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tv   Risking It All Sierra Leone  Al Jazeera  October 6, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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the government of norway, for it's remarkable roles and nurturing this again the secret negotiations and why it's promising peace as remain unfulfilled is strong decided the terms of the negotiations. nobody could still go on the truck, so was little. oh no, just the hello. i'm emily, angling in doha. these are the top stories on al jazeera, a record number of migrants of crossing into the united states. 260000 arrived from mexico in september. it being sent to various states while their asylum claims processed. john, the hendricks has moved from chicago here in chicago. this is the end of a very long journey for migrants like these. most of them come from venezuela through the dairy and gap through mexico to the state of texas. and because the republican governor of texas greg abbott doesn't want them there. he ship them away
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in plains and buses. $50000.00 of them so far. and 17000 have arrived here in the sanctuary. city of chicago in the american heartland. 2000 kilometers from the southern border of the us. they get off of the buses there and then they climb into those yellow buses and they are dispersed throughout the city of chicago, which is now coping with a migraine crisis. the shelters have been overrun. your pain laid as meanwhile, have wrapped up a meeting in spain, where the focus was on migration. poland, and hungry, rejected a joint statement. as the meeting wrapped up, they were opposed to plans to distribute migrants across a u states. it's the nobel peace prize has been given to a ronnie and women's rights activist knock is my comedy tie. ron condemned, the award is fine, biased and politically motivated. she 7 jail sentences amounting to more than 30 years in prison. the committee said my comedy was an inspiration to nationwide
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protest as last year. the demonstrations were sponsored by the death of my meaning in custody. general boys been killed in russian and it strikes me kind of in city of concave. another rushing me sell hit a village nearby a day earlier, killing 52 people. so it kinda is intensifying it's offensive against katie side forces in northern syria. and chris says 25 is have been killed. violence has slid down for bombing and the turkish capital on sunday. the syrian military says it's intercepted several drones above the city of homes. they were deployed a day after a deadly attack on a military academy in the city. few notes have been held for 89 people who were killed. those are the headlines on emily angling. the news continues here on al jazeera, after risking, it'll do stay with us. the, the
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country ravaged by use of civil sierra leone is now on the road to recovery. thoughts. the ruinous effects of the conflict, continued to be felt. the 50 percent of the population is a new trip. drinking water escapes electricity practically non existent. while they had been improvements on the countries infrastructure, daily life, the most is still a struggle. the non d rooms of transport business up to one of his drivers had an accident. he takes to the road. he has to deliver a step hodge. while the stricken trunk has been badly damaged, monday hasn't been assured,
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it is still running. only this is the state of the vehicle. the spare part delivered much the return journey promises to be even tougher. ahead lies a 150 kilometers, mostly on paved roads that have been further devastated by torrential rain. while
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the small b top truck may not be a pretty sites, it's impressively study. unlike the truck monday has to drive the only one he has available. yeah. on the for me now to stop by my exit out with last thing, the plastic you see so that the engine cannot draw water gets more like the one on india. now the or
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the clever use of a simple plastic bag with these roads drivers need some tricks up their sleeves. especially with tie is like these old and completely worn out the level but for every problem sandy has a solution the
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that the bread, the some on the you know, a long able to find the this small hill is proving to be a major challenge. the, the, the
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vandy and his team prepare themselves for a tough smoke. and they all do was place. yeah, for now. the small who is starting to see like mount everest. so i was late to the truck has barely moved lots of wood on the sofa. yes. one of the go to that and then if i scroll down so sorted through that before the gets pulling up to close out the small, the 451015 years. so that's what would be this is best for everybody of the civil war.
