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tv   The Stream 2019 Ep 164  Al Jazeera  October 15, 2019 7:32am-8:01am +03

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11 minutes we'll. pick up after them i don't know who they have because they want anything in they want better software. because the biggest people i want. to see passed away and went with the most is that they have someone who. is the he that does. the. process or the head of it at these that it's. they need hope yes they have mean you're too good to get a. good up and have the gift. of the government. but.
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they fail you. go through he. said he looked. up at me. but i'll my i mean my. choice. but i'm going to women to say you're one of the. but i want to have. the last. but i thought i had
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a. very independent. little. but i called the familia my family. eliminated him a couple see that being. gay is really better made them. they made us a silver age. into the mojave. went to look at this but i'm very sensitive thought ok look at the color of our. look i'm not going to talk about. the point that we're nominated them
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into a little and then is until the battery is the hope or to. the bottom in time being but never mind you know could be at least a bit this tell you woman about up with a b. b. or c. . if the want to get the middle of a difficult. and told me when i don't know me and the important general manager. but i'll put it in we'll call it what in. very. effective i meant to look at it that a lot of make up is that they. exceed the end of the moment. they're given bleak eyes to one way or harm. in a moment here about that drugs. for me are all right i mean they are. they more
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you are you. being while we are people that. are some of the like when last i you see here. big. by law to go on their perilous state in a battle that already had it is to have had a c. on a level of much more they hate sick people oh you want to hear. that i have no it does have a mother but that he gave me a lot he wrote about this i want and then when i was later it will be made only thing i will guess it is. bad if we don't want them lying to me and. i don't know what i mean. they still come over and i mean yes they live a lot of aging that will be an inmate yes they. are there when they put it but after the battle of either big put it but i have said that b.m. . will get covered up taking the cone you have see. if that motor will be
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aggressive game like in the oil. block if i am almost the whole. deal. you did do. the are. you. know what i say its interest i look to get one busted up in the us going up river but i'm down still are moving stuff so see i like
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a bit of biba. i don't like. the sound bite of the little bit i'm other than most depressed installed. on the back a bit more sustained get them in with what i was alluding to a. number and that's what obama says there is a little bit of make or cent said resolutely remark to the broader market that i'm already done so therefore my last opec address to do so they're actually. help or our market here that i don't know how to do you had that back then but i'm having a concert in my pin number having done that on this show that i said last. night i got my program that's real yes that was not from enough in this book i will not.
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know now from the f.a.a. . well you. know. when you really learn how to be a camera that that's actually. one of those you can see about racing. and those. that will know where that is you have no i'm. glad i lack the guts to ask. really gotten. it consisted of because they do you know hey listen falcao family that having. the home. some of the pic he hangs on the. nq but i thought a lot of i thought of communion when i know how much he 100 m.
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this is the. first of the 80 when i go. so it's going into the constant. but not being the infinite this approach. he fully meant that i am better that way to you and the reason simply. if you can remember one or the slow lot of that they don't dance there. we're presenting. what they may. give you a boy. to get them being taken to judgement way of. organising the early. lonely than them here is. an even better that is
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a lot of i mean fast the only for me feel. good i am at fear of them i you're among the. poor kid lonely that this castle of course. thank. god we're back. to work but one time being. when i would have been. there i welcomed world number one. in. the on the very. open world. but it. does thing at the moment thought in a day or so i made that up at all but i'm going to do it but didn't last couldn't.
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get political in there don't make a medical but are still people out. and recommending the family thankful remember communiqué our little. man had potential and then i say. when i see him in the butt but i'm not. so big one who. are not going to stop it even if the part i mean what i saw probably mother met in my neighborhood meeting. that hell of give couldn't keep up with the guitar player. who loves it but if i knew that muscle man. he thought big. money the main. road a little but i knew the man you know nothing of the witnesses. we
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made up a lot of it you figure i mean good lord am. going to build me when they build up me and for. 150 mile and. any lower lot are still been there almost sort of the exit there could be a lot of i mean you do seem to feel more in the near block was it see on. there that the era of the blue body begins to look a little bit and so either i. or a too familiar. in the would be in the common one time later we are. here slowly imo simply.
