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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  October 22, 2019 1:00am-1:35am +03

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well basically it means that the government does not have the answer that it was hoping to get from parliament whether parliament in essence supports the withdrawal agreement or doesn't before heading into the torturous process of actually getting with the withdrawal agreement bills through parliament it's basically a psychological blow to the government but it doesn't actually change the facts as they stand because the government still has to put through this withdrawal agreement bill it was hoping that it could get enough m.p.'s on board with it as a sort of indicator of the general trajectory of movements before going into that difficult stage that it doesn't have that is not going to mean that the government cannot get there would draw agreement bill through it just means that it is looking
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even more torturous that it previously was and it was already looking torturous enough does that mean is going to. the extension has to happen beyond october the 31st. so look the government is going to be bringing that with draw agreement bill to parliament later on today and it wants to make that as fast as possible to smash through the various stages of the bill being read to score 1st reading 2nd reading 3rd reading it wants to get all of the house of commons business done this week if possible now m.p.'s are going to try to say whoa slow down this is a massive piece of legislation that we're looking at here that is too fast for us to do this it needs proper scrutiny that is likely to mean the is going to fall off the end of the october 31st deadline that the government wants to hit has
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promised it will hit for getting out of the european union there is also another problem the government faces which is that in the passage through the house of commons their withdrawal agreement bill can be amended in all sorts of different ways by m.p.'s who either want to try to try to bring breaks it down or make it more like their version of rex's so we could see things like the labor party trying to attach to staying in the customs union of the european union is part of this withdrawal agreement or attaching a 2nd referendum to it so numerous pitfalls ahead for boris johnson. thanks very much. still to come here on al-jazeera. to back on the streets of sudan why protests of return 55 years after the country's 1st growth. also ahead how do you secure the long term indian administered kashmir is having an impact on local farmers.
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and sunny skies across eastern sections of china not too bad as well. you can see here skies we have got some rain through the interior and in particular quite heavy at times it's working its way east was across the towards here bay and also eventually down into had them we've got one or 2 shots like he is well into the fall northeastern portion of it now probably more as we go through wednesday and that's when the rain through the interior actually pushes this way for the south but again mostly case that lead to hong kong 28 year high on wednesday but the cloud beginning to push eastward and covering most of shanghai so not cold with a high of 23 but a fairly county picture of cloud again across southern sections of india not just what we're watching here actually the best bengal is 97 a is the name it's has it's sunny just
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a disturbance but what it's doing is really pumping all this moisture back along these coastal areas so yes again maharashtra you're really in for a wet couple of days but that rain extending right the way down into carola cloudy skies across into much of sri lanka you can see how these rains as a say working the way for the east was as well so this is what we're watching to see if it develops but as i say even if it doesn't it will produce very heavy rains which could lead to flooding particularly through the west. on counting the cost the $7.00 word tweet that proved too much for beijing how did china silence his critics on the ice access to its 14 trillion dollar economy the cost of hiring at oil tanker is soaring for the lazy and fisherman facing financial losses counting the cost on al-jazeera. i really felt liberated as a journalist was. going to the truth as i would love for this job to.
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welcome back you're watching al-jazeera live from the headquarters here in doha i'm peter told me these are your top stories lebanon's prime minister. today announcing a series of reforms to appease protesters including cutting some politician salaries in half and reducing the country's huge deficit and says he would also support early elections. the lebanese prime minister's proposal doing little to end 5 days of protests thousands of demonstrators continue to voice their disapproval at the government. yes or no votes on the british prime ministers
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a deal has been blocked the speaker of house of commons that's in there john bercow deciding the vote was too similar to one held on saturday it's a blow to boris johnson's plans to have a feeling for the e.u. on october 31st. protests are taking place in several cities across sudan as thousands mark 55 years since its 1st revolution sudan's new prime minister and sovereign council with military and civilian members were sworn in 2 months ago. it's a political uncertainty and violence protest is a calling for all former regime members still in government positions to be removed . is live for us out of the sudanese capital khartoum who are the organizers of today's protests seeing as how the f.c.c. the f.f.c. which represents protesters in the past is not part of the government. well these are the ones who organized. the rates are something that are the group of people called the neighborhood with these companies now they are the ones who are
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basically behind most of the protests that used to listen to the forces. and then we laid their messages to those on the ground to the immediate grassroots level in the media and there was things that we did need to listen to them to their demands of justice and accountability is something that i think the transitional transitional government wants. to see me tend to be taken with members of the former ruling party as well as being a cunt to be disappeared out here on the streets just in. other states to make that demand hurried to the government and to the course of the freedom and mission and are there any steps being taken by the transitional government to deliver to those demands of justice and the accountability that you're telling us about. well at the moment south sudan it was a. fact finding committee to look into the killings of protesters.
