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tv   Witness Defending French Justice  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2023 1:30am-2:01am AST

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was say, it's highly unlikely that trump would ever serve any time in jail. for this case, gabriel is on to our new york. finland has been named the world's happiest country for the 6 year running. the world happiness report is published annually and ranks global happiness in more than $150.00 countries around the world. it measures social support, income, health, freedom, general state, and the absence of corruption to determine a country's national happiness. this year finland was ranked number one, followed by denmark, iceland, israel, and the netherland. and quick reminder, you can catch up any time on our website, al serra dot com ah and one of the top stories on how to 0. russian president vladimir putin has told
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his chinese counterpart that he's opened to negotiations on beijing's piece plan to resolve the war and ukraine. it came as president cheesy in ping began his 1st visit to moscow. since the conflict began last year, the u. s. has warned the world not to be fooled by she's piece proposal, law golden dish, trying to values the friendship between china and russia. this has historical logic because we are makers and to large countries were also strategic partners. such a position determines that we have a very close relationship with graham is this notion that people as union. what would equal union, we have considered your proposals for settlement of the current crisis. of course, we will have an opportunity to discuss this. we know that you are basing this on principle of furnace and upholding the principle of the international law and divisible security for all countries. you also know that will always open to negotiations. we'll discuss all these issues, including your initiative, french president, emanuel. my cause government has survived to no confidence votes in the national
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assembly over its controversial pension reforms. 278 m. p. 's voted in favor of the 1st no confidence motion. 9 sure to the number needed to bring down the government . parliament then rejected a 2nd motion. by the far right. they were in response to widespread anger after the government by past parliament to push through plans to raise the retirement age. from 62 to 64, kenyon police say a student was killed after officers open fire during clashes with anti government protested angry at the rising cost of living and fuel shortages rallies were led by opposition. need a ride? no dingle whose own convoy was to guess he's about to hold weekly protests in the capital. a united nations report has warned that the window of opportunity to beat climate change is rapidly closing. it says extreme weather events will only get worse unless the world acts. now, a star predictions are expected to shape climate policy in the years to come. you
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and chief antonio, cherish as the climate time ball ms. picking, as he urged, rich nations to slash their missions sooner. stories do stay with us. just bear witness is coming up. next one, you see you straight after the 5 fortune my for now talk the law will the law with neither side, willing to negotiate is the ukraine war becoming a forever war? is america's global leadership, increasingly fragile? what will us politics look like as we had to the presidential election of 2024. the quizzical look us politics, the bottom line with a
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come up with the pitch model as far as and also they were forces was isis loss control in this area. we looked at a foot bound to says with this group said they come with
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this is all functional. only got a tuesdays or fall, don't renew. you just have what could be done with it. and it was shown on the consistency ah, am i gonna miss you? lena micah with his google. so you see which is this one of the one that was if you did, i did contact with you on the quote was i bank with
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a nebula. dibels look was at the level cut down to seek false equal damage on you. i've laid off all say, dorothy devin. yep. la bishop. good yet. he's to false. is what the executive. it's the passage solidarity. i just knew cc on look at. yeah, i've got you on. yeah. well the commute is exactly what they're all new. i've okay . does it hussey could it? i i can the back of it. don't polish it the bottle. i thought
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a bout don't metal nobody is cuz a more but, but yeah, the mold is exactly on the cool breeze. don't break up the x x your bruce, good execs, your da da da. my star will freeze on if you look on that, but you're still to see escort because you get all sorts of policy. it won't end. i've been to most for several of christie's. emma kitty don't, don't play that gesture. shirley's exceptional, don't. the body said she's houses do this. she said she's hosses, do determine the kid it up. otherwise we'll said is the church said as his house is determined, they don't care. constructive houses. one party said as ha says that it's on the concert official. bless you. good luck is from that been the most my dummy
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from them on to his deck whole shows the, the cedar, c f, a mutual tools b live over by foul ups textual disguise. so michael, monsieur, this who had chagrin isn't i did it. i felt more focused on that him and she said, no, see, learning unfair, ill curzy related case. yes. and i am more the past 2 are like the total dollar blood quality to rule out on something can be math . we'll see her with severe feeling, kinda wait a pocky. lemme talk where you lay quickly. these all clue season. willa said i in a well developed holiday, he'll escal magickal nissan. any girl your party havoc as early as your my pen, ju, these medium or fish. so miss, you enter a unity,
