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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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lou, a, [000:00:00;00] a with wherever you go in the world, one airline goes to make it feel exceptional. katara always going places to
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get. ah, another day of protests in georgia or against government plans to introduce our foreign agents bill demonstrate to say what use to sign up critics. ah, hello, i'm down, jordan, this is all just a reply from tulsa coming up, the battle for back moot, ukrainian soldiers push ahead against russian mercenaries. one they can't win. funerals are held in the occupied west bank for 6 palestinians killed in his rate rate. her former pakistani prime minister in one column cools off his election relative to police arrest his supporters for defying a ban on public government. ah,
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thousands of people are running outside the parliament building in the georgian capital tbilisi for a 2nd day. police have been using water cannon and tear gas dispersed protest as they are demonstrating against a proposed law. they say will silence critics of the government. the government insists the new bill is needed to curb the influence of what it calls foreign agents. what do you want to shoot for a new party? does it absolutely to georgia. so whenever we're working with well, the foreign agents bill will require organizations that receive 20 percent or more of their funding from abroad to declare themselves as foreign agents. if groups
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fail to do so, they'll face hefty fines and possible imprisonment. the legislation is similar to one pass by russia in 2012, which the kremlin has since used to target western funded and joe's and media, and it's ignited fears. the country, a former soviet republic is aligning more closely with moscow. but the bill has deepened a rift between georgian green, which leads the government and pro european president slomo ezra beach believe it might also stand in the way of george's bid to join the european union. the blocks foreign policy chief warning the bill is incompatible with the values and standards . let's bring in alex scriven. it is the executive director of the democratic security institute and independent think tank focused on democracy and security and eurasia johnson live from the george and capital alex, good to happy with a. so we've now seen a 2nd night of his protests against this proposed foreign agents. billed many ordinary georgians. clearly think this legislation is bad news. why do you think this bill is so controversial? well yes,
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the phone agents bill is seen and see it by many to be an existential threat to join tomorrow's c. and the reason is that basically any civil society play station in georgia, and it's because the vast majority of all of them are funded, at least someone will have to register for an agents. and that means, you know, every human rights organization and everybody, corruption organizations, even a lot of asians just helping with providing services and health and education to label themselves as a foreign agents. and you can see that this would also be used to muscle critical voices against the government. so it says that suspension, threats by many children's ok, including, you know, people were in the sector. and alex would have a similar law in russia, has been used to severely limit press freedoms. you talk about that and come down on civil society. is there a worry that russian influences play here?
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well, i mean that's, that's the big political issue, isn't it? i mean, the reason that it's called so much controversy is because georgia is one of the most pro european you countries in the world. a recent polls suggested that 81 percent of george and supportive membership, european union. and now suddenly the georgia government sees the doctor this law that makes georgia very much more like russia and you and that's because it meant assigned to it for that reason. so yes, that's the core of the controversy in many ways. and senior official say the law goes against your values and standards. so how much then will the flow affect george's chances of joining the most? georgians, as you say, want to be integrated into europe that well, yes, i mean it's, it's owners, it's very clear that will impact those chances very adversely. i think the fear, amongst many, georgia, that is actually a conscious that,
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that by georgia government to sabotage georgia. that is to join me in order to, to curry, favor with the family and avoid a military intervention. so when you create an georgians are right about this society, because george is such a, that's an important point to make that alex just a, just a final thought you. because as you say, ga, as a country has been pulled between the west and russia, let's not forget, it was invaded by russia in 2008. how much concern is that in the political tensions in georgia could now be heightened because of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine? well, yes, i mean the crate invasion was a very big shock to many people. ready ga, ga scientists was much united in its support, the ukraine, even even the government in georgia for all its faults, is theoretically,
