day will come, i know that a bright hour will come, when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything will come for us, i know that day will come. i know a bright hour will come, when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything is for us, tsyudu, tsyudu, tsyudu,
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hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, and you presenter konstantin mikhailov, my guest today is the rock band lead fog, hello guys, great, hello, their hit shot powerfully in the middle. still plays on many radio stations, this hit goes straight into the hit parades, even yes, because of this , we put the team together again because, well, the request went back, yes, that’s why, together with the guys with grisha and sasha, we established that is, you have such a dapinkov reunion my
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guest is the leader, founder, lyricist, music author, author of everything, in general. what's happening? well, someone just went again resonance and interest, i look at downloads and listening on the internet , some crazy hundreds of thousands of all sorts of figures , millions, so it became, well, the group became in demand, why don’t you re-upload the clips in good quality? because 480 is the maximum resolution? you know i
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have nothing, yes, i didn’t save anything, i thought that i was done with music forever and honestly.
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there are discotheques in my back and i immediately came up with this idea and i think that there is harmony in the unbuilt area, now you’ve split everything, well, you once got out of the situation beautifully you just took byron’s text, well, yes, that ’s thanks, thanks to my mother, she read me poetry when i was sick - we had a translation, yes, in the translation of marshak’s parsnip, it’s ok for me, i don’t know , they read know-it-all on the moon, they read know-it-all on the moon , how? my mother, i felt very bad, she took it and started reading byron’s poems to me, and i liked it so much, it sank into my soul so much that i remembered it when i started to come up with music, look for some
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texts, preferably based on this music the text of byron himself is flying, but i couldn’t come up with it myself, you understand, but once i tried it and the rhythm fits, and just like that, everything fell into place and it turned out to be an oes song, let’s take it now and sing it, let’s sing it, let’s sing it. oh, if in the bustle of the day, i lose your image,
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dear, in a lonely hour, in the hour of the night, it will return with its former strength and a matter of pride for my soul. keep your image sacred among forgetful friends, you will be known as you once were, as you once were. forgive me, sometimes, among strangers, i am laughing careless, in the bustle of empty faces, i seem
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to forget you, but don’t believe my words, for you threatening, i don’t want to give up the fool. and not even your sigh, not even your glance, i ’m so tired of finding and losing you, among the meaninglessness of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where there was only dawn, only you don’t let it burn until it’s finished , bye ban. and i so want, i so want to bring you back forever,
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my goodness! i'm so tired of finding and losing you, among the meaninglessness of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire where
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there is no fire. and where only the dawn burns, only you don’t give, it will burn out, there’s a rush of wine in the glass, i’m so tired, so tired of losing you, i want to return myself to you, i want to return you to myself as i once did.
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this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are svintsova and tuman. wow, how did the name come about? oh, it was also a disaster, because it was my student years, even after that, because it seems like a group, a group, a group, a group, but what a group, there is no name, so we came up with a huge list of 100 names. all sorts of different ones, then there were fashionable names consisting of two words, but i poked, poked, poked, poked, when i got all this fed up, i pointed my finger and it turned out to be a lead fog, and it seemed to me very british, very byronian, a finger in the sky, a lead fog, and again byron again, of course, but a lead fog, of course, such a cold romance that... then i heard that at the very beginning of my career there was a tour in the uk, yes, there was, there was such an adventure, but it was not an adventure, it was actually
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at the end of the soviet union. there was a cultural exchange, ninety-one, yes, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to irish bbc, they chose, they chose three groups, one played guitar music, lead fog, one was a jazz band, one was a folk-rock band in white clothes, they performed in chain mail wearing real metal helmets, cool, well, here we go we got, we got to england for the first time in this way, and there we got hooked further, met different... producers, musicians, various people, played quite a lot of concerts in russian, please note, we drank, sorry, and they brazil sang along, but that didn’t matter, the main thing was that they sang along, you know, the bones, these are ours, we’re in business, it’s magic, well, i also forgave, sorry brazil, of course, listen, about the producer, you’re doing everything yourself , as far as i remember, you came to the radio, here i am, i remember you and alyonka pugacheva,
