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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 17, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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love what you do, if you love, you will definitely think about every detail of what you do day and night, you will wake up think about it, go to bed, you will think about it, you will always find the right solutions, but in today's world , especially in science, education, very, and in general in economics, one thing is very important... a circumstance that, without any doubt, creates a competitive advantage in achieving goals, this is the ability to work in a team, here it is very important to follow one rule, not to think how to defeat someone, eh think about how to become better ourselves, and by joining forces, we achieve just this result, that’s all for now, we follow the developments of events. the information channel on
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the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, good afternoon everyone, live broadcast, anatoly kuzichev is with you. it is clear that the main political event of these days, perhaps not only days, is vladimir putin’s visit to china. it is clear that the whole world is watching very closely, so i looked, now right in front of broadcast, online, all the largest , so to speak, central, key western agencies are there. if something appears from there, you must be ready from china regarding the visit of our president, we will, of course, inform you immediately, this is still the most important thing, but for now we have some time to walk or go as planned layout, this is the topic i want to offer to our respected experts and to you, dear viewers... in ukraine
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they celebrate a holiday, an ancient holiday, it is about a thousand years old, but no, it was invented in in the fourteenth year, excuse me, that means embroidery day, embroidery day immediately, in fact , after the events on the maidan, it was, so to speak, established, this year one of the first ukrainians in ukraine was congratulated on this great holiday by the president of lithuania nausėda wrote, note that embroidery will bring closer , yes, will bring their overall victory closer. zelensky , happy embroidery day, well done, and is he also wearing embroidery? yes, well, that means, as for the embroidered shirt, zelensky at easter was also wearing an embroidered shirt and congratulated the ukrainians on their bright day in a somewhat specific way sunday of christ, however, now i don’t even know how to interpret this holiday, because judging by zelensky’s congratulations, he means something else, let’s listen to this congratulation, we are virumu. “we believe that god has a chevron with
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a ukrainian flag on his shoulder, so with such an ally life will definitely defeat death, death, and you know, the chevron with the ukrainian flag on his shoulder is wretched, well, apart from the general idiocy of this statement, well, in general, because there is an opinion that god does not have chevrons, and in general he most likely does not wear a uniform, but god bless him, but there same, there appear, as it were, sensations and declarations, and not just general general stupidity"?
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which means, uh, who christ was, in fact, by origin, also remember, guess, well, by the way, it’s not difficult, guess who invented the bow and arrows, yes, history is a fictitious, fictitious story, this whole fictitious foundation, well, look, even if it is fictitious, even if it is fictitious, in this sense it’s kind of unreliable, but political ukraine stands on it . , i don’t know, well, i hope it won’t be for long, but for now they’re standing, kirollovna, well the fact is that this is very logical, that is
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, when a child is born, his consciousness is a tabla of race, a blank slate, in principle, he can be fed any absolutely version of the story, even one written on his knee just yesterday, that is, on...
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in principle so popular because at the individual level they give this sweet feeling of self-confidence and superiority, of course, that is , psychologically this is a colossal hook, yes, that is, it is very catchy, that’s why it goes so well, that is, when a person suddenly they say that you are special, you are chosen by god, you are kissed by heaven and so on, well, of course he is pleased with this, he wants to believe in it, that is, his entire consciousness, it is drawn to this version. no, i think that any consciousness of any person, it’s as if, what can i say, yes, it reaches out to feel its own significance, well, aren’t we, of course, at the level of large groups, this again has a powerful unifying effect , because there , conditionally, i am the chosen one, you are the chosen one, we are chosen together, we are enemies all around, we are in this ring, then there is a natural xenophobic
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mood that immediately begins, that is, from the point of view of manipulating the consciousness of managing society, in general, it is the simplest, there is still an element, but you said about that... for europeans until recently, but until mid-2000 for sure it was just like that, it is clear that there are some minor differences there and some major scientists there could even understand them, this means ukrainian, and this, on the contrary, is russian, and this means belarusian, and this is still there in russia drill, what are you saying, yes, but in fact
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by and large, they were all russian, we were all russian, and now dear friends, and now ukrainians have appeared, and now everyone knows for sure that there are russians in the world, and there are on... he was also like, let’s say, he existed, but they helped him to be born, yes, that is, because when in lviv, in lemberg , people then sit down and write the language, look for new words, since this has been happening for the last 20 years, yes, that
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is, in the beginning we had a helicop, no, in the beginning wastorto, rotorcraft, helicopter, yes, that is, it is clear that people are very confused. us hints at, so to speak, at the depth of the roots, yes, yes, yes, okay, this is about galicia, but not in vain, by the way, i remembered about galicia, i said this a thousand times in the studio and will not tire of repeating, yes, something, what we call in one word ukraine, yes, in fact , that’s all, of course, it’s unfair and incorrect, it wasn’t, the ussr has ukraine in its history, a soviet socialist republic, it’s clear, but in general ukraine, of course there is no concept, there are stitched together, so to say, three completely different peoples, with different histories. and fate there and different perspective, by the way, i am also sure of this, parts of some land there, which are named after,
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i believe, a historical oversight of ukraine, but in fact there is no integral structure of it, thank you for remembering about the government, i repeat, let us now let’s look at the plot, we have prepared it, because this technology there regarding the exceptional nation of superhumans there, what we dug up there and what we will bury there, if necessary, it is not new, it is not an invention of recent years. there have already been cases in history when some people, so to speak, also considered themselves a little higher than the rest, please, ukraine is above all, square itself came up with this slogan, paraphrasing fascist germany above all, it itself believed in it, namely donbass.
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the historical mission of our nation in this turning century is to lead the white peoples of the whole world in the last crusade for their existence, a campaign against semitic-led subhumanity. this has already happened in history, when hitler’s ideologists declared the areians to be the superior race. nationalist ideology appeared in germany. much earlier at 19 century, but it flourished precisely in the third reich to justify the extermination of entire peoples. the aryan race was declared to be the supreme race of creators, capable of incredible achievements. a certain racial theorist hans gunter developed a pseudoscientific theory that the areans are the elite of europeans. the highest place in its gradation was expectedly occupied by the nordic type, but the last place was occupied by the eastern mediterranean. all this was accompanied by calculations regarding the size of the skull.
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line regarding the regional region or ukraine would be to encourage aspirations for national independence, up to the potential creation of its own statehood, either in ukraine or in unification with the don region and the caucasus. this association would also constitute the black sea union, which would constantly threaten moscow and cover the great german living space from the east. kiev is doing roughly the same thing now, promoting the idea of ​​ukrainianness, but to show it to the besotted masses. her greatness comes up with all sorts of myths. you may not know, but the entire history of mankind is a retelling of the chronicle of ukraine.
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the first woman on earth, it turns out, was ukrainian. according to kiev, ukrainians were jesus christ and bogatyr ilya muromets, the pyramid in egypt was also the work of ancient ukrainians. even buddha, according to ukrainian professor valery bebek, was ukrainian, like genghis khan, of course. genghis khan, according to the descriptions of his contemporaries, had a europil. appearance, tall stature, white skin and blue kind, which came from the territory of the ancient eye. his ancestors came from aryan ukraine. kiev is engaged in another important task. how the third reich raised a new aryan nation, so ukraine educates new ukrainians as enemies of russia and gets rid of those who are unworthy to be considered a great ukrainian. the other day, for example, the right to be ukrainians was denied to those who refused to be mobilized. if you are a draft dodger, then you have no right to say that you are ukrainian, you are a gypsy. you are a gypsy. and this means that
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the ukrainian military machine will continue to work against its own, fulfilling one of the principles. take away the history of the people in order to turn them into a manageable herd in a generation, everything seems to be the same, but it’s not so funny anymore, yes such a rather tragic story, sasha, it ’s clear, that is, we understand everything, the technology is clear, and so to speak, all the techniques are clear, the only thing that is not clear is what to do with it, because we seem to have already encountered this once, then there really was an amnesty in 1956, and somehow again it all began to smolder somewhere, and then flared up again, and so on, i don’t know, but... if we take our previous mistakes into account, yes , and what to do about it? and is there even a possibility, maybe true, maybe it was not in vain that felix, so to speak, separated galicia in his speech from everything else, maybe he could just go this way, well, you know, if we talk about the mistakes of the past, then i am convinced that if in 1939 galitsa, yes, when poland was divided from poland by the soviet union to germany, if galitsa had not been included in
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the ussr, if the galician ukrainian ssr had been created, then nothing would have happened today, it would have gone like the baltic states back in the nineties, and the ukrainian ssr would have gone more likely. belarus, but as ours says president, history does not know the nobility mood, yes, that is, there were mistakes, we have to live with it, it was rightly said that genetics is already nazism, yes, more than 6 million ukrainians live in russia, more than a million in moscow, that is we go out into the street, yes, roughly every tenth person is a ukrainian, well , someone will say, but of those coming towards us, this is a russian ukrainian, yes, well, there is some difference, yes no, one people, yes, that’s what it is one people is not just a million people, 2 million or 30 million man, there is something that unites them. this is how gustaphe le bon wrote in his work the psychology of peoples, this is the soul of the people, he called it that, yes, that is, this is a common faith, a common culture, a common language, a common history, here is ukraine, part of this russian world, one people with a century history, yes, that is, here it is russia, here it is, one faith, one language, what needs to be done, here we watched a report about the nazis, yes, about the events of the second
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world war, they wanted to fill, not just create ukrainians, fill ukrainian identity in only one sense, it was called anti-moscow, yes, that is, for them to fight, they needed people who would hate russians, now since the fourteenth year, that’s what, yes, that’s how to make people say that you are not just not one people , yes, and that you are an enemy, that is, for this you need to destroy everything in ukraine, everything that indicates that ukraine is part of the russian world, destroy the russian language, culture, faith, that is , the church, that’s what’s happening, yes, take away the common history, take away all these roots, when this something will remain, just to fill it.
