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tv   Now I Have A Voice  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2019 1:32am-2:01am +03

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months of unrest and the complete withdrawal of a now suspended extradition bill. have also been protests in russia after police launched a crackdown on opposition protesters in moscow arresting more than 800 people demonstrators angry at the exclusion of some opposition candidates in upcoming city elections saturday's demonstration follows a similar one last weekend of police detain more than 1300 people hopes are high in sudan for a new more democratic future after the transitional military council and the main opposition reached across national dream and it outlines a temporary government with shared power until elections in 2022 aid workers are warning that the number of cases of ebola in the democratic republic of congo may be higher than previously thought is how the outbreak could last up to 3 years. those are your headlines next up it's soap box mexico thanks for much for watching see you soon. in one lifetime and we cannot see everything with our own
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eyes without testimony we would know very little witness documentaries that open your eyes on al-jazeera. because now. the. start was rather. just in the. cities simply. you know you get the best of this in the because. if you don't get up it is enough. because i basically felt like.
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the middle class was. the easy to get the let go of the bit let me go out with the most of the believe in going to. continue to. play. but it's not going to see the cause of it you know was just you know going to get a little bit yeah it was good you know you're not at the mecca of alcohol. or smoking this and i don't want a meal or table because i want to look back i don't like it but it's you can make
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that the sense that you know what's going to hit me baby can do no good you know we're not going to he didn't behave. well was the set i saw this was about the office the money had this he thought the mother said oh no. there's an extra point of the separate from him that this was for this and his kids in that room and i'm a big girl mccomb and saw the limo hit is this for me sets it is 70 how does you know what i get. the kids to yes uncle and see and this didn't want trolls us was that it chills. pleased to see me in the. least. that he hook up the commode. i did hear them. in our area if you look up you cannot. see seattle to be endless while the drive away in the bush and the way the media
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bed or. on a formality to keep us updated is a certain balance just as i do and but in the wake of america rare to see is on the bus young. did he strike when whimper sadducees maces he dominus to be up and stand that. is we really. this indulgence. will. come over valuable good in their will or through the negotiation or the loss of them but we were. there is will bring you the. happiest with all of us to go. by paul in the world in the. most positive this is the grilling but because of the
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. difficult until my mother and mother and i feel it in control balance but until. the officer has a family. i am honestly suffice it to discuss and proceed. you know like well. why. are so nice out musea why getting conflicting. with them could embrace that we are going step you know your big comeback on michael you know this here has got to look as if you know you don't love it you don't realize that you have it there you are the look on this for us and for that as you said your status as when you're the longer you went out but i don't really that is next year i'm ok this had me that risks and i will do what i told. them
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what i learned was later but they're not going to talk. ok ok larry that not all the support to see i think it is because when i got it se did it just. but i'll see what. i'm going to do with your documents that once you are. out what should the feel good morning that i don't know they are sick of the government on the ground to compete. with other. normal that will tell you nothing. but also do good to see you still on that. very. thing although i'll. never. look to see. littles this there's no need but i will come.
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the women have what they don't mind getting now i'll be looking at 60. people saw last. thing one night in a pinball of a sponsor without the not been going host. this. community is in the news the movement. don't think it's a cinematic that's all you know this isn't my scene noble norman miss and me significant when i'm not motherly to fist as in fact the list class is. significant .
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because not to have this is. not going to molest them. the. most. common and for many. iraqis. i met i was one of perfect. wrestler little blue raper curious who was because. i know the working middle way is because they are can never think of her role. let me. ask you know where all the holes are so who was also like as a little grocery. reader this is how when i listen to
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a pretty serious i don't know really he says the missus. you know it's given me just to go on and the question of course isn't this is a spammer list up on someone others the pretty you look i see but aren't there my hands come over you care when we got beaten look you think the key where i'm going to break. the law of the most losses of cases i will. sinopoli of the work on. most of them is that i don't think the. rent the fellas and the. tears will get to see. them would truly. believe.
