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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Andrey Kelin  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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all the stakeholders in this area so that they will be part of our deaf roman path in the future. the government is emphasizing initiatives like workshops, teaching digital skills, and modern farming techniques. threesome, la whitey and her neighbors migrated to his kelly mountain in the seventy's. say the project is making life insur parker better. now sell agatha mc. let's be great for that will be part of the new capital before the new capital plan. we never got any attention because our village is far from town and no one knows it up on the. but indigenous community leaders he booked in, says life was easier before the new capital location was announced. godaddy land baggage, rural ryan, on his yard. they say it's for, for all a donation, but which ones we don't want to be relocated from our sisters land than your capital is haunting us and haunting the future. as authority scale up construction in coming weeks. this community is increasingly losing hope. jessica washington out is here in east cali mountain on the island of borneo.
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ah jojo, 0 of me. so raleigh, reminder of our top stories the you and has agreed a historic treaty to protect marine life. it'll designate 30 percent of the world's oceans as protected zones by 2030 activists calling it a monumental wind. ladies and gentlemen, the ship has reached the shore. the 2nd biggest academy, china has set a modest growth targeted around 5 percent, one of its lowest in years. economic recovery following the pandemic top the agenda at the opening session of parliament at present many difficulties and challenges
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still confronted uncertainties and the external environmental on the rise. global inflation remains high. the foundation was stable, growth domestically needs to be consolidated, and insufficient demand remains to pronounce problem. the people in israel have protested for the non consecutive week against government plans to overhaul the judiciary. they say the proposed reforms will reduce the powers of the supreme court. crowds also spoke out against israeli raised when which thousands of palestinians had been killed. that of the united nations nuclear watchdog has another war inspection that runs down nuclear plant. new monitoring equipment will be installed on the facility. the announcements came after present. my seat met rafael grossly in town on saturday. ukrainian officials in lou say intense street fighting is taking place in the besieged eastern city. but russia has not taken control of that. it's after russia, wagner must mean groups said it had surrounded the city. $3000.00 civilians are living in shelters without gas, electricity,
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or water. you can follow their stories on our website at algae dot com updated throughout the be back with more news in half now next it's talked while just to stay with us. examining the impact of today's headlines. this was probably one of the deadliest disasters that you study of setting the agenda for tomorrow discussions. this is the one that's been hitting 50, sharing personal stories for a global audience. can you talk a little bit about what life is life for african eliminate programs and open your eyes to an alternative view of the well today on your own genera, with family vodka in london outside the russian embassy, the scene of regular protest against moscow's invasion. if you crave a year ago,
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during which time, tens of thousands of people have been killed, millions of being forced into exile. and in the days leading up to that key anniversary president vladimir putin addressed a room packed full of rushes elite. he said that the kremlin would be pulling out of a key nuclear strategic arms. treaty with the u. s. you also urge russia businesses to become more self reliant and accused the west creating an existential threat for russia. in the last 12 months, the u. k. has become one of ukraine's most ardent supporters, one of russia's fiercest critics, and alongside other nato alliance members, has funneled billions of dollars worth of weapons in to ukraine to help with the nation's war effort. and it's here with the u. k. i can 2019 where andrade, kellen was appointed russia's ambassador to the u. k. during that time, he's faced calls to be expelled by the former prime minister of u. k. boys johnson and one opposition m. pate has accused them of simply being
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a pirate for vladimir putin regime. andre kellen roches ambassador to the u. k. talks to al jazeera ah andrew kellen, russian ambassador to the united kingdom. thank you very much for talking to al jazeera. it's been a year of violent bloodshed, tens of thousands of people, possibly killed, possibly millions, been forced into exile from ukraine. we're talking about people living in basements about economic instability, also rippling around the world. it's very, very hard to imagine that all of this was in russia's initial plan. we began, it's so called special military operation, something most other countries simply call a war a let me bring it up up to date because the conflict inflict did not start at the year ago. it has
