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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 24, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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baby's children. oh adam garza. this is beyond imagination. a living nightmare of way. 10 years old. of you guys? 3 years old. my yeah. 17 years old was 4 years old. i'll be doing it is old. other yeah. 4 years old for you. look for you. only 9 months you was 8 years old, or free of 17 years old. there are just a few a few of the many children and babies that have not seen a vote. they have not cause developed by the victims of fever.
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this kid's weakness, although, which cannot be described by old rich the secretary general in what well do you live? definitely, this is not i will do. i want to remember the creation of fails, the shouts of the raiders in joining the hands, rise of the wounded, begging for life. faces of ma, those craved with bang. hide the children weeping retreated. no. i don't want to remember what all can i forget? do i want to remember this world? upside down? families vanished in the midst of the day. the mass graves dimming with the vapor
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of blad mother screaming for children in vain. no, i have to remember and never let you forget a this todd bunny's boy was written by alex on the game is. and how that goes so bible in 1942, 5 years later, the united nation general assembly vote the fable of the creation of the jewish state. the belt of the state, the feels way of 75 years ago, was a clear statement. never again, never a game. saturday, october 7 will go down and the story is nothing less than a brute. the bus sucker sought the day of the 7 is the wake up going for the entire free will wake up gone,
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i guess extra msm and tell them that they over $1500.00, they'll come us. and the stomach job infiltrated is where from the salt, with the viciousness exceeded even the isis dealing over 1400 baby's children, women at man and one did over 4000. they went from house to house, slow during the thought of families and individuals in the beds on the streets, on the way to the synagogue waiting woman bound them alive. then seemed contenting on people by these you have not been there. you have not seen. they are all smelling at the
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suppose for a moment. think about many innocent people, innocent people to just wake up and saturday morning. so many of them, i'm not yet brought to find the bureau. and let's we cite the multiple wards of the jewish braille for the dead. the dish dies v dash mailbox. this months ago, we did go down in history as mo, both of the nicest come us, a new nazi is hum us, then you will not sees just the civilized world, united defeat the nazis,
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just at the civilized world. united 2 different sizes, the civilized world. as the stand united bank is led to defray, come us let us know mistaken about how much intention it shows like that you're doing it or you can read it. it's out the really go for the destruction and the nation of the state to preside. this would never be over 220 well taken hostage among the us to just children live. see the parents mailed the holocaust survivor. the need for caroline magazine. we go for immediate direct was access to all the us to adjust and the unconditional release present in this room.
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well not only 7 members of his family were taken off the edge milan sees the show on the lonely going your in the near lonely with kid them up with sharon's as been david. and the 3 year old old dreams, emma and julie, 3 years old. we right now, why do we have to sit and you down old by the come us a long side daniels, 5 years old daughter amelia. early morning. oh, start the date. on the 7th of october, i'm to shovel and hold on a family. good chit. the dent on her must always be in the home. and then i did the safe for a few minutes later she wrote that there was set doubts on file to see if they're not able to enter into the room. and to slot of them, they bound the houses,
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you know, that they will get out and they return to the trucking industry for a few minutes late so well, i've received a private message from your sister. we are dying as bus familiar received information. they've shown that the l. m a usually amelia david, and i will. davids brother, i'll have been kept to by some us there has been gaza with us is another family fish goldberg building, a young man. h 231 of the beautiful, a dentist and participant in the music festival. fish seriously injured or is phone deluxe to text message you managed to send to experience before we
