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tv   Inside Story 2019 Ep 284  Al Jazeera  October 12, 2019 10:32am-11:01am +03

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if you are still in. the union then started the pollution unless the initial. you're seriously seriously . you know this all fits. pretty thing since i didn't. know it was below sound with respect to win the division it can't possibly happen much to say that there isn't so she would. see the normal most if you see on mis if i be sitting there with. syria then the celery and you. shouldn't. this year a lot of the yellow new york going a little better or worse another the one in the muslim american ramadan i mean they
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may have some or not and they are. in the issue that theater but an ability to not realize that she gone that is ron marz image elec they get that someone almost. for me it was about one 3rd of it but it gives no more important. moment to some group. called one of these objective as you sample it for the who you know is all if not whole video could exert of can rationally colleagues you know because we don't want to go people peace for sure because it wouldn't be pretty full is a sure media availability limit or level of news from an organ. i don't go to see direct to treat you want your blood to the. lip but as you put those devil dish announcement today always. i think in
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norman i. said the need some part of me a very dizzy. or blanket child they tell me a good day i wake up the. community. obs to secure him keep on a lot then buy it if you can actually him but not us if you cannot be. any male impose their records not. stand the thought that the sun don't. shine cos accounts on the back to lead the damage son a bad. day. yeah the cossack of their heritage i cannot sit at the back it was do says she passe. it's no longer possible to publicly sell all purchase an archaeological object without legal documented proof of origin. the pressure on private collectors has
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increased. any of their acquisitions can be examined at a time. when the server. is the one in. the forty's who. were going on when you said is that one also. in your walk on water specifically muscle these are pretty careful if you are going to gallop. say 40 killing everybody who says it is legal or. a reason question the clue each year and took my 2 kids like you are now me a place group is cool going to see if i move knowing me into the p.s. room sumanda ph if we actually did know what i think nor. there.
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some don't say on acceptance of the course of the. ski or. off or as who they will forces you to get you fired. and somebody creating their own is a sense of power so i'm sure i'll survive it because in the common waiting on. the funding the talk all but it was our. laws to do employ almost all of them since civil tornado warning is offered and. we never pulled all the rules to receive a similar device one is across one when you have. to divorce it in a new or a repressed moment when yalit in the shura. or the full fuel or me a gal or the vehicle i left for school which. after an 8 hour search the customs
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officers seized $123.00 pieces archaeologists have estimated the value of the collection at $95.00 and euros the collector will be questioned further at the customs offices is facing 3 years in jail. she got it took it as the shuttle is ok. if you were there if you. know what. the able to call in you would be from the last fit but. suppose you. deploy. the shop. as european dealers and collectors are subjected to a growing number of controls they now represent only a small part of the international antiquities market far behind the chinese
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a new category of collector has appeared every year in europe they flock to special . actions ready to spend fortunes to buy back their national heritage. a spending spree that has seen prices skyrocket and guarantee. that he's now getting. very good. on ah i see steve has always been a sellout. these are moderates who preach if the whole event don't and the taliban for the. meat puppet who were tons of so you may appreciate one of these example debris cavity of own bodies home again but then the needy. people on the my deck is me no hope they can go on the bust like usual police hold on the media all meals and so me to demean you and all. guess is still in you better mention your ass right barry had a better year coming up afternoon on
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a jet sheen. that's it i know is it you don't got boy sitting there up at a young she. says so much elated don't pee on me do southwest soft august 2nd friday it did. such a good to do or not but i could put that question right on about i am a citizen of the present lot don't tell and this only present both on don't. want to pursue b.d. they did that slip up with their except they didn't know shit defense of any of so so happy again. the reason bernard gomez is sure he'll find a nato's prepared to buy this chinese seal is because wealthy chinese buyers are willing to invest fortunes in highly symbolic assets.