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started in 2014, when very nationalistic government, extending the nationalist government in keith, has come to power. as a result of these evolution that has called now made. and the main policy or major polish of this nationalistic government, was to exterminate russians. ah, exterminate russian culture language prohibits russian language and even physically kill russians, especially that they're living in the east of the country does defending so called russian speakers. and the don boss also include showing the likes of live, if thousands of kilometers away from don bastards. it also includes stationing war ships off the city of death, thousands of kilometers away from a dog bass. also sending troops into the capital key, if in the early days of the war does not have anything to do with defending, as you say, the rights of russian speakers numbers here. you know,
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what is what was revealed by the former participants or so called negotiation process. i mean, the chancellor medical what is johnson, as well as finance for the length of a former president of friends that they have said that it was not only imitation of diplomacy, but at the same time they needed to reinforce ukraine and to create out of ukraine an enterprise of rush of so called ain't rushing in order to arrest his come to the store for them. so they need a counter wait when need. and of the spent a lot of money to create out of ukraine. very. she was for that his full of armament with what was needed when the goal of the operation was to reduce the music potential of ukraine. otherwise, it was creating a very big threat for us, especially when needs of has come to a boiler of russia and they see that probably ukraine will be part of later. so we
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feel very threatened because missiles over that can be put on the agree installed on your great territory. they can reach or centered within a couple of minutes. according to the un human rights commission, more civilians were killed since russia's invasion last february than in the past 8 and a half years. we're talking about something like 8000 civilians, hundreds of children. what happened to what you accuse ukraine of doing? and don bass seems to pay the significance to what russia has done since last february, official figures of the united nations. that 12000 people has been killed from 2014 and until 2022. so it's much bigger figure that these were civilians mainly, and a big part of it of has been killed in don bus since euclidean his installed is kennels missiles. and so propose that gets right in front of dance,
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the capital over done bus and sending it no evidence of so called genocide, which is what russian state media repeatedly claims has happened in the don't bicycle into the o. s. e. there's been no evidence a tool of the atrocities that russia claims ukraine is carried out in the dawn journals. it's a very specific notion. i would say it is it is formulated in the us look immense and some newspapers and politicians using this war to just occasionally. so doesn't mean genocide in rwanda for instance, if couple different thinkers when the whole population was exterminated by the last one. so but just said that word was used in terms of inflicting a lot of damage to civilian infrastructure and to see the lens, boucher opin. murray. awful. you know those places very well. ukrainian towns where rushes accused of all sorts of gross atrocities and war crimes,
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including the motor civilians, rape the list, goes on. do you condemn these alleged crimes? ah, well, we had a lot about that of they are totally different. absolutely different things boucher has been staged and there is no doubt about that stage by ukraine and special forces in murray. will you probably think about booming of the theatre over the years, but the victims hit not been discovered. so all of these things we know, but also when we need to have a balance or we need that international community should be aware of what is happening in the bus where each day it was sailed, killed and extended made for, for instance, do you know that but isn't enough for that contains a lot of you know, what prisoners was damaged and destroyed. why you're getting and listens. for instance, what, what does happen in kind of my doors when the,
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the people try to leave it by train. and at the time when they voiding the train, you could in missile, has exactly felt into the train station and kill a lot of people. it's a crime, but nobody's speaking about it. so you're saying that all the evidence put forward regarding claims of atrocities carried out by russian forces in the likes of boucher and a pin of fake in which an absolutely it was fake and matter but has nothing to do with these european i, i'm not sure about that pin because i did not. i'm not very well about that. there's a possibility that crimes may have been committed in a pinch of this is mr. operation. this is a war in fact thinks i felt civilians, cumberland up civilians. collateral in that war with no targets, especially suited an infrastructure. it is many times has been a sense of it. we're not target buildings or civilians. are we thought of guess