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there an attack where there was a pro-democracy different economic plan was written by the military people are saying that that is not enough to say they're saying that the crimes have been committed and the president came to power he minds that they were actually killing people and missing said they want to accountability for the corruption they're saying that any step taken. just partial steps to the ousting of former president ahmed bashir. thanks very much. abortion and same sex marriage in northern islands will be legal in a matter of hours but the historic changes of controversy especially because they were brought in by the u.k. parliament not northern ireland's assembly need barker reports now from belfast. campaigners have gathered outside the power sharing assembly here at stormont and anticipation of seismic changes to the law because midnight laws surrounding abortion and same sex marriage will change bringing northern ireland in line with
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the rest of the u.k. for the moment northern ireland has some of the strictest abortion laws anywhere in the world is but underneath all circumstances including cases of rape incest and fatal fetal abnormality when a fetus has very little to 0 chance of surviving outside the womb for many come painters' these changes are a matter of human rights at midnight history will be me it finally we will say good bye to these oppressive laws that have police star bodies and our health care no longer will women who need abortions be treated as criminals this has been a long time coming but finally our rights and our health care is being brought into the 21st century so are these changes happening well for the past 2 and a half years the power sharing government here at stormont hasn't been fully functioning it collapsed way over a 1000 days ago in the midst of a corruption scandal and the problem has been made significantly worse as a result of brecht's it it's upset the balance between unionists who identify as
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british nationalists who identify as irish and it significantly reduce the incentive on members of the power sharing assembly from coming back and taking up their seats not everyone here though is happy about these forthcoming changes to the law for many it's seen as stripping away the rights of the unborn child we will in continue to ensure that the unborn child has a voice and we will expose the politicians here in the field to turn up here today to form a government in order to stop this horrific piece of legislation from being forced in northern ireland while some members of the assembly have actually come back here for the 1st time in 2 and a half years to take up their seat largely in protest against these forthcoming changes. to the law but not enough of them are here to be able to block it given the absence of any fully functioning assembly or government the government in westminster now has had more of
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a say about what happens here in northern ireland going forward canadians heading to the polls in an election that could see the prime minister justin trudeau struggling to keep his liberal party in office he's facing a strong challenge from the opposition conservative led by the shia in a race that has both parties neck and neck then your lack has more now. it's been pretty brisk here at this downtown toronto polling station turnout so far polls are open across the eastern part of canada it's a huge country with 5 time zones and it'll take pretty much 12 hours to get all the voting done and the count underway at the campaign has been pronounced by many commentators as less than inspirational it certainly hasn't budged the numbers of the of the prime minister justin trudeau and his liberal government incumbent government and the conservative challenger andrew scheer there are quite a few differences between them on issues like climate change mr trudeau says he wants to fight it aggressively mr scherer seems to be more hands off about it the other parties in the race have also done well at the expense of the 2 main parties
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there's the separatist bloc a backwash in quebec which could end up holding in the balance of power if there's a minority situation if this close vote is that reflective of the public opinion polls and also the green party and the social democrats new democratic party they've also done very well in the campaign canadians tend to be enthusiastic voters the sort of historical turnout level is around 70 percent advance polling was very strong this time around so it's all going to have to wait for the opinion of the voters to be reflected in the votes public opinion polls don't have a great record in modern times and we'll have to wait and see what is actually going to be the situation will we have another majority government in canada a minority and if so who will it be it's really not clear at all right now turning our attention to the us the 4 drugs companies have reached a last minute settlement to avoid a major federal trial hours before it was june to start the lawsuit involves more than 2000 u.s. communities seeking damages over alleged roles in the opioid epidemic at least
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400000 people have died in crisis over the past 20 years. a court in london has denied a request to delay the extradition of the hearing for the wiki leaks founder julian saunders the 48 year old does remain in custody as he tries to fight extradition to the u.s. that's where he's facing charges of conspiring to hack into a government computer at the pentagon his legal team asked for a 3 month too late to prepare their case however the judge ruled the full hearing will go ahead in february as planned people across australia went to a striking site on monday morning the front page of every daily newspaper blacked out it's part of a campaign to highlight government plans to penalize whistleblowers and silence some journalism and reformers has more now from sydney. they are normally rivals but on monday all major news organizations in australia joined forces similar tiny asleep protesting restrictions on press freedom by the government and in parliament