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was keeping up the gaza. i love you. i'm sorry. this is what you wrote to his parents, the family here with us today. the family of dice, same. keep the end of us. they've got the means done. alex on the, on the front door. and there is so many mo, dollar got dial, which finance and all but will for how much lead does good influence and then able the immediate and i'm conditional release of all of all of the, just held by the terrorist you the members of the international community showed the man about to do just that the meeting should
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conclude with the clear message. bring them oh, bring them. oh, i would like to listen to this recorded. oh oh no. the man who wants to go to the company or the the token uses that there is they'll come us. what the secondary arabs. it's telling stories, mother and father's that is proud. if he has blood offend joyce that the mother what
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monster they gave about to 2nd at the end of this is the world that really we do policy and goes up to the last really mates or nobody's. no disputes in regard to the gaza, but they take the money they receive from the world. and instead of building cost people offers be the commercial center. they took the money to dig tunnels, to big rock and factory know to the 5 of the people. this is one example and you see up and you can show all the movie that they feel and they proud of these low lives. we're not speaking on behalf of the slum human, the values of 5 for freedom. they was speaking on behalf of
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cruelty malice and hate you show old us skills the ladies and gentlemen will do. we face we as well. we've done only have the right to defend elusive. we have the you all the to do. so. this is not the right, this is a duty i want to speak to all of you and to tell you the west is next. the west is next. the wall which was imposed on us. there is no side. this was imposed on us is not only is, was, will, is the wall of the free world. are you the going for proportionality? are you because as say,
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live before for says fire. tell me. what is a proposal response for getting going babies? for right, pullman above the fall behind didn't go for try how you can agree to assist bio with some of those well to do and destroyed your own existence. how they propose that no response to october 7 must. the good is the thought of destruction or thought the destruction to the last one of the most it is not only is a right to just buy from us. it's our duty for is, well, it's a bed of, of survival if we will, should remember. and never forget what happened on october 7. today, these bar barksdale, to tease right to mo,
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it will be it every once, doorstep. if everyone goes to the stairways, don't the only is way of destruction in mind. their dream is the world. read about it. exactly like the boxes they say of the willing to expend. these was imposed on us. we have not chosen this will have no doubt. we are going to wait, we are going to win because this will useful life. this will, must be your role as well as the rise proxy come us as 3 objective to it's barbosa tech. the method of
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jose, the keep them up, go us to just and the railing, the expansion of peace, stability, and normalization. in our region. united will really purpose like never before is that i must know heck. and then i'm president, way to show come us objectives will never be me, will never be made. this is the end. they didn't date since the beginning of this war to the last 18 days. our citizen wrote under every missile and rockets fired from gaza and not only for them because there is a clear with them on escalating and provoking a well on the north and both of those the rob brooks issues by law, you start getting a receipt is the objective of come us,
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it's spectrum and collaborator is clear. they would not succeed. not only from neighboring country is weddings facing tripped last week, cause the results were launch is well from yemen. have no illusion. who is behind it? and what is the reason? i don't, i'm telling to our upcoming to a neighbor we showed the same direct and i'll see ron and the dog immunization the same, correct. i standing in front of you say loud and clear. this wall will be one and for the international community to understand where he's on the trip and always the dresser.
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is the president colleagues permanent representative? the world now is facing a clear choice of mo, clarity. one can either be. one can be either both of the civilized world or surrounded the forces of evil and by bowers and come us savages and the flames. there is no middle ground, no room for mo, i'm big. you know, one for this. i want to think all the government was already designated to come us, is it the organization and they call those to do it immediately.
