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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2023 5:00am-5:30am AST

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pain in egypt. journalism is not a crime. the such as victory let propose a free transition of power after west african delegation meet spoke deals to president and the coolie to the lives over. i mean, you want to, i'll just say we're like, my headquarters here in the also coming up must have occupations of the state of emergency in canada is british columbia. but devastating wildfire. so tearing through communities. also ahead, i'm gonna see and you've been a keep to ecuador where fears of political violence room over sundays snap general
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elections. and also a level playing field in poland web refugees. and mike would say the truth of different things, depending on where they come from. we know we have like we just need to accept that we are all human beings. so you saw about us just to accept who we are. i'm proud of why i'm. i'm always be black. the spoken to the program to jazz ministry ruler has proposed a 3 year transition to power of the west. african lead has made another attempt at diplomacy to reverse the cube. the statement by general of the money each chinese follow told with a delegation for west africa's main regional blog. echo us now they will send back new chance to post president is the 1st time home and buzzing as be seen in public since last month's military take over the course act reports the. answering the
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dentist called to mobilize, tens of thousands of volunteers gathered outside of new year's nationalist. take him to join the armed forces to the agenda. this is a show popular support for last month's inactive defiance and the face of the threat of military action. cindy, west african body eco box, which wants to reinstate the deposed elected president buses. and the crew leader general gianni delivered a message of his own. after meeting an echo aust delegation in the capital in. yeah, me neither the national council for the safe guard of the homeland, nor the people of new jersey war and remain open to dialogue. but let us be clear, if an attack were to the undertaking against us, it will not be the walk in the park. some people seem to think the costs delegation ultimate with president, but assume he's being held with little access to food or electricity. his health is reportedly deteriorating. we met him,
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we heard from him what was done to him. he told us about the problems he's facing, that people take the leaders that sent us here. they didn't take use him of treason for acting in the interest of a foreign state, alluding to france, the former colonial power, the tempe, that they need me to get them off the wheel tact militarily is to stop what could be seen as a contagion of cruise. there's been cruise in guinea burkina faso, and molly countries would carry the echo last mandate like send a goal and ivory coast wants to stop this. but these states are seen as to close to france. the former colonial power for part of the population echo was seen as the armed branch of the former colonial power. the gentle leaders in neighbouring malia and burkina faso have sent their military plains in solidarity to new shares coordinator general gianni. and his supporters seemed to be determined to cling onto power no matter of the consequences. nicholas hawk algebra. meanwhile,
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washington, which has a strong military presence in his uh, i sent its new and bassett, us at the capital me be somebody and serves as the us invested a tunisia and she explains why the minutes we need to ship hasn't managed to fully control the country. this winter is throwing up everything it can possibly hear about because it's obviously not thinking very well, but um and seeing if it will work. uh, they have profess to want to have free freedom of choice that they have to repress any of the pro buzzing demonstrations. and my understanding is that there have been demonstrations all over the country or attempted demonstrations. they have the guns . uh we and i also have heard lots of reports about discontent within the military . and you are seeing a lot of variability in these year right now. since so many of the armed forces have been pulled into we're in the, i'm a is and away from the outskirts of the other regions of the,
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of the country leading wide open. so. so there's this orientation, there's confusion and there i understand there's a lot of discord in the ranks to the thousands of residents in west and canada being forced to evacuate the homes as to separate $15.00 inch close to the mcdougal creek. 5 is just one of more than $1000.00 active finds of the raging of the payment of several buildings have been destroyed in west carolina in british columbia. in the north, the yellow nice wildfire is bending out of control around the capital of the northwest territories. particle hain reports this is why wild fires are so terrified in an instant. it shifts grows, consuming everything, and everyone in its wake. clearly. oh my god. this was nicky lawyers view from the passenger seat here at the very ends you where the right to the right.