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sometime in that infrastructure? because if this command and control system that is being used for the media purposes, so this is not the goal at all. and we're not against the green asset, but we, we have what we know for sure is that you're putting into rooms are they using cb them infrastructure to install their military capabilities. and they're selling directly at the civil infrastructure. and because of that, of course, of the people is that this means that crimes a notice that you use the word war. is this a will in a way, yes, in a way is this even you can call with civil war of it goes on most bus. it is. we do not share. we don't drive a line between russian people and ukraine and people that contains lives. so for us and so in, certainly it is yes and back home in russia itself. those people who protest who are against this war for whatever reason,
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how should they be treated differently? that depends, is i do recognize as that not everybody is, will be in favor of what is happening over the year. of course, some are well just discussing it some very active a but will in any country which is involved in what has happened in the united states, of course of those who are arranging public protests again against the polish of the government as they were treated accordingly. and i'm not denying the injustices may be carried out in other countries, including the united states, but focusing purely on russia. is it right to lock up people for substantial amounts of time, for protesting against what's going on? well, you know, it is for us, it says, have made a special period of time and because of that special loss has been adopted by our parliament. which in fact do not favor if there will be an organized political
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process against the action of the government. it is kept in every government. if you look in what is happening in cave, then no one can say anything about excellence at the position is totally exterminated newspapers the opposing the government and political part if they simply do not exist anymore. do they exist in russia? if they do sure, of course we have several potters that are to have a place in duma. do you have a plurality? do you have a variety of voices in the media? who? the sure reality when it comes to those who don't agree with what the government, what the kremlin is doing. well, i'm seeing kids over the wishing question, television every day, much more than the than of the british television. i don't because british television is producing only one point of view and that the debate that taking place in our out took political talks that blue related or views, different views, i should say that that are being expressed want to be but a little bit
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a bit and ask you whether you personally were where of the kremlin plans for a full scale assault on ukraine last february. no, i was not aware of it. you've lost potentially thousands of troops, many of them former prisoners, free to fight on the front line. not to mention many senior generals you've been hit by wave after wave of international sanctions of the war appears to have strengthened not weakened nato, with the likes of finland and sweden, now poise to join the alliance. it's hard to imagine that any of this was part of the plan for russia. i don't believe that i have a fair answer. what a straight answer of it because your question, these are very complicated. i'm not going to speak only about home in your lives. has been lost on one side or the other side. the calculation is that it if x per se difference are many they are seeing that are we have
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a list when the russian soldier, $76.00 of 70 ukrainians because because of all of all of that yes. it is difficult, of course, but the price that i think will need the price of what is going on. and i would, i have the, i'm not speaking about the liquid or something like that, but the price is very high when it is also known by sort of what message does extend to the world that russia is using con, scripts, people in prison, to send to the frontline to fight on behalf new criminals. you will not go to speaker leads above the motives, but the of those as, as a distance, i'm not fully aware of the situation, but we have a regular army and we have a how it is called private private companies, as it also exist in the west river edge of the black waters, for instance,
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and all of that stuff. french for the late june, the french foreign legion which consist of by the way, those who has been convicted and then gun the guns for it. i'm not sure about like what us, where they w blick order us is also american company, famous when that contains a lot of those who has been sent us and then the script into this for, for us, these wagner companies are private company and the issue was that they're going to fight for sometime for, for money, and after 6 months, if i'm not mistaken, they will be free. they will be free and relieved of the synthesis. that simply isn't the case, is it, i mean, we're talking about large numbers of casualties amongst these people who have been recruited by wagner. this private company would clear links to the kremlin to fight this conflict. who is really fighting. this is the russian military. is it the
