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tv   Witness No Simple Way Home  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2023 9:00am-10:01am AST

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costs of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time. the i'm carry johnson, tell you how the top stores now and i'll just, they're leading republican that presidential candidates have been making the pitch to donors and potty leaders in the us states of iowa, the annual events and notice of in content. so speeches by donald trump and on the front runners, i will fully secure our elections. i will defend the judeo christian values of our nations founding i one i or twice by really a lot. we sit records and together we will crush crooked joe biden. the most crooked, present it in the history of our country by far, and also grossly incompetent. doesn't know what he's doing,
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he's destroying our country. we will win the election big, and we will make america great. again. our country is in the klein and joe biden is the custodian of that the klein i'm running for president because we is, republicans cannot be content with simply managing decline of our country a little bit better than the democrats. we must reverse american decline. we must restore this country to greatness and we must provide our country with a new birth of freedom. us secretary of state antony blinking his offer. this is alice to preston, to washington's unflagging support. he made the sites and a phone call with mohammed assume he remains in detention un security council has caused by his immediate and unconditional release. the qu, lead to general attorney, has declared himself head of states and suspended the constitution as african
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nations have caused a peaceful resolution to the conflict and ukraine. of the closing of the rest of africa. summit rushes to present reading my posts in says the russian never opposed . peace talks saying the boat is in, keeps cold. it is from the confidence close by him to de escalate, and resumed the black sea greendale from thing to preston. to defend his country's position on the conflict and ukraine whose cause rainmaker you said that you are against cruise, and i fully agree. so we, but one of the reasons for today's crisis was a coo and ukraine in 2014, an unconstitutional armed, bloody to which the west supported actively in violation of international law. you mean, we still advocate for peace and in a way we feel that we have it right to call for peace because the ongoing conflict as you had during the course of the day also negatively affects us
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as african countries apart from one to, to support a peace process, all over the world. this conflict is now directly affecting us as well. the russian defense ministry says at least 16 people were injured in the midst of the attack. on the quote, the city of tag on the rock lies about 60 kilometers from the border with ukraine. military officials say they've down to ukrainian rockets with fragments damaging residential buildings there with no fatalities, according to the government, all the rest of the region. the modern ukrainian city of the need for the interior ministry says a russian missile strike is injured. 9 people. it struck a high rise residential building. i think every down on residence emergency services are battling blaze the right place and through have thoughts with for
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testers who were demanding the resignation of the present data. but it was a, was giving an independence day speech in congress, as demonstrates, has demanded a new government early elections as reconciliation and the hold of jobs to the families. but least 60 peruvians, children protest this year. a fire, which has been burning for days on the ship and the north sea is finally showing signs of dying down. solve as expos, manage to board the vessel which is loaded with thousands of cars. the main task is to stop at sinking in an area of outstanding natural beauty in the netherlands. well, that is all the headlines. news continues here and i'll just say or of to witness. to stay with the
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the the, the, the, my family story is inseparable from the story as my country. even though i've never really lived there
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the, we moved around a lot and i grew up in x. so because of the war. ready ready ready ready ready ready the my father founded the sedan peoples integration movement, the scale and in 1983. ready ready with my mother by his side and i had an armed struggle against and it's nomic send a mental us government based in the north of the country for the south determination of the people in the south and democratic transformation of
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a whole country. it was a civil war characterized by nick as well as religious differences. but the majority of people in the north identifying as are in most of them and the majority of people in the south identifying as african and christian the the
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in 2005, the skillen and the sudanese government signed an historic piece agreed the my father became vice says it looked as though he was going to deliver on the promise for delivery.
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people were elated to look for the it didn't last long on the july 31st, 2005. welcome to the shopping news of the death of doctor john. can be sworn in as the vice president austin then become the most popular person in the country . they spent 21 years at war and died of to 21 days in office the we to it the country as a family, as my father's body. i never forget the sound of despair that started from a distance and rumbled like it was coming from the or the
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my mother became a widow. the years she turned 50 the i was 16 to her grease. she didn't only has a family to altogether. people began to call her mother's donation. oh yeah. oh. but the soon after we
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lost my father, my mother started sharing her dreams infused with me. always in the early hours of the morning, she stepped into our country's political arena, with the fear that my father died in vain and yearning for us her children to come home. i decided to start filming, or mourning conversations are in search of my mother's dreams. in search of home, these photos and 1977. this picked up the baby's might be a yeah. let me see. to see do we have to bring it out? i don't know. that's okay. yeah. so this is my daughter applause. when was that?