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that is where we felt the most intense heat in the car. you can feel a little bit of warm driving through it. but most of it, it was just the fear of all the read. the read, the glow is all the lights of disguise. here in west cologne and british columbia were tens of thousands of people, have evacuated or been told to with a no numbers of homes and buildings already destroyed. we will start counting the number of houses when we stop fighting the fires that are burning today. soon as we know, we'll share the information with jeff and julie hoffman evacuated, but they say their community is keeping them updated on what they left behind. remotely. with the doorbell, cameras were on a facebook group, a community face for a group that just is posting constantly. here's how things look right now out the front door. it just gets piece people some peace of mind, a reassuring glance at their past, and they hope their future after this experience that they say has only
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strengthened their love of this area. we were generously offered our friend's house while they're out of town. and we've heard again, just hundreds of people offering their places, offering their acreages to store all of their vehicles in their, in their toys, in their things. this has been a terrible wildfire season for many parts of canada. right now, the country is battling over 1000 wild fires, many of those classified out of control, and headed toward new communities. every day, patty claim, elda 0. well anyway, i spoke to them at all west carolina gold mills and they told us the walls are, is continuing to threaten communities. there's always so much smoke. it's difficult to really, truly assess what's occurring um, but we were able to today to, to get to further air support which,
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which will help us fight the fires. but unfortunately, you know, there were some structures last again, last night and as well as today. um, so we're not out of it by any means it's it's, it's a large fire. it's now growing up growing to more than $11000.00 hector's in just a we're looking at just over the last 3 days. have you managed to evacuate the people that you need to evacuate? is everybody safe at the moment? yeah, we have probably under a that we should quarter or they've left their homes probably around 3000 anymore. we still have a 4 or 5000 people on a back regional alert. most when there's an investigation order. that means those individuals must leave their house right away. otherwise there's a, there's risk to themselves or families and to our, our, our responders, our firefighters. in most cases, the believe that there's a situation where they don't, and that's not a good situation at all,
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does because it does, but our firefighters at risk should the need to go in and, and bring them out safely. westerville's a, as an international use travel, we often speak to officials like yourself when there was a disaster anywhere in the world. but at the end of the day, you're a human being. you've lived freeze and being around this area all your life. and now you're trying to save the properties of your friends and neighbors and you know, what has to be the fact it belongs to your friends and neighbors. what is going through your mind right now or? well, yeah, yeah. and just, i'm sure, certainly, you know, initially, you know, you get some very shocking, very traumatic experiences. really feel for a hardest to else to a residence that may experience property loss. and also, you know, word, but we're here as a, as a city, as a community, to support support one another. we're getting to men to support from our
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firefighters. that and wonderful uh, you know, our support from our, our, our province. we're getting support from our local businesses organizations still coming coming. we're coming together as a community to provide support for those in the halls. i was also ranging on these spanish islands 10 to refund 90. 30000 people have been evacuated like level ripples 10 to rephrase it ends can do little, but watches the way it's plays in full decades. it's rick and then north of the spanish china. wild fires began earlier this week in a mountainous national park. in the center of the island the fires have laid waste to move in 5000 heck. these are land within a 50 kilometer radius. no homes have yet been destroyed. residents are appealing to emergency services to do everything in the policy to keep it that way. okay,
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back and forth with the state of the fi is near the farm. we have a truck event, the farmlands and online, so they, every soon, it's a business that was doing role. but the for, i could completely ruin us. please do something about it because the buyers are right they, they're worried about the animals they've left behind. the middle something of the passa, the farm, and are in front of the houses. we want them to stay the say that the father doesn't go to the homes and maybe some of the animals can be saved. we all, as you can understand, novice to thousands have been evacuated, but not every one is taking up the offer of temporary accommodation. the court. we are staying in the car. they offered us a place at a sports st. down the but we prefer to stay in the car because that we, we can watch if the house bigs or not. we know the smoke is hampering if it's the bath hold a blaze from the air but well 30 say they'll we're going to bring the wild fires threatening 11 towns under control mike level which is 0.