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they make faces, they did it in a day, they did it, that is, there was a common meaning, a common goal, a common task, that is, in order for this not to happen, you need to control this space, it’s clear, well, by the way, pay attention, here we have in the studio, if i understand correctly, in our studio a third are ukrainians, but two out of six, yes, one is german, and even a ruler won’t help you distinguish, yes, that you are a quarter polish, but the statistics change, okay, let’s let’s not focus on this, konstantin aleksanrovich. well, sasha is absolutely right when you say that the most important, the most important, i don’t know, the most important technique is , firstly, history textbooks and informational work in general, here you , as a historian, have the cards in your hands, the most important thing to pay attention to is this: the thing is that when we talk about the third reich and talk about making
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anti-russia out of ukraine, this idea was expressed at one time by alfred rosenberg, who was shown, hitler didn’t like this idea... why? hitler was not a russophobe in this sense, he was a slavophobe, for him the difference between a ukrainian and a russian did not exist, but for rosenberg he was a russophobe, and he was specifically a russophobe, specifically a russophobe, and he just proposed this system, it was he who said that without ukraine, if we don’t bet on our side ukraine, we will not defeat russia, his goal was to defeat russia, that is, to pit two slavic peoples against each other. hitler said, no, we won’t do this, it’s difficult. but the rosenberg plan was developed, it was not implemented during the second world war, but as they say, good plan, lies, don’t ask to eat everything. here it’s all worked out on the shelves, that is , it turns out, excuse me, that is, now this very plan is being implemented, but when it was used during the war
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, the ukrainians were who, well, who acted at the front, they were collaborators, from they were not created by some kind of government, well, a pocket one, now rusenberg’s plan is being implemented, which is more complex, because they are no longer used not just as a collaborator, but as a collaborator. took it, collected it, said, go there, go over there, catch the partisans, well, and here they are given the opportunity to show that they are supposedly sovereign and that’s it, this is a more complicated moment, but this is the implementation of absolutely the same thing, after they simply published rosenberg’s diaries, well, that is , we have published it, so there are no options there at all, you just open it and read what is happening in russian, yes, yes, yes, in russian, the diaries of rosenberg and pubenberg are available, interesting, friends, we are now, in first, let me remind you that we continue carefully with...
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your head is spinning, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you need to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, well-known favorite artists have gathered at our table, who will tell funny stories and oddities that happen to them happened, you'll forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don't worry, it's not like that, it's... it's only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you need to play the womb, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means the next day to the remains, a makeup suit for everything, one of
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women brings me such a large velvet circle, there are two things hanging from its sides, testicles, she died like this... and now a tiger. tomorrow after the program time. permafrost, snow. we are in salihard. my
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name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region. my name is masnya, i am also from the yamal region. for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur. we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called ears.
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on the first, he is looking for her in the crowd, and she thinks of running away until the last minute, the cat tries not to cross paths with the dog, you can buy a house for a million rubles for her, but her favorite will be a cow for 0 rubles. i went home, took a closer look, said: oh, i like everything here, i’m ready to live here, everyone calls him the caretaker, we love him very much, the broom bucket, the animal is a conductor of meaning, in principle it changes a person’s view of the world, children, what are you doing? here? does mom know? was this a staged video or not? i immediately said, i say, i will answer this question on the first channel, have you seen the video? watch with us! premiere on sunday on the first 5 minutes ago i was feeding,
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it will be hot! what where when? summer series of games. on sunday on the first. we continue to work live. let me emphasize once again that we are waiting for news from china, where vladimir putin is currently visiting on his first foreign visit after taking office as president of the russian federation. now he is in harbin communicating with students of the local polytechnic. here.
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for many reasons, well, firstly, because to understand for ourselves where we stand, what we will not retreat from, what remains the main thing for us, a priority and not subject to any bargaining, this is the first point, the second point is that for us, of course it is very important to remember all these events in the context of the ongoing acute and uncompromising dispute with europe.
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mythology, which created the idea that, yes, that ukraine is a system-forming, so to speak, republic of the soviet union, and the anti-soviet, mythology of anti-soviet ukraine really elevates to the absolute,
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in fact to the point of absurdity from the point of view of this first reality, the idea of ​​the superiority of ukrainians, that is embroidered shirt is better than a shirt, borscht is tastier than cabbage soup, only ukrainians are able to dig up black stuff.
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everything that concerns the white man’s burden, why those people who live in the colonies are defective by definition, and we are above them, in fact, this was explained, and the most important thing is that this formed a comfortable, and most importantly, not a contradictory picture of the world, that is, when they talk about such systemic racism in the west, this is explained precisely by the fact that it was necessary to fulfill certain political tasks, which is why now we will say certain ones. this is how radicals from the younger generation, who have seen the light in quotes , learn some interesting things about churchel, who, well, objectively was a racist, which of course did not prevent him from being a great politician there and so on, but based on the doctrine of his time, based on the
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social class to which he belonged, well, of course he was a russianist; several of his letters were published in the early 2000s and there was a very interesting part that concerned the use of chemical weapons, and churchill wrote:
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and so on and so on, well, you say, just figure it out for a second, how much it costs to leave, what it costs, or life, like the one there in yew, you know, they catch it regularly bodies of people who tried to screw up in the forest. here's the next one and so on, i say, or twenty, 20 thousand, meaning, i don't remember, either dollars or euros, well , okay, yes, so he says, just think about it for a second, what it costs us, and if you just blather and open your mouth, then be ready for a meeting with the sbu, not that i cling to this, you know, the feeling that no, no, no, there are still some of our people there, well, i’m almost quoting you verbatim the letter that i received from ukraine, with offense, says, well, how you can do all of us, but we really, we have something completely like that, we we already have a complete one. the consensus is that these are all finished, they are the work of propaganda, rusenberg’s plan and
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so on, but you see, and if you look closely, so to speak, so to speak, adjust the optics a little, it turns out that everything is not so simple, i don’t know, maybe so, maybe i ’m deceiving myself, i want to believe in it, i don’t know, you know, i’ll just give you a historical example, from the second world war, there was a pilot in germany, grislavsky, who fought on the soviet-german front and received a knight's cross with oak leaves for clipping our planes like that, this man was the son of communists, he was in a communist youth organization, and after the war ended, he joined the german communist party, he fought for his third reich, here, and accomplished, well, let’s say, quite a lot on our front, of course, so here he is, he was not a convinced national socialist, but he moved in this, in this current, and, i think this is said, uh-huh.
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but it is clear that they were pressed very hard,
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of course, sasha, you probably just have a different idea, probably even some kind of knowledge, well, of course, i lived in kiev for 30 years, i left kiev then, but they didn’t kill me i went beyond one border, in transnistria, through fields and forests in 2001, 2021, yes, that is, i saw how ukraine was changing, i saw kiev in the 2000s, i saw kiev there in the 1900s, yes, how kiev changed after on the fourteenth, of course, we can’t all have one child, because many people, well, they really under duress, that's for you sometimes. yes, they don’t want to be politically active, they don’t want to be some kind of
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active members of civil society, so they live, they live under duress, but this is all, of course, not final, because i remembered and just like any psychology of the people into the masses, and he said that the soul of the people cannot be changed in a short period of time, but the soul of the people changes over centuries, centuries, that is, in a short period of time the soul of the people can be suppressed by coercion, laws, propaganda, but how only now these irritants will outwardly go away, the person will again be in his environment, that is, in ukraine it cannot be said that everything is. banderas, yes, all the banderas are those who hate russians, no, some just meme because they are simply afraid, yes, say something wrong, you will be summoned to the front, of course, it is very expensive to go now, but if you if you are there, then in order to save your life, you must at least outwardly show that, well, i’m like the majority, like everyone else, of course, you know, and the drama of the situation lies in that truly amazing metamorphoses happen to people with...