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i want to think that united states president by then a secretary blinking for showing such a more clarity for standing, which is, was in the world indeed at this dark hour. thank you. i also wish defend the many other leaders from across the world. we have come to stand with as well in this difficult time. i would like to remind you the chart, the, the of the united nation, which you all signed. begin with this was we the people of the united nations, the domain to save succeeding generation from this gorge of flow, which twice now will of lifetime is bought and sold, sold to main kind today of the most vicious and brutal
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bill that the modern history. if all nations do not them decisively and clearly by the innocence of funds left alone in the world by the kids that were slaughtered like dancing at sunrise. bye the i'll look a survival mailed the ok to stand by is right on our mission to eliminate the monsters on the face of the out of that if all nations do not stand by the basic value, the basic value of humanity describe you ensure to this really be the darkest hour of the darkest hour of your night. there should i'm though you'll
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use the secretary at this base and this place we live. no more just verification to exist. this difficult die for the people is when we say loudly, we are strong. we really rebuild, we are determined and result to achieve a lot of the to be a free nation in our land. the land of zion and 0 is on it. thank you. sizes, you have been listening to a number of speakers. i'll go through them in just a moment. uh, speaking from the united nations headquarters in new york. so we 1st for the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, the you and middle east. and boy tor when's lend is deputy lynn hastings and the
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palestinian foreign minister re add around the leaky. and just now you were listening to the as really foreign minister. you like cohen, a number of different statements and views. we'll go through them, but i want to bring in kristin salumi at the united nations in new york. kristin, just before we start, you know, doing the blow by blow a, who said what? and what we heard, that was newsworthy today, explained to us what is actually happening. what is this process that we are watching at the un? yeah, it's a good question because as compelling as many of these speeches are, they are what you would expect from the people who are delivering them the united nations officials calling for respect for international law, protecting of civilians, the israel e. as in the palestinians, talking about the suffering of innocent civilians, their citizens,
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the as $200.00 plus is relays who were taken captive. the 1400 who died, a 1000 of them civilians the 5800 nearly palestinians, 2000 of them. children who have died in this conflict so far, but what's really telling here i think is the context of the meeting itself and who has shown up here the fact that there are at least a dozen foreign ministers who come to this meeting. and at last count 86 countries that have signed up to speak speaks to the grave concern of the international community about this conflict. and it will be interesting to hear going forward. what those countries say are, we know they're going to talk a lot about the humanitarian situation in gaza that is ongoing and catastrophic.
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in the words of the united nations, the fact that person can i jump in there, he said, babies wise country region. you said 86 countries have signed up to speak. what is that? what does that tell us? is that unusual? it is. i think it have, it does happen in other security council meetings, but for so many to speak and to send foreign ministers to speak at the united nations it's, it's not every day that this happens. and i think it speaks to the concern that the united nations needs to weigh in on this conflict. we'll hear from many and we have heard in recent weeks from many who say that the rules based order, the credibility of the un security council is at stake. if it can't act and to your question, your original question,
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this is the 4th meaning that the security council has called since the mos attack of october 7th. so that's 17 days. this is the 4th security council meeting. and there have been so far, 2 attempts to pass a resolution on the situation there by the security council both failed. a 3rd one is in the works and that's also what we're waiting to see today. can the security council come together and agree on a statement? now remember, whatever the security council says or does is international law. that's why it's so difficult for people to agree for nations to agree, but also why it's so powerful when they do, and to give you a little background on these previous draft resolutions. the 1st was proposed by russia. i didn't get enough votes to pass it called for an unconditional
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humanitarian ceasefire. the united states spoke out strongly against that, as did many other countries didn't get any support. very little support. the brazilians came back addressing concerns raised by the united states. that there be a condemnation of it, of the attack that was done by hamas on october 7th, they negotiated feverish. lee for several days came up with the resolution calling for a humanitarian pause to allow aid and to gaza. that had enough boats to pass 12 out of 15 council members in favor. the united states be told that. so now we are looking at a 3rd potential draft resolution that's been submitted by the united states. and initially after much negotiation, we were expecting