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millions of ecuadorian is all preparing to vote in sundays. general election under the shadow of violence on the assassination of a presidential candidate. the army has been deployed to deliver election materials holding stations with the, with on sundays. those will faces overwhelming public demand for security. lots in america does at least see and even reports the from key to like what doors government is deploying, easy, 6000 policemen and soldiers all over the country to every single polling station in this very large country from coast to coast. but that does not necessarily mean that people will feel particularly safe. that does not give them security in their neighborhoods. when they leave their to go to their desire to their assigned posing stations. they've been a number of hit and run shootings leading up to the election itself. it's unsure if they are actually connected to the election, but it certainly doesn't make people feel very secure. and it's certainly one of
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the reasons why violence and security have become the main, the main topic, the main priority for voters. the people's former mirror quoted, you use to date, radio broadcaster says he still traumatized nursing the shipping company on the van into assisted me in my thoughts as we were leaving the tunnel. i use like 5 people got out of another vehicle on a t to flip them in. they grab my daughter from the driver's seat. i tried to run in vain to this and he said this was a thing that may not totally be off to 30 minutes. they let her out and said god, we have the wrong person. 4 they were exceptionally lucky, and it was, or kidnapping, extortion and murder to become an epidemic. one presidential candidates and 2 congressional candidates when murdered this month, underscoring why the number one electoral issue is violence. i'm just outside of
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the electoral afar. the headquarters here in key to my head of sunday's selections . you can see that security has been increased, but when you talk to ordinary equity orange, they tell you that they don't make them feel safe, that they're not part of the solution. but often part of the problem in ecuador is penitentiary and security forces are in league with criminal gangs, and drug leaders, corruption and penetration of organized climb into state institutions. specially, security forces is undeniable. this man who didn't want to give his name says everyone knows that even the justice system is corrupted every day, more body to peer somewhere decapitated or dismembered, or hanging from the bridge. what has happened to this country? your god with violence isn't the only problem. 70 year old gustavo, somebody general sales dispense and the city center,
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but he has a lot of competition everywhere people are selling whatever they can to survive here, no one will give you even a piece of bread. if you don't look for ways to buy a piece of bread, no one will give you a crumbs mounted unemployment, poverty and crime connected fear through the cost of using what the wind blew for the month. 7 out of 10 people don't have formal look good. so how can we expect that a country living at cape poverty to fair amount they won't be violent? that's impossible is money. there's little expectation that whoever is elected will be able to solve the crisis, which is why more of the doors than ever before are leading their country in search of the work and safety. see a newman al jazeera people will still head here on al jazeera, hung up in poverty made was by corruption weeks ago. the issues dominating sundays election in guatemala. and he'll take home the biggest prize in women's football,
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england take on spain in the welcome final. in 6, the of yours here, we're here. so let's go with your weather update. this once across asia are good to have the along the monsoon range, take a bit of a breather through focused on still keeping a bit of activity in the north, up against the foothills of the himalaya. incentives for india, the rains not as intense, but we do see them shift into muscle. ross, stress dates into good wrap as well. doctor, the blue of the more intensive re news. so you can see it's around good, her eyes, and roger's fun over the course of the weekend. now around the gulf of thailand, we've seen verse about 80 to a 100 millimeters of rain, particularly along the north or insurance there. there's a good pocket,
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a good helping of rain for ocean city on sunday. and then we've got this slug of rain dipping out of the yellow river valley down to the gang saves. so from chung chain, go hunters young show. it is a soggy forecast here. birth of rain around hong kong and same goes for going down and food in providence is in the southeast of china. it's all about the heat though in japan, that's triggering some daytime heating storms here. so tokyo at $37.00 degrees, factoring that humidity. it's feeling in the low fourties for the next several days . let's go back to this part of southeast asia and we're still seeing that intense rain along the west coast of smelter island on sunday. those are weather headlights, the frank assessments $3000000000.00. is it going to be enough to get focused on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that?