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of the opposition questioning the police commissioner has joined the commissioner have you seen the front page of the strain and today it wasn't just the australian anything strike you similar in all of those pages of t.v. ads it's also highlighted concerns the government can range nameless for reporting the truth if it says you're not allowed to couldn't happen in history and it's happening journalists are worried after police raids in june on the home of one journalist and offices of others who'd run stories on the behavior of australian soldiers in afghanistan there were was based on documents leaked illegally the police said by whistleblowers media executives are concerned that there aren't enough protections in the law to allow journalists a public interest defense when publishing information the government wants to keep secret if government operates on the basis of a culture which is keep things secret because we don't want it being discussed then
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i think way as people way as taxpayers ways effectively owners of the government lose out media executives say 75 different national security laws passed since 2001 have chipped away at the freedom of the press and need reform but the government disagrees they are striving people want to see balance in the way we get all with the job but there are national security considerations that need to be taken into account for reporters without borders says australia has dropped to 21st in its list of countries with a free press monday's campaign highlights that not many people buy physical newspapers anymore but what these front pages represent is a much broader conversation what's happening in parliament on t.v. on social. india and in the streets about whether australia's government is becoming too all for its hereon prioritising its right to hide secrets i would the public's right to know under thomas al jazeera sydney. farmers in indian
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administered kashmir say the restrictions on communications and movement are having a devastating impact on their businesses the indian government revoked the region's autonomy and sentence soldiers 9 weeks ago and also shut down internet and telephone lines has victoria gate b it's. it's harvest time in indian administered kashmir where apple production contributes 10 percent to the state's $20000000000.00 incomes this year apples are being left to rot because thomas confines people to pick them after prime minister and render mady abolish the state to thomas status and imposed a security lockdown as. the situation is bad we can harvest the apples on time and most of them fell down from the trees now we're collecting the rotten apples and throwing them away. internet a mobile phone services remain cutoff for this moment that means his business is in
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jeopardy then the basic communication is dollars we have no neighbors olds don't build up people. who are sitting in delhi westin in bangalore we're staying in genoa and other big markets and they're not able to come any good with them it's very difficult. this wholesale fruit market in srinagar would normally be packed with traders business is down by 95 percent this year compared to last i was as big as the left on each year i export about 200000 boxes of apples in the domestic markets across india this year because of the situation farmers aren't able to send their projects to market they don't know where to send it because communication lines aren't working. in response to the crisis the indian government has set up a national co-operative through which families can sell their protein. bought it imposes strict quality control measures which many families find hard to meet to tell that we can only select the produce if the color of the apple is good so far
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we have rejected 80 percent of the farmers have come here to sell their produce the apple industry in kashmir involves 3500000 people around half the population of the state they look down has devastated the economy and farm is a cooling on the indian government to immediately lift the security restrictions victoria gate in the algiers their arrests to check out the website always there for you algae or dot com is the address you need more on all top stories including the very latest pretty much in real time to be built up next we'll have the headline. let's recap the top stories for you here on al-jazeera the lebanese prime minister has announced a series of new reforms as tens of thousands protest demanding his resignation saad hariri promising to cut in half salaries of some politicians he's also about to get
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banks to contribute over $3000000000.00 towards the deficit and won't add new taxes in the budget in 2020. ma that's awful written by a year for the past few days the government has not been walking forward that is why our young men and women have given us many chances they have reached a state of despair and as a result of this despair they exploded they took to the streets to express their anger and each and every one voiced their own demands these demands are diverse and lawful however the only one demand they all call for is dignity and respect. american troops have crossed into iraq as part of their withdrawal from northern syria a convoy has gone to the sahara border crossing in the northern province of the hope it's heading into territory controlled by the peshmerga in northern iraq semi autonomous kurdish region the u.k.