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that ravaged sierra leone from 1991 to 2002 devastated the country's infrastructure . but there are no signs of growth. new buildings are rising up all over the country's capital free town. yet in the midst of this revival and lack of sufficient funds, still bring some of the work to a complete house. the but does not go, but the about the quote you my problem. but my boys are not going to be in by the 1st time out. so i'm has 7 children live in this house constructed house. well nobody watches me on the side. one is run on the side. i miles on my side. i'm much i'm out. i'm up,
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i'm to match my my shoes, them up where she moved and you know, miles once i go friends is nobody disclosed. oh, i mean, and they told me i need to talk to you about that and have family living here. rent free. unlike the 3 other families who share this accommodations, the, the age of them share this 10 square meter room. job o c i portions. why is that? it was one me, most of the page i k. my answer watkins my idea. so hold to buddy yankee,
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hold onto the hands of my friends, say, if i gave you no smoking, whatever it is, i stayed as at last month on the evening and must be ready despite all this talk to you might have remained the recently she found a job working for the bobo. cory along side has 7 children. the,
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the work is head don't use grinding or pushing machines to break down to run it into trouble only handling the most will up i mean, most to be so much good at all. right? with even when heated run, it is extremely hard to break down the the
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around a 100 men and women toil away here every day, the talking, martha and her children. what can the production line the mountain side by side by side send me about the bass while all i'm asking is that they're not. 2 going to sons, to be the most important in my life. i wonder, a $1200000.00 would be
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the face of the gravel was rest in the hands of one man amara to form and the slightest challenge to his authority can lead to immediate dismissal. is done through the medium and that comes with a mara is of tough as he is shrewd. he quickly understood that the country's reconstruction would lead to an explosion and demand it's the gravel. the quarry doesn't belong to him,
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but he negotiated the rights to minus to the says yeah. so not in k, this is. yeah. uh huh. so when i added the file, then be sure to include your side of yes. sure. i didn't. okay, well that's done. okay, you by you, by to do the notion of the tree? yes. are free. okay. yes sir. the s, are you? yes, maam, wait, no problem. i'll go to the to so and e, it's in a mazda mazda. you see sir? back id. gambled some wonderful sachi in there, so i'm body of, you know, i'm wow, that's right. we're going to pull buses, bang,
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recovering from 11 years of civil war. takes time, especially as the states has limited resources. the country is about entwined like a public services and widespread corruption. the roads connecting sierra leone and liberia is a major trade route between the 2 countries. and yet it is practically impossible during the rainy season. it is on the 8th to 10th of the day. this time several weeks as a surprise with stones and branches. the just needs is away from the top of the hills. the trucks, wheels is big red. stuck,
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or they have to try again the remote 678. nice thing about it. oh, is that a statement? from 6 o'clock this 15 month behind devante, some of the drivers are getting impatient. the depression, one taxi driver agrees to lend the mas trump the
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final attempt, 90 his workers, and with the help of some of the working passages, attempt to pull the truck, the i run, it can be the driver. the white truck gets fine without any trouble. unlike his false event, to start for 5 hours, the from
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of the point wants to find somebody job because gosh, really, from the 18 hours on the road, the convoy is only halfway through the journey. the
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. the history is repeating itself, the vanity and his men just like this morning. they find themselves facing another obstacle
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the. 6 but the driver of the white truck is most concerned about the ditch running along the side of the road from making things my side. yes. so let me just describe because i have the, i don't need the
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we just found. the body can only think of one solutions to stop his truck from tiffany. move up. feeling in the dips in the road. you know, obviously are some of these things where, you know what i want you to be able to be done. mickey phones and we'll see we only just above the,
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the, the, the men of fed up with the $900.00 to blame
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for singles, the
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suffering lodge full in mind to send off of the 24 hours travelling only a 150 kilometers. the convoy finally arrives the few who the the,
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the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. hello, because some quad, the weather coming into australia. now i'm pleased to say i was a system now making his way to what was the data so. so with that, just making his way across the north side of the particular cars coming back in behind. the area of high pressure. cool enough for the time being down towards the southeast and cold temperatures at around 15 celsius, 7, melbourne, a 20 and at a low temperature started to pick up any 19 the full sidney. some of the channels have a little bit of time with a fall, a high. and as we go around, i would say, what is the west? that's where the winds are coming in from the interior. suppose getting up to 31 degrees on saturday afternoon. although tablet is biting somewhat as we go on into the pots of next week or 20 to the full avalanche 17 that the mill. but i am for how about that? what's the weather? as you can say, making his way into new zealand, chrisy pulling away as we go on into monday. dry weather coming in behind. a little
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cloudy side, bright robinson, sunny. i suspect by that size that just some went to whether to just coming back into that western side of queensland. so some rain for the out back. right across the pots of japan as well. blustery weather coming through hey, must go to them. it has been recently for taking over the next couple of days whether continue cause southern parts of china has type food calling. you continues to drift west of the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the
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system. you've been coming to add any international anti corruption excellence award. nominate your hero now the, [000:00:00;00] the other one, emily angle in the system, use our line from doha. coming out for the next 16 minutes, the desperate journey for a better life. tens of thousands of my friends take the dangerous routes to the us for the same degree as the


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