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tv   People Power Fiji The Last Resort  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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i just found the member of nato, the military alliance of democratic nations, created after walmart to prevent, to prevent more and keep the peace. today, we've made no stronger than ever walk on federal onto the alliance last year. we officially joined their ministers here tonight. the mr. prime minister, welcome back of the strongest military alliance. the world has ever said. i say there's to congress. we have to stand up to food by far, so not so security though. history is literally watching. history is watching.
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united states walks away. it will put you crate at risk. you're present risk free world. we're risk and bullied, and others to do what they wish to do us harm. why? message depression and food? no, i won't say a long time is simple. we will not walk away. the history is watching. history is watching. i just like history watch 3 years ago on january 6th. when i selected the storm is right capital to place a dagger, the throat of american democracy manager here. and that doctors of days were all
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saw with our own eyes. these directions were not patriots had come to stop the peaceful transfer of power to overturn the world the people. january 6 lies about the 2020 election of a plots of steel. the election paused a great grievous threat to us democracy sent to civil war. but that fail the democracy must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth in the buried allies. there's a simple truth. you can love your country only when you,
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when the ever since the elected office. i ask all of you without regard to party to join together and defend democracy. remember, girls of offices defending us all threats, foreign and domestic district favor to restore trust in our institutions and make clear political violent says absolutely no place no place in america. 0 place the yes history is watching or watching your children and grandchild will read about
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this day what we do. the fisheries watching. another assault on the joiners. so light as a tour. beasley, social work from birmingham, alabama. 14 months ago, 14 months ago, she and her husband, welcome to baby girl. thanks to america live. yes. she scheduled treatments that, that 2nd child del, about as being court shut down. i have you have treatments across the state, on least by supreme court decision of attorney row re weigh. she was tall, her dream would have to wait what her family got. so she'd never have happened unless congress actually could happen again. so tonight that stand up for families like her to my friends across here out, don't teach this way. the
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most americans, i believe ro we've got it right. i think vice president harris for it would be an incredible later defending me for dr. freeze the the terminal see really ready to return. he's the reasons overturn that he brags about it. look at the chaos that is resolved to join us tonight is kate caught the wife and mother from dallas. she's become pregnant again at a fetus and a fatal condition for doctor cho. okay. that her own life and our ability to have children from children in the future were at risk. if she did not, because the texas law band are a really good act,
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kate and her husband had to leave the state to get what she needed. what her family got through should have never happened as well. but it's happening and too many others. are state laws, betty, to freedom to choose criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of rights and accessed, to leave the states to get the treatment that need met. edu and his chamber, i my predecessor, a promising to pass. so natural, bad, and reproductive freedom. my god, what freedom else would you take away? book. so decision, no returned robi way to supreme court majority wrote the following. and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electro electrical power to assume the electoral or political power. you're about to realize just how much is the
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bottle return you wrote, we would have no clue about the power women. but they found out what reproductive freedom was on the ballad we want 220222200. when again at 2024, the people sent me a congress to force the right to choose. i promise you are restore robi way is the law of the land. again, the cannot go back here tonight to show what i believe is a way forward,
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because i know how far we come. 4 years ago, next week, before i came to office, the country was hit by the worst pandemic and the worst economic crisis. and essentially, remember the fear record losses. remember the spikes and crime and the murder, right, raging virus. a took more than 1000000 american lives of loved ones. men is left behind. a mental health crisis. a violation of loneliness president my predecessor fail the most basic presidential duty that he owes to american people the duty to care. i think that's unforgivable. a hi change office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in the nation's history. we have, it doesn't make no, but not news in a 1000 cities and towns, the american people are writing a great is come back. story never told the
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story. no, there is come back is building the future of american possibilities. building economy from the bottom up, not the top down invested in all america in all americans. to make every sure everyone has a fair shot, really no one, no one behind the pandemic, no longer controls our lives. the vaccine to say the some coverage are now being used to be cancer, turning, set back and to come back. that's what america does. the news on the brink, no economy is what are the and the of the world. 15000000 new jobs in just 3 years, a record, a record,