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the journey is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out. but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the days headlines, questions really, who controls that goes on an outer space in the future to be governments for won't be big part of the corporations and individuals across the billing. there's inside story on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about kill. what y'all just bear with me. so robin in doug, holler about the of all the top new stories. the transmitter to beula has proposed a 3 year transition of power and the west african leaders made another attempt at diplomacy to reverse the cube. the statements by general of the monday gianni
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fathered toltz with a delegation from the reef still blow excellence. some 55000 residence in western canada have been fools to evacuate. the homes is 2 separate one, funds get to place the 5 boxes they're using to take this helicopters to bottle defiance and northwest territories. and in british columbia fiduciary is a parents of votes and sundays general election of the shunt of a violence of the sun. sedation of a presidential candidates, the army has been deployed to deliver the election materials to polling stations as well. that's good only is anyone's going to the polls. guatemalans also heading to the polls on sunday and the presidential run off the scene as a test of the country's democracy polling stations sets up in schools in terms of being place, be gone by police and the ministry voters will choose between congressman but now the other follow of the progressive seeds movement and some of the thought i'd say
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fold the 1st they'd be representing the conservative national unity of hope that spring in monthly the amount of gain he's the executive director of transparency international. guatemala joins us now from guatemala city. mr. markeen, thanks for joining us of the program. another election full time dealing with violence and corruption seem to be occurring, you might say, as a theme in elections across the matter. because right now, how do you sort of assess the public's opinion about how the election is going? well the other thing we're going to have um, when we say a normal election, i think the, the parties barre hoping to have a decent book to maybe when we bring a chance for change, is there a certain time you think who is the or, or c d, the to show you the
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a quote or have central sport. yeah, according to loopholes he's, he's a huge small winner of the election. we 70 percent more or less a so $5043.00. a hoping to these and make sure we bring a change for the quality because the country is really in a, by the shape rolling by the corrupt government, a which controls or the power seat of the state. so people is really hoping for a change in terms of the move to the move. been tough to the 1st round, the voting you puts you able to assess the, the, well, just the validity, but the clarity of the vote. what was your general assessment about the way the voting progressed about the way the public was able to access voting booze to be
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able to catch the ballots in a free, a free democratic collection? yeah, because each of the dishes for the elections are like considering norma, there's really, there is freedom, you know, to, i mean, to, to go to the bottom. i think the be a challenge for you said they sure is. that'd be cool. herman is, is really unhappy of yours. so in the 1st row that anyone who is running for the, for the 2nd round, because she's what she was saying. she what a surprise. so, and they, they really want to find a way to stop the lecture tomorrow. but we have so much of service from the european union, from the audience. so it's gonna be very difficult for them to mean to bring the election. but the people,
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this range is really holding this opportunity to, to have our chest for a change for the country. the you did allude to the fact the corruption was a huge issue. now the us, as, for example, place sanctions on various parts of the political establishment on the country, accusing them of corrupt practices over the years. in your opinion, how soon after the selection most, the new government, whoever they are, clean up direct if it's to deal with issues of the economy, inflation, cause those are the issues of the public want to see dealt with. they is yeah, well the only government discarded by what we call the role back in the government sector, go over me. go home today is the courts. so in the us and older allies for the country a. and they are also hoping for
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a change because they are not so much the product that lies. so i think, i think the, what the corner we will be going to do since march the been on the selections, the guarding measuring is, is, is doing good. and the impression is going down. so what we expect is to have a b, c, a decent government, the whole thing deliver more of the services to the, to the public. mostly what happens after the election is a concluded for the movement inside the medicaid. some transparency internationally in guatemala, thank you for your time. thank you. the you and has a poland to end what it calls the very different treatment of ukrainian add new training and refugees. people from africa ultimately say that they often find it difficult to circulate in poland, done become part of the community that they play and politicians are feeling discrimination unsatisfied. so i've been job, it has moved from well,