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i'll be topless man and dinners in this town behind to see sutra that song that mr bates is though they will shine my let's go on this been discussed an idea and look at a mission. to save us to come and the face to face day who is to say let's young big stars that sang is get in and pull it out. ok ok family has milk it is but the little kids see you know and. all said and done the same i asked him inside his dick that meant the whole business. would be done. it. wasn't worth it for me because. this isn't really all you know middle position to look at more than play this woman soon program must be sat on the most going to the
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4 year old and canal looking to pull them as he wanted to put a mushroom assistant on the whirlpool you because mom would dump this. knowing everything long and knowing that this was all that was going on. when the oldest son. is actually coming here and you see joey going to say david you're going to save his rattle competitive. yes right i mean good thing get them to really. just courses. in their own program or just the cia by telling the person you look at him and his pockets. are going to stick up it will in this prison of your linsanity put him at his place and that imus from this team on you know based in monterey on the song as the city is said to be that i believe sally that they may be so it could be a mosque a center is stuffed with. several
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people that this would be a bit by bit it's the strong that's what it meant to have an incident like the board is a place of down the program may remove people from people this was just a good request at least it i believe you'll hear that only and that is what makes me go to get updates if i will the business has but it is a good. well the yesterday by the heat stroke than that was turned on by like a political god let's he would have. asked. him what he was able to give us but if we can if we see that it. is a given month yes a month given when the system leaves little bit here in europe would most proceed which would put the government off facebook and it was decided earlier that if you're going to stick to it as i said above i don't doubt it so you might like that
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it would give a good feel. for the thoughts that pm for their style kokomo grip on make up people or even now in many of us heard ok when the credits you may see on the various told us to make our own. family has more with the us than for others for all us. save mess and. more none of us about the marine corps corps has about. going with us and delicacy and us that i keep.
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if you know that the consequence doesn't mean you know something in the form of what i'd like is that i mean if the field of political manner for the way forward for. me whatever my 150 lies or have entered any other vendor stuff more will list down to this guy youngest daughter. mean years when you get him based on he could do better you're not i don't even know if you can i guess who i'm going back they might yeah ok so might feel a little muscle that. their legal opinion will be helping me get my medicine i get that i don't i mean getting defensive minded then brings. up cause.
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i break that you will not say you are going to write it was all. we were doing business together mr surveyor. till yesterday before i went to meet you but. if you want to know why the money i don't. have the best and 2nd time there were no mother them all then that somebody i'm going to marry was a bit cynical and 3rd game because of the luckiest was useful my you were going to say was a little similar to this is a little late for that so you then. made a little you're suddenly political leaders to look into those templates that you mean for your. look at this with a. bit of the reason i'm going to fear. this is a local mall. that many. of. your school.
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people. when they're. most apple products have everybody made a call at the capitol or a similar one is claiming that it was by the horse even then when they yes they stopped at a. lady isn't it that nobody asked. it's a good time oh my mother in more than ever now is something called the imbalance a big factor into this dimple can make us forget about all of the visions isn't ready. to give us the go give birth displaced us likely because we're going to happen from here if this is. not the big deal if you're not there they must have some of them and then the. elements not one of the much as i mean. to see this
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begin as the gullibility i. think. that the us. resulting from them which is a populist perfume out i think is 1000000 we're not expecting. here one point but the point i want to make you as a consumer. out and in the administration is i think at the best honestly i like our core selling point i think it's a nice. human that you. know you're not body having the. cost of all the like last. loud. in meetings and at the local media i only see on this to the glee camp when the c.s.l. does cause us us us all. to catch up to me just giving up on my requests from in front of me and that's what
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the american people and take whether benefitted from my mccollum i don't think that i am a spirit animal behind the camera is from him that i have painted it of as if i'm going to have a look again and from then on and finance your particular. song stances you seem to pull us out looking you in a. while to nettlesome most to get on a pose have allowed again you can not even bother sealing a park and perkiness assessment for some but i think my own citizens could learn to sing at times and they were thought ok i was but i'm me me mad only. me process also not openly en masse if i ever heard them and what was said at the time some could see a plea you made it didn't make sense ok if by that it's all they suppose it's ok nothing else. here without us as if it was never that i mean joining the e.u. is one percent of it then it's just this it might have been yes isn't it oh yes.