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the 20 now growing old. familiar, understand my child. i don't know when i put the slip. oh my mother. mm hm. the girl with a long next the long, beautiful neck. the younger. yeah. and this picture is 1985 look at the along the icon exposed to the other piece. i pray hard my daughter to see while i'm it's still a nice for us, but i mean that's what i want. that's how i wanted to leave my children. i didn't want to leave them in a country where people are divided into pieces even even to the on call.
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6 years after we lost my father, the people of the south voted to separate from sudan in the referendum. and the new country was born. south sedan please let at the street with renewed help and then you have the nation as for human cells to dog is nothing less electric. just 2 years after independence. we fell back into another civil war after the struggle no longer freedom. but these power struggles within our own govern. tonight's will begin with claims of an attempt to install to get it started with our president. sounds like here, like using his deputy the much us and others of trying to over through his
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government. i said we have lost my blood pressure is really what we thought for one way of being today's here, since i'm going the way we are the way, do not want us trouble. i will not be part of my mother was forced to back into exile to neighboring can you for speaking out against a leadership that she had spent decades and struggle with another agreement in a piece itself to don the see this time to do that provides for my mother, 5 vice president and 500 and these members of parliament with after a series of failed attempts to restore peace. an agreement was reached in 2018. and now we find ourselves holding our breath of the
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new piece agreement content. the possibility of my mother joining a government of national unity for the deadline for it to be formed in november 2019. after years in exile we came home, the this is home land. my father gave his knife to land to which i feel duty bound. the . c the
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insides are done. my father's image surrounds us. we imagine and remember, different versions of him, transformed him into the hero. we can see the day he died is no more thursday. he is our founding father. our departed father of the liberation struggle. what about our mother who is here of the the
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my families my would have done accessed the when without them having to be able to then 1st the concept can you say mine will be a design for a lot of my family is and some of the ones who left off and i wanted to has been for may 6th by the way of people to be mistreated, had to meet i came over to the position that both has given me that had to have a lot people. a dorothy the
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phone. i'm gonna just try the now i'm coming the
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the so you know i'm, i told i told you that i applied to them and um, i thought i applied for a piece of development studies. so i said i would rather study peace and confidence . right? yes. and, and how this hills constant trauma off on trauma trauma can continue to cause instability, politically and can hold peace is like,
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cuz the leadership is also trauma. not just the people go through the door that says go to a new piece because you must. b by says to the following, include from behind the camera, she seemed so sure footed when the civil war broke out, she quit her job to help on mother she's giving our new country her vote of confidence. it says though she's laying down the one bridge she has and hoping that more will follow the trade my, her, the,
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when i look around japan capital, i see abandoned construction abandoned hope. there aren't many viable ways to make a living because our economy is so dysfunctional or currency about a tile and inflated. i also see the blue chairs that thought the streets from these small t shots. most of them set up and run by women. some very young they're trying to find a way i admire them to the
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areas of delays and even little frustration for the african union. simple mention of the units in government is to it is crucial that new government towards south to the deadline for government formation has come and gone. making the tenuous piece more fragile. and the weight, heavier, the
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we're all waiting for things to get better for a stronger peace and stability but waiting for me at my mother's house, as well as apart from wasting elsewhere in the capital and beyond. it seems impossible to reconcile our experiences our privilege compared to the overwhelming like that surrounds us. our traditions and modernity. you remember my mother in bodies this paradox. like my father, she grew up poor with few opportunities. i recognize her ambition because i have some myself. she encouraged it,
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she also insisted that my sisters and i learn how to cook clean, take care of children. so that sunday we'd make good wives and mothers there never seemed to be a contradiction between these things for her. so now i want it to us with all these kids on the table. hm. you select the country heritage capacity to hold young people's dreams. so probably the issue is new to the country visually, the need is good and i believe is a baby. so a lot of the young people are degree and nobody can probably say for the time being not or do we have to wait until that leadership is gone. no, nothing your signature,