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these assets include a good number of plundered national treasures objects with a high financial and ideological value. purchases are driven by a strong patrie arctic feeling and encouraged by the state. you know hundreds. of feet down toward the. law and down obama revealed when the hot. hot to go. home being shared 30 years. harleigh. this is believes that those who wish to become cultured should invest in safeguarding national heritage she has even founded an association which aims to repatriate historical masterpieces through any means.
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quarter records he the. so much he that soil pressure you tenderfeet how shitty that means you and that this caesar fought and that the he leak could see him truly that jaffa taiyo show that evil will. not go miss regularly visits mrs barnes home and headquarters to collect the funds necessary for buying back plundered chinese works that are sold in europe i am a foreigner working in china since long time i understood that when there isn't a question of really when. there is no beyond of china's but only one voice it's a national really it belongs to our national and everybody sings the same things you know is very different than our country's. when german soldiers. are turning the. butter was the other day he had to hit the bush would you do it
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that the bush. bears are coming out there tony the only just a total washout and up at. the sound and about are told. so soon kwaito joined so jennifer usher she should go back. to their feet haha. saw that soldier she is out that you know but. the message got across in the west too plundered artifacts must be returned to china otherwise sooner or later you will be held accountable former president of the french union of antique dealers christiane did he personally paid the price in the late 1990 s. he bought a collection of chinese gold plates the for selling part of it to french businessmen on swapping no for 1000000 euros later the 2 men donated the plates to the queen
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may lose him in paris when. one of the most welcome again yearly players can leave me a few years after their donation to the chinese announced that the plates had been looted and beijing demanded the repatriation in 2007 the 1st lawsuit was filed but not pursued 80 years on did he receive a phone call from the french culture ministry is old you. see news or you'll shoot liz a g.t.p. new no. don't sit if they don't also send you blue eyed new leader don't as you need for this yet you'll be doing it. but only real name law accomplices usually most if you don't assume she is she ok. so christian did canceled his donation to the green a museum and flew to china to return the plates to the authorities the other
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generous patron of the arts francoise pino would return his plates in person to the chinese ambassador in paris a month before the official visit to beijing by french foreign minister fabulous a model for cultural diplomacy. can't. dawn. dani babb. were. a. the date is on t.v. in film it is yours she averred. it was a little as all fed will do you need a buzz the i pray you had to deal guess your loss.
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bargaining that has taken on a new dimension. and. parity is now being used for political leverage as a bargaining chip between states. the status of antiquities has changed once thought of as part of the heritage of all mankind cultural assets are now being held hostage by armed groups and used by states for a narrow nationalist political and economic agenda as. action is needed by imposing tougher rules recognized by all through international organizations cultural heritage may regain its true place in our societies.
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there are many seasons in the u.s. so it seems at the moment there is snow as far south as colorado in fact and this is denver the tension in denver dropped from 28 on thursday to bind us 9 on friday that is one huge change and you can see where the snow came in and that's also prompted the santa ana winds in california which doesn't help very much with
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the fires you've got a nor'easter developing in the northeastern corner but the active weather still really remains in the middle with the biggest temperature contrast is so you've got potentially nasty thunderstorms with her running up through the midwest inferred assassin and drifting of the northeast corner still tucking in the snow potential here probably not as far south as nebraska anymore we're talking saturday here and also you see nothing in the sky you also didn't see the cleverness of the winds blowing through the valleys the santa ana still in california the picture for sunday's a little bit quiet of the tempers are quite as low the snow isn't falling as heavily and the nor'easter is gone breathe a sigh of relief drifting sas for the caribbean the still plenty of cloud here the seasonal rains are out there heavy snow in places like nicaragua or a bit further south through costa rica panama and northern colombia which gives some relief to places like haiti which you make.
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on behalf of the majesty's government i apologize reservedly store a couple of g. for one of the dunkin stepaside goods in british intelligence it was a really good grievances that the libyans could be quite useful to the list for 8 years after the death of gadhafi al-jazeera wild investigates western collusion with the libyan security services. gadhafi rendition in the west. on al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. glamour shall carry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. turkish forces push deeper into northern syria as u.s.