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that's. the man i think. it's critical your physician or you very much for your. service. this would have for the money is for them oblivious to the emotions would have for. years and all that. became it may not but it won't and there's a good that i don't for but assistant that he's the guy because i want you maybe who are just as the old demoing that i use and. yes the most is the apple google settling into the saloon the shit is noting which. excuse me the official that just. that it. was the city of homs when i respond in one of my answers back to
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the sinking 91 man because he's. on the list that the us is on the go if not the beginning us he doesn't want to. get it all going to some of the humor which will i let him get his miss most when he says how do you see me sources and use google groups and get them to see us in the big don't belong to him again visit us and eat soup but their response would be that it is to please them in my milk or using my 2 letters bridges simply because that they don't see the most places that they do this even to see them as must be so pleased to see. where the bit i want for one and 2 things are going to. come as man might make a bus that is. more you must turn out king you also must pass
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a cafe you got us thinking. you can overcome the money in a bicyclist blundell that point i feel so good. on this and don't feel we just didn't. believe that it was the race this is misleading as you look if you believe. that goes on he is sort of the this that he leads. this man's name is that he made it for instance you are missing the much more important thing to the savage given to put it one coming. judgement justice sanity is just so you see an ability to repay me to pass. the bill c.n.c. he's obviously going to invest. several syllabus there's about
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a year for my b. my b.s. then more of them the more you have to see that. plus i'd rather see the sort of lawsuit. that. was it was the 1st thing we see is because it looks like we're. just learning. that. your. comic speakers. legitimacy were used to go to. you. in a minute. and would bring me more my. wife going to break her innocence when our pm assumes gary know. we're going to going to get a place that will or. could. give mr graham. was
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a good. friend that. anyone would do the grammy and be. in my life yes it's. passes me just as a singer. for that. matter i just. can't see you getting up to see it in the same place that was. in the museum like people. c.c.'s it or not that up because of the where might be or more clearly we have one
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our schools must bear all. that make one tacky. macedonia. say your 4th understand the make a stand. but are sorry i was that there was. a certain this important thing. yeah my on. line it. was. august america but then years of the still have my family. get the hell you can only wish to. see here he said. to sit by and they will see at
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. least that those were sent qantas by us in the c. s. he killed all the lucky kid he had a money and so he'd. it's a look at most i think. you. make guns sold. in detroit. in no money it's good. to know there's a rare. ball yet your good all right good deal all another way to. go you wanted it over 48 and all those dough. got off to boulder when the bluff but all the all 1 over 1.
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captaining a league team at 16 years old takes determination. to that staying on top of your game at school. the whole family bands together and shares the sacrifices necessary for a song to have a shot at becoming a professional footballer. 0 home game on a jersey. just off one of his main highways the family collects as much water as possible from the mountain above. a nationwide blackout left millions without power over water supplies. but this water is not portable the
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health ministry is recommending people treat it with chlorine but with none available. hopes that boiling it 1st will make it safe for her family to drink dr. says the increased consumption of untreated water in the last 3 weeks is making an already catastrophic situation worse of anyone in norway no we don't have the precise numbers yet but we know that in the public and private hospitals there's been an acute increase of cases of severe diarrhea that require hospitalization including children under 2 years of age which can be fatal local and international public health experts describe the crisis it's a complex humanitarian emergency. explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how why will reason influence the course of history with the giants of the struggle for civil rights. over.
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to the oppressed. and continue to make roles to be different. and more to fuk a face to fix. this is al jazeera. this is the news hour. coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 15 people are dead in a shooting at a shopping complex in the u.s. city of el paso. i.


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