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question, what a statement that he was fighting this was the russian military winning this i'm not, i will, i'm not in possession of all the fix. it is, it's, it is the, there is an official, a report every day that it wasn't blowing away. i have, i had different points on view on that and this, i think it's a combination of with this. we are, we are using the means of that disposal. why does russia continue to see the nato alliance? a partnership of independent democratic states to security aligns. why does moscow continue to see that as a threat? an existential. oh, my god, it's a good christian. you know, i have spent 20 years in the headquarters of nature to rank to read, to establish good the relationship between later and russia. but it was all until i need to hist out of bombardments of yugoslavia where they have killed lots of people destroyed low. so bridges used uranium s, as in the that still diseases,
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i spread the was a year or then and they had his effect. ah, ah, iraq and destroy the rug and the fools totally full spread next or an existing, a position that, oh my so my destruction of weapon then was lee there, which has also has been destroyed a totally wide needs of forces. and still, that is no state, neither in iraq, progress the other, the other is them. some of those countries may have had close diplomatic ties to, to russia. but i'm talking specifically about russia. vladimir putin, your boss is repeatedly accused nato of trying to it. will it will that it is that the case? do you really believe that is that is the case and absolutely it has happened. we have good promises in the end of the ninety's of that neither is not going to enlarge. these promises has been fixed on paper, but when they were would take it is that 3 d. these promises has been a wally. it has been destroyed. so we have 7, the waves of enlightenment, of need,
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of closer and closer to our borders. m, do, it has come. absolutely. in the case of your green dots, our border and lose 6 percent of russia actually touches nato countries. russia has land borders with 14 countries. only 5 of those are nato members. where does this narrative of encirclement come from? who does it serve to continually insist that that is the case that that is the goal for the v in a 2 lines. know if your question is about whether it leads and the defense for can, is ation war aggression organization. right? know neither in the european union, it set blank, lots of flipping into ukraine. let you let, let's finish. this is an important but it's an important point. it's important, but it is not only ukraine and russia that are in conflict. and now we are in conflict with nater, since neither is providing a weapons for free to your green boarding,
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a lot of money to eat and you're getting in. and we know that a lot of our forces also notice from natal cameras are participating in it. in training and as well, so it is in the world right now into this conflict. i want to talk specifically about those weapons. how might the supply, for instance, of tanks, long range weapons, and possibly even fighter jets change rushes chances on the battlefield. don't believe that it will be much of an influence on that because of the go into this. i don't believe that it will. the issuer's threat to us. the threat is a long granger weapon because a long range weapons and they can achieve goals on the $33.00 of russia are so far . other countries abstained from pro vision or seeing that they're going to stay well in the united kingdom is saying directly that it is going to provide a long range or weapon for the army. and we are certain of that of lease along
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creature weapon will be used against civilian targets to fear. those weapons may be used against russia directly. yes. how tactically might russia respond? would that mean having to make greater advances to push further into you? exactly. you have answered your own question, then we have to move of the slain, filled or deeper into your cream, just to avoid a fear the rest of the data today over us it into that, that it, that it over them by us. so by, in this way, western countries of the destroying ukraine itself is china, offering military support. he officially chain that they seeing that it is not a providing us me to support official as i know, as far as i know, it does not happen. but we have a lot of 3. the shane, of course, are we officially? i don't know. i haven't seen that. and i do not write that to me anything. this jaina is saying that it does not supply us with adams. and we have local
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information that we're getting kind of sort of china. is there any situation? i'm sure you've been asked this many times before whether russia would consider using nuclear weapons in the battlefield. i have been many times asked about this, and they can tell you once again, that means the doctor in it and visit just only 2 options are for the use of military weapons. if we under severe attack by nuclear weapons from the outside, in this case, why with the cancerous or that is such a conventional threat to russia that such a conventional invasion into russia that can, that can make offense exists of the state. this is not the type of conflict when we can, it can be used. president biden has said, vladimir putin made a big mistake by suspending the new star nuclear arms reduction. tracy with the u. s. the caps, the number of nuclear weapons, both countries that have, you know, all too well about this, having worked in that field yourself. does russia now plan to use this as an opportunity to build up its new classes?