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we will pay equity. my law smart this of course is because the spaghetti martin was converted over a deadly of an order on cautious. i think his authority. i can you wrong if she balance sheets cooler for me, please said he, i saw about the sinews as far as the alec, nor yet by the his walker near by the door while the door talking with you on this la la jolla. when you a jenna, it's ivy. medea is equal to refer to new pacer password. then i can put different together the appraisal on the right map. bear with me. ok, well do have a massive or circle fit for as long as you're with the vehicle. it would demand an appeal, young voice miss elsewhere,
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it could. so my family is on the phone. the su cushman, joy taylor the shows. market to book them on the kitchen is restricted for 7. is she best job? and it could it? no, i imagine for several issues such as was rules in which she was from the departed classes. i couldn't policy the hosting. mm. i'm not sure like well can i send him on disciplinary on the title form and she's on yesterday to discuss it with armitage,
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and it's coming up with a positive distances on in the know what i'm looking for the quote the note on told about all i said is the news the catalina shown, is that most up in the budget poll need you only martha fender multiple. so that will got set us. you see that from then? this is from the bookstore. cause you fish wanted to fall for say to my desk and we'll see if actually the dodge scale will more space related to all she mom will tell you just all the mate demon us. these us shoot to look. is that okay?
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sure. see me sequester just because if it it, as it is, he was, i didn't, my lil was already off hoss, did not by the teaching middle did the year if he that he wanted to read it back to not this role. i mean, is it that say it was it? lucy municipal prosecute. no more will is with me to prove the bachelor and i just wanted to always tell them always on do, did a chip such just listed i did the minister accomplish with t mobile. so i handled a difference,
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it would lead like just wanted to walk with that. that gets to a lot more. jo, sluggish jewel. there is only a secured. there's infancy you on this did upon this. um, it will donate or hold it it don't go back. ok. wafa mitchell? ah, i see, she don't, you have only been asking why i say, but again, le, delivery foot to lady roche mythologized way. see sequel back. you task fuel clear? was that? oh it exact o. h. yeah. okay. now do you have your dallas men? carly mads, injured for justine, what exactly? well, i talked on 2404242. i see that with
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on these because people, ford f says won't be done on the launch empty been woocommerce, i found the command they must seizures to more prosecutor sweeten with them as he's run the routine permitted to book williams ye yes. sure. because miss you book walter, read harnesses on the piece by called out it always them. my father says classic young woman. he said, oh don't get to watch with the resource he got. don't lose it with my he did
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a little bit. we'll go reach, hoping we get off. this was able to blow wonderful city with a with a minute to cough. i see the diesel to spotty about a job. i made a border plus done as you did your job. i'm calling about dallas at it. suspects might exit ball suspects might executive fall, wash down hoss,
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but then i control that excursion also measures cancer will not have been you know, pictures will be right on this one is trivia john. plant 2 of them is on the cause of our community to otherwise possibility. dj a trip and we were at uab as just wanted to ask you if, if i could you come on say lesson with miss williams. bye god. mean from what you've been misled to stop it with that it is it will be do you depress more? said was it to do people really and also now she's been been
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to school yet min, stupid. i knew well, the session was sure a lot then, and as you read it, or is it 3 router with saying now i did the delta dental job clinic? ah, my bow, i slide to recess. even your foss, powerful in fan, elderly with your injury to the phenomenon. educational are more rebuttal. sh, interesting me. oh, did you get those credible, keep our costs accessing your ship in use up, hold. say, touch it to robust. electrical chelsea ah,
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it shall. marcia c, a v us proper level discussion, our sharika shows blue is not really fit m n d or to set up for auction or a personal history. so new to move as person you fickle said. that's what part of the law is. casually pulling safari, it was obvious scenario was was shane leveraged challenges. ah, just the key book, the double charged witnesses niecy with a multiple about different rudy sandwiches on the pay stomach law prisoner the