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supposedly supporting ukraine as well. so yes, i mean the warranty has, has had huge impacts here. and i think the security threat that russia poses to georgia and has posed for many years now as being heightened debt and the on the line by the scale of the russian aggression. so the situation here and ukraine are very much links show alex griffin. i wanted to get your thoughts and your analysis . thank you very much for talking to us alex. thank you alex, good luck to my kind of joins us live now from washington d. c. mike. so us officials say look, we're closely watching developments in georgia. what more they've been saying that well, us officials deeply concerned about the situation in georgia state department spokesman saying that to the us supports the freedom of assembly, the right to protest in any country. this is a basic right. he refrain from criticizing the georgia government directly,
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but made very clear his belief that this proposed legislation could have a massive impact on the georgia people. and indeed, the georgians relationship with the west chances of joining the you and of course, the relationship with russia, the ongoing conflict in ukraine. so all of these factors come together. this is what the state department spokesman had to say. we're, as we said consistently in recent days, deeply troubled by the recently introduced draft for an agent laws which is actually made law, would stigmatize in silence independent voices and citizens of georgia who are dedicated to building a better future within their own communities. parliament's advancing of these kremlin inspired draft laws is incompatible with the people of george's clear desire for european integration and it's democratic development. you know,
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they're the spokesmen emphasizing what he regards as the dissonance between the will of the george and people and the george and government itself. and it is this difference in opinions between the body politic and those who voted it into power in terms of this legislation, highlighting it and also highlighting the potential to conflict. so clearly the us watching the situation very carefully expressing great concern. all right, my kind of life is there in washington dc. mike, thank you. ah, no russian mercenary, say they've taken control of the eastern part of back moved as the battle for the ukrainian city grinds on. it's not strategically significant, but has gained symbolic importance for both sites out there. as bernard smith report, there isn't much left of back much to fight for. but ukraine and russia continue to throw soldiers and materiel into one of the bloodiest battles of the war in ukraine
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. the head of russia's wagner mercenary group, says his forces have taken control of the eastern part of the city. but there is in issue a garage here, a very live fuel was originally just bought more. the sure for was sewage near the gib welcome would go baldness to know what it's about. control him. she will go wagner. just as we go to, we discussed on a video released on wednesday. if gainey parisian is shown talking to wagner mercenaries who are complaining, they're running out of ammunition. magnified as i've been leading the russian campaign to see. but not christian has accused russia's defense minister, sir gay, chicago of treason, the withholding supplies of munitions to his fighters. munitions are in short, supply to for ukraine's forces. you defense ministers have been meeting to discuss a plan for the member states to pull resources to buy ammunition. nato secretary
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general says back what may fall to russia in the coming day? this does sir, or not, sir, necessarily, reflect any, are turning point of the war on them and her and the, it just highlights that we should not under estimate a russia, ah, we must continue to provide support to ukraine. the whole thing ukraine's military release, the video of a commander visiting troops in back mart, alexander c, ascii, tells them, and they're in the hottest spot back marty's of little strategic value for both ukrainian military and wagner mercenaries have said that using this battle to deplete and divert the addresses resources from elsewhere along the front line. bernard smith, al jazeera, general d u. n. chief and ukraine's president of court for an extension of the crucial black c grain export deal at a meeting in cave,
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antonio cottage is visiting the ukrainian capital and has stressed the importance of the agreement for global food security. the deal was initially broken by the un and turkey and is due to be renewed later this month. the bless you should see the good law to lawyers. oh, yes. for the explorer 23000000 thaws of grain from ukrainian bottles. it contributed to loading the blue cross. the fools agreed to go to people. why? oh, what is war? but keep me in the developing world. hundreds of people have been out on the streets in the occupied west bank for the funeral of 6 palestinians who were killed by israeli forces, the palestinian presidency spokes, personal qualities. when you read all out war and many palestinians are calling on their leaders, do more to protect them. abraham reports the division between