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so this would voltage is a refuge, an uplift event, and a place to find help. life isn't easy for people of african descent in poland. country that is more than 96 percent white, nigerian born or ins is set up this group for black people to express themselves in the public space. he's been racially profiled and violently attacked. good the pardon me monkey. what are you doing? well, i'm go by. do you have to close this business because of what he calls racism ends in a phobia life about black people here in the impala is very difficult. the very difficult difficulty in every aspect that when i give our pop meant to ask for it as we know we have black, you just need to accept that we're all human being. so you saw about a step times just to accept who yeah, i'm proud of why i'm and always be black rims. is it pull? if josh, though he says life is even more difficult for refugees and asylum seekers, according to the un, non ukrainians,
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don't enjoy the same legally productions. poland has accepted more than a 1000000 refugees from ukraine, but there is a toxic debate around migrants based on their religion at the city and even the color of their skin. a 2018 campaign add by the governing party maintains an influx of immigrants when the cause of aver free for the violence of the political parties spread similar to messages of division. and this opposition leader and former president of the european council of dunham tusk. criticizes the government for welcoming migrants from the middle east and african countries. and the list saves into full view, has deep roots. both parties for publish society is still very mono cultural. in other words, simply very wide. we lack people of a different skin color who we'd normally see on the street. the acceptance of various types of the other is low and autonomy society. this does not apply to migrants of a different skin color, but to old people who stand out, gosh, are left her home and ukraine been the war begun. she volunteers of this community
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kitchen. her experience of poland has been very different. is, may have, is this for us, the phones off and have some kind of health. but both those see about that issue. just like they have small problems when people from over to, to like, not from slow rodney to group a type to find sled insightful them. i would like people to what to be su, ends in that of that. we can not because to move on to like it's just like have decided that this would be some of a oh oh and that acceptance is what all the refugees want, whatever they come from. so i'm, i mean, driving down to 0 or so now i think that will take hold spain in the foot. women's world cup final is taking
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place in sydney in the coming of is alex thomas as all the action the ultimate prize insight for england and spain as each team seeks to when it's 1st women's world cup trophy. expect more passion and excitement was 75000 people up the game here in sydney, a 1000000 small watching around the world. obviously this is the biggest game, the one that you dream about, the one that means the most thought. so like it will hit when we're we're, we're in the tunnel i'm, i'm, we're ready to walk out and yeah, i think it's an incredible occasion. it's been an unbelievable tournament. both teams attacks with talents. i'm going to sleep in england. we haven't yet seen the best of stains alexia protests when of multiple world player the year was to england around beats, and how to play an easy
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a pulse to the final with no count games against nigeria, columbia, and co host, australia, spain school improve drastically off to the group stage, as they swept aside switzerland, the netherlands, and suite. we are no england. we all know the play is awfully with some of them and some of my teammates, maybe we because when some of them we know that they have a really good team and they've been doing good. so i think it's going to be a really good game. the finalist or even the match, but perhaps the a sopping glen sleep is the coach sabrina bayman. this will be her full success. it may just final off the guiding the netherlands to european championship victory in 2017. and then a woke up runners up spots before winning. you rode 2022 with england. not since the local events in 1991 has the women's well. comp had to 1st time finalist. this
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will be the 3rd. oh european final thoughts. the 1st will champion from that confidence since 2007. interestingly, this will be the 1st time england in spain is played each of the women's world cup . and it comes in the same stadium where england. one amends rugby woke up exactly 20 years ago. alex thomas, how does the era say me the the what you all just bear with me. so robin in the hold of mind to of all top new stories. the transmitter trula has proposed a 3 year transition is power of to west african lead has made another attempt at diplomacy to reverse the to the statement by general of the romani gianni and follow toltz with


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