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nothing easier usually then we come to the . ringback ringback the guy. ringback the always may have been going and to begin with. yeah. so i did that if i click on the display properties on when that point you made of the vice president of the company for that as part of
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the the thing guys present the the, the present the you to the you know, are the only the the thank you. the on the 21st of february 2020 president sofa keys issued
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a decree appointing 5, but the vice president's from opposing parties, including my mother, the . i remember just days before my father was sworn in as vice president, gathering the courage to ask my parents if everything was going to be ok as it
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sounds innocent. but i grew up with a sense of duty that left no room for doubt. that made it difficult to ask such questions the i'm afraid for her now the where is the western agenda? headache, that's the g 7. really even matter anymore. who's more electable, joe biden, or donald trump or jeremy? listen in the media undermining our society. can americans cross their supreme court is not corrupt. the quizzical look us pull it to the bottom line since its inception, in 1961,
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the quite fund has been supporting people's livelihoods. and over 100 countries, by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development isn't that they the process with engine agreement says he doesn't find plastic quote in his. we've picked up a truck tire and a sun bed, but it's mainly bottles. plates, forks, stakes fish. net all plastic. plastic is very busy and, and can fluid for years around the globe and ocean carrying with them fungus bacteria. and we can predict to that, that with increase of globalcom creature and the see temperature, the number of the stuff do we always going to increase as well? what changes to our ecosystem become visible in 40 to 50 years later,
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but it's already too late by then. and chances of reversing it nearly impossible. the the so i'm carry johnston in the headlines now. meeting republic and the presidential candidates have been making the pitch to donors and potty leaders in the us state of iowa, the annual event, ernest lincoln, dennis, so speeches by donald trump and other front runners. i won't fully secure our elections. i will defend the judeo christian values of our nations founding i one i or twice, by really a lot. we sit records and together we will crush, crooked joe biden. the most crooked, present it in the history of our country by far, and also grossly incompetent. doesn't know what he's doing,
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he's destroying our country. we will win the election big, and we will make america great again. us secretary of state and to me bank and has often, is ousted preston's washington's unflagging support. he made the pledge and a phone call with them how many buzzing remains in detention un security council has caused for his immediate and unconditional release. the currently, the general gianni has declared himself head of state and suspended the constitution. the russian defense ministry says at least 16 people were injured in a mis saw. the attack on the port city of attack on the road. it lies about 60 kilometers from the board of the ukraine. ha, officials say they've down the ukrainian rockets with franklin's damaging residential buildings. meanwhile, in ukraine, in the city of the need for the interior ministry says a russian missile strike has injured 9 people. it struck a high rise residential building, raining devry down on the residence. a rod leasing through has 40 protests with the
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mounting the resignation of the president. the bullet was giving an independent state speech and congress has demonstrated has demanded a new government and early elections edged reconciliation and apologize to the families of at least 60 peruvians killed in protest. this year. a fire, which has been burning for days on a ship in the north seas, find the showing signs of dying down. salvage experts managed to board the vessel which is loaded with thousands of cars that are assessing the damage and how to stop it. sinking in an area of outstanding natural beauty in the netherlands. well, there's all the headlines. the news continues here after we rejoin witness. stay with us. the
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i didn't know that i was going to be able in addition to the united cruise politicians seems to be last and i don't like my my facing the government is not only my faith, my gender, and i'm has to be careful with the same thing. you should know by and we don't we cannot work alone. we need those ministers to be appointed. but that is thing because of the the selection. i think the it is through the sticking point that fighting over the, the ministry's, and i'm far from it for they get one or to throw me the women gender special olympics. and when the data with have go with it, they wanted to see the ministers read the dollar sign for like to let them know
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that the human human resources, the primary resource for the nation. i'm happy with it. i want to see that a real popular, they went ahead and say that i'm making a core against what brought it about 2013. what do we do for through the government? the homecoming 2nd accept, the president said, there was an advisor to put us into my position was there, but i was against would to entry and as, as a settling patty. so and i thought was president many times and president was not giving an ears to this day. instead they were thinking me as enemy. so he wasn't being to me, why am i saying that there was no clue. he said that i should have said that there was close and that these people, those up on that to be and i will not accept that. so it was against that. and i was against the direction we were thinking. this last billing. but the