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the record 60000000 are stored in small businesses. each one is a little act of ho with a storage job growth and small business growth for black and hispanics and agent. americans, 800000 new manufacturing jobs in america and counting the fractions that we are we were here today. more people who have ready for that. the ratio was cap is as small as it's about a 20 years where it just keeps going up and she keeps coming down. inflation has dropped from 9 percent to 3 percent the lowest in the world, and 10 the lower the
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me. so now instead of a port is important for a product and exporting america, jobs were exported. american products and creating america jobs. the american people are beginning to feel it. consumer studies show consumer confidence assurance by america has been the law of the land since the 90 thirty's pass administrations, including my predecessor, including some democrats, as well in the past, failed to buy america. not me more amar watch federal projects that you fun. like helping build america road bridges of highways will be made with american products and built by american walker, the
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store chips inside the united states, investing more research and development that never before. during the time, danica shortage is sunny conductors, chips that drove up the price of everything from cell phones to automobiles. and by the way, we invented those ships right here in america. instead of having to import them instead of we've, private companies are now investing billions of dollars to build new chip factors. here in america, credit tens of thousands of jobs, jobs paying a 100000 dollars year and don't require a college degree. the my boss is attracted $650000000000.00 and private sector investment. the clean
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energy advanced manufacturing credit, tens of thousands of jobs here in america. the . so it's up to $46000.00 new projects right now. so all across your communities, by the way, i noticed some of you strongly voted against what are their cheer and on that money come the guess you just let me know modernize that road in bridgeport, generic ports, public transit systems, removing 4 important or select pipe. so every child drink, clean water cell was designed to high speed internet rubbing america,
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no matter where you live. urban suburbans are real communities and registered jet blue states, record investments, and tribal communities because of my investment, a family farm knows more about this and anybody. i know we're better able to stay in the family for that. so as far as are in their children and grandchildren wants to leave, leave home to make a living is transforming the great come back stories, belvedere, illinois, home doing auto plan for nearly 60 years. before i came to office, the plant was on its way to shutting down 5 thousands of workers, future the livelihoods hope was faith. and then i was like to the office and we raised the belt with air repeatedly with auto companies. knowing unions would make all the difference. you ain't got any work like call to keep the plan open and get
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these jobs back and together we succeeded. instead of all the factors shutting down, all the factors reopened in a new state of the art battery practice being built to follow as far as the development. and i say instead of new time be left behind. the community is moving forward again because i'm setting watching auto job jobs in the future. goal receive $4000.00 union jobs with higher wages are built in the future and belt with their right here in america, the new president sean paid a great front and the great labor that a shot were, are the
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to generation work are you? i got the work at belvedere, sean. i was proud to be the 1st president standing on the picket line and today don has a good job at our hometown. provide is to build it for a family and pride and dignity as well show. and once again, wall street didn't don't america, they're not bad guys. they didn't built ago. the middle class, the countries the same heard from staples. when our figures knocked down, we get backed off. we keep
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the video americans tell me back to you because of your future surprises. because if you go to night, we can probably say the state of our unit is strong and getting stronger the i want to talk about the future of possibilities that we can build together a future where the days of trickle down economics are over. and the last and the biggest corporations know are get to along with tax breaks. and by the way, i understand corporate is not cover mistake. that has more corporations invested in every one of your states in the state in united states combined. and i
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representative for 36 years, i'm out and i corporation. but i grew up in a home where trickle down economics didn't put much of my dad's kitchen table. that's why i determined to turn things around. so middle class does well, when they do well, the poor of away up, and the wealthy still do very well. we all do well, and there's more to do to make sure you're feeling the benefits of all we're doing . the americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere in the world is wrong . and on the not one of the new republican buddy's work before it. we finally beat big pharma instead of paying $400.00 a month or barabbas rental. with diabetes, you know,
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it costs 10 bucks to make. they only get paid $35.00 a month balance still make out the profit. because it is a 35 dollar month for re american the the people talked about that. but finally we got it done. gave medicare the power to negotiate lower prices and prescription drugs. just like the v a is able to do for veterans. as not just saving seniors, money, saving taxpayer's money. we cut the federal debts by $160000000000.00. the big form of this year, medicare is negotiating lower price that are some of the cost of these drugs on the
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market. the treat everything from heart disease. arthritis is now time to go further and get medicare, the power and go shade lower prices for $500.00 different drugs over the next decade for making a lot of money guys still really profitable. it will not always save lives, it will save taxpayers another $200000000000.00 starting next year say more capstone, prescription drug costs procedures on medicare at $200.00 to $2000.00 a year. he works pensive cancer drugs, it costs $101215000.00. well, i want a cat prescription drug costs of $2000.00 a year for everyone. the me going to say that whatever you want to get near for as long as you're apply to