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palestine. 2 political factions laid out in the streets of nablus on wednesday. ah, the palestinian authority security forces attacked mourners in the funeral procession of a high mass gun man. listed in official say some participants violated arrangements that were agreed before the funeral. but many here believe the palestinian authority does not want him asked to have a strong presence in the occupied westman mistress. and the judge not only is his railey army worried about the fight as uniting palestinians who have personal interests. so worried about the units in geneva being coffee like c o. before he was killed gunman, i'd been fatter who she was taking refuge in jeanene, a hub for the armed resistance to his rails occupation. here in jeanine at different picture. not only do palestinians fight side by side, but government provide support to one another, even when they belong to different palestinian factions and come from different
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city fighters de la 0. the internal palestinian division only serves to benefit israel beard upon him. and alida ships far away from the palestinian struggle for a long time. the palestinian authority wants to curb the resistance and where against that. z as that amy is one of 6 palestinians as ready, forces killed during the day in geneva on tuesday. he was a member of the palestinian security forces before he took up arms and joined other fighters and jean engleside walketh in the colors. now is the time for us to take up arms. the young people have much more awareness and they say we have to resist and we can't stay silent against these really aggression what he thought for palestinians. it's been a cycle of grief, anger, and mourning united in pain. and now they say the fight need that by him. elijah's eda, the occupied westbank. tens of thousands of people are rallying in chiles. capital santiago,
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that marking international women's day by demanding the government and shrines. abortion rights and gender equality and the new constitution. on wednesday, the julian government announced a series of measures aimed at improving women's lives. a latin american editor lucio newman, was at the march and santiago. it's been a mass mass demonstration, one of the largest i think i've ever seen. and that's saying a lot in this country where for international women's day, usually hundreds of thousands of women and children, even babies this time turned out with their mothers. but there has just been an incident. i don't know if you can. you probably can't see it right behind me, but i could see the water cannon trucks of the riot police throwing water and trying to break up a group of violent people that just interrupted into this what was otherwise a peaceful and very joyous march. they started throwing glass bottles, sticks, beat several of the protesters or of the women marchers who tried to stop them. it became very violent. one of them got caught just
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a few minutes ago by the marchers who him and, and a teams. and it's being cleared up, there weren't many of them, but they were, as i say, they were very, very violent. and it's the kind of thing that happened to often hear, despite the calls for a peaceful march, mainly by women. they're very few men here. those are the who were armed with the glass bottles and sticks and stones were mainly young men. but anyhow, it did seem to have ended. and that's why you see very few people behind me right now. but there are tens of thousands in front of me at this stage. they must be marching past the presidential palace to demand abortion rights, to demand gender parity, especially an end to fem aside and abuse by men. this is it's a long list. we've heard it all for years and years, but chilion women are becoming more and more emboldened from all age groups and from all social levels, economic levels in this country. that's certainly what we've been seeing here today . let's come here now, which is area including protest as in paris,
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speak out against plan, government reforms on international women, uncles for greece, prime minister to step down. this outrage grows from the compass deadlier strain, more than ah, awe in depth analysis of the days headlines from around the world to try right extremely there is real and need to be tackled as soon as possible informed opinions. why is the thing opposition concerned about this rather small between turkey, anthea those, and i'm really room to a service appointment frank assessments. you know, that was a joke about the interim government that it's not inter, i mean, nor does it got inside story on al jazeera ah, al jazeera,
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with national chapel from the al jazeera london broke off and passed 2 people in thoughtful conversation . we were 1st generation of black worship people and we have to really find our way with no hope and no limitation. the world is a much smaller place. we do better to get away with these regional boundaries, film direct, thank you. in to tell me things some right back in my life, the breaking separately have is making often visible due to be unscripted on out to thera ah ah ah,