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a vote at 10 am this morning. initially the united states called for a vote at 10 am, then went through that. so what does that say this? we can only imagine that that suggests that there's not a full support or enough support to please the united states to put that to the vote, yet will they get enough boats for it to pass or to force a veto by one of the permanent security council members, this is the backdrop to this. and in addition to what's happening in front of the cameras, here we've got the secretary of state from the united states, calling all sorts of meetings with, with the allies european allies in one meeting and error countries and another meeting and a lot of negotiating and diplomacy going on behind the scenes here. kristen salumi, thank you very much for putting all of that in perspective. running us through the
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process here at the united nations. we've just been listening to the various speakers but un secretary general, we had like co in the is really foreign minister, re add on the leaky, the palestinian foreign minister. i want to bring in now more one to shower. your i was, is you're a senior political analyst who are joining us from london my want. here's what i'll do. it's, i'll, i'll run us through some of the, uh, i have, i have reams and reams of notes as you can imagine. and i'm sure you were taking notes, 2 more one. i'll bring some of the headlines. you tell me if there are other things that you've thought are that you think are missing in this list. and that's what i want at right after this is your big picture. thoughts on everything that we're seeing happening unfold at the united nations right now. so the 1st person to speak was the un secretary general. um and he said one of his opening lines was quote, the most the tax did not happen in a vacuum at talking about the aide. he said,
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the aide is going into gaza is that's a drop of aide into an ocean of need. so that was the tones that are by antonio gutierrez, the un secretary general. we then heard he's us middle east, and boy appealed for humanitarian ceasefire, saying that only a political solution will move us forward. those are um, fairly well trodden lines for the un. we then heard the palestinian foreign minister re add on the leaky. he said our freedom meeting, the freedom of the palestinians, of course is the condition of shared peace and quote, he called for an end to the blood shed. he said so many fronts open for war, but none are open for peace. where is the empathy, the grief and the outrage for the palestinians core killed and a few lines from the is really foreign minister. and then of course you have the former one, so you like co and moments ago with thing. i'm us or the new nazis. something that we've heard from israel multiple times and responding to the un secretary general,
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who uh, he said it quote, in what world do you live? what else he said this war was imposed upon us and it is the war of the entire free world. and ask about the calls for proportionality and israel's response. he said, i hear calls from proportionality, you what is proportionate feel? killing babies, the proportional responses, the total destruction of home us. so it's just giving a little round up there for viewers with just joining us that have listen to all these speeches they've been going on for about an hour of what has been said so far . and there are more speakers to come more on your thoughts on all of this, a little locked on the back this i thought you're going to get to be, you know, piecemeal. yeah. yeah, well take it to, let's take the top, we have time, take it from the top. what's the 1st thing that you want to talk about and that struck you. yes. let's start with the secretary general. i think he's, he's finally moved uh from his uh, uh,
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pc comments on traffic situation. the and bradley is the site in order to take a more fundamental position, a more principal position. and as soon as he did that, you start speaking about root causes that this will cause to this uh, the some rattling on that uh, something needs to be on the need. your help. uh that seems like getting the best way to get the uh, necessary response uh from the. is there any for minnesota? uh, basically attacking the secretary during the year. in which world do you pay this in a world whereby waterfront the legal under international edition grow where more forms not the response to assume weren't promised by another party. but
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i think a general has moved from his initial position. rush to weeks is not clear to reflect the need for a ceasefire and checking in the causes of this of this crisis. i think the might be the, the for the next are kind of see in the west. so i think it was uh, refreshing to here to kind of sending as not plans at this point. just like to make points. and i think sort of a point for me, especially with the city and for i'm going to start moving away from more and more than 3 minutes is actually in the box. so uses like how to get out of this mess of this trap of buyers and kinds of buyers. these really i think kids remain stuck in the past. is by spinning fast to weeks. yeah, i think for the is really for the medicine, anything before the 7 is uh,
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is heresy. is unacceptable. is just uh, you know, the thing that service does it work. you cannot discuss anything before september 7th because people have been on september 7 and nothing before that costs and date of service is basically attacking every one right, different center. but he's able to do that because he and he's the country. the present is of course she and the fact that you're not permission to complete counsel by united states and other question. all right, that's not true. but again, i could say sort of these really can't do whatever is really wants to do and say whatever he wants to say, because he is protected by the american administration. now having said that, i think it was uh, it was supposed to tell me that this is appealing, more or more like to see it. so that should and this is important for the simple reason. while that while there are a number of vacation number of countries,