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he says: well, yes, he says, yes, what’s the problem? and so, please, excuse me, just, excuse me, i thought that now, now we’re going to harbin, so, i have time to finish, so he says, well, yes, i say, what happened? he says, well, somehow i, he says, rethought it , here, here, tolya, here, here, he wasn’t embarrassed at all, friends, not a bit, nothing at all, he says, well, yes, i
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rethought it, right here and judge he did it, that's how they went, you know, to in the nineties, in the nineties, what kind of ukraine was created, a declaration of state sovereignty? ukraine is a multinational state, yes it is said what the people of ukraine are, these are citizens of ukraine, of all nationalities, that is, ukraine, and there are more than 26 nationalities, this is essentially russia in miniature, here, here is russia, yes, all peoples live and there is no hatred, if there is hatred in russia, it will be the same as in ukraine, and then it went like kuchma, but ukraine is not russia, and then in the fourteenth year ukraine is anti-russia, russia is yours the whole world followed the visit here without attraction, a flurry of reports, a flurry of publications. well, apparently, everyone understands that the future of the rapidly changing world today largely depends on the position of russia and china. based on the results of your negotiations here in china, i wanted to find out between moscow and beijing, whether moscow and beijing have a common understanding of what this future system is
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there should be international security and international politics, thank you, well, first of all, i want to thank the chairman of the people's republic of china, that's all. leadership for an invitation, for creating a very favorable, warm atmosphere for joint work, which was created for joint work, in general the negotiations were very meaningful, intense, and this is truly so, kind of like the status of an official visit there or some kind of state visit, but this is purely working trip, without any doubt, we... spent almost the whole day from morning to evening with the chairman and his colleagues, a lot of topics were understood for discussion, and the fact that the future depends on russia and china, this is partly, only partly true, because the future of humanity depends on all of humanity, but - of course, both china and
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russia are important components of modern civilization, we have our own opinion on how we should develop, our development will certainly influence development of all partners on the planet, and development, we believe, should be constructive, should be peaceful, without any doubt, it should take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international communication, and of course it is necessary to strengthen folding.
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understand perfectly well that, understanding this, they do everything that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural, i repeat again, peaceful, conflict-free, and so that the opinion of all participants in the international process is taken into account in full, and so that we all look for compromises of quite complex decisions that we all face. we are set up for this, we are set up for exactly this kind of work, i have repeatedly said, and the chairman of the state people's republic has emphasized this, our interaction, our cooperation,
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have you touched upon the topic of ukraine and what would look to you personally as convincing evidence of ukraine’s readiness for negotiations? previously, both you and foreign minister sergei lavrov have repeatedly said that western partners can no longer be trusted. yes, such a meeting took place, it was in a narrow format, we really discussed a lot. such issues important for bilateral relations, the topic of resolving
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the ukrainian crisis was touched upon, chairman kener outlined to me the main points of what was discussed during his recent trip to europe, outlined his position related to chinese peace initiatives, we... have already said many times, we believe that china sincerely strives to resolve this problem, offers various options, and behaves very flexibly, in my opinion, sincerely strives to solve this problem, we discussed this in sufficient detail, as for our counter-partners, so to speak, in this case, this concerns the ukrainian leadership and its masters - overseas, primarily european, well, we are about this was said many times when our troops melted down near kiev, what was told to us by
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our western partners, you cannot sign documents if the opposite side has a gun to your head, what needs to be done, it was asked from our side, we asked, we need to withdraw the troops from kiev, we did it, the next day they... threw all our agreements into the trash, they said: well , now we will fight to the end, and their western curators took a position, now known to the whole world, to defeat russia on the battlefield, inflict a strategic defeat on it, it was not we who behaved this way, it was our partner who was led this way, and through the mouths of officials , including... it was said by the head of the head of the ukrainian delegation during the negotiations, first in minsk, and then in
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istanbul, he arrived the then prime minister, mr. johnson, recommended that ukraine continue hostilities, otherwise , mr. arakhamia said, it was he who was at the head of the delegation, today he heads the faction of the ruling party in the parliament of ukraine, and... that means, otherwise he said, all hostilities the military would have been stopped a year and a half ago, because he said publicly, in my opinion, at a meeting with journalists, no one, no one doubts this, that is, let’s draw a line under this part of the answer to your question, we once again deceived, uh-huh, now we must understand with whom and how we should deal, we can deal, who to what extent we can... trust - and of course we are now analyzing everything that happens in this, in this plan in
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this direction, we look, of course, at what’s happening around the everyone-announced meeting in switzerland in geneva, in my opinion, i’m going there, we’re not going to discuss any formulas that we know, i don’t know, of course, but we’ve never refused negotiations, unlike ukraine . the document was signed by the head of the ukrainian delegation, he initialed it,
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but we have the document, his signature is there, what other additional conditions are there, which we have never heard, we don’t know anything about it, well, what’s the point? this events, of course, to gather as many as possible, as many countries as possible, then declare that it has been agreed upon with everyone, and then present it to russia, this is like an already resolved issue, like an ultimatum, such a development of events will not happen, hello, what is the plan , our goal is to capture kharkov, or every day they move strictly according to plan, so this is the creation of a sanitary zone, which you spoke about earlier, thank you, i don’t know what
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i said there -
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so we are doing this, as for kharkov, there are no such plans for today no hello, please allow me, izvestia newspapers, please, hello, again, dmitry loroo, izvestia newspaper, recently there has been information that chinese banks are stopping accepting payments from russian banks, please tell me, have you discussed this issue with the chinese leader, if so, is there any
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result? was it possible to agree on a possible one? are exchanged by the same americans or europeans in relation to even their allies mutually, well, the europeans do not use them in relation to americans, but americans accept such sanctions in relation to european economic operators and often take them to their logical conclusion, and not only in relation to russia, but in relation to other situations and to other countries, and this is a practice, and the europeans,
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therefore, swallow it all. well, once again confirming their vassal dependence on a sovereign overseas, well, god bless them, and the fact that such decisions are made, they of course cause direct damage to the world economy, not only to those countries in relation to whom such decisions are made and economic operators these countries, but also the global economy as a whole and energy and other areas of activity. economic field, and above all issues related to calculations, they are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity, solutions are possible, they exist, and of course, they should be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope it will be so, understand, understand - as
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it were, the motives behavior in large financial institutions can be, well... no one wants to suffer any losses due to illegal, even illegal, actions of the authorities usa, but i must say, i have already spoken about this, i want to repeat, this is... a great stupidity and a huge mistake on the part of the american political elites, because they are causing enormous damage to themselves, undermining confidence in the dollar and are gradually curtailing, curtailing the state of the dollar as world settlement currency and reserve currency, although they have a huge gain from this position of the dollar, first of all.
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trillions of dollars, simply unearned money that fell from the sky due to the use of the dollar as a reserve world currency, in general the obligations of the american monetary system
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to the other world, to the other worlds, are approximately 53.4 trillion dollars, but as the authorities of the united states, for political reasons, undermine confidence in the dollar. they are weakening their main, main, most important instrument of their power, the dollar itself is causing irreparable damage to itself, that is, to put it trivially in our well-known sayings, they are simply sawing the soup on which they themselves are sitting, terrible stupidity, well, they can’t stop eating the disadvantages for us are that we are forced to look for other opportunities, but...
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these principles of olympism, including the olympic truce, they are very correct and it is no coincidence that they have been developed by the world community over the course of centuries, although few people ever adhered to this principle with the exception of ancient greece, but in in general, the idea itself is very correct and constructive, the question is different, and the question is that it is today’s international sports... officials who violate the principles of the olympic charter, themselves, they politicize sport, which is completely unacceptable, bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for communication between people and for
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finding compromises during this communication on other, including political issues, and if they themselves violate, including in this case in relation to russia , not allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games, with their banner, with their flag and with their national music, with the anthem, they violate us, they want us to perform in turn.
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demand or expect from others, you need to yourself comply with these rules, but in general, sport is certainly developing, will develop, i don’t know how under the leadership of such officials, how the olympic movement will feel today, if they put money at the forefront and make the main principles of their activities , as in any commercial enterprise.