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welcome back up your promot about top stories here. this, our thousands of people are protesting in the georgia capital to b. c. for 2nd day, they're running against a proposed know they say, well, silence critics of the government. the government says it's needed to stop the influence of what it calls foreign ages. russian mercenaries say they've taken control of the eastern part of but moved as the back of the ukrainian city drawings on nato. secondly, general says it may fall to russia in the coming days, but credit defenders say retreat and tens of thousands of people are rallying and truly is capital santiago, marketing international women's day demand and the government intimate abortion rights agenda. equality in the new constitution. trans. holton, sanitation workers in france are taking their strike against proposed pension reforms into a 3rd day. hunger has continued to grow at the present is plans to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 on international women's day, protest is highlighted what they see as the sexiest nature of the changes natasha
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butler has more from the french capital. solidarity women's rights around the world was one of the main themes of march in paris to mock international women's day protest as well. so focus on issues closer to home, including the french governments, planned pension reform that some say will make life harder for women. 3 samples, i'm going to them like all the forums, his pension bill ignores women. now women will have to work more years to make up for the years. they had children as if having children isn't work well i later to state as against woman, as all states are and on this, governments include women, you end up with laws like this pension reform, which is profoundly sexist. this mod coincides with the 2nd day. nationwide strikes against a government plan pension reform. some lucas said the reforms on erosion of their rights in the north of the country. there were road blockades and picket lines
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outside some factories in the east. dozens of cargo boat workers blocked part of the wine river while transport services had disrupted nationwide. res would i get eligible? suffer cuz it's been total chaos. i guess it's the same for everyone. i had a train this afternoon that was cancelled. so i re book and then that was camera straight. unions calling for rolling strikes to bring france to a standstill. and gathering that government in golden order is quick if we can den calls to bring our economy to its knees. because these statements are irresponsible king and leaders, ursula to meet french president emmanuel mcgraw to discuss the stand off. so far the requests have been declined. macro says the re films are necessary to modernize an ailing and processing system. for now, his government shows no sign. backing down. natasha butler al jazeera paris pakistan's, former prime minister in mankind, has criticized a government decision to ban public gatherings which forced him to call off an
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election rally. there were confrontations between his supporters and the police had of cons. plan rally in law on person was killing violence and dozens of people arrested. were just hours before the event authorities imposed a ban on all demonstrations for a week. the biggest concern right now for my political party is or to protect me because our, there's a severe that there's a serious threat to my life. the question is, how do i get been and yet does have a secure enough environment. westerners, how do i go to these gods? i made 3 quarter bare answers and unfortunately there was just no protection there are. that's why we were broached or gordon said, look, there must be some police protection. tens of thousands of people have been protesting across greece, south, the nations worse trying disaster and he's fired tear
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gas and stung grenades to disperse large crowds in the capital, athens, civil servants, doctors, teachers, and transport workers all walked off the job to show their anger over the state of the rail network protest as are questioning why the government failed to pursue safety for jamal is switch him out of the stupid minimum and very angry and not just with someone in particular with every one. there should never have happened. every one should be held accountable from the lowest to the highest. even i'm responsible that i didn't react, said this would never happen all summer. you know, if it was a home of the most fit to normal, of course i'm angry. how could i not be so it's not just the accident, it's everything else as well as a lot of things have been building up. so people have really reached their limits. really going to be by human. it's logical that there would be anger within society, but i believe during these moments, silence is the best option. now, there are warnings that growing national debt and parts of africa could push
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millions of people into hunger. the issue was just one of the topics being discussed at the united nations once in a decade, conference for the world's least developed countries here in cat r, r a z here was veronica patrol reports no longer at this market in zimbabwe. many of the items on offer a too expensive for a growing number of people here, and it's likely to stay that way for some time. the u. n. se sum $21.00 countries are facing the combined effects of debt and high food prices. apart from zimbabwe, afghanistan, cameroon, ethiopia, haiti, lebanon, somalia, sri lanka, and sued dawn are in the same situation. all of these countries, governments are in doha for the united nations least developed countries conference at the top of the agenda at their request is the push against international lenders