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um are we? does we put attention? no doubt. but i think this seats the sewer has to be really a cover defense to cover for decides for crimes because they don't have just discussions and discussions that lead to nowhere and, and proposals for those of you should also lead to nowhere. and because the americans want to be old, but what's happening is the 1st time we see this uses exercise and i see going on and open ended re, why is there and continues to guys indiscriminately getting hundreds every day, making a 1000000 homeless all the while it is as so why don't i have been trying to say and respectfully because the us secretary of state anthony blinking and speaking at the united nation this listening to what he asked us other than some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. we express our gratitude and our admiration. i'm here today because the united states believes that the united
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nations and this counsel in particular, has a crucial role to play in addressing this crisis. indeed, we put forward a resolution that sets of practical steps that we can take together toward that end . the resolution builds on many elements of the text the result, but for last week it incorporates supplement feedback that we received from fellow council members over recent days. it also draws heavily on the views that i heard firsthand from partners across the region after her mazda is a polling attacked october 7th, views the united states chairs 1st, we all recognize the right, and indeed, the imperative states to defend themselves against terrorist. that's why we must unequivocally condemn us as barbaric terraced attack against israel babies. riddles
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with bullets. young people hunted down and gun down with glee people. young people be headed. families burned a lives in a final embrace. parents executed in front of their children. children executed in front of their parents and so many taken hostage and god we have to ask indeed it must be s. where is the outrage? where's the revulsion? where's the rejection? whereas the explicit condemnation of these hearts we must have found the right of any nation to defend itself and to prevent such har from repeating itself. no member of this council, no nation in this entire body could or would tolerate the slaughter of
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its people. as this counsel and the human general assembly have repeatedly affirmed all acts of terrorism are unlawful and unjustifiable their unlawful and i'm just the fiber whether they target people and i, robi, or bali and looks or assembled. women buy in new york or products or tibits, very unlawful and unjustifiable whether they're carried out by isis by vocal her on file. sure. bob. by last coffee table, or by how much they're unlawful and unjustifiable whether victims are targeted for their face. there was initially their nationality or any other reasons. and this council has a responsibility to denounce member states that arm. that's fun and train them us,
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or any other terrace group. the carries out such a river gaps. let's not forget that among the more than 1400 people that am off killed on october 7th, were citizens for more than 30 young member states. including many of the members around this prototype. the victims included at least $33.00 american citizens. every one of us has a state. every one of us has a responsibility in defeating terrace. second, we all agree on the vital need to protect civilians. as president biden has made clear from the outset of this crisis. while this real has the right indeed, the obligation to defend itself, the way it does so matters. we know mazda does not represent the past, and even people in palestinian civilians are not to blame for the carnage committed by em, us. the palestinian civilians must be protected. that means
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a mazda must seize using them as human shields. it's hard to think of an act of greater cynicism. means israel must take all possible precautions to avoid harm to civilians. it means food, water, medicine, and other essentially, mandatory insistence must be able to fall into gaza and to the people we need to mean civilians must be able to get out of harm's way. it means you, mandatory and pauses must be considered for these purposes. united states has worked relentlessly to make real these principles. we continue to coordinate closely with egypt, israel and partners across the region. as well as with united nations to build mechanisms that will enable sustain humanitarian assistance to flow to civilians and gaza without benefiting from us or any other terrace group. as an invite and appointed one of our most senior diplomats investor, david satterfield, the lead or the amount of training efforts which he is currently doing on the ground. united states has committed an additional $100000000.00 and you monitoring
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systems thousands in gaza and the west bank bringing the totally that we provided to the palestinian people to the past 2 and a half years to more than $1600000000.00. that makes the united states the largest single country donor by far to the pallets and the people we call on all countries, particularly those with the greatest capacity to get to join us in meeting the ones appeal for the monitoring situation and gaza at the heart of our efforts to save innocent lives in this conflict and in every conflict for that matter is our core belief that every civilian life is equally valuable. there is no hierarchy when it comes to protecting civilian lives. civilian is a civilian, is a civilian, no matter who is her nationality. estimates, city, age, gender face. and that's why american ones, the laws of every single innocent life and this crisis,