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social and i don't have any good. i just didn't see my political me. yes. i was happy with the way he was thinking things. yeah. using thera, people still haven't forgiven him. yeah. data discipline, i know godly people. they've click and forgive us for another, for reason another home could i use what, how know this the up is like i don't know how this interview going to come interview me where my head is being cut. so really the,
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i to myself, if anything kicks off again, i'm not going to be away funding. i'm going to be close to if, if there's any kind of insecure, it has 2013. i remember sitting by the tennessee video because i'm going to make a whole she's going to be, i was terrified. i think that trauma kind of stayed with me, but i think that's maybe the decision. maybe that was the decision that i took to come because it, i'm never going to make it happen that i'm away from my mom and or wherever it is kicking off. i said i'm going to be the
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. ready the front of the miles you bought it, mom. i don't know much, you know stuff, but with the yeah, i was the one with the no, no problem or the as i'm the one with the the, the, to the concert i do,
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i do you all have comments about the i get done, but you may not one of the ones on the refresher. as soon as why you chose not to, to marry me. if there's less than that, i wouldn't seem to ask, but someone else might say, no, no. let me see what we will find out. why many matter what? some people don't know somebody them, but not up to no doctor me for me. one man only know i'm still in love with your father news, but it is that on the all that i yeah. i don't,
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i don't get this bible saying that until the last but no. it's not in my book goverlan demanded to my husband and did i go to a level one man? i don't see how does layman is only he was in my hand for me and the other ones are the ones who the my boys even the growling. yeah. movie them, like even your colleagues an age me and i'm going to behave like my husband, the the the
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the, the long the the the the the,
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the. 2 the. 2 2 2 2 the,
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the, the, the do of the, of a, uh yeah, the the going to go do here by so i have my on my, to god, that's the vice president that as the wife president of the size of the department
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. of course also don. i have the inventor religious, i'm back to the republican so help me god that i couldn't yeah, they come in kind of email or this. thank you. thank you. thank you. so the citizen, oh good mind the incentive of this place. i am addressing you today for the 1st time as one of the vice president brought in this position by the large piece agreement on that as most of the conflict in south with my fellow sa. so the news in the values of this boss and then from the slum line of great off,
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i'm on the slow mountains of good. i thought you were told you lies the bones and slice of our fields, including our founding father. the love you, the prize for our freedom has been high. we have food as leaders and brought to this unnecessary war on the, this of the most. so good a good signs in our, the young country in history. we must, in the spirit of peace today, united. so give us a move forward as one people, the
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ceiling. when you are sworn in the living. now i'm thinking of what, how to begin with because expectation is immense. is fast expectation of the people. and we, as we do this, we should be sitting down and think of that a little deceived that day. it's not a pipe, it's not the prestige but the people that's not so don't know what to this. the
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after the swearing in new questions are taking over what is the vision beyond the struggle look at the short history of our country. a civil war, 2 years after independence and no into the instability insight. my mother stepping into the role that my father died and will not be history repeating itself. she's not going to be a martyr. so instead of a race and struggle to a more likely be remembered for what she does in this new position for national vendor pads and 7 this year there's a very fest have set up so to be also an emergency action for the insecurity phase . the region in south savannah were pursuing that upsets a role in preference on his trip. on
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the on the 10th shingles does stuff on his team, the one so bless. as the mother, most people are not new for me. this on my children as the mother of this country. i'm happy to see them visiting me, assuring me that i'm on my way out with you to just as you to the ground running
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and dui class the easy way to do monday. then very it a little, we expect ition, you mean we're not you cause to share a lot of similarities and also gone through a lot of the challenges that you had very thank you for 12 months like ok instead of what i need. yeah. money like 10 grand to buy me think yeah. and what kinda buy down the sound good to you. you can hold on to hold on me. and when did you know the
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time sheet subsidized region? 14 level has to be for some reason to run under having to destroy many homes and assessments by united nations office for the coordination of the 90 to the fast save an estimated one for them to, to several 1000 choices have already been discussed. you know, quite a, organize the mission to survey what people are calling the worst slides in our recorded history. they've intensified existing problems. over 100000 people have lost their homes and livelihoods