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this is a whole enterprise for making a profit from sports competitions, after all , the principle of olympism lies elsewhere, in humanitarian principles, alexander khristenko, russia channel, this week the united states introduced duties on a number of chinese goods, for chips, semiconductors, metal, solar panels, and most importantly for chinese electric cars, the duty was increased fourfold, in my opinion, to 100%. can. consider these sanctions against china , does cooperation between russia and china help to resist such attacks. well , sanctions, well, of course, the external ones look like sanctions, but to a certain extent, these are already elements of an economic war, this is not the first time they have been used, by the way, politics, the nature of relations between russia and china, the situation in ukraine, i assure you, has nothing to do with this no relation. these are just elements
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of unfair competition, here we made the ms-21 aircraft, so they are certain components that we agreed on and which have nothing to do with military production, well , certain components should have been inserted in the wings, which means they simply refused us everything, including it in the sanctions list, and one that has to do with military production, but nothing to do with... this production shifted by six months of production in terms of quality and durability of their usage, approximately, but we made these components ourselves, the harnesses there for the wings, they did it well, but the same results will be here, i’m also better than than the american one , i just said at a meeting with students why such restrictions were introduced electric cars against the chinese auto industry?
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is capable, it’s immediately chick, they lower it, they try to do it, can - can russian-chinese cooperation somehow resist this, can it, but in order for this not to happen, they interfere in - in wiring, financial wiring, because we we could purchase more, but since they create problems in remittances, we are limited in purchasing these products, but is it possible to do something about this? with this
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, we can develop joint production, it takes time, just like we did for components for aircraft, we did, well, we moved everything to the right there by half a year, well, the same thing here, we will do joint production, this is the most erroneous one, stupid way, stupid way - building an international economic system, the most correct one is what they are talking about to us all the time for decades... they bullied us, if i may say so, forgive me for the bad manners, that the market decides everything, but the market will push them back anyway, you know, what’s the matter, this is a problem that they create for themselves, because what’s the point? it will lead to? so they introduced sanctions against such goods, such goods, such goods, what will this lead to, inflation in the usa, this is what it will lead to, because they will try to produce it themselves on their sites, for their wages to their workers, for your already expensive
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metal, for its expensive on the basis of its expensive energy, this is the result, which means that the german economy in europe is almost in the red. and the french economy is teetering on the brink of recession, and if the german economy still sneezes there, as it should, it will feel unimportant, the entire european economy behind it will not feel very healthy, well , to put it mildly, this is what decisions of this kind lead to, they are not market ones , absolutely stupid decisions that have no prospects, kommersant newspaper andrei kolistnikov, please tell me at what conditions, you could still take part in, so to speak, a peace conference in ukraine, in switzerland, if, of course, such an offer suddenly came to you, well, what about politics, it doesn’t talk about subjunctive moods, if,
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we won’t continue further, you know that if it were there in other cases, but, but this, if not, they don’t invite us, moreover, they say that they don’t see us there. well, what are we talking about, if you do this, we seem to be asking for it, if you do this, and if so, then we would make such decisions, but they don’t see, there’s no need, first, second, what is very important, andrey, what is very important is that we are not going to discuss from the center of the field what we don’t know, we well, as i said, we conducted painstaking negotiations for a long time, almost a month and a half, first in minsk, then in istanbul, we reached certain compromises, the ukrainian side signed a summary of these documents, he himself is fat and so healthy, in summary, so if the fundamental issues were stated and initialed by the ukrainian side, but we worked on it, now some formulas
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are based on what, on wishes, and not on the real situation, well, this is impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we have never refused. i just said, this is not a joke, i didn’t come up with anything, as soon as the troops withdrew , the westerners immediately told ukraine, don’t sign, fight, they took the visor, they carried out, we were immediately told, well, now we will fight to the last, that's what we were told, there will be no more negotiations, now they they see that it’s not working, maybe it will work until the last minute, but it’s not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see it.
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if they don’t see us there, what do they want to do? gather as many countries as possible, convince everyone that the best offer is some conditions proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present this to us as an ultimatum, say, well, you see, the whole world thinks so, agree, this is the way conducting substantive such serious, serious negotiations, but no, of course, this an attempt to impose, here they were an attempt...
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this is a base and they are registered by the ukrainian side, i think that not least, probably, if not for the children, then then with the consent of western sponsors, but everything is strictly spelled out there from the point of view of their interests , there is something there that has been taken into account, bearing in mind the interests of russia from the point of view of ensuring our security, well, there are many questions there, i don’t even...
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about technical details, but interest on both sides in the implementation of these projects has been confirmed, because because the chinese economy is growing, it requires accordingly, the increase in energy resources that are necessary to maintain this growth, nothing more on...
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volumes, on the other hand, there is interest in sales on the chinese market. i think that economic operators, this is always a complex process, even the question of prices, the question of who will earn how much, but strategically we are definitely absolutely and one and the other side is interested, i repeat, in the implementation of these projects, and we will do it, and there is gazprom, our oil companies will certainly agree, there are different routes exist, here is one of them.
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will also be completed, well, let’s have more girls, please, please, forgive me, more news, and i also have a question on the ukrainian topic, if possible, on the ukrainian topic, yes, please, vladimir zelensky’s term of office is ending soon, it expires on may 20 , after this date, will russia cease to consider him a legitimate president and...
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belousov, if i may ask, please forgive the last question, why exactly belousov was chosen as the minister
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of defense, because now it is very much an important moment of a special military operation, well, i already said it. said, no, dmitry sergeevich spoke about this, he spoke because i asked him to do it, i want to repeat it again, and the level of defense spending we have only for the ministry of defense is 6.7% of gdp this year, and if we take from the entire power component of the state, then the costs of the entire power component will be somewhere around 8%. and in this system of expenses. the ministry of defense plays a key role, that is , the expenses of other security forces also depend on the expenses of the ministry of defense departments, because the ministry of defense first of all carries out some purchases, and other law enforcement agencies buy after them depending on what choice the ministry of defense makes, in addition, the ministry of defense builds the entire defense system of the country with the involvement of other law enforcement
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agencies, and their expenses also depend on this , if that’s all for the ministry of defense.
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in economics, he was the first deputy chairman of the government, in this sense, he is, of course, capable of coordinating the activities of the ministry of defense with all ministries and departments of the country, with the regions, and this is also important, and not only i mean the border regions, but also others, because they are also to a certain extent participants in economic activity, the first, second thing he will have to do, he must... open the ministry of defense for constructive work with scientifically, with scientific centers, with participants in economic activity in the broad sense of the word, with manufacturers of those military-technical products and those components that are needed for the production of military equipment, he must open
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the ministry of defense for innovation. yes, and sergei kozhugedovich has already taken certain steps in this direction. took the first steps, but i believe that it is simply easier for the former chairman of the government of the russian federation, even taking into account his official responsibilities in the recent past, these were the motives for appointing him to this position, and sergei kozhugelovich, you saw that this everything was public, he often visited enterprises, he looked, he knows, understands what is happening, knows the needs of the armed forces, both medium-term and...
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i supported the idea of ​​making denisomovich mantrov first deputy in the government precisely because we want to concentrate administrative resources on achieving the main task that the country faces today: achieving the results we need as part of a special military operation. thanks a lot. press approach. vladimir putin - in harbin, after a meeting with chinese students, with our journalists, you heard that many good questions were asked by colleagues, many important answers were given by our president, let’s think about all this a little, put it together and discuss it after a short advertisement. we gathered our thoughts
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about sergei ilyin’s film the passion according to matveev, but here i just look like a dead man, it’s okay, let him immediately know what you look like in the post. they’re already sending you hearts, the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film, but there was a prejudice, of some kind, i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish, i think that if you sincerely don’t believe, then it’s better than believe. somehow false, according to statistics, 65% of russians think ourselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter, anyone can ring the bell, and you really went to learn how to ring it specifically, it’s absolutely true, what do you think you are, but there is a duty , family and traditions, there is love, and there are rules, but they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, look what rules, look what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but this is in your situation, do you mean life or? yes, well that's my problem, i guess that this shouldn't happen. podcast lab is on first today. a few years ago
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i came across a seven-string guitar from the 19th century. after a successful reconstruction, we decided to try to make our own. are you producing all this? yes, domrya, from small to large. also balalaikas. almost all of our instruments are made by hand. every master puts his soul into this instrument. when we developed our coconut milk. we did more than 100 tests, you came to this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant, yes, it is very important for i wanted to see the most pure composition, your portrait is a portrait of your colleague, and the co-founder, it turns out that you are responsible with your face for the quality of the product, the first reaction is often, wow, what a bright, what an unusual shape, a woman can see a bag and not say: i don’t i can sleep, i can’t eat, sell it for any money, it’s all hand-painted. our everything, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, listen, you are somehow strange today, nothing happened to you,
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i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, excuse me, i’ll be there for an hour, an hour and a half maximum, so what happened, the plane crossed the border before... shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth, they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch , you realize the moment, of course, the ring fell, it’s a bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, did something happen? very sorry, interrupted flight of harry powers, tomorrow on the first one, premiere, i love
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my country, tomorrow on the first one, permafrost, snow, we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masnya.