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including innocent israeli and palestinian men, women, children, elderly people, muslim jews, christians, people of all nationalities and fates. including at least 35 you and staff members . that's why it's imperative that we work to protect all civilians in this conflict . to prevent more debts, a top the many that already occurred while you were placed on civilian life is the driving force behind our efforts to secure the release of hostages held by a mouse and other terrace groups in garza, i as others have had the occasion to meet with the families of those missing and suspected to be in the hands of from us on my recent trip. several is, you know, we're in this room with us today. none of us, none of us can imagine the nightmare. they are living something. no family should have to endure their loved ones must be released immediately unconditionally
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and every member of this council. indeed, every member of this body should insist on that in the system that insist on that were grateful the cutter, egypt to the icy archie, probably secure the release of 4 for mazda sausages. but at least $200.00 more. and again, from many of our nations are still in the grip from us. so again, i implore every member here use your voice, user influence user leverage to secure their unconditional and immediate release. 3rd, were all determined to prevent this conflict from spreading. this goes to the principal responsibility of the security council, maintaining international peace and security. a broader conflict would be
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devastating, not only for palestinians and israelis, but for people across the region. and indeed, around the world. to that end, we call on all member states to send a firm united message to any state or non state actors. that is considering opening another front in this conflict against israel, or who may target israel's partners, including the united states. don't, don't throw fuel on the fire. members of this council, permanent members in particular have a special responsibility, preventive conflict and spirit. i look forward to continuing to work with my counterparts from the people's republic of china to do precisely that when he visits washington later this week. now it is no secret to anyone in this room or on this council that for years or ron has supported from us hezbollah,
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who these and other groups that continue to carry out attacks on israel. running leaders have routinely threatened to wipe israel off the map. in recent weeks, around proxies have repeatedly attacked us personnel interact in syria, whose mission is to prevent isis from the knowing it's rampage. so let me say this before this council. and let me say what we've consistently said to ronnie and officials through other channels. the united states does not see conflict with the wrong. we do not want this war to wide. but if a ron or it's proxies attack us personal anywhere, make no mistake. we will defend our people. we will defend our security swiftly and decisively to all the members of this council, as if you liked the united states. want to prevent this conflict from spreading
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teller on tell us proxies in public, in private, through every means. do not open another front against israel in this conflict. do not attack israel's partners. and we are as members to go a step further. make clear that if a wrong or it's proxies whitening this conflict and put more civilians at risk you, you will hold them accountable. act as if the security and stability of the entire region and beyond is on the line. because it is 4th. and finally, even as we addressed this immediate crisis, we all agree that we must redouble our collective efforts to build an enduring political solution to the conflict between israelis and palestinians. the only ro to lasting peace and security in the region. the only way to break out of this risk cycle of violence is through 2 states for 2 people's present biden's underscore
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from day one. palestinians deserve equal measures and security. a freedom of justice and opportunity of dignity and policies have a right to self determination. and a status of their own. now, we have no illusions about how hard it will be to achieve a 2 state solution. but as president biden said, we cannot give up on peace. indeed is precisely in the darkest moments like this one that we have to fight the hardest to preserve an alternative path. to show people, making it real, proving their lives in tangible ways. it's possible, indeed, it's necessary. we've heard many countries express important reason, weeks for the durable 1st message today is this or help us build that solution. help us prevent the spread of war that will make 2 states and broader piece in securing the region. even harder to achieve members of this council,
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we stand at a cross roads to pass by before us. the difference between them could not be more stark. why does that pass offered by him? us? we know where it leads. death, destruction, suffering darkness. the other is the path toward greater peace, greater stability, greater opportunity, greater normalization and integration, a passport people across the region, being able to live, to work, to worship, to learn, side by side, a passport, palestinians realizing their legitimate right to self determination. and the state of their own nothing would be a greater victory for from us. then allowing its brutality to send us down its path of tears in our lives and we must not let it. a mouse does not get to choose for
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us. the united states stands ready to work with anyone ready to forge a more peaceful and secure future for the region. the future is people your in for and so deserve. thank you mister president. i think his excellent seems to blinking for him. okay. you've been listening to the us secretary of state anthony, blinking the speaking at the united nations in new york. that's bringing more one to shar alice's. you're a senior political analyst are joining us from london. my one year we're listening along with us. so anthony, blinking saying, where is the outrage? where's the revulsion the explicit condemnation for the killing of the israelis also said, every civilian life is equally valuable, there is no hierarchy in civilian lives. your thoughts on what blinking had to say it, the un, my one or you just started with probably the best way to make my point, my analysis of the speech. so what is the outrage