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local channels under see each so create likely majesty to count imagine i call samar gallagher presenter nozik demo. cyclical shows. eva santa jack lucas's event in procedure. since u. s. rock your civic, your paul, i'm go imagine it doesn't tell lucy upon the pin to move the touches in the all because they make to what they called any imo or several of the for the panel juice. i'm booked on on a petition docs in america. my prison stores not that official shipper, foster motor john john ivy digital books. it's like a deputy beauty's authority. i just want to i just thought that he didn't know if it sa street that warmer. don't look enough almost to suicide. bombs have killed at
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least 20 people in baghdad and wounded dozens of others. it is the 1st major suicide attack in baghdad in several years. so far today. no group is claimed responsibility be i kid i b keys. shawnee quick at danielle bison. i to return to sender. yeah. do she know c quarterman did. mckenzie . could you didn't like it may be on paper i believe. but we do seem to get jessie de or ethan again on this for you to avoid it with the socket with is we all touched for different comes from it. is your computer for me to just in the can tell it
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to somebody with a beam gemalto dietary i didn't have. i'm welcome. welcome to josh channel one. how much it was to do a little little glove title for lunch anyway. watch any of it on the job in the del, called of, of ali at home should choose from the attendant. those are the only help with my achieve horn. i not only just home now, did you did go to them,
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how can i trust me? i just wanted to alan, it is not a lot of that i was open. valesh been how can i home model fall on the in the set up? how come all of the album did long will kind of flush log them open in their them into sold of you they own into a homie does a and the and dash on the way. so we are mahogany that are a dry mom. she's easy. so we're you know, all the ottoman which in michigan mission whole monica day was that with us. yeah. and i saw your mommy. i think it was you said
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a lot more to my financial. i mean well wait till monday. so all a link to them and then shallow, the knock someone. i mean, i'm sorry more. no, i said a lot, a lot. no job. not a musty a more it is said to network kids from a store to pull up as digital distribution accessibility test shook. good before you oppose. dickie's true excuse it. don't basketball. as gifts, nemo says on on that by isn't that that could change happen to my father dickerson at his it, it, we don't even do that. you see it,
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i will catch the bus and show my friend how do you want to, emma 12 o'clock? yes, said dickie, we on the way out. we're not far from from you in the minutes we will be there. thank you very much. jack dos on these extra by this is the suave of payment box. it duplex, etc much. so tomorrow cash prefer the deed in all oh yeah, with with
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these people who are good, but it has not been everything mccardle due to how much i just well my yeah yeah. i'll call the end with, well, let and fill out an application fee and they said it did, i missed ya. i made it and you're going article your car. i knew when i did come, aha, me, helen g 0 a minute. i gotta deny it off. i know bob motor of america, i knew the ideological me if you had that i did. yeah. with on
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that as a month, a full prison instead of an idea that the consumer, the, with the much is the ongoing i felt in this is if i could perceive in your own didn't i didn't eat a quick one second cuz they consist restaurant complex. so cuz it does, and they also your mall in intel ready to send this isn't up with the media, spoke to them, this is just for your time a with this webinar as soon as possible. i just spoke with touch
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with one for michelle. bob often for about the roman alcala, yet it was on available when i was with pleasure. so it's just that i did with it. if i'd screwed up and i get it back, i was what i was real think of philosophical chelsea. mm mm. mm. to leave you with that,
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you do give it to be honest with them in this room. if it was too late to depreciate sensitivity, if one of you shipping them in west cooper to the property, it was already 40 or get the chicago when they should not talk. i because you said you put this on your chart that possible with your they just said he commended iraq. a nation riddled with land mice and an expert dedicated to defusing them, one by one. equipped with only a knife and a pair of wire puppies. he faced his death every day
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but does his work make him a hero or a target witness? the d minor on al jazeera. ah, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world center might have when you call home will but you can use in current affairs that matter to you. there's a story being spot, a fantasy where being sold, the notion that we can offset all the ca, than we generate, does carbon offsetting actually work? what these be done isn't worth sitting in the pro is net 0, just the couch, raise. net 0 mission. that's 00 climate neutral,
2:00 am
poly re examines the myths on delusions in the struggle against climate breakdown. all hail the planet episode won on al jazeera. from the al jazeera london, bro, casenita, 2 people in thoughtful conversation with no host and no limitation of the artist. by nature, they are a person who are lost, party, love, i way, way and in miss cooper. society is not interested in the individuality. the freedom. the spirit of the young person studio be unscripted on al jazeera. ah, ah, playing peacemaker. china's choosing paying visits moscow to promote his plan to end the warn you cried.


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