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give me an i pad soon i came here and say oh. that was the most but i'll go look up a c i get them into a memo. that will go. i mean you can take a foot on the. can come from the pulpit and hear it on the right in the media in the course of the last we get out here now a local to new york in the house of break up with him down by new york to buy you can beat the county and then come and point that nonbeing don't know man let me. remind your homophobia that you are very content in kokomo that formed the. company out of the rain. the down the way on talent and on the whole and the
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movie but then things he only painted. look at ok or down the on the left but that's the only the which all but it could be me and assumes that you know the name of the man when. he is the best of the on any given one with one of the key in the end it's only a simple coming at the end it is the end the konami come in. because the number they didn't give him a higher class young article so economical with it is he thought it's lost the only thing go in for them but it could be a bullet they will. make
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i want us a gun the book but by jim. hall you could open the book on michael. but . the format of the better than even the fact they want to move ahead of it on the thing that in this economy. from going up in the middle move had been named by a lot of metal that will play and then it will sell that's the name of.
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a march 13th 2019 the f.a.a. grounded the u.s. 737 max fleet based upon crash site findings and satellite data hundreds of lives lost and boeing's bus descending aircraft he mobilized did profit outweigh procedure did regulators and the industry too much control the system failed it failed our passengers it's failed the global fold lines investigates system failure the boeing crashes on al-jazeera 3 years 3 prime ministers and still no rights issue with the october 31st departure deadline looming and the e.u. and u.k. for a bit to square off in brussels was we'll all responses to you next followed the e.u. breaks its summit on al-jazeera. the chance for a union after decades of separation caused by a war. one i want to use joins
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a month this june to reunite with the son she lost more than 60 years ago in the korean war on al jazeera. al jazeera. every. al-jazeera. hello and welcome to the al-jazeera news hour on live from a headquarters in doha with me elizabeth bron i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes
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. the united states of america is simply not going to tolerate. turkish invasion of syria the u.s. government imposes a new sanctions on turkish officials of the country's offensive and syria and demands an immediate ceasefire. a group of syrian soldiers sent to the key city of members as turkish forces are preparing to advance . a protest against a move by getting these president extend his to turns violent to the capital plus. mass protests and spain sentences separatist leaders to long jail terms. u.s. president donald trump is calling for an immediate cease fire in northern syria with turkey is carrying out
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a military campaign in kurdish areas tens of thousands of people have fled the area the trumpets also approved a series of sanctions on to a fellow nato member he signed an executive order authorizing sanctions against several. turkish minister says the us president has also given the green light to his treasury department to increase tariffs on to state imports also on the economic front the u.s. is canceling talks on a $1000000000.00 trade deal with trump says sanctions would include the blocking of property and barring entry of service officials into the u.s. . and u.s. allies president mike pence has spoken in the last hour about the sanctions he'll be heading to the region to discuss to his campaign in syria let me say the president could not have been more firm with president one today. the united states of america simply not going to tolerate. turkey's invasion of syria any further and we're calling on syria to stand down and end the violence and come
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to the negotiating table and that's the reason the president sending me to the region to make his intentions very clear and we're going to be looking we're going to be looking for turkey to take strong action in that regard well aside from this latest move by the u.s. there was a lot happening on the ground and syria is standing by for us on the turkey syria border tell us more about that but 1st let's go to. joining us live from washington d.c. and strong statements this evening heidi not just from the president but the vice president and the treasury secretary to. that's right and you know it's actually notable that trump himself has not really said anything about this yet we have his vice president mike pence who is really appears to be the face of this mission he told reporters just moments ago that he will be leading the u.s. delegation leaving as soon as possible to ancora is mission delegated to him by
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president trump is to negotiate a settlement a sit in and mediate ceasefire between turkish forces and the syrian kurdish militia now a senior a senior administration officials just held a briefing with reporters at the white house and they said that he pence would be departing as soon as possible and they said that president was on the phone with the president of turkey today as well as a kurdish commander in syria talking about a possible negotiated settlement the senior ministration official saying that there is no other party with the same gravitas as the u.s. to pursue a cease fire from both sides now all of this of course coming after critics of trump's decision to withdraw u.s. troops came forward to say that this abandonment in their eyes of the u.s. allies the kurdish fighters in syria will make it difficult for allies in the
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future to take the word of the u.s. and so that now faces us as the mediator potentially for a cease fire may pose a challenge also in this briefing from the white house that just wrapped up moments ago. senior administration officials pushing back against other criticism that trump had given a green light to president her to go on at the time when he announced when trump announced at the u.s. with would withdraw its troops saying on twitter about a week and a half ago that he had spoken with her gone and that he knew that turkish forces would advance. into northern syria the white house now pushing back and saying that everything turkey has done up to this point is solely the responsibility of president urged gone not that of u.s. president donald trump and the u.s. troop withdrawal that is seen as a green light because it's no secret that turkey has wanted to go into northeastern
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syria to get rid of the kurdish forces there so given all of that heidi what are the chances that the u.s. vice president mike pence that a cease fire can be negotiated again given that turkey has wanted to do what it's now doing in northeastern syria for a long time. that's right and the white house just now tried to downplay that this was a green light saying that it was just a few u.s. troops here and there that they really didn't amount to big numbers when we know the reality on the ground is that even though we're talking about a 1000 or so u.s. special forces troops they did play a significant role in not only training kurdish fighters but also providing the air support and also of course just the political. defensive in a sense of what the kurds were doing in northern syria and having that protection withdrawn indeed most in the in the u.s.