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regarding that? can you go more than 5000 better speeds? mostly civilians where it's coming to nation for the 5000 other cities. so yeah, exactly the problem with the us positions they are being oh, good. asking demanding the world to them. yeah, that's fine. but want to be then sure to see the outrage and ask and do my due. and then the indiscriminate body that has led to more than 5 done this in, in guys is i bought her supervisor the sunday. and that is, that goes to the heart to the problem. all america's discourse is supporting is, are in, she is right for them. and for the criticism, i think the sort of problem probably that central or has become central to this
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issue is that phrasing or what happened is that trying to apply to what the logic of what happened in 911. and there are 2 problems with the one the colonial setting is there in front of science, is occupation of quite a sign is not the same as america's crisis. for that matter, cuz conflict with a guy the one test to is there is not the america, is there a reason? the reason for the student needs to be able to do is not by before but can piece. i'm sorry. we know what happens after 911. the one year was the one on to her and we've heard yesterday from the special edition and comforters. and how about the big problem disasters that happened over the past few decades? not to be that that whole hundreds of thousands of arabs because of what part of
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somebody calls mistakes. so for 74 seconds to think of to once again try to frame what's happening. it is that a kind of side as good versus evil as us versus them assume or why deficient versus starter. repeating, basically one for words or idea for idea of what the front of this it has been saying. we bring disaster, most of the region is a lot of side as well as the american policy. these i am on the shower. i was a 0 senior political analyst. thank you for listening to all of that with us. we will definitely talk to you again because there are many other countries that we're going to carry live with just for the us, but will hearing so it will be hearing several others very shortly actually. so we're on. thank you. we'll come back to you. i want to bring in michael link. you are a professor emeritus at the faculty of law at west the university of london, ontario, you're also in this is really interesting. we want to tap into that experience a former un special rough worth or on human rights in the palestinian territories,
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right up until last year. so you know, all about this un machinery. you were part of it until very recently. good. i 1st asked for your big picture, thoughts on what's happening here? what do you think? i'm afraid it. it becomes more theater. as my one had mentioned, there was strong condemnation by secretary state the blinking with respect to the the desk. the very real depths of the 1000 or so is ready civilians. on the 7th of october. and he passed over entirely the depths of the almost 5000 bostonians, almost all civilians who have died in, in guys since then. it seems again a very on equal way of wanting to assess all the tragedy and all the blood that's on the ground. but more importantly is what he said towards the end with respect to a 2 state solution. up until a few weeks ago, it appeared that president biden would be the very 1st president since president george. sorry,
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gerald ford not to have launched any sort of peace plan with respect to israel and the palestinians. it's now being forced upon him. if he wants to solve age, i think the negotiations for recognition between saudi arabia and israel, but simply saying to states, uh as a path as a solution forward, while shielding israel from any of your time with our one on that. you agree with marijuana? absolutely. one was making the point that the us gives political cover. it is real that the way there, yes it look, there's 2 principal ways in which the united states is blocking a path to the 2 state solution that it says that at once one is the extraordinary military alliance between israel and uh, and the united states where the united states gives them $3800000000.00 a year in, in military aid. now to be topped off by an additional $14000000000.00 a announce last week by president biden's a announcement. and secondly,
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is the shielding at the security council. this of the united states, as um, as initiated for at least 43 by my account, 43 vito's. a resolution is a critical of israel since 1973, including last week's veto of the brazilian resolution. that's what you called for a ceasefire. but the us to be told it because they wanted condemnation of from us and that they were, they, they wanted to say that is the right to defend itself. which means if most of those elements are in the present draft, you us a resolution that's being presented to the security council. it likely will be vetoed as well. so we again reach a stalemate to put mine in his memoirs in 2012 coffee and then said that, um uh, the main reason for the blockage. the paralysis he said at the security council was
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the us possessiveness of these israel palestine conflict. and it's going up and the inability of the security council, if you'd like, to go around the united states as domination of this file to try to act upon the scores of you in resolutions that would eventually bring peace to the middle east. both you and more one, use the word theater to describe what we're seeing at the united nations. and it is, it is kind of interesting when you take the time to watch all of this, right? everybody gets, it seems the amount of time that they want to lay out their positions. so when we are mostly hearing our positions that have been laid out in various forms and press conference and unofficial statements from whether it's the un secretary general un of policy and foreign minister is really etc. they're all saying what they've been saying since the beginning. there's not a ton, and i see your notes at 20 pages of notes from a law professor there, but there's not a ton that they've said that's entirely new. so does this move the needle in any way? unfortunately, it doesn't. and you know, the main, really,