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to reduce the debt burdens faced by the 46 countries considered least developed. in other words, they have less than a $1000.00 annual income per capita. the cool thing of a new report says a system that's largely built to benefit the global north is driving the world's port countries into a vicious cycle of rising hunger. and poverty is he has some solutions. one, we is suffering less doubtful bills or for live barrels is them instead of importing from outside or rather relying on no external fertilizers in of a place of coming from outside or seed, surviving from outside. well, to lay on our own soil or not all people on our own knowledge to produce wood through, out of really, really fight to improve or to change the financially structural system. the word never again, he ortiz,
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should countries have to choose between repaid debts and ensuring that people offend. but it's not clear if anyone's listening. rhonda compared to rosa al jazeera, doha, the world health organization has terminated the contract of one of its senior employees over bullying. claims. takeshi cosign, who was the western pacific regional director, had been accused of racist abusive, an authoritarian behavior by his staff. he denies the allegations which the double h o says it investigated. now yemen fishermen have been facing a tough time since the war began in 2014 with a few fish and local waters. and the country's currency plummeting prices and are beyond the reach of most people. the internationally recognized government as now ban the export of fish to support local demand as a big has more. ah, fish used to be the main dish vienna lamesa, missouri lava price is at this auction at the central fish market in aden are too high for most people to afford hunters here. sorry,
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i'm so sorry. we're going to get our problem was let some of the officials come here and see what we are dealing with. they need to figure out a way to lower these prices. your average citizens cannot buy any fish of us. humans currency has lost value by 400 percent who reducing the purchasing power of people. fishermen hair also blame uncontrolled fishing by commercial vessels off their coast. those catching fish rest, their lives gone further out to sea. according to rights organisations, many have been killed by the saudi u. a coalition where raised a war against the country since 2014 as i was there, but the prices are insane. we can't buy meat now, it can't afford fish. and the prices used to be much lower than this. how can you afford this? this is so wrong, a lab or government authorities with the u. n. recognized government in yemen have blamed the situation, park, and exports to neighboring countries, but have now implemented an export back neg, either in the way not. well, we'd also mentioned that there are brokers who come to the ports,
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antique large quantities of fish, the men in the ship docs, and the more applies a sales when it comes to the local market. unfortunately, the fish we have don't go to the average gemini consumer, but they end up being sold for higher prices outside the government law. many question within the authorities can enforce upon exports, leaving fish caught by humans out of reach for most families. as at bake or 0, now the launch of the world 1st 3, the printed rocket has been cooled off at the last minute. the rocket designed by relativity space was attempting to break new ground in space exploration. early in the launch process teams at cape canaveral began, troubleshooting a problem with the rockets liquid oxygen temperature. the $110.00 foot rockets take up was put on hold and the issue couldn't be resolved before the end of the 3 hour launch window. so that's for me down jordan, for now the news continues you now to 0 after inside story to than to watch.
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ah, now we've not seen the spring equinox yet, but this looks distinctly spring like winds up from the south taking rain across japan. still cold off. it is snow inventive our stock or maybe in. so paro ball time you get to friday. but then you look again, you think these temperatures are bit on the high side for spring and you be right to think that they are for vietnam, right? the way through china and across the korean peninsula to japan. tempted a $7.00 to $15.00 degrees above average and they come up that way fairly quickly. as bit reminiscent of what happened last year where it stayed that throughout the summer for the south and as the rainy season still jitters. we still got big children, singapore, and call them from placebo lazy and born here, but then nothing like as big as they were. but the flooding hasn't all gone away
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from. but it symbolize here and the heat which is generating high attempts on the western side of india central in some pakistan is also high enough to generate $1.00 to $2.00 showers somewhere in the central northern plain of india. less so in pakistan where it's still hot in karachi and further now north, in fact, temperatures round about 5 degrees above average. nothing much to stop the minds of the sun keeps blazing. there is rain coming, 3 when it's ready for iraq and afghanistan. ah, al jazeera world takes a road trip across spain. spanish, people love to tell you who they are and where they come from. and i am no exception. one woman's journey seeking her heritage, and i'm covering new insights into kristin spends of listen, i'm origin. it's


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