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know, and the once again know the issue is that the goal that has been proclaimed by the united states is to strategically, strategically defeat russia. in this situation. of course we cannot stick to the this 3 to ah, but it has been also stated absolutely. as it verification mechanism is going to be released right now suspend that. i would say inspections and all of that stuff. but as for the voltage source, defendant of suspended, suspended, so suspended, possibly, russia would be willing to rejoin under what conditions, origin, where he joined the treaty, the start treating it might happen if or united states or will change or is go to defeat russia strategically. your russian ambassador to the united kingdom, we've seen the ukranian president vladimir zalinski come here several times on many
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high profile visits. he's addressed nearly every government in europe and many governments further afield. how does that make you feel? no, it is just are going with extended hamper although the rolled and the money money demanding weapon demanded kayla. this is funny, of course, but it is ah, does not contribute to its image or for a serious politician, it means that ukraine has no means either to exist economically or to fight itself without external help. it is now totally dependent on the outside assistance outside money. if the state does not function, can you explain to me why the kremlin has repeatedly called vladimir lensky? a nazi, i haven't heard that cramming is or is ever are use of this term in ukraine. other out number off, ah, neo fascist organizations. that is true. and the government of ukraine, as i said,
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it is easterly, nationalistic, extremely nationalistic, to draw a line between faces and nationalism is extremely difficult. 9 months before the conflict began, your boss president vladimir putin publish an essay in which he said that russians and ukrainians are a one people. and that true sovereignty, he said in ukraine is possible only in partnership with russia. does putin have imperial ambitions to reclaim bland last after the collapse of the soviet union? oh, well, you know, we are a, we did not fight against ukrainian people. we don't know to fight even against ukraine itself. i have seen many exit extreme exaggerations about our goals, which has nothing to do with reality. we have a problem with, with a government in keith. in fact, as i described it, and it does been intention to conquer other sync. we do not concret and we're not
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intent to do of these what has been assigned to us as our probable position. it is just intervention over the politician. so or some journalists are anglo saxon journalists, in fact, has lost its arg, with qualities of serious analysis of them out mostly are running after sensations or them that drank during the life of the real situation. where do you see the diplomatic initiative lying? which countries do you trust to act as potential mediators to bring about an end to these hostilities? it is not the question of who is going to mediate, right? no ukrainian, president zalinski has made a decree that he is not going to negotiate with russia. one of the storms are actually, it makes it impossible for him. he just got of this law of through parliament and he prohibited himself to do this. well, he, he's made a very clear set of demands,
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and one of his biggest demands is that russia completely withdrawals from all of you kinds territory. is that something russia would even contemplate? no, we're, we're it, it is absolutely unrealistic. because if prussia is going to withdrawal, he will continue just to exterminate russians or from it's to fit on this territory . ambassador, my very last question to you. you've made a successful career of building bridges between russia and other countries. and now this near daily, weekly protests outside the russian embassy. is it really worth it? as for the process protest outside our embassy is, is just, i think that they're paid. and as i'm most of the time that i know brutus so if people would like to do this and they can express, are these opinion. you know, that we are not hostile dose of the west at all. but whether in a way to wis one, east, and west, or that his traditional values always that has that at each culture, that is
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a lot of dice with russia. whether he's over to a different twist, which is neo liberal, which is very aggressive, which is try to impose its own values, which is the right to dictate to every state how to behave. so these west is not acceptable to us. and rec, helen ambassadors, united kingdom, many thanks for talking to us with ah ah, holding the powerful to account. as we examined the u. s. his role in the world on
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al jazeera, a passion for supporting local communities and pioneering innovative african science and technology projects. how much, how beautiful, how glorious are all of us on this planet, not just africa, out of 04 as a leading by chemist. determined to use his scientific knowledge to serve africa. women make science from the lab to the field are now to sierra. ah, the ship has reached the shore. after years of negotiations, nations from around the world agree on the 1st international treaty to protect the high seas. ah.


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