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such expensive real estate until you come to hong kong. this is my entire apartment. there are less than 10 square meters here. welcome to the kitchen. now you see it all. did you study in order to be a fengshu master, or they don’t teach this in universities. this is ancient knowledge. you've probably noticed large holes in the center of chinese buildings. this is so that the house does not disturb the dragon flying past. do you play for money or just for fun? what are you saying, the chinese never play for fun, that’s not interesting. the lives of others. premiere on
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sunday on the first. doctors are preparing to give an injection into the joints. today there are unique injections that allow you to restore cartilage and relieve pain. these and other important achievements of medicine. on the first. we continue to work live. and let's immediately contact harbin now. anton vernitsky, a special correspondent for channel one, comes into direct contact with us; you saw him at the final meeting of our president with journalists and heard his question. anton, welcome, thank you for being with us. yes, hello, anatoly, hello. oh, tell me, in general, we saw this final
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meeting, about it. i won’t ask questions, we’ll discuss the answers, what is the general situation like, that’s what’s interesting at the meeting of the two leaders? you know, the situation can be expressed by one chinese proverb, which i heard here, i can’t pronounce it in chinese, it sounds like this in russian, for example, but like this, if you walk alone, you walk quickly, if you walk together, then you walk far, that’s approximately it all negotiations developed in this way.
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chinese, a huge delegation came with putin, in my opinion, there were governors from 27 regions, in addition to the delegation that was large from the ministerial, they were with him in beijing, here in harbin just and also, of course, a very good meeting here at the kharmin polytechnic with students, it’s very informative because chinese students want to work in russia, one of them even asked and putin said, well, write your resume, i’ll try...
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the courts, then in the fifties after the liberation from japanese militarism this in the city, we began to develop industry here, in fact , there is some overlap with us, there are a lot of us with the chinese, but you know what they say: today it’s warm here, they say the warmth came from siberia, i say, as if from siberia , between us there is still mongolia, he says no-no-no, everything comes from you, cold, warm, and it’s good that you are so wonderful and
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came to us, but very welcoming. and you had a very, very interesting conversation with the students, the president said: forgive me, please, i have nothing to do with it, but movement the city of harbin stood up, the chinese pay a lot of attention to security, and vladimir vladimirovich said that you know, everything is great, soon everything will end for the city, i’m coming back, there will be no more official events, thank you very much, anton vernitsky was in
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direct contact with us , specially. correspondent of channel one, thank you very much, i said, of course, it is clear that putin in harbin, having already, so to speak, completed his meeting with sidzenpin, was, excuse me, well, i repeat, there were a lot of very important issues of the most important answers, but we heard, let’s maybe talk, i don’t know, it seems to me, well, it’s clear that the ukrainian topic was one of the key ones, so to speak, by the way, so to speak, we talked for more than four hours, yes two our leaders, whatever in an extremely narrow or... super-narrow format and so on, it is clear that ukraine was discussed, ways to resolve this crisis, well, putin actually said a lot at this press conference, press approach, let’s say , relatively, because... yes, our position unchanged, we are ready for negotiations, but putin quite rightly wanted to say that, so to speak, well, it’s not a formula, so to speak, of other people’s wishes, a calm, so to speak, adult, sensible conversation, right, right, that means, accordingly, about swiss
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conference, putin said, we are accused that we do not want negotiations, but we are not invited, it is logical, therefore, we are not going to discuss another quote from putin from the center of the field of ideas for a settlement in ukraine, which he does not know at all, the last one: in this regard, putin, about attempts to impose conditions on russia for a settlement in ukraine, says, have you fallen out of the woods? i support the president’s words and want to join this formula. sergei vladimirovich, well, in connection with everything you’ve heard, are there still prospects for a diplomatic and political settlement? i think it is very important that this is a very detailed analysis of the situation around the future settlement of the ukrainian conflict. happened precisely in china, because in politics it is important not just to say something, but also to be heard, so china, we know what efforts it has made, continues to make efforts to really find a political solution, and i
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see deep symbolism in the fact that the president has analyzed this situation in great detail, precisely in china, where, apparently , they were ready for him attentively listen listen, this is the first point, the second point is that indeed, if we look, since the end-to-end was actually taking place, this was one of the cores, so to speak, of the entire press conference, the situation around ukraine, it had something in common with with all the questions, yes, here is the question that correspondent, businessman andrei kolesnikov asked about, so to speak, this conference in switzerland, but it seems like some kind of potentially new intrigue is brewing, in any case, we made it clear,
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as they say, never say never, that is, regarding switzerland and their approach, putin just said very clearly, but nevertheless, nevertheless, with such an approach never, yes, yes, but nevertheless, to summarize, the russian position is very flexible, flexible, it has many options, it allows you to search decision, we are ready for this, this was clearly about you, like yes, from a european perspective, how it looks, i was quite pleasantly surprised by this pragmatism.
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how they weighed carefully and how they quoted every word, literally, every gesture, how they you, maybe there will be time, well, not today, probably already, how they sorted out the reception itself, the meeting, how they compared there before i just don’t know, well until before until the slightest details, so i’m sure, of course, they heard everything they needed to hear, sash, i see, now i ’ll turn to you, i have a slightly different message for you question, okay, i want lvovna to comment on this particular prospect of a political diplomatic settlement, as for the prospect, the arabs have this kind of half-legend: a half-parable that every person is always followed by two wolves, good and evil, wins, in fact, the one who is fed more, and extrapolating this idea to societies, to peoples, to states, we can conclude that, in fact, a huge
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responsibility rests with the political leadership, because on a national scale it is it that makes the decision about which of these two wolves to feed, and pay attention, even when the president commented on sports topics, he... that is, here what was clear was the difference in approaches. ukraine and the west are talking about victory over
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russia, russia never said and does not talk about victory over ukraine, but russia did not win mariupol, artyomovsk did not win, and russia is not liberating, yes, that is, if we return to the minsk agreements, they argued there in ukraine and the west argued when about when the border, yes before the elections or after, but this was not about that, the minsk agreements, if you read all these points carefully, they were about the creation, about a political settlement in ukraine, the creation of those conditions under which the dpr and...
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historical examples, yes, you know, after adolf hitler, before adolf hitler committed suicide, he appointed grostadmiral karl donetz as head of the german state, absolutely illegitimately, and you know, completely calmly, karl doenez delegated his powers to wilhelm keitel, who signed the act of unconditional capitulation and everyone accepted it quite calmly, yes, listen, everything seems to be completely legitimate, normal, everything is legitimate, everything is normal, that’s why, by the way, vladimirovich said so. that it is important for ukraine, as it were,
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for the ukrainian, now even i will find a quote, yes, for ukraine to recognize this, in general, this is not a question of legitimacy, but a victory, come on, i’ll even allow a pause in the live broadcast, which is usually not, so to speak, encouraged by the leadership, the question is not about legitimacy, about victory, it’s just like that to say, grants legitimacy to anyone who, well , not to anyone, but to someone who is ready to sign an act of unconditional surrender, good. maybe they will succeed to the last, but the ukrainians say to the last, meaning this formula, they say, well, as for the strategic defeat of russia, no, well , no one wants that, no one will , after all, we are not animals and we are not idiots to rejoice at deaths and so on, on the contrary, we want this not to happen, but for some reason they don’t want to, is it clear which one? in the end, well , so to speak, you see how we often
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talk here about a new one, about the formation of a new world, so to speak, multipolar and so on, look what putin said that russia and china are determined to support the formation of a multipolar world, in the modern world it is necessary to seek compromises, putin is again extending his hand, the future of the world depends on all humanity, although or not although simply, but russia and china are an important component of the world international civilization, they are also such such important words and i repeat, it seems to me, the most important, the most important of all, is that putin never tires of extending his hand, some people think this, i don’t know, but whatever, i don’t know, some people think this way, some people think that , it seems to me that this is talking about, you know, not to say so again, i really think this is very important, very responsible, we have one planet, a small one, and it’s good that at least someone - so to speak, he’s thinking about her, thank you very much for your attention, friends, see you on the air. now there's a big game on channel one, thank you, good afternoon, the big
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game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. the whole world continues to follow the historic visit of vladimir vladimirovich putin to china. well, yesterday we parted while the parties were at a gala concert dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary. china, the opening of the expo of our
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joint exhibition took place there, he visited the university in harbin, talked about the development of educational and scientific ties, and then the president. as a press approach and answered very important questions from our journalists, so today our agenda is simply oversaturated, but let’s talk about everything in order, let’s start with the fact that putin and sidinping drank tea, which was reported by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. held a press conference, he made the chairman of the people's republic of china shizen pin hold a short meeting with the president of the russian federation. vladimir putin in chezhunanghai. in mid -summer it is filled with fresh breeze and sparkling water. xi greeted putin in front of the yingtai bridge. the heads of the two states walked and talked, looked at the pavilions and enjoyed the scenery. they sat by the water, sipped aromatic tea in a relaxed atmosphere and exchanged opinions on strategic
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issues of mutual interest. so, 4 hours, quite an interesting format.