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troops evacuate an outpost after coming under fire. the u.s. will be sending more troops and an air defense system to saudi arabia to bolster security against iraq. we've come to a very substantial. phase one deal trump announces a partial trade agreement with china after the latest round of talks. and this year's nobel peace prize goes to ethiopia as prime minister met for helping to end a longstanding war with eritrea. say some american troops have withdrawn from the military position in northern syria that came under fire from turkish forces earlier on friday but it appears the outpost didn't take a direct hit turkish forces are pushing deeper into territory held by the kurdish led syrians over crowded forces in northern syria offensive began on wednesday the
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u.n. says 100000 people have been displaced strafford us at the turkey syria border. black smoke rising over north eastern syria turkish tanks and reinforcements move towards the border the circus military says it's captured a number of villages around the kurdish controlled towns of to lobby out and russell i mean it's reported most if not all the civilian populations fled. the u.n. says that more than 100000 people have been forced from their homes there are civilian casualties among the thousands of people fleeing turkey shell tillery shells soldiers and their syrian rebel allies turkey says it's conducting what it calls an anti terror operation to create a safe zone so syrian refugees in turkey can return. kurdish syrian democratic forces all s.p.f. is putting up a fierce resistance turkey considers the main kurdish fighting force of the f.d.a.
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has aligned with a group which is full the turkish government for decades b.s.d.'s fault alongside u.s. forces a highly effective in defeating eisel in northern syria and the turkish offensive began after the u.s. withdrew some of its forces from the area turkey is nato's a 2nd largest military power blocs chief met the turkish foreign minister in a prescheduled visit he called for restraint but no harsh criticism of the turkish government i shared with him my serious concerns about the ongoing operation under risk of further destabilizing the region escalating tensions and even more human suffering. why church or house legitimacy security concerns i expect church to act with restraint it's turkey's president remains defiant. there it is didn't go down most of the big to make it is that we are not waiting for terrorists to
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come to our door we're now aiming to destroy a target is ations of their source to keep old was a speech to soften it tutorial it to our neighbors but under one condition we are not going to accept actions against our country the turkish military is widening its bombardment of s.d.f. positions along the border forcing potentially thousands more people to flee their homes many of whom were already internally displaced victims of the war in syria child stop at al-jazeera on the turkish syrian border earlier the pentagon released a statement on its troops coming under fire from turkish forces saying this us troops in the vicinity of kabbani came under artillery fire from turkish positions at approximately 9 pm local on oct 11th the explosion occurred within a few 100 meters of a location outside the security mechanisms own in an area known by the turks to have u.s. forces present all u.s.
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troops are accounted for with no injuries which arise as a defense expert at the strat that's a geo political consultancy joins us via skype from arlington in the u.s. state of virginia richard thank you so much so basically the pentagon is saying all u.s. troops are fine but wasn't a scenario like this entirely predictable. oh yes and we've had several incidents in the course of this syrian war in which there have been friendly fire there have been twice at least russian planes have been shot down one by the syrian air force itself and one by the turkish air force so i would be the not surprised that there are going to be more incidents like this as long as this campaign content so. there is been talk that the u.s. could could try to i don't know manage the situation as it were by by announcing sanctions but in many ways hasn't the u.s. are they willingly relinquish control of this trying to manage it after the fact
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how does that work well what the pentagon is doing is a howling that her through various channels where the u.s. forces are the also we're seeing warnings you mentioned the sanctions there is that were discussed earlier today the treasury department the pentagon has reaffirmed that u.s. forces have the right of self-defense so i think there are the both the you know the partment at the level of the treasury the defense department state former are assuming try and work out an arrangement by which will minimize casualties the u.s. and syrian says well so this situation and just the past few days has further displaced at least a 100000 people and there are reports that isis prisoners are going free what is the goal what is the end game for this move that donald trump has made.