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here you are together all the time, she is with us. we had a couple like that, we were running around, she was also involved in the administration of the team, but in this song, i know, there was a gorgeous one right at the very end there she was there wap, well, they sang, we had there were four girls, she not only sang alone, there are no girls there yet, but at the concert we ended up with two left, not skazhenskaya, alena pugacheva, but listen, how did you do everything yourself, you you you were included in all the radio stations, it turns out, bone, it’s just a magic torch in one place, you know, a lot... youthful enthusiasm, confidence in victory, everything, wonderful, horror, but now i’m scared, what miracles happened in general, what miracles, here how you just opened the door with your foot, just how you let me in i don’t understand how it all worked out, ask me now, i don’t understand, there was nothing at all, no limits to perfection, you know, we came up with some crazy ideas, listen, we
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played on may 9 at the titanic dance club. everything , everything, the iron jealousy has just collapsed and there is so much hope ahead, so much ahead of this light at the end of the tunnel, and i know the song about this, so i shot that day, yes exactly about this, one hundred percent positive, it is absolutely sincere, we wanted share with people, i know the day will come, he came, yes, look, we are here, you are here, the podcast, everything is fine, years later we are together again, everything is fine, wonderful channel, wonderful program, 35 years.
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that you called your style as a new guitar - well, new guitar music, we are guitar music , yes, exactly, that is, i remember at that time it was really very, very fresh , cool, well, it’s still relevant to listen to, we
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had to stand out somehow, i’m young i had to organize my own clearing, there was rock, there was pop, but there was no guitar music, well, consider it a mess and a mess and then they called it britpop, what are you like as a person? who always looks a little into the future, what next? so we will continue and we will wait until the young people grow up again, well, the same thing or in some direction there, well, from now on we are just working on new material , writing, in what style it will be like i don’t know, you say in what this is a folk style, well, i think that it’s not even predictable yet, but absolutely, no, it will definitely be a leaden fog, but it’s just already in the twentieth century, for example, and i’m already saying that... in any case, it will be a fog of lead, well , you don’t want to add more electronics there, there’s also a stage for djs, they tried, tried, tried, not only did they try to introduce talented djs and producers, but they still take the music firmware from the musicians up, we have to play everything live, if we
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can do it, we have to play it live, but we’re not afraid of experiments, we’re looking, even if we have a new song, moscow, as long as it’s called that, yeah, here it is, we’ll see, you’ll just hear how once. it will be so leaden fog twenty-fourth year, in the spring, the girls will all be there, but what did you dream of 20 years ago? oh, it’s hard to say, i don’t know what the guys dreamed of, i just lived and enjoyed the fact that we could do something and write music and play in clubs, it was a thrill, well , that is, there were no stadium ambitions there, there any world tours, no, i didn’t have that, although you know, i’m saying, i had no ambitions, you can’t imagine, i once came to london to sign an album... in russian, i tried to sell them on it and sign there's a contract with them, so you say ambitions, is it ambitions or not ambitions, this is probably a little crazy, this is this madness, but the fact remains that you don’t have such a good nut, that’s how it is, as i understand it, and opened the doors for you to i was
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sure, i did what believes, i was wondering whether they were waiting for me or not, yes, that’s for sure, regarding the clips, you took part in the development of the scripts, you know, no, it was all left to the guys, because i trusted everything very much. i always had it before, but i beat my leg so hard, i walked around with bruises, seriously, i need surgery, they just said, you ended up badly, hematomas, permanent hematomas, i even had jeans with leather... linings on the inside, that somehow i couldn’t twist my leg at all, i stopped, we even put him on the tambourine pulpit sent, but the guys tell you it’s time, advanced training, they’re professionals, you know,


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