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one of the main questions that, that the diplomats have to be grappling with now is what happens together. so if there was a land and vision, if there was a decapitation of a mass, israel has probably no, right? and, and, and no appetite for wanting to stay in the, in gas. so they're certainly not going to be welcomed by the palestinians and gaz with flowers and candy. if they go through a 2nd option is, well the palestinian authority goes in there. but tell us any authority probably has no, no interest in going either behind is ready pay and that's, and in any event they're probably very unpopular. so that probably is a, is not going to happen as well. a 3rd option would be some kind of international un mechanism to go in there in both reconstruct the damage done together as it has done 2 or 3 times before over the last 15 years. but also with a political agenda as well, to stabilize and govern gasser. but that won't happen. and that won't be successful
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unless if it's only if it's gas only on it would happen if it's going to be powerless time plus gas it together. mike, a link for you and special rep or to on human rights and the policy and territories, it was invaluable to get your perspective. but i see at the top of the hour, so i do want to take of yours right back to what's happening on the ground in gaza . where the number of palestinians killed it is really a tax now exceeds 5, thousands and health officials say that some hospitals can not treat the wounded because they have run out of everything. let's talk the power. god was them. all right. you're in hon. eunice in gaza. what's the latest in the gaza strip? we've just been watching diplomacy play out. that's the global stage. what's happening on the ground? well as the is really ongoing strikes and the gallons district continue and as night toes. the israel corporation forces incense and find the level of its attacks and gaza strip during the past 24 hours. been m plus thomas being killed by the
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spinning occupation forces has rising to more than $160.00 palestinian skills with others wounded. during the past 24 hours, difficult bombing took place across the gauze district just only during, throughout the process of how the nonpublic cube by the is very occupation forces also has rise in different areas within bobbins, including a rough area, which was uh, i took which was heavily bombarded by our 2 pots and the re shows also a residential building and kind of in the city was leveled to the ground by these various aircrafts, another obama took place in japan. would you ever could you come to evaluate referred, you count because it, it to be one of the most densely populated areas inside the deceased directory? as might progress is the, is there any attacks intensifies specifically each dates more than 100 kind of city and get killed by the us? verify is a boy zoom reporting live there from guys and you can as always, you can hear the drones above the tower x. and i want to thank you to our dra,
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i wanna thank all the guests who've been with us this hour, even as we've been listening to the speech is coming out of the united nations where multiple countries have been essentially airing their views, making their statements on this is really palestinian conflict. there will be more to come and we will bring you those, including our countries in the region that are yet to speak, whether it's egypt, jordan, the united arab emirates. i see we're now watching the skies over gaza web environments have continued relentlessly with hundreds of palestinians killed in the last 24 hours alone. the death toll more than $5000.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. that's where things stand right now. we're going to take a very quick break, resets and we will be back at the top of the hour with continuing coverage of the israel guards award. that will include all our correspondence on the ground. so will bring you the latest on gaza, including the state of the hospital. that will be
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a focus of mind at the very top of the hour. so do stay with balance is 0 for continued coverage. we will be right back, a straight propaganda media sense the shape and the rise of all 3rd period wake up one day. this system has been turned from an electrode locked into a competitive i looked at the last for power in hungary, for the experiences of those who leave it every day. there is a picture on us to be very careful, of course, and we have to be big enough to support that pressure. how democracy dies. democracy may be on al jazeera thought provoking on sundays, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely. unfortunately,
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there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than the days of these days or is it just a different full? i think the demography of the process facing realities do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing it in the bricks on the other? i think there is a huge release of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does air expo 2023, the world the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha. the
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hello and 0 then yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha coming up in the program today. the is really bombardment of the gaza strip continues with more than $700.00 palestinians killed by hero strikes in just 24 hours. one of those air strikes was near a hospital housing,
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dozens of critically ill patients safely suddenly meditating the relief you.


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