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foreign policy department would say that that was a green light to turkey to start its ground military operations in northern syria as far as what hope there is of a ceasefire to be negotiated that's hard to say trump has quite the uphill challenge in front of him he's asked his vice president mike pence to take the lead on this but what face does the u.s. still have in its allies on the ground in northern syria after it committed to protecting kurdish forces during the fight against isis and now that trump has deemed that fight to be all over has essentially turned its back against those u.s. allies heidi thank you very much for that for now that's heidi jim acosta with the very latest live in the u.s. the capital now syrian government forces have been quick to take advantage of the of dropped us retreat from syria a small unit which is into the strategic city of members on monday as well as the
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towns in northern syria a day off to being invited by forces and that sets up a potential clash with turkey whose president has indicated he will intensify his offensive against the kurds will turkey says it's establishing a safe zone along its southern border they now control the area in yellow including the border towns of 10 and ain took instead forces have. the m. 4 highway that is a vital supply line that runs through could have held territory from men bush to iraq turkish led forces are on the outskirts of man bush now on the on the hand the syrian army as part of its deal with the kurds has taken control of some kurdish fighters and moved into an isa assets troops have also entered and raised the syrian government flag and house the province and the border town of coming. here is a new honda with the very latest they march toward battle the turkish
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backed opposition syrian national army advance started northern city of members but the syrian army reached there 1st it is believed that it is a small unit that arrived nevertheless it is a claim to territory they were invited by the kurdish led syrian democratic forces who turned to damascus when former life the united states decided not to support the s.t.'s in the face of a turkish led military operation and instead decided to end its military presence in syria the syrian army's entry to members however may not mean the battle is over . we are about to implement our decision on monday as you know our mutual agreement with the us regarding the city was that terrorist organizations were going to evacuate members within 90 days but a year has passed and members has not been evacuated when it is evacuated we talk he will not be going there the rightful owners are brother and are the ones who
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will be going mad. it's another turning point in syria's war a sudden change in alliances has allowed the government to restore a sorority in the north east for the 1st time since 2013 there are some who are welcoming the new reality. of the congratulations congratulations on the victory against the aggression. there are little details about the russian brokered deal which the s.d.f. says would help counter what it called the turkish aggression turkey however is promising to take the fight until the end it wants to eliminate the y.p. chief the syrian kurdish armed group which forms the backbone of the s.d.f. a group it says is linked to the outlawed. the turkish armed forces and the turkish republic conducted these operations because the syrian regime and syrian government is not it's a failed state and the turkish government conduct that the you play against the i saw militants nearby it is borders and also conducting these operations to be
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terrorist organization why b.g. is considered as a terrorist group because of the turkish foreign policy and international threats to turkey insists it is involved in an anti-terrorism operation and not engaged in a war in the words of the turkish president a war is between states that could be a message to those who warn of the risk of possible confrontation with the syrian government turkish officials have repeatedly stressed this is an anti-terrorism operation that is being carried out in line with international law the u.s. administration did say one of the reasons why it decided to withdraw its troops was that it didn't want them caught between 2 opposing armies but russia stands in the middle the main power broker in the syrian conflict backs damascus but it needs ankara as it pursues a political settlement to the war it can avoid a clash it has been in contact with the different parties and it is in a position to decide how to divide the spoils of the u.s.
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pullout. let's go now to cena who is joining us live from san new far on the to border with syria and we'll start with what's happening in manned missions because with both the syrian army there to back forces. with ai on man beijing just how dangerous a situation we end in terms of the potential for conflict between well the 2 countries well it is a new front the battle for members has begun it's a city in the northern countryside of aleppo a strategic city because of its location it lies on an international highway that connects the iraqi border to aleppo which is syria's 2nd largest city so any player in the syrian conflict would want to control a member but for the turkish government this operation is about capturing it's from the kurdish led syrian democratic forces because according to turkey and its opposition allies.


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