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even afghanistan and east asia, including korea and so on, all this is reflected, and the bilateral format, and of course, the most important thing is, you know, here are all the documents and this conversation, naturally, this is the response of america, that is, sidinpin , apparently, they’re already fed up with all these french people,
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americans, put pressure on putin, say something, they , together with putin, gave an answer, adequate, clear, understandable, on security, on... a block of corporate agreements, this is all together. called the russian-chinese strategic partnership, which is actually an axis of stable, powerful, restraining force, naturally, taking into account the joint strategic potential of this west. well, let’s consider this the junan answer, that’s how it is - sizenpin and putin
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said goodbye, they just hugged, which caused quite a stir in the western world, perhaps, these were the most popular shots on yes. uh , western tv screens, well, let them get used to the right shots, about the right relationships between the right states. well, then - our president flew to harbin, in northern china, and began his program today by laying wreaths and flowers at the monument to our soldiers who died liberating northern china from the japanese in 1945.
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russian-chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. just now we laid flowers at the soviet memorial. soldier and officer and would like to express my deep gratitude to the residents of harbin, the chinese authorities, who preserve the memory of our liberating soldiers, joint pages of military glory, and take care of the common historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. drawing on the glorious traditions of good neighborliness and friendly cooperation, today we... can confidently look forward, together take on the most daring projects, together, build and implement ambitious
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plans. prospects for further development such close and multifaceted cooperation was just discussed in detail at negotiations with the president of the people's republic of china in silpinim last night. i think we can rightfully be proud of the results of russian-chinese economic relations. russian-chinese economic cooperation. just a few years ago, for bilateral trade, the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success; now they have already crossed the 200 mark, but more precisely, according to chinese statistics, 240 billion. and this is far from the limit, of course. how would you rate results? not finished, but it is already possible to sum up, i think, many serious ones, it seems to me that the key word in the president’s speech now was joint work, and
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this is a definite, clear, precise answer to the actual ultimatum that the united states of america puts forward to the collective west, namely to against the background of putin’s visit to china , a statement was made by the state department through the american press that, roughly speaking, if china wants to have good relations and trade with the west, it should not have good relations. agreements signed, it is clearly and clearly written that russia and china believe this, such a formulation of the issue is unacceptable, no one has the right to interfere in the relations between two sovereign states, but this has an even higher meaning, because in essence the statement of the united states of america , that... the united states should be the main arbiter of russian-chinese relations, this is essentially a call for the preservation of a unipolar world, that is, there is one arbiter
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who decides who should be friends with whom, who should fight with whom, in what monetary units there should be payment for which countries should break up and which ones should unite, everyone should obey a single arbiter, but i think that the americans are definitely not so naive as to think that against the backdrop of our president’s visit to china, they will try to destroy the trade ties of their satellites with china and russia, well, trade ties are growing, as you know, satellites,
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even if they are falling, it’s not scary, but our ties with europe have fallen there, so what, you noticed this a lot, or something, but they noticed it a lot, the figure doesn’t sound right anymore only 240 billion, putin after all, he said that this is not the limit, already 300 billion sounds in some foreseeable future until the year thirtieth, as if all this will happen, largely due to the fact that this is already... cooperation at a very high technological level, and i think all this was also emphasized by putin’s visit to harbin polytechnic university, where he held a meeting with chinese, russian students, university teachers, in general it is very symbolic, on the one hand, on the other hand, it reflects a certain new reality, now in china there are three times more scientists, than in the united states of america, three times, not to mention europe. where there are significantly fewer scientists than in the united states of america. this is what putin said. during yesterday’s negotiations with
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chairman xidinping, we noted with satisfaction that scientific and educational cooperation occupies one of the priority places in the development of the entire complex of russian-chinese relations, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. and in these words i also want to draw attention to this, it has great meaning. precisely comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation , interaction, this is clearly evidenced by the concrete steps we are taking and the results we are achieving. currently , about 50,000 chinese citizens are receiving higher education in russia, in turn, about 16 thousand russians are studying in the prc, but this is certainly not the limit, moreover, we have had certain reductions during the pandemic, associated with the well-known mandatory sanitary restrictions, but i have no doubt at all that the number of students studying at
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in russia and china, accordingly , scientific and technological cooperation will grow, well, it must be said in general, because if it is really established in full, it will simply be impossible to keep up with it. i completely agree with you, vyacheslav alekseevich, what is happening now is not only making the most of the opportunities that exist right now, but it is laying the foundations for even larger-scale
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cooperation in the future. this also applies to high technology. in the technological field, including space, the lunar program, and this, of course, concerns education, the scientific sphere, especially the scientific and technical sphere, because those programs of investment in youth, in education in science for youth, which are now being developed, you correctly said that at moscow state university there are a lot of students from china in our at the university at moscow state medical institute they exist, for example, all this creates the basis for even closer interaction in the future, so the volume of this interaction and its depth will grow, scientists from the chinese country are supported by this, i want to point out why all this is so it’s working out well, the word all-encompassing
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was spoken, and there is a difference here with how the west is trying to erase it. harm anyone, on the contrary, russia and china are defending it, but together we are not going to just help the rest of the world.
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god year of culture, culture is generally comprehensive, including spiritual culture, china has the richest cultural tradition over the last 500 years, and has its own cultural code, they often call it three teachings, these are confucianism, buddhism and taoism, that is, intellectual chinese most often they are confucians, and spiritually they are buddhists and taoists, and...
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and you know, i want to share my impressions from last year, because i was able to visit all the capitals of the far east and speak at the far eastern federal university; there were also chinese students at my speeches , you know what i noticed, i came there in military uniform, naturally i had a boriyatura z, people just came up and said, we are worried, that is , about what is happening there, and even there was such an incident, i went to buy chinese tea, when the person found out, the chinese found out that i was from donetsk. he simply gave it all to me, i was extremely pleased, and the fact that now we see the strengthening of not only economic and state ties, but precisely this spiritual kinship, we also see this. and you know, the most pleasant thing for me was blagoveshchensky, it has its own city, a satellite in china, we were in winter, and laser shows are held there,
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the letter z was always there, this is the end of twenty-two, our heroes, laser heroes are big , this is important to me, this is exactly what you you emphasize that we have not only state relations, some interests, yes, we have a spiritual partnership, it is important that it exists on...
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the approach is very substantive, and we will discuss it very carefully immediately after the advertisement. we gathered our thoughts about sergei ilyin’s film the passion according to matveev. i just look like a dead man here. it’s okay, let him know right away what you look like in the post. they are already sending you hearts. the most unexpected thing was that i really liked the film. but there was prejudice. i suddenly realized that orthodoxy is stylish. i believe that if you sincerely do not believe. that this is better than believing somehow falsely, according to statistics, 65% of russians consider themselves orthodox, excuse me, please, but it’s not sunday yet, you know, such a discovery for me was that on easter anyone can ring the bells, but
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you really we went to learn how to make special calls, it’s absolutely true, what do you think you are, but there is a duty, a family of traditions, there is love, and there are rules, but they contradict each other, depending on what kind of love, depending on what rules, what rules, well, in my situation it contradicts, but this... today on the first one there is a fashionable verdict, a new season, i am with you, lilia rakh, on weekdays on the first one. cnop gin, a product of stellor group. a few years ago i came across a seven-string guitar from the 19th century, and after a successful reconstruction i decided to buy it. try to make your own, it’s all you produce, yes, it’s homemade, from small to large, also bololaikas, almost all of our instruments are made by hand, every master puts his soul into this instrument. when we developed our coconut milk, we
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did more than 100 tests, did you come into this field because your daughter was lactose intolerant? yes, it was very important for me to see the most pure composition, your portrait is a portrait of your colleague, and from the founder, it turns out that you answer with your face. for the quality of the product, the first reaction is often, wow, what a bright, what an unusual shape, a woman can see the bag and don’t say, i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, sell it for any money, it’s all hand-painted, by our artists, our everything is premiere, tomorrow on the first, premiere, i i love my country, tomorrow is first.