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toronto, berlin, moscow. i mean, she's me and it, well, even moscow probably. and bring your prescription with you and i promise you, i'll get it for you from 40 percent, the cost you're paying now. same company. same drug, same place folks. affordable care act. no mama care is still a very big deal. the interview can no longer be denied health insurance because of pre existing condition for my predecessor. many in this chamber want to take those rep prescription drug away by repealing affordable care act. i'm not gonna let
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that happen. i know it's protected unexpectedly, a big we inactive tax credits to $800.00 per person per year reduce health care costs for millions of working families that tax credit expires next year. i want to make that savings permanent. the yahoo use more than half of our population research and women's health is always been under funded. that's why we're launching the 1st ever white out. so that should on women's health research led by jill. doing an incredible job at the
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last my point for $12000000.00 or transfer women's health research benefit and millions of life all across america. i know the cost of housing is so important to you. sensation keeps coming down, mortgage rates will come down as well. in the fed acknowledges that, but i'm not way i want to provide a manual tax credit. so we'll give americans $400.00 a month for the next 2 years. as mortgage rates come down to put towards their mortgages when they buy their 1st home, or trade up for a little more space. this is the is also eliminating title insurance on february back mortgage. where you refinance your home. you can save $1000.00 more as
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a consequence for the renter for cracking down the big landlord. so use that and trust a lot. we're using that and try to break and, and trust laws by price fixing the driving up grants. we've got red tape. so builders can get federally financing, which is already helping build a record 1700000 new house shoot housing units nationwide to run over 2000000 hope portable homes and bring those rags down the to remain a strong this economy of the world. we need to have the best education system in the world. and i
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want to give a child every child a good start by providing access to preschool for 3 and 4 years old. you know, i think i pointed out last year the children talking to broken homes where there's no books not read do not spoken to very often start school kindergarten or 1st grade jerry and having heard a minute and fewer words spoken with studies show that children are go to preschool or literally 50 percent more likely to finish high school. the one or $2.00 and $4.00 and rich, no matter what their background is. the next year and a half ago, 10 meters,
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the business roundtable. there were mad that i, they were angry. i said, well, they were discussing why i want to spend money on education. pointed out to them as vice president, i met with over a, i think was a 182. most folks told me the exact number. and i asked them what they need most ceos and you had the same experience of both sides. now they say a better educated workforce. right. so i looked at my say i come from delaware pine, used to be the face largest corporation in the world. and every new inter enterprise they bought, they educated, the workforce to that enterprise. but none of you do that anymore. why are you angry with me providing you the opportunity for the best educated workforce in the world? as they all looked at me and said, i think you're right. i want to expand high quality tutoring and summer learn. we
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see that every child learns the re, bye for the high schools. so students get hands on experience in the past, the good paying job, whether or not they go to college and all, make sure the college is more affordable. let's continue increasing the programs to work in the middle class families increase record investment. ccu server has the was told i couldn't universally just change the way in which you did that was student loans. i fix to student loan programs that already existed to reduce the burden of student data for nearly $4000000.00 americans. clean nurses, firefox,
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not us. thank you. he's that you can you, how does this student so they can go to college. now he's able to help after debt forgiveness get his own daughter to college. the good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home, started a business, started a family while we're at it. i want the public school teachers a raise the
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binary, the 1st couple years we cut the depths. now let me speak to the question of fundamental fairness for all americans. i've been living real results intrinsically responsible wage has already cut the federal definition of already cut the federalist over a trillion dollars. i signed the bipartisan bill another to that's my goal. that was, that was another 3 to me by making big corporations very well. they signed me beginning to pay their fair share the you want to make it to make a 1000000 a 1000000 bucks. that's great. just per year for sure, and taxes so good. you can use the facts and so much more here's to do the last administration
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and after the 2 trillion dollar tax cut over, well, in the benefit, the top one percent, the very well see the biggest corporation that exploded the federal deficit. they added more to the national debt to know the presidential term in american history. check the numbers. folks at home, does anybody really think the tax store is fair? they're really wealthy. big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break. i sure don't. so i'm going to keep fighting hard, tell them make it fair. under my plan, nobody earning less than $400000.00. we will pay additional petty and federal taxes . nobody how want to have done it.


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