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prime minister's push to have a straight yes or no vote on his bread deal in parliament has been blocked the speaker of the house of commons said the vote was too similar to the one held on saturday protests that are taking place in several cities across the darkness thousands 55 years since the country's 1st revolution downs' new prime minister and sovereign council were sworn in 2 months ago if all those months of political uncertainty and violence protest as a calling for all former regime members still in government positions to be removed canadians are heading to the polls today in an election that could see the prime minister justin trudeau struggling to keep his liberal party in office mr trudeau is facing a strong challenge from the opposition conservatives led by andrew shia in a race that has both parties running neck and neck the chilean government has extended a nighttime curfew to cities across the country in response to violent protests over the cost of living. to check out the website al jazeera dot com you can tweet
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me i'll tweet you back i'm at peace at they'll be one up next counting the cost i'm back after that season. hello i'm adrian figure this is counting the cost on al-jazeera a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week the 7 word tweet that proved too much for beijing the n.b.a. counts the cost as china silences critics and access to its 14 trillion dollar economy. a few years back you can rent an oil tanker for less than the price of
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hiring a ferrari prices though an hour sawing will tell you why. the laziest fish farmers face hefty financial losses as pollution destroys the coastline. president donald trump called it a substantial phase one agreement but any talk of a truce of the trade war is pretty wide of the mark washington hasn't removed any tariffs and got a little relief for its famous beijing got crucial access to pork after its pig farmers were decimated by swine flu substantive issues still remain and there's an ongoing economic war in all but name washington slams $28.00 chinese tech companies with sanctions for their part of the repression of weaker muslims meantime beijing is using access to the chinese market as a weapon against those who criticize its policies and handling of hong kong protests the n.b.a. was the latest to step into the chinese quagmire as i was there as rob matheson
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reports from beijing. he sees one of the fastest ways for u.s. basketball to risk losing billions of dollars of chinese investment has been a 7 word tweet daryl morey general manager of the houston rockets n.b.a. team voiced his support for hong kong protesters now chinese companies have been suspending sponsorship deals and t.v. coverage from n.b.a. games. we can no longer watch rocky smashers so i think a lot of rockets fans will be very sad but of course this matter involves a state level issues so we can allow this to happen. the u.s. national basketball association has had a presence in china for more than 30 years it's estimated about 300000000 people in china regularly play basketball a few months ago the chinese company 10 cent spent over one and a half $1000000000.00 securing the rights to continue streaming n.b.a.
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games in china for the next 5 years and that's good news for about $500000000.00 chinese basketball fans who regularly watch those matches in 2018 it's estimated that the n.b.a. is market in china was worth $4000000000.00. china sensitivity about the hong kong protests hasn't just affected the n.b.a. a video game or was banned by gaming company activision blizzard but apparently supporting the hong kong demonstrations blizzard has insisted its decision was based on gaming rules and not on its china connections a chief economist at swiss bank has u.b.s. said in a podcast that an outbreak of swine flu in china would only matter to chinese pigs parts of china's financial sector called the comments distasteful and racist other companies including gap clothing marriott hotels and the daimler car group have been forced to apologize to china i think defend their your mindset.
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in the western country you said 3 dumb of speach. in china we also have freedom of speech. but some areas. shouldn't it's a deeply. bottom line china seems to be saying that for those who rely on its money there are some lines which cannot be crossed joining us now via skype from manchester in the u.k. simon chadwick simon is a professor of sports enterprise itself a business school in manchester good to have you with us simon how do you see all of this playing out i mean the n.b.a. is a pretty big deal in china not only in terms of sport but in terms of jobs. i was actually really surprised by this incident because the n.b.a. for best for the 2 decades now has not only invested a lot of money but has also invested a lot of time into their activities in china and this is really helped to not only
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boost the n.b.a. in china itself but also to bust basketball more generally and so what you'll typically find is as many young chinese people are either active participants in basketball or else watch basketball so i think we have some major incident but i do expect it to to die down in the medium to long term i think in the short to medium term they're going to be some turbulence and certainly this week compared to last week it's been a rather quieter. people really and the n.b.a. and china really are so intertwined with one another i think there will be a way forward alternately for all concerned what does it mean for businesses away from sports who want to tap into this 14 trillion dollar economy i mean you'd have to take some pretty extraordinary measures to restrict the freedom of expression of your employees would you. well it's very interesting because over the last 10 days we have seen some businesses some sponsors commercial partners broadcasters really
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stepping back from from china from the n.b.a. from the coverage of games that have taken place in china involving n.b.a. teams during that period so i think what it does show and we've seen this in other industrial sectors is that sport will now have to confront the reality of if it wishes to do business in china there is a certain way of saying and doing things and i guess in some ways this is not unusual because if you are operating in cats or if you're operating in great britain the same is true there are local norms local ways of doing things but i think ideologically in china politically it is so highly charged that essentially what we are beginning to see is is is really this clash of ideologies whereby principles of western principles of free speech and open speech are being moderated or even curbed by the political necessities of operating in china and as i say it's the n.b.a. this time but i think moving forwards from here will find lots of other organizations