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our friend is playing a wedding on sunday on the first day. it will be
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hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday on the first, since it is not possible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral. since no one knows what it is, and it sounds beautiful, like it’s not fascism, but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always were and will be second class, ukrainians live by other people's myths, ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but how...
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to copy the recipes of someone else's success, a sure way to lose, premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday, on the first, big game, live air continuing. discuss the results of russian president vladimir putin's visit to china. following the results of his program in harbin, putin made a press approach, and a number of important statements were made there, first about the general assessment of the meeting on the role of russia and china in multipolar world. in general, the negotiations were very meaningful, intense, and this is for real. so it seems like the status
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of an official visit there or some state one, but this is a purely working trip without any doubt, we spent almost the whole day from morning to evening with the chairman and his colleagues, a lot of topics were raised for discussion, and the fact that from the future of russia and china depends, this is partly, only partly so, because the future of humanity depends on everything...
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take into account not only our interests, but also interests of all participants in international communication, and of course, it is necessary to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about it, here is sergei gennadievich, i very closely followed the reaction of the western media to this meeting , and this reaction is sustained in... sharply confrontational tones, but here is the axis of evil, the authoritarian powers there are conspiring in order to dominate there, etc., etc., etc., putin draws an absolutely peaceful conclusion from this meeting, he on the contrary, in general, it clearly came out, at least in a press approach, with such an olive branch, and i think this largely reflects such a general mood, on the one hand, on the other hand... well, our armored train is on
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reserve way, well, you are right that he came out with an olive branch, and this is not the first time he has, so to speak, shown this branch, extended it, offered it, i don’t know, in different formats in russian-chinese, especially, but what’s here it’s important, this is the summary of his press approach, it’s like in two parts, the first the part is so philosophical, russia and china are moving together towards a multipolar world, and look, it’s very important, this is the path itself.
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the train is on a siding, that’s absolutely certain, and given the closed format of the 1+4 putin c negotiations, well , belousov, shoigu, ushakov and lavov are there, as there was naturally a security part, the second part, that’s what we have now seen, applied, look, siberia, the far east and dong bei, three provinces adjacent to china, first of all kholunzian, the capital of khorbin, and this window is understandable for russia to china in a cross-border way, and secondly, well, there are two new crossings, the railway one, which means nizhneleninskaya, the tunzyan road in blagoveshchenskaya, but that’s not enough. needs to be expanded, since trade is growing, especially in a cross-border format, so of course, a special agreement on expansion, and most importantly, free trade zones, but local, not comprehensive, not gigantic, within the framework of this cross-border cooperation, well, a plus, of course ,
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the very fact of, well, let’s say, attraction chinese investments in siberia, the far east, and russia as a whole need to be brought in, especially the second priority development area, they exist, and putin spoke about this, that is, the first. this is simply unfair competition.
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let's listen to what the president said at harbin polytechnic university today. of course, we need cooperation with the whole world and above all. with those structures in the world that achieve the best results in one direction or another, but unfortunately, the world today is structured in such a way that sometimes problems arise situations related to unfair competition, well, this is how the americans recently took china and imposed sanctions on electric transport, on electric cars, why, for what? but because chinese cars have become better, so... there is no other reason for this, this is an example of unfair competition. and then putin gave examples of sanctions in our aviation industry. in any case, this sanctions war
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that is being waged against us and china is actually bringing us very close together. of course, it brings us together and there is a certain paradox, because americans are feeling that. they themselves connive, push the parties towards rapprochement, they would like to avoid this rapprochement, but the more they try to avoid this rapprochement, the greater the rapprochement itself becomes, these efforts, so to speak, they make precisely in the wrong direction that they would like, but when we talk about unfair competition from the west, let’s remember that there was never any fair competition from the west at all, when the west competed mainly with the soviet union.
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all this is reflected there, important points for china are reflected, russia once again emphasizes that it adheres to the one-china rule, important things for russia are also heard there. undoubtedness, honesty, openness and transparency of the past presidential elections, the inadmissibility of terrorist attacks on peaceful objects, the only thing that remained outside the scope of this agreement, but what, as they explained to us, was discussed at a long four-hour meeting, is the issue of ukraine, but after that our president said about, that russia considers the chinese approach to resolving this issue to be very balanced and correct, but this has not yet been reflected in any specific document. at the press conference, naturally, the question arose about the possibility of a peace process, about the possibility
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of russia’s participation in the swiss format, although naturally no one invited us there, but nevertheless, naturally, someone else hopes for it, but definitely not the president russian federation, let's listen to what he said about the conference in switzerland, we are ready for discussions, we will never they refused, i just said, this is not a joke, i didn’t come up with anything other than troops. the westerners immediately took them away and told ukraine not to sign, fight, they took the visor and are doing it, we were immediately told, well, now we will fight to the last, that ’s what we were told, there will be no more negotiations, now they see that it’s not working out, maybe until the last it may be possible, but it’s not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now they’ve started shouting, let’s go there urgently... a conference, please, russia will be to participate, we are ready to participate in peace
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negotiations, but we don’t invite you, well , those, cinema, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so they don’t invite us, and you ask on what terms , well, why am i now going to put forward conditions and ask to go there if they don’t see us there, well, it’s really a position. in this case, i completely agree with our president, because the western position is already almost anecdotal, it’s really already somehow difficult to analyze analytically methods, just here are some examples that demonstrate all its stupidity and paradox, in fact, what it requires from russia is that you promise that you will surrender, and then we will invite you to switzerland, you will come and that means, that is, for..
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, during which we can realize the protection of our legitimate interests, and not where
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they demand from us, it means that we are ready to give up all our interests for a serious dialogue, we will not play these various games, deceptions, we will not play along with them, no more. moreover, we will shed light on these against these attempts to deceive us, to mislead both china and india. then, judging by the reaction of the audience, the words of our president really find understanding, and i would also like to draw attention to the fact that our president has repeatedly said that a tragedy is happening for us. “we don’t revel in blood, it’s the west that revel in blood, they simply behave like kupyrs who
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want to drown the ukrainian people in this bloody, bloody mess, therefore, in our country, and the truth from the point of view of our national interests, and the moral truth is also on our side, well, of course, this story with the swiss conference, on the other hand, it is extremely cynical for the west, because it’s european.” by the way, yesterday i tried to develop a common position, hungary did not give, the position is, in fact, one, zelensky’s formula, what is the zelensky formula, the zelensky formula is the border of 2014, that is, without crimea, donbass there with... zaporozhye, kherson and so on, but it is clear that it is impossible to discuss this, putin said: “ let’s look at the istanbul one. there was a formula, yes, at least, yes, there, from which it would be possible to build on, and many of you accepted that we are again ready to return to istanbul, but to that point, of course, we will not return to that point , but the main thing, but take this into account, but the main thing is
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to start from a point, as it were, long before istanbul , yes, there, before
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because they fired and continue, unfortunately, to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well, there are civilians there people are dying, but it’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the center of the city, at residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary
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zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans for today, no for today, vyacheslav alekseevich , i’ll start a little with the spiritual, and then i’ll move on to this speech, look what happened, vladimir vladimirovich was in the orthodox church in harbin, and we see how well-groomed it is, and tonight in kiev the vladimir-olsk chapel was demolished desyatinsky monastery, yes, that is, this is a blow to orthodoxy. the abbot of the svyatogorsk monastery was arrested, in fact all the monks of the kiev-pechersk lavra are under siege, yes, that is, these are the conditions we find ourselves in today, that is, this is where ukraine is heading, so if we compare with china, and if we take in the kharkov direction, in one word, literally in one phrase, vyacheslav alekseevich, i will characterize it: the troops do not want to let down their
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commander-in-chief, the president, our enthusiasm is advancing in the kharkov direction and... our cities, this naturally happens, and the main donetsk direction helps a lot in this, well, if we talk about kharkov, then there is one sure sign in fact, when zelensky comes to hold a meeting of the white-headed duck, the place is over, it’s just certain , here’s bakhmut, avdeevka, how zelensky arrives,
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that’s it, yesterday he held an insertion meeting in kharkov, well, well, what did he mean? putin, i think we will soon find out whether we are not going to solve this problem today, we are going to solve it tomorrow, or whether he is today we have a different task, because let ukrainian strategies now guess, yes, what did putin mean when he said that today is the day, today, putin’s syndzy, today, yes, such an item is not on our agenda , this is what is on our agenda, and what is on tomorrow? now in kiev, let them think, well , we will discuss what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation immediately after the advertisement.
