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tv   Inside Story 2019 Ep 213  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2019 2:32pm-3:01pm +03

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yeah. you see that's that's it that's. yeah i. know. you have a career over by the situation but we'll see what this shows you know. if you think you. can bernie what are you looking for with this examination. how to see if that's the corner. not collapsing from the point at which you're uncertain of the new line. because you. know. so far it looks like more right. than it is going to the smaller sized objects now. the improvement from pre-surgery test
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is dramatic it really is amazing. she was able to see just. how big yours don't or she could recognize it before the operation ok you know. she improved to be able to see this something credible we know you know we know this guy. i'm doing my best i think she's very you know it's just my sense she's going to say. i. saw him come to the end of my time in zambia and what's been wonderful to witness is this very special relationship between all of us and it's local partners and the success of this project has been plain to see in the stories of lucy and her sisters and the hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have had their site saved and their lives change they see.
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the public health care system in pakistan as in many developing countries struggles with a lack of resources the result is that specialist medical treatment such as the old british transplant is out of reach of many of the poorest and the most and. yet here at the sindh institute of your own agenda transplantation one man's passion means that today more than a 1000000 patients here receive top class medical treatment at no cost on the job without demanding kharaj in pakistan to meet the doctor who has spent the last 40 years providing free health care to those who need it most. kidney disease is a huge health issue in pakistan compounded by poor diets and sanitation within the population. in 1972 dr added brisbane set up a small urology unit in karate to deal with this issue. inspired by the national health service of the u.k. his goal from the beginning was to offer this treatment absolutely free to
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everybody. dr is me i look nice to meet you here and by you well all thank you very much how are you all right i'm going to fix like that again popping off as i u t has grown. from just an 8 bed was to now offer 650 beds in 9 separate centers across pakistan and today is the largest health organization in the country. so dr is free yeah how many of these patients will be seen today every well i was in or got here last year for. our patients from all over the country. and have been nothing no to anybody. how can. somebody come to hear of it you were caught and he's coming to light. the people who come in real feeling i could a day you could want to live and for people to quietly disappear. with you the
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lumber of the future here. here if you can or flowing. again. and i know i did it with facility i'm going to pay for it with the candidate well. i have to admit i'm actually shocked to see so many here and so is deliberately i wanted 3 young. at age 75 dr rizvi still work 7 days a week to keep pace with the numbers of people expecting medical attention on a daily basis. so what if it. condenses started here really in this room in which year i started filming tonight but at that time was only treatment in here for a challenge hollerith even from the beginning although day one. how did you manage
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that makes barry still regards to you as a u.t. now receive some government funding but it relies predominantly on money on equipment donated by individuals and organizations for. within the country and some from overseas you're coming from france where frankly speaking i had really been trying to become god i mean if i was going to be here my editor there was supposed to be a doctor. and tried he'd ground for me for the sake of my mother or trip. by live. i would often be going to news mind you. haven't got him in mind. one patient who is currently on dialysis and in need of a transplant is 35 year old asif who system assad has agreed to donate
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a kidney. asif works as a tailor to support his family in one of the poorest parts of kharaj she said to. my ass about it are you getting hello everybody i got it like that hello. how are you all you know we're going to hear she's off she's up right so i said what does it mean for you to be able to have this transplant. big meeting. with a. new. lives but. that is what though that. you scared about to morrow. well no. you know i think the life. of me. i don't know. what to tell my. so
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much pain. about me. but then you say you don't know what it was but you need to get back to work that's why this is very important was not how you feeling about to more than you know the. no you don't do that but just for a little bit like this. forgive me if i do anything. among how do you feel about tomorrow but i would ample must make how you're going to get me i'm going to i'm not i'm going to manage to. and you mother look i'm not going to muster up enough. courage in charlotte so laura will be fired no problem tomorrow. or. later in the week asifa most of that attend and so you tif a surgery. i was so that's how you get really how you feeling.
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periods relaxed ok good luck. to the summer it's going to go into states is now over so where to harvest the kidney so she's going to have that s.e.z. on the table if it's if she's already been washed concert. there are a few teams of operating surgeons one team removes and some of that's done a kidney and the other implanted into the recipient asir along our border or to the kidneys filter waste products from the blood before converting them into europe in the hope is that after transplant asif will no longer need dialysis to rid his body of waste your good. how are you ok you look nervous. ok. so that's one point but if the surgeries are going to.