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right well just to make clear though the the initiative now is with the turks and so it's it's a question of how far the turks are going to go and how they're going to do it my and understanding is that the the us resistance to the turks intervention will directly reflektor how far the turks what's going to happen with those prisoners you mentioned how many civilian casualties there are so if it's a limited intervention. there's no lease of the many isis prisoners al qaida is unable to regroup and so on then i think will see the level of u.s. warnings lack of support in public but not active opposition if over the converse occurs i think you'll see the u.s. takes much stronger steps to confront and change the surface well into your point absolutely that the turks are in control now but only because the u.s.
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basically has allowed that correct. well you know the turks have been warning they were going to do this several times and so i think that if it didn't occur now it might have occurred later the turks constantly intervene in northern iraq as we now and so i think that you know when the u.s. is trying to make a deal with a very difficult situation i mean more generally the problem with u.s. policy in syria has been the challenge is that the u.s. has a very ambitious goal for syria get rid of assad get rid of the iranian influence provide security for her the israeli limon think housing and so on but the means available in very limited there's not a real strong u.s. ally in syria there's not a good because in the in the civilian side and there are other challenges and so this is what's happening now is been happening over the past 5 years is a very difficult situation for u.s.
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manner makers managed richard weiss thank you so much for your insight appreciate it the u.s. has announced 800 additional troops and extra equipment for saudi arabia to strengthen the kingdom security following an attack on realise oil facilities last month so that brings the total deployment of $3000.00 u.s. forces to saudi arabia president donald trump made a point of saying the u.s. is helping the saudi arabia will actually be paying for the deployment also and were reports from washington. for the 2nd time in a month the u.s. is sending troops to saudi arabia to help protect that country from iranian attacks in response to continue threats in the region i have ordered the deployment to the kingdom of saudi arabia of 2 additional fighter squadrons and supporting personnel along with additional patriot and fat air missile defense batteries taken together with other deployments i've extended or authorized for the last month this involves about $3000.00 united states forces a few 100 u.s. troops went to saudi arabia in mid september after iranian drones and cruise
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missiles destroyed part of the op geike include highs oil facilities washington also impose sanctions on iran central bank and its sovereign wealth fund and this is on top of our oil sanctions and our financial institutions sanctions but this latest deployment is much larger because the trumpet ministration says the threat from terre haute has worsened we are accumulating risk of a regional war and i've been saying that for over a year here in another forum and then on september 14th we had an active war and we continued to accumulate risk of a worse conflict a mid east policy expert said the troop deployment is important but not as important as many assume the additional missile defense systems seem to be a clear reaction to a successful attack by drones and by missiles on saudi oil facilities which actually was a great embarrassment to the united states and to saudi arabia u.s.
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officials insist they're not being provocative by sending more troops and weapons to saudi arabia chances are officials in tehran will disagree roslyn jordan al-jazeera washington. p.j. crowley is a former special assistant to the president on national security affairs he says the deployment is to reassure the u.s. remains committed to security in the region. erst it seems to be an extension of the u.s. reaction to you know what happened last month i think the timing of this has more to do with with well domestic political considerations and regional security considerations you know trying to ministration has taken some some heat here politically in the united states you know for it so it's casual response if you will to the turkish action in syria i think this is a way of trying to balance that off by reassuring those in the regions particular
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goal of the united states remains committed to the security of the region while the overage arching policy is to try to to push back on on you know the growing influence of iran in the region. and that's the policy you know whether it has an effective strategy to achieve that is a very good question you know as prime hook at the state department said today you know that the united states remains open to a diplomatic solution given the rising tension between the united states and iran by the same token when the president on down it is not necessarily creating conditions that enable that diplomatic solution to occur this in china has struck a partial trade which kept potentially end a dispute between the world's 2 largest economies that it's what donald trump has said he held talks with china's vice premier and suspended a terrify contour in a $50000000000.00 for the chinese imports it was set to take effect on tuesday.


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