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and many more have been affected. the law is still getting more. 1 upside and even that we need to documented now and then also asked to to start to see some areas you can identify small islands of higher ground. but there's some areas like this where it was completely closed up as far as you can see. and you can see over here, this is know, this is what would be around the village. $91.00 plus i knew the city and the water selling. nothing's yet people enough to survive. yeah. so people life was still going on. yeah. still continuing, but there was no,
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no, that's why i want these things to be documented and go there are some people who are here and the thing that people to them around it is to the issues that people have done. but what does it you see it? and there's more to be done well as you continue to go up to now, that continues in the me know, and the flats in those left by those let themselves is not being placed in the international community. there's other people out there with the time that this thing can be placed. wow. my have to just a man or the
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the opening game and what kind of by by doing one loud. how
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was the armoire 5. ok. i'm, you know, the one, you know, i did not feel good at my b b, i was up to the the the
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because i was part of the struggle. i wanted also to be part of the nation. really wanted to do that. so i took it upon myself as a citizen of this country, i wanted to see how i can contribute to the people. so i'm sort of under the same time on the woman. i'm the mother to the, to the young ladies. so i wanted to to mentor them in this girlfriend to let them know that and if it is possible, the young lady is a young man. the youth and denina. now women, so we need to give them an opportunity. my know,
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we are doing that. what do we quoted for wedding the officer told me that what was being done on as is where i'm to our people now. even worse than what the enemy was doing to us this would have for you to come see, for the creator. it has to come with with some advantages to the people the it looks like there is no peace on the other side of freedom and home is not a place of rest. i still don't know what it means to be so. so denise, i do know that the promise of liberation and independence. it's not the reality of
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liberation and independence. the i look to my mother, to vanelle also to my sister, and the young women who support their families. by serving t on the road side. there's a quiet force keeping things from entirely falling apart. we've been 10 years free. most of our compatriots are struggling to survive. and we're still holding our breath, the a missionary selves. so the leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and which on to become so dense, 1st vice president
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a news release, global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world, tells the story of john graham and mysterious death on now just the here's how it safe it off across the middle east and africa on saturday. great to have yo long and temperatures of notes down just a bit across book that and great temperature is now at about 47 degrees and we'll
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see that humidity begins to ease across the golf more so i would say as we head toward sunday is that breeze turns lighter, but for now, for us here in doha will max out at $43.00 degrees. some big monsoon downpours though for bucket stones upper san providence, punjab rate through to k b k and with is north of the breeze off the caspian sea. the temperature and bako at $27.00 is actually below average for this time. your temperature is bang, on average, those we looked at on tale at $35.00 degrees and those heat alerts have been dropped for many parts of southern europe. athens is actually where it should be as well for this time of the year. now for africa, the rain is really filling in across the air, the own guinea guinea be so i think we're going to see some flooding here. and for a central africa, we've got these bands of rain around bunky in the central african republic that will pour into northwest drc ongoing. and same goes here. we could see some flooding. meantime for south africa, the western cape province. quite a vigorous system slamming in here we could see wind gusts up to
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a 100 kilometers per hour on saturday. so you are in a bit. the extraordinary men and women who are breaking the moon from the taxi drivers investing everything they have been to their mini bus only to face 6th street danger. and the suit seems rough, his tracks to the jump key, turn, power, magic saving lives, transporting the sick and the elderly for medical health police due to we're seeing its own own i, which is 0. sun go south rush. i if i read challenging place to work from as a journalist, even though you can't do it, it's not allowed to pushing. we always pushing a boundaries for
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we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. of the republican frontrunner, donald trump and other candidates make their pitch fits next to you as a race for the white. the other there i most of the okay, and this is alger 0 life from the also coming russian miss aisles. here's an apartment block and a security service building and ukrainian city of the need for a few and security council condemns accruing asia. i'm united states office unflagging supports in the power as president tops running dry and around how drought in.


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