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in supporting football in most sports and other areas facing similar issues what it read you a quote which perhaps sums up what what you were saying it's from been hung from epsilon theory he says that companies need to make a choice he says do you want to preserve your authenticity and your brand or do you want to preserve your earnings guidance and share price choose one he says you can't have both. if you're going to do business in china i have to concur with that as somebody who is a regular visitor to china it is very clear that there are certain norms of behavior that you have to comply with. but those norms of behavior very firmly embedded within our in a very strongly political context and it's very clear in in china if you want to operate in china as a business as an organization if you want to succeed if you want to build
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a fun base if you want to secure financial return make a profit then there are the rules of the game and you have to comply with those rules and if you don't what you will do what you'll find is you slip into the situation that the n.b.a. now finds itself in and so i do agree with the courts i think it's very very difficult to find a middle way there is only one way in china and you either accept it or you don't but clearly back to the n.b.a. sports has always been thrust into geo political tensions in formula one in bahrain. and the joshua about to fight in saudi arabia why are our sports men and women managers expected to keep storm one we hear from diplomats who many business leaders who manage to get away with with with with you know seeing things that aren't palatable to the countries in which the boonies. well the 1st thing i think i would say is is we're not in in new territory
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for those of us who are old enough to remember the cold war. and some of us will remember further by the night if you go back to for instance the 936 olympics when out of hitler was in power in germany sport and politics despite their often an easy relationship of have always had to co-exist to a greater or lesser extent so we're seeing this playing out again in china with the n.b.a. so i think that that's an important contextual detail to to to to to to mention but i think for individual athletes obviously these people are incredibly high profile and there are people who are constantly in the public spotlights they are not only representatives of themselves of their own brands they are also representatives of their sports but i think to a certain extent to the these these athletes and teams are also representatives of the team of the countries from which they're there from where they where they're located and historically i think there's been this view that football just plays
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football in a box of just boxes but increasing or we know all this is what they say how they behave is scrutinized to such a large extent that you are no longer just a racing driver you know you are no longer just a football effect of your you are as is your communicating as a message a set of values a strategic position and so increasingly what we're now finding is that there is training for awfully it's this training for people working for teams because there woods potentially can be so highly charged these can cause the kinds of problems that we see with the n.b.a. and again this is why i find what has happened with the n.b.a. over the last 1010 days actually really surprising because historically and typically the n.b.a. is always very measured and very careful in the way that it communicates with the world some of this but really gets to into your own culture the course professor many thanks indeed. thank you. now here's something that hasn't
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been widely reported but it has consequences for all of us the cost of shipping crude around the world has shot up to 11 year highs after the united states blacklisted chinese ships more than 40 v.l. cc's or very large crude carriers operated by china's cosco shipping energy transportation have been blacklisted for moving sanctioned iranian oil cosco has a total of $1100.00 ships iran's oil tankers estimated to be around 54 of also been sanctions in total nearly $300.00 tankers have been black with listed including venezuela's that represents about 3 percent of the world's oil tanker fleet according to refer it if i call him that said the cost of hiring a ship from $18000.00 to almost $300000.00 a day to ship crude from the u.s. gulf to asia the longest routes to ship oil now costs around $14000000.00
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add to that sanctioned countries a still managing to get crude to customers by offloading at sea and switching off tracking devices who better to pick all this up with than rajat kapoor managing director of oil and gas at a.w.i. lloyd thanks for being with us roger so what needs to happen to bring tanker prices down should we be concerned here who's shouldering the cost. obviously a big effect on the tanker prices and the way it is and where they are today has got to do with the gun sanctions that the u.s. administration has put on iranian crude in order to prevent offloading often included in the high seas in order to stop at least do it to the bare minimum export of group to china the u.s. as you know last month inboard the sanctions on the tanker subsidiaries of costco which is a china shipping line and is the largest shipping line in the world so. once you have the sanctions coming in from the u.s. on these entities on these particular tankers they suddenly become part kicks
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nobody wants to touch these tankers and this these wounds are then taken out the international trade and that's that's that's a substantial piece of hardware that goes out and obviously supply to. the places shoot up we've also got to laze that it's not just the china connection there are there are other aspects to the increase in tanker trade as well as you know the venezuelan sanctions are also in place similar to a union crew tankers handling venezuelan crude are all sort of under the lens but that puts away another piece of get out of circulation and as you know that i am more 2020 said to kick in in the next 3 months which basically means that the ships need to adhere to a rather stricter level of pollution control so a good number of ships have actually in the docks and they're going in probably scrubbers and things like that so all these things things put together is what is currently impacting the rise in.


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