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talk to reason overseas both teams so back to the sub that's it here. just exposing the kid now. that this is a photo you know it's just. putting it on the school should you know just to explain that they keep in miami is that it's mostly small surgeons continue to work with most of that doctor rizvi makes preparations for us it's operation. it's it's . got to establish should the patient yes kind of deliver threadless kidney and paste but you know they get the feeling that they're right i think. this is to. meetings and it's pulse drinking yes but the. and that's the way. with our country of that going us kids are going to be hooked up with darky of
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the sleeping and the green of the horrid link and the being up but you see that a lot of good that you were to will be going to be the blair to get through that. or your idea that. you really. had to really i think. it's free so let's kidney has been successfully removed and is now being prepared for passage transplant how long is riskier time cross there's not more than hoping it will go cold solution when. the doctor yes and he will be who will be quote so done with a body in mind when we're going to use how many cases of you don't sort. out you're really turns away. all right all right that's the. number 4525 call he remembered his number i hear over of
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a neighbor seeking you getting high. with the being washed up oh i see i didn't that's just not ok. dr ritchie and his team carried out pakistan's 1st kidney transplant in 1085. plus damien he did the 1st game to deny anybody we were tense because we had we must not do with anything leg and be without that to your leg. or the heart and no he wanted to bring on. a need of a spotlight and we have a little. union started putting. this in some changes since then. all of the opinion about who died who followed the knowledge. one 5th of. the team what foster connection a son let's get me to asif spain and author of. getting here for the for being.
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here when which isn't going to get there just for now this is the kidney replied you saved me. from the longer looks white for the blood has gone through is that right and with your it's a good thing you were to look at i believe you're in dripping out for this the kid you want to. pick through the good will. of course prefer the process of this could be didn't work it didn't have dialysis the survival of her whole mood today he would have found this treatment anywhere else there was. in the design. of death. the following day asif and my son that's a. covering in the post operation. so that's how you
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do or yeah it's champagne. that's going to really be a little bit scared to look at a really big. one over by. and here is are you feeling as if you're going to my field of course i'm learning a very good book does a better line of the you would do it now while. you do it with the well being really doesn't look all that i got through them like it's amazing and what about your mother my that that you never break up a 6 year old friend. people are going to take care of i. as if a massage will join the list of thousands of transplant recipients and durness who will receive lifelong support following best surgery. meanwhile dr rizvi and his
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team continue striving to keep up with the ever increasing demand for the medical treatments that i saw you tee off i'd done so much already well i don't remember it so i don't know who to admin with it. it's mine i might what i'm doing and my being i'm training the surgeon there better than me i still there will never be a break of. every human being. in this thread throughout this cause. he. just got he would be. the go to the right to access help get treatment you need. yeah. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis how many would not have to die like this stock
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responses all are really for sale an investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch because of the amounts of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera al-jazeera as their want us to embrace the good schools today to see what happens next speech which will be unpredictable fired by the barriers for a model barricaded the old 7th street that leads to here the middle east now is what about change people have gone hospital near the area the mission of the national army is just 16 times one complex and i'll just do a stories about telling it from the people's perspective what they think is happening in their country. bigger and potentially more dangerous that's the best way to describe what's happening with the smoking alternative known as favorite i
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enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 2013 in 2014 alone we start tripling in use among us high school students and head to head comparison ysaye 1st is conventional cigarette which one do you think has helped my opinion i think they're both dangerous take no one else is in. devika palin and these are the main stories we're following an al-jazeera south korean president has condemned japan's decision to impose trade restrictions he's just wrapped up an emergency cabinet meeting after took your remove souls preferential status muna threatening to take firm action and is describing japan's
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decision ass reckless protests against japan have been held in south korea relations between the 2 nations have recently worsened last year south korea's supreme court ordered japanese firms to pay compensation for forced labor during world war 2 robert fried has more from seoul. he called this a reckless decision that was sure to make things worse between the 2 neighbors he also talked about the efforts by the united states to try to broker some sort of deal between these 2 most important of regional allies really trying to call a time out and just saying calling on both countries to cool it to have a freeze and to try to disk talk this through he said that south korea was very willing to do that it was japan that rejected it and in fact blaming japan for rejecting all international efforts mediation and saying that will be japan that should be wholly responsible for whatever is going to be the outcome from this
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japan he didn't accept the japanese explanation for why this was happening moon like everybody else here in south korea believes this is very much just a pure retaliation for this court case over the water time atrocities carried out by japan and saying that this move is very much an attack on the south korean economy coming at a time when moon says that the economy is already in a grave situation and this he says between 2 countries that have been up until this point very close allies and neighbors he ended his speech in a very patriotic note saying that whatever japan does south korea will never be defeated saying that to succumb like that would be a repeat of history really harking back to the bad old days of the last century when. the korean peninsula was basically a colony of japan and suffered at their hands and saying attendance in the region