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hello to our huge country. i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenessey river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the frost turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date, we have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country, this is a horizon, this is interesting, these are new emotions, people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our shredezh, in russia there are no borders, russia has only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia, i’ve been writing all my life. elements since childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no creative zone, this is the living room, your bedroom, and it would also
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be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something lyrical, romantic, light-weight, what -this is an accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, they combine very beautifully with gray. with a gold plume, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown, about comfort, premiere, tomorrow is on the first, we are in a unique place, clearly in the middle, between the north pole and the equator, friends, we are on stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, just like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, boys,
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according to statistics, girls jump more than boys, more instincts have to be dealt with more, oh, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the more it’s worse, i have to jump, i’m very scared, let’s go, the premiere is on the first tomorrow. listen, you’re kind of strange today, nothing happened to you, i declare you husband and wife, anxiety, sorry, i’ll only be here for an hour, an hour and a half maximum, what happened, i crossed the border intruder plane, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you are not a coward, but you must know the whole truth. they can still get you, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch, you realize the moment, of course, the ring fell,
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bad omen, seryozha, fourth, answer third, something happened, i’m very sorry, maine, interrupted flight harry powers tomorrow. on the first, believe me, you don't know what expensive real estate is until you come to hong kong, this is my entire apartment, it's less than 10 square meters, welcome to the kitchen, now you see it all, you studied in order to be a feng sh master or this is not taught in universities, this is ancient knowledge, you probably noticed in chinese buildings there are just big holes in... the center, this is so that the house does not interfere a dragon flying past, and are you playing for money or just for fun? what are you saying, the chinese
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never play for fun, it’s not interesting, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, he looks for her in the crowd, and she thinks of running away until the last minute, the cat tries not to cross paths with the dog, maybe buy a house for a million rubles for her, she was feeding on the first 5 minutes ago. the big game
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is live, a special military operation is clearly entering a new phase now, our troops are conducting active offensive operations in all directions, but the enemy is also clearly reaching a new level of escalation. the ministry of defense announced this today in a message about the number of strikes that were carried out on targets in our country over the past night. let's listen. during the past night, a number of attempts were stopped kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks on targets on the territory of the russian federation. duty air defense systems destroyed and intercepted 51 uavs on the territory of the crimean peninsula, 44 uavs on the territory of the krasnodar territory, six baplaa on the territory of the belgorod region, and one uav on the territory of the kursk region. during the night , naval aviation and patrol boats of the black sea fleet destroyed six
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unmanned boats. well, i must say that some reached their goal in sevastopol, there was a power outage, but this does not lead to how does it compare, in scale and in actual effectiveness, with the blows that our armed forces inflict every day? it is no coincidence that now in ukraine the power outage has already become total throughout the country for a long time, but what is happening? boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert, will now tell us specifically about the fronts of a special military operation. boris alexandrovich, you have the floor. good afternoon, but in sevastopol i can say that more than 85% of subscribers in the city are already powered, the repairmen are working well, by tomorrow the main consequences will have been eliminated, this was the largest drone attack on crimea, it was, if we take its scale, it was quite successfully repelled, it is important to note that an important
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role was played by what... yesterday they managed to sink some of the naval drones are on the approaches to crimea, so the enemy’s naval part of the attack didn’t really work out, well, of course, this of course does not negate the fact that we continue to deliver very intense strikes, that is, they regularly fly into kharkov, the zaporozhye region, the right bank, the attacks will continue, this again seriously affects the situation on the front line, if we go from south to north, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200brabotin and verbovoy we continue to reduce the size of the vremya ledge, there the enemy is one way or another losing certain positions and
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there are advances in in belogorovka , several houses were occupied in our favor, already in the village itself , bypassing the local quarry; in the krasnolimansky direction , positional battles are still going on without changes; in the svatovo-kupyansk direction, our troops continue the assault on ivanovka and are fighting near the outskirts of stel
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makhovka, it is important to note that the enemy... is now hastily withdrawing troops from here and throwing them towards the kharkov direction, where the situation is worsening for him, the battles for volchansk continue there, the battles are taking place in the center of the city, the enemy has sent very serious forces there to slow down our advance, nevertheless it continues to the west, to the east of volchansk the village of zybina and part of the volchansk camps were taken, and there, in fact, our troops bypassed volchansk from the east, and battles also began for the important village of leptsy, through which one of the important roads to... kharkov passes through, and accordingly, there is also progress in the lukyantsy and staritsa area. in general, the initiative here is guarded by senior troops; zelensky’s statement that the offensive of russian troops has been stopped is an attempt to pass off wishful thinking. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozheno, the advance of our troops on all fronts of the northern military district. well, you just came from the line of combat contact, what is the mood of our guys there? you know, there
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has been inspiration lately and this is connected. including with correct information actions in general in our entire information field, in correct coverage of what is happening in the world, what is happening in the country, our guys, i didn’t just say that they support the supreme one. igor, what is there, that is, this is what is in china, what will be accepted, how will it affect the fact that the guys are just ordinary privates in positions in positions, this is of interest, but the most important thing is the donetsk direction, how the guys feel, then that today we are doing everything to hold back the enemy along the entire line.
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to combat government corruption, but it continues to face obstacles. the ongoing war with russia has created new opportunities for corruption, including bribes, kickbacks and inflated purchase prices, especially in the arms sector, as transparency is limited by degrees
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of secrecy. corruption and problems with the rule of law in ukraine are the biggest challenge to the country's post-war economic recovery and attracting foreign investment. in general, of course great, the government is taking action. directly, but really there is such, let’s say, well , the decomposition that was going on in the kiev regime, it certainly takes place, and since they do not consider this their country, their homeland,
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they do not consider the people whom they have seized power and rule, they do not they consider this to be their people, then of course stealing and profiting from all this is quite enough for them. natural state, these are temporary workers, but - these attempts of the west to shift only to the local ones, their own people have absorbed all responsibility, this also should not to mislead, because westerners first put those who listen to them, force them to do something, and then shift the blame, this is not only the case in ukraine, in afghanistan, on whom they put the blame, on those whom they themselves installed, in they did the same thing in iraq, in georgia, which means they also attacked saakashvili at some point. therefore, this is their normal and usual tactics, but at the same time they already understand that the situation is bad, so the talk about the inevitability of sending some military formations already from nato sounds very seriously, in any case, the new york times gave information about the position of the chairman
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of the joint chiefs of staff of the united states, charles brown. let's listen. nato allies are getting closer to sending troops to ukraine to train ukrainian troops. ukrainian authorities have asked their american and nato counterparts to help train 150,000 recruits close to the front lines for faster deployment. until now the usa. refusal, but the chairman of the joint committee chiefs of staff, general charles brown, jr., stated that the deployment of nato trainers appears inevitable, "eventually we will get there over time," he said. in the meantime, he said, actions in ukraine would put a ton of nato trainers at risk, and would likely mean a decision to use precious air defenses to protect trainers rather than critical infrastructure. seems inevitable. but i feel sorry for the instructors, we have seen
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statements by various politicians and military western figures who contradicted each other, now they have begun to contradict each other within the framework of one of their own statements, because he says: on the one hand we are sending, on the other hand we will not send, because these nato instructors will need to be protected by precious air defense systems . in the end , it seems to me that what the west is saying now, it is giving various options for its possible actions.
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the states have now joined the river flotilla vessels to the captain of this vessel and clearly did not give the laurels of the ukrainian captain who destroyed a bridge in baltimore. this is gavlenston texas, the barger collided with the dam, damaging the bridge. blocking the roadway for the movement of vehicles to the oil spill, and of course the railway track that was there, it clearly sagged not where it was going before, this is a serious matter, 2.0 goluns of oil spilled into the surrounding waters, besides pittsburgh, pennsylvania, two cars of a light rail train derailed in this city, winder georgia, a car of a freight train. derailed, tulare south
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dokotok, south of this city , an accident occurred between a train and a semi-trailer. west wall city, utah, derailed - trax light rail train with 16 people on board, luti florida, the train collided with a truck that was transporting logs, well, everything is as usual in the united states, here is an american journalist, chris salceda . summed it up well. the campaign against trump is collapsing. the american people, and even democratic voters, are outraged at the catastrophic decline the united states is experiencing. those who love america have gone over to trump. simply put, americans know that people in power are incompetent, stupid, selfish, and do not seem to work for americans. that's it, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated and won. will be behind us, we give the floor to the news and see you again at
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17:00 don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and the main thing at this moment in china is a statement of strategic importance in harbin , vladimir putin answered questions from journalists that relate to ukraine, untied.


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