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north korea launched 2 new short range ballistic missiles from its east coast on friday if confirmed it'll be the 3rd such launch and just over a week earlier on thursday north korean state media released these images stuff their leader kim jong un overseeing the test firing of a new rocket launcher system on wednesday. so 1st the latest launches could affect any future talks on denuclearization com we expressed deep regret that north korea's missile launches including ballistic missiles could negatively affect if it's to establish peace in the korean peninsula so we will keep a close eye on the religious movements and prepare. the u.s. president donald trump has announced more tariffs on goods from china he says he's not happy with the progress of trade talks and wants a 10 percent tariff imposed on the remaining $300000000000.00 worth of chinese imports tariffs are due to take effect on september 1st with the fighters in yemen have killed dozens of people at
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a military parade in aden the rebels targeted forces loyal to yemen's government which is backed by saudi arabia and the u.a.e. earlier in the day a suicide bomber killed 11 people at a police station but the attack wasn't claimed by the who these. doctors in sudan say least for protesters have been killed by security forces it happened during nationwide marches against the killings of 6 other demonstrators earlier in the week the ruling transitional military council is blaming paramilitary rapid support forces for those. and iranian and u.a.e. border forces have met for the 1st time in 6 years they signed a deal to strengthen and expand maritime border cooperation this follows a number of incidents in the gulf. the u.k.'s new prime minister boris johnson has suffered his 1st electoral defeat his governing conservative party lost a by election in brecon in wales the seat was taken by the pro european union
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liberal democrats it reduces the prime minister's working majority in parliament to just 1. 0 world stay with us. looking. at this team in iraq. i'll just 0 recently conducted an investigation into events in bahrain occurring several years
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ago. it uncovered evidence of a secret deal between the bahraini national security agency and members of al qaida . it's alleged they targeted opposition figures in the 2011 protests part of the so-called arab spring. al-jazeera arabic reporter tom i'll miss hell conducted the investigation on one of his findings was secret video recordings made by several leading al qaeda figures. but the head of the internet son mohammed saleh was closely linked to al qaeda in bahrain. you know see. here. and a very innocent. is a bahraini national who registered at
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a military training camp for the soldiers of allah linked to al qaeda. the recordings of these men had been kept secret since july 20th levon and have only recently come to light. i shot. 4 months before alba louche recorded this statement on the streets of bahrain had been the scene of violent clashes between the offshore it is and opposition protesters the question is why did mohammed saleh. choose to make these secret video recordings at that time i also do other mark but. i don't know who or what he was going to. be dark or not. and why. it has. been the only way to.
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us not even know my god your house will not be. one of. the. following on rest in to near 0 and egypt opposition demonstrators took to the streets of the capital manama in february 20th levon. the protests quickly gathered momentum. and the authorities responded with military force. and never look at the. nordan.
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demonstrators occupied pole roundabout in manama demanding greater democracy and an end to discrimination against the majority shia muslim community by the sunni regime. the protesters were driven out in march 27th when king hamad declared a state of emergency and brought in the peninsula shield for the military wing of the gulf cooperation council. this is left tenant colonel yes i'll just. he was the commanding officer of the force that cleared coal roundabout on the 16th of march 20th levon. luck mate left bahrain in 2015 but when tom i'll miss how much i mean june 29th he talked for the 1st time about
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what happened just a little roundabout with this idea when we left on it because you could even have a beautiful look at the north of a head in 3 thought east so i shut it off badly on 100 mint. 100 on the do 100 the water quantity but i don't know. about meds in the manner that i need that be a little can it. come from the dentist in my room up under the kind of under. the honeymoon with. the can an obscene walk a little sauce went off towards more. of a fairly well canal build fit for 3 so yeah. yeah i mean with a motherboard i don't know him i don't want any more to the limit often i get another one just where are scary a machine with a lot in and with a one myself and to be able to deal with the digit. kind of humor on the bar to got a lot to look up that i see. through a bus with
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a hole that bob hope i would have you want to know about. and one more. money and. i'm listening to what they're going to automate your mental battles in the book no not so much on what it was i don't what kind of but the does of as well a kind of a little providing him with a how do you my only can all kind of look at them what you had then said a mom in the kind of resentment a lot of them. come out of the effort of other selfish pay for their selfish. because if the out about jordan i know you have enjoyed having us that the model. may have been me. i'm. on it. you know on the arm. that's how they get them i'm.
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sure and i did so but 1st i'm not you know i don't i'm not sure if it wasn't we're going to have to we're out of the field i am not somebody with a shot the country. is a body on many at the level of a set of the allegation but i couldn't. carry it with. me and what. if it would be inhibiting the end of the interview with alger left me raise the question as to whether the bahraini authorities deliberately demonize the opposition and demonstrators by promoting the idea that the confrontation was with so-called terrorists groups planning to overthrow the government i would note that the government. made it clear to us that they had evidence. of attempts by iran and hezbollah to to finance train and supply.


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